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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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was preparing detonations, the cia found out about it, zelensky said to cancel the operation, but he did not cancel it, it looks beautiful only for the readers of the wall street journal, because you and i know very well that this is not how the government in ukraine works, well, you understand that, yes ugh, when the supreme commander gives the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine an order not to carry out certain actions, and he does, these are actions with... legal consequences, do you understand that? ugh, and if these legal consequences do not occur for the commander-in-chief himself of the armed forces of ukraine, they come for people who perform all these other actions. so it is still necessary to analyze all this, to prove it, to understand what really happened there, to understand why germany did not include this person whom it wanted to arrest in the list of persons it is looking for, and about... they sent some kind of
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request to the polish prosecutor's office, it's all strange, you see, everyone's actions are strange, so let's see if her ears will stick out later, well, there are many opinions about this from different ukrainians, pretend that it's just a diving instructor, a few more people, almost not tourists, not some tourist yacht , they swam up and destroyed a strategic object, ugh, well... it's also strange, if it was a ukrainian instructor, then why are we surprised, well, let it be, in a word, yes, mr. vitaly, we'll know , now we know what kind of diving instructor we need, true, yes, i always wanted to go to the underwater museum under lancerote island, looks like you have every chance, a few lessons, a few lessons, yes there are statues under the water, but there you have to dive very deep to get these statues.
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look, i always wondered who would teach me so that i don't drown there with those statues, because i became a new statue, but now i know who can do it, well, well, we will continue to follow the development of events and maybe some things will seem really funny to us in the near future, mr. vitaly, coming back after all, returning to the events in kurshchyna, several such questions, you know, purely worldview arise, both for me and for many ukrainians. well, for example, when we watch videos recorded by the ukrainian military, from kurshchyna, with local residents, and listen to these videos, we we understand that these people speak a language that is extremely close to the ukrainian language, of course, it has other inclusions, it cannot be called purely russian or ukrainian, but less so, these people still do not consider that their language is ukrainian, they avoid this... definition, whatever
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you like, call it their own babbling, their dialect, their speech, and so on. why, why don't they admit to themselves, at least, that they have what they were so scared of by russian propaganda? because they believe that speaking such a language is recognize yourself as a second-class person. i don't understand why you don't get it. this is the process that took place on the streets of all major ukrainian cities. cities, well, apart from lviv, kyiv, kharkiv, odesa and dnipro, for ten years people came from kyiv oblast, odesa, kharkiv oblast, dnipropetrovsk oblast, to large cities with millionaires and not only for them, and the first thing they did was try to unlearn from the ukrainian language, why don't you remember this? i remember it well, people tried to make a whirlwind in ukraine, on the streets of simferopol, when
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heard the ukrainian language, they looked at you as a villager, they didn't look at you, they were afraid, it was interesting, well, i was beaten, well, it was already, you thought that she was a banderovka and now something would do something bad to them, but it was outright contempt, we are intelligent people here. i remember it well in soviet kyiv, i am not talking about kharkiv, even post-soviet, i am not talking about donetsk, even post-soviet, about dnipro, i studied in dnipro, as you know, at the university, the only two places, where ukrainian was spoken language, there were departments of ukrainian language and literature at the university and a local branch of the writers' union, and that's all, well, that's all. because, well, how can you speak this
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language, you won't show from some crowded village, and people who are from a crowded village, they usually want to speak culturally and not consider themselves to be any kahls, and there are already... you heard, as she said, one of those who lived in suja, when we were going somewhere and started talking in this language, oh khahls, we came, well, the village, well, clearly, khahls from the village, you you see, this is the kind of contempt and disdain that is cultivated in russia, and was cultivated in the soviet union before, you khahls, you churks, you are someone else, i will not repeat all the words that i heard about myself. throughout my life, but i remember all this well, by way of political, i would say, approbation, during my life i managed to pass from jews to
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khokhlas, well, that is, people, i and i, that is, to other when, because people who learned that i mean a ukrainian journalist, they forgot. about my national, can i be humiliated by mine by national origin and humiliated my citizenship, and this is absolutely normal behavior for the majority of residents of russia, and they , i would say, assert themselves, people without rights always assert themselves by humiliating others, these people are ethnic ukrainians, it is true, they live in border areas , this is how this... border was drawn, this border between the russian soviet federative socialist republic and the ukrainian soviet socialist republic in the 20s of the 20th century, specially, specially carried out, and so that ukrainians do not have, i
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know, a feeling of some kind of exclusivity, here you live in ukraine, you speak ukrainian there for your purposes, but you move across the russian-ukrainian border and there again the ukrainian language, but no one else ... that you understand that this is ukraine, that was the idea, but i think you can see an important thing that is not enough when you speak a language and have no identity, language is an important marker of identity, for others, but it may not be for you a marker of identity, if there is no identification with the state, if there is no understanding of what... your history, what is your heritage, if you perceive yourself as a speaker of a certain dialect, or do you want to convince yourself that it is a dialect, like in the kuban it always was, people spoke pure ukrainian, well, not even the same as in kurshchyna, just literary ukrainian, but sometime in
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the post-war years they invented that it was gibberish, invented that they did not know the ukrainian language, i remember how i am in krasnodar. in the 90s, he interviewed the ataman of kuban cossack army gromov, a famous russian chauvinist, i interviewed him, and i decided that i, please, we have a little time left before the break, but i prefer to hear the end of this story, and i decided that he should give me an interview i'm in russian, ukrainian, i wanted to write it for the ukrainian service of radio freedom, he doesn't say, i don't know a single word of the ukrainian language, if you want i'll talk to you about our bala. i will simply have some such ethnographic experiment and here ataman groman in pure literary ukrainian language, pure as we are with we are talking now, he gave me an interview for half an hour, i told him, did you give an interview
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in ukrainian, no, i don't know ukrainian , they speak taman, well, here's the whole story in the next issue of krania magazine, which will tell about the return from captivity, how ukraine is looking for our own, or will we return all the children kidnapped by russia? the country touches on painful topics for all ukrainians. we talk to experts, listen to the stories of soldiers who were captured. ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online. dynamo kyiv. red bull-salzburg only on mego. for a chance to enter the champions league, kyivans will give all their strength on the field. cheer on august 21 at 10 p.m., exclusively on meego. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel. two hours of air time. time, two hours of your time, i and my colleagues will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhii zgurets, and what the world is about, yuriy fizer is already in front of me. there is time to talk about what happened outside ukraine. yuriy, dobryvechir. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchuvka with me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. but the news is cultural. alena chekchenina, our car spectator, is ready to say good evening. hosts who have become like relatives to many. vitalka dyadenko is already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend. and also distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is with us. on the line, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day events of the day in two hours.
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vasyl zema's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetiana chornovok. the founders of the angels unit are yulia paevska, author svitlana povalyaeva. about how we changed, what lessons we learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war. exclusively. on air espresso tv channel. see this week in the collaborators program. fake ministers of the temporarily occupied luhansk region. thanks to the leadership, today our region is flourishing and developing. received a mandate from the occupiers and russified the captured territories. we are for a strong russia, it has only such a future.
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on tuesday, august 20, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. this is the saturday political club at espresso, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, vitaly portnikov is with us, of course, and we still have 10 minutes to discuss. important for events that are important for certain regions of the world , and mr. vitaly suggested, and who am i to refuse, to talk about the announced visit of russian president vladimir putin to azerbaijan, possibly in the near future, it should take place tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, august 18-19, he will meet there with ilham aliyev, bloomberg reports about it, on the other hand, there is also, as far as i understand, cautious information, i do not see any ... confirmations that french president emmanuel macron may visit armenia, as we know, relations
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these two countries have recently strengthened somewhat, even in the context of some cooperation of a military nature, and mr. vitaly, what does this mean, what is happening now in the caucasus, a kind of shift in emphasis looks something like this, in general, you know, putin reminds me of yezhachka from a well-known anecdote , remember who was very afraid after dinner. and all the time he ran and shouted that nothing would happen to him, and when something unpleasant happened, he began to run and shout that it did not happen to him, if to retell this anecdote so intelligently, we are still on television, but now it is absolutely important for putin to prove that nothing happened to him, that everything is fine with him, think that there are some ukrainian troops there, in some kurt region, what is the difference, he is not interested in it at all, he is big and terrible, and he is engaged in serious affairs, and he just needs somewhere... to go and show that he continues his foreign policy activities according to the planned schedule, but the number of countries
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he can go to, as you understand, is not so great, and he can't now, christina , to go to any csto country, because if foreign troops are on russian territory, the csto countries are silent, as if it does not concern them, he comes to some csto country and does not even ask for support, though, huh. it looks weird too, what kind of dcb do you have? why did you have a dcb? the strange thing is that there are even fewer countries to which you can go, well, there is azerbaijan, a country that is in good relations with the russian federation, a country that is not a member of the csto, ukraine does not owe anything to russia, and in which you can spend a beautiful state visit is not easy. trip, it is a state visit, and he understands that ilham aliyev is in this situation because ilham aliyev is balancing between russia, turkey
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and the west. ilham aliyev cannot refuse him. on the other hand, ilham aliyev is an energy competitor of russia, because the west is now trying to negotiate on azerbaijani gas so as not to buy russian gas. well, this is a difficult situation. yes, there is also iran. ugh. i am to these. he would add iran and israel to the balance, azerbaijan balances between them all, israel occupies weapons, and with iran wants to support good neighborly relations while iran itself wants to destroy israel, wants to have good relations with russia, but agrees with the west on how to deal with the supply of russian gas. you can imagine what a complicated game this is, well, in this game, of course, you don't need to tell putin, we don't want to see you here, that would destroy the balance. putin
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understands this, he can go there. of course, there won't be any sensitive decisions here, because this is just a demonstration. in this situation, alia should play the role of a person who should demonstrate that everything is fine with putin. to things, aliyev already played such a role, he was in moscow on february 22, 2022, remember? yes, i am signing an agreement with putin on a strategic partnership there, conditionally speaking, and putin also signed all this with him as if he were busy with the caucasus, not ukraine. and aliyev was so mad because exactly... then putin recognized the independence of the so-called dpr, that he did not even come to a joint press conference with putin, he signed something with him and flew to baku, and putin alone answered the questions of journalists after negotiations with the president of another country. and the situation is very similar now. i will not be surprised that aliyev is now flowing from the conference. mr.
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bortnikov, but you said that in russia, with putin personally with... azerbaijan, there are no such topics under question, as far as i understand, such sensitive topics, but the situation in nagorno-karabakh, where the actions of azerbaijan from one side undermined a certain the authority of the russian federation and its peacekeepers there, isn’t that right, well, as we can see, the russians don’t think so, for the russians the most important thing was to punish armenia, not to blow it up the authority of their morotvo. if you know, if russia wants to punish a nation for disobeying putin, it can sacrifice the lives of its own soldiers, that's why russia did not prevent azerbaijan from restoring its territorial integrity twice, twice, and when it came to the so- called security chain, that is, the regions of azerbaijan that were under romanian control for many decades, and when
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it came to nagorno-karabakh itself, as you can see, now in russia they do not mention nagorno-karabakh at all, so there is one more point, definitely in this story, but he is not primary now for putin, but secondary, to show azerbaijan that he is a true friend of azerbaijan, indeed in the situation when president macron is going to armenia. you see, this event, it is harassing armenia, armenia has betrayed us, pashinyanyan communicates with blinkin, and this, of course, is a threat to you, and yatvik is a true friend, but you understand that aliyev is not lukashenko, he is not the person whom can be hung will listen, say: yes, mr. president, oh, i understand how much you are full of love for azerbaijan, all this will be beautifully stated, but aliyev is a person who clearly gives himself an account of what russia is, how much it threatens not only azerbaijan, but also the regime of its own power, and has always threatened. and that's all, one way or
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another, putin will try to disrupt there in baku. agreements between armenia and azerbaijan, will he succeed, no, i think he won't succeed, uh, do you think that because, again, his influence in the post-soviet space is not the same as it was recently, this war, it weakened him influence in the caucasus, we see it, uh, putin's weakened influence in the caucasus in a more, let's say such a distant perspective, can it lead to the resolution of many hot spots in this location? i really hope that armenia and azerbaijan will sign a peace agreement, to the people of azerbaijan who sincerely want it. i have always said to armenians and azerbaijanis, i do not demand that you be friends and love each other, i know for sure that this will not happen, and therefore i do not demand from you what you cannot fulfill, i dream that you could coexist in a peaceful region, to have normal economic relations, even
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if not political ones, even if you still have political suspicion, but to have normal ones. economic and security relations and thus create opportunities for the development of the region, for the development of the south caucasus, the development that russia tried to stop with its actions for centuries, well, after the annexation of these territories by imperial russia, after the annexation of azerbaijan and armenia and georgia by soviet russia , it was an ordinary annexation and occupation, again, if we will call it that things names, so in this sense i hope that now and in the armenian and azerbaijani peoples, not just the states, the peoples before us, you will be able to get out of this trap, not in the direction of someone. there is great love and understanding, this will not happen for many more decades, in the direction of just normal, i would say, coexistence in a not
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good-neighborly, neighborly coexistence, when armenian and azerbaijani mothers will not bury their children who will die at the front, this is the most important thing today, thank you, mr. vitaly, as always, vitaly portnikov and the saturday political club on saturday evening for... viewers and listeners of espresso, i remind you that you should stay with us and on august 24 , espresso is preparing a special project bright people in dark times, there will be exclusive interviews with prominent ukrainians for you, don't miss it, we will work for you, mr. vitaly, thank you for always brilliant analytics, thank you khrystyna for this conversation, all the best, goodbye. there are discounts until independence day on
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eden. 25% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. a special project for independence day, about the present and future, about war, loss and pain, about dark times, and also about people, people who influence our future, people who give strength to fight, people who fight, help and believe in victory, people who do not give up and destroy the enemy, bright people, special project bright people in dark times, august 24 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. and foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone
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survey, turn on and be included. verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses, which need to be rebuilt, about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine. about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. congratulations. please look carefully at... the photo of this boy, unfortunately he has gone missing and nothing is known about him for over a year, his name is vlad lyubichev and he is 12 years old. he disappeared in the city of vovchansk
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kharkiv region on june 1, 2023. if you know anything about him, don't delay and call us on the hotline at 116 30, or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i emphasize that... any, even the smallest details are important for the search, and as usual, i ask you to share the video on social networks, it really helps a lot in the search, and it is possible that one of your friends or acquaintances can identify the child and communicate important information. we are also continuing the search for 13-year-old hleb cherepanov, who has disappeared in mariupol at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia. the guy his mother is looking for him. no news since then. we applied to all search services. and in russia, and in ukraine, and in
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the police too. despite the fact that a long time has passed since the disappearance, and there is still no news , the woman does not lose hope, hopes for your concern and begs for your help in finding her son. he is very talented, he played the guitar, studied well, so artistic. i wanted him to become an artist. he studied in the it class, he was doing well, and he had friends he was a lot, all his friends worry about him, a very good boy, i miss him a lot. mrs. victoria told the details of her son's disappearance. so hleb lived with his mother and grandmother in mariupol and they
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stayed in the city. when there were already very fierce battles. because of the shelling, hleb, his mother and grandmother left their apartment and hid in the house of their relatives. one day , gleb's mother went out on business, and when she returned, she saw that a shell had hit the house where her son and mother were. the man, their neighbor, said that the house was hit by a projectile and that the military ordered everyone to leave and go to the bomb shelter. i started to cry and say. how will i find them now? he says: go to the bomb shelter. i was in despair, i didn't know what to do, where to look for them, whether they were alive. hleb's mother began to look everywhere for her son and his grandmother. the woman checked all shelters and bomb shelters, but, unfortunately, it was not possible to find the boy. on march 13, i was in my apartment, i hoped that they would come, that they were hiding somewhere. and only on april 14, on
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gleb's birthday, when it was already calmer, i went in search of them. however, this time too, unfortunately, the search did not yield any results, since then nothing is known about the fate of the boy. it is worth noting that there was a version about the death of gleb, when a shell hit the house, but fortunately, among the dead... the boy was not found, so gleb's mother assumes that her son could have been wounded, maybe he received a concussion, partially lost his memory and because of this he cannot tell anything about himself, and therefore i am asking you, and especially the residents of temporarily occupied mariupol, who can see this program in internet, look closely at the boy's face, he is about 150-160 cm tall,
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he has blond hair and brown eyes, there are three moles in the shape of a triangle on his face near his mouth. hleba's mother really hopes for your help and concern. i appeal to anyone who can help. if anyone has met gleb or my mother, kateryna pavlivna, please, any information would be useful. please contact the police or the child tracing service. i am really asking for help. if you have any information about hleb cherepanov, do not delay and immediately call the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service by calling 116 30, free of charge from all mobile operators
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. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in the morning, the russians hit kiev with missiles. on the approaches to the capital, anti-aircraft fire was activated, this was reported by the kyiv city military administration. at night, the enemy attacked khmelnytskyi with drones several times, explosions were heard there. also, ternopil oblast probably fell under the attack of the occupiers. local government urged ternopolyan to close the windows tightly because of the palpable smell of burning. whether the fire is related to the russian attack has not yet been officially reported. and


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