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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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if you have the opportunity, i don't think we will ever have such an opportunity, to have control over the resources of such a state, then of course you can demand reparations from this state within the framework of international responsibility, reparations are not paid by a grandmother from suja or a grandmother from kursk, reparation is paid by the state at the expense of its taxpayers, of course in such a situation people are responsible for the crimes of their state because their taxes are not going to theirs. general needs, not for the construction of sports centers, not even for the creation of new tanks, planes and missiles, which can be used to destroy ukrainian territory, for the payment of reparations. after the first world war , reparations were imposed on germany by the allies who won the war, the expiration of which, it seems to me, should have happened only in the 80s and 90s of the 20th century, that is, if there had been no second world war war, the germans would pay reparations for many years to come. without even in peacetime,
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but as you know, the second world war changed this situation, in fact it was already the case that the allies took such, i would say, from germany one-time reparations, but then they realized that such imposition of multi-year reparations on any country turns it into a potential aggressor of the future, and they abandoned this practice, as you know, the united states even contributed to the revival of the german economy. according to the marshall plan, instead of trying to take some money from germany, to what extent ukraine will be able to force the russian federation to pay it some reparations, i think that the russian state will not be controlled either by ukraine or by another country of the world, i repeat, it is a nuclear state, it is not possible to impose any such agreements that will contradict the interests of national security in any case, the russian federation can pay some money to ukraine solely out of goodwill, as a state with...
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will restored good-neighborly, good relations, as a state, the new russian government, if it appears at all, will want to help restore economic power and social potential, but i do not think that this should be waited for at least ten years. the only thing that really can to happen is that russia will lose control over that money that is not on its territory, and this will also hurt the interests of ordinary russians, because if the west makes a decision, ultimately for ukraine to be able to dispose of those russian assets . which are today in the banks of western countries, this means that russia will not count this money, that it will be at the disposal of ukraine, and this money also belongs to russian taxpayers by and large , and they could use this money again for the construction of stadiums , and for the construction of hospitals, and for the creation of tanks, airplanes and missiles, which could be used to further fight against ukraine and other states hostile to russia, but this will not happen, and this money will go to help ukraine rebuild. stadiums,
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built hospitals and created new planes, missiles and tanks, with which it will fight with the russian federation in the future, it can be, absolutely, this is a reality, yes, sir, but this question is not for moscow, this is a question for washington and brussels, yes, and this is a question about what moscow cannot do now to control, of course, okay, but there is news, and, in my opinion, it is quite interesting, especially in the context of our previous ones. conversations with you, when you noted that the russians and putin, personally, are not interested in any way in negotiations about the state of the conflict in ukraine, right? nevertheless, washington post shares information, refers to diplomats familiar with the course of events that ukraine and russia were to send delegations, where? interestingly, in qatar, in doha, for negotiations on the conclusion of a historic. which
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would at least stop the strikes on energy infrastructure facilities from both sides, or do you think it took place at all, i don't know if there was a plan for such a meeting, from our side, and from the side of the russian federation? it seems to me that this publication, in principle, even refers to ukrainian sources, which say that such and such consultations. but it was said that the russians are refuting it, there is no such clear refutation from the ukrainian side, well, maybe we will wait for it, but, again , kharystyna, i would like to clarify, i always i said that i repeat it now, that i do not believe in any russian-ukrainian negotiations that could lead to the end of the war between russia and ukraine, but i said that negotiations on a cease-fire, yes, on a cease-fire, can take place at any time -what moment, and in the 24th year, and in the 25th and 26th. i do not believe in the possibility of ending
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the war between russia and ukraine for one simple reason: it is an existential conflict, two peoples claim the same territory, for russians the territory of ukraine is russia, for ukrainians the territory of ukraine is ukraine, there is no political solution to this conflict, and there may not be one in history at all, this is how reality looks, therefore, under the conditions of the current russian regime, to imagine the end of the war as such, i do not know how to imagine it, and that is why i always advised ukrainians to prepare for a long war and not to have any illusions that they will live in peace, but at the same time i am absolutely sure that there can be a cease-fire agreement, without any other agreements, not... on the withdrawal of troops, as you understand, in such a the configuration proposed by the washington post is out of the question, right? the troops remain in this territory, which they now control, and in donetsk and kursk regions,
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there is no mention of any security guarantees for ukraine in such agreements, russia generally continues to insist that the war can end only with known security guarantees that is, for ukraine to allow itself to recognize its neutral status and start the process of its demilitarization, which ukraine will certainly not do, or that is also out of the question, what it can be about, if i understand the framework of this idea of ​​the washington post, these agreements in qatar, that there can be a partial ceasefire when it comes to shelling energy facilities, this is a story in which both states are really interested. therefore , i imagine that such negotiations will still take place, why? russia has already lost up to 15% of its oil and gas complex, this is a serious problem for the russian economy if the russian strikes on russian oil refineries continue, only
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more so if these strikes begin if not only drones, but also western missiles are used, then russia may lose 15-30 momes there. percent of the capabilities of its oil refining complex, if missiles are used for this, russia may lose up to 60 and up to 70% of its oil refining, which may lead to catastrophic and critical consequences for the economy of the russian federation, should russia take any measures to prevent this , yes, in the place of president vladimir putin, but you must remember that president putin is paranoid, i am not, clearly in the place of the president vladimir putin did it, now... if the destruction of the ukrainian energy infrastructure continues, the issue of ukraine's survival during the winter will remain under a very big question mark, that is, there may be a situation when there will be problems not only with light, but also with ignition, with the introduction of war , into the waters, in a number of
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settlements, to which this may lead, to a new wave of departure of the ukrainian population abroad. we cannot now estimate the number of people who will leave, but they will, and it will go again. about hundreds of thousands of people we already understand that if people go abroad in the conditions that ukraine is in, the greater part of the people who will go abroad, according to various sociological estimates, as many as 50-60% of people, will not return , and even more so after the end of hostilities, men who are now unable to leave for their families and reunite, let's say, with their families, they will most likely reunite with them not on the territory of ukraine, which will feel an obvious economic frustration after the war, but will be reunited with their families in the territory of prosperous western countries, and we will receive another wave of emigration, so to speak, the final end of this migration process, when their husbands will return to their families, but not in ukraine,
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in the united states . and before the start of this war , the country's demographic prospects were, to put it mildly , catastrophic, so one catastrophe after another will simply turn ukraine into a territory without any real demographic prospects. this does not mean that there will be no population on the territory of ukraine, there will be, just that it will not be ukrainian, it will be the state of other people, in accordance with what migration waves will sweep through ukraine in the next. of course , i would like it not to be so, and i think that the people currently working in the ukrainian leadership are also thinking about how to preserve here is the population, so these are the principles of the mutual interest of the parties, and these negotiations, as far as i understand, are taking place according to the same scheme that they are taking place, according to
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the same scheme, according to which the agreements on grain cultivation are taking place and took place, uh, it was about about the fact that ukraine. the delegation and the russian delegation meet with the representatives of qatar, and not among themselves, so that such an agreement will not be long-term, there it was primarily about two months, this is again the scheme of the grain agreement, which means in principle. i am not surprised that the russians suspended their participation in this process after the ukrainian raid on the kurdistan region, this is completely in line with vladimir putin's political style. that is, it is interesting that they did not completely slam the door, but asked for time , of course, they need these negotiations, but putin never, this is also a fact, makes any political moves that allowed us to believe that he approves. decision under foreign pressure, it is related to his foreign policy, it is related to his domestic policy, you
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you can prove to putin as much as you want that this or that person needs to be removed from office because he is incompetent, putin will do it, he can understand it and agree with your reasoning, but in a year or two, when everyone will forget about these demands, that's it it happened with the minister of defense of the russian federation , sergei shoigu. that he is incompetent, putin, i think, understood in 2022, but when people from all sides began to say that it was nice, it was necessary to move shuiga and gerasimov, the main and completely predictable reaction putin wanted to keep him in office. by the way, if you ask me if putin will remove valeriy gerasimo from the post of chief of the general staff after the kurdish failure, i will tell you yes, he will remove him, and he basically said no to this... at this meeting, which was devoted to the events in kursk region, that we will definitely deal with personnel
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issues, and now the main thing is not that, which means that the resignation of the chief of the general staff can take place no earlier than six to 10 months after the event, so that no one believes that putin removed him from his position under pressure. now, if these negotiations really took place, in order for the parties to return to the conversation. about a month, one and a half or two months is needed, taking into account how events will develop on the kurdish front. or, if putin believes that he has achieved some significant success on the donetsk front, he will also be absolutely in a position to start the negotiation process again, and then we basically understand how events on the russian-ukrainian front can develop, in principle. parties, first, first, i would said, by decision, they can reach
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agreements on non-firing of uncontrolled territories, the so-called. ugh. russia will stop shelling the territory of ukraine. and ukraine will stop shelling russian territory. at the same time, hostilities on the territory of ukraine and russia will continue. what is it for? ukraine will try to enter russian territory in such a way as to show russia that it should realize that its further territorial grabs may run into the same actions of ukraine. ugh, and russia will try to annex as much as possible ukrainian territory and at the same time destabilize the situation in ukraine itself, because as you understand, if you imagine that the day has come. conventionally speaking, on september 1, there will be no more air strikes,
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drones, the infrastructure is being restored, normal civilian life is being restored, yes, there are no blackouts, well, at least there are massive ones, planes may even start flying, well, if you don't have a missile threat, if. .. no one fired, why you can not open, as we dreamed about it a few more months ago, the airport there in kyiv or in lviv, we can, our airspace, according to these agreements, can be recognized as safe up to some parallel conditions, the war continues, mobilization continues, funerals of people continue daily, and people in peaceful territory generally live outside. war, that is , the gulf between the war and the population is deepening, one
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moment, another moment, elections, why can't elections be held then, this will also be a question that will be thrown into ukrainian society, we live peacefully, we can to hold elections in peaceful territories, you just need to ensure the conditions for voting in the military, well... there will be many such conversations, russia will actively contribute to this, so the next moment, after all this, when there will be... an understanding that both governments, because russia will also have problems if we control its territory, do not remove this threat, that both of them are threatened by internal destabilization, and some kind of reset of the situation is needed, the following decision will be made, just like in qatar, the decision to stop
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fire on the front line, on the front line. it's not just peaceful over there in that area, yes, but between the troops, this will be the next stage, i don't know when, uh, i'm just telling the scheme, after an agreement is reached on a ceasefire on the front line, i don't know, where this line of contact will then pass, strangely enough, it can pass on the territory of russia, and not only on the territory of ukraine. we cannot know this now. then there will really be presidential and parliamentary elections in ukraine, and after that, from the results of these elections and from how our western allies will treat the situation, whether they will be ready to provide us with any security guarantees after this ceasefire or not, and by the way, what
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the new ukrainian leadership will want, we do not know at all, what it will be, it... may be the ukrainian version of the georgian dream, it may be a party that will blame the previous leadership for not preparing for the war and provoking it, just as the georgian dream now blames for the outbreak of the war, not russians, and saakashvili, that he was a provocateur, well, in my opinion, we have a similar leadership right now, well, a leadership that the previous leadership noted as such, but it is somehow in favor of... but somehow it is not talked about much now, but can fall into its own trap, and the further development of events depends on how this situation will look, that's all, that is, what the further development will be, will this cease-fire end in some kind of peace, or will it turn into a new war, after a certain time, i can't tell you that, that's why
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what will it be, you know, i am not the ukrainian people, the ukrainian people do this very often. such paradoxical conclusions from the political situation that i am not even ready to comment on them. you and i have looked so far ahead now, at least we tried. maybe not that far, maybe not that far, because this story with the negotiations in qatar, if they happen at all, really, could be a pilot project of this. after all, the pilot project in this case was the grain agreement. well, of course, absolutely, absolutely, the pilot project was the grain deal. sir vitaliy, everything you just... said, it sounds and is considered very logical, which cannot be said about what the candidate for the american presidency from the republican party, donald trump, says periodically, and i don't know if you followed his interview. to elon musk, that's what it was about, there were several interesting tests about ukraine, in particular, and trump allegedly told putin not
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to invade ukraine, somehow, but... does what you heard fit your analysis? gives up i believe there are two donald trumps. donald trump alone is trump political technologists. this is a person who carefully studies the instructions that are written to him in order for him to win the elections. and we saw this trump, say, in milwaukee, it seems, when he said that he would be the president of all americans, that he would win. with the help of half the population is not a victory, and we saw this kind of trump in his phone conversation with volodymyr zelensky, when he expressed support for ukraine, because he was obviously told that this is how he behaves in relation to ukraine arrogantly, and what is better for him, better, you talk to the ukrainian president, if the ukrainian
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president wants to express his support to him after the assassination attempt and say: that all this talk about his readiness to surrender ukraine is fake news, what would trump do, but there is the live, real donald trump, who has nothing to do with donald trump, political technology, is a live person, and by the way, we know that in the last meeting with donors, big donors, when they told him, "donald, you're just going to lose the election when you show the real you, be please follow the instructions of the company, don't show what you are." crazy, he said, i am what i am, it is very difficult and very tight for him in some, you know, bars, he wants to be what he is, he p "sore like a lot of people" from such a populist crowd, from the reaction, from the shouting, it creates a narcotic impression for him, when he, a person who had to
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declare bankruptcy several times and about real fortunes, which no one knows knows, who always tried to pretend that she is a billionaire and unknown, was she this billionaire once in her life, is she talking to a real billionaire, also of course an effervescent to some extent, but a person with the reputation of one of the richest... people in the world, ilan musk, this also brings him into a state of her exaltation, which of course allows he then says what he really thinks, so he thinks certain things really, once, then he is very bad for his information, but everyone says that it is age, and i do not think that it is any age, because i generally not age, i think it just is lack of interest in certain topics, and it has always been obvious in donald trump, he is not interested in many things, he is ... in politics, in some real science, relatively speaking, or in some content, he is not interested, he says what he is there hears, he is quite a simple person in this regard, he
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watches tv, hears something there, falls asleep, again, this is absolutely normal for such an overloaded problem of a person, a person, well, really not very young, sits near the tv, hears something there, did not hear something there, fell asleep, woke up, heard something again. then it is told by ilona musk. that's all for you. of course, donald trump is a man who sincerely admires the power of power. this is his religion. and of course, in this situation, in this pantheon, he sees vladimir putin as one of his biggest idols, because vladimir putin really has unlimited power in his country. in a great country, a great power, a person who can, as i said, press the red button and there will be no united states of america. has such power that he may not even consult with anyone about it, well it is you that trump admires, as we can see, he admires it, not putin, the power of putin, not a kimchan, it would be strange
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if a person of trump's scale and trump's charisma admires a kimchan, the power of a kimchan, imagine putting some congressmen, loading a cannon and to shoot them with a cannon, the leaders there are the majority in the senate chamber of the press, trump simply cannot dream of it, but he admires it, and by the way, how trump can be so enthusiastic, the history of the storming of the capitol showed, he really believed that it's normal, that's why that he's into brute force and he thinks he's strong, and if you want to analyze it, this stream of consciousness that we're hearing from this man, yes, he thinks the strong have the right to command. weak, do you remember how in the first month of his presidency he absolutely, i would say, vulgarly pushed the then president of croatia away from the other participants
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of some conference he was at, i don't remember if it was a nato summit or something, to take a picture in the foreground, he behaved with absolute, i would say, enormous disrespect for people, but he is sure that if he is the president of the united states, he can push, he can hit. can behave like that, and that is why he looks at putin like that, putin is the president of a strong country who attacked a weak country, and this weak country should have agreed to his demands a long time ago, and it is showing off something, well, of course, the united states is also a strong state, they can help it, but the question arises for what, why help people who with such tenacity cannot understand that they are fighting a strong state, this is trump's whole logic, it is simple and transparent, but again there is another trump,
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who ... like a parrot from the new york zoo. but it must be remembered that if donald trump, god forbid, wins the presidential elections in the united states, it is possible, until now, the country will not be ruled by trump political technologists, he will then send all of them. technologists will give them money, write them checks, this is also not guaranteed, and say: go for these three letters that you can read in every closet that my beloved vladimir putin looks after. please go to russia, read these letters and follow them. and i will rule the way i want, because you are now no one and nothing will hold me back from the decisions i will make. that's all trump. another interesting event happened this week, several german media, it seems it was on august 14, reported that in early june, the general prosecutor's office
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of germany issued an arrest warrant. entire ukrainian in the case of undermining the northern thread flow, and this is allegedly a ukrainian diving instructor, volodymyr, and the german spiegel , meanwhile, reports that a ukrainian, whom germany was going to arrest in poland for participating in the undermining of a gas pipeline, has left polish territory, and if it leads to the fact that poland helped the ukrainian to escape from responsibility , as i read it, maybe mr. vitaliy is giving me trouble now, but then quite... an interesting article was published literally the next day by the wall street journal and reported that it was ukrainians who were involved in blowing up a gas pipeline in the baltic sea top officials, it was an operation approved by zaluzhnyi, an operation approved by zelenskyi, and chervinsky may also be involved there. in short, mr. vitaly, how do you see the current development of events, we don't know whether the german prosecutor's office has enough grounds to issue a warrant for the arrest of a ukrainian,
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but i want to believe that what... their arguments are more or less weak there is, well, we haven’t seen these arguments, we only see what the media write, and if a person is suspected of something, it does not mean that this person committed this crime, two, third, i, by the way, i agree with the prime minister of poland , donald tusk, who said that those who advocated the construction of the nord streams should shut up and apologize, i think first apologize, then shut up, but i completely agree with that, because ... if you remember, i was one of those journalists who kept reminding me that as soon as the construction of the northerns was finished there would be a big war in europe, i went through years of being laughed at when i said that, and laughed at in ukraine, they laughed so that i was the most unpleasant in germany, my colleagues, some of them openly worked for moscow, like
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oleksandr rar, a favorite of ukrainian tv channels. some were just such useful idiots and professional journalists, experts, but you know, when i was laughed at in ukraine, i could still agree with it, because i knew that ukrainian society is absolutely infantile, absolutely unable to understand russia's intentions at all, i saw this in all the votes in ukraine, in most i mean the votes that did not take place after the uprisings, because ukrainians, as a rule, came as children exclusively after the uprisings and never in... peacetime, but the fact that the germans made fun of me was and still is a huge, i would say, mental problem for me, because i believed that they were practical people who they are remembered, they are aware of something in politics, and they turned out to be stupid, it's just that, for the rest of my life, we mentioned donald trump, i remembered for the rest of my life how donald trump, being the president of the united states, is not some kind of
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journalist you are there an athlete the entire american president stands on the podium, me i don't remember which conference, says: if you complete the nord stream, if you start all this, you will be completely dependent on russia for energy, what are you doing, and the german delegation is sitting, pointing fingers at him and laughing, remember , there was such footage, ugh, they just laughed at his words, i watched it and thought, well , yes, that’s all, it’s interesting, by the way, this is where all these people are, this... were the leading ministers in angela merkel’s cabinet, but in the end no one was wrong, neither trump nor i, germany hurts got rid of its energy dependence on russia, and immediately after the nord stream was completed, two, russia wasted no time in starting a war with us, a big war in europe started, so donald tusk is right. this whole detective story about... the fact that
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zelensky was preparing explosives, the cia found out about it. zelenskyi said to cancel the operation, but zaluzhny did not cancel it, looks beautiful only to the readers of wall street journal, because you and i know very well that this is not how the government in ukraine works, well, you understand that, right? ugh. when the commander-in-chief gives the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine an order not to take certain actions. and he conducts, these are actions with legal consequences, do you understand that? uh, and if these legal consequences do not occur for the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, they occur for the people who perform these and other actions, so it is still necessary to analyze all this, to prove, to understand what actually happened there, to understand why germany did not entered this person whom she wanted to arrest in... the list
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of persons she is looking for, and about...


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