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tv   [untitled]    August 19, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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for our military, thank you mr. serhiy, serhiy zgorets, the director of the information consulting company defense express was with us, dear friends, and now there is a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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the armed forces continue to blow up bridges in the kursk region of russia, depriving the russian federation of logistical routes. the ukrainian military is also establishing control over the new villages of kurshchyna. what will all this lead to and can the zsu do it? take into account the forces of the russian federation on the territory russia itself. meanwhile, russian forces are advancing in donetsk region. iryna vereshchuk calls for the immediate evacuation of the residents of pokrovsk, selydovo and mirnograd. why did the kurdish operation not withdraw the russian forces from the donetsk region. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrech and we are starting, join us. 59,000 residents remain in pokrovsk in donetsk region. at the same time , russian troops. already 11 km from the outskirts
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of this city, this is reported in the city military administration pokrovska, the minister of reintegration, temporarily of the occupied territories of ukraine, iryna vereshchuk calls on the residents of pokrovsk to evacuate immediately, an evacuation train leaves the city every day, she also asks to evacuate from selidovoy and mirnograd, which are close to pokrovsk. the so-called long curfew is being implemented in these two cities from today , it will be effective from... the morning of the next day, the donetsk regional military administration reported. a number of ukrainian services in these cities have already stopped working. in particular, in myrnograd , the local military administration announced that they were stopping garbage collection in one of the city's districts, some bus routes are also suspended. branches of oschadbank and privatbank in myrnograd will not work from this monday, the nearest working
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branches are located in pokrovsk. the postal service, nova poshta, stopped working in selydovo this weekend. we will talk about the situation there later. serhii dobryak, the head of the pokrovsk city military administration joined our broadcast. welcome, thank you for joining. good day we just talked about what iryna vereshchuk called for to evacuate from pokrovsk, mirnograd. and selidovoy, mr. serhii, what do you advise the residents of pokrovsk to evacuate as well? yes, mandatory evacuation has been in place since the beginning of the large-scale invasion of the russians, but - a week ago, we intensified, let's say, information work, and people, thank god, went, all of them went with children, let's say so, if before that - when we were in
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the 20-kilometer zone, about 500 people left a month, now it is an average of 500-600 people a day, but we will still intensify this work, mr. serhiy, all the children were taken away, are there still families that remain, no, there are families that remain, we had 13,700 children before the large-scale war, now 4,788 remain in the community. that is , a third still remain, and 59,000 residents - is it together with children, or only the adult population, it is together, yes, it is together with children, and it is together, we also include in this figure, 15,000 idps who came to us from the same slydovo, from yardiyivka, from ocheretony, from maryanka, and what to do now, how to evacuate people, and children in the first place, within these terms.
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are you now aiming to bring the children out how this work is done? first of all, we call on families with children, the elderly, and just... well, all means of transport, you yourself said that the train runs every day, that is, while there is a normal time, so that, if you remember, on at the beginning of the large-scale invasion, there were thousands of people in orzal, but we don't want this to happen, that's why we urge you to plan your departure calmly, the more normal conditions are offered there in rivne or in the central part of ukraine. we do this together with the donetsk regional military administration, the tutkapoint is regional, that is , it can be done in a normal way. how many people are possible, now every day, to leave,
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evacuate from the city, as you can see, taking into account the buses there, taking into account, at least, look at when the military administration took over the garden, the city. yes , there were 27,000 people in the community, that is, the community was already leaving, most of the people, 60 percent, have their own vehicles, and they are just the lion's share, but today it is that 60 or 600 people, for example, is the lion's share, well , for example, 490 people left yesterday, of which only 135 left by train, the rest left by their own transport, with things, with trailers and so on, so we call for it... we can safely to take out at least 1000 a day, that is, there is a resource for this, in order to take out even a thousand people a day, taking into account 59 00, well, it takes two months, at least, how much time is there to do it safely plus or minus look, i
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say once again, the city left in a few days in the 22nd year, i understand, but see for yourself, you yourselves. you say that you do not want to allow a situation where at the last moment thousands of people will be evacuated and waiting for the train, i.e. or now, as it is planned to do this work, you say that it is not possible to evacuate a thousand people a day with their transport by train, yes, but it’s two months, do the residents of pokrovsk have that much time, i think not, although i’m not an expert, but on the train by train... only 1015 can leave, because the rest will leave by their own transport, that is, we can hurry and in a week, how much time is needed, how much time it is necessary, how much time do you have now, taking into account the situation of the pace of the advance of the russian army,
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a week or two, no more, do you strike a flash, or do you somehow inform people, people are people. who are older can't, don't have cars, can't do it on their own, is there an evacuation train and evacuation buses for this category of population, as the city is functioning now, are there enough resources for evacuation, because we see the news that in municipal services, banks, and various services are already closed in myrnograd, and in pokrovsk with this, on today, everything is working in pokrovsk, all services are fully working, i.e. water, electricity, gas, public transportation , shops, markets, banks, courts, state police, cnap, i.e. everything is still working, but we understand that the week there will slowly wind down, but about the children, i want to make you more clear
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, this is a big discussion, because according to ukrainian legislation, you cannot forcibly take a child away from their parents and take them out there, do you think that stricter legislation is needed? initiatives for... to get children out of the zone in time hostilities well, i think we're going to get to the point this week that we're also going to have a forced removal of children. but isn't there much time left? this week, i think it will. communal services, including different ones, and those that work in the city, how much time do you give for their work, let's say , whether there will be any progress. will these services leave somehow early, all the rest, for example, education, culture, museums, we took out as planned, packed, we took out as planned in the first quarter of this year, we have utility workers, utility equipment remain,
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so valuable utility property will be taken out this week, equipment will be taken out at the very last, because the equipment may be needed by... defenders. and secondly, equipment works on fortifications all the time. mr. sergey, i think you see the reaction, and you continue to be reminded, perhaps somewhere, that back in july in... pokrovsk they planted flower beds, then the russian army was 20 km away, the city administration was not prepared for such a development, because now you say that you have already stayed there for a week and a half, two weeks, and what happened a few weeks ago, when these flower beds were planted, i understand, i remember this manipulation, if you remember, it was a video where 20-year-old flowers bloomed on this flower bed. and our communal workers were cleaning up the tuklumba, it’s not clear, well, for example, if you remember
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when ardiivka was still under ukraine, there in avdiivka the communal workers cleaned when there were already fights in the city, and they were heroic heroes there, i don’t understand why , why does it matter, if our utility workers are just doing their work, work, cleaning the columba and waste. no one asked what the matter was. yes, mr. serhiy, and they also note there about bahmud and avdiivka, that there are such comments that it would be possible to warn people in advance so that people leave. i understand that you carry out this work on the one hand every day, on the other hand, we talked with you about the fact that 59,000 people are there, and it takes two months to evacuate a thousand a day, that is, it is a really large scale, so these questions obviously, including arise. i thank you for joining in and telling me what the... situation is pokrovsk serhii dobryak, the head of the pokrovsk city military administration was a guest of svoboda ranok. in the comments, you can
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write about your experience, if you had the experience of evacuation from ukrainian cities due to hostilities, write how it happened, positive and negative examples of how local authorities organize this evacuation, share your experience and pay attention, maybe ours and the community on how it should happen. and what points do you think should be corrected, because we see that the situation during the russian-ukrainian war at the front, it is such that the evacuation continues, all from new cities, and the local authorities, and already at the level of vice prime minister iryna voreshchuk, are urging people to leave. police and rescuers, despite the increasing attacks, meanwhile, continue to work in pokrovsk and surrounding settlements, rescue people after the arrivals and continue to evacuate them. this is what their work looks like, these shots were taken by the police two weeks ago after another shelling by drivers guided by
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aerial bombs in the city of pokrovsk, i suggest you look, there are wounded, we will go to the hospital, to look at the head, do you have wounded, are there wounded? in that building, there you have to wait for the fire brigade, now a second, everyone is safe here, there are no wounded, we are safe. "let's take the documents and get into the car
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quickly, now it's going to burn here, come on quickly, bro, take the documents, it 's not a question at all, come on, come on, the police are helping people evacuate from the nearest houses, because the fire is very serious and can spread to neighboring houses, which..." just seen on these videos, the head of the communication department of the police of the donetsk region joined our broadcast. pavle, congratulations, thank you for joining, we showed this footage two weeks ago, and now we hear that russian forces are moving closer, or does the situation now look even more dangerous during such evacuations? but you really showed the moment when the russians struck the city of pokrovsk with a guided aerial bomb. is now suffering heavily from shelling, this is the city of myrnograd, novogrodivka,
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the situation is difficult, it is really difficult, and the military administration, both regional and local, the police, the state emergency service, we all call on of the need to evacuate, because that's not the only way to save your life and health, we understand that... it's difficult to make such a decision, but when you see those cases when people die and are injured as a result of shelling, well, it's simply unacceptable . now , according to the decision of the regional military administration , a curfew has been established in the settlements located in the ten-kilometer front-line territory, i.e., a time has been determined for certain places there, police and emergency teams have been created to go around these populated areas, through loudspeakers call
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for the need to observe the curfew . and the need to evacuate, this is, first of all, the most important thing - this is a security component, so that people do not try on the streets, so that they do not form mass gatherings, because the enemy strikes insidiously, so recently there was an attack on a nine-story building in myrnograd, under construction, and this can happen again at any time, so we call on people to be understanding. to the conditions of the curfew and if necessary, we call for the necessity of evacuation. pavle, you and your colleagues and deals with this evacuation, on the one hand , our journalists always have questions, and what people say, why they don't leave, questions to the local authorities, whether they prepared the evacuation in time, or whether people were warned in time, because the danger is closer, and the evacuation process is obviously becoming
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even more dangerous for the civilian population and for you, for example, as for the person conducting these evacuations, for you? your colleagues, how to find that golden mean here, or more, more openly to the authorities to talk about the fact that the situation is such that in a month, it could be like this, or it was said, and people are already so used to this reality, so unwilling to show their homes that nothing matters to them , well, you are right, constantly, constantly the government, the military administration, the regional, well, as i said, the locals are all for... we are crying out for the need to evacuate, these are settlements that even, well, you don't need to be in a ten-kilometer zone, the enemy is hitting with artillery, mortars, this rocket attack, just terrible along kostyantynivka, well, i think you know, yes, where 14 people were killed, more than 40 civilians were injured, and three
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children were among the dead, well, it's all just well... the picture when we were there, well, well, it's impossible to convey it in words, and people see it all, but there are such cases that probably, well, in some way get used to, this is an example, turetsk and the city of turetsk and the turkish community, people began to leave actively, already there a comprehensive training of such evacuation measures was carried out, it was still all in a heap, that is, with the military administrations, planning. stages, many evacuation teams were involved crews, the white angel, the state emergency service, phoenix, military administrations, all of them were evacuating people in armored cars, and this happened precisely at the time when the russians had already started dropping 20 aerial bombs a day, and the evacuation measures were such that 100 were evacuated per day - 150-200
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people, but people, well, they seemed to think that something might change. maybe a projectile or something else won’t get there, and i just mentioned this now, it’s the control of an aerial bomb, it’s a powerful, very powerful type of weaponry, it’s the kap-250 and the kp-500, not to mention the artillery and mortars that are just there, that fly every minute, and already when people saw how high-rise buildings were destroyed, how almost entire streets just in... this city, they already made the decision to evacuate and already left, well, who is almost there with one small handbag of their own , there i took the necessary things, documents, and the opportunity was all this, well conditionally yes to collect more organized, and there were situations when people died on the streets, and received very
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serious material injuries, therefore informational work... it is initially carried out on a full-scale basis invasion, she is not stops being carried out, and such measures as informing through loudspeakers, well, even those elements that maybe a person somewhere did not hear something, somewhere did not understand something, even in this way we try to call for the need for evacuation, i want pavle to clarify in you, because i spoke with yuriy tretyak on friday. of the myrnograd mba, and asked him how to characterize the situation when people with small children do not want to leave, and given the very dangerous situation, that is, the children are not responsible for... themselves, for them the elders answer, there is a moment when there is this forced evacuation, it is announced, well, at the last dangerous moment, do you think changes in the legislation are needed so
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that people, young people, simply, even if their parents are not ready to leave, their all- still take out of these places where hostilities are raging, and older people, maybe also, who do not fully understand what is happening, they are not able to provide themselves with any help to evacuate them, despite their consent. do not agree whether such measures are necessary because you again, with your colleagues, then you also find yourself in a dangerous situation when you have to take people out until the last moment? well, you know, this is really a question for the legislators, that is, who makes the decision, but at the moment there is an effective mechanism, it is a forced evacuation, and there are no such cases when we have, well, there is some kind of refusal. open, well, at the moment, but people bury their children, it happened in avdiivka too, people bury their children, you are right, there were such moments, but now it has already been worked out, that is, there are
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clear algorithms, how to act, how to work, yes, there were cases, well, well, we can say that there were situations of the return of families to turkey, when people returned to their homes by detours, even such paths there, to... but already later we received information: oh, please come, take it away, because it is hell here, the same case happened when we came to evacuate to krasnogohorivka, the mother and the child came to visit, well, yes, the grandmother, the mother came to her mother, to grandmother, just visit, stay there for a couple of days and that's it to go again, and this very moment, on this day, when they returned, the russians began to do so. to go around krasnogovka, and they lived there in the private sector, the district there was so close to the line, supposedly at the time of hostilities, and the woman called, there was
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a connection, but when we evacuated her again, she says, well i didn’t even think that this could happen, i talked to my mother, and she says that for three weeks everything is fine, everything is quiet, nothing anywhere, but then this moment, they just arrived, immediately left... well, very active hostilities, active and powerful shelling and i had to do it again, well, again, let’s say to conduct, pavle, and finally, very briefly, if possible, how long the police will stay in pokrovsk in the same place, the police are constantly on the spot, these are all front-line settlements, in these situations all communication takes place in close cooperation, there is all the solution to issues of official, operational measures, everything comes from close cooperation between the leadership of the police of the donetsk region, the armed forces of ukraine, that is, in order to understand the security component, here
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we go even to evacuation measures, in order to know which population center can now be entered, which one cannot, and what the conditions are, it happened that the evacuation measures of population centers were carried out together with military personnel, in the dark, because such a situation at that time was also a security component, that is why we carried out many such evacuations at night , i.e. constant communication, constant coordination of actions, this is 24:7, i thank you pavle for providing all the details about the evacuation situation, including pavlo dyarchenko, head of the police communication department donetsk region, was a guest of svoboda ranok. thank you. ukrainian military established control. meanwhile, over three more villages in the kursk region of russia, this was reported by the ukrainian monitoring project deep state and it refers to the settlements: apanasivka,
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snagas near korenevoy, which is 28 km from the border with ukraine, here the zsu also has an advance in olhivka. another settlement, where the control of the ukrainian army is established, located in the border area, is khutir otruba in the glushkovsky district of the kursk region. this weekend, the armed forces of ukraine and... they also hit the bridge over the seim river near the village of zvanne. this is already the second bridge destroyed by the armed forces in the kursk direction in recent days. earlier on friday, air force aircraft struck the bridge over the seim river in the village of hlushkovo, air force commander mykola olyschuk announced from both strikes, although he did so without specifying the locations. and so this morning there was information about the destruction of the third bridge over the seim river in the kursk region. this was reported by the russian so-called military commander romanov about the iznanka military telegram channel marks a place in the village of karizh on the map.
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there is currently no confirmation of this information. earlier. this bridge was written about as the last one in the glushkovsky district across the seim river, russian pro-war publics wrote about these bridges as the basis of logistics, the main logistical artery in this direction specifically for the russian army. the russian ministry of defense does not report the loss of settlements or the destruction of bridges in the kursk region. instead , they say that, i quote, they continue to fight back attempted invasion of the armed forces of the russian federation into the territory of the russian federation. meanwhile, the head of the korenevsky district, maryna dykhtyarova, does not recommend residents to return home due to the difficult operational situation. we will talk further about the complex operational situation in the kurdish direction, including. oleksandr kovalenko, a military observer of the information resistance group, joined our broadcast. thank you for joining, i welcome you. good morning. let's start with the operation in kurshchyna, and the destroyed bridges. what
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can be the goal. to destroy these bridges, well this is the cutting of logistics in the first place, in fact the entire lushkovo district of the kursk region, it depends exclusively on these three bridges with a connection to the other shore, these are the cities of vlushkovo, zvane and karysh, according to the latest information, the last third bridge in the village of karysh was destroyed , well, we don't have an official one yet. statement, but the russian public in particular, they constantly report this with a panicked mood, because they understand very well that without these bridges , not only a full-fledged logistical and technical the provision of the russian group, precisely in this area, which is located, as well as its evacuation in the event that they have to flee, because the bridges have been destroyed, the direction through
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which it would be possible to flee... for example, well, korenevo as an option, and precisely , if we are talking about korenevo, the defense forces of ukraine are now located near korenevo, and the roads through the village of snagast, for example and others, are logistically cut off, so this cannot be called an encirclement, but the fact that the russian military is now in the glushkov district situations of isolation, yes, it is true yes, but is it possible to destroy the forces of the russian federation due to the destruction of these? logistical ways, as the russian so-called military men write about it now, well, this is the environment, when they are simply clamped into a direct natural conviction, which they will not be able to force, unless they weave it with their own hands, but it is risky, so we can talk about the fact that they gradually and operationally can find themselves in a situation tactically and even worse. and what
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does the russian army need at this moment to return its territories under its control? well, what is needed, is needed, well, first to stabilize the battle line, it is not stabilized, without a stabilized battle line it is impossible to carry out a counterattack, counter-attacking some actions, a counteroffensive, let's call it that, and to stabilize the battle line they now need from 30 to... personnel only in the kursk region, now there is a little less than 15,000, that is , they already lack resources in this matter, but we are saying this as of now, when a little more than 1,200 km are under the control of the ukrainian defense forces, and as we can see, every day this area it grows, therefore. in order to
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stabilize the line of engagement and conduct a counterattack, every day there is more and more correlation of the forces and means necessary for this, so at some point it will already be more than 50,000, if they do not stop the expansion of the line of engagement, as we can see from glushkovsky district, it is unlikely that they will succeed, because in the near future glushkovsky district will fall precisely into the zone of control of the defense forces of ukraine, and therefore... the question of at least stabilizing the line of combat for the russian the command stands, well, to put it mildly, it is not that tough there, it is a stalemate issue, because it can be stabilized only by pulling this resource, a huge resource from other directions in the combat zone, and they are not ready for this, and they want to continue attack.


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