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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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the fire was almost there, and well, they fall absolutely wherever they want, and cause great damage, unfortunately, human casualties, well, what about this, yes, and it’s not only in us, it’s actually along the entire border line, well, so according to reports , we read that up to 50-60 kabs per day fall on the territory of the sumy region, we constantly see a threat, a threat, a threat, that is, in principle, if it were not for the kabs, the situation would even be simpler, because the russians pushed the buffer zone away from the border zone, we have it in our territory of bilopolsky district, this is us we border the village of tetkino, in fact our village ryzhivka and tyotkino, they go, the border line goes along the street, the 73rd number in russia, the 75th in ukraine, that is, this is our very close territory, and now there are a little different somehow task, and we feel less precisely these attacks. what do you hear from those
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russian territories that are now under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces? well, you know, i have an acquaintance with whom relatives live, for god's sake, in a village called politoddel, it's on the map, you can look at the map and find the geographical name politoddel, politodde, yes, this is a geographical name, this village, can you imagine, in a person, in a person’s passport on... born in a politod, this village, a village not far from our border, from the village of volkhino, and when in 23- that year, unfortunately, there had not yet been such an official evacuation, no one talked about it, but in january of the 23rd year, the village of wolfene ukrainian was completely destroyed, and there is no longer a single person, not a single surviving house, so her relative said, well how could you leave your family, leave your home, this is how to change families, i would not anyone. i would never, she
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is a friend of mine, she says, yes, there is no connection or internet there now, i want to write and ask that you have a change of family there, how is your political department doing there, they are also being evacuated, because this the border area, well , that's what my friends say, that our grandmother's house has actually all left, a lot of people have left her mother's house, that it looks like our border villages, a lot has been destroyed there, and in principle, if... there should be an asymmetric answer, because we have destroyed the border territories of more than 10 villages, these are villages which are no longer subject to restoration, where not a single person lives anymore, everything is completely burnt, broken and i do not know how and when life will return there again, but what, ms. natalie, i am the only thing you know, i still wanted to ask you , maybe there are also some of these contacts? are there
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any russians left in that tyotkino now, for example, right next to you, what is happening there now, they stayed there, of course, not all of them, not everyone was taken out of there, they stayed, well, with those we communicate with, where we know each other, yes sitting without light, without food, there is also a certain the catastrophe is humanitarian, because the shops are closed, what they write, but they, but are they so, you know, just, well, the russian occupation was terrible, for example in... cities where they entered immediately and there were some robberies , rape, people were afraid, terribly afraid to go out, they were sitting, but they were showing the judges, the italians, there were already two channels there, and ugh, and there people are so relaxed on the streets, they are not afraid of anything, well, i don’t think so , that they are not afraid, i think that they are very so plastic and very flexible in terms of who... who is stronger
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is the power, yes, clearly, because as one of our acquaintances, who lives with my aunt, said, well, well , it’s not us, it’s not, it’s biden fighting, when they called her and talked to her, she said in all seriousness, well, biden is fighting, we have nothing to do with it, uh, it’s clear, well, nothing, biden’s way, ilich’s way, the collective farm, it will be biden’s way, there the whites came, the reds went and so on further, and... the state department, somehow. mrs. natalya, thank you for the story about life, or rather unbearable life in the bilopol region. natalia kolinnichenko, deputy of the bilopol city council, was with us, dear friends, by the way, yesterday i came across a small video clip of how ukraine is. the military distributes humanitarian
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aid to the residents of kurshchyna, ugh, and such an interesting video, they come there with some packages, a woman meets them, talks to them. there the dialogue is partly in russian, and then she starts talking, we are hiding something, then she takes the box somewhere, and then she turns to them, and it is amazing, because she rushes to hug them, says: let me give you boys a clean hug in the ukrainian language, in a word, i don't remember that, well, maybe some very pro-russian people there rushed to hug the russian military, but we know that... the russian military, even with those pro-russian people, did very badly, because for they are all ukrainians and all enemies and they have come to de-nazify everyone. dear friends, what i want to say, i want to thank you, for yesterday you and i collected 45,000 and we are already close, there are 5,000 and a tail left, so that we have
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the first hundred collected, the second million, so we are already going out with you to collect the second million, maybe this week we will be able to collect the first half million of the second million, so the main thing is not to get confused, look at the screen, now you see the qr code, you also see the pictures , in those pictures you can see what we are collecting for, these are drones and rep systems, if anyone else doesn't know, maybe they turned on espresso for the first time now, just came across this announcement, then we have a collection going on, because i think that all our regular viewers already know for sure and memorized. and rebsystems for three brigades, the third a separate mechanized, my god, a third separate assault, 110th and 47th, please join , this is what they really need at the front, to destroy moskal and to protect their lives, because these rep systems are just those, those
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life preservers , and we already have uah 1,94,887 out of the 3.5 million required, a huge amount. but we are moving little by little, despite the fact that there is no number, card, there is a qr code, our viewers will give a good tip, and we are extremely grateful to you for this, join us, the qr code will be in the corner, and in the meantime we will ask about nikopolshchyna, which also is constantly suffering from russian shelling and constant news headlines, the enemy has again shelled nikopol, the nikopol community, dmytro bychkov, acting chairman of the nikopol district council. we are already with you, mr. dmytro, good morning, how will the headlines from nikopelshchyna sound this morning, how sweet the night is, well , the drones have been attacking kepel since the very morning, as usual, since the very morning, in the last days, as well as in the last months, the enemy is actively uses
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drone attacks on nikopol and the nikopol district, the appropriate artillery works in nikopol and nikopol's marinovog continues to terrorize our region. er, it can be said for a long time that this is exactly terror, because when people are very difficult to call them people, drones are sent to the apartments of residents, when children suffer, when people die, when communal enterprises are attacked, where the terror of the great business, critical infrastructure, this is all terror, and the country, which is terrorists, is constantly attacking nikopol district, that's why both yesterday and this morning. is no exception, this is how nikopolshchyna lives, but nikopolshchyna continues to live, work, to help the armed forces of ukraine to develop, and to prepare critical infrastructure for winter, these are all the realities of life in nikopol and the nikopol district, whether in nikopol, in
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the nikopol district, the number of, i don't know, shelters on the streets has increased due to the fact that constant shelling, do people use such facilities? the number of such shelters is gradually increasing, but it is certainly not in that sufficient number, which is usually needed in order to ensure the need, because when it flies up to 10 seconds, it can happen, this anywhere, in any part of the city and district, of course they cannot be placed on every corner, so of course the number of bomb shelters is increasing, but i would like it to be normal, to have more of it. and there were fewer such attacks, therefore, of course, when the enemy attacks and these attacks can happen every second, this is such a big problem for the life of nikopol and the nikopol district, because it is necessary to plan so that any such , unfortunately, enemy attack, it can catch
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a person , a child, anywhere and anytime. you you say that nikopol is preparing, it is also preparing critical infrastructure, because it is ahead. and they say that it will be very difficult this year in ukraine, how is the preparation going and what has already been done, and what still needs to be done? well, it's been two years, when... let's say this, they started preparing for winter, working with international funds, charitable organizations, diplomatic institutions to improve preparation, preparation for such heating seasons, of course the situation has already improved, regarding the fact that nevertheless stocked generators, from those moments already associated with preparations for winter, the situation is already much better than it was, but there were a lot of challenges in the nikopol district during these times and... the water pipeline, which the state recently finished, and the situation has already improved significantly
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with the water supply after the explosion of the kokhovskaya hpp, in fact the terrorists and the enemy left the city and the nikopol district with such great needs and problems and where people have not had access to warm centralized water supply for more than a year, the situation has already improved significantly and is improving, so there are many challenges, but as we say that... the city and the district continues to live, work, support each other, and the challenges that the city has, nikopol and the nikopol district have already experienced so much, and daily shelling, and the decline of the economy, and the closing of enterprises, and the undermining of kakhovskaya eges, and a few, two the zaporizhzhia power station burned several times, and people saw all this, well, during, well, i mean twice . during this time of the beginning of the war, when people saw such a story, when
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there was a big black smoke over the city of energodaram, it was such a great concern, that is why the people of nikopol, the people of nikopol and the residents of our district are already so hardened and continue to live, work and understand that only help and support by force of victory can stop the terror that is going on in the territory of our district, and what is the news from the other side? side of the river, is there something visible that the muscovites have? well, you won't see them right away, but you need special facilities in order to see them there, but it is very close, in fact, we are very far away by land, but very close through the dnipro river, which remained after the explosion of kakhovskaya gez when the kakhovskaya reservoir has disappeared, it is 5-7 km away, it is very close and therefore arrives very quickly. everyone, everyone from everyone, every person from the city can see the power units, can see, unfortunately,
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how shells fly from there, drones fly from that territory, well, we understand that these terrorists have created a military and logistics base there and terrorize from there residents of our area, and this is a great threat that when terrorists and people, shall we say, with a dubious reputation, seized the largest atom. a station in europe, i actually mean everyone, that is, where what else is presented in each, in each news, in each, in each message from nikopol, there is also a pro-radiation background for the locals, everything here is also watching this, as now, by the way, the level of radiation, is it not increasing, not with the background everything is normal, this is one of the good news in nikopol, the nikopol district, that... everything is normal in sonom and people are calmly reacting to what is happening now. let it
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remain so. thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro bychkov, the head of the vo, the head of the nikpov district council, was with us, now for a short time let's take a break, right? yes, and then we'll come back and talk about kupyansk. stay with us. tired of a mess in the kitchen? you constantly have to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one. you need set savory pro unpack tv: savory pro pans fold into each other and take up so little space, and the price is only from uah 999. the sejory pro set is five pots from one to 9 liters with lids for any occasion, use them on the stove and even in the oven. made pans with a rack to damage to stainless steel. savevory pro pans will serve you for many years. from now on, food heats up evenly, cooks quickly and in no way. burning, and how elegant they are, laconic design and such bright colors, and the main feature - thoughtful
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we are coming back and now we will talk about kupyan region, andriy byasedin, head of the kupyan city military administration, joins us, mr. andriy, good morning, what is he really like in kupyan oblast, please tell me, congratulations, glory to ukraine, unfortunately, shelling again, destruction again, private home ownership, private sector, damaged jet systems, a volley of fire, a hurricane , kupyans kuzlovy, the enemy in the knapsack struck a blow. thank you, no one was injured, all people are safe, but a very large amount of destruction, again, if we talk about damage, i will give a small example, in the last three days, during the shelling of apartment buildings, private of households , more than
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a thousand units of windows, balcony partitions or doors were broken, damaged, so if we talk about the preservation of damaged... property, our utility services work practically 24 hours a day to provide heat to people there, so that people do not stay, because the temperature it gets worse at night, so that we are not left alone with our problems, the enemy is a night strike, it destroys everything, everything we built. evacuation is taking place, what is its pace? the evacuation is permanent, it has been in effect for a year. constantly emphasize on because it is necessary to leave the territory of the kupin community now, it is necessary to leave to safer places, i want to note once again that the entire algorithm has been worked out, all mechanisms are working, there are places for compact living in the city of kharkiv, a large number of places for compact living in our sister cities,
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this is poltava, zhytomyr, rivne, chernivtsi, the city of chop, the city of lviv, so... people just need to call the hotline number , a special car will come for them, pick them up, and they will be in safer places, but unfortunately they neglect, at the moment there are 7,150 civilian residents, 157 children in the community, and i want to emphasize once again that it is better to leave the territory of the community for now, not to put yourself and your loved ones in danger, and you say 157 children are ahead school year, i don't know how old these kids are? well, but nevertheless, even if there are schoolchildren among them, i think, how, in what way will training take place? despite the distance of 6 km from the front line, despite all the horrors created by the terrorist country, the aggressor country. kubyanska the community lives and works, including educational institutions. three educational institutions carry out remote educational process on
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the territory of the community. 1,200 children graduated last year. in three-educational institutions this year, all classes have already been formed, including the first classes, those children who are in the kupin community, they are also studying, they have the opportunity thanks to the regional military administration, international charitable funds are provided with all the necessary gadgets, these are laptops, this tablets, but again, if we say about the safe places of our country, including the city of kharkiv and the opportunity to study and... the city of kupyansk, it cannot be compared under shelling, under destruction, under constant fear, well, it is difficult to get any kind of education, so this is another argument for parents, in order to leave and... give children the opportunity to really receive quality education, quality quiet education and engage in the educational process. what's up, please tell us more about
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your project, which is called the kupyan drone, how is it going? the platform works, everyone engineers are added every day, they are people who register, who assemble drones. currently 239 engineers are registered, every day they are added, to date 140 fpv drones have been transferred or are ready to be transferred to our armed forces of ukraine, i know that more than 50 fpp drones are being tested or are being prepared for testing, our goal is 1000 by the end of the year fpp drones for the defense forces of ukraine, i want to note that regardless of where we are on the front line. whether in the rear, in the kitchen, in the trenches, or in the garage, or in the office, each of us has the opportunity to be tangential, and each of us must do our best
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to destroy the enemy and bring our victory closer. i urge everyone to join the platform, destroy the enemy, and our slogan: let's cover ours from the sky, let's make our sky safe, and give the boys the opportunity to save their lives and health and destroy as much as possible of the equipment and manpower of the enemy. geographically, the people who join this project, where are they, tell me more, please, the entire territory of ukraine, the platform works on the entire territory of ukraine, every citizen of ukraine who located on the territory of ukraine with the help of the application, the action can be registered, all its data will be completely anonymous until the moment of signing the contract, a person collects the drone, hands it over to the military, the military. signed the contract and the kupyan city council compensates compensates part of the funds spent, which is uah 7,500 for the collected drone, thus motivating us to collect the next drone, not to stop,
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each of us, each of us brings our victory as close as we can, and i want to note that very a large number of people are currently already registered on the platform, collect drones, learn to assemble drones, for this the entire mechanism has been worked out, all the conditions have been created for this, this qr code, we show it, our viewers, if anyone wants to join, can scan it and thus become one of that huge team that works in kupyanskyi drone project, yes indeed, it is the door to the platform, anyone can scan, enter, familiarize themselves with the platform, there are four key roles, these are engineers, people who assemble the drone, suppliers, these are people who supply spare parts for. .. that drone which people collect, they do not need to search, order any spare part with one click, and separately - this is a charity fund, and donors, that is, if you do not have the opportunity to collect a drone, you
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can donate, and the charity fund will buy for our boys from girls , it is necessary for additional equipment to destroy the enemy. thank you, mr. andriy, andriy besedi, the head of the kupin city military administration, was in touch with us, dear friends, our first hour of the marathon will end little by little, then wee. there will be a legal examination, and then the news, and then we'll be back, so stay tuned. actum bar association, action for results. greetings, i'm dmytro didora, this is a legal examination, here we explain in simple terms what is legally complex. a wave of arson of military vehicles is spreading across ukraine. the main feature of such crimes is the order from the russian federation. there are quite a few teenagers aged 14 to 16 among the paliyas who do not even think that
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for such actions, despite their age, they can be punished for life. we will talk about this today with serhii guliichuk, criminal lawyer, deputy managing partner of aktum bar association. good day. good day mr. serhiy, we have already seen such arsons before, although they were not massive. character, who do you think can hunt for such so-called easy money? yes, at the moment there is a very large trend of setting fire to the cars of military personnel, the vast majority of such crimes have been recorded in the cities of kyiv, kharkiv, dnipro and odessa. first of all , i want to point out what these criminals are doing offenses of persons who are dependent on. alcohol, drug addiction, gambling and have microloans, such people are searched for in social networks, in telegram channels and in the databases
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of hoarders. in your opinion, these people want to earn money, or do they have some kind of ideology? in my opinion, this is , so to speak, easy money, since the persons who commit this criminal offense do not even think that there will be a large measure of punishment. the most important thing is that we explain here what is the responsibility for such crimes, what threatens people who set fires cars military personnel, not even understanding that this can be a serious responsibility, well , here we need to distinguish, because if the car is registered with the armed forces of ukraine, then criminal liability is provided for under article 114 with a mark of one of the criminal code of ukraine, from 5 to eight years of imprisonment , if any, in other cases, the crimes can be qualified under article 113. 194-258 of the criminal code
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of ukraine for this punishment is provided for by a punishment of three years to life imprisonment, these are serious numbers in fact , there have already been such cases in your practice of arson by motorcades , have you had to defend such people, do they have the right to defense at all, and what does a lawyer do in such cases, well, every person has the right to defense, but i want to point out that... such persons cannot afford dear lawyer, because it is banal that they have no money, besides, for such crimes, they are revealed, so to speak, on a hot trail, because the national police of ukraine and the armed forces and the security service of ukraine very
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quickly reveal these crimes. and have direct correspondence, videos on which this crime was committed, and have indisputable evidence, and the persons who committed the crime will be given a very long sentence, and what about teenagers, they will also face punishment, will their parents, for example, answer to a person 14 years, there 15... years, she committed such an offense, what will happen here? persons over the age of 14 are subject to criminal liability for these crimes and will suffer their punishment, in this regard, i emphasize to parents to pay attention to where the child communicates with whom, in which social networks are rewritten in order to quite...
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draw attention to whether additional funds have appeared, which gadgets are used, because for these crimes there is a very large measure of punishment, and the child can in the future sport life for himself for the rest of his life. thank you serhii gulichuk, criminal lawyer, deputy managing partner of the legal association, said. explained to us today what will happen if you set fire to military vehicles, we really see many such cases in our country, remember that this is a very serious criminal responsibility, do not work for the enemy, but remain a legal expert, because here we explain in simple words what is legally difficult, see you next week with a topical topic, see you, bar association...
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actum - action for the result. news time on aspresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in the morning, the russians attacked kyiv with cruise missiles. enemy targets were destroyed on the approaches to the capital. information about the victims is currently being clarified, the city military administration reported. also this night the occupiers drones were launched over kyiv. all enemy drones were destroyed by our air defense.


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