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tv   [untitled]    August 19, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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a deputy of the odesa district council, we already welcome him on our air, mr. serhiy, congratulations, good morning, good morning, studio, good morning ukraine, i am very glad to see everyone, it is mutual, and i want to ask how you like this story, did you wake up to see it prepared by our colleagues, is everything correct about odesa, unfortunately, i did not fully see your story, but i can say the last thing that i saw about inclusiveness... recreation areas, it is really so, every day in our there are more and more people with disabilities, including me i'm sure it's not the end, we understand that a full-scale war, let's say, contributes a lot to this, because so many, unfortunately, our soldiers are getting injured, and i 'm sure that the situation has to change and it will change, but this is one of the...
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components of our vision of veteran policy in the country, how it should develop, and in what way. we, in our public organization , talk about this a lot, we are free and faithfully convinced that we need to involve the experience of our american colleagues, integrate it into our realities, change the legislation according to experience. americans, because the americans have already gone through it, they have invested huge amounts of money in it, it is billions of dollars, and we, in my opinion, do not need to invent anything new, we need to borrow what has already been developed and only integrate it into our realities, and that's it it starts with legislative changes, only then it should change at all levels, because the approach to veteran policy is not only a relation to inclusiveness, it is also rehabilitation. both psychological and physical,
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social reintegration of veterans and society, this everything is a big complex, part of which is self-relation to well with inclusiveness, let's say so, work, it's that our cities are inclusive villages, it's extremely important, but if we don't work on it in a complex, but only on a point basis, then i'm sure we will not be able to achieve the goal that is in front of all of us, you know, i... last friday i had business, i actually had a meeting in the center of lviv, and i don't know me, i have such mixed feelings because from one there were a lot of people on the side, a lot of people, there were a lot of people in the center, a lot of tourists, of course, tourists and it's like you're happy with the fact that you know, because the city earns accordingly , taxes are paid from taxes, the army receives nothing else, because it is forbidden in our country to accept financing of the army by our allies, our
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allies pay for others, allocate other items of expenditure, and i understand that this is important , that 10 million of those workers now support the whole country, but they also spend that money somewhere later, and again, they are also taxed, the question is, why do you still think so, well, the war, such a terrible war and so many people carefree resting, it’s somehow this contrast, maybe it’s for people who are too immersed, you know, in the war... it, it, it somehow looks like a sharp contrast, well, and the second point is that the center of lviv, well, is completely russian-speaking now, well that is, all the tourists speak russian, and i'll be honest, it annoys me, honestly, i'll just admit it, i myself remember what it was like to come to crimea before the 14th year somewhere, and everyone looks back at you, that you speak ukrainian, those people take money from you and frown, but it is unpleasant for them that you are he doesn't come in ukrainian, he says, although you seem to... to your country, well, but now
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the situation is different, well, there is a war, just now, people came from regions where the war is closer, where they understand who attacked and so on, well, show at least a little respect, well, don't, don't make this language in the public space so loud, so defiant, so, you know, so arrogant, i would say, you know, the situation in odessa is a little different, because i can say that now. .. i was also in the city center on derebashivska street yesterday, i can say that the ukrainian language is being heard from all sides, the truth is from in the evening we went to odesa, you understand, that is, if we had returned there 10 years ago and you and i had walked in the center of odesa, and i in the center of lviv, the situation would have been completely different, not the same as today , because in odessa, let's say, the ukrainian language is becoming more and more the same every day. this
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cannot help but please me, almost the entire sphere of service has, in some rare cases , switched completely to the ukrainian language, something that we sometimes see publicized once in a while. when they don't want to serve visitors there the ukrainian language, these are isolated rare cases, which, let's say, we watch even on national television, 10 years ago it was a complete situation, well, no one would even show journalists, because why show the current realities of that city, you understand, currently, these are some isolated cases, and almost from all sides the ukrainian language, many odessans have switched to ukrainian in their everyday life. language, then move on, carry their children around, communicating with them in ukrainian, that is, for odesa, the situation is changing on the contrary in my opinion, in on the positive side, and this cannot help but please, and by the way, in odesa, a bust
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of pushkin was dismantled, it also happened somewhere else, there is chenskate, i haven’t even had time to read where, i just saw the headline, if i’m not mistaken in... bessarabia, in general, the situation there is very similar, you know, it remains very difficult, a very international region, at one time there were a lot of resettled officers there, like the red army, and well, we all understand, and together with that, yes, and together with that , people with them, let's say, brought there their culture, both communication and in general, ah,... there are a lot of people from the north at the time of the soviet union, when they moved to what was the soviet union , so the situation there, let's say, still needs attention, but also, as we see , there are positive changes, and this cannot
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make us all happy either, because people understand that these, shall we say, the remnants of that soviet system, they do not help us to become better, they are only playing into the hands of our enemy, because on unfortunately, our enemy exploits this to his advantage, it has become part of it a big myth that the russian federation is trying to impose on everyone and its neighbors and the whole world in general, so in order not to fall under this influence, i believe that they are doing the right thing when they fight against it. there, by the way, before demolishing the monument itself, you see, right now... there is a quote from pushkin written there, it is from yevgeny onegin, there are these lines, they were translated into ukrainian: tear me down, tear me down , well, in principle, they fulfilled the will of the russian poet, but what to do? mr. serhiy, thank you very much for the conversation, serhiy sizonenko was with us, a deputy of the odesa district council, we may have joked a little,
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well, how is this odesa, well, of course, odesa is the capital of humor, and even pushkin is in odesa, he is such a cheerful person with feelings there. humor with a sense of self-irony, which is called well , you had it, you know, it's gone, it was and it is, it has become, i like it more, dear friends, first of all, good morning to all those whom i have not yet greeted, thank you you are with us, you watch the espresso channel, you can also join us on youtube and leave there are your likes or likes or likes, how do you like it there, leave a thumbs up, it's a small thing... a little thing, but it does a big, big deal, if there are a lot of those thumbs up, then it will remove our broadcast, for example, lists offered, and the majority of people will see the broadcast of our broadcast, will see, will have access to true information, you can also
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huge screen. quickly take your phones and scan, point your phone camera at the qr code, follow the link and transfer as much as you want, as much as you are ready. to share with our military, and these are three brigades, for them we are collecting, a third separate assault brigade, 110, 47 for drones and for rep systems, what helps save lives to our military to... join, please, a total of 3.5 million, we have to raise a huge amount, well, the first million has already been raised and we are raising the second one little by little, and while we are talking to our next guest, you can also donate, dear friends, because the qr code will be in the corner, and in the meantime we will talk about sumy oblast, vyacheslav ryabchenko, deputy of the sumy district council, and a volunteer joins us, mr. vyacheslav, congratulations, congratulations studio, congratulations. viewers, you are greeted by the indomitable sumyshchyna, in sumyshchyna with
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unfortunately, there are hits, the russians dropped the cabs and, on it's a pity, there are dead, there are wounded. how was this night, mr. vyacheslav, in general in the sumy region? yes, it really is. yesterday there was a hit in the bilopolsk community, in a residential building, there are dead, according to official data, there are injured, there are many. the destruction of the housing stock, this is true, now, unfortunately, the enemy does not spare anything, nothing, he is constantly hitting sumy oblast, the arrivals are both in sumy oblast, and well along the border of sumy oblast, sumy oblast, and the regional center , there is also an arrival and everyone saw it, everyone they know what happened on saturday, too... a residential building was damaged, windows were blown out, a shopping center was damaged, in general
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, i do not spare the enemy anything, the evacuation of people is still going on , how is it going, mr. vyacheslav, are people evacuating, are those , what they say, but i am already here, i will already be sitting under these russian shells, leave me alone, i want to be in my home, yes, many people and... many people say, well, especially those people who are 50 plus, those who have lived all their lives, lived in their homes, and they do not understand what is ahead of them well, it doesn't work, let's say this, this whole situation, well, how difficult it is, how it happens in the very, well, in the very case, how it happens, more young people, more young people, with children, people, those already , well, yes... well let's say so, a lot of people left, many people left, now we are holding
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talks, well let's say this, volunteers are holding discussions at the local level about the fact that you need to leave, you need to leave, because this is your life, your safety, but i say that unfortunately, unfortunately, not everyone goes, many stay, many do not want to leave, they say, we grew up here, we will die here, president zelandsky... said that the purpose of the operation in the kursk region, in particular, to create a buffer zone for the security of ukrainian regions, border regions, now i understand that the russians, on the contrary, are trying to compensate with disturbing strikes in sumy oblast, this is the expansion of the buffer zone on the other side of the border, well, i will say so, volodymyr oleksandrovich. perhaps they are more experienced and know more about what and how to do it, well, not for us here, not at the local level
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that's all, well, to comment and draw conclusions, but first of all, the large-scale invasion of the kursk region, well, sumshchyna suffers more, there are more air raids, there were much more frequent air raids, let's say, here you are already counting... when there are no such raids, because, well part of the day, it is constantly under alarms, it is often they are, that is, the majority, the noise of rockets is always greater, we hear at night how drones fly by, how air defense works, i thank our defenders who protect us from our sleep, they say that to individual ... mr. vyacheslav, what kind of passes are these and whether they are each
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can get it? yes, it will be true, this issue has been considered for a long time, and it had to be done, it had to be introduced, this pass will be so that people do not return home, that is, those who left, so that they will no longer be able to, well, return , because many even return. passes will also be given to those who have relatives or relatives in the twenty-kilometer zone, that is, they will. such people should also be given passes, this is what needs to be done, it is absolutely necessary, because it will be control, let's say so, and people, our ukrainians, who leave the border, there will be, let's say so, a check, even, well, if there are, god forbid, the drg group or something else, they
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will be easier to track using these passes. well, mr. cheslav, thank you for the news from sumy region, we wish sumy region a peaceful day, although we understand that it is difficult to fulfill this wish now, but nevertheless, vyacheslav ryabchenko, a deputy of the sumy district council and a volunteer, was with us, told about how life in sumy oblast looks like now, dear friends, let's go for a short one pause, then we will come back and yuriy fedorenko, commander of the achilles unmanned aerial systems battalion, will be with us. stay with us. if you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy, then the new product from mattress market is just for you, meet the dreamlight pillowcase mattress. the perryina dreamlight mattress smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds, it can be laid out for sleeping simply on the floor, it is soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so profitable,
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we talk on august 24 on fm halychyna and listen to the hits of independence. happy birthday ukraine. there are discounts until independence day on detoxyl 15% tablets at podorozhnyk-bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day navizyn 20% in podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians. public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the yangola taira unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povaliyeva, about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the air of the espresso tv channel. dear friends, we
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are returning to ether, continuing our marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, working in this studios for you. and thank you for responding to what we are calling you to donate, 400 hryvnias have already been added this morning, and in total we have 1 million, 1 million, and what is it, i am updating it, and it has been suspended, 53,000 and more there are small ones, oh and 658 hryvnias and 12 kopecks, not bad, a good start, our guest is already here. yuriy fedorenko, commander of the achilles 92nd unmanned air strike battalion of the separate assault brigade named after rkshovy oman ivan sirk is already with us, mr. yuriy, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. yuri, where are you, if you can tell me? kharkiv lytinok is still unchanged, we are performing tasks in the same operational lane as before. what news do you have from the kharkiv
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direction? except for the fact that the enemy is acting at a sufficiently high intensity on the flank, the defense forces have made significant gains, both from the point of view of the defense of our positions, in particular , last week the enemy acted for the first time in recent times. month massive shock-assault operations with the use of light armored and armored vehicles according to the donetsk scenario, which is meant when several armored vehicles move ahead, such as a tank with trawls in order to remove minibarricades, an armored personnel carrier is moving behind them, so-called sheds are welded on all of them, that is , they are welded to the maximum with such nets that it is difficult to destroy it due to anti-tank means, as well as due to their anti-aircraft guns, and under these ... between the armor and these nets, which are around the tank than the bmp, sits the assault infantry, the task of which is: to approach the line of battle as quickly as possible, bring the assault infantry to the front
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line of the battle, cover the firepower of the guns of the tanks, as well as the bmp, after what armored vehicles to be removed from the battlefield for a new batch of attack aircraft, but the enemy decided to take such measures, as a result of which 10 out of 12 vehicles were destroyed in... on the battlefield and also the single infantry that managed to rush was also destroyed. this became possible due to the joint work of a number of teams that keep the tone and communication, the interaction is very powerful, in fact. on that day alone , the akhilets battalion managed to destroy seven units of armored vehicles, namely four tanks and three bmps. plus , the gunners, anti-tank gunners and others also worked powerfully firearms, in particular rocket launchers. therefore, at the moment, despite all... the intensity of hostilities, despite the fact that the enemy is changing tactics, increasing its capabilities at the expense of, in particular, armored vehicles, there are no successes on the road, and i firmly
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believe that we will succeed in this to make in the foreseeable future so that the enemy will no longer be in the kharkiv region, at least for the turn where we are now holding the defense, well, this is the first time in a month, so they decided to launch such an attack, a mass attack on... just even for the first time, maybe in two, why, why, not because the enemy did not have equipment, they did not go to his attacks, but because the defense forces destroy 70-80, in this case 90% of the equipment that appears in in the zone of damage of our unmanned systems, artillery, and accordingly anti-tank means, and the enemy, when he began to storm the kharkiv region, he used light armored armored vehicles in significant quantities, they were burned, the enemy changed tactics to highly maneuverable ones, such as... and two-wheeled motorcycles, when they began to be actively smoked, the enemy switched to the tactics of accumulating on foot, this is when there was a collision with the front line, they walk several kilometers, the distance is 100, 200, 300 mz
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by military personnel, so they try to make changes, accumulate, and here in the last one and a half, probably, maybe even two months, massed such an assault involving armored vehicles was just last week, i think so, my personal opinion, it is subjective, what was it connected with, it was connected with that. that the enemy thought that the powerful brigades were all in kurshchyna, probably did not correctly assess the forces and means, and in addition, i am sure that the russian generals rule as follows: despite the loss of manpower and equipment , go ahead, go ahead and let's ensure the result, because those single prisoners who fall into prisoners, they say that the system of coercion in the russian occupation forces... is configured quite powerfully, and objectively, most of them are afraid to return unharmed to their rear, than to die in battle, and you did not ask them,
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those prisoners who fall to you, why they are ready to die for the ukrainian land and not ready to die for their own, well, i will tell you more, the russians are not very ready to die at all, they simply have no other choice, how it works, it works as follows: depressed regions, they are recruited at the expense of so-called lifting, as well as compensation in case he died. and accordingly, since people are in microloans, in credits, such an antisocial atmosphere, absolutely 5-6 thousand dollars there is an extremely large amount of money, so they willingly go to kill ukrainians for this money, plus an additional system of mobilization, hidden mobilization in the russian federation continues. once they hit the god collision line. they essentially have no choice, because their own officers, the kadyrivets, are the ones who will force them to go into battle, and therefore they are not ready to die, they have no other choice, because
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they are... beaten or in the defense force, or they will be killed by their own leadership and the blocking troops standing behind them, and as you know, over the past six months, the statistics of those russians who took part in the war against ukraine, received there non-existent injuries and were sent to hospitals, is now trying to bribe commissions in order not to serve in the future and to be drafted into the reserve, i.e. awareness of what a war against ukrainians is like. is slowly starting to come to them, and that is very good. we are now collecting for the 47th and 110th brigades a third separate and a third separate assault brigade. we know that literally yesterday you closed your collection at 1 million. do people continue to donate for the third year of the war. how is it now? will continue. every time we talk to you, i say thank you the ukrainian nation, because it is thanks to your support, friends, that it is possible to have
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the minimum quantity of equipment that allows. apply and keep defensive actions at a high level, that is, i will give a specific example, one, one fire position on average shoots from 30 to 70 drones per day, if this is also guaranteed to be about 30-40 damaged and destroyed enemy targets, there would be 100 drones, we could shoot 100 and there would be even more destruction of the enemy, so there will never be enough reconnaissance assets, unmanned aerial vehicles, never. there is not a lot of artillery, ammunition for it, the more equipment we have, the more intensively we can hit the enemy, each drone is very important, the state will never be able to fully cover this need, and not because our state is bad , the russian federation, it uses not only its budget, it uses the budget of those countries that support it, and the military-industrial complex , we fight not only against the russian, but against other countries that support the russian the federation, and if we talk about certain...
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i would not like to call russians volunteers, let's replace this word with something else, because volunteers are associated with something like this, you know, i am sure that this word is associated with a saint, and when we say volunteers, who collect money from russian citizens on the territory of the russian federation and from which drones are manufactured, but we would not like to call them volunteers, let's call them accomplices of war crimes against ukraine, they also collect money there and are also manufactured. local productions, in particular on temporarily occupied territories, the same means of uavs. why am i saying this, to the fact that there will never be a lot of funds, so we will have to donate until victory itself, and i sincerely thank the people who, despite the difficult economic situation, find these opportunities and capabilities, that is why we support the armed forces, bring victory closer and thank everyone you, well, each of us actually thanks those who are now at the front holding back these tanks so that they stop where they
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are stopped. your drones are in capable hands, mr. yury, thank you very much, yury fedorenko, commander battalion striker bpak achilles 92 the cream of the assault brigade was with us on from the direction of kharkiv, and in the meantime we are rapidly approaching the release of the news, we are getting closer, so it will be kateryna shirokopol, now we will ask her what happened there in ukraine and the world, and she he will tell us and show us, dear friends, in the meantime i want to say that a few more thousands have been added. during our conversation, before i introduced mr. yuriy and reminded him, i made a short reminder, just reminded him, said that we have a collection here and 400 was added, here, bam, someone else added 100 and it turned out that 5 00 had already been added, already now i can say that we have collected 6 00 for this morning, for this first hour of our marathon, we hope in the next hours that our viewers will not will take away the pace, but only it
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on... timut, now you can see the qr code, quickly scan it, before kateryna shirokupoyas appears, which means that we will watch the news. katya, congratulations, congratulations to andria, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the night attacks in ukraine and the promotion of zes on kurshchyna news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the russians launched 11 shaheds across ukraine. our defenders of the sky destroyed all drones in mykolaiv region, cherkasy region, vinnytsia region, kyiv region and four more eastern regions. i will tell you about it.


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