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tv   [untitled]    August 19, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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oleksandra balyasna visited us today and it was an experience of war.
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the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, the report. tuesday through friday from 8 to 10 p.m.
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news time in eter spressu, the studio is working kateryna shiropoyas. the russians attacked kyiv region with drones that night. anti-aircraft defense worked in the region. this was reported in the regional military administration. the consequences of the attack are currently being clarified. five people were injured as a result of the shelling of kindyika in the kherson region. the russians attacked the village with drones, this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. one of the shells hit a civilian car in the center. people were there,
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the injured were hospitalized, and one person died, three more were injured due to an enemy attack on the bilopol community in sumy region. an 11-year-old child is among the wounded. the russians struck with guided aerial bombs and drones. this was reported in the regional military administration. the yunakiv community also came under fire from the occupiers, and a local resident was wounded there. ukraine needs fast. weapons training from western partners, volodymyr zelenskyy stated this in his evening video message. the president received a report from commander-in-chief oleksandr syrskyi, thus he highlighted the main tasks of ukrainian fighters at the front. this is now the main task of our defensive actions, in general: to destroy as much as possible of the russian potential, the potential of war. and carry out a maximum of countervailing work. in particular, this includes the creation of a buffer zone
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on the territory of the aggressor, our operation in kursk region, everything that causes losses to the russian army, the russian state, their defense and their economy. all this helps us to prevent the expansion of the war. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 110 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. or on in the pokrov direction, the occupiers tried to storm ukrainian positions there 33 times, our defenders there managed to repel 24 attacks and eliminate more than 230 occupiers. another 19 attacks took place in the turkish direction, battles continue near zalizny, delivka and nelipivka. in limansk, the occupiers stormed the positions of our troops 15 times, and there was unrest in kharkiv oblast as well. 12 enemy... attacks were repulsed
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by the defense forces in the kupyansk direction, battles are taking place near sinkivka and stelmahivka, and enemy assaults are also continuing in the area of ​​lyptsi and vovchansk. our rocket launchers and gunners. destroyed two tanks, a mortar, two artillery systems, four muscovite drones and nine vehicles. and the armed forces of ukraine control three more settlements in kursk region. our servicemen took control of opanasivka, snagos and otruba. they also advanced in olhivka, analysts of the deep state project reported. at the same time, the russians captured the territories near the sandy, boring, mykolaivka and so on. new york in donetsk region. there has been no official reaction from the ukrainian command so far. operation in kursk oblast can change the course of the war - said democrat senator mart kelly. according to him, the ukrainians made
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an unexpected move, the very offensive of ukraine should show the russians that the dictator vladimir putin is not russia's protector. the us senator also noted that he personally is not against the use. american weapons on russian soil, and us secretary of state anthony blinken is going to israel to support negotiations on ending the fighting with hamas. this will be his ninth trip to the region since the beginning of the war in october 2023. he will meet with the prime minister of the country, benjamin netanyahu. at the same time, israeli representatives should hold further negotiations in cairo. also, the working groups for... will remain in the boat, the white house hopes that the long-awaited agreement will be concluded by the end of next week. i am running for the language, this is the name of the race in support of the ukrainian language, which was organized in various cities, not only in ukraine, but also in the world.
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every year, the all-ukrainian movement edine holds such an event before the independence day of ukraine. how many people joined in kyiv and lviv, we will find out later. 3, 2, 1, successful kill! more than 300 people in the capital and 500 around the world united for a common goal. all of them took part in a charity run in support of ukrainians in the temporarily occupied territories. each participant of the race had the opportunity to choose his own distance. these are 1, 5 and 10 km. we have gathered today and dedicate this. race to those people in the occupation who cannot speak ukrainian, and for them it is a privilege to speak ukrainian because they are under threat of death, but for us it is obligation to speak ukrainian, and we want to remind ukrainians that it
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is important to speak ukrainian, and this event is dedicated to this, the language issue, it is currently acute, as for me, for me, let's say, my grandmother, this adult generation. looking at the fact that she lives in a russian-speaking region, well, like, she communicates exclusively in ukrainian, that is, my heart actually breaks when i somehow heard this, so how important it is for me to support it, it was adopted by a charitable initiative in lviv. volunteered to organize the event in the city of leva the team of the halychyna fm radio station. they traditionally support not only cultural, but also sports events. we were happy to join this run, because it says that we should really value the fact that we can speak ukrainian fluently, to call on other ukrainians who have not yet done it in the occupied territories now people are exposed
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to danger when they speak ukrainian sometimes, so we want to show and encourage people to understand how important it is when you can be free and speak your language fifty people joined the race in lviv, not only adults, but also children. the distance for children is shorter - 100 and 500 m. i came here with my father, mother and brother. mom runs 1 km, my brother and i run 100 m, dad doesn't run. we are running for the language, our native language, so that our country has a future for the ukrainian language. i really liked sonya taking part in it. race, today only i am white and my mother came to support me. the youngest participant, david, is only four years old, he became the winner in his distance, please what are you going to do today run, and who did you come with today? with dad,
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how many meters will you take? 500, the radio station, together with its partners, the run style organization, identified the leaders of the zabi. among adults and children, and also awarded them with diplomas. the initiative also has a charitable purpose. funds received from registration packages will be partially transferred. for people who want to learn the ukrainian language in de-occupied territories and territories that are close to the front, that is, people who are sometimes afraid to speak ukrainian, we encourage them to listen ukrainian and also use the ukrainian language in your everyday life, because language is important. you can also become a participant of the race online until august 24 in any city of the world with prior registration. ema stadnyk, tetyana golonova, roman kovalyuk, dmytro nikiforov, espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel and
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the vesna charitable fund have opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of zesu. the defenders in the donetsk direction hold back the enemy every day attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. thanks to you, we have already collected uah 450,000. remember that every donation you make is important, so get involved. you can now see all the details on your screens. this is all the news i have for now. see you in less than an hour. next, my colleagues lesya vokulyuk and will be waiting for you on the air. andriy saichuk, don't switch.
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the espresso rado tv channel welcomes all our viewers, everyone who joins from the very early morning, you know, to our telethon, which has been going on for 908 days, and it is getting closer and closer, the thousandth day since we restrained russian aggression, our army, well, somewhere here and there and also strikes back at what is happening now in the russian kursk region, let's talk now about all the latest news both in ukraine and abroad, and of course at the front, but let's start with our... traditional roll call of the front-line territories, and now we will talk with
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zaporizhzhia alisa sysoeva, a deputy of the zaporizhia district council is already with us, ms. alisa, i greet you, good morning, good morning, mr. andriy, i congratulate you, how was the night, the weekend, in general in the city and in oblast, well , fortunately, we had a quiet night in zaporizhzhia itself, it was quiet, you know that this week the occupiers again took over zaporizhzhia, we literally had a few... several days, weeks of such a break, when in zaporizhzhia itself we hardly heard the explosion, but this week heard so today we were calm, but of course there were shellings in the region itself, a little less than usual today there were 333, fortunately there were no casualties and no deaths, but they note that zaporizhzhia was hit more often without pilots, artillery less than these 333 shellings, 223 are... there were exactly uav attacks, but fortunately people are intact, people are alive, but of course
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there is destruction, destroyed houses and buildings are recorded every day, today there were six of them completely destroyed, eh actually the dictator of the aggressor country, putin says that the target operations in the kurt region, this is in order to weaken the offensive of russian troops in other areas of the front, and... but i understand that this weakening is not happening in zaporizhzhia, well, we always look at the reports of the general staff, what the military says without changes, the fighting continues, although the american institute for the study of war reported that two brigades of russians were withdrawn from the zaporizhzhia direction, these are some motorized riflemen, but the fighting continues and the russians are also trying to restore their lost positions, so for now the zaporizhzhia direction is one of the most... so hot especially on the front line, as the military informs us,
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last week there was information that the russians plan to resettle russian citizens evacuated from the territory of the kurdish region proper, where ukrainian troops entered, to the territory of the temporarily occupied zaporizhzhia region , in particular in berdyansk. yes, even they have already published stories on their russian propaganda, they promise... to resettle in kyrylivka, this resort town, and now they have already shown, well, there are actually isolated cases, we are not talking about any mass resettlement, even... not to mention the fact that there were several hundred of what we saw on russian propaganda media, well, there was literally one plot, there was a mother and daughter, who at the same time reported that here they were left kurshchyna, but she said that their house was intact, that is , for some reason they came here, of course we understand that this is just such a tool of propaganda, well, our military
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administrations say that they do this primarily in order to to hide behind this. we are for knocking out more funding from russia, but it seems to me that the most important thing they do is propaganda, because this is probably the largest amount of expenses that they are willing to spend on during the occupation, it is propaganda and brainwashing of minsk children, and they report that from today there may be blackout schedules throughout ukraine, this is due to the extreme heat, and people are probably turning on a lot. air conditioners, we, for example, did not turn on the air conditioner, i am without a jacket precisely because of this situation, but eh, you know, we know for sure that in lviv, it seems will be disconnected in the evening, and tonight a disconnection is planned in zaporizhzhia, yes, it was announced, but it will be only one queue, you know, there were no disconnections for several weeks, so they are announcing one queue, a few hours, well
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, let's see how it will be further, because in fact, everyone is afraid... in winter, everyone understands that, in principle, our energy system is not quite ready for it, so you already know, there have been such reactions in social networks that this may be the first bells before a cold winter without light, without electricity , but let's see how it will be, well, for now, we are promised one series of blackouts, and i will also say a little about such some not only military news, probably from... zaporizhzhia, one of the residents found mammoth brushes, they belong to a unique for the south of ukraine mammoth of the greatest, so it is called, because it was the highest and the largest, and now even a resident made his find public, it is reported, public zaporizhzhia reports, i don’t know how to really
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comment on it, but it seemed to me that this some good news, and it is probably about what, about what... that there were mammoths in ukraine , including, somehow, actually saw this mammoth, you know, well, this is good news, but unfortunately, what did it originate from, the fact that the occupiers blew up the kakhovskaya embankment, and since then we have had such a shallowing, if you see photos from zaporizhzhia, well, in some places you can probably just cross the dnipro on foot, and here after that, we have... and also we have already found such ancient cossack boats, so there are two sides to everything, on alas, while the occupiers are destroying our historical finds, our museums, you know that this week some
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exhibits had to be removed from the bare ground, those that remained, here we find the bones of a mammoth, it must be really like this... news among the fact that takes place in zaporizhzhia, unfortunately, from our region, there are more such bad news than good, unfortunately, well, well, and in fact, if you knew, there are some positive moments in this too, the greatest moments, by the way, were almost twice as large as modern african elephants, and imagine, that is, up to 10 almost tons could weigh, well, they were also called mammoths koshlati, and imagine that millions of years ago they also lived. and here, well, once upon a time , you know, there was also a cossack sich, in zaporizhzhia, until it was destroyed by the russian empress, we remember everything about it, we do not forget and know that zaporizhia cossacks are not russian cossacks, not at all, they are completely another story, ms. alysia, thank you very much for the conversation, alisa sysoeva, deputy of the zaporizhia district council, was with us, you and i learned together
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what is happening in zaporizhia, last night was more or less calm, you already know not bad. next we'll also talk a little bit about, we're going to take a short break now and then and then we'll talk about this heat, what kind of heat is it, what 's coming, where did it come from, spoiler, it came from africa, it's not a big wonder, well, how long and how hot, you will find out in a couple of minutes. there are 20% imodium discounts until independence day at travel bam and savings pharmacies. the book of women at war is a joint project of telekal. espresso and publishing house spirit and letter is a book based on the reports of a tv channel host christina parubiy's espresso. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country.
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a book dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the kostyantyn zhivago charitable foundation. dynamo, kyiv, red bull-salzburg, only on mega. for a chance to enter the champions league, kyivans will give all their strength on the field. cheer on august 21 at 10:00 p.m. exclusively on mego. there are 10% discounts on pills until independence day in the psyllanyk bam and ochsadny pharmacies. in the august issue of krania magazine will tell about the return from captivity. how is ukraine looking for its own? will we return all the children kidnapped by russia? country? touches on painful topics for all ukrainians, we talk to experts, we listen to the stories of soldiers who were captured, ask about the country at
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press sales points or pre-pay online, there are discounts until independence day navizyn, 20% in pharmacies psyllsnyk, pam and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for... intelligent and caring people in the evening with espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees
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to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? the leaders will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the program. legal examination on espresso tv channel. a special project for independence day, about the present and the future, about war, loss and pain, about dark times, and also about people, people who influence our future, people who give strength to fight, people who fight, help and believe in victory, people who do not give up and destroy the enemy. bright people special project bright people in dark times on august 24 at espresso. well, gentlemen, we
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're coming back, let's talk a little about the weather, a huge heatwave is coming again, it has already come, in fact, in lviv on saturday , for example, the temperature record for the entire history of observation was broken, for the last 130 years, for example, on august 19, the maximum temperature in 1946 was 34°, today it seems like it should be 31-32, so today the temperature record of the 46th year will hold, well, you know, the 46th year is not the most pleasant year for lviv, but i think for everyone, that's what remains somewhere in that memory, just sad, well, warm temperature is not bad, heat she came to us from africa, and it must be said that the warm temperature... definitely helps, you know who odessans, because in odessa there is a record influx or influx, or drinking, excitement on the beaches, the holiday season, the season in rospol, and
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even for the previous two years, in particular the years of the war, there were certainly not as many people as this year, what is the reason for this, you know, people have already relaxed a little, they are not so afraid, they are tired of postponing their vacations until the end of the war, because the war may continue. for a very long time, well, maybe so, you know eh, nevertheless, the city will earn a little for itself, this is not bad either, m, and i must say that , by the way, for the first time since the 22nd year, there are no free places in odessa at all, well, i don’t know, maybe you you know, i haven't been to odessa for a long time, but how does it all look there on those beaches, was odessa ready for this influx and was it ready to take care of all its guests, are such concepts growing as, in particular, inclusiveness, what is means? resort town, in short, more about it in our story right now. a ballistic missile flies from crimea to odessa in just a minute. however, despite this, by the third summer you are full. during
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russia's war against ukraine, the city looks and feels like a resort. near the sea and in the city center, it is very crowded, there are almost no free places in the hotels. as of mid-august , 19 beaches are officially open in odessa. for comparison, in august 2023 there were six. neither the risk of encountering a mine nor water pollution after the explosion of the kakhovskaya hpp stops people. nor the traditional escherichia coli for a warm summer . more restrictions for people in wheelchairs, for them to swim in the sea without the corresponding infrastructure on the coast is unrealistic and equipped beaches in ukraine are still insufficient. i saw a little bit of such equipped places, beaches, but they were very paid, very expensive. this is mrs. olena, her son oleg, a child with disabilities, so showing him the sea is a challenge for mom. however, this summer
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, a woman and her son from... are resting on an inclusive beach in odessa, a place where everything necessary was built so that everyone who wants to can swim in the salt water. it is so convenient here, everything is arranged here for such people with disabilities, there are raincoats, there are beds, there are umbrellas, everything is free, there are ramps, there are elevators, you can go down, you can go up, you meet guys who are just in everything. helps the barrier-free inclusive beach is still far from the shore. electric cars transport visitors as needed. then there is a choice of a forty-six-meter ramp or an elevator. near the water itself, there is a wooden deck, tactile tiles for the blind, sunbeds of different levels, specialized bathrooms with buttons to call an assistant, and ramps directly into the sea. this inclusive beach was built back in 2021 and
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without help where. designed, invented everything ourselves, we designed it for about two years , we thought, developed it, learned from our mistakes, we also made a lot of mistakes, because consulting in general was low, there were very few professionals in this field, we consulted with various organizations of people from disabled, we asked them to help us, to give us advice, but... they made a lot of mistakes. on average , about five hundred people visit the beach every day, among them many military personnel with amputations, a favorable climate, physical activities and pleasant emotions are important for successful rehabilitation. a lot, this year, especially, we work with different hospitals, they ask us not to name them,
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just military ones. they come in groups, simply sent from different parts of the military to rest with us. odesa, as one of the largest resort cities of ukraine, cannot yet boast of many such beaches. institutions, shops, parks and attractions are also not for everyone, but locals assure that there is progress. during the two years of the full-scale invasion of the russians, the number of people from disabled in ukraine increased by... this figure was announced by the wife of the president, olena zelenska. all these people definitely deserve a comfortable and barrier-free rest and living space. therefore, our society still needs a lot of work to make our cities and villages inclusive and convenient for all citizens. kateryna galko, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. well, gentlemen, we will now find out how it is in odessa
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from the first. serhiy syzonenko, a deputy of the odesa district council, will speak with us, we already have him welcome to our air, mr. serhiy, congratulations, good morning, good morning, studio, good morning ukraine, i am very glad to see everyone, it is mutual, and i want to ask how you like this plot, whether you had time to watch it, which was prepared by our colleagues, is everything correct about odesa, unfortunately, i did not fully see your plot, but i can say the last of what i saw. regarding the inclusiveness of the beach and recreation areas, this is true, every day we have more and more people with disabilities, and i am sure that it is not yet end, we understand that a full-scale war, let's say this, contributes a lot to this, because very many, unfortunately, our soldiers are injured, i am sure that the situation must change and it will change.
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but this is one of the...


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