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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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they identify themselves very clearly as russians, we are not muscovites, this is identification, well, by state, let’s say this was very clear around 2003, but not around 2007, the eighth, but when i last traveled, i was then on the glushkovsky bridge, yes , it was a long time ago, it was there, well, 15 years ago, but on this bridge, which is now being shown to you, i was there and... oh, what can i say, political goals are more important here, than the military, yes, the military is good, we went there, we delay, maybe delay, maybe don't delay, if i'm not an expert, but the fact that euphoria is terrible even in the sums of money, despite the fact that everyone admits that, yes, we will now be hostages of the situation, according to the sums of money, the number of arrivals has increased, it will be more frequent, but it is still euphoria, and euphoria is not what we are there they are not animals like... these neighbors of ours,
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yes, we are not wild, we understand that if somewhere, well, for many russians, russians, this is grief, but we cannot be angry about it, but there is such an opinion that you know, this is how i say it, as the saying goes, god is not a jerk, he sees at least a little bit, but there is a guy who has caught them now war, they finally know what war is, not only us, but in 2 years...
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they will say it, and this, well, there are many results, the global south can be seen there, which putin loves there, and there modi rushed to us there to ukraine, there, of course, we will be appeased, but now no one will say that on russian terms, and now lavov can be overturned, now a mirror, taking into account the realities on the ground there, well, let's take into account how lavrov . says: in reality on the ground, i will tell you honestly and secretly to all our viewers, because someone thinks that our from there, now they will make noise there and leave, no, they will not leave, i can tell you this with confidence, we will now defend the court as the suzhan district of the sumy region, er, we will knock them out of glushkov, because we have to knock them out there northern sheseymu, ee ot from hlushkov tetkina. and
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i think that all this will happen, and they will pay dearly. yes, now we all know about the corridor named after iryna verishchuk, everything and the russians must be prepared in a suja, what about what, there will be no suja, the judge will be what how, what with avdiivka, yes, because one of the methods management of the naroseyushka, who beats his own to foreigners were afraid, so they will use this method, they own these district centers, a dead end. well, that's why they will have to be taken there, they will have to be burned in the garbage, just to knock out ours, well, we live in new realities, on august 6 a slightly different world opened up and, but all of them are political, i will not say about military prospects, all political prospects we caught it, it's a cool move for us, thank you, mr. viktor, mr. serhiy, but how do you think events will develop further?
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kurdistan, and of course we are interested in how the world community will perceive, because i am not in vain in the announcement, we mentioned the rome statute and joining the international criminal court, because it turns out that ukraine could not ratify this rome statute for 20 years, and now there is a warrant for putin's arrest, and it is clear that ukraine is interested in implementing this warrant, but we. .. voted in the verkhovna rada for the ratification of the rome statute, and the question is obvious, now it is not only about putin, but also about the military who are on foreign territory, and obviously, this rome statute will be used not only by ukrainians, and against the ukrainians, so how do you predict the development of events in kurshchyna in the context of all this? well, in the west, of course, very carefully.
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are watching what is happening in kushchyna, and it is difficult for me to comment on any military aspects of this operation, because for this at least you need to know much more than you can know. but politically, of course, this operation had a colossal effect on the western audience, primarily because it suddenly became clear that the ukrainian army was not going to lose the war, as many have said for the past six months, even ready to attack, and on the territory of the russian federation. second, it turned out that the russian border is not so inviolable, and all this patheticness and hysteria of putin, when he was telling that he had never been there. will not set foot on russian territory, collapsed literally in a week, and it turned out that ukraine can safely enter and conduct military operations on the territory, the attention of a nuclear power, and nothing special happens at the same time. of course, this is a very good signal to partners to
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remove all taboos on using theirs of military equipment, this also matters, of course, but apart from that, of course, it also matters that western journalists. little by little, but they get to the territory of the russian federation, which is controlled by the ukrainian army, and they see with their own eyes how the ukrainian army behaves in the occupied territories, and for sure, what do they compare it to, how the russian army behaved and behaves in the occupied territory of ukraine, and here, of course , there is a very serious contrast, and the ratification of the crimean statute, i do not think that it will directly cause... give birth literally there to every ukrainian soldier, but frankly speaking, well, i would not be in a big hurry to ratify here, because if you look at the list of countries that have ratified the roman statute and the list of countries that, for one
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reason or another, do not implement it, or have withdrawn their signature there , then you will see that those countries that are at the epicenter of war or... are constantly at war, waging wars, well, such countries as, for example, very different ones, i want to emphasize, like the united states, like israel, like china, like that russia itself, all those countries that have experience with wars, they are trying not to ratify or not to implement this rome statute, not because, well, for some countries it matters, but for some these moral aspects don't matter, but that's not the point, the point is that these countries... always first protect the interests of their own army, their own military, that is, the sovereignty of their own law and the inviolability of their own military is mandatory for those countries that wage wars, so i think that ukraine
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should perhaps be more careful with this statute, and simply use it in their interests, as used by all other countries, as used by the united states, as even used by russia in... attention during the time when they started aggression, during the aggression of russia against georgia, attention, they, at the same time, when they were hostilities, a country that does not comply with any international court at all, the russian federation, at the same time actively used the same criminal court and filed mass lawsuits against the georgian military, therefore ukraine should treat any international norms and laws, it is absolutely pragmatic, that it is beneficial to support, that it is not beneficial or doubtful, it is necessary to... delay or not support, and this is how everyone acts, because any country in the international world must first of all worry about its own interests, if it does not worry about its own interests or about the interests of one's own army, it simply disappears from the political map of the world. therefore, in conclusion,
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i do not think that the ratification of the rome statute will threaten the ukrainian army too much, but at least if it happens, that it will raise doubts and put it in an awkward position an unfair situation, a convenient situation, at least one ukrainian military officer, this is already a sufficient reason to think about whether ukraine should ratify this rome statute too quickly. it is very good that there is a delay in its implementation, it is good, but we must always understand that among any international norms, the most important norm is the national interests of ukraine. thank you, mr. serhiy, it was serhiy taran and viktor boberenko. thank you, gentlemen, for participating in the program. stay healthy and let me remind you that during our broadcast we spent survey, we friends asked you about whether the moscow church threatens the security of ukraine, so these are the results of our television survey, 93% yes, 7% no. friends, i want to remind you that until august 24, espresso is preparing
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a special project called "light people in dark times". interesting stories about heroic people, interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav shevchuk, serhii pluhy and much more. another, already at 10 p.m. documentary 10 years of war on independence day at espresso on august 24 from 8 a.m. to midnight. near, be with us. on this, friends, i'm saying goodbye to you, this was the verdict program about serhii orudenko, i wish you all the best, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye. there are discounts until independence day on ocyn baths, 20% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings, there are discounts until independence day. 10% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend
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izoto. isoto interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. isotaa your water if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts until independence day on estezifin, 25% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts up to on independence day on gelta cream dolgit up to 30% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zema's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, it's a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the front line, serhiy zgurets and what the world is about, yuriy fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to be. courses of economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchyvka is on the field with me and sports news,
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i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chechchenina, our art viewer is ready to say good evening, presenters who have become familiar to many, already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours. big ether vasyl zyma, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, who? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny saturday 17:10,
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sunday 18:15 at espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i don't spend. of funds on how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. finally, ukraine ratified the rome statute, but there are nuances, because it allegedly does not give its own. where crossings mr. hymers destroys enemy pontoons through river seim, how much. already managed to destroy. the evacuation continues, the battles for every meter, the battle for
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pokrovsk, in detail, and also the battles for chasivyar in detail. tax on parcels, how much we will pay extra for international shipments and why business pays, and money will be taken out of the pockets of ordinary taxpayers and users of services. putin suddenly decided to travel, as they say, as the bloc has a big russia and nowhere to go. why is the russian leader afraid? to return to moscow and why the armed forces of ukraine fire russian air defense on russian territory federation, well, also drone strikes on the russian capital. this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zimay, for the next hour and 45 minutes, i, my colleagues, will discuss the most important events that happened today, of course, we will promptly report on what will happen during our broadcast, stay with us, i invite you to the words of serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summaries column. dnyagi, congratulations, please, congratulations to you, vasyl, congratulations
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to our viewers, today in our column we will pick up the main events of today, about what our defense forces used to attack the enemy s-300 and the russian capital, about assessments of the progress of hostilities by the us department of defense intelligence and about hostilities in the direction of chasivyar, whether it became easier there after the start. of the kursk offensive operation, about this in a conversation with soldiers from the 24th separate mechanized brigade. more on that in a moment. of course, i will start with breaking news. tonight , units of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, in cooperation with other components of the defense forces, struck the position of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile complex near settlement of novoshakhtinsk-rostov region. this was reported by our general
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staff. in terms of distance, it is about 160 km from the front line. and we, within the framework of the defense express agency, made an assumption that the ukrainian side probably used the neptune missile complex for strikes, because for such a range the arsenal of the ukrainian navy actually has this complex, which we now see on the screen, and this is not the first time , when neptune is used to dilute the russian air defense system, in itself. region there is novoshakhtynskyi oil refinery and we hope that our drones are now visiting there, because the s-300 will no longer interfere with them, and by the way, already in the mentioned rostov region , the oil depot in the village of proletarske is still burning, after our drones visited it, it has been
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there for the fourth day burning in the eyes of the storage base with diesel fuel. 20 out of 74 tanks were destroyed and they are still burning, and even today a number of russian regions were struck by our drones, including moscow, the moscow region, the ministry of defense the russian federation announced the alleged downing of 45 ukrainian uavs on the territory of the moscow, bryansk, bilhorod, kaluga and kursk regions, and the enemy is speaking. that this is the most massive attack, i am sure that the most massive attack is yet to come, because now there is an increase in the intensity and scale of the use of our attack drones on objects in russia, this is becoming such an important sign of the systemic actions of our defense forces, in addition to the actual shocking the enemy,
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asymmetric actions on the part of the armed forces, as is currently happening in kursk region and... the offensive operation continues on august 6, and where our troops are now advancing in several directions, including the potential encirclement of russian units in the glushkovsky district after the destruction of stationary bridges and new enemy pontoon crossings. at the same time, against the background of our offensive, a publication appeared in the blumb publication. such with the title that russia and ukraine do not have sufficient resources to conduct offensive operations and are therefore moving towards a dead end in this war. this edition is based on the report of the intelligence department of the ministry of defense usa, and this report is an appendix to
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the quarterly report on the allocation of american aid to ukraine. in the amount of 61 billion dollars, which began to arrive in april, so actually, this is a report for three months, which ends there on june 30, and actually these american intelligence officers did not include the situation in kursk, because it really did not exist then, and the conclusions that are drawn there, they are actually, in my opinion, somewhat outdated, because now the dynamics on the front line are changing significantly, and the only thing i would like to point out based on this report is the question, which still do not have answers, because in fact, its american aid provides for the allocation of 61 billion dollars, some 50 billion dollars go to american defense enterprises that manufacture weapons to compensate for those supplies that were made
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from the pentagon's reserves for the armed forces of ukraine, in in the range of 11 billion plus... still remaining 4 billion from last year, that is, in fact within the range of 15 billion dollars - these are the packages that should be allocated to ukraine from the pentagon's reserves on a fairly regular basis, i.e. on today, somewhere around $1 billion was used from this direction, while last month’s extreme package amounted to around $125 million, but in fact, all this money should be used... the receipt of american aid for the transfer of these weapons from the pentagon’s stockpiles should be somewhere within the range of $2 billion per a month to actually use it by the end of the financial year. about 15 or 14 billion, which is foreseen by the american aid, the rate of allocation of these funds is too small from the point of view of what
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is allocated now, that is, there are reserves, but the rate transfers for the needs of the armed forces are not sufficient, and that is precisely why zelenskyi probably mentioned just the other day that he called on our partners and the united states and other states to increase the transfer of weapons for weapons. forces of ukraine, because the rhythmic and timely arrival of ammunition, equipment, armored vehicles, and other weapons systems is what affects the front line now. and further, how does it affect the front line, and the kurdish operation, and the supply of weapons, the situation in general, we will talk, we will talk with our guest, for now we are waiting for her to contact, but when we talk about ammunition, it is worth mentioning one more thing, because a number of foreign media there, including the financial times, wrote about the fact that against the background of the kurdish operation in certain parts of the armed forces there is
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a redistribution and saving of ammunition, because the main reserves are directed to kurshchyna, apparently this one is, but yesterday, as we know, there was such a performance of the golokomduvator oleksandr. where he talked about the specifics of the offensive in the kurdish direction, and there appeared a number of diagrams where, in principle, it was said that that now the armed forces have almost the largest amount of ammunition that they use every day in the range of 14 thousand per day. let me remind you that when there was no american help, we used from 3x to 7 saye. pastures per day, but still the russians have an advantage, the indicators of the use of ammunition in the russian army, according to the data provided by sirsky, are about 45,000 ammunition
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per day, so that the enemy's three-fold advantage in ammunition remains, and now we will talk about what is happening in the direction of chasiv ravine, where one of the of our brigades, this is the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after king danylo and... we are now joined by the representative of the press service of this brigade, andriy polukhin, mr. andriy, congratulations, i am glad to see and hear kanaluso on the air, i congratulate you, i would like to you outlined a little bit what is happening in the direction of your brigade now and whether there is a feeling that the transfer of russian troops partially from your area to the kurdish direction has somehow made it easier. the work of our armed forces, or so it is too early to say, for now it is too early to say the same, the number of assaults
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on our positions in the time gap has not changed, they assault them regularly, they try to cross the channel, our guys hold back these assaults, thanks to our guys who are sitting on the positions, the infantrymen. thanks to the work of drones, thanks to the work of our artillery, the enemy is restrained and it is quite difficult for him to approach our positions, especially mechanized equipment, now the front line is stable, but the assaults continue, they are repulsed almost every day. andrei, you are talking about what is now the enemy is trying to cross the canals, literally a couple of days ago there were reports that there were attempts by the enemy to enter the eye. new districts, that is, the novy district and the zhovtnevy district, which are actually one of the eastern districts of the yar times, are these measures taking place in these districts and how are our
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armed forces acting there to dislodge the enemy from making it impossible to entrench in buildings, at the moment information about the fact that the enemy did not enter such neighborhoods, our guys do not let the opposition approach. and practically all their assaults, they are failing, perhaps there are such situations among other adjacent units, unfortunately, i cannot say about them, is the enemy now trying to carry out such wider offensive actions somewhere from the north, in order to try to cover the chasivyr with a wider circle, is there such information, such information is, uh, the task of the enemy now is to cross the canal, before that he needs to capture the crossings, there are not many of them, and one is really in the northern side, so
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of course there are storms. grayer, but there is also the same crossing in the very place, and even a little further south along the channel, the enemy tries here and there to seize these crossings so that equipment can be transported, but again, thanks to our defense forces, this does not happen, and when we talk about these areas where the enemy can, relatively speaking , potentially using equipment, this is the length of these sections within the limits of 700-800 m . technique, so it is not a wide, wide section, it is so narrow, well , like a bridge, there are a few meters and that’s all, but have there been recent attempts by the enemy to really use armored vehicles, as it was,
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relatively speaking, well, during... the most difficult periods of assaults in the times of the yar , when the enemy tried to capture the city there until may 9 and used armored vehicles, what is the enemy's iron weapons doing now? now it is quite difficult for him to use mechanized equipment in the already destroyed micro-district, which was the canal, and therefore he tries to accumulate small groups of infantry and just like that is trying to advance to the position. or, when we talk about these small groups, which are now, well , in almost all areas of the front , are used as a basic tactic of the enemy, who are the personnel who carry out this mission of asking, are they trained, and what conclusions did you draw, maybe there there are prisoners, it is possible to intercept the enemy's movements, in order to understand what this personnel is in terms of its level
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of training. it is known that this is a regular army, that is, these are people who were either mobilized or they signed a contract, people who really are undergoing training, and this tactic is not new for them, they have been using it for a long time, it was already first noticeable during the defense of the city of bakhmut, therefore, in principle, it is already a common practice for them, which there is someone to teach them and someone to teach it implement er, therefore, even if a new person enters this unit of theirs, they must be trained in this, in this tactic. andrii, on july 9, your brigade, your press service, in particular, reported that a new battalion would be created in brigades, where former prisoners will serve, some time has already passed, or we can say as
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a matter of time. interaction with other battalions, showing these guys in battles, what are the first conclusions that can be drawn, indeed, we have created such a unit, moreover, it has already received a combat mission, but so far, according to the interaction, according to the way they appear, we cannot comment yet, it is too early, then i will ask again about ammunition, because... in some directions, well, in particular , foreign publications report that ammunition is being redistributed, we are forced to save ammunition in certain areas, i did not find such information, i know that in particular your colleagues there, the fifth separate assault brigade, say that they have enough ammunition there, and the question in order to have more guns, in the area of ​​​​responsibility of your brigade with ammunition and the ability to use
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artillery to ... suppress any attempts by the enemy to advance? er, in principle, to fulfill our tasks, to conduct defense there is enough ammunition, but of course, talking to the guys, to the gunners, everyone wants more, wants to hit more, the targets are there, and even if you can say that we have enough ammunition, uh, we can work more efficiently with more, more , more stock. but again , for those tasks and for the defense that we are currently carrying out, as a task of what is now sufficient. what is happening now with the actions of enemy aircraft, in particular in terms of the use of cabs, because it is such a constant threat, what are the dynamics now with this arsenal at the enemy. at the moment, the dynamics of the use of aviation...
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aviation bombs in our country today.


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