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tv   [untitled]    August 19, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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the facts in this case indicate that this bribe could be intended not only for knyazev, but also for some other judges from the grand chamber, that is , a key conclusion, the highest judicial instance, the supreme court in our country urgently needs to be cleaned. vsebolod knyazum , based on the decision of the vrp, promised to appeal his dismissal in court, and it will only be about the circumstances of renting a house. meanwhile, the story with the biggest bribe in the judicial system, thanks to such... a member of the ukrainian communist party as serhii burlakov, lost any chance of being considered of the supreme council of justice. today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to tell about a dishonest judge, write to me on facebook or to the e-mail address you see on your screens. let's meet. exactly
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in a week, all is well. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskyi and invited experts. are evaluated events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and...
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analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 9:30 p.m on espresso. greetings, my name is yuriy fizar. this is the espresso interview. well, as always, they blinked. very interesting guests in order to talk with them and discuss interesting topics. today i will talk with my guest about a country that is located geographically very far from us, and for many people, when they hear about this large country that is located far from us, they think, why is this country not actively involved in the search process ways, finding methods to end the russian war in ukraine. and this is the question i want to hear today. the answer from my guest and many
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others, the country that we will talk about today, after all, not only about it, it is india, india, its prime minister on the rendramodi, ukrainian-indian mutual, well and much more, so my guest mridula ghosh, historian and internationalist, chairman of the board of the east european development institute, mrs. maridula, i welcome you, i thank you very much for coming today and for the fact that you will explain a lot of points today that... for the ukrainian viewer can remain unclear, perhaps, and some moments also pose a lot of questions to the ukrainian viewer. why we invited you, and because we want to talk, why i invited, because i want to talk, first of all , about what will happen, well, literally less than in less than two weeks. august 23 , the eve of independence day, well, at least.
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it has just been announced, indian prime minister narendra modi is scheduled to visit ukraine, before that he will visit poland, after poland, literally for half a day should come to ukraine, i understand how important it is for ukraine, but my first question to you is, can you confirm that it is narendra modi who will come to ukraine, because i read information that it could be the minister of foreign affairs affairs, that it could be an advisor from the national people's congress. security, or will it be mr. modi? yes, i can't confirm this, but for everything, i know everything, you know, i can say in advance that everyone is preparing to meet the fashions, but i know according to the plan, and it's still may or april, then they were still talking about what in this the minister of foreign affairs is supposed to visit this year, and that is exactly how it was planned, in the meantime
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, some events took place, and it was mr. mody who personally announced that he wanted to visit, that is, it was an initiative from him as well, and not only president zelenskyi. invited him to ukraine many times, and mrs. maridulo, please tell me, if it will be mr. modi, of course, we would like it to be him, as the head of state, of a large country, of asia, if he comes, is there do you personally have any explanation why in 2.5 years of aggressive of the russian war, he just arrived, will come, maybe there was no premiere at all. minister of india to ukraine since independence, you know this, since 1991, this is the highest political level of leadership, it was not in ukraine, well, we are looking for an answer, maybe we need to dig deeper, and there were
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only two such presidents, in in 1993, it was mr. shankardal sharma, the president, and the second time was during the term of office of kyiv university, but the president for us is a more ceremonial person, that too, and the head of the government and the parliamentary leader and the prime minister is in a parliamentary democracy, he is the main political leader. therefore, from this point of view, the arrival, the first arrival of the prime minister, because i once also said that mr. modi was the prime minister in general, whenever i spoke, they waved their hands, and what a prime minister - the minister, the courts will never come, that is, this is how it was,
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you know, this was always the response of the officials with whom i met, they reacted exactly like that, you understand, ukraine was not a priority, a priority. field of vision, that is, they considered all these post-soviet states, all attention was focused on russia, first of all, and there was not even an embassy in the baltic countries, for example, they just opened, this year, last year they opened in lithuania, in latvia, well, you see, there is still no ambassador in moldova, the ambassador in romania is accredited he works part-time, well , let's leave these diplomatic details, but the first... immediately after independence, there was an embassy here, kazakhstan, central asia, the whole of the caucasus , there were also ambassadors in armenia for a long time, and the ambassador in ukraine was also a part-time ambassador in armenia, it was also a long time , but then appointed after all, that is, at the diplomatic level, ukraine
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was not a priority, and you understand, it was still like that then, remember, the sale of tanks to pakistan, it's just something, something about distance. created between the countries absolutely annoyed india and it made everything so simple that until 2002 only president kuchma went and before that there was a trip by the head of the national bank, mr. yushchenko, and he then saw and wrote a letter to mr. kuchma that they sold up to 600.70 million there, but lost billions here, that is, it was a very responsible step, mr. yushchenko personally very much supported maintained relations with india and he received that president in 2005, i remember, nothing happened after that, but who traveled from ukraine? kravchuk went in 1992, right after independence, then mr.
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kuchma went and then mr. yanukovych went in the 12th year, so in response to that visit in december of the 12th year, now only when... where someone, not the president , and the prime minister, but i consider this a very important event, and there were deputy ministers of foreign affairs, they were, but why is he so, i mean mr. narendra modi, why he has been here for 2.5 years, it is enough for him to form some kind of understanding, even in himself, of what is happening in our country, and if you really understand what aggression is, as mr. modi says, well he doesn't speak openly, but... he talks about, talks about, if he says it, if he understands it, why did it take 2.5 years to understand that you need to go to ukraine, then you understand, here many questions, unfortunately, i cannot give an answer, because it is not just his desire, it is his desire, political will, of course,
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there is such a factor here, but there is another security factor, that is, where military, well, action is taking place, then maybe they will say, no, no, no, it is not necessary and so on, but the factor of this visit was the... very indignant and a lot of people even wrote a letter to mr. fashion from the diaspora that you shouldn't go there, if you go there, then come here too, i wrote an article about, you mean there, it's to moscow, to moscow, yes, i wrote article also about the fact that if the optics there will be terrible, i did not know that there will be shelling on that day of ohmadite and in general we will be, by the way there is a direct speech of mr. modi, when he did not hold a press conference on that day, you know, there was a lot at the meeting with putin. it's interesting, they met one on one, and well , mr. noda is an experienced politician, after all, a very
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experienced politician, but he has certain such, you know, he has such a natural feeling for something, i'm not his supporter, supporter, i 'll say that right away , without any piety, that is , you know, i am not like that, this is called a bract, people who pray to him, well, i am not like that, but nevertheless, i think that it would be worth it ... to see the leader who was sitting next to you in samarkand 2 m, as you and i are sitting, yes, and to say that this is not an era of war, and it was september, the month of 2022, i think a little like that, well, maybe he can suddenly, you know, something can speak, and this time i was waiting for such a miracle in moscow, too, but nothing happened, the first day, instead, we were all in blood and tears, because this happened, and he hugged me. we'll give it now we'll let
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the audience hear it and then maybe you can comment on what he said let's hear the prime minister of india on randrumodi any person who believes in humanity feels pain when they die. people, and especially when innocent children die, when we feel such pain, the heart just explodes. i had the opportunity to discuss these issues with you yesterday, as your friend, i always tell you that for the light of the future of our future generations, peace is mandatory. we believe that war is not a solution, the solution cannot be with the help of war, bombs, rockets and rifles cannot ensure peace, so we emphasize dialogue. on your it was a strong statement on randremod, or not, or it was like this, well, at most what he
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could, he could say, he spoke, i.e. instead of speaking, why did you give the order to shoot missiles at kyiv, well, there was no such direct speech, but i think that in such that's enough, i think i would have expected the leaders sitting next to each other to speak, but i don't really remember that. so that the leaders were sitting next to each other and you could see putin there, because putin's face changed so much when mr. modi said this, putin felt so uncomfortable, well, look, there were meetings with macron, were with scholz, or with other leaders, and other leaders, even of the so -called global south, well, i don't want to, because he is my prime minister, but so to speak, i don't remember at all , maybe i missed something, you know, but how is it? beats,
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and it was a bloody image, it's just smeared with blood, as i say, it was just terrible, so i think he won't be able to forgive it, well, he can't put up with it, and soon it appears the statement that he is visiting ukraine, and very skillfully, it is so... yes, double trip, poland, ukraine, that is, everyone was afraid, and a lot of lobbyists in india constantly said, mr. mody, you should not go to ukraine, well, what is there, just even diplomats who were retired, who are now leading some such, you know , foundations or think tanks, which is called gonggo, and such a government organized, such, they simply spoke frankly, and there were many such broadcasts, which is not worth it. it is necessary to send someone lower, a lower position is not necessary to ukraine,
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this was especially annoying, and it is clear, these people are very pro-russian, and so are we thought that he would do everything so that he would cancel this trip, or stop it or something, but you know, then the question would arise, then he could cancel poland, he would not do it, the risk is so great, after all, so if he is in poland, the probability... that even for half a day, people will come to you, after all, many european leaders arrived by train, and then they leave, so let it be for half a day from... i believe that this is correct, but is there any, well, i understand, maybe you have some insights, where he is, i have you mean mr. modi, where is he going to be in kyiv, well, meeting the president is a must, it will be possible somewhere else, i don't know, you know, i don't work in the protocol service, maybe they are the people who will prepare
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the visits , maybe in the next days we will hear what will happen, i think they will have a lot of work. meetings, negotiations, it will be a lot, because political consultations, mr. kuleba was in march, and there the process has already started, which now, you know, if you look at it this way, after kuleba, this is the highest level, now the beginning, this will push us to renew the political consultations, which were stopped, and are now going on sectorally, for example, there was a meeting about education, this is even through online, there will still be culture, that is, the embassy of ukraine is also here , they also work in the ministry, separate ministries, to fully work on various agreements and relations. india has already sent humanitarian cargo about 16 times over the past 2.5 years, which is state aid. india has also
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stated that the grant given is called high impact community. grant, there is such a thing at the local level, the money is small, it is 1.5 million dollars, but this aid, this program is not given by india anywhere except to neighboring countries, but unfortunately, the memorandum of this has not yet been signed, it was announced about this program yet november or january this year, so we are also waiting for that, maybe there will be some solution, that is , even if the money is small, well, you don’t refuse... what is provided, it will simply go to local communities, it is not centralized, and it will be here as a grant, i.e. reconstruction schools, libraries, i.e. civil infrastructure, this grant is price-oriented, so it is also important, and it will not give arms to india, because there are none, although
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you know, there are weapons, i know. that only the armenians were given recently, and there is a lot of such speculation that it seems that india also sent a ship to israel, some spaniards did not let it in, because it is between palestine, because mr. mody supported israel, and this is also important, that there are certain twists and turns in the indian foreign policy, what will happen to ukraine, we will see later when he arrives, he will have these negotiations, i hope that he will also visit... humanitarian organizations or places where we can honor the memory of the dead and it will also be possible to meet with the diaspora, but the time is very little, i don't know, we made one such and such an appeal, and i collected the signatures of about 215 people in these two days from monday, and already yesterday we sent him an appeal saying that
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please, you have this, that, that, that is, this is our appeal to you directly. and they received it in the prime minister's office, i was told yesterday and that is, we will see if he will meet with us, it will be good, they received it and passed it on, don't you know exactly the panurend, no, well, the adviser said that we will talk to him, yes, we have it, that is , you understand, we need to break some channel to get to him there was a direct, direct communication, and if he knew the truth, would he have, again, this may not be a question for you, or could there be... an appeal in ukraine to the ukrainian people, as the leaders of countries often do, who come to ukraine, i think he comes, if on the 23rd, let's think about it, it 's the day of the flag of ukraine for us, yes, and immediately in 12 hours it will be the day of independence of ukraine, so it's a very good opportunity to congratulate
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the people, not to make speeches, not to make any political statements, at least to congratulate. ukraine, because the ambassador constantly talks about the territorial integrity and sovereignty of this state, and coming on that day, he thus supports this sovereignty, he is not against this state, well, at least we are supposed to do this, as if we would give him the opportunity, although if for one and a half or two minutes in the parliament, such a platform would be very good, it depends on the ukrainian. well, definitely not from me, not from you, from the ukrainian leadership , or is it from on the record, no, well, india cannot say: give me a word in the parliament, this is an initiative from. there should be ukraine, of course, i would very much like this initiative from ukraine to be heard, because it is extremely, yesterday there was a joke like this, you know, someone says, and maybe they won't give it, because there is no translator, they say, there is no
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translator, so many people 30 years in universities already have faculties, a department, and there is a hindi center that trains specialists, there are many people who speak hindi fluently, so if there are no indians who know the language, well... well, i will not sit in front of the translator, so it has to be an official translator, but there are ukrainians who can do it, well, i would very much like that god would give our leadership the sense and that it would offer to do it, so you said to offer it is one thing, and the second is to understand it too, how do you understand from this side that this is how he makes such a statement, not a statement. greetings, but by doing so, he gains a certain trust of many people, you know, turning his face is very important now, because russia has caused a lot of damage,
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and to us, to our country, and that india does not support ukraine, this is the impression , you see, and a lot of people support it, a lot of our people, well, we haven't gone anywhere, we're sitting here, we want to prove that there is another india, now let's... that's what gets caught, there is another india, but you talk about another india that supports ukraine, but there is another india that maintains very close ties with russia, there is, there is, how close is it, can you say that mr. modi, well, maybe independent of russia, but feels some need to be constantly in touch with russia, well, it's not very much there to mr. fashion. in general, our foreign policy department, and also a lot of these think tanks, yes, which are think tanks, no no not government organizations, they are very, as
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if they closed their eyes to all other countries, that is , they are quasi, i don’t know, such, russia is a great old, historical friend, i am not at all i understand what kind of historicity, because their history also began in 1991. no, our history began in 1947, when india became, because this is the entire soviet period, they usurped, and therefore all other republics, which also had a very large influence and contribution, by the way, ukraine has a very large contribution, how many ukrainian scientists worked, how many ukrainians did these developments, you know, there are a lot of space programs, a lot of defense programs, these are all ukrainian scientists, but they simply forgot about it. ukraine is a kind of pro-western state, it is there for nato we are stung by all the rhetoric that we are at war with nato, it's very scary, it's a nightmare and so on.
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and then secondly, the fact that, well, america supports, you understand that america abandoned afghanistan, america will soon abandon ukraine, it is constantly with the following rhetoric: russia today in every home, through cable television, and... this is a billion one and a half, you can’t understand, it just needs to work so hard and can develop, break it only through human contacts, that is, contacts between people, it needs to be expanded, well with that ukraine has not been in a big hurry all these years, and probably now with these agreements and political processes, we really hope that india has opened the embassy of the baltic countries as well. wasn't there, why? i say that you expected that russia would occupy and there would be no need for an embassy, ​​well, these were jokes, evil jokes, but now an embassy is opening, i
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think that there is also eastern europe, the poles left a long time ago, you know, they have different languages ​​are studied, indology is so strong there, and ukraine had a foundation, there is the archangel of crimea, there are such pavel ritter, there were such giants here, and i am very sorry. that there is omelian prytsak, who founded the institute of oriental studies, there were such reserves, then it would be possible to make candy, excuse me, we can and can, maybe we will make this candy, mrs. mridulo, let's still go back to the premier minister, and considering his arrival, his visit to moscow, he made this quite, quite good statement there, as... as for ukraine, please tell me, could mr. modi become such a driving force, well, i don't know, maybe with a locomotive, why doesn't he want
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to do it with... so they ask and lead the countries of the so-called global south in helping ukraine against russia? i think he will not dare to do this yet, you understand, he should have come here a long time ago, talked for a long time, be in constant contact, that is, be such a mediator even between the global south and ukraine, you need to have connections and work more actively, for now he is the leader of the global application is limited to half a day. statements are very similar statements about the multilateralism of diplomacy, statements about the reforms of the world financial system, or statements about the environment, there were a lot of strong statements that were made during the g20, you saw them from other summits and even within the framework of the un. within the framework of the un, india has been applying for a seat on the security council for a long time, and is seeking support from the countries of eastern europe, including ukraine. ago. there is a
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lot more in india, the problem is still very big, what is a problem for india, it is the russia-china rapprochement relationship, here, you know, here you have to think very seriously, why did he go to moscow, not just some people told him to go there, there to his friend, no, it was a very serious statement that was made when they got close, that putin went, then he went to north korea, and it was already... very serious, well, such a reaction was very serious, and the second economy of the world, if it starts helping russia, where will this war be today, so china must be stopped, and it has always been so that they do not come closer, it is scary for us, because we have territorial claims, china has and we have territorial disputes with them , that is why it is very important for us, and why there is... quaod
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image, well, and formation, quad, formation, there are a lot of negotiations with japan, there are other countries also taking place there, so strategic, in a strategic plan, they are moving away from russia, maybe rhetoric, maybe we don’t see these people, but one number: 76 % of the defense of the supply complex was russian when two... 2009, this is according to the swedish peace research institute, and in 2019 it became this share of 36, well, we have to see how it moves away from, that is, it is very slowly reduced, but on the other hand, now everyone is in in ukraine, when they talk about india, about indian-russian relations, not everyone, probably, at least those people who are interested
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in international relations. much does she buy, how much more did she start buying since the full scale invasion began? yes, this is the question, i have already answered this question more than once, and i will tell you that yes, she bought oil, we dug a little deeper, looked, bought oil... below the ceiling price that was determined by the european union, or rather, it , group of seven, $60, and they even sold for 45, then why did they do it, because saudis, saudi arabia did not want to lower the price, so you know, if no one buys that share, any one share, of russian oil, then
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who will buy it? maybe china buys or someone will buy, and there will be some other imbalances, and it was a clear coordination together with the seven countries, uh, india bought, but paid money for fracking, and india resold, because it bought crude oil, processed and clean oil, according to your customs, for the year 2022, india was the first po'. head of oil and oil products to ukraine, that is, russian oil is already in in processed form entered ukraine, this is the data of the customs of ukraine, not my data, so i do not say for the year 2023, because a very large part of it is resold there, and this is how they make money, india makes money, it is simply earned, and it is a very interesting detail, i i haven't completed this puzzle yet, because no
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one has put the final dots. there are three dots. a serious investigation is needed.


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