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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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basic professional training and will enter the armed forces, the armed forces, we will receive aid packages now, because there are not enough equipment shells for all these areas, president zelenskyy said again that we will receive an aid package from the usa in the near future, and this the aid package will go to uh to reinforce pokrovsky, well, he admitted the problems with the shells, he admitted the problems with the equipment in that direction, but i'm more than... more than sure that we can get, or we will get. it's only a matter of time before putin gets the hang of it transfer his combat-ready units, because he simply cannot take and leave there, well , about half of the region that is currently under the control of the armed forces of ukraine. he will have to do it, the only question is where he will transfer these units from. thank you for this conversation, pavlo narognyi, a military expert, founder of the bla charitable organization reactive, worked live on the tv channel. mail, well, now
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i'm going to take a short break, after which we will continue our broadcast. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matrik stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a mattrik topper for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose toperic, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover, in which you can hide your topper, will become not only a new interior item, but also quite a functional thing. you can it can be used both while resting and while working at home, the toper itself is quite easy to remove and spread out. topper from the factory is faster manufacturing. three days and prompt
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stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country, the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military, women at war, look for it in bookstores in ukraine, with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation, there are discounts until independence day on dekateln, 15% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. dynamo, kyiv, ed bull-salzburg, only for megogo, for a chance to enter the champions league. kyivans will give all their strength on the field! cheer on august 21 at 10:00 p.m. exclusively on mego. there are discounts until independence day at edem, 25% at psaryznyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. a special project for independence day, about the present and the future, about war, loss and pain, about dark times, and also about people. people who influence our
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future, people who give strength to fight, people who fight, help and believe in victory, people who do not give up and destroy the enemy, bright people. bright people special project in the dark on august 24 at espresso. information day of the tv channel in rozpol, well , i will inform you about all the most important things. now we will analyze the situation in kharkiv oblast, fighting continues in the kupinsky direction. about the situation there, nadiya zamryga, head of the public relations service of the 14th separate mechanized brigade named after prince roman the great. glory to ukraine, mrs. major, glad to see you, glory to the heroes, mutual. well, the kupinsky direction, yes. the situation there is difficult, taking into account the fact that the enemy has activated the direction. yes. the situation is there difficult, taking into account the fact that the enemy is activated in the direction from the settlement
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of pišchane. yes. and a shallow analysis of the topographical situation indicates that the enemy will try to push there. to try to split our territory into two parts, and then try to advance in the direction of sinkivka, even more actively, i do not know how this whole thing looks in reality, but i would ask you to give a detailed description of the current situation in the kupin region, and you so analyzed quite deeply, and that's why i'm going into detail... actually the situation in the area of ​​responsibility of our 14th separate mechanized brigade named after prince roman the great, actually in the direction of ksenkivka, petropavlivka. yes, the situation is tense. he does not give up and did not give up trying to find a weak
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point in the defense, then continues to storm the positions of the prince's soldiers, but manages to restrain everyone. assaults repel them and cause significant losses, significant losses, as in the enemy's manpower, believe me, more than 10, sometimes even 15 people die, approximately the same number are injured, large, large suffers losses in equipment, in equipment as heavy, this and sau, this and mtlb, this and... mp, this and rszv, let's say, recently we had a case when grad opened fire on our positions, aerial reconnaissance worked very quickly, transmitted the coordinates and fpv drone were poured into the working, working hail,
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lo and behold, the ammunition was detonated, and it burned, believe me, it was very good, so there were significant losses in the equipment, sorry, i forgot to add. we manage to destroy quite a lot of automobile equipment, destroy the occupiers themselves at the approach to the advanced positions, that is why we work like this, we are working a bit , we are trying to work ahead until the enemy has brought up the bc, until the enemy has brought up the personnel that will move, actually, to the assault actions, it seems that last week was... quite productive in terms of destroying field depots, and several field depots were destroyed with bka and a warehouse with fuel and bridging materials. madam major, i would like to ask you to clarify, if we are talking about enemy assaults, are we talking about small
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infantry groups, or are we talking about combined attacks using, for example, heavy armored vehicles how does it all look in the field? it looks bigger in the field, in fact, as you said, small infantry groups, and if we compare to a few months ago, these enemy infantry groups were much more numerous, here, but i changed the tactics, broke up the groups, it is three, four, five, at most seven people , here, sometimes armored vehicles are used quite rarely, mostly mtlb are used. to pick up the infantry so that they go on an assault, well , of course, it becomes a rather convenient, bright and visible target for aerial reconnaissance, for work, artillery, tanks, fpv, drones, skids, well
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, as much as possible, believe me, we are trying to do everything in order to destroy the enemy even on the approaches to the rub. transition to assaults, and what is happening in the big sky, right? well, about little sky , you just said that the enemy is quite active with various types of drones. but the aviation is classic, yes from the enemy's side, and it is possible to hear the vibration of the f16's engines, if it is not a secret, then share, be kind, what is in the sky now? well, you know, about the use of f16 is not my competence, it can only be mine emotions and hopes, unfortunately, the big sky is also used by the enemy, very much used. and in populated areas of kaby , you know, we sometimes carry out such analysis, such
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observations of our own, when his assaults on the front line are choked, for five or six days to a week, then he, accordingly , calms down for a few days in order to replenish his human resources, equipment and ammunition, and that's when... the number of use of cabs by the occupiers actually increases in populated areas, this is kupyansk nodal, kupyansk itself and populated areas beyond oskel river. yes, we understand the full importance of kupinsky nodal, as well as kupinsky, that is, it is also about logistics, so on the other hand, we understand that the enemy will not abandon their goals, i think that their goals have been cut and they will not be counted with losses of personnel, here one must be very wise, yes, stable and balanced.
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look, if we talk about the quality of the enemy’s units, yes, we understand that in terms of number they are, that somewhere 10-20 or 50 of them are eliminated, but we understand that they are trained fighters, they are much more durable in battle, and that's the question of the quality of russian units. yes, because this is a cursory indication of the use of the resources prepared by them, or simply that they, you understand, stamped the military somewhere in the bryansk region with the course of a young fighter, dismantled this kalashnikov and everything and went to the front for assaults, which in terms of quality, in terms of quality, is very high mix, and if you knew about the bryansk region, yes. we had several prisoners, in fact, mobilized in the bryansk region, a very large mix, and these
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were mobilized a few weeks ago, who undergo these minimal trainings, and there are those who were mobilized a year or even two years ago, well , accordingly, they have combat experience, here there are professional, cadre soldiers, that is , you know about the quality, if it is not necessary either, we assess it realistically, adequately, because our actions and how to stop it, how to stop assaults and how to work ahead of it actually depend on this assessment. well , at one time, the russian interventionists did not spare artillery ammunition, calling this stupid technique
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a fire shaft, so we understand that thanks to this they did not achieve any very specific results, well, but it also leads to losses, and it leads, well, in general, to a certain psychological impact on fighters, yes, who are under constant non-targeted fire, as now... the enemy is running out of ammunition, or they are starting to save a little, yes this may indicate that, so to speak, there is a certain crisis of the genre, and at the same time, what is their situation with barrel artillery, yes, because in a couple of years of war, well, the barrels simply wear out, that now the enemy in the direction of kupin has a lot of yeah, to answer your question, i will say that, once again, they have much more artillery than... we would like and than we hope that the barrels wear out from intensive use and that
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the ammunition will be less, they use artillery, actually not aimed, and on populated areas at points they also use long-range artillery, which causes a lot of damage to households, there are facts of local injuries, that is. then here, as you said, there is a crisis of the genre, if, let's say, we wanted it, there is none. thank you, madam major, for your service and for this fair one. the conversation is live on the tv channel. major nadiya zamryga, head of the public relations service of the 14th separate mechanized brigade named after prince roman the great. about all the most important things from the kupinsky direction. i am going to take a short break now, but before that i would like to remind you, dear viewers, that august 24 is the day of ukrainian independence, the espresso tv channel is preparing
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a big project, a television project dedicated to this, and the world. people in dark times, this will be a series of extremely important interviews with various representatives of our society, by people who made an outstanding or significant mark in our ukrainian history, so on august 24, after all, as on the rest of the days, see espresso, i'm going to take a short break now, after that i'll continue. nazar, a student of the faculty of law of the lviv national university and... named after ivan franko. now he is studying in the fourth year. the boy has been living in the dormitory of his university for more than a year. he says he does not complain about the conditions. in addition, it saves a considerable amount of money. i live with my neighbor, one, the two of us, although our house is designed for three people. ash rutozhitok is also designed, usually for two or three people. we have a block
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system here. really cool language here. you know how it is fashionable to say here, there are no cockroaches, there is laminate, the beds are new. er, a good commandant, well, that is, everything is as cool as possible. the cost of living in the lnnu dormitory this year is uah 800 per month. the university owns 12 dormitories, another one is under construction. but despite this, there is a shortage of 1,000 to 1,500 places for students every year. because of this, some of the entrants are accommodated in dormitories, partner universities. in particular, in the hostel lviv national university of nature management. and the national forestry university. actually, a lot of students have now increased from the territories that we call temporarily occupied territories, or territories that are being vacated, and a lot of internally displaced persons have moved to us initially during these, during this time, during these two years the number of students who moved from these
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territories reached from 400 to 500 people only with the status of internally displaced persons, and therefore... the problem in the settlement is obvious that we have plenty of places in our dormitories, in fact, for a student, the dormitories are a second home, and it is very convenient that the cost of living is not so high, compared to renting housing, the maximum price is exactly that, it is set for all our dormitories, it is uah 800 per month, if we take the academic year, then it will be 800 for 10 months of the academic year, well, separately, if someone lives there in the summer, they can also make monthly payments, that is... from the minimum academic scholarship, also the student administration town lviv university has equipped a shelter in case of an air raid in each of the dormitories, there is everything necessary to wait out the danger, and if necessary , to provide first aid. over time, a few months before the start of the academic year
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, a decision was immediately made and funds were allocated by the university. to repair and improve the shelter. in the lviv polytechnic, the situation with the settlement of students is better. there are as many as two dozen dormitories in the campus, which allows 10,000 students to live. every year their own more than 200 first-year students apply for settlement, which exceeds the number of available places. how do we solve that problem ? colleges, they have free places, and at the expense of those places, we are trying to solve the problem of settling our first-year students. the cost of living in a dormitory has not changed in recent years, it is uah 790-800. the students of the lviv polytechnic do not complain about the living conditions in the dormitory either. those who are already in the last year
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of the bachelor's degree plan to live in a dormitory and so on time of study at the master's degree. we do not have a block system. we have everything in common, but everything is well done, european renovation, everything, everything is fine. i have been living here for three years and i plan to stay, i also plan to study for a master's degree, that is, another year and a half is added, i will continue to live here, i like it here. every august, with the arrival of students to lviv, the prices for renting housing in the city rise. real estate agents say that first-year students often choose halytsi. frankivskyi and lechakivskyi districts of the city, in order to quickly and easily get to the educational institution institution prices are slightly increasing, this is not a significant increase, let's say, by 15 percent plus. minus what it is caused by, of course , there are many factors, first of all, it is the inadequate condition of the dormitories that are provided to students, as of today, so that at least plus or minus something was decent with
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household appliances, it is from 10 thousand, something like that is already better, it's 15 00. also , real estate experts add that the prices for housing rent traditionally go down in october. here in the towns, in the meantime, they are ready for... the first students from next week. emma stadnyk, nazar melnyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yavtskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how? our today will affect our tomorrow, see the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso.
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events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but little is known, what is happening must be understood. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. tive interviews, reports from the hottest spots front, svoboda life, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast: 2 hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters , who have become like relatives to many, as well as honored guests of the studio, events. in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. information day of the tv channel in rospol, which
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for 5:30 we are talking now about the situation in the dnipropetrovsk region, where the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky recently visited, kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, kateryna, first of all, the visit of the president of ukraine. yes, we understand that it is possible that a part remained, so to speak, behind the scenes, on the sidelines, a part was public, that is , certain meetings took place, certain messages were made. yes, we understand that... when the president comes to this or that region, it can have and very specific military objectives. you have a word. well, let's put it this way, some behind-the-scenes moments, fortunately or unfortunately, i do not know this meeting, i was not personally present, but from what is known in the community in dniprovska, we can say that these were meetings about the veteran community, about the topic of water supply in...
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dnipropetrovsk oblast and about the defense aspects of our region, well, let's say this, the regional council also from its side, the regional administration took off there, what is being done for veterans, for military personnel and their families, which are now social support programs, and also we already have good news for the residents of kryvorizhsky district and nikopolska. of the nikopol district, that the water supply system has been completed, and the residents of the nikopol region and the kryvorizh community are also completely with our water, there is still a question as to how much it meets, of course, that it should be drinkable and normal, but what is known at the moment well, there is no problem with this, it is actually very important, and volodymyr zelensky, let's say, inspected this moment, and
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of course there are also many meetings. with officials, but it is difficult to say something in more detail, because there is not much information about it in general. katerina, how critical is the water supply situation in dnipropetrovsk oblast in general, we understand that when there is no water in general, even technical, this is a very evidence of a very serious management crisis, as of now, well, if we talk about the city of dnipro, there is no problem. the only thing is that when there are emergency or scheduled power outages, there are areas or high floors in high-rise buildings where the water does not reach a little bit, due to insufficient water pressure, well, due to insufficient pressure, but if to talk about those communities that were not supplied with water, now this is no longer the case
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because of this vital water supply. which has already been completed. yes, and finally, i wanted to ask you about the fight against spies in the dnipropetrovsk region, so russian spies were recently detained there. according to the sbushniks, six local scoundrels hunted factories for the production of drones and not only them. what now with similar? do we have a minute and, unfortunately, we have such situations, and we understand even more that every s... is not a rocket accidentally flies somewhere there, most likely, when it comes to some infrastructural objects there, unfortunately, there is an understanding that there is an enemy inside, who gives these coordinates there and directs those terrible russian missiles there, but well in general , they detain such people, if we are talking about
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setting fire to cars, cars of military ... employees, and there about other such moments, and about some simple intelligence actions of people there, and unfortunately, very often it is not even that, well not the visiting people, yes, but the residents of dnipropetrovsk region, well, in which, well, morals did not work out, yes, uh, thank you, thank you, kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was in touch with us, forgive me for being so short. in a telegraphic style, well, but about everything most important, kateryna nemchenko reported, well, now news time is approaching, well, more precisely , 10 minutes of news, and our editorial office has prepared a lot of new things, anna eva melnyk is already in our studio, i'm glad to see you, well, i'm passing it on a word and a message, please, to our wonderful tv viewers about all the most important things that are known at this hour, at 3 p.m., congratulations.
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mutually, the newsroom is working, we will tell you.


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