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tv   [untitled]    August 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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notes that india refrains from directly accusing russia of the war, well, but now i have passed the awards of my fellow journalists, so to speak. anna yevamelnik, now i will present all the most important things. congratulations anya, i'm glad to see you, so what, i pass the baton of honor to you. thanks to each other, the newsroom is working, and we will talk about the main things for this hour and i will start with the situation in kharkiv region. all details, further, stay with us. the occupiers are shelling kozacha lopan from a tank in the kharkiv region, it is known about the wounded local resident, the head of the military announced administration of vyacheslav zadorenko, he called on civilians to stay in shelters. and
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in the morning a resident of novoosynovo in the kupyan district was injured due to russian attacks, according to the prosecutor's office of the region, the enemy covered the settlement with artillery, private houses and residential infrastructure were damaged. in the city of bilapila in sumy oblast, the demolition of rubble at the site of an enemy airstrike was completed, the state emergency service said . the day before, rescuers managed to unblock the dead man's body. i remind you yesterday afternoon, the russians attacked the city with an aerial bomb, targeting a private house. the owner of the village died, and his 11-year-old daughter and two other people were injured. forced evacuation of families with children was announced in pokrovsk, the head of the donetsk military administration, vadym filashkin, said. the front is getting closer to the city, and despite this, more than 53 people still live there, of
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which almost 4,000 are minors, and the local authorities also inform that the residents of pokrovsk have a maximum of two weeks to leave safely, almost 500 left the city yesterday civilians, most go by their own transport or by train, all services and institutions are still working, but in myrnograd, which is 8 km away, the new post office has already been closed. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened the collection. for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the central military district. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring the brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. the account already has 1.84. remember,
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there are no small donations, you can see all the details on the screen, please join this collection. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small bpola enemy and comikatu drones, we very much ask for your. and help, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory to the heroes, more than fifty balls with explosives were destroyed by the sapper of the state emergency service, they were found at the site of the fall of the wreckage of the enemy kha-101 missile in one of the forestry farms of kyiv, the state emergency service reported. due to their shape and silver color, the balls can attract the attention of children, emergency workers warn. therefore, in case of discovery of...
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unknown objects, please do not approach them and immediately notify the rescuers. in transcarpathia, border guards detained a resident of donetsk region who was trying to escape to slovakia. he was accompanied by a local resident who organized this trip. it was zakarpatets and an accomplice who convinced the client that he needed to leave ukraine. your services. the shippers estimated $600. criminal liability awaits them, but they evaded it. held by the admin-protocol. the national police detained a russian man who organized the black market of stolen cars in ukraine. the criminal was extradited from italy. according to the investigation, he cooperated with criminals who stole prestigious cars. the russian posted his ad in the telegram channel and received payment to his electronic wallet. he received a 10% commission from each such deal. because the owner
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refused to pay, his car was sold for spare parts. the criminal had been stealing cars since he was 15 years old and was familiar with special devices for opening and putting them into action. on his channel, he also sold special equipment for breaking into cars, and held a master class on criminal craft on social networks. currently under arrest is in pre-trial detention, the pre-trial investigation is ongoing. law enforcement officers detained four more agents of russian intelligence, who set fire to real cabinets of ukrzaliznytsia. two saboteurs were caught red-handed in kharkiv region, two more in cherkasy region. the occupiers recruited a man. through social networks, promising easy money, while the russians hoped that through sabotage they would be able to disrupt the redeployment of equipment and ammunition for ukrainian defenders on the front line. all the perpetrators are in custody and face life imprisonment. i'm running
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for the language, this is the name of the race in support of the ukrainian language, which was organized in various cities of ukraine and. the world, every year the ukrainian movement organizes an event for the independence day of ukraine. let's see how many people joined in kyiv and lviv. 3, 2, 1. good run. more than 300 people in the capital and 500 around the world united for a common goal. all of them took part in a charity run in support of ukrainians in the temporarily occupied territories. we gathered today and dedicate this race to those people in the occupation who cannot to speak ukrainian, and for them it is a privilege to speak ukrainian, because they
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are under the threat of death, but for us it is a duty to speak ukrainian, and we want to remind ukrainians that speaking ukrainian... is important, and this event is dedicated to the language issue, it is currently acute, for me, let’s say, my grandmother, this is an adult generation, despite the fact that she lives in a russian-speaking region, well, like, she communicates exclusively in ukrainian, that is, for me in fact it breaks my heart when well somehow i heard it, so it is important for me to support it, they took over the charity initiative in lviv, to organize the event. the team of fm halychyna radio station volunteered in the city of leva. they traditionally support not only cultural, but also sports events. we were happy to participate in this run, because it tells us that we should really value
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the fact that we can speak ukrainian fluently, to call on others who are still ukrainians who have not done it yet. in the occupied territories , people are now exposed to danger. when they speak ukrainian at times, so we want to show and encourage people to understand how important it is when you can be free and speak your own language. fifty people joined the race in lviv, not only adults, but also children. the distance for children is shorter - 100 and 500 m. i came here with my father, mother, and brother. mom runs 1 km, my brother and i run 100 m, dad doesn't run. we run for our native language, so that our country has the future of the ukrainian language. i really enjoyed participating in this race today, today i was the only one running and my mother came with me to support the youngest participant david is only
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four years old, he became the winner in his distance, what will you do today? ran, and who did you come with today? with dad together with the partners of the juran style organization , the radio station identified the leaders of the race among adults and children, and also awarded them with diplomas. the initiative also has a charitable purpose. funds collected from registration packages will be partially transferred to people who want to learn the ukrainian language in the de-occupied territories and territories that are near the front. that is, people who are sometimes afraid to speak ukrainian, we urge them to listen to ukrainian and to use the ukrainian language in their everyday life, because language is important. you can also become a participant of the race online until august 24 in any city of the world with prior
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registration. emma stadnyk, tetyana golonova, roman kovalyuk, dmytro nikiforov, espresso tv channel. that's not all. see you at 4 p.m. you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels at social networks, support our youtube channel and meet antin borkovsky on espresso. see you soon, thank you anna yevimelnyk, thank you to the news editor, well, i can't help but once again announce this resonant, albeit curious news, so in bukovyna, a drunken priest of the ukrainian orthodox church of the russian orthodox church of the ukrainian orthodox church is in a car accident in kyiv, and by chance. still had a fight with the police, the draeger device showed an excess of the permitted alcohol limit
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in his blood by almost 10 times, then also take into account that in such heat, yes, and already during the preparation of the administrative protocol, the priest scuffled with a policewoman, tried to grab a service weapon from a policewoman, so the accident itself happened yesterday, august 18, in the village... molnytsia of the hertsaiv community of the chernivtsi district. the driver of the sanitation truck drove into a road embankment, after which he began to flee on the same sanitation truck. yes, the accident was reported by eyewitnesses, and the patrolmen immediately started searching for the sanitation worker and established his identity. a priest dressed in cassock turned out to be driving the sanitation truck. well, zahidnet's sources are right-wing. the authorities confirmed that the driver has relation to the chernivtsi-bukovyna diocese of the uocmp. well, let's talk now about
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church matters, i'm on the phone with iryna fedoriv, ​​journalist, head of public initiative golka. glory to ukraine, iryna, glad to see you. glory to the heroes, it is mutual. well, government draft law 8371, which provides for the activities of structures connected to moscow, well , in this case. let's talk frankly about the uocp should be considered, if not this week, then in the coming days, so your prospects, yes , in your opinion, whether they will dare to vote, well, if the signals have already arrived from on the part of the head of the presidential office yermak, who paid attention to this structure, so to speak, well, this is already a certain signal that they can vote, well, but according to your insider information, how will it actually be? look right? i think that it will happen exactly this week, and god forbid that it will happen
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tomorrow, simply, let's recall the same issue not only in yermak, the people's deputies, they blocked the rostrum in order to consider this government bill, and after this was the president's address and he said it is clear that we should have spiritual independence, and yermak already appeared later in this story, and the committee managed to do it last week. you final amendments, and there even in the title of the bill appeared the beautiful phrase constitutional system, that is, those who hinder our statehood, the development of our statehood, those who endanger constitutional power, they cannot work for us, i hope that in principle, there is unity in all factions, there are shortcomings of the opz, we do not consider the faction, we do not consider them at all, therefore the votes have to be, well, if the tribune was blocked, then you... you understand that just like that, those who blocked it will not give up, yes,
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no one will give up just like that, the matter is extremely serious, yes, and we understand, that this draft law should be only the beginning of an extremely serious conversation and specific practical actions regarding the transition of both individual parishes and specific dioceses to the orthodox church of ukraine, yes, if we talk about votes, that is, where... then we have the votes of european solidarity, maybe the homeland, yes, well, we will to hope that the people will also be given, servants, servants, they will give, or the servants will give votes, they will, but they gave at the first reading, here the question is how many votes, well, of course there are such odious candidates as maksym buzhanskyi and with them, but in principle... since there is a clear signal from the president's office and from the president himself, so, let's say, those
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who hesitated have already, i think, quickly crossed over to the bright side, but they may not return there, relatively speaking leave, go on sick leave, there is no such information, that is, there is a feeling that will indeed very clearly in a disciplinary manner control the presence of people's deputies. well, 100% that there are votes, i spoke with various representatives of the factions, everyone is determined to vote, because i emphasize, well, it's not that you didn't come to the first vote and you can continue. to vote, the tribune was blocked, everyone was given a beautiful signal that it is impossible to bend any further, but here the whole country must understand one very important thing, that this is not a magic pill, when the parliament votes and the president signs, i understand that it will be so beautiful media history for the day of independence, so that the president has time to sign it, we will have to start very painstaking work, and
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public organizations and the media will have to see if we have such priests of the church. where they are not engaged in religious activities, but in fact undermine our sovereignty, and then it will be necessary to contact the state service of ukraine for ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience, so that they can initiate the consideration of such cases by the commission, and if the commission finds facts that confirm this , they give prescriptions, if these prescriptions are not refuted, not canceled, then they have to go to court, that is, you should not think that at once, when the president signs this law... and it becomes law, we will immediately have an incarnation, this is a long and painstaking work. i agree, everything starts only after the president signs this bill, if we talk about its essence, how, for example, it will differ from alternative bills, in particular, at one time, one of the promoters of this case, when we talk about the uocmp, there were
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mykola's initiatives knizhitsky people's deputy, and he is included in... profile the committee headed by servant of the people poturaev. i understand that the committee worked very carefully on this bill and spoke with mr. kniazhytskyi and mr. vyatrovych on this topic. they simply took and put there everything that was talked about in the alternative bills, that is, in essence, this government bill was finalized and worked on until the last moment, i know that ruslan stepanchuk also gave his last remarks and well... basically everything was agreed there , they took everything they could from those legislative initiatives that were, the committee came to one common conclusion, and mykola knyazhytskyi, and mr. veyatrovych, and poturaev, they are all determined that this draft law, which has already become a completed, one might say, a collective work, should be voted for. yes, that's it, let's now
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think about further steps, so, well, we voted. the president signed: you mentioned a certain instrument that would be taken care of by the state service of ukraine for ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience, it is a state body, we understand that it exists, it has certain powers, but it will be possible local disagreement in separate dioceses, simple disagreement, and neither will the bishops or archbishops of the uoc, mp. will harass certain decisions of the state service of ukraine on ethnopolitics and freedom of speech, put bishops in prison, well, the question is, if their facts are not proven, for example, by our counterintelligence agencies and some of these additional law enforcement agencies , the way this whole thing could
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be regulated, well, look, after the adoption of... the law, it will be three months for this to work under the legal regulatory framework the state service of ukraine for ethnopolitics, together with the government, and then it will be clear what the specific principles will be in the work of this commission, and it is very important for her to understand that then they have the right to go to court, and the bishops may disagree, this is their problem, but well, in the name of ukraine. will be the name of ukraine. to ban it point by point, so they registered
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a bunch of legal entities, so it will be necessary to interact with each... person, well, for example, in my village 100% there are two mafias of these fsb in ryasy, and if we want to solve the issue with them , and we have the facts there about how the action is in one or another of their pip, then we have the opportunity as a community, as a public organization, as a media, or anyone, to contact this state service of ukraine on issues of ethnopolitics, and they send it is for the commission, then, if the prescriptions of this commission are not fulfilled, to the court, well, for the court's decision can resolve the issue with this legal entity, and i hope that the courts will not delay them for long, especially since we have them. there is already good judicial practice, but it actually relates to a slightly different story, when the religious community wanted to voluntarily transfer from the moscow priests to our ukrainian ones, then the moscow
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priests tried with them and reached all the way to the great chamber of the supreme court, and this spring the great chamber of the supreme court gave an excellent judicial practice that no one should interfere with anyone here cannot, that is, there is a tool that enables a religious community to quickly transition, and there is a tool when citizens... can proactively apply and ban the activities of such and such an organization, i will not say religious, because it is not religious. well, why not, well, in fact, it is a religious organization, at least it is in fact, it just adds another set of problems, requires additional delicacy in the decision yelenskyi, viktor yevhenovich, yes, who heads the state service for ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience, he is a professional person, but is will he be brave enough? a person in his position in order to carry out certain decisions, yes, because he was not one of the promoters of this process,
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which we will now reach in the coming days, well, look, after three months, when they will make a regulatory framework for for the commission to start working when the first cases appear, as i see, as the lawmaker predicted, add another three months and after six months we will be able to say: how many cases have come to court, in order to solve these issues, since on this date, when the law becomes effective, add half a year, and we will already be able to meet with you and see, so to speak, what are the benefits, what is the effectiveness of this mechanism, whether we have any cases in court, and i think that in nine months, maybe in a year we will already have them, well, the first injunctions, huh. after nine months or after a year, there is still such an institution called the european court of human rights, the echr, yes, and many
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ukrainian citizens, they decided one or another of their cases that the ukrainian courts could not decide, or they decided them not in the way that our citizens would like, to what extent will the ecthr be active in this process now, or can they, will they not accept? those cases, well, look, here we must surely look at the reaction of our western partners, and the fsb in vryasakh, they spread such a narrative that if we vote for this bill, then we will have problems with the european integration path, let's not vote, but i emphasize, i spoke with various people's deputies from various factions, there are no reservations or information from our western partners that any problems may arise in connection with this bill. well , what could be more democratic than you inform, prove in court, then a decision appears in the name of ukraine, well, this is not the time of the nkvd, when they took everyone
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, packed them up and left, well, that is, there is an evidence base, there are prescriptions, reactions or non-reaction, that is, if there is no signal from our western partners that there are any problems, then i think that there are no prospects for such silence or for... for example, there are positive signals that you are doing everything right, there, for example, there the venetian commission, that is, it gave its opinion and our western partners gave it, so everything is correct, now the ukrainian verkhovna rada is everything, i just don’t know, no, i didn’t have the opportunity to monitor, track these signals, well , if you say so, i’ll tell you, last year the national people's deputies tried to shake up the story with the venetian commission, and here we should honor the speaker stefanchuk. who clearly, i know this for sure from the people's deputies, explained on his fingers that the question, ah, how do we solve the story with the fsb in cassocks here, is an internal political
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our history, this is not foreign policy, it didn’t work for vanetsiyka, and here we just have to thank those people’s deputies who fought it back for their position, but there was an attempt, we have dmytruk and bozhansky there, they all cope with it , you know, the fate of oleksandr dubinsky, who is now in pre-trial detention center, must await them, i simply do not understand why we are delaying so long with these specific people's deputies, whether the investigators are looking for evidence or something, but they pumped this story, however , see, no negatives there were no stories from our western partners, this is really a matter of our internal work, our sovereignty, well , we have to defend it, we have to protect it, that's all that can be said here, and... yes, this is also a very important signal, and finally i would just like to clarify that when we talk about these mechanisms, we understand that by itself,
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the civil service may not be enough... and this committee should include representatives of the council of churches, perhaps some leading religious or para-religious institutions , well, because i don't know, i want to to believe that all our people's deputies are not so much religious as they are politically active, well , that is, church affairs - this is an additional thing, it's not just about politics, it's also about church affairs and everything must be done very, very clearly... . the work of this body, which should be created in order to evaluate the activities of certain characters, yes, who may or may not be such, because, for example, we take one of the creators of the independent ukrainian church of the times of independence, of the same patriarch philaret, so we know about his not easy career in soviet times, and we understand that he was, for example, connected with the russian orthodox church there, so...
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that there were no other orthodox churches on the territory of the soviet union, well, but, that is, possible very, very different stories, the main thing is that this commission, which would be created, should be competent and intelligent. well, i understand that it’s not for nothing, the lawmaker here envisaged the role of the state service of ukraine for ethnopolitics, but i think that they, together with the government, will find this balance after the adoption of the law, on which basically, they will create this commission, and they should... take it into account, because really, you rightly said that religious issues are quite delicate, and here you have to find a wise balance, the right experts, so that there is public trust, because the legitimacy of decisions in such a plane, well, it is very important, it is the same when we talk about the decolonization of the country, it is also very important that the society supports these processes, so here, it is very important here, especially on... at
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the start, don't fail and give at least some the first solid cases, after which the society will already understand that there is trust, the tools work, it is necessary to apply further, and then there will be normal interaction between those who apply, the commission, we will have, i hope, good results and decisions on behalf of ukraine at the exit from the courts will take into account legal norms. ms. irina, thank you for the conversation, well, i hope that your... organization and you will personally monitor the progress of the voting and inform us of possible additional amendments, if there will be an attempt, so to speak turn it all into i don't know 300 amendments, as was the case with the law on mobilization in order to drag out the process and so on. thank you for your vigilance and for speaking live on espress. iryna fedoriv is with us, the journalist, the head
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of the public initiative was on the call. well, i'm going to take a short break now, after which we will return to the situation at the front. tired of the mess in the kitchen, constantly having to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one, you need a set of savevory pro, unpack the tv. pots savory pro folds into one another and takes up so little space, and the price is only from uah 999. the sejory pro set is five castes. from one to 9 liters with lids for any occasion, use them on the stove and even in the oven, made of pots with damage-resistant stainless steel, savory pro pots will last you for years, from now on, food is heated evenly, cooked quickly and no burning, and how elegant they are, laconic design and such bright colors, and the main feature are thoughtful handles that fold up, store pans one inside
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