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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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was with us, but now, dear friends, we are approaching 9 o'clock, when we will observe a moment of silence in honor of all those who died due to russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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it is necessary to evacuate the civilian population from donetsk region very quickly, because the front line is approaching myrnograd and pokrovsk, and there are still many people in the cities, including children, will they have time to evacuate everyone? what is the local government doing for this, will coercion help? the evacuation of children, which was announced from today? is another aspect of the kursk front more successful for ukrainian forces? is the secret of success in the fact that the western partners and the president's office did not know about this syrskyi operation, are there risks, will the armed forces not find themselves in a trap there? this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, we are starting, join us. from today. in
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myrnograd, a city 5 km northeast of pokrovsk, donetsk region, the city hospital stops accepting patients, they are redirected to dobropilska and pokrovska hromad, also due to the tense security situation in the city, they are suspending the delivery of humanitarian aid, this was reported on the facebook page of the mirnograd city administration. yesterday , a long curfew was introduced in the city, it will last from the 15th. hours of the day until 11 a.m. the next day. the day before , serhii dobryak, the head of the pokrovsk city military administration, said on our air that the residents of pokrovsk have two weeks to evacuate. the inhabitants of myrnograd, which is not closer to front line, accordingly , there are only a few days left for evacuation. this was said by the head of the mirnograd city military administration on the air of our colleagues from radio donbass realia. security due to the approach of russian troops. the situation
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worsens significantly, artillery is already reaching the outskirts of myrnograd, from which the city is suffering for the third day in a row. last week we talked with the local authorities of mirnograd. at that time, 20 thousand residents remained in the city. now 16,000 civilians remain in the city. what will happen to them, how will it last evacuation, let's talk further. yuriy tretyak, the acting head of the myrnograd city military administration, joined ours. on the air, mr. yuriy, congratulations, thank you for joining, good day, mr. yuriy, now we have figures that 16,000 people remain in the city, at the moment, on tuesday morning, how is the evacuation progressing, people are leaving en masse, even under the influence , during the action of the commandant. because everyone
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has an understanding, people need to leave, the city is open so as not to interfere with the evacuation of people, concerns shops are closing, they are closing, well , slowly we understand that we have to, well, for a certain time, but it takes a day or two or three to take out the property, we also take out the children, the children, the teams of the state emergency service are involved. it's already bulletproof capsules, angels are involved, the police are involved, our services are involved, evacuation is underway, well, it's still not as fast as we'd like . they are waiting, mr. yuri, what are they waiting for, why are they hesitating, we talked with you, last week you gave those
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classic situations with war, examples when people do not want to leave their homes, some do not really understand what is happening, now, when... you say, there are only a few days left, and with the possibility of evacuation, in fact, the russian army is approaching, well, what arguments do people have? well, the front line is already less than 5 km from the city of myrnograd, well, those who hesitated there even a week ago, most of them have already made up their minds and are leaving en masse, there are people who, well, you know, it's hard to say what's on their minds, but the argument... more often i don't go anywhere, no one needs me, although we provide information against the community, about the conditions that communities in our country, we have an agreement in the poltava region, in the dnipropetrovsk region, which are ready to accept our people, this is
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apart from the fact that there is an evacuation train that is taken to the dnipro, to the rivne region, mr. yury, we provide information, but now yes. tell me how it happens, a person gets on a train, if there are no relatives, there is no one to go to, it is guaranteed that this person will be sent to the communities, as you say, with which agreements are there, is there a situation when a person is simply going nowhere, the same rivne region accepts people with displacement, there are communities in the poltava region, in the dnipropetrovsk region, which already specifically accepts people, there is a place to go, and a lot of people. come independently or to relatives, or already know where to go. tell me, please, what you do, how you argue, whether you apply forced evacuation to people with minors, with young children? well, here
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there is no one such, one such method, how to persuade them, it is individual, depending on what the arguments are, what the situation in the family, the arguments are... well, individually for each family, well, we both persuade and scare possible consequences, and well, different methods are used, and how do these methods work, given that you mentioned a 5 km front line, russian forces are approaching, all communications are there, local authorities are essentially leaving the city, humanitarian aid is curtailing, what else can there may be arguments, well , this is... also one of the arguments that shops are closing, there will be no humanitarian aid, and the consequences, well, let's face it, the main argument, i think, the most effective, is that every day the community, already a part of the city is under
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shelling, tonight there were shellings and the private sector, and in the industrial zone, in the industrial zones, people see, hear, this is the stupidest argument. please tell me, we talked to you again last week, you said that there is time until the end of this month, i understand that now time is getting less and less, when the situation was not like this, when is it us we set for ourselves, well , the trend that was then was the advance of russian troops, we set ourselves the goal until the end of the month, but now, unfortunately, unfortunately, the enemy was advancing. faster than expected therefore, we are trying to evacuate people as much as possible by the end of the week, at the moment there are 16,000 people in the city, by the end of the week, what are
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your realistic expectations, how many people will you actually have time to evacuate by the end of the week, well, i think... until the end, well, it’s hard to say, well, i hope that by the end of the week it will be less than 10 thousand, but i can’t say for sure, because we can’t take people out by force, we still persuade, scare, there we encourage in this, but by force, well, we can't take people out, so what will be with those nine thousand there, which? you say, they can stay in the city, and what awaits them, well, what are you waiting for, life under constant shelling, perhaps without water, without electricity, that is why i always emphasize and appeal
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to the residents of myrnograd, the myrnograd community, do not wait, it will not get better, it will only get worse. if you need help, contact us, there are telephone numbers on the websites, and contact the self-organization of the population, there are telephone numbers, we help those who cannot leave on their own. we provide assistance, there is information on where to go, under what conditions to go an evacuation train, there is transport that we organize for us, or charity organizations provide us, it is already delivered to the communities with which there are agreements, mr. yury, finally, according to your expectations, will it be possible to get all the children out by the end of the week in the term that you yourself. i think this is what we have, well, it can't be again, i can't
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say, because we have cases when parents hide children, today we will have a meeting with the police, how we will work with such people, how we will search for such parents who they hide children and call it unreliable information that children long ago. we are doing it, but we will intensify these actions, especially in those areas that are cities that are subjected to daily attacks, mr. yuriy, i am clarifying the last thing, because our journalists from vova, donetsk region were told that now there are more people who are being centralized evacuate, do not resettle anywhere, that is , you can guarantee that every resident of mirnograd is responsible for his own? community, he is really evacuated, if there is nowhere to go, he is guaranteed to be provided with this, this is
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housing and assistance, for all residents communities, i can't vouch for those who leave, those we take out in an organized manner, these are primarily vulnerable sections of the population, they are elderly people, or mothers with children, and when we take out centrally, well, in an organized manner. our local ones, we already know where we are taking them and under what conditions, those who go by trains, evacuation trains, those who go, those who go to the dnipro, they then leave on their own, those who go to the rivne region, to the people of rivne are being helped to resettle, mr. yuriy, thank you, we will add the phone numbers you mentioned in in the comments under our broadcast on the radio liberty channel, i thank you for... informing about what is happening in your community, yurii tretyak, the head of the myrnograd city military administration, joined
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svoboda ranok, told about the pace of evacuation from myrnograd. write in the comments where you are from, maybe from donetsk region, maybe you had the experience of evacuation, maybe you are facing it now, you have questions or have something to say, contact our journalists, personally in social networks, write to us, or in comments under our videos on the channel. radio svoboda. and in neighboring pokrovsk , the forced evacuation of children accompanied by their parents, guardians and other legal representatives will begin today. vadym filashkin, the head of the donetsk regional military administration, announced this on the air of the yendi novyni telethon. a free evacuation train departs daily from pokrovsk to dnipro and lviv. the day before, on our broadcast, the head of the pokrovsk mba, serhiy dobryak, said that now 500-600 people leave pokrovsk every day people most of them do it on their own, people who have dared to leave the city say that
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it is very scary, but staying because of shelling is even more dangerous, we live calmly, the situation is difficult. the situation is difficult, very difficult, especially the last week, even a week and a half, the explosions are constant, the nights are sometimes calm, and sometimes it is even very loud during the day, there is a lot of destruction around us, so it becomes more and more scary to stay further, very scary, very scary, at night it is impossible to sleep, banging, flying, today, when we we left the apartment, it was flying and blowing, we were knocked down, well, very hard, very scary. we barely left. yevhen kaplin, head of
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the proliska humanitarian mission, joins our broadcast by phone. i welcome evgeny to our broadcast. thank you for joining. there are many questions for you about evacuation. please tell us about pokrovsk, what is the situation, how many children, mandatory evacuation was announced today, and how many children and in what time frame you are going to evacuate from today. i wish you good health, well, we have enough for the donetsk region at the moment high rates of evacuation, if we say in general, compare, say. yes, in march, april , or may, our mission actually evacuated up to a thousand people a month, about a thousand, then july, august, and now the pace is going up, about 100 people a day and more from only the territory of the donetsk region, although also we are evacuating from other front-line regions of ukraine, in fact, yesterday
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the donetsk regional military administration made a decision, more precisely, to... populated areas from which mandatory evacuation in forced method of families with children, earlier in the past weeks the cities of selidova and myrnograd were added to this list, and yesterday such a decision was made regarding the city of pokrovsk, because today the enemy is already less than 10 km from the city of pokrovsk, well, about pokrovsk the community can be said to have... quite a large population, as of yesterday, when the relevant decision was made, it was known about 60,000 people and about 4-5,000 children living in the community. i want to say that before that, we had pokrovsk, it was not the main, let's say, city from which we
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took people, we evacuate as people. non-mobile population groups, for this we have special medical transport, people are transported lying down accompanied by medical teams, these are immobile, low-mobility people, people with serious diseases and injured people, they are transported from home to the final destination in any region of ukraine, where or their relatives are able to accept them, or where treatment in a hospital is necessary, or a degeriatric institution is ready to accept it a person, and the second type. evacuations are such more mass evacuations for the mobile strata of the population, and the evacuation is structured in such a way that local authorities, local military administrations form lists of those who want to through their hotlines, through walking tours of people and so on, and as of the evening they give us information about the number
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of people who want to leave this or that settlement, and we are already sending more... or smaller buses there, and according to the logistics of the one offered by the local military administrations, almost every day we have evacuation buses from the turkish community, evacuation buses from the kurakhiv community leave daily, evacuation buses leave from selidov every day, people near mirnograd also get a ride either to the evacuation... exit, which departs from pokrovsk or from the slovyanka station, dnipropetrovsk region, these are the nearest railway junctions from which people can go to the west of the country. currently, the host region is the rivne region for donetsk region, where the regional military administration organizes the meeting of people and their resettlement
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temporary stay, there are also individual flights, for example, for families. we took children from myrnograd, from the salidov community, from the kurakhiv community to a place of temporary stay in the poltava region, which was recently renovated by the un high commissioner for refugees, and was not occupied, there were 135 places, individual groups were directed there, according to agreements of the city military administrations in the donetsk region from those cities where... there were agreements to this place of temporary stay, from mirnograd people were also taken to the dnipropetrovsk region, also to a similar mtp, where the local authorities held negotiations regarding the settlement of people, and for all those who wish , flights are also made to the city of dnipro, our mission, where
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people can either resettle on their own, or they are provided with assistance also by our social workers regarding resettlement. evgeny, can you clarify how many and what is the youngest age of children in donetsk region who now need to be evacuated, well, i do not have such information, i think it is better to contact the local authorities to the police, well, then i can clarify with you, and what is the difference between a mandatory evacuation and a normal one, and what kind of measures can you take to ensure that a child with his relatives is there with his parents? , who turned to us on their own, or lists formed by the local military administration, appropriate measures are taken. to the local military administration, together with the national police, they conduct round-the-yard rounds of people with notices that a state of emergency has been declared on the territory of this city forced evacuation
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of families with children, such families are offered to evacuate accordingly. already after the family gives their consent, we will, well, provide the appropriate transport, besides, there are simply different groups, we have 60 people from the skorakhiv community as of today according to the application... the local military administration leaves, and accordingly we send several buses there so that people can get on and, well, also load their things. evgeny, that is, if there is even a forced evacuation, but people refuse, that is, people from children refuse to leave, it can happen, that is, they still have the option to refuse, well, it can happen, they can hide children, refuse, but humanitarian organizations... we do not implement the removal itself in an industrial way, we take out those people who have already made up their minds to leave and are leaving, the work
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you are talking about, the notification of the population, is done by the national police authorities and, accordingly, the local authorities, sometimes the national police authorities involve our psychologists, in order for us to work on this also from their side with people and convinced them to leave. from dangerous areas, recently such involvement happened precisely in the vovchan community of the kharkiv region, where a corresponding decision on forced evacuation was also made, after working with our psychologists, the families agreed to the evacuation, because they were told in detail where they would go, where they would will be settled and so on, sometimes our employees, our psychologists are involved in such activities, but mostly they are carried out by the authorities. ugh, i understand, thank you, yevgeny, extremely grateful that you joined and told about the evacuation situation, evgeny kaplin, the head of the prolisk humanitarian mission,
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was a guest of svoboda ranok, thank you, thank you for your comments, for sharing your experience, keep it up, spread the word, important, sensitive, it is equally important for other people who are now forced to go through this experience. evacuees to leave their homes due to russian aggression. and then we will talk about kurshchyna. the ukrainian military there advanced in the village of martynivka, this village is in the north east of the city of suja, which is currently under the control of ukrainian forces. the ukrainian monitoring project deep state reports on the advancement in martynivka. analysts of the american institute for the study of war also say about the advance in vyshnivka, that is to the southwest of korenevoy. the russian ministry of defense does not report on the advance from... in kurshchyna, however, as noted in the american institute for the study of war, with information about the task of strikes on vyshnivka, the agency actually acknowledged the presence there
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ukrainian units. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said the day before that ukraine controls more than 1,250 km of russian territory and 92 settlements, zelenskyi called the operation of the armed forces of ukraine in kursk oblast defensive, and this was almost the first time he spoke. its goals are to replenish the fund for the exchange of prisoners, and in this matter the kurdish operation has become the largest investment, as zelenskyi says. another tactical goal is the liberation of the russian border from the russian military for the protection of the sumy region, so says the ukrainian president. active preventive defense is the most effective countermeasure against russian terror and ensuring a real complication of the situation for the aggressor state. and secondly, we now have an extremely important ideological change, namely , the whole naive, illusory, concept of the so-called red lines in relation to russia, which prevailed in
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the assessments of the war by some of our partners, has crumbled these days, somewhere suspicious. it is interesting that zelenskyi also noted that if the western partners allowed ukraine to use long-range weapons for strikes on military facilities, then the necessity there would be no physical... entry into the territory of the kursk region. the ukrainian monitoring channel deep state published a video of how military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine communicate with local people in the kursk region. in the footage, ukrainian military personnel helped an elderly woman with water, the video, according to deepstate, was provided by the 22nd separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's see. how are you doing? quiet, quiet. drinks, there is water in the car.
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ivan stupak, a military analyst, joins our broadcast, ivan, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining, congratulations. invitation, the armed forces destroy the crossings in the kurshchyna, take control of new settlements, at what point do you think the offensive should stop and consolidation of positions should begin? well, everything depends on what we have in our pockets, what trump cards the ukrainian command can get, i always say that we have conditionally in the bushes, well, equipment, ammunition, how many people are still on paper in reality, that we can engage because
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once again we must understand. we suffer losses, there are dead, there are wounded, there are captured, there are missing, there is destroyed, damaged, abandoned, the captured equipment is ours, and it is not infinite, depending on how many of these stocks we have in the sleeves of these aces, how long this operation will last, we can now see these bridges, the seim river, blown up, approximately plus 600 - 700 km , it's all great, it's all great, but we must not forget about the east of ukraine. that fighting is taking place there, we are gradually losing city after city, village after village, the city of new york is out of our control, it is approaching the city of pokrovska, so for now, unfortunately, the kurdish the operation does not compensate for the advance of the russians in the east of ukraine. well, the president of ukraine named the goals, this is the exchange of prisoners, and that is to protect the sumy oblast and push the russian military away from this border, in your opinion, the goal
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is to withdraw the troops to... it was not like that from the beginning, maybe the ukrainian command had an understanding , that the russian forces will not make such sacrifices, that it is really important for them to seize donetsk region there, and not even lose their territory. well, i think, the calculation was such that at least somehow drag on the russian territory, somehow reduce the pressure on our military in all directions, to move the war so that hostilities continue on russian territory, so that there are refugees in russian territory, because literally... your colleagues did an interview, no, not yesterday, a few days ago, it seems to be italian the publication was, they conducted an interview with the residents of this kurt region, and they say that everything was okay with us, the war was somewhere in ukraine, we did not feel it, but now, it is now upon us, it is very unpleasant, and with such empty eyes they leave their homes, only now it has come to them understanding that after all, war is bad, there is nothing cool here, and it is not only on
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youtube, it is in their lives, therefore... well , personally, i believe that at first such a goal was to distract the russian forces, so far it has not achieved, that’s how we got the territorial gains, okay, but what to do with them now, we need to establish certain, well, commanders’ offices, not administrations, let’s not forget again that the east, there is progress there, and our military in the east says so, we feel a certain lack of ammunition, attention, because all attention, now the last two plus weeks, is only on kursk oblast, ivan, what... to prepare for and what moscow can prepare for, because this is not the first time when there are no possibly hasty statements of such operational nature, and, nevertheless, what could be the goal, while it is possible to wait, and over time, maybe some kind of counter-operation is being prepared there, you can't imagine that the russian federation, the kremlin, putin, they will just give up their territories, maybe they are preparing for a global counter-offensive on kurshchyna, well, great. question,
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look, in the first weeks there was a message that the russians were taking away from in different directions separate their troops, there somewhere a thousand, there a thousand in small parties, that is, they perfectly understand and calculate our steps, so they take them in small parties, so as not to overwhelm their offensive capabilities there, and, as it were, send them to the ukrainian fronts, it was called that, or rather on the kursk front, it was called such a number under 10 thousand personnel that the russians seem to have gathered and are ready to fight back with it. our offensive, but western analysts say that the russians will need at least 20 thousand, 20 thousand is such a figure that will help the russians knock out to the ukrainian troops, and for this purpose , it takes snipers from kaliningrad, from murmansk, they even transfer them, they called such space forces, these are military and space forces of the russian federation, these are mechanics,


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