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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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which will allow the ukrainian state to help in the legal field to finally rid us of the presence of the russian orthodox church or its adherents, its parts in ukraine, but again, this also requires political will, the political will not to negotiate with... with such environments, not to try to make this church there controlled by someone, the political will to really liquidate or cancel the legal registration of those subjects, of which, by the way, there may be thousands in ukraine, if we are talking about specific parishes there, so to speak, how they, how they they call it, yes, then in fact it can be anyone, everyone... this parish, it can be a separate
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legal entity, or rather it cannot be, it is so, you can simply look even in the open data bot there or in any registry, please, and it will be a process, but the main message of this law, or the draft law, which i hope will become a law, is to give an impetus to society, again to move from below. to create their own independent, so to speak, subjects, i hope, who will enter the orthodox church of ukraine, so that, finally to move this process from a standstill. by the way, if we are talking about the process, this process had two such ascending steps: the first is when the tomos was received, when it took place... yes, the cathedral and
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on december 15, 18th year, then we received the tomos, in fact december, january , february, in the 18th and 19th years, about 500 parishes passed there, came and passed, and the second, the second such upward line, growing, this is when the full-scale invasion began, there we were talking about dozens and hundreds of transitions every month, but as of today, this process is for... hampered as of today, but if you go to the resources again and look, as of today, 10, 12, 15, when 20 are passed in a month, and there are regions where practically no one has passed, so if the khmelnytsky region is there, kyiv region, zhytomyr region, a number of other regions, partly vinnytsia, this process is there.
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still happens, in many regions this process does not take place, and this draft law also needs to facilitate the procedure of legal transfer from one parish, from one place to another place, there are also problematic legal nuances, when there is sabotage somewhere in the field, somewhere, i'm sorry, the russian church hires all kinds of aunties there to protect. its object, so to speak, that is, if there is the political will of the state, the political will of the authorities, then of course this process will move, but this process must also be given a legal basis, perhaps this legal basis will not be complete perfect, indeed, if the draft law that was submitted by a group of people's deputies were to be adopted, if i am not mistaken,
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the draft law of many factions, which was developed by knyazhytsky, in this case, yes, there were more powerful norms, here in this case there is a compromise option, which is really, well , possibly acceptable in order for him at least they voted for that bill, they don't want to vote, well, it's on the conscience of these people, that's why we have what we have, but i say again, let's not entertain ourselves with illusions that if tomorrow, tomorrow must happen, as far as i am concerned i understand the meeting of the verkhovna rada that tomorrow the russian church will be everything it is forbidden, everything there is closed, crowded, everyone has left, no, this will not happen, in general, we are in the ukrainian state on many issues, especially on ideological issues, especially on issues of the unification of society, on issues that concern such strategic dimensions, we must... gear up for
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a marathon, for a marathon of further struggle, because russian influences, russian, unfortunately,... narratives, views, they are still strong, they are still present, and russia exists, russia exists, will invest everything , will do everything to stop any process, the main thing, the most important thing is that this process be led by the state, led by the government, not held back by the state, so that the government does not indulge in illusions that it is possible with someone inside the country with some forces, even if they are not there... we will all understand this from the first to the last, then we will win, we will win ideologically, we will win in the rear, because we also have a hybrid
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war going on in the rear, and this is what we are talking about, about the russian church, about this draft law , something we say very often on our airwaves of the new week, this is... russia's hybrid war, which continues in kyiv, uzhgorod, lutsk, odesa, kharkiv, and the dnipro. we have to, as they say, call a spade a spade, i smile like this, i smile like this to andrei, because as far as i understood from what i read, and i carefully studied everything that was proposed by the lawmakers and everything that they are planning vote soon. in fact, without a ukrainian court in case we need to ban some religious organization and we will understand what is there, and it will be proven the most important thing is that there is a connection with the russian orthodox church and
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the aggressor country, then we will have to turn to the ukrainian court, to be honest , with all due respect, because we are still in... a democratic legal state, we must respect the court, ukrainian judges, one of the branches of power, on the other hand, we cannot ignore the shortcomings that this system still has, and when we talk about the work of average ukrainian judges, it is not always about justice, it is not always about, let's say, competitiveness process, here, by the way, there is always a question before the prosecutor's office and... the attorney's office, and the balance of these two extremes must be embodied by a court decision, this is also very important. so, is our judicial and law enforcement system ready for the test of this draft law, which has recently been called the draft law on the protection
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of the constitutional law in the sphere of activity of religious organizations. i would leave this question for now and call it rhetorical, because... exactly as much as we talked about the prospects and possibilities of banning the russian church in our country, exactly the same if no more, we talked about the need to reform the judicial system in our country, did anything happen? some ukrainian judges are really fascinating with their uncompromisingness with a and with untruth, some ukrainian judges left their a... jobs and went to the front, some of them died, and we cannot say that everything is not bad here, a large number of these people are really virtuous, but we also cannot avoid
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a situation in which a ukrainian judge, who is not distinguished by virtue, will be forced to pronounce a verdict, let's say, say his a word about opportunity. to ban or not to ban any religious organization, and what to do if this judge himself is a parishioner of the moscow patriarchate, thought about it, andriy? well, this, i say once again, that it is a big , big job for society, for both people's deputies and for the authorities, and we still have a lot of work ahead of us. christina, thank you, thank you, because we already need it. unfortunately, to conclude, firstly, let's talk about our survey, we asked today, do you hope that the higher authorities will ensure the transparency of the ahmadiyya reconstruction? yes 9% thinks, no, 91, well, we have what we have, and i also
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want to remind you about the announcement: august 24 is ukraine's independence day, espresso is preparing a special project, bright people in dark times, these are those. interesting stories about those people who create our country, who create history, this is an interview with viktor yushchenko, and svyatoslav shevchuk, serhii plokhi, and other people, a documentary. the movie 10 years of war on independence day, i say it again, on espresso, from eight in the morning to midnight, turn on our tv channel. christina, thank you once again, thank you to all viewers, thank you for watching, writing, what vote, it was a project for a new week, and we will meet with you in exactly 7 days.
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are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, read all of solzheniya, accept my song, thank you, it was difficult, but i was just interested, but this is absolutely not true. they help to understand the present and forecast future. they offered the united states to conclude bilateral security with us. project for those who care and think politklub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol. yulia paevska, the founder of the yangola unit taira, writer svitlana povaliyeva.
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about how we changed, what lessons we learned and what we will never forget in the 10-year tape war exclusively, on the espresso tv channel. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their... assessment and forecast of the development of events, if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. putin recognized the crisis at the front, the unexpected statement of the leader of the aggressor country, he is ready to be a mediator and allegedly carries a message from the kremlin. indian prime minister narendra modi will arrive in ukraine. forced evacuation
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civilians are being taken out of pokrovsk, and the forced evacuation will continue non-stop from tomorrow. the new exchange fund in kurshchyna of the armed forces of ukraine is advancing through enemy territory, there is a report from the president of ukraine and the chief of the armed forces , colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, they are shooting as if at random, as the fighters of the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense destroy the enemy on the kinbur spit. the hryvnia weakened, what will be the rate of the national currency. for whom lukashenko really new revelations the self-proclaimed president of belarus, why the government wants to cancel the subsistence minimum and whether the enemy really destroyed the askania nova reserve, various statements diametrically opposed by the head of the kherson regional military administration, actually the director of the reserve , were made today, we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 45 minutes, me my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, and just now i 'm adding my colleague serhiy to the conversation. gurtsia, director of the defense express agency and presenter column military summaries of the day. serhii, please give me the floor. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate
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our viewers. today, in our column, we will talk about the situation in two parts of the front, in the kursk region, where the armed forces are advancing, and on pokrovsky vytynk, on our land, where it is currently the hottest and where the enemy has an advantage in manpower and ammunition. this will be discussed in a moment with our military. i will start our column with news that may affect the further course of the offensive. operations, as in the armed forces ukraine is held in the kursk region of russia. today it became known that the third and last capital bridge across the seim river in the glushki district of the kursk region was disabled by the defense forces of ukraine using air strikes. this is the destruction of the previous bridge in hlushkovo
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bridge, which was destroyed. the last one is precisely in the village of karizh, and therefore. now the greater part of glushkiv district, namely between the state border of ukraine and the territory that was recently liberated in the kurt region from the rechists and along the seim river, together with the occupiers, it becomes almost blocked, because there are, because almost because there are one or two pontoon crossings left there, but i think it will not be for long, and from the east this area is blocked. and our units in the neighboring koreniv district, which are currently controlling the settlement of korenevo. now russia is faced with a choice, either to continue to receive this section of the front with pontoon supply with all the risks, or to immediately leave this entire area to ukraine, which is almost 700 km in addition to the 1,200 km that have already
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are under the control of security and defense forces in kursk. oblast, this is one of the important current stages of this shocking operation for the enemy, which has been ongoing there since august 6, and today, by the way, the influential british edition of the economist published a publication containing new interesting details regarding the preparation of the offensive of the ukrainian defense forces on the kurdish region , in particular, it says that commander-in-chief oleksandr syrsky was preparing several scenarios. attack on the weakest points of the russian defense in order to seize the initiative at the expense of quick and unexpected offensive in conditions when the enemy is pressing our defenses in the east. plans were worked out in the bryansk region, in the kursk region, a combined strike in two regions at once and in some other direction.
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it is noted that oleksandr syrsky kept these plans a secret about them. only a small group of generals knew, and syrsky discussed all this face-to-face with the president of ukraine zelenskyi without his staff, and it is extremely interesting, in my opinion, that the army intelligence obtained most of the information for planning the operation independently, and gur, most importantly intelligence department of the ministry of defense, this process was included at the stage of the last stage of preparations for the preparation of this operation. and syrskyi had two other plans for large-scale operations before he wrote to the economist publication, information about one of these plans became known to the russians, and the other plan would have been canceled due to the fact that the partners did not advise not to implement it, this is the reality, and now
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, according to the interlocutor of the economist publication, the main goal of the operation... kursk oblast is actually to divert the efforts and potential of russia from other areas of the front, especially from the east, where russian troops are slowly advancing our defense, and now president zelenskyi in the kurdish direction, as the economist writes, insists on maximum progress, while the commander-in-chief oleksandrskyi syrskyi is more cautious and is currently concentrating on expanding the flank. along the border in order to create more stable lines of defense, and actually, when we talk about these flanks in the kurt region, this is the western flank or sector, this is exactly the iglushkiv district with blocked bridges and a populated place korenevo, which i now hope is controlled by the armed forces, and actually it is rilsk, which is then behind korenevo, and from
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rylsk there is a route to lgov-kurchatov-kursk, this route... actually is extremely important for cutting russian logistics, and now along our fpv drones operate on the routes, which destroy russian trucks and equipment, the eastern flank is no less important, it is just southeast of suja, here the battles are taking place in the settlements of the lake there and the mountains, it is about 25 km to the... east of suja and the parties there deploy certain forces and means and which can indicate that after a certain time there will be, well, even more serious battles with'. stabbing, because this direction, firstly, secures our troops operating in the direction there to the north towards lgov and kursk, and secondly, this
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direction and flank creates a significant threat to the enemy in the use of supply routes to belgorod, further to the troops in the north-east of ukraine. this is the current situation, zelenskyi says that a sanitary cordon will be created, and this is a hint that our troops... should be entrenched there on a certain line of defense, where the line of defense will pass, for now the question is open, because the situation is dynamic, the enemy, in turn , is now trying to exhaust our defense in a frenzied offensive in the direction of avdiivka-pokrovsk, in the past day, 45 combat clashes with 1455 along the entire front line , this indicates that this direction remains a priority for the enemy. now the enemy is slowly buttressing such fortified cities as novogorodya, selidove corner, fighting for grodivka and now what is happening there, we
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will talk with our guest, he joins us roman bugayev, this is the senior officer of the reactive artillery battery of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, mr. roman, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, i know that your brigade is currently conducting combat operations in the pokrov direction, and i would like you to tell me something that what is happening now: in the area of ​​responsibility of your brigade, what can you tell now, what are the dynamics? congratulations, studio, congratulations ukraine, the dynamics of the enemy remains intense, the enemy does not stop trying to advance in the direction of pokrovsk, mirnograd, as you saw, just considered card, his actions were analyzed, and as you mentioned earlier, he is now using a creeping yes. tic, when the enemy pushes through with constant meat assaults, from what we see here, he does not use large accumulations of equipment,
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columns, because this accumulation is immediately dealt with by our means of defeat, but directly by infantry, after all, it is more difficult to hit, in the first place, the infantry can advance less visibly, along with the advance the enemy, as you see, has come out on the edge. to accumulate and then there is an assault directly, and which one with our forces, the fighters of our units, we fight back, and the most important thing now is to detect the enemy’s advance, the enemy’s advance as early as possible, and then all possible means of artillery, defeat, which our brigade has, neighboring units and brigades, which are focused on
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the destruction of the enemy, and the situation was difficult, as when we entered this direction, which was in august of last year, then they used equipment and constantly and there was a certain dynamic, conditionally... say, in the morning they started an assault and by lunchtime we already dismantled them, now it is a constant influx, you mentioned a certain number of assaults, if i am not mistaken, 45 in this direction, but to say that it was specifically one ended, the second, constantly, somewhere they were destroyed, somewhere they had success and they are advancing, and this is unprecedented. a meat grinder in which we try to grind as much of the enemy as possible, and use everything we have.
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mr. roman, we will redial you now, because the last sentences were a little stuck, now we let's resume communication, and i will remind our viewers that this is roman bugayev, a senior officer of the jet artillery of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which is currently conducting combat operations in the pokrov direction, where the enemy is now... well, trying to get closer and actually approaching grodivka and novogrodivky, this is precisely one of our lines of defense, and in this area, including the 47th separate mechanized brigade. mr. roman, if we can hear me now, i would like to ask you if you could tell our viewers in more detail what, what are the specifics the work of the reactive artillery of the brigade. well, our main specificity is general fire support of the battery, because we are trained to work more on squares, on
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areas, that's it. directly, this is the concentration of the enemy, it does not matter whether it is a column of equipment or whether it is the enemy, already during the offensive, the enemy usually hurries up and tries to advance both with equipment and with the support of infantry, and at this very moment we enter the field we are playing, on the battlefield, our battery is constantly on duty, ready... around the clock to inflict damage, and it turns out that the more the enemy is crowded, the better off we will be, but usually now the enemy reduces the number of his assault groups, reduces the number of personnel of the assault groups, when the assault can be with five fighters, five damn muscovites, press and despite
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this, even then, under the command of the top leader, we go to work and work, but is it rational to use the rszzv for such small units as there are small assault groups, or does it actually add firepower and guarantee that which the enemy will not crawl through the areas where he wants to crawl there. first of all, about rationality. i cannot judge for one simple reason: we are carrying out the order, and the rationality can be concluded by the higher command, namely, naot and everyone who controls us, ah, about efficiency, uh, after all, the more the enemy is , the better the efficiency, but it all depends on whether other units have the opportunity, ah,...
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to start work, because as we know, the situation with provision remains difficult, there are quite a few shells compared to ours the saturation of assaults is quite low, both in our country and in the artillery, so the use of mlrs will always be effective, not only from the side of damage, but also from the moral-psychological side. logical suppression, because when the enemy feels such pressure, well, the desire to go forward decreases. mr. roman, what is the biggest threat to our mlrs systems right now, does the fact that the enemy has lancets mean that we are still looking for ways to quickly open fire and quickly leave
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the position, like this... the duel takes place between lancets and with the same rszv? unfortunately, the enemy, with the lancet, developed it quite successfully, and it is a very successful weapon, from which, which is weakly subject to jamming from the side of the reb, that is, to say that the reb installed on the bmku will save from the lancet, unfortunately, no. in this, the enemy has... success, and for us it is like one of the very important factors, whether to start working, because we are working openly from an open area, we are working, our calculations are working at full capacity, we do not have the opportunity for certain technical features techniques to work with copanir, we need an area, and precisely when we go to
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an open area, we must... check, monitor the sky, we are vigilant, and the most important factor is the preservation of personnel first and then equipment, this is the speed of working on the goal, what the sooner we work, the more complete the calculation will be, unfortunately, in the zaporozhye direction , we had the opportunity to see the operation of the lancet with our own eyes, thank god, the guys were alive, they were so injured, but the equipment was intact, the guys recovered and all returned to the formation, and in this, the only protection is vigilance and speed of calculation. roman, to add to this question, these er, grates, nets, masking smoke, these protective devices, they are...


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