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tv   [untitled]    August 19, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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some were just such useful idiots and professional journalists, experts, but you know, when i was laughed at in ukraine, i could still agree with it, because i knew that ukrainian society is absolutely infantile, absolutely unable to understand russia's intentions at all, i i saw this in all the votes in ukraine, in most i mean the votes that did not take place after the uprisings, because ukrainians, as a rule , came as children only after the uprisings and never in peacetime. oh, but the fact that the germans made fun of me was always the same for me remains a huge, i would say, mental problem, because i thought that they were practical people, that they were aware of something in politics, and they turned out to be stupid, just me for life, and we mentioned donald trump, i i remembered all my life how donald trump, being the president of the united states, is not some kind of journalist or sportsman, he is a whole. the american
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president stands on the podium, i don't remember which conference, says: if you complete the nord stream, if you start all this, you will be in full energy depending on russia, what are you doing? and the german delegation is sitting, pointing fingers at him and laughing, do you remember, there was such footage, ugh, they just laughed at his words, and i watched it and thought, well, yes, well, that's all, interesting, by the way, where is this all these people, these were leaders. ministers in the cabinet of angela merkel, but in the end no one was wrong, neither trump nor i, germany painfully got rid of its energy dependence on russia, and immediately after the completion of the northern stream, two, russia wasted no time starting a war with us, the great war started in europe, so donald tusk is right. this whole detective story about the fact that...
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zelensky was preparing explosions, the cia found out about it. zelenskyi said to cancel the operation, but zaluzhny did not cancel it. it looks beautiful only for the readers of the wall street journal, because you and i know very well that this is not how the government in ukraine works, well, you understand that, right? ugh. when the supreme commander-in-chief gives the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine an order not to carry out certain actions, it is a farewell. these are actions with legal consequences, you are do you understand ugh. and if these legal consequences do not occur for the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, they occur for people who perform these and other actions. so it is still necessary to analyze all this, to prove it, to understand what actually happened there, to understand why germany did not include this person whom it wanted to arrest in the list. the persons
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she is looking for, but they just sent some kind of request to the polish prosecutor's office, it's all strange, you see, everyone's actions are strange, so let's see whose ears will stick out later, well , there are many considerations both in this regard and with different ukrainians believe that this is just a diving instructor, a few more people, almost not tourists, on some tourist yacht swam up and destroyed a strategic object, huh. well, it’s also strange, if it was a ukrainian instructor, then why are we surprised, well, let it be, in a word, yes, mr. vitaly, we know, now we know which diving instructor we need, the truth is, yes, i always wanted to add to underwater museum under the island of lancerote, it seems you have every chance, a few lessons, a few lessons, and there are statues under the water, but there is a need. to dive very deep
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to look at these statues, i always wondered who would teach me so that i wouldn't drown there with these statues, because i became a new statue, well now i know who can do it, well, well, we will follow the development of events and maybe some things will seem really funny to us in the near future. mr. vitaly, returning, after all, returning to the events at kurshchyna, a few such questions arise, you know, purely worldview, how? for me, and for many ukrainians, well, for example, when we we watch videos recorded by the ukrainian military, from kurshchyna, with local residents, and listen to these videos, we understand that these people speak a language that is extremely close to the ukrainian language, of course, it has other inclusions, it cannot be called purely russian or ukrainian, but less so, these people still do not consider that their language is ukrainian.
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they avoid this definition in any way they like, call it their own babbling, their dialect, their speech, and so on, what, why don't they confess to... you, at least because they have something that scared them so much of russian propaganda, because they believe that to speak such a language is to recognize yourself as a second-class person, i don't understand why you don't understand this, this is the process that took place on on the streets of all major ukrainian cities, except for lviv, kyiv, kharkiv, odesa and dnipro, for ten years people came from the kyiv region, from odesa, from... kharkiv, from dnipropetrovsk to the big cities of millionaires and not only for them, and they are the first , what they did, tried to unlearn from of the ukrainian language, that you don't remember this, i remember it well, people tried, and i am one of
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those who tried to somehow support this ukrainian language, at least at the level of my own family, that is, i have a reverse story, but this separately, well, but did you see that people in the streets of simferopol...heard the ukrainian language, they looked at you like a cell, why didn't they? they were afraid, it was interesting, well, well, yes, well, it was already a chuck, you thought that she was a bander and now there something would do something bad to them, and it was frank calling, we are intelligent people here, i remember it well from soviet kyiv, i am no longer talking about kharkiv, even post-soviet, i am not talking about donetsk, even post-soviet. about dnipro, i studied in dnipro, as you know, at the university, the only two places where ukrainian was spoken were the departments of ukrainian language and literature at the university and the local branch of the writers' union and
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that's all, uh, that's all, because how about you you can speak this language, you won't show some crowded village, and people who from a crowded village, of course they want to speak culturally and not... you are no fool and already, you heard what one of the residents from those who lived in suja said when we were going somewhere and started talking in this language, oh, the khahls came, well, the villages, well, it’s clear, the khahls are from the villages, you see, this is the kind of contempt and contempt that is cultivated in russia, and it used to be cultivated in the soviet union, you khahls, you churks, you are someone else, i wo n’t to repeat all the words that... i heard about myself throughout my life, oh, but that's all i remember this well, through political, i would say, approbation, during my life i managed
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to change from jews to khokhlas, well, that is, people, i mean, in other times, because people who learned what i mean. journalist, they forgot about my nationality, can i be humiliated by my national origin and humiliated by my citizenship, and this is absolutely normal behavior for most residents of russia, and they, i would say, assert themselves, people without rights always assert themselves by humiliating others, these people are ethnic ukrainians, it's true, they are live in the border areas, right? this border was drawn, this border between the russian soviet socialist republic and the ukrainian soviet socialist republic in the 20s of the 20th century, specially, specially drawn, and
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so that ukrainians would not, i know, feel some kind of exclusivity, because you live in ukraine, there you speak ukrainian in your villages, but you move across the russian-ukrainian border and... there again the ukrainian language, but no one says that you understand that this is ukraine? that's how it was idea, but i think you can see an important thing that doesn't come across enough when you speak a language and don't have an identity, language is an important identity marker for others, but it may not be an identity marker for yourself unless you identify with a state, if not... an understanding of what your history is, what your heritage is, if you perceive yourself as a speaker of a certain dialect, or do you want to convince yourself that it is a dialect, as it was always the case in the kuban, people spoke pure ukrainian , uh, not even like in kurshchyna, simply in the literary
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ukrainian language, but sometime after the war they invented that it was gibberish, invented that they did not know the ukrainian language, i remember... how in krasnodar in the 90s i did an interview with the ataman of the kuban cossack army, gromov, a well-known russian chauvinist, i interviewed him and... i decided that i am asking, we have a little time before the break, but i prefer to hear the end of this story, and i decided that he should give me an interview i speak russian, ukrainian, i wanted to write it down for ukrainian service of radio liberty, he does not say: "i do not know a single word of the ukrainian language." do you want me to talk with you in our chat? well, come on, i think, well, let me write it down in chatter, i'm just going to have some kind of ethnographic experiment, and here ataman is a garden. in pure literary ukrainian, pure, as you and i are talking now, he gave me an interview for half an hour,
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i told him, you gave an interview in ukrainian, no, i don't know ukrainian , it's called tama, well, you have the whole story discounts until the day of independence on tablets carsyl 10% at pharmacies psylshynyk, pam and oskad, there are discounts until independence day on magneb6, 10% at pharmacies psyslynyk bam and. there are 20% discounts until the independence day of novysyn in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of air time, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about... the military frontline serhiy zgurets and how the world lives? yuri fizer is already with me and time
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talk about what was happening outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka with me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. about cultural news, alena chykhchenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell good evening. hosts who have become like relatives to many. vitalka didenko is already next to me ready to talk about the weather for this weekend. as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, contact us. mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest conversational format of ukraine in the evening. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we
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must finish it and we must win. all the most important things are said every thursday at 21:15 in the project by velikiy lviv on the air of the tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top ones. guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. this is the saturday political club at espresso, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, it's a custom with us. portnikov, and we have more 10 minutes to discuss
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events important for the world, events important for certain regions, and mr. vitaliy offered, and who am i to refuse, to talk about the announced visit of russian president vladimir putin to azerbaijan, possibly in the near future, it should take place tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, august 18-19, he will meet there with ilham aliyev, reports bloomberg, on the other hand. side there is also, as far as i understand, cautious information, i do not see any official confirmations, it may be that french president emmanuel macron may visit armenia. as we know, the relations of these two countries have recently strengthened somewhat, even in the context of some cooperation of a military nature, and mr. vitaly, what does this mean, what is happening now in the caucasus, some shift of emphasis looks something like this, if in general, you know, putin reminds me . you remember the hedgehog from the famous anecdote, who was very afraid of flatulence after dinner, and all the time ran and shouted that
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nothing would happen to him, and when something unpleasant happened, he began to run and shout that it did not happen to him, if so intelligently to retell this joke, we are still on television, and now it is absolutely important for putin to prove that nothing happened to him, that everything is fine with him, you think there are some ukrainian troops there, in some kurdish region there, what is the difference, it is not his at all interesting, he's big and ... livid and he's doing serious business, and he just needs to go somewhere and show that he's continuing his foreign policy activities according to the planned schedule, but the number of countries he can ... go to, like you you see, not so big, and he can't now, krystyna, to go to any csto country, because if foreign troops on russian territory, csto countries are silent, as if it does not concern them, he comes to some csto country and does not even ask for support, though, ugh, then it also looks
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strange, what kind of dcb do you have, why did your dcb come off, where. thing, it means that there are even fewer countries to which you can go, well, there is azerbaijan, a country that is in good relations with the russian federation, a country that is not a member of the csto, ukraine-russia is not to blame for anything, and in which you can spend a beautiful state visit, it is not just a trip, it is a state visit, and he understands that ilham aliyev is in this situation, because ilham aliyev is balancing between russia. turkey, the west. ilham aliyev cannot refuse him. on the other hand, ilham aliyev is an energy competitor of russia, because the west is now trying to negotiate on azerbaijani gas so as not to buy russian gas. well, this is a difficult situation. yes, there is also iran. ugh. i
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would add iran to these balance countries. and israel. azerbaijan is between them all, balance. buys weapons in israel, wants to maintain good neighborly relations with iran, while iran itself wants to destroy israel, wants to have good relations with russia, but agrees with the west on how to fight against the supply of russian gas. you can imagine how complicated this game is, well, in this game, of course, you don't need to tell putin, we don't want to see you here, it's to destroy the balance, putin understands that, he can go there. there will certainly not be any sensitive decisions here, because this is precisely a demonstration of calmness. alia in this situation should play the role of a person who must demonstrate that putin is all right. by the way, aliyev already played such a role, he was in moscow on february 22, 2022, remember? yes, i am signing an agreement with putin there on the union,
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strategic partnership, conditionally speaking, and putin also signed all this with him, as if he was busy. the caucasus, not ukraine, and aliyev was so angry because it was then that putin recognized the independence of the so-called dpr, that he did not even come to a joint press conference with putin, he signed something with him and flew to baku, and putin alone answered the questions of journalists after negotiations with the president of another country, and now the situation is very similar, i will not be surprised that aliyev is now holding joint press conferences. mr. bortnikov, but you said that in russia, in putin, personally, there are no such topics in question with azerbaijan, as far as i understand, yes, sensitive topics, but the situation in nagorno-karabakh, where the actions of azerbaijan, from some sides undermined certain authority of the russian federation and its peacekeepers there,
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isn't that right, well, as we see, the russians don't think so, for the russians the most important thing was punish. not to undermine the authority of its peacekeepers, if you know, if russia wants to punish a nation for disobeying putin, it can sacrifice the lives of its own soldiers, that is why russia did not prevent azerbaijan from restoring its territorial integrity twice, twice , and when it came to the so-called security chain, that is, the regions of azerbaijan that were under romanian control for many decades, and when it came to nagorno-karabakh itself, as you can see. that is now in russia they don't mention nagorno-karabakh at all, yes , there is another moment, of course, in this story, but it is not primary, now for putin, secondary, to show azerbaijan that he is a true friend of azerbaijan, indeed in the situation when president macron is going to armenia , you see, this west, it surrounds armenia, armenia has betrayed us, pashinyan
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communicates with blinken, and this, of course, is a threat to you, and i am your true friend. but you understand that aliyev is not lukashenko. this is not the kind of person to whom you can hang noodles, navoha, he will, of course, politely listen to putin, say: yes, mr. president, oh, i understand how much you are full of love for azerbaijan, all this will be beautifully stated, but aliyev is a person who clearly gives himself an account of the fact that what is russia, how much it threatens not only azerbaijan, but also the regime of its own power, and has always threatened, and that's all. one way or another, putin will try to disrupt the peace agreements between armenia and azerbaijan there in baku, will he succeed , no, i think he won't succeed, ugh, do you think that... the influence is now not the same in the post-soviet space as it was recently, this war, it weakened his influence in the caucasus, we see it, uh, the weakened influence of putin in
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the caucasus in a more, let's say such a distant perspective, can it lead to a solution many hot spots in this location, i really hope that armenia and azerbaijan will sign a peace agreement, the people of azerbaijan sincerely want it. i have always said to armenians and azerbaijanis, i do not demand that you be friends and love each other, i know for sure that this will not happen, and therefore i do not demand from you what you cannot achieve, i dream that you can coexist in a peaceful region, have normal economic relations, even if not political, even if you have political suspicion, but have normal economic and security relations and so to create opportunities for the development of the region, for the development of... the south caucasus, the development that russia tried to stop with its actions for centuries, well, after the annexation of these territories by imperial russia,
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after the annexation of azerbaijan and armenia and georgia, by soviet russia, it was the usual annexation and occupation, again, if we call things by their names, so in this sense, i hope that now the armenian and azerbaijani peoples are not just states. first of all, you will be able to get out of this mess, not in the direction of some great love and understanding, this will not happen for many decades, in the direction of just normal, i would say, coexistence in a bad-neighborly, neighborly coexistence, when there will be no armenian and azerbaijani mothers hiding of their children, who will die at the front, this is the most important thing today, thank you mr. vitaly, as always vitaly portnikov and the saturday political club on saturday evening for viewers and listeners of espresso. i remind you that you should stay with us and on august 24, espresso is preparing
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a special project bright people in dark times. you will have exclusive interviews with prominent ukrainians, don't miss it, we will work for you. mr. vitaly, thank you for always brilliant analytics. thank you, christina, for this conversation. all right, goodbye. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl winter, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, frontline, component, serhiy zgurets, and what the world is about . yuriy fizar is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchavka field with me,
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and sports news. i invite yevhen to the conversation shepherd two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. cultural news, alena chechenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening. the presenters, who have become like-for-like for many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, leader of the crimean tatars. who is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening for espresso. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on air i will analyze espresso tv channel, west studio program. the most important events of this week, in particular we will talk about the use of drones as tools for organizing political murders, but the key topic of our conversation is different interpretations in the so-called
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peace plans, and of course we will analyze what our enemy is preparing. today's guests of the west studio are mark fagin and daniel frith. now the legendary american diplomat, former coordinator of the state department, will work on the espresso tv channel. of the united states on issues of sanctions policy, a person who can be called the flesh of the flesh of american diplomacy. glory to ukraine, mr. ambassador frit, glad to see you. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes. well, the key story is the huge election drama in the united states. yes, we understand that there has been an extremely important replacement of the democratic primary candidate. we in ukraine sympathize with the democratic camp. of course, not everyone and we cannot. it's a matter of expressing publicly, but president joseph biden has allowed us to endure russian invasion, russian aggression, we
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appreciate it, yes, but we don't know. just what do we expect from donald trump, and even if we do know, we don't like this story completely, but in any case, in the united states, the race is on the front lines, the activation of the enemy, so what do you think the ratings show and what will be the ukrainian policy of kemela geris? i don't know vice president garis very well. but i know her national security adviser, phil gordon, well. we have known each other for several years, judging by her speeches and what i know about phil gordon, kamala garis will continue the us support for ukraine as president. there is no doubt about this, as vice president kamala garis met with president zelensky days before the full-scale invasion. she participated in the munich security conference.
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in 2022 and also met him there. they also had joint meetings later. i will say that this year's speech by garis at the munich security conference is worth re-reading. in my opinion, it fits in the american tradition of support for the free world, which president biden said goes back to harry truman and ronald reagan. all presidents, with the possible exception of president trump, have followed this strategy. and i am sure that she will take it over as well. dear mr. ambassador frith, do you have the feeling that everything in the world is so serious that you can seriously wait for the outbreak of the third world war. how interested is iran in what is called the next site of the third world war. we understand that some dictatorships, such as russian, they do not have the opportunity to economically change the rules of the game.
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they tried to change. the rules of the game of the world chessboard with the help of weapons and aggression against ukraine, and they are bogged down in war, and accordingly the appearance of fundamentally new additional format sites of death, when we talk about the middle east, it can be in the interest of those players who want to change the world system in general decision-making, and here we are not talking about some possible new yalta, here in general we are talking about changing what is called... the post-yeltin world, whether it is good or bad, but we live in it, yes, and when global disturbances begin in general, it can lead to consequences similar to those experienced by european and world humanity in 1914-1918 during the first world war . i do not think that iran is capable of becoming a global player, because as long as iran
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remains within its current political system of theocracy, its economic development will be stunted, and its industrial and business relations with the outside world will be are limited, so iran will limit itself to what will be in the opposition, will supply weapons and drones to russia, and will also help russia and itself avoid sanctions. iran will not become a serious global player due to its economic limitations. you mentioned the new yalta, that is... about the international system, so the russians and the chinese, and i think that the iranians would also like to see a world in which there are spheres of dominance, russia would have its own sphere, china would have its own, iran its own, and such countries as ukraine would fall into the sphere of influence of one or another great power. america in its prime wisdom opposed such arrangements. roosevelt agreed in yalta with
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stalin, but almost immediately about his act. harry truman would not agree to a soviet sphere of domination in europe, neither over poland nor anywhere else. therefore, i emphasize that the united states stands for a free and independent ukraine, capable of choosing its friends and its place in the world. russia wants, and ukrainians know this well, for ukraine to belong to russia, that is, to completely rule over it. so, we have a clash of two worldviews. the problem with the russian view of the sphere of domination lies in complete lack of stability, because russian rule over poland and ukraine would mean poverty, slavery and subjugation for these countries. the poles would not put up with this, the ukrainians will not put up with it either, and they have every right to do so. the world of empires and spheres of influence is not a stable world, it is an unjust world, it is not a prosperous world.


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