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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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then we will have votes, that is clear. i think continued bipartisan support is critical to funding the next congress. whether it will be in the form of an additional budget or as part of the normal budget process, we will see. that will depend on what happens in the november election. i can not predict the future, but i believe that support. and maintaining bipartisan support for ukraine is crucial for ukraine to have the necessary means to defend itself and fight back against russia. i have always supported funding for of ukraine, but of course, i cannot commit to supporting a bill that does not exist. the problem is in the republican party, if donald trump wins, i think there is no question that he will leave ukraine on the first, fifth, or 10th day, he will. to pander to vladimir putin,
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here in chicago it's a celebration of american democracy, but it's also a celebration of our commitment to help protect our democratic friends abroad. natalya, bipartisan support, including republicans, will definitely be important we know that powerful republicans in the house of representatives in the senate, sometimes they also call for stronger action, including joe biden and the democratic administration, so definitely. their vote will also be very important, what do they want to see from the american congress, from the administration, regardless of whether it will be a new administration of democrats or republicans, what do ukrainians, in particular ukrainian deputies, want to see, i asked people's deputy of ukraine sasha ostinova from the party about this voice, she is also now in chicago and has been seeing american legislators, let's hear what message she was trying to convey to them, for sure... every ukrainian wants
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to see more weapons come to ukraine, and these weapons come faster, that's the main thing i'm trying to talk about here at the democratic party convention , that the policy on ukraine should be changed, the policy should be not to support the war when they say that ukraine stopped putin, and the policy should be that ukraine wins from putin. so far i do not see it, and therefore the main thing that we are talking about now with those who will come to authorities, when a new administration will be formed, whatever it may be, what is the policy towards ukraine. must be changed to give us the weapons we ask for, in the quantities we throw at them, and this war can then be ended pretty quickly. ostape, what is the agenda of today's convention in chicago? natalya, today is the third day of the congress and we expect more speeches, in particular, bill clinton, nentsi polosi, minister of infrastructure pete butydzic are expected to appear on the stage, but the main guest today on this stage will definitely be.
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now the candidate is officially the vice president of the united states for the democratic party, literally before our broadcast here backstage if you see where it is, he also showed up for a speech rehearsal to see the room, so we really expect that today he will also speak, not only that, today in the program at the congress itself, nearby we also expect a demonstration of the ukrainian community in the united states, if you followed our broadcasts, we had... the opportunity to talk with them before the start of ride, but today is actually planned here street action, and as i spoke with representatives of ukrainians of the ukrainian diaspora here in chicago, they are not disturbed by the fact that little is said about ukraine on this stage, that this topic is not heard much, we heard from joe biden, however, he mentioned it , however, they say they would like to see and hear more of it, so this demonstration, which we expect tonight near the united center arena in chicago, will be. also aims to make
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ukrainian voices more visible and convey to the participants of the congress, who will also be here today, the ukrainian position and what they want to see ukrainian americans, people who are voters who will vote, some will vote for the democratic party, some will support the republican party, the republican party, but the majority of these voices that we spoke to say that while they are grateful that the united states are giving, want to give more, i want to see more support. more decisive steps from the next administration, regardless of what it will be, natalya. thank you stapa, for your work ostap, yarysh is monitoring the progress of the congress of the democratic party in chicago. two independent expert reports published this week by the freedom house think tank and recorded future, a cybersecurity company, point to increased attempts to disrupt the us presidential election. we are talking about the growth of information manipulation, political violence and intimidation.
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more about this in andriy borys' story. american voters are increasingly being targeted by insiders spreading false information ahead of the 2024 presidential election, a rights group's report on election vulnerabilities says. freedom house. about 70% of republicans and gop supporters believed in a conspiracy theory that the results of the 2020 presidential election were illegitimate. now on the eve of 2024 , we have seen that this narrative is already emerging and dominating. the analyst also notes. that there is an increase in online intimidation and harassment of representatives of electoral bodies, as well as political violence. we've seen political candidates come under direct attack, including, of course, the assassination attempt on former president trump. is growing
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the number of hate and hate crimes against marginalized groups. despite the fact that the electronic voting infrastructure itself remains secure, cyber-attacks are a cause for concern, says westeinson. the most vulnerable targets are campaigns and websites that provide people with information about voting itself. the fbi is currently investigating alleged iranian hacking attempts against the trump and harris campaigns. cyber ​​security company recorded future also reports an increase in malicious operations from iran, russia and china. they include using artificial intelligence to... write articles that are then posted on fake news websites that look like mainstream media. the purpose is to add bias to material that has a political bias or political focus in a direction that aligns with the geopolitical goals of a particular government
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and how those geopolitical goals serve their best interests should the candidate win the election. how effective are these efforts? we currently have no reliable data to suggest that these operations have historically really affected election results. however, american voters are urged to remain vigilant and pay attention to grammatical and spelling errors in articles and website domains. this can be one of the signs of fake materials. andriy borys, veronika balderas and glesias, voice of america, washington. the verkhovna rada of ukraine voted for the ratification of the rome statute. this international treaty recognizes the jurisdiction of the international criminal court and its authority to investigate crimes against humanity war crimes, genocide and the crime of aggression. ukraine signed the rome statute back
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in 2000, but ratified it only now. now the state can enjoy the benefits of a full-fledged member of the iss. what does this mean for ukraine - he will ask. in mary of our audience. maria, what does ulyanovska mean for ukraine, which joins our airwaves. hello, maria. congratulations natalya, congratulations on the ratification of the rome statute, what legal and practical consequences will today's vote in the verkhovna rada have? so, natalya, this is definitely an unusual event in the legal field the world, about the fact that ukraine should ratify the statute of the international criminal court, many lawyers, both ukrainian and international, have already said where. years without exaggeration, because, as you rightly said, ukraine joined the statute of the international criminal court back in 2000, but until now had not ratified the statute of this court. so, first of all, this step brings ukraine closer to joining the european union, because the ratification of
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the iss statute was one of the requirements of the association agreement with the eu, which ukraine undertook. in addition, ukraine's full participation in the iss will allow ukrainian citizens. get access to the icc trust fund and increase the chances of victims of russian war crimes crimes to receive some kind of compensation. in addition, ukraine's full membership in the international criminal court will allow the country to directly participate in the work of the court. thus, ukraine will be able to present its judge to the international criminal court, will be able to put questions on the agenda of the assembly of the country of garlic, and it will also strengthen the consideration of current cases, allow opening new cases and ensure justice. punishment for all russian war criminals, deputy head of the president's office iryna mudra told about this in an interview with our colleague iryna solomko, let's listen to her. i believe that with the ratification of the rome statute, ukraine will receive only benefits, only benefits. first, she becomes
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a full-fledged participant of the international criminal court, in addition to the duties she has already assumed, she will receive rights, the right to propose a trial. to the iss, the right to participate in the conference of participants, the right to some in a way to influence the processes there, that is, it becomes full-fledged. participants, and in fact, when we asked our partners to carry out the orders of the international space station in, putin in lviv and in bielov, we received the answer that you demand from us to do something, when you yourself do not want to take it upon yourself, let's say, you don't have the desire to become a full-fledged participant of the international criminal court, what do you do? you are asking us to do something, that's why such criticisms really, really were and were
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, by the way, from the countries of the global south. so, we heard the advantages of the ratification of the roman statute from irina the wise. i would like to remind you that ukraine has been cooperating with the international criminal court for many years, and in addition to these new rights, ukraine all this time had obligations, obligations regarding cooperation, obligations regarding the ability to temporarily arrest or extradite people upon request. withdraw. documents, serve them, conduct searches, protect victims and witnesses, etc., all these obligations of ukraine regarding cooperation with the international criminal court already existed, in addition to this, international cooperation of ukraine with the international criminal court is enshrined in the criminal procedural code of ukraine, this is what is new, and in addition, the representation of the icc in ukraine was opened last year, it is the largest representation of this court outside the hague, ukrainian prosecutors cooperate with prosecutors of the international of the criminal court all this time, that is, at the moment the court has everything. in order to show their work and the result of the investigation of the situation in ukraine, and it was simply
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fixed at the legislative level in ukraine as well. maria, among the arguments against after the ratification of the rome statute, there was an argument that the icc would be able to prosecute the ukrainian military. what does the law adopted today in the verkhovna rada say about this? natalya, this is a very interesting question and there were a lot of discussions about it, but it is interesting that the international criminal court can do this for 10... years, after the revolution of dignity in 2014, ukraine recognized the court's jurisdiction over crimes against humanity on the territory of ukraine. a year later, after the annexation of crimea by russia, ukraine also recognized the jurisdiction of this court over military crimes, and the court can prosecute any citizens who committed these crimes on the territory of ukraine even without the ratification of this statute, that is, nothing has changed here. what is important? ukraine wants to ratify this statute with the condition: ukraine wants the court to allow it not
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to prosecute ukrainian citizens for these crimes, not to have jurisdiction, for this court not to have jurisdiction over ukrainian citizens, and that these crimes were committed on the territory of ukraine for the next seven years after ratification of this statute, but this does not mean that if ukrainian citizens will commit war crimes on the territory of ukraine, no one will be able to prosecute them, because... i remind you that the international criminal court is an additional institution that can investigate such crimes, if the country whose citizens committed these crimes does not want to prosecute them herself. let's listen to iryna mudra. icc, it is a complementary mechanism, it is not a substitute for our law enforcement agencies. that is, our law enforcement agencies must first investigate, and... bring to justice, but in the event that they they will not be able to do this, then anyone
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can file a complaint with the international criminal court, yes, they are afraid that the russians are also recording the commission of war crimes by our military, and the russians will try to submit it to the international criminal court, well , first of all, the russians themselves cannot do anything because they are not participants, and secondly they can. to do this through their proxies, through third third countries, but again i emphasize that this will be possible only if our law enforcement system is unable will investigate these war crimes, one of the options is that if ukrainian soldiers commit such crimes, they will be prosecuted, they will be prosecuted by ukrainian courts, and ukrainian courts had such precedents. the second way, it can be done by the courts of any other country under universal jurisdiction, in relation to the international criminal
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court, it is worth remembering that it will not prosecute all war criminals, it deals only with the highest military command and the highest political leadership. thank you maria for your clarification with maria ulyanovska, we talked about the legal consequences of ukraine's ratification of the rome statute and the possibilities that this step opens up. american volunteers published a book of ukrainian recipes, the proceeds from the sale of which are sent to help ukraine. the authors of the book grandmother's kitchen, volunteers of the peace corps, which taught english in ukrainian schools, published not only recipes, but also memories of life in various ukrainian cities and villages. with the help of the book, it was possible to collect more than 120,000 dollars, where the money goes and how recipes unite americans and ukrainians during the war, see iryna shynkarenko's story. we
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have to prepare dumplings, because this is a favorite classic recipe. i cook it with potatoes, and maybe with fried sauerkraut, cherries, maybe with homemade cheese and meat. at home in the usa, virginia pasley cooks dumplings according to a recipe from vinnytsia, where she lived and worked for two years. i remember how in 2006, 18 years ago, i first came to ukraine to teach english as a peace corps volunteer. first, she got to the kyiv region. when i was on training as a volunteer, my group lived in the small town of rokytne in the kyiv region, and it seems that it was there that i tasted dumplings for the first time. before i arrived, i learned the ukrainian alphabet, and that's all i knew. i didn't know anything about varenyki, and i'm not sure if i even knew about borscht back then. i don't think anyone has ever cooked borscht for me before. so yeah, it was all pretty new to me. next,
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virginia was sent to work at a school in the village of bratslav in vinnytsia, precisely from in her a rolling pin for dough that reminds of ukraine. so it seems like the dough is already thin enough and one of my problems is i always make the dumplings too big, so our recipe is like you can just use a cup to make a perfect shape and then you just fill that shape with a little bit of mashed potatoes . to work in vinnytsia region 16 years ago, she still maintains contact with ukrainians and came to ukraine in 2013, last summer she visited her acquaintances who were forcibly displaced in europe. i was told about this fancy molding process, this maybe it's not perfect, but in the end
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it looks like this, it looks cute, i put too much stuffing. according to the recipe, which the american volunteers borrowed from the ukrainians, the dumplings must be boiled and then fried. when i was there, the ukrainians treated me to dumplings, they cooked them with lard, so i chopped bacon, it tastes similar, and also put some chopped onions in it. along with the recipe for dumplings, virginia also remembers the ukrainian language, which... she mastered quite well, here are our dumplings, ready, with potatoes, and we can try them, thank you, if it's delicious, in addition to the recipes, the volunteer keeps souvenirs, photos and postcards from her students from ukraine, among the memories that make her smile most often, and how instead of
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the usual miss virginia for an american, she was called by her patronymic in ukrainian school. they called me virginia robertovna after my dad's name, so it was an unusual experience, they wanted to write dear virginia robertovna, and they looked for this word in the dictionary, and they found road, which means the way, so some of them wrote "dear" virginia robertovna , instead of dear, and to me and mine the partner had to think a little to understand what happened. she and i thought at first that maybe it was because i was going... on a trip, but no, they were trying to say: "dear virginia." in general, more than 3,400 peace corps volunteers managed to work in ukraine before the full-scale war since 1992, with the war they were forced to stop working, some of them created a public organization, the alliance of former
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peace corps volunteers for ukraine, after the start of the full-scale invasion, says virginia. they wanted to help, so she appeared the idea of ​​publishing a recipe book. in the grandmother's kitchen , american volunteers published not only culinary tips, but also memories from ukraine. this is where some of the authors of the cookbook visited lviv when we were together in vinnytsia. oh, and this is my canned adjika. this is how i canned adjika. it took me hours and hours to cut everything. but i preserved it. i am talking about this one. really tasty, maybe next time i wouldn't add hot pepper, but it was great, i liked it. the book grandmother's kitchen is worth
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30 dollars, volunteers sold 4,000 copies, collecting more than 120,000 dollars, the funds are directed to aid in various towns and villages of ukraine. a small part of this amount was received by the bakhmut amulet workshop in dnipro, its head , svitlana kravchenko, a migrant from bakhmut, with funds from american volunteers, sewed fabric for clothing for the wounded, we were paid for fabrics, well, threads, all according to the list so that we sewed clothes for the wounded. i have been a volunteer since 2014 from bahmut, when our city was occupied, and we cooperate, well, well, if we do everything we can to win, it's very important for us, and why adaptive clothing, because there is... it's not enough, hospitals are happy to take it, on the shoulders, on one , it's loose with velcro and under, well, on the side for
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that , so that it would be convenient to change the clothes of the wounded, displaced women from the occupied ukrainian territories work in the bakhmut amulet workshop, i have a son and a husband who are fighting, and what they are doing here, i saw it when i was wounded... my, i saw how it was necessary. for the rest of the funds from the americans volunteers, the head of the bakhmut talisman decided to give gifts to the craftsmen themselves. each craftswoman can sew bed linen for herself and take it home, new. and this is also very, very important for us, because we, well, as far as i'm concerned, the word immigrant is very unpleasant, i don't feel like an immigrant, i feel like you'. i was expelled from my city, from my house, from my cultural space, where i was very well, i was also expelled if i live in
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a foreign city, on a foreign land, sleep on foreign beds and use, if not new things, but i really want it to be nothing, volunteers from ukraine dream of returning to their native home, and volunteers from the peace corps come to work again, or just to visit. all the best! the book women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book is based on the reports of christina, the host of the espresso tv channel. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country, the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in
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the ranks of the military, women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine, with the support of the charity fund konstantin zhivago, there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox, 10% in pharmacies psarynyk bam and ochadnyk, there are discounts until independence day on gelta cream dolgit up to 30% in pharmacies for... suffering from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isoto interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. isotaa your water if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts until independence day on dekatylene. 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on essential forte m. 10% in pharmacies plantain for you and save. the great return of the great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in
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the evening prime time. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important things every thursday at 21:15 in the " great lviv speaks" project on espresso tv channel. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, as legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the program. legal examination on espresso tv channel. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is.
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a war for minds, well, we are engaged in propaganda, russia is throwing millions of petrodollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat, tuesday-friday at 10:00 p.m. today in the program. verdict with serhii rudenko. night raid on moscow. the authorities of the russian capital reported one of the largest drone attacks. in total, more than 50 ukrainian birds visited russia this night. does ukraine have the potential to increase air attacks? a new reality on earth. putin tries to show calmness and diverts
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attention from it. new situation in kurshchyna with the help of diplomacy, how to prepare russians for the need to put up with the loss of territories. throw off the russian yoke. the new law prohibits the activity in ukraine of religious organizations with centers of influence in russia. epiphanius calls the orthodox to dialogue. what does this mean for religious communities of the uoc? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, for the next two hours we will talk about war, peace, our victory, as well as the latest events and events that await us, well, in particular, regarding the ban on the activities of religious organizations, which are related to the russian federation, yesterday
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verkhovna rada. ukraine has passed the relevant law, and now over the next nine or 10 months, religious organizations that have ties to the russian federation must decide whether they will work in ukraine or whether they will simply leave ukraine. we will talk about this and other things in the next two hours with our experts, in the first part of our program will be general of the security service of ukraine viktor yagun, a political commentator, my colleague. journalist roman tsimbalyuk, and at 21:15 we will have political experts, viktor boberenko and serhiy taran. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch the video of how the night attack of drones and missiles on russia took place, in the enemy's ministry of defense, they said that they managed to shoot down during the night, a total of 45... whole,
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most of them on the approaches to moscow, the mayor there called the strike the largest since the beginning of the war, as it was, let's see. you can watch ukrainian drones and missiles flying towards moscow
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forever. friends, throughout our broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you today about whether the moscow church threatens the security of ukraine. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you watch us on tv and in middork smartphone or phones, vote for the numbers, if you think that the moscow church threatens the security of ukraine 0800 211 381, no, 08. 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i want to introduce today's our first guest, this is viktor yagun, major general of the sbu zapasu, deputy head of the security service of ukraine in 2014-14-15, mr. general, i congratulate you.


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