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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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here is exactly the peculiarity, look, if we ourselves did not have the right and opportunity to play in geopositioning, because this is our land, our people and our difficulties, because before us is a really very large-scale nuclear aggressor who wants to destroy us completely, i.e. genocide here is a process, a phenomenon and a state, it is a very complex process, which also needs to be publicly declared, therefore this process affects not only ukraine or us, it is aimed at the destruction of the world, and therefore, when any countries, when they accept putin as the author of this regime, which is already more than 25 years old, they practically extrapolate this genocidalness to themselves, and therefore exactly what you are asking, now they will use, they will ... try to create even
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greater psychosis, they are doing it and doing it, on unfortunately, quite successfully, because you and i, but still the mobilizers, the mobilized go, they are chased, but they still go, and very often there are those who go voluntarily, thanks to precisely this cognitive and mental offensive, which measured in putin's russia federation. millions of hours, not times, but millions, why? because you and i know how exactly content and the creation of communication situations works as a technology of a global format, mr. grigor, but now we see videos showing russian prisoners during the offensive actions of the armed forces in the kursk region, captured there, well, within the limits of there 15 -20 russian prisoners. and we
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see such a calm attitude of the ukrainian military towards the russian military, even when we look at the exchange of our military on the russian military, when our soldiers return from captivity after torture, we see an example, and the russian soldiers from our captivity return so stupid, and some of them return to the battlefield again. how do you think we can deal with these dissonances, and especially our military, who are our troops, who are now taking prisoners of the russian military, how to deal with this paradigm? this is really a very difficult test of our humanity, our people, that is why it is very difficult for them, in their eyes, in front of them, their brothers and parents have been lost...
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mothers, our killed, our tortured, therefore , in this situation, the topic of re- popularizing this humanity on our part, it needs to be scaled up, there is very little of it, especially now there is a moment when it is necessary to talk, especially with non-contract workers, who we took in prisoners, namely conscripts, because these conscripts who... went to defend their homeland from the aggressor, here they are made precisely so that they attack the victim of the aggression of their powerful regime, and these aspects of the complexity, by the way, do not understand and on abroad, and we have to explain it, but what you said about physiological torture is just talking about genocide, it's just talking about the fact that... putinism must be stopped not
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only by a military initiative, a smart military initiative of ukraine, but also initiatives of our partners in the supply of weapons and opportunities to adequately respond to this, let's talk about the impunity of putinism, because putinism is really scary in its impunity, which continues from the position. the levant for more than 100 years, starting with the famine in ukraine and ending with military operations 14-woe to this day, all this goes unpunished, and now topics are being raised again that negotiations are needed, talks are needed, even talks about peace without victory, but we must talk about victory, about the victory of the civilized world over putin. genocidal regime,
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why i appeal and repeat this word, it is a very difficult word, it is difficult to perceive and present, but it must be done. because international law measures this dimension by only six positions, and the putinites created them, we counted more in the center at the institute, already almost more than ten, and this is a very serious matter, which turned from an act of genocide into a process and phenomenon of genocide, so we have to publicly and conceptually raise the world against the regime. which creates the destruction not just of ukraine or europe, but actually of the world order, primarily of the un charter today. mr. grigory, thank you very much for these explanations of complex topics, which are actually both the consequences and
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the root cause of the actions of the russian federation. thank you very much for the inclusion, i will remind our viewers that it was hryhoriy lyubovets, the head of the communication and content security center. here. hereby were the main conclusions of our military column, then the broadcast will be continued by vasyl zima, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you, sergiuets, thank you to his guest. we will continue to share a lot of interesting and important information, i think you remember the announcement, will not repeat it, but in fact there is a lot to talk about. prohibition of the moscow church in ukraine, what is it? and cashbacks on the card if you buy ukrainian, events outside the borders of our country, and of course, news about the weather, whether the heat has returned for a long time, because in fact it significantly affects the health of many ukrainians, we will talk about all this, but now let's get to the meeting.
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the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund continue fundraising for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade. for the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of combating enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember that each of your donations is important. join, you can see all the details on the screen. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third crimean assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need it for electronic warfare against small uavs of the enemy and
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drones of the comikat, we really ask for your help, glory glory to ukraine, to the heroes, and on august 24 there will be a special broadcast on the espressa tv channel, of course, we are preparing our informational gifts for you, of course, and it would be great if you spend as much time as possible with our tv channel on all its platforms on this day, so until august 24, until the independence day of ukraine, the espresso tv channel is preparing a special project light people in dark times, interesting stories about heroic people, interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav. serhii plohii and much more, already at 10 p.m. a documentary of 10 years of war on independence day at espresso. from 80 am to midnight, be with by us well, actually, today an event took place that was waited for, i don’t know, some waited for
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centuries, some for decades, well, everyone has their own time, but ukraine globally has really been waiting for centuries for the end of the domination and control of the moscow church over our state, the ban on the russian churches, but this is such a headline, and we will discuss the details with mykola knyazivskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, and you are the author of the bill, exactly which one of the bills, which predicted the banning of the moscow church in ukraine, first of all your emotions, as a person who for a long time fought for... and in any form of compromise, but an end was put to the existence of the russian, specifically the moscow church in ukraine, your, your emotions, after today's vote, please, uh, i'm glad that we succeeded in the parliament, but in order to put an end, as
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you say, to the existence of the russian church in ukraine, it is necessary that, already having the law in hand, the government acted effectively, that's when they will stop their activities in ukraine, i will be relieved, but for now, it seems to me that we need to work even more, although this achievement is really extremely great. well, today the verkhovna rada of ukraine passed the draft law number... 8371, which bans the uocp, well , bans churches that have ties to muscovy, decipher it, please, i know that there were a lot of amendments to this draft law, if i i'm not mistaken, today i read up to 23 pages of only amendments, some of which were agreed upon, some of which were not agreed upon, because the work on this draft law what exactly was passed, and speaking of edits, then... what edits were important, what maybe important but weren't, then made
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into the final document? er, this document submitted by the government was initially very weak, we transferred there quite a few effective provisions from my bill, which actually started this discussion about banning the activities of the russian church in ukraine 8221, as a threat to national security, this.. . was the philosophy of my law, the draft law, and that of my colleagues who signed it with me and defended it there were representatives of various factions of our european solidarity, but not only, colleague konstankiewicz's law on simplifying transitions to the ocu and the law initiated by the security service of ukraine. we essentially combined all these laws into one, it does not limit the activity of any of the ukrainian churches, it prohibits the activity of the russian one. churches, as well as those who are subordinate to them, or have connections with them, or are subordinate to them, because this
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structure, which is called the church in russia, in fact, is not a church, it is an enemy public an organization that works to destroy the independence of ukraine, helping the fsb and the army, and it is obvious that its activities in ukraine should have been stopped, uh, there were really a lot of amendments, i am proud of the ones i gave, two mine, two two key ones. theses were not included in my law, i consider it a mistake, but we agreed to it as a compromise for the time being, i was convinced that tomos must be included in the law, because tomos was not requested by the church, but by the state, then president poroshenko addressed the parliament , the parliament turned to saint bartholomew, it was a whole procedure, and tomus is given to the state, the church, the people, and society, and there should be a law that regulates this, and that in ukraine orthodoxy. one and only, this is the ocu, and with their blessing or permission
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, some other orthodox churches can arise and operate, if they are awake, will consider it necessary, this is what canon law says, and this is how it works in many european countries on the basis of laws in many european countries, these points were not taken into account, because of that we will still have certain problems, i i think one day we will definitely do it, as other europeans have done, but there are a lot of other amendments and... they and my colleagues were taken into account, i want to thank the chairman of our committee nikita potoraev, who really showed himself as a real leader, as a person , who knows how to unite, who knows how to work on the text of the law, to convince representatives of the authorities, although he himself is a representative of the authorities, i also want to thank those people who worked on this law, and iryna konstankevich, whom i called yevgenia kravchuk, and those who stood and fought for him acceptance, like mrs. klymenko from the voice, aleksiychuk from... the people, it was such a great collective, one might say, creativity and
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collective struggle, which united the majority of patriotic people in the parliament from different factions. you know, there is an answer from the representatives of the so-called uoc mp, metropolitan kliment, he is responsible for external communications, he says that this decision discredits those who adopted it, and what... about us, he says , then this does not concern us, because we are the uoc and there is no mp prefix in the name of our church, would you deciphered such an answer, because we also do not have another church that is connected to moscow, you can have a prefix, you can not have a prefix, the point is not what letters you write or what abbreviation you write, the point is whether do you have relations with moscow, or do you commemorate, conditionally speaking, a person who calls the war against ukraine sacred, on the weight of patriarch kirill of the russian orthodox church, or not? how would you comment on this answer, and what did you want to say by this, well
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, as if nothing changes for us, but for who then changes? no, so why talk then? they are really mentioned there, the russian church and related structures are mentioned. if they fought with this law like this, and have no connection, then first of all, why should he worry? it does not affect them then, if they are so worried and nervous, then they are probably lying, as they often do. and from the pulpit, and among the people, and in the press, this is a common lie, so that they themselves need to decide so that, as they say, the hat does not burn on a thief, where they, if they do not have communication, good, i support. the law, you are not worried, you are worried, so there is something, after all, the religious examination confirmed this direct connection, and they act on the basis of the letter of patriarch kirill, that's all, patriarch alexy, i'm sorry, it's not a secret, it's known to everyone, that's why and point out, as they say in this anecdote, that nine months are given
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in order to break ties with the country and the aggressor with the church, which in fact... just blesses the war against ukraine, not just sanctifies the weapons with which ukrainians are killed , a the church, which is actually waging war on the other side of the border, and very often also acts as an enemy agent on the territory of ukraine. about these nine places, what should happen, is it worth waiting so long, because i understand that those who do not want to tear, they will not tear, they will look for some opportunity to avoid it, why such a term is given to these procedures, this is the price. compromise, it was a condition of those in the servants of the people and other supporters of this church to give them time, why do they need this time, i don't understand, uh, well, in principle, all these procedures subsequently, it still took some time to go to court, because it is necessary to carry out an examination, check whether this connection really exists, give them an order, give them the opportunity
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to appeal the order, then file a lawsuit, well, it would take seven months, so they you still have two months... but there is a rule of law where this connection is direct, and it has already been proven, which does not need these nine months to stop their connection or their activity can be done right now immediately after adoption of the law, and they can challenge it in court, and the number of months is concerned those for whom this connection is not obvious, well , this is such a procedure, the laws are not perfect, the main thing is to defend the basic principles and make these laws effective, maybe not so much. fast, not simply, as we would like, as national security requires, as it would be necessary to do, but effective. this law is written to be effective. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, called it an act of declaring spiritual independence, i will put it figuratively. and this is true, obviously. to say that, well, you know,
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some people write that it will be remembered like that the president, or for his presidency, i would say better. banned the russian church, although we understand that this is the work of many people who acted on their own initiative, and not on what they were told by the president's office, relatively speaking, but here is an important issue, but for me it is important to understand, i think that you know exactly these processes, seeing from the middle, you understand where there was a break, or where some scales of the scales overpowered other scales. it has been talked about for a long time, we don't have votes, it's not time, suddenly elections and the voters who go to the moscow patriarchate, there are already many of them, they will not understand, there were a lot of reservations from politicians, why all of a sudden all reservations became unimportant and it was, well, it was clear that this was good, at least for the parliamentary majority
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and those who cooperates with her, openly vote for, because there are more than 200,200... 53, if i'm not mistaken, votes, i could be wrong, well, this, this, this is important, which changed so dramatically that suddenly the votes appeared, where again, what happened is a key, key chemical-political one reaction, well, look, our president, a former colleague of yours is a tv presenter, the truth is in a different genre, just as you look at the ratings, and when 80% of ukrainians want the banning of this church, the president cannot help but reckon with it and act against the wishes of the people . so, he acts according to the wishes of the people and that is positive. there is nothing wrong with this. i hope that in general it will continue like this. you say there are many? well, 4% of ukrainians is certainly a lot. for us, the voice of every ukrainian is important, but it is not as much as to parishioners of ukrainian churches. that's why most of those people, when they see this
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law and the state's attitude towards it. i think that they will realize that the state does not tolerate this, they will start going to ukrainian churches. it's just that when the state didn't... it turned a blind eye, they thought that maybe it's possible, maybe it 's necessary, that's why i don't see any big tragedy here, everything is going as it should, but somewhere around february i i remember talking to people who are engaged in active social activities in business and one way or another they were involved in the support of church communities, in particular in vyshgorod, and there were priests who transferred together with the communities to... the orthodox church of ukraine there were those who did not, the motivation was different, rather strange, of course, but in any case, well, now the question is, how should they move the communities to the orthodox church or just stay under what brand then, well, i'm simplifying, it's not a brand, of course, it's the name of the church, but
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let it be so, to remain as uoc, or whatever they should call themselves, that is, breaking ties with muscovy - it's one thing, and it's another matter - it's churches, it's communities and further actions in the legal aspect, because it's also very important, actually. if they are really orthodox, they have. a part of the single local ukrainian orthodox church, if they are not orthodox, but wear regalia, it is enough for them to break ties with moscow, i don't care what they will be called, even though it is the church of the saint, for me it does not play any role, the main thing is to break ties ties with moscow, that is, conditionally speaking, it can be called registering, registering some new church, you can come up with anything, the main thing is that you have no legal, financial, political, or any other connections, connections with moscow, then, then in principle. it doesn't matter what your name is, but it's important, mr. mykola, for a long time there was a struggle for the kyiv-pochersk lavra, a national reserve, and how much was taken from there even in soviet and pre-soviet
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times, how much was stolen in recent times, how much there was business there, how many incomprehensible structures were there, even militants who were part of it were hiding there the so-called dpr fought against ukraine, i will say again what was not there and managed to displace the moscow influence from the culture. and the spiritual sanctuary of ukraine, but there is the pochaiv lavra, which at one time was taken, if i am not mistaken, generally from the greek catholics, now it is under the full control of the church that we know as the uocmp, whatever it calls itself there, and if to talk about such buildings as cult shrines, well, laurels are the spiritual shrines of the people, there cannot be many of them, so what do you think? there must be, there must be action, because again to rename, to say that we broke up is one story, but when it remains ... actually under the control of people who still mentally, spiritually, ideologically support the policy, let's say and kirill himself, no matter how they are called, no matter how they
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are renamed, well, this is wrong. ukrainian shrines should belong to the ukrainian church, the ukrainian people. all i can tell you. moscow priests must be driven from there. it should be done normally, in within the limits of the current legislation. i believe that it will happen in the near future. it shouldn't be. of russian priests in ukrainian shrines, the more the authorities, who should check, or how this procedure will take place, nine months pass, they give almost a year, and then who should check, they broke the ties, they didn't break them, that's what needs to be seen documents, it is possible on the first day, after nine months you have to submit them to the court, if these documents are clear, we have a body, the state service of ethnopolitics, and the efficiency of its work will depend on what how the law will be implemented, i have a lot of questions about this... effectiveness now, but i want to believe that they will change their approaches, and the state will understand the importance of this service, and they will be able to hire
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more people, they will be strong, strong specialists, patriotic people, and they will deal with it. i recently read a story that on the territory of one of the military units of ukraine there was, ah, well, such a building, which was legally under the control of the moscow church, well, it seems... it was taken under the control of the state of ukraine, but you understand, that, let's say, such a building and a person who may be there in that building in the role of a priest or someone else, may be simply, well, conditionally speaking, an agent of muscovy on the territory of a military unit, and where they were not, they tried to restore something on the territory near the museum of the history of ukraine, where the foundation of the tithe church is, everywhere they tried to put their eyes on small architectural forms. and here is the question of cleaning up the so-called agency, if you can say so, how long do you think this is a long process,
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i am not saying that who should be responsible for this, who should fight with it, just generally cleansing from this moscow influence, in your opinion, precisely for the people, how long is this process, 80% are in favor of not having a moscow church, but globally , how long will it take to forget about its existence altogether, as they forgot, let's say, about russian dubbing in movies, about russian music on the radio, about the russian language on television, about many things that were forgotten thanks to the initiative deputies, well, how long will it take to forgot about the that once upon a time there was a moscow church, the initiative deputies did everything possible for the government and the desa to make it happen as quickly as possible, then it will be necessary to control their work, how they work, i don't know how long it will take, wishes, if there is a political will, are delayed. they may not be in ukraine, i believe that it would be right, if there is no desire, there will be some unclear negotiations, it will drag on for some time, if there is public pressure and the public will will accelerate, well, in any case.. . is
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inevitable, the inevitable course of history, it is clear that many people who fed here, they do not understand this, this course of history. i know, but at one time, almost the largest part of the money that went to moscow came from ukraine, from the parishes of the ukrainian orthodox church, the moscow... patriarchate, how can they cling to money again, because this is also really important , where ukrainians take their finances, and which church they belong to they develop and support, well, this is important, on the one hand, money was flowing, on the other hand , russia pumped money into them for the sake of their propaganda, but through the pro-russian oligarchs who were active in ukraine, they were told, do you want to do business, do you want to trade with us,
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here such and such a tenth of... to churches, part of this money went to moscow, and part remained with them, it is obvious that this is such a financial cesspool, and it simply should not exist, we simply forbid it with their money, with their popes, with their obscurantism, with their hatred of ukraine, with their hypocrisy, on a cross must be put to all this, it is another matter that there are also some decent priests there, and they can be, they remain priests, even when their church will not be here, they are still holy for... we remain in accordance with the canonical rules, and no one prevents them from going to the ukrainian church and serving god and people there. thank you very much, first of all for your work and for voting, and thank you for your comments. mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine was in touch with us. on the day when a truly historical event took place, the banning of the moscow church on the territory of our state, which actually had dominance here, well, if not, since about the 17th century ad, it is quite a long time. a time
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of oppressive influence, but a new life is beginning and i hope that it will be, that all this darkness of moscow will disappear. how russia tried to destroy the ukrainian church for years, for one second, how russia tried to destroy the ukrainian church for years, how our clergy fought for its independence, they talked about it with the head of the ukrainian greek-catholic church, blessed sviatoslav shevchuk. you can see bright people in dark times in our marathon on august 24. the spiritual enslavement of ukraine began immediately after the russian empire began step by step to colonize the territory of ukraine. step by step, as soon as russia, the russian empire annexed
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new ukrainian ones. land, it began to destroy our church, and it is obvious that then russia tried to russify this territory, and with the help of various symbols, even monuments, everything possible was used in order to establish this, you know, such, well just a murderous ideology, orthodoxy, itself. so it was a wonderful interview with his beatitude sviatoslav, the head of the ukrainian greek catholic church, vladyka, on august 24 , don't miss it like the rest of the interviews that i and my colleagues did for you, well, literally in a moment of news. good evening, we are from ukraine, and the enemy struck, there was a fire at an industrial
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facility. ternopil oblast, which arose at night due to an enemy attack, managed to extinguish it, the military administration of the region reported, a special commission is assessing the damage caused to the environment and the enterprise. in the regional center and nearby communities, an excess of chlorine in the air was also found, sometimes by 10 times. the authorities called on residents of ternopil and nearby settlements to keep their windows closed and, if possible, not to go outside, especially with children. a fire broke out at this enterprise, a fire of tanks with fuel and lubricant materials, unfortunately, it took time, it was necessary to take all the necessary measures to prepare and organize the liquidation of the consequences of the shelling and extinguishing it.


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