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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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says as follows: there, showing, in ukraine, in poland, in the west, they sleep and dream that russia and belarus will use nuclear weapons, and then it is such a gift for them, simply incredible, but - he says, we will not give them this gift , even if they do not dream, that is, no one will give it to them again, this is about us, why, because if they use nuclear weapons, then they quite consciously, adequately, understand that they will no longer have allies, neither china, nor conventional india, and perhaps even north korea, will fall somewhere horizon, but china is the most important ally, losing which they risk losing everything in such a short-term perspective, so i think that now there is no question of nuclear blackmail or nuclear war at all. mr. ivan, we are sincerely grateful to you. for
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taking the time to join the espresso tv channel, ivan stupak, a military expert, a former employee of the security service of ukraine, was just on our air, i remind you about the survey we have today, we ask you if you hope that that the government will bring transparency to the rebuilding of the ohmadit children's hospital, if so... take your phones or smartphones and call 0800 211381, if not, 0800 211 382, ​​all your calls are absolutely free. we have the next guest in the new week, and this is georgy tuka, deputy minister for temporarily occupied territories in 2016-2019,
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head of the luhansk military-civilian administration in 2015-2016, and founder and leader of the narodni til volunteer group. mr. george, we are pleased to welcome you to the espresso channel. welcome to the studio, welcome our viewers. mr. georgy, well, of course, what will we talk about, including the course operation, but mr. ivan stupak and i have just discussed such certain, er... military issues, operations, certain tactical and strategic things, i wanted to talk with you about the situation actually in the territories controlled by ukraine in russia, so in particular there, a military commandant has been created there, major general eduard moskalyov has been appointed as its head, and according to the data and statements we have, the task is in
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maintaining the viability of the local the population, in general to ensure law and order and so on and the like, how correct are these, well, such, let's say, more organizational actions in those territories that are under control, and how in your opinion should ukraine act there, especially we can we see in the context of the fact that... that every day the ukrainians, the ukrainian defense forces are capturing new and new settlements in the kursk region? well, i guess i want to start by addressing our boys, our heroes, who are now defending our country, my dears, please, now various sources are spreading a bunch of different videos from... from the territory of the kurt region, which
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even have fragments of some such strange brotherhood. my friends, i am begging you, never, never, never forget, you are in a hostile environment, and those people who are smiling at you now and thanking you for bringing them bread and water, the day after tomorrow they may bring you a can with honey inside with explosives, as it used to be... done by a 74-year-old grandfather in donetsk region, so please save your life and don't lose your vigilance. as for the actions of the authorities, in principle, they are absolutely adequate, they correspond to ukraine's desire to comply with humanitarian requirements, the norms of international humanitarian law, i approve of this in principle, and indeed. it is the duty
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of the state that controls this or that territory to take care of the civilian population. at the same time, i want to say that i am, well, somewhat soft. i was surprised by the statement of mrs. varyshchyuk, they say that it is necessary, well, let's say, there is an idea, uh, to open green corridors for the evacuation of the civilian population those territories currently controlled by the armed forces of ukraine to the territory of ukraine. i don't understand it, i don't accept it, it doesn't meet any requirements of humanitarian and international law. this is some kind of initiative that is completely incomprehensible to me. moreover, i know one hundred percent that the vast majority of residents of the sumy region, well, i can't say 100%, but more than 90, i have no doubt, have a very
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negative attitude towards such an initiative of the vice-premier, and i consider it necessary , well, convey at least to... the state leadership the point of view of the residents sumy region, which borders the territory of the kursk region, which is currently under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, that our citizens have a negative attitude to such an initiative, because we should never forget that the same poor and unfortunate as they are there, the kuryans, the kurchans, whose now our soldiers are feeding and fighting, yesterday they recorded approving video appeals to the great vladimir vladimirovich, they said with tears in their eyes that they all support this damned svo, and even their
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sons, brothers and neighbors there participate killing ukrainians, and suddenly we start with... their fate , i think it's completely inappropriate to shed tears, i don't call for the destruction of all of them, absolutely not, but we must always understand that they are our enemies, it's not neutral population, don't be greedy , they are enemies, especially since in reality, we have to understand that the sumy region, is n't it the most affected? are all people affected by the war in ukraine provided with everything they need, apartments, houses,
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humanitarian aid and so on and the like, well, we you and i understand that the answer is unfortunately negative, but mr. georgy, absolutely yes, and i absolutely share and emotionally similar. similar reaction of our citizens, and i consider it absolutely unacceptable to arrange frank political speculations, and i believe that such actions on the part of the authorities are exclusively political speculations in order to please some of our western humanitarians in quotation marks with their demonstrative actions, at a time when our the native population, well, to put it mildly, the level of uh... care of the care of the authorities in relation to ours citizens, well, if not quite zero, then somewhere close to zero, i recently recorded a video, i did not expect it, i was asked by mariupol television, it turned out that
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the editor with whom i spoke, he is a twice -immigrant, he himself was forced from donetsk run away, then they decided to settle down with their wife. and had to flee from mariupol, and here we were right there for 40 minutes discussing with him the topic of the displaced, the reaction of the authorities to this not-unseen challenge, i agree with this, but what is being done almost nothing, and in parallel with the zero coefficient of usefulness in relation to one's own citizens, to arrange some demonstrative shows to the enemy, well, i consider it absolutely. unacceptable and, if not to say, despicable. by the way, to add a bit of information, journalists from the american edition of the washington post visited a court controlled by ukraine. they write that the ukrainian military does not cause
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any harm to local residents. instead, they distribute humanitarian aid. quote. the reporters did not see any evidence that they were ukrainian the military murdered or attacked... civilians, a dozen russian civilians interviewed by the judge said that they were treated well, and they did not know of any killed residents, well, this is also the opposite. in what the rashists are doing and did in buch, in irpin, in gostomel, in what they did in izyum and what they are doing now in principle in all occupied territories, but it is clear that we must understand, this is how we observe humanitarian law, but we understand that these are the people who, this is the country that is killing today our country, our people, which kills kills. and will kill, let's also be frank here, mr. georgy,
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here is another question: the kremlin, it is trying to downplay this threat, at least if you look at their tv channels, their telegram channels, perhaps more pro-government, their means in general mass media, the kremlin still tries to present it as some kind of force majeure problem or some kind of problem. of a more humanitarian, extraordinary nature, but not like an occupation, well, if logically, that's how they should have presented it, in your opinion, why is such reaction, why is there no announcement, as we expected, of mobilization, no announcement of any actions, so to speak, well, what we could conventionally expect, why are they trying to minimize so much in the eyes of their under-society. er, this is the offensive of our country, the offensive of our armed forces on the kurt
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region? well, in principle, those who haven't lost at least a little common sense, i mean the russians, and they perfectly understand what is happening, we are now talking about the russian government and, accordingly, russian propaganda, really there is complete minimization, by the way, this kind of policy... it has already given rise to a wave, not one, but a whole wave of different confrontations in the so-called, as it is called, the z environment, well, that is, these scorned various z-actors, starting with solovyov with kabeeva, and ending with putin himself frankly, there are quite a lot of powerful things going on inside. disputes , to put it mildly, including, for example, what is happening in the kurschen, so putin said
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the situation, and a considerable number of the so-called z military cows, as they call themselves, they are outraged and demand that the russian authorities act more decisively, call their names, the dispute continues... it revolved around the thesis introduced by kremlin propagandists, i think our viewers have already paid attention to it, they say, the second kurdish battle, the first kurdish battle there , she turned the course of the second world war, and now we will turn the same thing again on those fields, and there were opponents , i emphasize this within this very despicable phenomenon called: z environment, who began to cry, what are you crazy about left, there is no kurdish battle, this is
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an attack that was made there at the request of the cia, the fbi and nato, what you are spreading, it is generally a trifle, some insignificant thing, and you compare it with the huge battle of the second world war war, therefore from the point of view. informational, well, here i think, even no one has any doubts that the goal has been achieved , as for why, for example, you have already mentioned, putin's position, it is indicative, among other things, the fact that if you recall how his political submarine disaster career. course that actually the same thing happened, at first silence, silence, silence,
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four days later, it seems, ugh, a modest report began, well, there was such a small conflict, but everything is in order there, we are in contact with the crew, then he talked there for a month and a half , that he was messing with the crew there, but it ended with him answering the question with a smile... on his face: what happened to kursk? she drowned, but approximately the same, exactly the same reaction algorithm is now taking place on the part of putin to... the events that are taking place now in the territory of the kursk region, at first complete ignoring, well, it seems that nothing is happening at all, and then yes, well , a mosquito bit something, an insect crawled by, and he characterizes these events as events, events in the kursk region, and
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between others, well, i can't say, there, of course, it's about some kind of emotional explosion inside. this language is not spoken, but at least some citizens and social movements appear there, who are surprised, to put it mildly, by such a passive reaction of the kremlin to the fact that part of the territory russia is being taken under control by foreign troops, or rather the armed forces of ukraine, and therefore, if so, in a sentence or two, it's up to you. well, i think, this reaction will be, or will they still have to react, or will they try in the following weeks, there this week, the next, a month or two, to belittle and somehow, as they say, get off the topic, i am talking about i watched several of these vile
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various political shows, and among them i also watched... analytics from the so-called good russians, and in principle, i agree with the thesis that today one of the reasons for such, so to speak, weak reaction of the kremlin is the fact that, after all , the most decisive for the kremlin is the attack on donetsk region, accordingly, it is expected that some important, big things will be removed from that direction. sections in order to start liberating kurshchyna, i think it won't happen that way. the kremlin understands very well that there is actually about a month and a half left to continue offensive actions, realistically, yes, then the rains will start in october, and it will not be until the offensive. so, at putin's, for a solution
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of the so-called danetsk voprosa, one and a half months remain. i think during this term. months, no drastic movements will be carried out, but already, well, it seems to me, at least, there are already discussions in this very zetserovysh about the need to announce total mobilization and the need to involve conscripts in direct military operations. thus, i conclude that the process has begun. preparation of public opinion for such actions, and such actions will be implemented, but i still think that they will be implemented after it becomes physically impossible to work specifically on the donetsk direction, well, again, so to speak, the western media last week published information that the mobilization
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in russia may be held in november of this year, that is, approximately. in two or three months, mr. george, we are sincerely grateful to you for taking the time to join us, for your thoughts. george tuka, ex-deputy minister for temporarily occupied territories in 16-19, ex-head of the luhansk military-civilian administration, in 15-16 in the 1990s, the founder and leader of the volunteer group narodny tyl was on the air of the espresso tv channel. i remind you about ours. survey, we continue to ask you whether you hope that the authorities will ensure transparency in the reconstruction of the ohmadit children's hospital. you can take your phones or smartphones and vote yes or no for free. if you think so, 0800 211381, if you think not,
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0800-211-382. i remind you once again that all calls are absolutely free. so get involved. iryna gerashchenko, people's deputy of ukraine, a member of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, ex-authorized on peaceful settlement in donbas, on the live air of the new week on the espresso tv channel. mrs. iryna, iryna, we are glad to welcome you. good evening. glory to ukraine, i am very happy to join one of my favorites. glory to the heroes, ms. iryna, the first topic i wanted to discuss with you is the formula for peace, peace, peace talks, in particular. newspaper the washington post, an american edition, it wrote about the disruption of allegedly secret negotiations between ukraine and russia over
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the kurdish operation. well, in particular, if we add a little bit of information, then in august 24th , representatives of ukraine and the occupying power were supposed to send negotiators to qatar to... stop attacks on energy and energy infrastructure in general from both sides, and in particular, allegedly writes the washington post that these talks were disrupted by the kurdish operation, what is your assessment of this kind of information, these kinds of articles that are coming out, could this really have happened, and and whether such things, they should ee... whether such things should be given publicity, whether society should know about any negotiations, even theoretical ones, that may
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take place between ukraine and the side of the occupying state, and first of all, i belong to those politicians who believe that the main negotiator at this stage is the armed forces of ukraine, and the strength and power of the armed forces of ukraine strengthen the negotiating positions. countries, no matter when peace negotiations begin, because it is obvious that any war, any conflict ends with peace negotiations, but here today the formula for peace is written by the ukrainian armed forces, and they need to be helped in this, and to be helped through, firstly , the strengthening of our military-industrial complex, sufficient supply of drones, missiles, shells, and the strengthening of the supply of western weapons, and for this we also all need to work more seriously externally, this ... firstly, secondly, as a person who took part in peace negotiations at one time, i want to say that we had one directive: to prevent a full-scale invasion, ah, and
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the minsk process, despite all the criticism, you know, he did a very important thing, first of all, he gave a pause to the armed forces of ukraine, this opportunity to build up their muscles and be strong, and by liberating ukrainian territories step by step, i know for sure that they negotiated with one... of course, whatever - who, yes, love silence, secondly, the russians can never be trusted, they only understand the language of force, and the stronger ukraine will be, the stronger our position will be, we must be strong from the point of view of the armed forces of ukraine, we have done so and of our diplomacy so that we strengthen this anti-putin coalition, but despite the fact that obviously, the negotiations have a certain character, society also has the right to know a certain truth. and here i want to draw a parallel again, that for two weeks i informed at least my colleagues in the parliament about the progress of the negotiations, and president poroshenko met with the leaders of the factions
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in order to inform them about his vision of how we hold the country, how we we are strengthening the armed forces of ukraine, how we are liberating our territory, and i will remind you that we managed to liberate 70% of the occupied donbas, but... the fact that today there is no such information, there is no dialogue even with the parliament, i do not consider it correct, and i will emphasize that there is another such interesting position, yes, we are forbidden to conduct any negotiations with representatives of the russian federation, there are relevant decisions, both of the parliament and the national security council, and actually, well , there is such a conflict here and there, but once again i emphasize that our key task, as a society, as politicians, as these is to strengthen the armed forces of ukraine. they are our main diplomat today and form this negotiating base, as strong as our positions will be in any case negotiations well, in particular, the russian side
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allegedly denies that any negotiations took place at all, the russian side can actually deny many things, let's now give a graphic of what the spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, zakharova, said. said that no one disrupted anything, because there was nothing to disrupt, no direct or indirect negotiations with russia between russia and the ulabka kyiv regime regarding the safety of civilian objects, critical infrastructure were not conducted and are not being conducted, well , again, they can do a lot to speak, we conditionally speaking, we cannot so to speak confirm or deny this information, we provide what is stated by what is published by the foreign press, in particular. if we talk about other international issues in general, august 23 is the day of the national flag
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of ukraine. the prime minister of india, mr. modi, who had previously visited the aggressor state and met with putin, is to come to us, to kyiv, on an official visit. we understand that india is one of the key partners of the occupying power economically in one way or another. in fact, this is the first in history, in general, the visit of a representative of this level to ukraine. well, already in... in the foreign press , information appears again that mr. modi can allegedly convey some message or message from putin to zelensky there. in general, how do you assess such a visit, is there a need to communicate with india at this level, what topics need to be talked about, what topics need to be raised, and whether there can really be any specific messages from
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the fashion side. transferred by putin zelensky? well , first of all, what we have seen from putin's side until today, their russian scenario, what they they call their proposals for negotiations there, it was called the capitulation of ukraine, it is obvious that there can be no agreement on this from the side of ukraine, and i emphasize once again, we need to strengthen our armed forces. secondly, we certainly welcome prime minister modi's visit to ukraine. this is very important, and what is the problem of war now. unfortunately, the russian federation has learned to circumvent sanctions. unfortunately, the countries of the global south did not join the sanctions. unfortunately, russia quickly found substitutes for its exports, and we see that even in those the rocket that fell on ohmadit had elements of western technologies, western chips, which
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means that through third countries. an aggressor country can receive these dual -purpose goods or parts for its military production, and it is very important that we block such routes, as well as the expansion of the sanctions regime against the russian federation. unfortunately, russia has the money to continue the war. unfortunately, india is indeed one of the key trading partners of the russian federation, in particular with regard to contracts for the purchase of energy carriers russian and obviously, there is an emotional component to the visit, i hope that during the visit, mr. modi will see the consequences of the genocidal practices of the russian federation, the destruction of ukrainian critical infrastructure and our capital, yes, if it is only in the capital, well, as a rule, the leaders of the state visit only the capital, it's all very important this component, it's also a very important signal, really, because it's really
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one of those... visits that are important from the point of view of expanding support for ukraine, and i think we can only welcome this visit, but it is important to prepare for it very clearly and talk about three things: india should be just as interested as all civilized countries in supporting the territorial integrity of the sovereignty of ukraine, for this it is necessary to stop the war, it can only be stopped by increasing the pressure on... the russian federation through the strengthening of the sanctions regime, due to the termination of the purchase of energy carriers in the russian federation and through support programs for ukraine. ms. irina, i would like to talk with you about an equally important topic, that of law-making activity, the verkhovna rada of ukraine is supposed to meet this week, so the verkhovna rada of ukraine has not
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been working for almost a month. unfortunately, in the mode of plenary sessions, unfortunately, we saw that the verkhovna rada ended its activities in july, for almost a month, without voting for the bill banning the russian orthodox church in ukraine, and in general , we see that there are many other issues , volodymyr zelenskyi announced last thursday that... there will be an alleged meeting of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and he noted several such packages, package bills or directions, including payments to military personnel who perform tasks on the territory of russia regarding the normalization of their legal activities, and the granting of citizenship to foreigners who fight for ukraine.


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