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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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drones and missiles are flying towards moscow, you can watch it forever. friends, throughout our broadcast, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you today, is the moscow church a threat to the security of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own separate opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv, please take your smart phone or phone and vote for numbers, if you... believe that the moscow church threatens the security of ukraine (0800-211-381), no 0800-211382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's first guest, this is viktor yagun, major general of the reserve sbu, deputy head of the security service of ukraine in 2014-14-15, mr. general, i congratulate you. and thank you for being with us today.
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good evening. well, since we ask our viewers about this and the viewers what they think about whether the moscow church is a threat to the security of ukraine, since you are a person who knows everything about the security of ukraine, or about the danger as well, i ask you, does the moscow church threaten the security of ukraine? it was always threatening to come. in ukraine, and this can be counted, the end of the 17th century, it actively interfered in all affairs, ukraine, its population, and i think that this is one of the factors that led to the situation in which we now find ourselves, and in one from the moments of this war, which actually lasts not three years and not ten years, centuries. between our
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ukrainian and russian mentalities, including the moscow church is guilty of it distorted ideology of the russian world. yesterday, mr. general, the verkhovna rada of ukraine passed a law that prohibits the activities of religious organizations that are connected with the russian federation, with the aggressor country, there is a transition period from the date of acquisition. according to the law , religious organizations have nine months to decide, because they stop their activities, or they join other religious organizations of ukraine, but there will be no more religious organizations connected with russia in ukraine, so what will happen after this nine-month period transitional period, will it not happen that one of the religious organizations. which is the largest and to
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which everyone points out that it is tied to the russian orthodox church, simply after nine months will say: but we have always been a ukrainian church, we have absolutely no connections with the russian orthodox church, and in general all statutory documents and all documents of the synod fully comply with the constitution and laws of ukraine. look, those who want to be a priest. and want to be in world orthodoxy, they must be determined, or they will continue to lie to themselves and to all their parishioners, and talk about their pseudo-false autocephaly, and at the same time, they are leading a divine service, they need, they need to commemorate someone, or only onuphria, and then they become a sect , which is not included in any ee, well, in any world. structure, or they have to
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recognize one of the patriarchates under which they will be, that is, either the constantinople one, but the constantinople one does not really, not really accept them and does not want to accept them, he told them the path where they need to move, or moscow as it is now, moscow in spite of everything and the desire of these religious or whatever. religious leaders, who now call themselves the ukrainian orthodox church in ukraine, they are on the website, their photos, their positions, agree somehow there, whether you really have any relation to the moscow patriarchate there, if not, let them exclude us, and and conduct your worship as you wish, but i emphasize once again that if they, coming from the moscow patriarchate, do not join the someone else, then they simply turn into,
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i don't know, a pseudo-orthodox sect, mr. general, simultaneously with the adoption of the law by the ukrainian parliament, the security service of ukraine will inform... that 100 criminal cases against priests or proceedings against priests of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate for during the great war in ukraine was violated on the scale of the country and on the scale of the situation in which we are now, that is, in a war situation, is it a lot or a little? i think that it is not enough, because it is extremely much there is... information that they just didn't have time to implement, here are 100, 100 cases, these are already such blatant facts that simply could not be hidden, and they were documented both by the security service and by citizens who simply saw it on their own eyes, or have heard there,
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for example, yes, there is some propaganda there, i just want to explain to our citizens that the vast majority of priests of the moscow patriarchate... who are in ukraine, they consider their activities to be so religious and that there really is something vocation to some pastoral e there are so many activities, it's partly and the vast majority is a business, and when you can't legally fix this business and you can't make money, then a lot of them will start looking for an opportunity to join someone somewhere, so i think that's all ... will very quickly take their place and they will try to mimic and join the established religious institutions, unfortunately, unfortunately, we still have many, many years,
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if for ten years we have to spit out all that moscow abomination, and i i don't want to talk about this is a lot to say, we have specialists in religious... things there, so i think we are going in the right direction, the path will be very difficult, not easy, but we have to go through it. commenting on the adopted law on the activities of religious organizations, the primate of the orthodox church of ukraine, metropolitan epiphany, called on all ukrainian orthodox to engage in dialogue and final release from the moscow yoke. let's listen to what metropolitan epiphany said. the law makes it possible for everyone. to religious structures that have not yet done so, indeed completely free now from moscow's control, and we, for our part , call again and again to all orthodox christians in ukraine who have not yet done so, to throw off this
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russian yoke at last. we are open to dialogue without preconditions, and this was recently stated again in my address to metropolitan onufriy. those who are with him. at the same time, the metropolitan added that to date the ocu has not received any response from the uoc mp, but metropolitan kliment, the head of the information and educational department of the uoc , said in an interview with the public that the uoc mp will continue their activities despite the adopted law. i will quote metropolitan kliment. the ukrainian orthodox church will continue to live as a true church. recognized by the vast majority of practicing ukrainian believers and local churches of the world, it is an objective thing, any attempts to ban an objective thing will only lead to discredit, including international ones and those who want to somehow implement it. mr. general, well,
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over the last two decades we have been observing another attempt by two parts of the ukrainian orthodox church, it is true orthodox churches were different. to unite, and we remember how it was under metropolitan volodymyr, under filaretta, and then there were talks about let's unite, how much the russian special services can stand in the way of this unification at that time and now , taking into account the fact that the control of spiritual space or space, church space in... ukraine has always been one of the priorities of the russian special services? i think now we are actively fighting against them and now it is much easier to get rid of all these things, this
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appeal that you read, it is very very eloquent it is necessary to understand, for example, that all the courts that they have already lost, including the constitutional court, regarding the name, he, in... they they, they hide it all, there is nothing about property, it is actually about their activities , if they want to act on executioners, let them go to the houses and act there, but i emphasize once again... no one is going to leave them in ukraine just like that, if they think that they will use some methods related there, i don't know there with the uprising of the people, there are some riots or something else, well, they are discrediting themselves, in fact, everything is going in its own way, nine months will pass, they will remain at the broken trough of the community. who did not have the opportunity, or had the opportunity, but were not not able, have the opportunity
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to get rid of all those representatives of the russian peace, and as for the russian special services, they act, they acted, they sent citizens of the russian federation to us, control is now much more more violent, and i think it will be more difficult for them to carry out certain activities, in particular through educational institutions, which at one time... exchanged teachers, there our citizens went to russia and were actually recruited by its fsb officers in cassocks, and then after that , from the churches there, some things related to the russian world were widely publicized there, and the churches and monasteries were actually turning into residences of the russian special services on our territory, i think that... i emphasize once again, it is not all that simple, but everything will go in the direction we need, and we
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will get rid of them, but this the beginning of a big road, mr. general, it is clear what we are talking about not only about those who serve in the church, but about the parishioners who go to the priests, so here a lot depends on each of the ukrainians who will come to the churches as representatives of the community and demand the church they want there , to be honest, i was always surprised, in the northeast, in the chernihiv region, sumy region, that there are many communities and many parishioners, without thinking, go there to the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, even without paying attention to certain nuances there, because the parishes of the ocu are not so widespread in the northeast. exactly how you explain it, that is, for ukrainians it is not so
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fundamental, whether ukrainians are used to going to the churches they go to, and as much as they can under the condition that if the priests of the ukrainian orthodox church say, listen, we will be closed, let's stand in a procession and go to kyiv to demand that we not be touched, how possible are such scenarios? in such a scenario, although they can raise up to 5-10 thousand people there, you said about chernivtsi, bukovyna about chernihiv, chernigov, and i will tell you about bukovyna, bukovyna and transcarpathia, where there was no russian orthodox church at all until 45-46, there, there was a romanian orthodox church, and there was a greek the catholic church, and it's just nonsense, yes, that's how much they are there... they have taken root and the population is just there, well, i don't know, they're almost ready to fight with pitchforks, for
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what, they themselves don't understand, because when you start with them say, they do not understand what they are fighting for, not for some historical ones things, but for some, well, i don't know, for some traditions, some brought from outside, chernihiv region, well, you see, this is all, unfortunately, it is necessary to heal, it is necessary to... gradually come to what is, is sick, sick the feeling of certain processes, not all of them understand them, and when you start talking to people, you know, they say, well, come on, these are very high matters, leave our father to us, do everything else you want, so i think that this should still be left to theologians, lawyers, i think... i think we will come, we have a law, yes, it is like that a peculiar one with a postponement for nine
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months, with certain legal nuances, well, for example, you have to understand that literally 10 years have passed since the communist party was banned, only now it has finally lost all the courts, and all their efforts have ended, so if anyone thinks that the lawsuits against the churches will literally be there in a few years... in the end, it is not true, it will take many years, but they are proceeding, they are proceeding slowly, but in the right way direction so i hope for the best. mr. general, another rather important topic is the ability of the ukrainian state to shell or carry out air attacks on the territory of the russian federation, this night there was a night attack by drones on moscow, and as
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russian representatives say, it was allegedly shot down in the suburbs of moscow. 10 drones, said the mayor of moscow sabyanin, and after that it was already reported in the ministry of defense of the russian federation that there were almost fifty drones flying over the territory of the russian federation that night, apparently they were successful blows in addition, gur reported today that on august 16, during an attack on the saveslake airfield, a military airfield , a mig-31 aircraft, il-76 aircraft were destroyed and about five aircraft, presumably mig 31k, were damaged, and this is also reported by the ukrainian with reference to sources in gur. does ukraine have the potential to increase air attacks, mr. general? well, we are actually working in that direction, because this is exactly the concept that should lead to victory, not
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to expect a blow and, well... to hear something there an air target over ukraine, making ourselves safe, actually eliminating the place from where it takes off, or where it is produced, and this is a concept that was adopted back in the 22nd year, and we are gradually moving towards it, and i i think that it brings its results, we hit the airfields, we hit the warehouses with ammunition, we hit the enterprises, what are you? or repairs this equipment, and it leads to its result, if we cover some warehouses, and these are aircraft warehouses of aviation equipment and aviation ammunition warehouses at the airfield, and this leads to a decrease in aircraft departures and
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their use, for example, cabs at the front, well, that is clearly a result. the right work, it's another matter that we don't have all the capabilities, yes, because, well, what's the difference between, for example, a strike with a cluster munition missile that can cover a football field and destroy virtually everything that is there, and one small drone, which carries, in extreme cases, up to 50 kg of ammunition, and not always. it has a cassette component, that is, it must be a very precise hit on one of the the same goals, therefore, unfortunately, there is a difference in what we expect and what we will get if we still manage to convince our allies about the permission to hit the objects of the military infrastructure with the help of
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the weapons that we have in stock, uh well... it would be a very big plus, but no, well , then we will work with what we have, improve their characteristics, maybe come up with something new, because we have no other way to defeat the enemy remotely . against this background, the operation of the defense forces is unfolding of ukraine on the territory of the kurt region, it is clear that ukrainians have new opportunities to carry out... air attacks closer to moscow, respectively, deputy chairman of the security council of the russian federation dmitry medvedev, who, by the way, was silent for a long time, i looked, his last post was on august 8, and here he appeared on august 21 in the public space with the opinion that the situation in kursk indicates that
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there will be no negotiations with ukraine, i will quote medvedev: empty chatter is not ... mediators authorized by no one on the topic of a beautiful peace have been stopped, now everyone understands everything, even if they don’t say it out loud, they understand that there will be no more negotiations until the enemy is completely defeated, that’s what, what does this mean, it means that russia declares war on the victorious ending, to his last soldier, that is, is it just another bluff of medvedev, no, well... medveev can bluff, but, as a rule, everyone agrees that he actually broadcasts what is in the mind in of their leaders, he is such a ... relayer of ideas, me i think that this is simply a copy of the actual situation that existed in 1945 in nazi
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germany, with the fact that we believe in fuller and will fight to the end and no one retreats anywhere, everyone forward, well forward so forward, well whatever you do, i'm just stressing to everyone, and now i'll say it repeatedly on the air, that they really don't have much time left. before making any decision because they hoped to hold a huge victory parade on may 9, 2025, the 80th anniversary of the so-called victory in world war ii the war, which they have been actively preparing for the past 10-15 years, this is so accurate, and what do they come up with until may 9, with the occupied territory... foreign troops with an unrecognized , uncertain situation in the economy and no victories at the front, well, for now it is like this
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the day is won, that's why they are in a very, very hurry, i think that this rush can cause big problems for them, well, this , this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this haste, what, in what way forms our policy, i.e. to make them more nervous and take wrong steps, everything is clear to us, we, we stand our ground, we have to stand, unfortunately, we do not have the resources that russia has, but with the help of our partners, with the help of our people, the rear, we, we will stand, at least in the positions in which we there is, even if we persist in the plan that we are in now, russia is not really in as positive a moment as they
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say they are, so you know, i think that everything is going in the right direction, and in the near term we will see significant changes and in in their rhetoric, and in their actions. today, mr. general, the verkhovna rada of ukraine ratified the rome statute of the international criminal court, it was signed on behalf of ukraine back in 2000, 281 deputies voted for it during ratification. the rome statute is a treaty that recognizes the legality of the verdicts of the international criminal court, and it has already been ratified by 120 countries of the world. occupied territories of ukraine to the russian federation. it is clear that ukraine wants to be a participant in the big, big
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the community that is gathered in the international criminal court, the interests of these countries are protected by the international criminal court, and the fact that the russians are committing war crimes, obviously this will also go through the international criminal court, but there is one nuance in this story, because ... this the rome statute can be used for those people who are currently at the front, because they can also be accused of committing some war crimes, in your opinion, will this not become a problem for ukraine and why, if you know, for 20 years or 24 years ukraine is not ratified the rome statute, well, why didn't it, because there was no... political will, but we really came to a situation where we can find ourselves, and it's twofold, you know that no, no, the united states, not israel,
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no other countries that are actively fighting there, they did not recognize the rome statute, they recognize the right to a decision by an international court, but they did not ratify the statute itself, and one of the arguments is the protection of their own. citizens, first of all, those citizens who carry out some tasks, including quite complex ones interests of its states, whether ukraine will be able to protect our citizens, it is very difficult for me to say about this, because we may find ourselves in a situation where any international, or even international criminal, once abroad, will begin to demand punishment within the framework of this statute, for our generals, officers who perform their duties to protect ukraine, and if he proves himself right, this person can and...
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clear his name only within the framework of the international process, and this process can be so two-fold, we have seen what was happening with our national guard soldier markov in italy, you know, when baseless accusations based only on some testimony there, and the testimony is quite so biased, led to his... detention and accusation, and only international publicity and the work of the ukrainian, ukrainian authorities and our citizens in the diaspora, allowed us to end that situation and free him, i think that such processes can happen, i say that this is this is this very unpleasant thing can be, but at the same time, well, we decided that we will join to most well, let's see how it ends. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was viktor
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yagun. major general of the sbu zapasu, former deputy head of the sbu. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook. please like this video. subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: is the moscow church in danger of security of ukraine. yes, no, although it seems like a rhetorical question. maybe there will be different answers, if you have a separate answer, please leave it in the comments under the video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote by numbers, if you think that the moscow church threatens the security of ukraine, 0800 211 381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results
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of this vote. next, we are in touch with roman tsimbalyuk, journalist, former vlaskor unian and unian in moscow, and a person who has a large youtube channel, 1,230,000 subscribers, so roman, i welcome you and invite you to the conversation and invite our viewers to subscribe to your youtube channel. sergey, congratulations, thank you for such a wonderful promotion. roman, let's start our conversation from kurshchyna, because... for two weeks, more than two weeks, the offensive of the ukrainian army has been going on, 93 settlements are already under the control of the ukrainian army, 1260 km, apparently this number has already increased, because syrskyi spoke about it yesterday , and in your opinion, is it adequate the reaction of the current russian authorities and putin to what is happening in kurshchyna, because
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it gives the impression that they are doing this in order to minimize the threat to russia from the ukrainian army, putin flies to aliyev there for tea, then to ramzan kadyrov , then demonstrates, then these apples, somewhere there he ate apples at this or tried at some exhibition, agro-industrial complex, the impression is that a person has no more problems than... fly to baku to grozny and visit an agricultural exhibition. kursk is burning, he pretending that everything seems to be fine. well, serhiy, there were not only apples there, there was also apple puree without sugar, and this seems important to me, well, it is an age-old thing, just apples without sugar, puree. yes, and as
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for the visit to baku, vegetables. it was planned in advance and here, apparently, they simply decided not to cancel it, well, in fact, it corresponds to this behavior, that putin pretends that nothing is reflected, well, it is true, and today, in the public space, everyone expects that here is putin something like that will do, so we're all here will punish us, so he will start bombing us, he will probably start, because what else can he offer, even in the public space the thing is that when lavov is asked, so what are we going to do... the answer is always the same, what is this maniac supposed to do to decide, and putin is not up to this , i understand, maybe he thinks that it is my personal opinion, that he is just confused, and i feel a certain tension in general in this russian political class, whose generals began to be imprisoned en masse by the fsb, which is responsible for the war within the framework of the kto, and who


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