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tv   [untitled]    August 19, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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now i have listed all these, let's say, areas in which these scandals are taking place, but both the memory of our fallen soldiers and the hospitals destroyed by russian missiles, and also, i don't know, the situation in the donetsk region, which was headed by a person which is now suspected of enrichment in a situation where the donetsk region is not in a very good condition, this is very mild. saying, and even the same geilo, and we're talking about energy in our country, all these things, everything now in our country, it's all about war, it's all derivatives of war, and it's all related to war, so every time when journalists and colleagues and i monitor such scandals, and let the public know and hear about it, every time we... at the same time hand
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over the baton to russian propaganda, which is insanely effective and still works on western societies , i just don't know, the olympic torch, they say, carry, carry this image of ukraine, a country of bribery, a country of cronyism, a country of unprincipledness, ugh, carry this one. image and plant it among those people on whom our existence in ukraine depends, because it is precisely from the statistical average our future depends on taxpayers in poland, germany, france, america, canada, any country that helps us, and we are not only talking about weapons for the army, we are also talking about simply maintaining, well, at least some kind of humanitarian stability in our state, social. stability and so on,
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and every time we expose these scandals, i think, my god, this is such a dilemma for journalists now, to talk about it publicly, and on the one hand to give russian propaganda another argument, on the other hand, not to talk we just don't have that either rights, and one way or another, we, the journalists, always turn out to be guilty, in this situation, we say, sometimes we don't say bad things, it's even worse. to be honest, andrei, i don't know how you face this dilemma in your field of activity, but sometimes it's difficult for me, and sometimes i wonder if it's worth talking about it now, when we definitely have other topics, so we can talk now with you about the vision of the situation in kurshchyna, not in the military sense, in the way it affects the russians, the world, us, and so on, but no, we are talking about heil, okhmadit zhovni. conditionally
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speaking of kyrylenka, who quite probably, i think the court will have his say, somehow got quite rich during his leadership of the donetsk region, in a word, how do you even deal with this dilemma, well, it really is a dilemma, because here with on the one hand, we must understand, well, we will not say about it, well, there are... there are people who, on whom today depends, including the defense capability of ukraine, including the viability of the country, the viability of everyone, every man, well, let's say someone won't say, someone won't get their patron, someone won't get their treatment in ohmaddyt, and not just someone, but 1, 2, 3, 5, for someone it's a statistic, but in reality it's... people's lives,
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it's the lives of children, small people, and even adults , if we say about some other things, and if we are not talking about corruption, then someone will not build something, someone will not do something, someone is not reliable help, our defender, conditionally, it is purely conditionally theoretical, does not receive clothes, does not receive something, some kind provision, someone will not receive a military pension. and somewhere, for example, they will not protect some object, and this is also, i'm sorry, people's lives, that is, there really is a dilemma here, we understand that for the internal situation in our country, for the internal security of our country, financial security, of course, what would it be like to talk about the silence of such facts it is absolutely wrong, if we are talking about communication with citizens... from
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the point of view, i was talking about the disappointment of citizens, here it also arises, well, citizens will not know, but again, citizens will not receive in such a case. some service or some protection, here there is also a dilemma. and thirdly, what khrystyna said just now is also true, of course, in this, it consists in the fact that russian propaganda takes every such case and carries it, moreover, it pays foreign media, pays foreign bloggers, and what's more, let's not go far, he pays for our so -called... ukrainian bloggers who fled abroad, who are now, i apologize, insulting ukraine everywhere, telling how bad it is here, who, how here there, well, in general there is authoritarianism, totalitarianism, everything, everything is bad, here we fled from ukraine, crossed the border, gave someone a bribe, and this is also,
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unfortunately, a reality. i think that here it is necessary to talk about some combination of what the state should effectively... at least try to effectively fight corruption, corrupt people, minimize these things, and on the other hand, we should also demonstrate our positive cases in the international arena. when we talk about the information war, when we talk about the fact that we should represent ukraine to the world, that we should convey our point of view in any country in the world, here too we have to... invest in it, russian propaganda, it will always be, it will be, even if it is not there, they will make it up, they will make it up, they will write about it, they will lie about it, it will still be there, we need to show our opinion, our country, our positive things, we should
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have positive things, including some solutions, positive cases, positive directions that we will demonstrate for... our international partners, for citizens of other countries, for example, a positive case maybe it is a business in ukraine, a business in ukraine which, despite the fact that there is a war in the country, today it works like clockwork, go to any region of our country, even to the front, go to kharkiv, go, even to zaporizhzhia, i am already silent, go to the center, the west of our country, to us business cases of how people develop, how people provide... services, how people relocate their production, and this too, i see it, including traveling around ukraine, how they relocate production from one region to another area, and these are positive things, this is what most likely, maybe not
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would be able to do so effectively in other states, in which, which are quite bureaucratized, people in our country were able to do this... and these are positive things, this is what we should show, what we should talk about, we, we even, and listen, i 'm not even afraid to say this, we also have, if we need to pay some publications, to show that it's normal, to show that this is ukraine, this is how it is, here are our people, here is our business, this is just one small example , one small example, and it should be too, but... finalizing this one topic, i believe that to silence corruption from the local level, even to a high level, well , it is still not worth it, because if we do it, relatively speaking, after the end of the war
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or victory, well, everyone can have a different concept, and we're just going to be in the same vicious circle that we've been in for decades since independence, corruption, corruption, corruption, corruption, if we don't sort it out now, when we have the opportunity to do it, and there is the help of international partners, there is the will of the people to do this, then we will never do it, i'm sorry, but it's true, absolutely agreeable, and another such very important point, the psycho-emotional state in... ukrainian society is now incredibly sensitive, this is connected with the almost three-year stress from the large-scale invasion, this is due to the fact that in our society
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, life looks very, very contrasting, so for some, war is a daily story, for someone, someone can... maybe they don't see it with their own eyes, but they feel how it is they say, with the spinal cord, someone blocks it in theirs consciousness, tries to deceive and tries. you can't see him, but this psycho-emotional state in which ukrainian society is, it is very sensitive now, and all these drops of betrayal, drops of her scandals, about corruption, they only feed inside people, you know, the thesis of the evil one, why i i have to do something if there is such a mess on the mountain. what they allow themselves to steal up there on the mountain, what i have to report last, or there
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penultimately, but from their own pockets, and this is a very dangerous story in a situation where, let me remind you, we still have internal donations very important for the ukrainian army, and we still depend on donations from ordinary people, even the smallest donations from ordinary people. those people, when we talk about expendables, we are talking about cars, we are talking about drones, we are talking about many, many other useful, really useful staff for our military, which is not provided solely by the support of our partners, and is not provided from the budget so far, well here , it seems to me, we have a separate topic for conversation, for our next one somewhere programs, and have we done enough at the management level in the country to... khrystyna, i have to interrupt you because i want to remind you about our survey, or do
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you hope that the authorities will ensure transparency in the reconstruction of ohmadite, pick up your phones or smartphones, absolutely free, call 0800 211 381, if yes, 0800 211 382, ​​if not, again, all calls. are absolutely free and in about 15 minutes you and i will get the results, well and well and probably here andriy should move on to our next topic, i i'm sorry, i can't hold back, i'm just taking away your bread, in a word, since in the new week we talk not only about what is happening here and now, but also about what awaits us, most likely this week, then we don't we can not talk about the work of the verkhovna rada and about... as we were promised, it is almost one of the first decisions to be adopted. and i would like to remind you that
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in the near future, we expect a decisive word regarding, this is still the case, but this name is applied to the draft law, but it is already generic. prohibition of the russian orthodox church. basically language it is about the draft law 83-71 on the prohibition of the activity of religious organizations, it is the guiding principle. which is located in the country of the aggressors, and the committee of the verkhovna rada these days on issues of humanitarian and information policy unanimously approved the amendments to this draft law, in the second, in the second reading and in general we are waiting for the vote, it is also interesting that the council of churches had its say on this occasion, the all-ukrainian council of church-religious organizations reveals. this supports the legislative initiative to ban religious activities in ukraine organizations associated with the russian
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orthodox church. this is stated in an official statement. i will quote: partnerships and freedom of religion and their protection by the state are the basis of state-confessional relations in ukraine. and not a single organization, be it religious or secular, which has its center in ukraine, carried out military aggression against our people and is governed by the state. an aggressor cannot act in ukraine. we support the legislative initiative of the president of ukraine to prevent such activities organizations in our country, which also has broad political and public support. the application is in progress. well, all eyes are on the verkhovna rada these days, andriy, this is exactly your topic, i tracked, researched, had many different conversations with people's deputies and experts . dovishme, who worked on this solution. tell me, please, in your opinion,
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the closest we will get out of the closed circle of the presence of russian agents in the religious and social life of our country. is this bill not a solution and not a panacea? well, really, it's a new week should finally mark the decision, which is no longer overdue, which... was overdue many years ago, in my opinion, and if we speak from a legal point of view, it was possible to vote even last year, at least 2023. his , and here we are really approaching this bill, i say this again, the government bill that was finalized by people's deputies, which is, in my opinion, a compromise, that is, which does not ban the russian orthodox church in ukraine at once, well, conditionally speaking,
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bans roc, but it is clear that it has transition period, there are nine months. an hour ago, we spoke with mrs. iryna, the people's deputy of gerashchenko, and i once again clarified with her whether i am right, whether i read it all correctly, and indeed where 9 months is this transition period. moreover, we must understand that this draft law, or this law, if it becomes a law, is not prohibited there, but there is essentially given to the relevant court or commission dealing with this issue the right to prohibit these subjects, i.e. you and me we must understand, it will not be a quick process, it will be a legal process that will allow the ukrainian state to help rid us
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of the russian state in the legal field. the presence of the orthodox church, or its adherents, its parts there, in ukraine, but again, this also requires political will, the political will not to negotiate with such environments, not to try to make this church there under the control of someone, the political will to really liquidate or cancel. legal registration of those subjects, of which, by the way, there may be thousands in ukraine, as we speak about specific ones there, come, so to speak, as they are, as they call them, and, in fact, it can be everyone, every parish, it can be a separate legal entity, or rather, it cannot be, it is so , you can just
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look even in the open data bot there or in any register, please, and it will be... a process, but the main message of this law, or the bill, which i hope will become a law, is to give an impetus society, again from below, to transition, to create their own independent, so to speak, subjects, i hope, who will enter the orthodox church of ukraine in order to, at the end the tomos was received, when it took place , the cathedral and on december 15, 18th year, then we received the tomos, there in fact december, january,
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february, 18-19 years, there passed came passed. about 500 parishes, and the second, the second such ascending line, growing, this is when the full-scale invasion began, there language it was about tens and hundreds of transitions every month, but as of today this process is slowed down, as of today, if you go to the resources again and look, as of today, 10, 12, 15, sometimes 20, and that's all, but there are regions where practically no one has crossed over, so if there is khmelnytskyi oblast, kyiv oblast, zhytomyr oblast, a whole number of oblasts, partly vinnytsia, this process still takes place there, then in many oblasts this process does not take place, and this bill it is also necessary to ease the procedure
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of legal transition from one parish to another place, there are also problematic legal nuances there, when there is sabotage in some places, somewhere, i apologize, the russian church hires all kinds of uncles there who protect their object, so to speak, that is, if there is a political will of the state, political will of the authorities, then of course this process will move, but this process... needs to be given a legal basis, perhaps this legal basis will not be perfect to the end yes, indeed, if the draft law that was submitted would be adopted. by a group of people's deputies, there, if i am not mistaken, a draft law of many factions, which knyazhytsky, among others, was developing, then in this case yes, there were more and more
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powerful norms, here in this case there is a compromise option, which really well , maybe acceptable in order to at least vote for it, because they don't want to vote for that bill, well, it's already on the conscience of these people, so we have what... we have, but i say once again, let's not entertain ourselves with illusions that if tomorrow, and tomorrow should take place, as far as i understand, a meeting of the verkhovna rada, that tomorrow the russian church will be prohibited, everything there will be closed, crowded, everyone will leave, no, this will not happen, we, in general, in the ukrainian state on many issues, especially on ideological issues, especially on issues of unification of society, on issues that concern such strategic... dimensions, we must prepare for a marathon, for a marathon of further struggle, because russian influences, russian,
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unfortunately, narratives, views, they are still still strong they are still present, and russia exists, russia exists, will invest everything, will do everything to stop any process, the main thing. the most important thing is that this process be led by the state, led by the government, not hindered by the state, so that the government does not indulge in illusions that it is possible to come to an agreement with someone inside the country, with some forces, even if they are vaguely pro-russian there, this is the most important thing, if we all understand this from the first to the last, then we will win, we will win ideologically, we will win in the rear, because we are in the rear. we also have a hybrid one war. and this, this is what we are talking about about the russian church, about this draft law,
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what we are saying very often on our broadcasts of the new week, this is russia's hybrid war, which continues in kyiv, and in uzhhorod, and in lutsk, and in odessa, and in kharkiv and dnipro. we must, as they say, call a spade a spade, i do. i smile at andriy because, as far as i understood from what i read, i carefully studied everything that was proposed by the lawmakers and everything that they plan to vote on in the near future, actually without the ukrainian court, in the event that, uh, we need to ban some religious organization, and we understand that there... then we will have to apply to the ukrainian court. to be honest, with all due respect, because we
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are still in a democratic legal state, we must respect the court, ukrainian judges, one of the branches of government. on the other hand, we cannot ignore the disadvantages that this system still has. and when we' we are talking about the work of average ukrainian judges, it is not always about justice, it is not always about, well, let's say, the competitiveness of the process, here, by the way, it is always a matter for the prosecutor's office and the bar, and the balance of these two extremes must be embodied by a court decision, this is also very important, so is our judicial and law enforcement system ready to exam with this... draft law, which has recently been called the draft law on the protection of the constitutional order in the sphere of activity of religious organizations. i
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would leave this question for now and call it rhetorical, because it is exactly as much as we talked about the prospects and possibilities of banning the russian churches in our country, just as much, if not more, we talked about the need to reform the judicial system in our country. did something work? some ukrainian judges are really fascinating with their uncompromisingness with the truth, some ukrainian judges left their jobs and went to the front, some of them died, and we can't say that everything is bad here, a large number of these people are really virtuous, but we cannot... likewise, and avoid a situation in which a ukrainian judge, who is no different integrity, will be forced to pass judgment.
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let's say this, to have your say on the possibility of banning or not banning any religious organization, but what to do if this judge himself is a subordinate of the moscow patriarchate, thought about it, andriy? well, i say once again that there is a great and great work for society, for both people's deputies and for the authorities, and there is still a great deal of work ahead of us. christina, thank you. thank you, because we have to, unfortunately, wrap up, first, let's talk about our survey, we asked today if do you hope that the government will ensure the transparency of the ahmadiyya reconstruction, yes, 9% think no, 91, well, we have what we have, and i also want to remind you about the announcement that august 24 is ukraine's independence day, espresso is preparing a special.
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the bright people in dark times project is interesting stories about those people who create our country, who create history, this is an interview with viktor yushchenko, with svyatoslav shevchuk, serhiy plohii, and other people, a documentary film 10 years of war, on independence day , i say again, on espresso from 8 am to midnight, turn on our tv channel christina, thank you once again, thank you to all viewers, thank you for watching, writing, voting. it was a new week project and we will meet you in exactly seven days. tingling numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and worry you, a special complex of active substances
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