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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the base of the armed forces of ukraine in kursk oblast is increasing. 93 settlements came under the control of our troops in two weeks. the enemy uses subversive groups, so units of the armed forces of ukraine carry out sweeps in occupied villages and cities. our film crew managed to get to the kursk region of the russian federation. to visit the city of suja, controlled by the armed forces of ukraine. artem logutenko was able to get in touch. next, exclusive details from us correspondent greetings from the studio, greetings to our viewers from the russian federation. this road leads to the city of suji. behind me are two destroyed russian trawlers and two tanks with which russia itself... tried
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to meet our offensive, we have already visited the city of sudja, so we have a rough idea of ​​what is happening there. first of all, i want to reassure our citizens, regarding the recent information about the readiness to organize humanitarian corridors and the delivery of humanitarian trucks to the population of the city of suji, the fact is that we did not see any humanitarian vehicles in suji aid, which... would be brought there from the territory of ukraine, instead, the local population assured us that water and food were provided to them by our military, as to when there will be a readiness to bring aid there from ukraine and whether it will be at all, it is currently unknown, what can we say about the border areas, they are completely controlled by the armed forces of ukraine. we see that these are obviously not
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regular raids on the territory of the enemy, that we are establishing ourselves here, as of now it is clear that the armed forces of ukraine are building up their defense along the seim river, where this defense will end, how far our defense forces will go, is currently unknown, so we are waiting for good news, studio, thank you artem, a large-scale air campaign is underway... alarm, the russians are attacking ukraine with shaheds from the night, the air force reports . at dawn, air defense was working on the approaches to kyiv, the military administration of the region informed about it. sounds similar to explosions were also heard in khmelnytskyi and dnipropetrovsk regions. then they warned about the repeated launch of attack drones from enemy territory. the movement of the uav is fixed within the limits kyiv, chernihiv, cherkasy, poltava and kharkiv regions. also several groups. heading to the south of ukraine.
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late in the evening, the occupiers repeatedly shelled the village of malokaterinivka in the zaporizhzhia region. fires broke out there, in particular , private houses were engulfed in flames. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration , ivan fedorov. the enemy struck a new blow a few hours after hitting the children's cafe. initially, law enforcement officers reported three injured children, but later the number of victims increased. until five, unfortunately a 15-year-old teenager, who was hospitalized in an unconscious state, later died in the hospital, due to the death of a boy in the kushugum community , today is a day of mourning, according to the head of the community volodymyr susunovskyi, since it is a matter of hitting a children's recreation area, there could be many more victims, exactly half an hour later there was football practice, we can see behind artificially.
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the coach arrived there, the coach and the children were just arriving, there were about 30 children on this field, we can see the field now everything is cut, you can see it inside, so it would have been much worse if it had been half an hour later. a resident of zmiivka was killed in an enemy attack in the kherson region. russian invaders struck the village from a drone in the evening, the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin said. he noted that the occupier. shelling kherson and the region, as well as attacking the civilian population with drones in the morning and into the night. only yesterday , nine civilians were injured, including three children. the most critical situation is in the coastal zones, the leader ova emphasized. night attack of drones and missiles on russia. the enemy ministry of defense stated that they managed to shoot down a total of 45 targets. the local mayor is the most on the approaches to moscow. called
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the attack the largest since the beginning of the war, says that 11 uavs were hit, there was also a lot of noise in bryansk, the local media wrote about the work of air defense, in rostov region they announced about a missile. strike and fire in novoshakhtinsk, the local authorities reported that a rocket was destroyed over the region due to the fall of debris, supposedly there was no destruction. and the verkhovna rada adopted the whole draft law on the status of military personnel fighting on the territory of the russian federation. 321 people's deputies voted for it. in this way , servicemen participating in the operation in the kursk region of the russian federation will participate in other military operations. operations on the territory of russia will receive all payments and preferences that are provided for the front line. let me remind you that for almost two weeks, ukrainian troops have been conducting an operation in the kursk region in russia. during this time, ukraine began to control more than 90 settlements.
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we all understand very well that it is not easy for soldiers. the operation in the kurt region is one of the most difficult military operations that has already entered... history, and therefore it is our duty to guarantee the social rights of servicemen who perform combat missions outside of ukraine. the boys should feel our support already now, including financially. the bill proposes to expand the list of persons covered by the law on social and legal protection of military personnel and their families. so that there is no doubt that our servicemen who are performing the task of territorial integrity and state sovereignty on the territory of the russian federation will have the same social protection, the same social guarantees and benefits as other military personnel, the president of ukraine has initiated the urgent consideration of
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the relevant draft law. the law with a safeguard in the verkhovna rada plans to ratify the rome statute, on the basis of which the international criminal court in the gaa operates. according to the chairman. oleksandr of the minsk committee on foreign policy mereshka, this will not pose a threat to the ukrainian military. in particular , its specialized parliamentary committee recommends ratification. the speaker of the parliament, ruslan stepanchuk, said that the people's deput will consider and adopt the relevant draft law in the near future. there are certain safeguards that allow us to protect, protect our military, but we have to proceed from that understanding. that international justice, it is aimed at combating violations, including the laws and customs of war, and the international criminal court, it bases its activities on this it is called the complementarity principle,
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the complementarity of the rome statute is necessary at least so that putin and other war criminals never set foot in our country in armenia again, i think. that this is a very good argument for ukraine as well, because ukraine ratifies it with a seven-year delay for ukrainians, but it gives ukraine the opportunity to take a proactive position in our cooperation with the international criminal court, and you see that today a large number of human rights defenders of other organizations, they support. presidential race in the usa. kamalo garres was officially approved as a candidate from the democratic party for the position of head of state. it happened during... more than 400 delegates took part in the national dinner in chicago. at the beginning of august, during the virtual floodplain voting, garis already received the support of the majority, the day before the procedure was repeated to announce the result solemnly. the current vice president of the united states is
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tied with her rival donald trump in six of seven key states. elections in the country will be held on november 5. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have launched a fundraising campaign for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction hold back enemy attacks every day. defending our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering the enemy. drone our goal with you is uah 3.5 million. i am asking you remember that every donation is important, and you now see all the necessary details on your screens. to find out more interesting and relevant information, follow the updates on our website, as
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well as on our social networks. today there will be many exclusive materials from kursk region, in particular from the city of sudja, where our correspondent artem laguten works. we will see each other in less than an hour, lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are already waiting for you on the air.
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dear friends, we are back, lysy vakulyuk andriy saichuk, and this is the next hour of our marathon on the espresso tv channel. we in this studio work for you until 12 o'clock, we have a list of topics and a list of guests with whom we will talk about what concerns all of us, but first of all i want to remind you that at this hour, at this... hour traditionally, we have such a reminder of a good deed, a good deed
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is such that we are currently collecting drones and rep systems for three brigades, a third separate assault 47 and 110, for them this collection, 3.5 million, in total we have, want and must to collect, we already have 1,138 thousand, we are ready we walk a little, we move towards the equator. of our amount, dear friends, for this week we have already collected 85,000 with you, today is wednesday, and therefore a good result, let's move a little, yesterday was a worse result than on monday, only 40 thousand were collected against 45 for monday for monday, but the way this assembly was moving last morning, i thought there would be a worse result, but no, our audience surprised me. and have fixed this situation, please join the qr code on your screens, scan, transfer as much,
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it's a pity, you and i collected 400 for the first hour, for the second, i hope there will be an even better result, while we are talking to our guest in this hour, the first guest, you will look for a qr code in the corner of the screen and scan it. serhii bratchuk, meanwhile, the spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south, is being added to our broadcast. mr. sergey, good morning. glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces. congratulations, colleagues. glory to the heroes. what is this morning like in odesa and in the south of ukraine? mr. sergey? well, you can say 4:5:0 about odeshchyna. the air alarm sounded, but let's say this, the shaheds, who are still flying, they still moved more in transit, although mobile fire groups, well, at least ours, went to the appropriate positions, waited for them, but you see, they missed them, they are afraid to fly here to us, because that is exactly how our emveshkas work. what these shaheds are most successful in knocking down, actually in the south, mykolaiv oblast, by this time
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, is circling somewhere and kherson oblast, of course, this is kherson oblast in general, and artillery fire is primarily from the left bank, they continue in kherson itself and in those territorial communities that are near the dnipro, well, drones, of course, fivishka, they suffer from this, civilians, first of all, the enemy drops these... they are right near the gatherings of people, where they are possible, these are shops, these are some social objects, civilian objects, and actually it is civilians who suffer, this is the situation, it is not quite variable, but as for the front, if we are talking about the south, then the left bank, these are islands, this is the area of ​​our krynka point, the harrowing of these positions continues from ours side as much as possible, there is little air, there are battles, that is, a drone... and such battles, on our side they are used enough, they want more, of course, but
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the enemy is also increasing, of course, the capacities that he currently has , and the situation in zaporizhzhia has not fundamentally changed, in remivskyi the enemy seems to be the most active, in the direction of orihiv and in the gulyai field, the enemy conducts one or two assaults there, the positional struggle, that is , nothing fundamentally has changed, well... for the past day, there is certain information that the enemy i still took some of my units from this direction and transferred them to kursk, but yesterday the zet soldiers decided on... the situation, i don't know what they use, drink, or sniff there, but yesterday they announced an offensive from our side from zaporizhzhia, to the temporarily occupied territories, of course there is no such thing, here in the south we have a lot of informational throws in this regard, because the enemy is afraid, he does not expect where this next strike of ours is possible, and of course we also do not know and do not
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let's say in any case, therefore the situation is stable. as much as it can be stable just on the front line. mr. serhiy, yesterday the verkhovna rada passed an important law prohibiting the activities of religious organizations that have ties to moscow. this is primarily about the russian orthodox church in ukraine, which calls itself the uoc for some reason. how is this decision perceived in odessa, does it have support. what are the further actions in general, you know, a lot will depend on how this law will work, whether there are practical tools, because at the moment we understand very well that the term that was given to these organizations, religious, well, let's put it this way, it looks quite impractical, on the one hand, but on the other hand, we
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understand perfectly well, and experts in religious affairs also speak about this, that there is no such... separate structure as the ukrainian orthodox church, each parish is its own is a separate entity, and there will be difficulties in this, because we understand that the moscow popes will now begin to drag everyone to court during this time, and i do not believe that this fifth column can change its worldview and suddenly become , will not suddenly become a ukrainian church, will there be transitions, we will see, because at one time odesa is here in the south of our country even... we had a certain leadership in transitions after receiving the tomos, but then the hands of moscow reached here, began to interfere in this activity with the appropriate tools, and the transitions stopped. let's see, you understand, we have to explain everything to people, unfortunately, we have a situation where people go to the moscow church in embroidered dresses, it doesn't surprise me, it
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disgusts me, and people say, what's the matter here, unfortunately, that is, us. .. by god, how are they trying to explain it, it is not an explanation, so there is enough educational work, extremely, organizational even more, in general positive, but it is possible that, you know, there is an information bubble around me, given that i am one of them, i apologize for saying this as a deacon of the orthodox church of ukraine, then of course i am a subjective observer from one on the one hand for those processes, and on the other hand i know the internal kitchen, that's why i say no... to the fact that the fifth column, it will now stand under our banner and will do it openly and sincerely, so what tools, if these tools will work, that's one thing, in any case it's good that such a law is accepted, better today than never, and you know, there is a reason to thank the security service of ukraine, in my opinion, because thanks to their
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reasoned position, for what they have worked out during these two. and showed that these are fsb officers in cassocks, then i think these were the arguments that worked for the highest military, military-political, political leadership of our country, and in general, this law was adopted today, we will monitor the situation, of course work, there is a lot of work , i already said that the tools that they will be practical, let's see, i don't know if this is an argument for those people who say that they are going to god, but... it seems to me, and it doesn't seem to me, and this has already been said, and more than once about the fact that in russian there is no god in the temples, is there some god putin there, like a deity, uh, or is it a collective image of the russian world, and somehow, if people want to worship it, then yes, then
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they can go to church, er, the russian orthodox church or uoc empeykaye. affiliated structure, an interesting project was launched in odessa, called odessa decolonization, mr. serhiy, have you heard about this project, about its activities, how do you assess it, historians gather there, and what i see is that yaroslav hrytsak, although he is not from odesa, but somehow wandered into that project, one of such news of this project, which actually. actually this year, they were trying to rid odessa of those russian myths that odessa is some kind of criminal capital, which... very accidentally ended up as part of ukraine, and to rid odessa of those myths about some mishko -yaponchik sonka the golden handle and others other
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characters. how do you like odesa without a resident? japanese? well, it's actually good. i understand that now the slippers will fly both at me and at those who are supporters of this work, because... you know, many people take it at face value, but we know what they are saying behind their backs and what they are trying to do. , i generally want to say, those people who are currently in this process, who work in this project, including, and who lead these decolonization movements, well, i don't want to say that they are holy people, but they are courageous and brave , because what they already hear today and what they don't... hear, because i said, a lot is being said and happening behind their backs, well, the accusations are such that they are cursing to the seventh knee, so we have to
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go through this path, it is painful, but again , a lot of educational work is needed here, because we understand those narratives that were historical, in including, and created and established by russian, then soviet propaganda, it takes a lot of time to do it all with... mother, i think we need to work more with children right now, and it is clear that it is easier to go on excursions in odessa and to tell that the bag of japonchik was doing that here or something, and this is also perceived by everyone, because russian propaganda has worked in this regard, just take the well-known film liquidation, i will mention it, of course, who is playing in this film, what are they now, let's say , theses about... ukraine , regarding the ukrainian nation, they throw into the information space, even the names of these scumbags, i don’t want to name them, so i say again, there is a lot of work, yesterday i met with canadians from
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toronto, and they, by the way, came to the following conclusion, it is enough for me still nice, and i'm talking about it too, that is, i'm not deceiving myself, and although maybe a little, they said that the ukrainian language became more common on the streets of the city, maybe it was because of a run-in. you know, we bring a little bit of such diversity into this odesa world, although, well, what kind of person am i, if you count most of my life, i am in odesa, and i have already had children here, so who can consider me an odesaite, i think that, first of all, for ukrainians, of course, and i say again, there is a lot of work, really, because everything is extremely difficult to perceive, on the one hand. and on the other hand, well, manipulations they start a lot, well, for example, remove the duke, you will get to the duke, well, why bother the frenchman, the frenchman
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has done a lot, and here, in fact, i should quote a very interesting quote, i don't remember it for sure, and i actually remember that this is a historian named shovalov, if i am not mistaken, from moscow, so in 1894, when the so-called odessa centenary was celebrated, it was the centenary of the capture of the khadzhibey fortress, then he said, and i really like the phrase that odessa did not become russian, it was 1894 the year in which russians imagine the so-called russian measure, well, then it was not the russian measure, it was a little about something else, that is, he said that you could hear ukrainian, greek, italian, french, that is, all the languages ​​of the world, on the streets of the city, but you will hardly hear russian, because... they weren't here, and it's true, i'm not into russians by origin, there are a lot of cool, super people, my brothers who are at the front, but they're not
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afraid to break, i apologize, my jaws, learn the ukrainian language and speak better than ethnic ukrainians, this, this is normal, this is decolonization, it should be in the mind first of all and explain to people who is what and return the ukrainian history of odessa, it is rich, just like the italian one. the history of odessa, greek, but there was very little russian here, what was brought later in the myths, including, well, it was already clear what it was done for, it was colonization, and it’s true, who didn’t say what now, i don’t i know why odessans cling so much to that soviet past and to all kinds of soviet goals, very simply, we were all then younger, that's all, but listen, if you look at hollywood, well, hollywood wouldn't happen without odessa. well, seriously, what immediately affects us is sylvester from talone, a grandmother from odessa, spielberg, ancestors from odessa, and you can make a long, long list,
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the best people in hollywood. it's absolutely true, if you take ukrainian history, there are so many white spots here, and it's not clear why people don't want to perceive it there, or study it, it's more convenient, you know, in that bubble, actually going back to your previous question , when in embroidered women go to moscow churches, throw money there, i am not talking about money now, you have to understand me correctly, i am not about money, but i am throwing this money, which... well, we understand where those flows then go, and to whom they go go, and why are they used, and what they said in the 14th, even in the 22nd year, the moscow popes, again we have to go back to what, to the figures of the security service of ukraine, and these are the figures that are available today, i think they are actually even bigger, who is talking, how and about what, so the processes are complicated, but let's talk about the fact that odessa was, is and
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will be ukrainian, this is the thesis. which we should have today in our activities, in our heads, so that we don't talk, but odessa is not so clear-cut, but clear-cut, this is ukraine and odessa is good. a perfect end to our conversation, mr. serhiy, thank you for participating in our topic, serhiy brachuk, mutually, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army, south, we talked about the situation and talked about decommunization processes of all kinds, by the way, dear friends. on august 24, until the independence day of ukraine, on the tv channel espresso, we are preparing a special project called bright people in dark times, and the topics of decolonization, decommunization will also be raised in these conversations, there will be interesting stories about heroic people, interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav shevchuk, serhiy plokhy and many others. well, already at
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20. at 2 o'clock there will be a documentary on 10 years of war, it will be on independence day on the espresso tv channel, from 80 in the morning until midnight we will talk about it and we invite you to be with us on this day. there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox. 10% in pharmacies for... listen, in the pharmacy it will improve everyone's condition, relieves spasm, helps bile, but wait, it has coal, not black, bile, not sour, nettle, but not stinging, garlic, but not moreover, allochol, took it, allochol prevents gallstone disease and the development of cholecystitis, stimulates the secretion of bile and improves digestion processes, allochol,
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a natural benefit. for rest and bile dynamo-kyiv red bull-salzburg only on mego. for a chance to enter the champions league, kyiv will give all their strength on the field. cheer on august 21 at 10pm exclusively on meego. there are discounts until independence day on normaven pills, 10% at psyllany, bam and oskad pharmacies. the book of women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book is based on... the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, look for it in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts until independence day on motorex pills, 10% at psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. in
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august. the country magazine will tell about the return from captivity, how ukraine is looking for its own, will we return all the children kidnapped by russia? the country touches on painful topics for all ukrainians. we talk to experts, listen to the stories of soldiers who were captured. ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova qualification assessment is under threat. why the grand chamber of the supreme court changed its practice. the case clearly shows that there are problems with the supreme court. but who among the unscrupulous can remain in office. a number of judges who are there can be.


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