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tv   [untitled]    August 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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ukraine is expanding its control over russian territories, the front may lie along the seim river. the daring adventure of the armed forces of ukraine was born out of desperation - writes the western press about the kurdish operation. what's next: a buffer zone, an exchange of territories or a continuation of the war of attrition? about it today. and also about the situation in donbas, russia may gain control over key cities in the region from day to day. my name is vlasta lazur, this is svoboda life. three bridges over the seima river in the kursk region were destroyed by the armed forces of ukraine. annihilation the third bridge was reported by the russian, so -called warfighters, the russian ministry of defense. officially, as of now, it is not confirmed. well, this bridge, the last one, is located in the glushkovsky district of the kursk region, near the village of karysh. the crossing was the last
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capital structure near the border in the kursk region, through which the supplies of the russian group could go. in general, as i said at the beginning, there were three bridges in this area, the first was destroyed as a result of an attack by the armed forces of ukraine on august 16, that was on friday, the second one was near the village of zvanne on august 18 the day before, and so on thus, the part of the hlushkovsky district bordering ukraine is cut off from the main region, and the third, last bridge, if it is completely destroyed. then the russian military runs the risk of being encircled and the area of ​​russian territories under the control of the armed forces increases at least twice. well, in the meantime, the special operations forces showed footage of the battles in kurshchyna. take a look.
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for ukraine, losses of infantry equipment, in particular bmp and wheeled vehicles, are felt . the armed forces are losing this equipment almost twice as fast as usual, it says publications the russian troops lost only a few vehicles, but dozens of their dazed infantry surrendered to the advancing ukrainians. the ratio of equipment losses is high in ukraine, compared to the relatively small amount in russia, which is unusual. on average, the russians lost far... more vehicles than the ukrainians over the course of the 29-month war, whether heavy losses are justified for the aaf command depends on the objectives of the invasion and whether the loss ratio changes as the kurdish campaign develops. well, i will remind you that the armed forces ukraine has been conducting an operation in kursk region for almost two weeks, and during this time ukraine even announced the creation of the first military command post there. joining our broadcast is roman kostenko, people's deputy, voice faction, secretary of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. roman, i congratulate you. good afternoon, who hasn't seen suddenly, you
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were, you were at the chicken coop during this week, now you will tell what you saw there, as much as possible, but let's start with the bridges, as of now we know about the destruction, at least three crossings in the kursk region, what does it give? well, we see that the main task now is what threats we had, what we have, let's say this. the entrance border of the bridgehead was too narrow, then we already began to expand, our landing brigades there expanded the very zone of our control, and right now the question is to expand the so-called captured territories, and just to the left where we see , where the bridges over the seym river are being blown up in this direction, if you block all the bridges now, then in fact this is a group that is located completely surrounded by the river... the sejm will
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be in such a very difficult situation, and all the logistics that exist, they will depend on whether the russian troops will be able to establish some crossings. or not, and since the river is quite close to our border, it will be completely visible, it is quite difficult to establish some - permanent, let's say, crossings there, which would make it possible to constantly provide logistical troops, so we have a chance let's say to control this territory, to force the enemy or to cross to the other side of the river and take up defenses there, and this will already be a big plus for us, because... it is quite good to hold defenses along the river, well, or the enemy, who may surrender here due to the fact that he will not have the opportunity to simply receive, well, enough supplies, but for this we need reserves in order to press the enemy, there is a width
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of about 30 km from the area we control to the river seim, which passes there on the left, let's say, to the west, about 30 km, this direction that can remain under... our control, that is, if i understood you correctly, the armed forces do not plan to force this river and will probably stop there, take and take control of the territories along the banks of this river, everything will depend on those from the reserves, from the plans, i do not know all of them in detail plans of our general staff, and as of now, as i look at the , let's say, the forces and means that we have and the measures that we... carry out, it would be more logical to expand and stand along the river, how it will be, what plans our command has, i don't i know, and whether they will be able to take control of this area along the seim river, we will see that during the direct hostilities, because now the base is these
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offensive brigades, so we will call them, which are still going forward now, and the fathers , i will not name the brigades on the right and on the left there are tro brigades, their task is to expand and make... for free such a width that he does not end up in the operational environment, to hold the flanks, let's say this, the president said the day before in his address that one of the goals of these operations, or even the main purpose of this operation is to create a buffer zone, please explain, the buffer zone is the bigger the better, are there any specific boundaries of this buffer zone? i think, let's say, we remember that putin first announced the so -called sanitary zone for the... russian volunteer corps, and now we have accepted this story about the sanitary zone, i don't know what the plans are for the sanitary zone, but for i
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would say this operation is more than a sanitary zone, for me the operation is the seizure of russian territories, the diversion of force means, imposing the initiative, this is a question even... even about the fact that it has a great international, let's say, moral and psychological influence there, it is more than just a sanitary zone, but you can call it whatever you want, and very it's good that the president is now involved in the process, we can see that now, when we get success in the kurshchyna, the president takes reports there, and we see the commander-in-chief reporting to the president, the president asking questions live, what is needed, and from my point of view it is good that it appeared in this format. now that we see it, and when we have problems in pokrovsk, and when we have some success here in the kursk direction. we will now return to pokrovsk, approach, more precisely. did i understand you correctly that even you, as of now, two weeks have passed, see
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several goals of this operation at once, and it is not only the creation of a buffer zone? i think that the creation of a buffer zone is not the main, not the basis of this operation, i think it's this... what they're trying to fit, that's my point of view, maybe there's something there, but from a military point of view, it's already what we are trying to fit, perhaps somewhere even trolling putin himself, because we have 2,000 km of border with the russian federation and with the existing ones, well, these are only the ones where we can now conduct hostilities, there are another thousand somewhere, which is under occupation, we cannot get there, because there are donetsk, luhansk regions, so we simply will not have the strength to create this buffer zone on the entire front line, as well as ... the russians, so for me this operation is no longer about the buffer zone, but about the capture of the territory, about interception of the initiative and about, let's say, a demonstration that ukraine can not only withdraw and fight, destroy the enemy in such a situation when the enemy prevails, but also impose the initiative on him and intercept
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it, and, let's say, post, let's say, refocus the combat actions in other directions, roman already today... well, in recent days, the western press has also begun to actively write about losses, mostly now they write about losses of equipment, although there are also human losses, we just know less about them, although, for example, on weekends... already, for example, at lviv had a funeral, farewell to the soldier, and it is known that he died on the kurshchyna, so are the losses worth the goals of this operation? well , this is a very difficult question, and here, if you don’t answer it, everything seems to be the same, but you can answer as a politician, you can answer as a military serviceman, but what if you see what is really happening there, who has reached it, how many troops have been withdrawn, destroyed, were taken prisoner, how many. not withdrawn, we now see that the troops have not been withdrawn from donbas, look, well, look, they will not specifically withdraw from donbas
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troops, and this is also a principled position that needs to be considered, that putin is ready for ukrainian troops to move on, but at the same time does not withdraw troops from pokrovsk, this also speaks to putin's priorities, that it is more important for him to take donetsk-luhansk there than to win back his territory, and a man who, well, putin, who tells. about the fact that he came there to protect the dpr, lpr, so-called, and was not able to protect his own, and everything is the same, he is losing his reputation, but he is holding on to those directions, but there is information that they are specifically donetsk, pokrovsk, they are leaving troops, but they are gradually transferring them from other directions, but i will say more that it cannot be on such a scale as the kurdish operation, that the consequences are right now, i think that the consequences are still ahead and... we we will see them, now only the development of events is taking place, and the further our troops enter, create a larger
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bridgehead, the more problematic it is, then putin will need to react, he is very afraid of mobilization, and in order to buy such territory as it is now, well if we get a foothold there, he will either have to shoot troops from the eastern direction, or carry out mobilization, because conscripts and secondary units that are somewhere ... there on the chinese border or in the far east, who do not have, do not have combat experience, combat experience, well, those brigades that are there now there are, we have serious brigades there, they will not cope with them, that is why putin, what he is not doing now, he is pushing himself further and further, the main thing is that we have enough reserves, and the main thing is that this planning period is our constant next to a healthy head, this is my next question, right? this is the current opinion, well, it was voiced on our broadcast that until... a realistic scenario could be that putin simply will not
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win back these kurdish territories for a while, well , he will sacrifice them, and if you monitor what is currently being said in the russian state on television, one gets the impression that the russian population is also preparing for this scenario, let's hypothetically imagine that putin puts kursk on hold, somehow explains it to his population, saying yes, this is war, there are losses in war and so on, from donbass no one leaves either, and what then, the front simply... becomes larger, and then the ukrainian troops must accordingly plan their forces, resources, human, technical, in order to hold this entire large front, including kurshchyna, look, i i think that the consequences will be calculated by our general staff, er, you are right, but putin will not be able not to react in this direction, it all depends on er, what kind of pace we will set there, because i say again, war is seizing the initiative and... imposing one's actions on the enemy, not when you, here we are in pokrovsk, for example, reacting
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to the enemy, and he constantly imposes on us, and we have to react, take reserves somewhere, close somewhere, transfer troops, we did it in such a way that we transferred the initiative to this flank , because on that, on pokrovsk , it is very difficult to intercept it, even if we threw all the brigades that are participating here now, we would not have intercepted the initiative, and now we have the first thing, we will expect the consequences, second, well, we have more than 200 2000 km border, we need further if it is a successful case for us, to continue, form reserves and continue to try to drag the enemy to those directions where it is better for us to fight, and where we have the initiative, this is already a military art, there are many subtleties here and i think, i would like to the military understood this, what is happening now, the consequences, i think, are still ahead of us, may be different. questions, including yes, if putin takes the defense, will not win back, we will have more front, for
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this, too, in military art there are many ways, methods, and the main thing is that our our partners helped us with weapons, we will be able to draw out the enemy's troops, by the way, this is also an issue with weapons from partners, you just mentioned pokrovsk and you, did i understand you correctly, that ukraine would not have intercepted the initiative in the pokrovsk direction anyway, and the situation in the kursk region or the advancement of the armed forces of the region did not, let's say, help, hinder or help the russian-ukrainian troops in the pokrov region. well, look, i... i think it 's too early to talk about that, which definitely didn't help, now the enemy continues to advance, and everything depends on how it will continue, firstly, the task of our troops there is to hold the defense, and secondly, to destroy as much of the enemy as possible, i spoke with the command there yesterday, they are, let’s say so , not sparing their forces, they are advancing on the enemy,
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it is meant, they lose more than a thousand people killed in just one day, and everything is moving evenly, and here the moment may come: when the threat will be in the kurdish direction, maybe when we expand there along the seym or further, they will understand that they are in great danger, and they they simply will not be able to either not mobilize or transfer troops, and this moment may come when the entire front will be supported by the kurdish front, so once again it is too early to draw conclusions about the influence of the kurdish front on the course of all hostilities, if everything goes well done, then i think this direction can affect pokrovsky as well. well, while there the situation is difficult for us and unfortunately the enemy is advancing, suffering heavy losses, but advancing, and there now, as far as i can see the local authorities, the local authorities are already telling people to evacuate and preparedness, but more there, they give people a week to evacuate, ask them to leave within the next week, the war is
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like this, if we talk about one direction, it’s one story, if we just talk... pokrovsk, taretsk, or kursk, but if you strategically look at all directions, of course, one direction depends on the other, and it will not be possible not to stretch the enemy, if we just stand, you know, pull the rope in defense in one place, then gradually the enemy will sell it, so here we have to stretch, roman, i have one last question because we all saw that you were in the kursk region, at least we showed you how you crossed the border to the checkpoint in the sumy region, please tell me what you did there? have you had experience communicating with the local population, what is the mood there? well , let's not say what i did there directly, i will say that the local population there definitely does not collect molotov cocktails, i already said that when you go even now, for example, to the kherson region or mykolaiv, on the lawns you can still
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identify bottles from the 22nd year hammer cocktails, there are no such questions here . resistance, people communicate, our soldiers help there, it’s not about whether it’s good or bad now, it’s about how our army went there, er, there are many ukrainian speakers, people communicate with them, they help there, i understand that i understand this, this is also a task, including from the command, so that the local population does not suffer from the armed forces there, so no one resisted it , it's just that the people are under occupation. ukrainian army. thank you very much, roman kostenko, people's deputy, voice faction, secretary of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. we talked about the kurdish operation, its political and military goals. thank you. the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine in the kurdish region became a daring adventure, born of desperation in an environment of great secrecy, writes zaeconomist. journalists came to this
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conclusion after talking to sources in the circle of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi, as well as with ukrainian sources. military personnel who directly took part in the course operation. on the one hand, the publication notes, the unexpected breakthrough of the border and the advance of the zsu through kurshchyna raised the morale of the ukrainian army. on the other hand, after two weeks of the offensive, its pace did slow down, and russia is beginning to tighten its reserves. a source in the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine says that volodymyr zelenskyi still seeks maximum progress in kursk oblast, but as head of the armed forces of ukraine, syrskyi is more cautious and is concentrating on expanding his flanks along the border. to create stronger defensive lines. syrian is not a fool, says his confidante. he knows that rushing forward puts the entire operation at risk. expanded in recent days a ukrainian contingent of 10,000-20,000 soldiers appears to have focused on establishing control over the southern bank of the seim river northwest of suja. on august 16
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, ukrainian rockets destroyed a bridge across the river in glushkovo, and on august 18, the ukrainian air force announced that they had blown up a second bridge across the diet. general syrskyi's big adventure gave ukrainians hope after a year of consistently grim news, it also gave him mainstream credibility, but the long-term success or failure of the operation will largely depend on how russia reacts to it. well, while the offensive continues forced evacuation of families with children began in kurshchyna from the pokrovsk community of the donetsk region of ukraine. the front is too close, ova explains. russia is not withdrawing its troops from donetsk region, in particular from the pokrovsk region, despite... the situation in kursk region, well , taking into account the thermal conditions, the timing of the advance of the russian army, the residents of pokrovsk have a week or two to evacuate, stated today, this morning, on radio svoboda , head of the pokrovsk city military. administration serhiy dobryak. now we will discuss all this in more detail, and in particular, how kursk, kursk the operation affects or does not affect the situation in donbas. maryana bezugla, people's deputy
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of ukraine, joins our broadcast, deputy head of the committee on national security, defense, and intelligence. maryana, i congratulate you. congratulations. today we have just a parade of deputies on the air, but nevertheless, you are also from defense and intelligence, as well as roman kostenko, you, i know, you were not in kurshchyna all last week, you were in donetsk region, and today... the local authorities say that the residents of pokrovsk have a maximum of two weeks to evacuate, a week or two, and what will happen after the capture cities, it's already obvious, well, i don't expect a miracle, that is, in two weeks, pokrovsk will be captured, no, well, we won't talk about such terms, but it will definitely not be a place to live, and look what... happened to turetsk , being there for a civilian is a roulette, a russian roulette in this regard, and there may be many questions
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about there, about methods of informing, etc. evacuation routes in the donetsk region, after all, the region is at war for the 11th year, maybe it would be possible it is better to organize, but nevertheless... the basic possibilities are there, evacuation is happening, well, even under extremely difficult conditions, because the police continue to evacuate when the city is already in the midst of fighting, so we cannot investigate until then, we have to be realistic, and i would not even give a deadline of a week or two weeks, for a week, we must evacuate as soon as possible, as soon as possible, and i am also writing from my side, this is pokrovsk, marnograd from the big cities, this is
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selidove, respectively, there are also new economic cities and novogorodivka, especially critical, this is novogorodovka, which is already being stormed, selidovo is also very close to assaults, accordingly, yesterday i was in selidovo, then there, well, you can take a look. maps of deepstate, deepste, you know, it lags there by a couple of days, and then it is there in the village, you can go to the edge of the city and you can already see the battles. ugh. maryana, but you mentioned turetsk, i would also add new york here, it's just that against the background of the kursk operation, there were not enough officials. there were few official reports about these cities. is it correct, i wanted to clarify that new york and turkey are no longer under the control of ukraine? turkish share. new york no, it's just official they didn’t inform, well, it’s good that within the framework of, let’s say, the modernization of the information
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environment, we have excellent deepstate analysts, and you can, i already mentioned them, look at them, osint analysts, that this is open source intelligence, and i understand that that when they search in different publics of ours, in different. russian sources specifically and in fact confirm the information and it is possible to make a general picture of the front as it advances, repeatedly that in fact every day we see that there the information is more or less relevant and even more optimistic, than what is happening at the front. maryana, what is known about the withdrawal of ukraine, what is known about, as i understand it, ukrainian forces left new york and turkey in an organized and calm manner. directions, and from the turkish one, let's not say that we left the turkish new york, which yes, and that
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's okay, the turkish new york is a consequence of the so-called turkish rotation, when this direction was more or less stable , there was the 24th brigade, which controlled the strip of its responsibility in depth, and then i noted it, but not only me, in principle already quite well-known, but it became public. story, general sodel, then the commander of the eastern front, with the approval of the head of assyrian, he transferred this brigade to the time of the yar, and that brigade, which was exhausted in the time of the yar, was transferred to the turkish direction. turkish new york is also actually an agglomeration, and despite the fact that there were data, in particular, not only just intelligence data, but also interceptions, that the russians made a decision to attack during the rotation, the rotation continued, the new brigade , well, this 41 is exhausted, as far as i remember, it is there... no
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did not have time to study the area, nothing immediately attacked her and she had a breakthrough in a relatively stable direction, and this led to tragic consequences, respectively, the loss of two cities and, of course, the loss of the military and the civilian population on the approach, moreover, due to the fact that all this was very unexpectedly, very quickly, and how unexpectedly, we can now with you... even build logical connections, but for the civilian population it was unexpected, and many people, in particular in turkey, turned out to be somewhat blocked, that is, they already were evacuated in extreme conditions, nevertheless, the escape from turetsk is still limited, but nevertheless it is possible to leave, since the city itself is partially controlled by the armed forces and it is not blocked,
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you know, like, for example, there was a life road to lysichansk, then detour logistical routes and it is very difficult, it was elementary to leave the city, i remember, well, this whole situation was complicated, but when you leave, you are shelled with hail, mariana, we understood, based on what you said, pokrovsk has all the risks of being in the occupation in the near future, new york, ukraine no longer controls, on the outskirts of turkey, russian troops, that is, in general, we see half of turkey. in the donbass, in the donetsk region, at the same time , a currency operation is underway, how would you describe the purpose and goals of this operation two weeks from now, did it justify itself, if it is possible to make such conclusions now, well, if
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it is possible... you know, a rather unprofessional geopolitical term, yes, but if we talk about world history, about mutual relations states and key states there in the world, about our place in the world, about the perception of ukraine, about the perception of russia, clearly justified it, that is, it is a very bold step, which in many ways changed the perception of russia as a nuclear power, in which it is impossible not to you can show your teeth, that is, this is such a desperate step of the ukrainians, and the world appreciated it, and we made another one, well, this is a huge progress, in terms of the military, of course, it is full of risks, but due to the fact that the active phase is still ongoing , i will try to avoid
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comments, from his side. there i published some retrospective judgments regarding the preparation for this operation, but i will not talk about active actions, and besides, by the way, i do not approve if politicians go there, people's deputies, you wrote about it, you called on the people's deputies not to drive quite sharply even, and not to climb there, but why, why, because this is another country, this is a border crossing. and accordingly, this is not what happens in our country directly on the territory of ukraine, when we defend, conduct a defense operation, there after all, the specific environment and the specific political status of these territories, accordingly , for a ukrainian politician, i believe that it is a priori incorrect to be there, because legally, if very well you know, dry without, let’s say,
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meaningful... context, it is also the same if not when visiting crimea, do you remember, that is, well, a little bit wrong, because after all, crimea, crimea was visited by violators from the russian side, and remember, they come here from the ukrainian side, i don't know if there is a big problem with you on the right, they are coming from the side of ukraine, and ukraine carries out stabilization measures, and there russia has positioned it politically for the politicians, well, the lawyers here... this can be , let's say, a diplomatic legal discussion, and if we talk about the right of the territory of our country to protect and stabilize the stabilization zone there, certain, then of course, well , the situation here is quite obvious, but this is already specifically the matter of the military, the matter of the special services, regarding the fact that in...


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