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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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do not delay and immediately report to the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service by calling 11630, free of charge from all mobile operators . from the news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. air alert in most areas. the russians are attacking ukraine with mortars during the night, the air force reports. to the world in the morning, the pppo
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worked on the approaches to kyiv, the military administration of the region was notified about this, and later the military warned about the repeated launch of attack drones from enemy territory. the movement of the uav is fixed within the limits kyiv, chernihiv, cherkasy, poltava and sumy regions. also , several groups are heading to the south of ukraine. late in the evening, the occupiers repeatedly shelled the village of malokaterinivka, zaporizhzhia region. fires broke out there, in particular, the flames engulfed private houses - noted the head of the regional military administration, ivan federov. the enemy struck a new blow a few hours after hitting the children's cafe. initially, the law enforcement officers reported three injured children, but later the number of victims increased to five. unfortunately, a 15-year-old boy who was hospitalized later died in the hospital. according to the head of the community, volodymyr sosunovskyi, since it is about... hitting a children's
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recreation area, the number of victims could be much higher, in exactly half an hour there should be football training, we can see an artificial field behind, the coach arrived there, the coach and the children were just arriving , there were about 30 children on that field, we can see now that the field is all cut down, it is visible from the inside, so it would have been much worse, because it was half an hour later. a resident of zmiivka was killed in an enemy attack in the kherson region. russian invaders struck the village from a drone in the evening. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. he noted that the occupiers are shelling kherson and the region, as well as attacking the civilian population with drones from morning until night. only yesterday, nine civilians were injured , including three children. the most critical situation is in priberezhny. zones, emphasized
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the head of ova. a night attack of drones and missiles on russia, a massive strike by drones declared in moscow and called it the largest place where the war began. it is reported and said that 10 uavs were allegedly shot down on the approaches to the capital of russia. it was also loud in bryansk. local publications write about the attack of drones and the operation of the air defense system. and in the rostov region for... they announced a missile attack and a fire in novoshakhtinsk. local authorities reported that a rocket was shot down over the region. due to falling debris, there are no casualties or damage. and for the third day, the russians are putting out a fire at an oil depot in proletarsk, rostov region after the drone attack. more than 600 rescuers, two fire engines and an airplane are working on the spot. the night before. there they reported
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another explosion in a fuel tank, poisonous smoke has already spread over a hundred kilometers, residents of the proletarian district complain in public about the stench and ash that literally covered the streets. meanwhile, the russian authorities report that the air in the surrounding settlements does not contain harmful substances. the historic vote in the verkhovna rada did put an end to the existence of the russian orthodox church. church and its branches. the parliament adopted a revised draft law banning religious organizations associated with the russian federation in ukraine. 265 people's representatives voted for it. the law enters into force 30 days after its promulgation. the opcmp communities will have nine months to sever ties with the russian orthodox church. we banned it.
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the activity in ukraine of a russian public organization called the russian orthodox church, which has no relation to either the church or religion, and the branches and subsidiary organizations in ukraine should also be closed, those. who of cooperates with them, must stop this cooperation. we did not ban anyone, not a single ukrainian church, we banned communication with the russian, so-called church, with the russian army, with the fsb and with putin. this is the only prohibition that exists there. this ban takes effect immediately. indeed, in some disputed cases , consideration of this in the courts will be delayed for nine months. and this, unfortunately, is a way of compromise. this is one of those, you know,... huge steps that ukraine has taken towards its real independence, towards its spiritual independence, towards its independence, which, for which we are fighting, and i am absolutely sure, to a successful ukraine, because this issue has always been a priority for russia, the russian special services, they have always tried to keep to
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the last, to keep the russian church as such, you know, a cancerous tumor inside ukraine. the verkhovna rada adopted in general the draft law on the status of military personnel fighting on the territory of the russian federation. 321 people's deputies voted for it. thus , military personnel participating in the operation in the kursk region of the russian federation or participating in other military operations in territories of russia will receive all payments and preferences provided for the front line. let me remind you that for almost two weeks, ukrainian troops have been conducting an operation in the kursk region of russia. during this time, ukraine began to control more than 90 settlements. in order for there to be no doubt that our servicemen, who carry out the task of defending the territorial integrity and state sovereignty on
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the territory of the russian federation, will have the same social protection, the same social guarantees and benefits as others military personnel, the president of ukraine initiated. consider the relevant draft law as a matter of urgency. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have launched a fundraising campaign for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. brigades urgently need flying. weapons and modern means of combating enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember that each of your donations is important. so join in, you can now see all the details on your screens. good health, dear ukrainians. we, the fighters of the first assault
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battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who will defend our native land on the front lines. we urgently need your help. we need means of electronic warfare. against the enemy's small bpola and komikaz drones, we really ask for your help, glory to ukraine, solidarity action in memory about the occupation of czechoslovakia by the countries of the warsaw pact, a rally was held in prague near the russian embassy. in 1968 , soviet troops crossed the country's border on the night of august 20-21, so they decided to hold the event. after dark. the organizers drew parallels between the then occupation of czechoslovakia and the war that russia is now waging against ukraine. the song "go home, ivan" was also played near the russian embassy - a slogan used by the czechs during the soviet invasion. projection with such
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words also appeared on the building of the czech government. and it will probably be possible to avoid it next week in ukraine. blackouts such hopes were expressed by the head of ukrenergo , volodymyr kudrytskyi. he explained that already at the end of this week, the heat is predicted to decrease, and additional power units at power plants are also working. at the same time, let me remind you that today from 4 to 6 p.m. and from 10 p.m. to midnight there will be one round of blackouts, but from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. two rounds at the same time. for now , i have all the news as of this hour, just in case to learn more, stay tuned on our website and on our social networks. later , my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will be waiting for you on the air. stay with espresso and don't switch.
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good morning, espresso tv channel, congratulations to everyone who joined. now to our marathon from the very morning and we will together with you this 910 day investigate the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, we will find out what is happening at the front, what is happening in the territory of the kursk region, what is happening on the hottest areas of the front in ukraine, in this war, which is also happening in the world, of course, through the prism, through ukrainian optics, we are interested in how the world reacts to the war in ukraine, how this conflict helps us, in the end, as a litmus test. puts everything in its place, who professes which values ​​in this world, well, we also
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understand for ourselves who we are, and why we need this independence, for which ukrainians are now fighting so frantically on this front of the war. well, we will now start with our morning roll call, we will of course visit sumy oblast, the russians are attacking there very strongly and a lot, by the way, tonight there was, reports the authorities of moscow, the city, the country of the aggressor of the occupier, that there was the largest-scale attack by drones in two, more than two years of war, it is reported that 10 uavs were shot down over moscow, all that night there was an air alarm and explosions, the engine from the explosions in the sleeping areas of moscow, well, i don't know how it was in the kremlin, there are no reports of destruction and victims at the moment, volodymyr is already there. tsak, deputy chairman of the sumy district council. mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you.
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good morning, the north-eastern outpost of our state's defense welcomes you. tell me, please, how was the night, was there shelling, or what is the situation now, is there any alarm now? over the last day, 291 explosions were reported in sumy oblast, nothing changes, the rioters are hitting with batons, this is the bilopol community. four cabs and 10 mortar shellings, yunakovsk hromad, six kabs and one dead, there is one dead person and one wounded, also in krasnopilsk hromad there are also kabys, but there, as they say, all on a set of rashisky killers, there are mortars, and mlrs, and fpvi, and i am analyzing such an event for myself that, for example, wherever something goes, some kind of events happen on the chicken. then opposite is yunakovska hromada, in yunakovska hromada just now the rochists are beating with kababs,
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because there is no more rszv, what does this say, about the fact that, as they say, the buffer zone is working, so let's hope that it will continue there will be such a buffer zone along the entire border, there was actually an explosion in sumy, and recently there is no official information about what was going on there, but how, as they say, there is light, water, gas. everything is fine, so i believe that it is most likely that the air defense is working, this has been happening very often lately, so i want to reassure the people of sumy that nothing extraordinary has happened, and the minister of internal affairs, ihor klymenko, said that the sumy region needs to be evacuated from 45,000 people in the border areas due to the danger of these actual russian shellings, and volunteers will now be recruited for this. from the ranks of the national police and the state emergency service, and there is special
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preparation for this, and it is actually a planned evacuation, as the minister emphasized, it is not is urgent, it is, it is just a gradual mandatory, mandatory, and removal, transportation of people, how is this evacuation going, mr. volodymyr, are you somehow also involved in it, how are people willing to leave their places, well, look , employees of the state emergency service carry out... constantly alerting the population about evacuation, people, well, unfortunately, do not listen to it very much, when, let's say, the steppe village, the khotyn community, when... it's almost impossible there carry out evacuation, because there were such a week ago, for example, when one person came to evacuate his relatives and died, that's why i personally call on all residents to evacuate on time, personally i also call the border communities and jonakovsk and khatinsk with, if
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there are any questions, we need transport and ambulances that we can provide, well, in principle, they say, we are still managing ourselves now, if there is a need, we will let you know, if there is something to help, then we will always, let's say, help. journalists of the public recorded an interview with a russian citizen, a resident suji of the city, which is now under the control of the ukrainian army, and who was evacuated to suji in sumy, he is now there with his mother, because... he was wounded, he tried to leave during the fighting in the city, he was wounded in the arm and needed just for help, he turned to the military, and they didn’t know what to do with him, to be honest, but they allowed him to be transported to sumy, he just lives in sumy, now with his mother, it’s such an amazing story, i look at it with on the one hand , i think, but how can you just move to
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sumi, suji and live for yourself, and he says, everyone i was received so well, i... i don't even feel like i'm not at home, that i'm somewhere in a foreign place, of course i want to go back, but we, we didn't want war, i look at it all, i say, it's just that it's hard for me to even formulate my attitude, because on the one hand, it's like an enemy, it's that muscovites, russians, and on the other hand, look at him, what kind of muscovite is he, but he's absolutely ukrainian, his last name is ukrainian, hryshchenko, it seems, his last name is oleg hryshchenko, and this is the same ukrainian, absolutely, as the one who lives 20 km away, and here is this terrible, lying phrase that the russians are our brothers, in this case it works, because precisely, if we are talking about the border, then really ethnic ukrainians, of course, it is all intentional, i personally have my grandfather, precisely i come from korenyuva,
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which is now under the control of the zsu, about whether it is right or wrong, that's how i understand your question. well, what makes us different from the rashists is that we can understand a person, understand the situation, to what extent he was an enemy to us or not , and then draw some conclusions, that's why i say once again, we are a european state and i believe that soon we will be one of the eu members, that's why we have to behave in accordance with all international conventions, well, you see completely european slavic features. well, what do you say? listen, i wanted to ask you another question, mr. volodymyr, regarding the important and scholarly law that the verkhovna rada passed yesterday, banning ties and organizations of the russian orthodox church in ukraine. how will everything go in russia in sumy oblast? there, i understand that the majority
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parish, now, this is the parish of the rfc, in fact. yes. well, personally, i want to congratulate everyone. the principle is finally the adoption of this law, because personally i did everything to the maximum, let's say so, so that this law was adopted, because i myself saw, during the beginning of the full scale, how these popes, what they did, what they had gundyaev hung in their churches, in their churches, as well as the cathedral, which i visited there after six , i visited the monastery, there were also people there, well , fsb is written on the forehead, but at least... and the smell of an fsb officer, so right now of course, about 80% the majority of all the cathedrals belonged to the moscow patriarchate, so now i believe that it should be done in a civilized manner, if any denomination is transferring, they write a statement, we are transferring the orthodox church of ukraine, i still think that everything will be done safely, normally, the transition will pass, if someone doesn't want
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to do this, they say that we are like that, we are cursed like that... we sneezed on your law, well, i 'll tell you roughly, well, of course, of course they will resist, of course they will close churches, say, how poor they are, how miserable they are someone is there it oppresses, but the law has been passed, so welcome to inzorasha, if not they don’t need it, i talked about two months ago with
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a people’s deputy, as it is called in estonia, yes, then they already submitted a pro-agent type law, well, how about like the russian one, about the moscow church only in this way in estonia, and it was accepted even then, so this is estonia, in which there is no war, excuse me, there is a war going on here, and we are nannies... with these moscow priests and we think, if they were there, so that they would not be caught there, so that they would have they didn't cry or anything like that, that's why it's necessary, i think it's necessary to do it decisively, but humanely, they went in, asked, are you moving, we're moving, wrote a statement, accepted it all, and went on to work there with their religious communities, if no, then on the way out, huh, and people won't follow these popes to go? on people, people are intoxicated, hoodwinked by this propaganda, they also planted all their narratives, all the time, i went to the churches myself
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, many times russian listened to them tell their sermons, there are always narratives that we are, we are poor, unhappy, we are for peace, but what kind of peace, how much peace, all their narratives are told by gundyaev about the holy war, that there should be ukrainians, this is sacred for them, and their consecration and planes that drop bombs and other weapons. their rashist, here is the answer to how much they are parishioners of their gundyaev and how many there are, how they are doing it right or wrong, so all ukrainians must be parishioners to realize that every penny that was invested in this was brought to the church of the moscow patriarchate, it all turns into a weapon against our people, against our brothers, against the soldiers of the armed forces, against our ordinary citizens. mr. volodymyr, thank you for the conversation, volodymyr bitsak, deputy head of the sumy district council was with us this morning. we consider sumyshchyna to have the most calm and productive successful day, nearby, well, not like that, nearby the front has been slightly pushed back into russian territory, a little bit of such a buffer zone
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has appeared, but nevertheless it is being attacked by drones all the time, now we will go for a short break, then yevgenia virlych will be with us, let's talk about what is happening now in the kherson region, stay. there are 20% imodium discounts until independence day at travel bam and savings pharmacies. in the august issue , krania magazine will tell about the return from captivity. how is ukraine looking for its own? will we return all the children kidnapped by russia? the country touches on painful topics for all ukrainians. we talk to experts, listen to the stories of soldiers who were captured. ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online. dynamo, kyiv, red bull-salzburg, only on mego. for a chance
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to enter the champions league, kyivans will give all their strength on the field. cheer on august 21 at 10:00 p.m. exclusively on mego. we were once told that independence fell from the sky for ukrainians. they were wrong. our. independence is the result of a century-long struggle that continues today. why our own state is the highest value for ukrainians and how we have changed in 33 years. we talk on august 24 on fm halychyna and listen to independence hits. happy birthday, ukraine. eurofest softcaps - an ambulance against the main field, begins to act in 15 minutes there are discounts until the day. independence on lynix forte 15% in podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours
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of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company. favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verkhovna the council regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how legislation changes our lives. what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 on the
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legal expert program. on the espresso tv channel. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt. about the situation with the restoration of in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. however, how to unite the country in the process of recovery. in the project is a program of urban reconstruction and development, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. well, we're coming back, and yevgenia virlych, editor-in-chief of the kherson publication cavun city, will be in touch with us now. let's talk a little about what's happening in the city, what's happening in the region, there's actually, by the way, ah, there's actually, by the way, a lot that's all, i wanted to tell you so far,
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to remind you that we... from the very morning today we're going to start talking about the collection, because we have to collect throughout the day, we're proud, actually, proud of our collection, proud of our audience, which is incredible, you know, you know, they respond, that is, the third year of the war, people still throw money away, and you know that ’s cool, recently someone wrote well, one economist wrote, he says: that now only business, for example, only business will donate everything to the army, something there, some amount over 100, well, about 100 billion hryvnias per year, and how much the population donates, and why, what is the essence of those donations, what is the power of those donations, the money really goes just to the brigade, just to the brigade, once and for a specific need, once
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they bought something. the equipment was repaired once , cars, cars, there are some that go everywhere, there are some suvs that are used, once there they also bought some necessary materials, and this, and that, and there are simply no, there are no corruption allegations, you understand, in that whole history, therefore it works somewhere like a tax system to a certain extent, the qr code has already appeared, already now do you see where the funds can be diverted, these funds are... we collect together with the vesna fund, and we collect them, as you remember, for the third separate assault brigade, the beautiful third separate assault brigade, gloriously, 110, 47, well one of the most so-called capable ukrainian brigades, which are currently in the most important directions, where they come, there in the rock, they just immediately understand that all the fun is over, and...
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3.5 million, let's remind you, we collect, collect for high-tech weapons, drones, and we remember that each donation is actually closer to completion of this war on our terms, gentlemen, in the meantime, we already have ms. yevgenia, ms. yevgenia virlych joins us, editor-in-chief, kavon city, kherson, ms. yevheni, congratulations, good morning, good morning, what is going on in kherson now? what is happening in the kherson region, how did the night pass, how did the last days pass? well, if we talk about this night, it was just terrible, well, actually, like almost every night, here, if you ask those who live there, they will say that we have it, we have it 24x7, literally there they just wrote to me, for example, yesterday was very difficult in the evening shelling, and most likely it was hail, and this morning there was also a very terrible
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shelling, here i think... that the details will be announced officially, but in the morning the trolleybuses, for example, have not come out on the line yet, this is how our public transport works, works heroically, but in the morning the trolleybuses on the line have not yet come out, because there was quite a terrible shelling in the evening and in the morning, if we talk so briefly about it in general, then it is shelling 24/7, which intensifies in the evening, at night in the morning, the russians have such a habit, for example , quiet down a little, and then in the morning. start third four, five in the morning, these are constant patrols, these are their shaheds, just constantly over the de-occupied right bank, this is the berislavsky district, kherson, these are these communities that are not far from the dnieper, and they are always with drones, they have already talked about it, and i also wrote, and it is terrible for me to see that petal mines are constantly being dropped from drones.


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