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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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the offensive on kurshchyna, well, it's a great question, look, in the first weeks there was a report that the russians were withdrawing their separate troops from different directions, a thousand or so in small parties, that is, they perfectly understand and calculate our steps, that's why they withdraw in small parties, so as not to overwhelm their offensive capabilities there, and they seem to send to the ukrainian fronts, it was called that, or rather, to the kursk front, they called such a number under 10 00 personnel that... the russians seem to have gathered and are ready for this repel our offensive, but western analysts say that the russians will need at least 20 thousand, 20 thousand is such a figure that will help the russians knock out the ukrainian troops, and for this purpose they are taking snipers from kaliningrad, from murmansk, even transferring them, they called such space forces, this the military and space forces of the russian federation, these are mechanics, flight engineers, engineers, even strategic aviation pilots, they also rush to the fronts, but so far we
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have not seen them there in large numbers, that is why there is such a big crossroads: first, either they will now gather as quickly as possible and try to attack the ukrainian ukrainian advance and stop this advance, or they will pay off somewhere very, very far away, for example, the city of lhov, the city of korchatov, and will take such a defensive position, they say, well, you are definitely not here now you will pass, okay, you squeezed out part of the chicken from us, but... you can't take the rest, well, let's see, i think that maybe, maybe the end of this week, maybe the beginning of the next , it will be plus or minus clear where the situation will go. mr. ivan, why did you manage to go so far? the armed forces of ukraine? we understand that this was the effect of unexpectedness, a lot has already been said about it, but nevertheless, we also understand that there are also casualties among the ukrainian military, among the russian military, we have already seen the footage of these video footage, some reports have already been shot, yes, but anyway, what is this... could it indicate that
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the russian troops were ordered to withdraw, or dispersed by themselves, what could it be? look, a complex of factors, first of all, they saw everything, saw our preparation, all this is great, well, they saw it again, analyzed it, i.e. it cannot be said that our military did it imperceptibly for the russians, now is the 21st century, there are various satellites, radio communications, drones, the russians fly there 100-200 km deep into the territory of ukraine, but the question is that they do not... correctly calculated our future actions, just as we were wrong in the 22nd year, we did not calculate the potential actions, the potential attack of the russian federation, including from the republic of belarus, we must understand this, secondly, the border guards were protecting that territory there plus military personnel, and here military personnel, there is one of the russian military personnel, he gave an interview, or rather he called his mother on the phone and she wrote down his words, and he tells us that we have a group of military personnel led by...
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a border guard and armed he was only a border guard, that's all, all the rest were not armed, and well, the main thing is that the focus of attention of the russian general staff was moved to all ukrainian fronts, b- to bielgrad region, kursk region and bryansk region, she left, they remained as well, the ukrainians definitely won't dare, ukrainians don't have extra strength, well everything will be okay, but according to the final principle , this is how they formed the defense in those regions. thank you, thank you ivan, for joining, ivan stupak, military. yes , freedom of the morning was a guest, and we will continue to talk about the kursk operation, i will also remind you of the information from the economist, they said that oleksandr syrsky during the planning of this operation in kursk did, bet on secrecy and knew about this operation only zelenskyi, western partners and even in the president's office did not know, this is the information from zaeconomist, roman kostenko, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security and intelligence
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joined our broadcast. hello roman, thank you for joining. good morning. as far as i understand, you have already returned from your foreign business trip, which you announced, or have you officially issued this foreign business trip to kurshchyna? well, let's not talk about it, which, which official, which official business trips on the territory occupied by our ukraine. well, there is a little difference, because for deputies we know that permission from the head of the verkhovna rada is required. roman, i then to clarify, i know that you do not answer this question, but i will put it this way, you were there , the army performed some military tasks in kurshchyna, we are now talking about what i did, or about what our state is doing to what did you do, because you were, you are a people's deputy, you were at the kurshchyna, or you?
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i am a people's deputy, i am a colonel of the security service of ukraine, who has been protecting the country since the 14th year, and also since the 22nd year, so believe me, i have many motives and a lot. many tasks that i can perform as a soldier anywhere in the world in order to protect our country, i will do it, well, please tell me what you saw there, what were there, for example, were there any casualties among civilians, were there many casualties among the russian military during this ukrainian attack? i saw, i'll just tell you what the general situation is happening there. civilian losses, i don’t know about them, about civilian losses, as for russian military losses , they are the same as our losses, but they are actually russian, well, many times larger, and we see that only our
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defense forces, in general, the armed forces and the sbu, alpha, took hundreds of soldiers and border guards as prisoners. fsbeshniks, and the akhmat units, which surrendered to us, and, well, because of such a rapid advance of our troops, the assault troops, who were there, let’s say, in the front and were the first such vanguard that broke through the enemy’s defenses and simply left the russian eyes surrounded howls, consolidated support and company support points, after which our defense forces, alpha there and other motorized infantry there. subdivisions were fixed later as well already captured russian troops, there was a weak defense of the russian forces there, they really did not prepare, they really did not expect, a strong onslaught of our troops, well, bye bye, well, for example, your expert ivan, who was there before,
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he is also correct in principle says that combat brigades with probably the maximum combat experience in the world took part in us. if you take it, these are the 82nd, 80th, these are our airborne assault troops, which are constantly somewhere on the front line, and the airborne assault troops are the ones that perform the most difficult, well, the most difficult tasks, in particular, in assault actions, and they took part there, but the russians had defenses, yes the defenses were built, we will not say that there was no defense there, we still need to learn how to build strong points there, they are actually underground towns, but because what is... it is important when i say, when we are told about the number of personnel that have been called up, i say that our tsc needs to talk about quality, here quality just played a big role, you can call up, i don't know, a few millions of people, but if they are morally impatient, morally
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broken, unprepared, poorly prepared physically and er unable to perform combat tasks, then they will surrender their positions like this, even highly prepared, like... russians, because their positions were well, well prepared, and i will repeat myself once again , there were entire towns underground, but the russians surrendered because they were, they understood that against our troops, they are not capable of conducting combat operations. as for the kuryans, perhaps with whom you managed to communicate, how unexpected it was for them, and also many notes that there really was no opposition from russian civilians to the ukrainian military that entered their territory. why did this happen, why was there no resistance? well, here you are right that the difference between the russian federation's invasion of our territory in 22nd year and our invasion of russian territory are two different attacks, because in our country almost every
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settlement, every town resisted, in those settlements , well, first of all , the first ones who were at the border, they immediately ran away, they are the way they were... there is something similar to the tsarist villages, customs officers, border guards lived there, maybe some local elite there, who were engaged in state affairs and lived somewhere from the border, then they immediately fled, leaving all their property, and already such cities are larger, there are judges, korinova and all others, there are people there, but there were no problems with them, the servicemen communicate with them, most of them communicate in ukrainian and in general there is no... negativity, well, maybe there is somewhere, but in general i did not hear any negativity about our servicemen there , a plus our servicemen, they conduct hostilities primarily against the soldiers of the russian federation, and not against the civilian population. regarding the civilian population of civilians in the russian
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federation, citizens of the russian federation, what to do with them, mr. podolyak, for example, in an interview with the present time, he said about what will be introduced. tion of civilians to third countries, i.e. through ukraine, what do you know now about the evacuation of russian citizens through sumy oblast, is it already taking place, maybe there are already some evacuees, maybe they already transferred to these third countries. or is it only planned? i don't have such information, and i haven't heard, let's say, i haven't heard, if there was probably some kind of evacuation, i would have known about it, but now, well, no evacuation is happening, what i know is that people live there , and those cities, settlements that were in the rear of ukrainian troops, there are basically no hostilities there, people just continue to live there, our, shall we say , commandant's office was created there under the leadership of general eduard mosk. and they maintain order there and provide livelihoods, because
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according to the geneva convention, the occupied territories, the state that occupies them, must be responsible for everything that happens there, we occupied these territories, now our task is to be responsible for the local population that is there, so now , a command structure has been created for this, regarding whether people are moving somewhere, maybe there are some movements where the people themselves are there. they leave somewhere without the help of ukraine, but, let's say, it has already been organized en masse, i have not heard. and the russian side somehow allows its citizens into its controlled territory, is there such an evacuation, or does it not allow civilians. there is an opportunity for civilians to travel there, the front line is already discontinuous there, so there is an opportunity, and whether the russians are passing through there, well, the russians can do it anyway. to launch and destroy on the approach, so it is already difficult
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to control it, because hostilities are going on and where there are clashes, civilians definitely do not go there, where there are no country roads or something, it is enough to control there difficult, but for our people, well for well, for the people who are now, well for the russians who are in the occupied territory, i did not see a threat that they should... go somewhere, leave their homes, that there is someone over them taunted, maybe only they understand that if russia pulls up its troops there in the future, and they saw, or they just take aviation and they saw what russia is doing, doing with the captured territories, with our cities, that it simply erases them from the ground, then this threat is possible, they will feel it more from specifically the russian federation, and not from. roman, well, you as a military man, tell me whether to expect a counteroffensive of russian forces, whether they will
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fight back to back, if so, when, in what period, after how long? well, look, we, this is a military matter, here you can't predict further than a few days, what i see now, that, putin, uh, he does not have the reserves to immediately throw so and so reclaim what we do. we're expanding the beachheads, that's right, we've destroyed the bridges across the river, er, seym, and seym, yes i forgot what it's called, the bridges flew out, and now here is this group, which is the westernmost bridgehead, it is actually surrounded on three sides by our troops, i think our task will be in the future, it is to knock them out beyond the seim river and. .. and in principle, this territory and on the right side, our troops are also active on the right side
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of the teroborona brigade, and in fact it will be very difficult for them to expand, they will need large reserves, but what putin is doing, i watching, not knowing his plans, that he pressures pokrovsk, abandons all the forces and a little from there are being transferred here in this direction, as we hoped for it, but everything is moving smoothly, we see the 80th brigade of the regiment. dvuhsotka, this is the leningrad military district, which is from the kramatorsk direction, from the prydniprovsk direction, the transfer is coming, but it is precisely from those difficult directions that they are not coming, and here one gets the impression that putin is trying, on the contrary, to pressure us on pokrovsk and force us to withdraw the troops and everything to strengthen this direction, and now there is such a game of who will beat whom, syrskyi or gerasimov, and i will say that who would i didn't say that the troops have not been deployed yet, but as a result of... the kurdish operation, they are still ahead, it is not yet possible to say that we have reached such and such
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a direction, we are entrenched, that's all, putin has not deployed the troops, that means the operation failed, or vice versa, in military affairs, as a rule, the consequences can be said after some time, whether putin will win back, i think definitely, but now he does not have the reserves to win back now, to create some conditions, or, for example, enter on the territory of ukraine, as someone says, in a mirror to seize territory, he needs to either take troops. serious troops, it is not just a matter of taking troops from the depths of russia that do not have combat experience, because they have already shown that they are not capable of fighting against such brigades as ours, it is necessary to take combat brigades from those directions and transfer them. or mobilize, which he does not want to do now. thank you, thank you, mr. roman, roman kostenko, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, people's deputy of ukraine was a guest freedom morning. thank you. we are grateful to all our viewers for being with us, for supporting our project, likes, comments, this is masth for ukrainian youtube today. join every weekday from 9
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want to buy for the necessary 3.5 million. join in, dear friends. you and i already have 1,106.7 hryvnias and 62 kopecks, but we need even more, so we are waiting for your donations, big, small, all kinds, and now we will talk about today's historic vote to ban the uoc mp, its activities in ukraine , yevheniya kravchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, we are joining her , mrs. yevheniya, are you ready for this voting? what is the mood of your colleagues, what do you think about me? well, i expect that the verkhovna rada will demonstrate the same clarity on this issue as the president did, and by the way, absolutely all, representatives of various religious denominations, except of course one church in its statement just a few days ago, really
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the process, which started with the decision of the national security council and the president's decree, was quite long. at the end of 2022, then the cabinet of ministers submitted a draft law and finally now, i will not name the day and the time, so as not to interrupt this historical event, indeed we, the verkhovna rada , are preparing to take this final step towards banning the russian orthodox church and the connection of ukrainian religious organizations with the russian orthodox church, is it about... the ban, the latest amendments, have they softened or emasculated the very idea of ​​law? the law between the first and second reading became definitely stronger and... here we still distinguish between a foreign religious organization and gundyaev, all that they have there are their structures in russia and of course affiliated
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with it, but ukrainian religious structures, that have a connection, so we prohibit precisely the connection with the russian orthodox church, the connection with the aggressor country, moreover, at this moment of banning the russian orthodox church, we quote the paris resolution, which was adopted literally in six months. where the russian orthodox church is clearly indicated as part of the regime of the russian federation and an instrument for the spread of the russian world, and by the way, i think that even in other countries, especially those countries where the russian orthodox church has its branches there, they will also look our law, and i do not rule out that this law of ours may become, well... here is a step to follow there for the same baltic countries or other countries where the influence, let 's say, is felt? ms. yevgenia, did you talk to your colleagues about
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the vote for this draft law on banning the uocp, what was their mood, because there were many who doubted, and that is precisely one of the reasons why there was such a forced, forced break in work of the verkhovna rada, this is precisely the lack of attitude towards... to put an end to this issue, well, my colleagues are more than 230 people, so of course it is quite difficult to talk with everyone, but with those with whom i i communicate, of course, there are many more colleagues who not only wanted, signed, delivered signatures, demanded the passage of this draft law, last friday we made an amendment, which we hope removed the last argument... or rather, opened the way to voting for the law without this spam, there are a thousand amendments that the lawyers of the moscow patriarchate could make, and we give
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nine months for the connection to be broken, that is, legal proceedings will not start earlier than 9 months, and the ban on ukrainian religious organizations that have communication, i.e. liquidation of them as legal entities, it can only be done in court, because this is... a european norm, we have european integration, we have to withstand these norms, your colleague from the faction of the voice of oleksandr ustinov, wrote a post today, literally an hour ago, i i don't know if you have seen this post on facebook, she writes that your american visa will be taken away, this is one of the main messages that are being told to our deputies in the verkhovna rada not to vote for the moscow patriarch's law. church of the moscow patriarchate, and they say such explanations that the americans are against, that they will say that this is religious persecution, that you are banning the church, and ms. usinovova
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writes that it is a myth, moreover, she writes that she was in washington two weeks ago, bypassed 16 senators, and you know , what they say, go for it, get fsbs, i will not translate verbatim, well, but no, i will translate, because it must be understood, do it, because this is the structure of the fsb. well, actually, and, and i say, and calls on oleksandr ostinov, therefore colleagues and colleagues, vote and do not tell, because it is necessary russian canned goods to survive from ukraine. did someone approach you personally, or maybe you know from your colleagues that they were really told such horror stories about the fact that they will take away their american visa and that american politicians, they say, are against banning the uocp's activities in ukraine. well, let's say so, the level of arguments was from the fact that you are there, then you will lose your immortal soul to the really manipulation of certain lobbyists who
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receive a lot of money for their work, here it should be noted that, well, it's just their work, write letters to everyone, threaten some kind of sanctions, tell them about the visa and so on, of course this is manipulation, i want to thank the delegation that was in the united states, they discussed this... issue with our ambassador and well , i tried to sound out with politicians, really some such messages, that no, here we see it as religious persecution, it is not true, and by the way, for us later as an argument for international communication, because international communication is also important, we have a statement from the council churches who say the greatest threat religious freedom, religion in ukraine is... the russian federation, this is what they are doing in the occupied territories, leaving only the russian orthodox church, and this is what they are doing with ukraine, sending rockets here to churches
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and children's hospitals and so on. and none, well , we have partnership relations between various denominations and the state, this was confirmed by the statement of the all-ukrainian council of churches. if it weren't for the blocking of the opposition tribune, would today have come to this vote? and i cannot say that the opposition blocked the tribune, because near the tribune were representatives of all factions and groups, except for the opz fragments. i think that this question... sooner or later it would still be in the council and in the vote, because we were also collecting signatures there, but i think that such a catalyzing role so that there would not be any again there ten arguments about visas and so on, or think of five more arguments, it was a clear address of the president and his clear position, what an address of the president, remind them so many that i don't
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have time to legislate them all. you are right, because there were several times, he spoke about spiritual independence both in his address and at a meeting with the all-ukrainian council of churches, after which this statement in support of the law from the council of churches appeared. okay, got it. i will also ask about one more people's elected official, artem dmytruk, he was a servant, he ran for office as a servant of the people, and now he is not a servant of the people, and just a month ago... he was ordained as a subdeacon of the uoc mp, we recently spoke with natalia pipa, also a people's elected representative, she says that she hasn't seen him in the walls of the verkhovna rada for a long time, but that's not the case less, here we have a vote on the banning of activities in the pcmp, here the people's deputy himself is ordained as a subdeacon, he also thanks onufry and generally says that this is a blessing for him, have you seen him and in general, does it have a place to have such a person in. .. well, among
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the constitutional reasons for the deprivation of the mandate , there is no mention of the protégé at the uoc mp, so i cannot comment in any way that this is a reason for losing the mandate, the protodeacon is not the fact that he has, i don’t know, his own parish and himself controls some legal yes a person, a religious organization like him, well , it is clear that he... will support this law and, well, the vote, i am personally sure that afterwards journalists will analyze for a very long time who was in favor, who was against, who did not come to the vote, he said , that he got sick or took out a card, and any actions of any people's deputy, if they contain any signs of a crime, then it is already a matter for law enforcement agencies. well, i wonder how this activity of mr.
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dmytrouk will be considered, or...he recently criticized it the activities of the ukrainian army in the kursk region, even earlier somewhere he attacked a military man with his fists, here he is ordained as a subdeacon and thanks onufry and this church for its activities, when the verkhovna rada, in the walls of which he is a people's elected representative, will vote for the ban activities of the uoc? we vote for the ban of the russian orthodox church, as well as for the connection of any religious organization. from the russian orthodox church, i just want us to be correct, because then the same quotes that we ban a ukrainian religious organization by law, a political one, will be used there in various lawsuits, courts, european and so on, therefore we act within the framework of the constitution, within the framework of the law and protect our state from the legal influence of ruskavamir. the ukrainian orthodox church is not the russian orthodox church. uoc, mp, affiliated with the russian orthodox church, as known.
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religious examination, in order to stop in court this religious examination must be submitted to the court and the trial continues. we all know, yes, the real state of affairs, but we follow, we are in the rule of law and we follow the legal procedure. thank you, mrs. yevheniya, yevheniya kravchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, was with we talked about voting to ban the russian orthodox church in ukraine. do you see that there will be a ban now? and the president made an appeal, i know that now kateryna will be a broad belt, because we are making an appeal to her, and she will tell us about the latest news. katya, you have a word. greetings, lesya, greetings andria, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the night attacks of the russians in ukraine and what will be the schedule of power outages in ukraine today, so i ask our viewers to wait.


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