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tv   [untitled]    August 20, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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for a number of these deputies who were waiting for the occupation, who occupied their seats, potential, by the way, in particular in the presidium of the verkhovna rada, now they sit peacefully and calmly in the opzh, giving coalition votes, situational for, unfortunately, the servants of the people, there is no suspected of neither collaborationism nor treason, it seems to me that artem dmytrovk is one of the bright people present in the parliament today, one of them, and here we can mention boyk, and lyovachkin and many more. on the list, but unfortunately, this also requires a political one the voice and will for these people to draw up their mandates and leave the parliament, unfortunately, this will is not available from bankova street either, i think that there would be more than one volume of criminal proceedings and suspicions against each of them, which could to have enough grounds for these people to submit their mandate and leave the parliament, and there is already a reaction from the uoc mp, chairman.
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metropolitan kliment of the information and educational department of the uoc said in a public comment that the uoc will continue to live as a true church, any attempts to ban it can lead to the discrediting of those who seek it. the ukrainian orthodox church will live, and this is an objective thing, any attempts to ban an objective thing will only lead to discredit, including international ones. those who want to implement it somehow. mr. volodymyr, as far as i understood, the biggest problem will be when applying the norms of this law, in fact, to demonstrate the connection of any religious organization, it is not only about prop, but obviously there may be other churches that have connections with the country aggressor, is to prove that that this... church is affiliated with the russian orthodox church or with
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some other russian churches, that is , this will be the biggest problem and the biggest problem will be in the court problem in this, serhiy, the law contains seven criteria, how does compliance with one of those criteria mean that connection with the russian church centered in moscow. moreover, i even want to say that at one time, about a year or so ago, we already had an expert opinion on the implementation of the decision of the national security council. which was done by the state service for politics and freedom and conscience, which discovered that there is a connection between the so-called ukrainian of the orthodox church with the moscow patriarchate, so in reality it is not such a problem, because in fact it is actually impossible to hide these organizational ties, and the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate was not really going to hide them, considering that the situation could change again, that made a noise and that was the end of it, we will somehow stay, no, we didn't stay, the law was passed, so not now ... we are faced with a choice, either
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to break these ties with moscow and act by merging with the orthodox church of ukraine, whether as a separate structure or to cease its activities, they understand perfectly well that the situation has already changed, therefore these ridiculous comments about objective reality, they are not about anything, reality has changed after the adoption of this law, and they are obliged , trying to act in the legal field of ukraine, adjust to this reality. thank you, mr. volodymyr, ms. solemiya, for russians, the existence of a church under the control of the russian orthodox church is and has always been important, that is, putin has repeatedly spoken publicly about the fact that this spiritual unity, that we left there from the same root or from the same church there, well, of course, this is the basis that he tried to pump up. during the last 24
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years of her stay in power, she testifies that this process will obviously not be so easy on the part of russia, and it is obviously a painful enough process for putin himself, who lives in some of his illusions and compiles his pseudo-historical intelligence and tries to explain the unity of... ukrainians and russians, what do you think the reaction of putin, who always counted on to the russian orthodox church, well, to the branch of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, now it is called the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, will they somehow manage to maintain their influence in some parishes, can they rename some, well, create some church, name it there, relatively speaking ... there is a ukrainian church there and
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leave your connections and family like that. well , first of all, you are right, religion in the concept of the russian world plays one of such prominent places, in particular in documents, by the way , the russian world is clearly spelled out in regulations, orders, in particular of the president of the russian federation, and unfortunately, we remember, it was precisely because of the spread of this russian peace that the creation began in the 14th year under the pretext of protecting people who profess the russian peace and the russian language from each other from such factors. and ending on the 22nd the beginning of the great invasion, so you are right, i really doubt very much that it will just fall apart, more than that , and if we say the uoc, very
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often, by the way, the judicial branch of government, it very common, they are the people who support, by the way, the russian orthodox church, or the ukrainian orthodox church, and which ones. are often beautiful and great people who finance a large part of the construction of these churches, so i believe that there will be a huge amount of sabotage at the level of decision-making, at the level of the courts, and we must prepare for this, and i believe that this will be one of those of our biggest challenges in terms of the ability of people or the political commission of freedom of conscience to prove where there are violations and the question is, what kind of people are working in this commission today? what are they lobbying for, what are their interests, how will they represent themselves news, and the second is the courts, so it is very, we are entering a very long, big, difficult phase, maybe and definitely more difficult than even tuyko started, by the way, volodya, and we continued decommunization, decolonization at the local levels, it is much bigger it is a challenge for us, and here we will have to work completely
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professionally, starting with lawyers and ending with public pressure in the courts and not letting these things into the public sphere. when discussing this draft law or the law that has already been adopted, we always discussed the how religious organizations will exist and what will be the order of existence of these religious organizations, which were once either connected or are connected with the russian federation, but we practically did not discuss how the parishioners will react, many people who are used to going there to... moscow priests and very often in my social networks i start writing about these decisions of the verkhovna rada and they come and start telling us: we are doing so well and we will somehow live with it, what are you telling us here, mr. volodymyr, or
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was this issue discussed, let's say, work with the parishioners so that they clearly understood that... the church they went to is an enemy church, and in some way to convey to the audience and the public that, that such a church has no right to exist on the territory of ukraine. i think that the majority of parishioners, even in pcmp, are there not because it is a moscow church, there not because they like putin, due to some simple traditions, due to the fact that they believe specifically... there are fathers and so on further, that is actually in the law the possibility is provided for these people to continue to remain the same parish, to pray in this church, if they are ready, or to switch to the orthodox church of ukraine, and the law provides for an easier
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procedure for switching to the orthodox church of ukraine, as the only legitimate canonical orthodox church in ukraine now, or may continue as a separate entity. the church is separated from russia, i am sure that for most of these people this organizational connection with russia is not fundamental, unfortunately, it is fundamental for the hierarchy of this church, who, in fact, were the agents of the russian peace in ukraine, unfortunately, they were the fundamental organizational link for many priests and priests of this church, who were actually such a nervous link between moscow. and kyiv, therefore the task of our draft law from the very beginning was not to prohibit someone from praying, but to break these organizational ties, i am sure that after breaking these organizational ties, those people for whom prayer to god is really important will pray to god no matter
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that this will now not be done through moscow. thank you, mr. volodymyr, friends, i would like to remind you that we are working live and today we are conducting a survey throughout our entire broadcast , we are asking you about this, whether the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine after the adoption of the law, yes, no, on youtube everything is quite simple, yes, no, or your own opinion, please write in the comments under this video. if you watch us on tv, take the road. smartphone or phone and vote on 0800 211 381 if you believe that the adoption of the law, after adoption of the law will stop the activities of the roc in ukraine, not immediately, of course, but it will stop, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. another important topic, mr. volodymyr and ms. solomia, which is the problem that ukraine is facing, is the fight against corruption, the internal
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corruption front is pressing, and we can see from the messages from nabu and sap, we receive messages almost every day, deputies ministers, heads of tsc, and heads of various state institutions, structures, they are accused of receiving bribes, of the fact that they live. not for salary, and we remember that on august 27 , 2023, almost a year ago, volodymyr zelenskyi spoke about the fact that he would submit a bill to the verkhovna rada on equating corruption with treason, but as far as i remember, it is possible will you correct me, such a bill was not introduced, what is the reason for this, is ukrainian legislation sufficient to fight? with ukrainian corruption, and why there is so much of this corruption, why we see so many cases of corruption
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during the war, ms. solimi? well, first of all, it is necessary to ask fellow public servants why the president did not introduce it, or those who really work with the president, it is unlikely that we will find the right answer as to why it was not introduced, but in fact, frankly, i personally already was fed up with changes in legislation, responsibility for corruption and in the fight against corruption in the industry, because how many. bodies, which was created in the last 10 years, it is already beyond measure, and every time there is a question of the effectiveness of these bodies, work, activities, whether they are enough discover corruption, whether they themselves are not corrupt, whether they themselves do not prosecute, and do not have a conflict of interest in themselves when they investigate, we just went into endless reports, in particular public figures, which relate to just an immeasurable number of years and family. which must now report to those people who hold certain positions, so it seems to me that we
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no longer have any issues with the legislation here, the issue is mostly with implementation, especially the imposition of punishments and sentencing in certain cases, in particular, to things that do not concern only ministries and executive authorities, deputies, but also local self-government bodies, very often their heads, taras, two, or is that enough? do you think why, why do we see so much during war, especially during war? anti-corruptionists explain that the number of our anti-corruption bodies is large enough, and now they are finally working, so these and such cases are public, painful, but public, maybe so, but judging by the fact that who is now speaking publicly in our investigations and suspicions, starting from deputy ministers, ending with deputies, by the way, i will return again. today , the head of the temporary investigative commission dealing with fortifications was finally replaced, ah,
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it won’t come to mind, but the integrity is obvious, not just of the people who hold key positions, but also of the personnel policies of the president’s office, which people are appointed, so that it is obvious that it is not the parliament that decides in the final decision who takes the place of a minister or deputy minister, unfortunately, unfortunately, not the parliament, and therefore the question here goes to... personnel decision-making on bankova street and the effectiveness of bodies, in particular the judicial branch of government, using the existing legislative resource in anti-corruption issues. thank you, ms. solomi, mr. volodymyr, we remember this long history of creating anti-corruption bodies, and we remember that we have the most powerful legislation in... well, at least in europe, it is so precisely anti-corruption, why its application,
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and especially prejudice against corruption , before committing a crime, why this does not happen in ukraine, why there are so many of these during the war corruption scandals. i absolutely agree with solomia that the current legislation is enough to fight corruption, i am absolutely sure that the thesis of equating corruption with state treason will do nothing to... fight corruption, it is just a cool, populist slogan, there is nothing beyond that. that is why i am not surprised that there is no draft law, because it will not give anything, why during the war you hear and... see so much corruption, and because the war accelerates, because the war intensifies all those phenomena that this is how they exist in society, i.e war manifests what is in people, unfortunately, in some it does not manifest heroism, as in most of those who defend ukraine with weapons in their hands, unfortunately, in some it manifests its own likeness, in other words, even to pick to whom, when it is considered
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possible, necessary to make money on the blood of one's countrymen, i am sure that... it is possible and necessary, using the current legislation, using this anti-corruption infrastructure that has been built, to fight and even overcome corruption, but unfortunately when you know it is clear that sometimes some corruption scandals eventually reach the top leadership of the state and die down there, so this obviously inspires the corrupt, who understand that they can hide somewhere under the wing in order not to be caught. unfortunately, we do not see any examples of the fact that if some corruption scandal affected volodymyr zelenskyi's closest circle, he followed the example of bonu and said: "no, come on, this is my former friend, he should be in prison and so on." no, nothing has changed, how much how many theses were there about corrupt officials from the president's office, how much, how much was said about
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corruption schemes that crumble directly under tatarov, president zelenskyi cannot... not hear, nevertheless, president zelenskyi does not take any steps that would indicate that he is ready to stop it at this level, and this, of course, creates an opportunity for corrupt officials of a smaller scale, and maybe i will miss it, or maybe i will not be noticed, by the way, you mentioned zelenskyi's entourage, i remember how at nsk olimpiyskyi zelensky asked about the 2019 sample to petro poroshenko, his opponent, in the presidential race, why are these friends of yours with both hands, they say that if someone steals, then their hands should be cut off, i think that zelensky of the 2019 model could ask zelensky of the 2024 model, why are they all friends , some of volodymyr oleksandrovych's friends have already grown a third hand in order to
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rummage in the pockets of ukrainians with this hand, unfortunately, unfortunately, that's how it is, yes, yes, well, let's go. to monitor these corruption scandals, because it is like some kind of tv series, that is, people are caught almost every day, moreover, with such sums as, for example, deputy minister of energy hailo received $500,000 in bribes for moving part of a coal mine from eastern ukraine to volyn, this is also enough, you know what else? to the continuation of this series, which turns it into an endless one, and because there are no results, well, okay, well, they delayed, well, they showed everyone a picture with a bunch of dollars there or on the bed or in the trunk, then what, who heard about the results of all this, who heard that this particular corrupt person will end up spending the next ten years in prison, no one heard it, the story is over,
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we will move on to the next season, we will catch someone else, that is, this impunity is what motivates it to continue, yes. sport fishing, we catch fish and release them, thank you, we also closed this topic, we will already follow this series, which i hope will give results. another topic, ladies and gentlemen , is that the ukrainian army entered the territory of the russian federation in kurshchyna, we see how military command posts are already being created there, and zelenskyi said... about well, as for kurshchyna, the goal is to create a buffer zone or a sanitary zone, which putin dreamed of only on this side, and the ukrainian army is creating on the other side, watching the situation that is currently developing in kurshchyna, mrs. solomi, that can you say whether ukraine will be able to get
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this buffer zone and create such a, i would call it a security zone for... the country, when this security zone is created on the territory of the russian federation? well, first of all, i would like to emphasize that it is very important for us to label this operation as a defensive operation, this is a fundamentally important thing, especially for our partners, because very often they confuse something, especially in their questions, whether we were given the right to use international technical assistance on the territory of the russian federation and so on and so on, it was brilliant and very good that very few people. i knew about it when it started, and the absolutely correct decision is to have this buffer zone, a whole security zone, i just returned from sumy oblast the other day and i want to say that... despite our admiration and respect for all the military parts of the units of the security and defense forces, that this operation was carried out quickly and in time and there in terms of quality, i would be very careful
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in my predictions about the possibility of holding certain territories, provided that the accumulation of an offensive group from the russian federation will happen sooner or later, moreover, already in unofficial sources there was talk of the fact that putin gave instructions to clean up these territories. ukrainian troops from the territory of the russian federation, and knowing the nature of the potential and possible offensive and behavior of the armed forces of the russian federation, we very often underestimate them, but we know how they carry out their sweeps, it's cabs, it's artillery, it's only then the infantry, or their infantry goes on the offensive with a mixture, you know why they are so active in the offensive, it's this fear of... being punished, being ordered to spend the rest of the year in prison, or being killed, very often it's just murder, uh, it's over the top, so i'm very, very worried about
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our troops being able to skillfully and give and the cutoff b, it will depend on the size, the quantitative size of the russian group, which is already gathering on this front line, moreover, it has already been quite active in terms of combat operations for several days, and our task today is to maintain communication, primarily on the territory of the russian federation , b, possible rebs, fpv, drones and so on, all those brigades, all those brigades that work there today, and also our other defense forces, so i was very careful, putin spoke about the first of october, by the way, today this was already widespread information on the network, and i would really like so that the armed forces get the following certain things that they have planned there, in particular on the one near. thank you, ms. solomi. mr. volodymyr, how did this kurdish operation change the character of the russian-ukrainian war,
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and how did it affect, how, how did it show the current regime of putin? well, first of all, she once again demonstrated the skill of the armed forces of ukraine, completely unexpectedly, and a large-scale and quick operation, which i did not expect from her. not only the russians, but also our allies, secondly, it really showed the inability of russia to defend yourself, because it is a really critical situation for the country, when for various reasons the troops of a foreign country find themselves on the territory of the country, and such a critical situation can either unite the country, or show a complete inability to unite, so the following happened in russia , just the second, that is, russia has shown that even the immediate threat of a foreign army on its territory is not capable of uniting this society atomized by putin for decades, so it seems to me that no matter how
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these events end, they will have such far-reaching consequences, and the third extremely important aspect is what is demonstrated by putin's statements, bravura statements about readiness for further de-escalation. in fact, only statements, in fact only words, he has no opportunity, no potential to further escalate this conflict. of course, we will still see what will happen next, of course, it is still extremely important to understand how this operation will end for the armed forces of ukraine, for ukraine, but it seems to me that a lot of those things that have already happened, well they significantly change the perception of ukraine once again. ukrainians in this war, could this special operation provoke putin to further escalation, mr. volodymyr , you could certainly have provoked it, that is
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, when the second week has almost passed, that is, it is time to show his own, it seems to me that whatever he is now if he did not demonstrate it, then it will be very difficult to show it as determination. thank you, mr. volodymyr, ms. soloma, do you think putin still has any argument left against the armed forces of ukraine? unfortunately, i believe that yes, because the resource of the russian federation is amazingly higher, and this concerns the economy, their stability, this concerns the human resource, and their currently almost extensive contractual mobilization and sums for signing contracts, contracts, secondly, thirdly - their ability of the military-industrial complex , which is not... today it may have some problems, but it does not compare at all either in scale or in capacity with our military-pronounced complex, and in particular, for
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example, even the production of guided air bombs, cabs, parts for which and chemicals for which they buy, in particular from china, so i am unfortunately not an optimist here, that russia will fall faster than us, than we will lose, or will we wait for one of ours there, i am not an optimist here, because their economy speaks for itself other things, thank you, thank you, solomiya bobrovskaya and volodymyr yatrovych were guests of our program today, thank you for participating in the program. friends, we conducted a survey and asked you whether the roc will stop its activities in ukraine after the adoption of the law, or whether it will stop. so, the poll results are 40% yes, 60% - no. i would also like to remind you, friends, that until august 24 , espresso is preparing a special project bright people in dark times, interesting stories about heroic people, interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav shevchuk, serhii plokhi and much more. and already at 10 p.m. on august 24, the documentary
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film 10 years of war per day. of independence from 8:00 a.m. to midnight, watch us, be with us, let's put an end to this, it was the verdyk program serhiy rudenko, goodbye, more in the joints so piercing, it does not allow to move, in the pharmacy i i bought dolgit yellow cream, it saves me from pain in rheumatism. dolgit - the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back, there are discounts until independence day on magne b6, 10% in pharmacies, plantain bam and oshkad. we were once told that independence fell from the sky to ukrainians, they were wrong, our independence is the result of a century-long struggle that continues today. why our own state is the highest value for ukrainians and how we have changed in 33 years, we say on august 24. on fm halychyna
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