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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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er, in principle, for the performance of our tasks, for the conduct of the defense, there is enough ammunition, but of course, talking with the guys, with the gunners, everyone wants more, wants to hit more, there are targets, and even if you can say that we have there is enough ammunition, it is possible to work more efficiently if there is more, more, more stock, but with... again, for those tasks and for the defense that we are currently carrying out, as a combat task of what is currently sufficient. what is happening now with aviation operations the opposition, particularly in terms of the use of subs, because it is such a constant threat, what is the dynamic now with this arsenal in the opposition? at the moment, the dynamics of the use of aviation, aerial bombs under our...
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option of responsibility is decreasing, that is , they began to work less with aviation, but it started even before the kurshchyna operation, in kurshchyna, they, i understand that our defense forces, when , hit the place of accumulation of their ammunition in the territory of the enemy, it is really felt, they are trying choose the priority direction in which they operate aviation. indeed , they are still working in our area of ​​responsibility on a part-time basis, but already noticeably less. and regarding the use of lancets, i ask this question to many of our troops in many areas, they are trying to understand if there are any optimal ways to counter this threat, maybe there are some unique developments there, it is not necessary to announce them there, but just to understand how you are trying to avoid . these risks, well, this is
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a general practice, we try to avoid them camouflage, first of all, then, it is clear that we use electronic warfare forces against these drones, even with lancets, and we also have general air defense units that monitor the situation in the sky. and regarding the use of our fpv drones day and night, what are the current dynamics, can we talk about parity there, are there any new technical challenges from both sides, which are now being taken into account by your unit, in order to still be able to destroy the enemy under any conditions? and i think the problems with the use fpividrons for all units will be the same, this is communication, this is an opportunity to overcome the enemy's radio electronic barriers, this is the use of other frequencies on which rep. the enemy or their drones are working,
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including interception of their drones too, you need to monitor what frequencies he uses, that's exactly the problem. regarding the use of drones, yes, we can use drones both day and night, and it is too early to say about parity, we can proudly say right now that we currently use more drones than the enemy, are there any good examples of destruction in... enemy equipment or enemy personnel, to confirm so, well tell our viewers, well, cool examples of the use of semi-drones, it's hard to single out something, especially recently, we have our social networks, there are the social networks of our assault battalion against the rarokh assault systems, in which they, as soon as they have some bright damage , they show, it was enemy bmps, and tanks, and behind... including
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recently, there are also separate units under ours battalions, units of attack drones, which also work mainly on infantry within the responsibility of their battalion, and they also have very vivid and interesting impressions of dugouts with a group target of the enemy, and in principle, in this way, it is one of our main holding tools. officer, thank you very much for the inclusion, for these explanations, for what you and your brigade are doing to protect our country. let me remind you that it was andrii polukhin, a representative of the press service of the 24th separate brigade named after king danylo. this brigade is now holding the defense on in the direction of chasiv yar and holds it quite effectively, because the enemy cannot, despite all his efforts, advance into the city and cross this channel siverskyi donets, siverskyi dne.
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donbas such would be the main emphasis in the military results of this day. and then vasyl zima will continue the broadcast. so stay tuned to espresso. thank you very much to serhiy zgruts, thank you to his guest, we wish strength and luck to our soldiers, who really, despite the frenzied pressure of the enemy, are holding the chassis, well, they are holding on as well as our soldiers can in the pokrovsky direction, although we understand what a huge amount of forces and means the enemy is throwing in order to occupy this city, well actually to move on, well... that the enemy did not succeed at the front as planned, our soldiers, on the contrary , succeeded, let's be more active in informing, well and there are needs that we will announce: the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third
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separate assault brigade, as well as for the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. defenders in the donetsk direction, enemy attacks are held back every day, and our freedom and future are defended. it was these wars that stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. each of your donations is important, join, you can see all the details on your screen. and, therefore, we will donate to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine so that on the battlefield... they can destroy the enemy and , let's say, make his life as difficult as possible, but what about the humanitarian component of the war we will talk with vladyslav makhovsky, a volunteer, we will talk about the situation in donetsk region, mr. vladyslav, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, since 20, well
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at least what i read officially, since august 20, that is, it started yesterday the process of forced evacuation of residents of pokrovsk. what does it look like, what is meant by the word forced, what is forced, does it have any nuances, well, let's start with this, and in general, you will already tell more stories of saving people, well, i'm just saying, i yesterday at one o'clock, let's talk about why this evacuation is so important, and i read various telegram channels of the military, who are currently in this direction, and they write that they manage to intercept some of their enemy there. reports of enemy correspondence, where they say that there is an order, whether oral, obviously oral, not to spare civilians, that is, the enemy is already so angry because of the fact that he has huge losses that, well , for civilians, there is hope that someone will spare them, almost none, please, well,
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first of all, as for coercion, i do i understand that this thing is about children. is the forced evacuation of children, and it is already in full swing, and many families are leaving today from pokrovsk, from solidov, mirnograd and other settlements, such as pokrovsky, kurakhivsk, and this is extremely necessary, because the enemy uses artillery every day, and cabs and such a big arrival, both today and yesterday, this is the number of awards that you see, we all see it. so, of course, the evacuation of children is the first orderly task in the evacuation plan, many children are still left, well, i know from mernograd, then somewhere 500 children, and among them 10 children with reduced mobility, who are still there, and today
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volunteers, and the police, and the administration, the emergency services are engaged in the evacuation of these children, and as i said, as you asked after how the orcs are in relation to civilians, then i know that today the fp drone flew to the service car of the state emergency service, which was evacuating three people, one of them was lying down and the drone hit their bus, thank god, the people remained alive, the bus was armored, so, thank god, they this came out a few days ago in novogrodivka, well, a few... somewhere a week ago, the front hit a volunteer car, it’s a minibus, so small, as i understand it, an opel or something like that hit, and thank god that there were no people then, there were none, but in the damaged one, they parked it there
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and drove on there, thank god god, there was still a car, so all this suggests that the enemy, the orcs, they do not spare civilians, nothing, because as i understand it... the kamika drone is the one that flies in one direction, and if there is no military technique, then he will hit, and i already have experience when a kamikaze drone is in the audience my bus hit. i didn't even injure a bush, well, i destroyed it in general, it was still in february, so, so things are like that now. that is, globally, well, just to understand, pokrovsk is a city behind which the enemy, which is protected by our troops, we will not say what the enemy is, it is clear that he wants to seize the territory of donetsk region, in particular, because now we are talking about exactly that, and there he has his own plans, his own perspectives. but these are brutal battles, we monitor every day what becomes known, public, about the course
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of hostilities, of course the enemy will use huge forces, and with regard to shelling not only by drones, but by artillery or rocket systems of direct fire, what is the situation here, if we talk not only about pokrovsk, but also about those settlements that are located near pokrovsk, so often the enemy uses it, that is, does he have the means in order to hit, as they say, on purpose... civilians, because we understand that, well, there are not endless reserves, but i read again about the fact that rockets for mlrs were brought to the enemies, and they are now the local population can have nightmares, as they say, that is, besides drones, what other threats are there now for the residents and the pokrovsky agglomeration in general, well , all these agglomerations are the pokrovsky direction, the kurakhovo community, the selidov community, and there are now flyovers... and heavy artillery flyovers too, because they have already come
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too close domernograd is less than 10 km away, and selidov is less than 10 km away. they approach mykhailivka from the other side, so the enemy is engaging, i think that soon there will be mortars and so on, but now they are using heavy artillery and cabs, and today or yesterday it was a flight. after the solidiv school, there was destruction of the pokrovsky hub, where aid to displaced people was carried out, there was also destruction with heavy artillery, tozhvorach uses these means to destroy the entire infrastructure, this is all that can help people and destroys everything, as he did it before and avdiivka and other settlements. in any case, if we, well, we are talking about... as the largest city there right now in this area, that is, the local residents,
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no matter how the events develop now, well, they continue battles, again, battles, somewhere we can knock out the enemy, somewhere the enemy can, well , again, using aviation somewhere, strike something, that is, it is war, and it does not choose very often where it flies, but at least the army, it goes to war realizing that he can... fly in, people are civilians, they are not the target in war. that is, it will be for now, if we just briefly summarize this and that component, and it is desirable for everyone to leave, that is , pokrovsk, relatively speaking, a city where, in the near future, we believe that the enemy will not enter there, but in any case in the near future remain deadly. of course, of course, this is a cover, a herringbone, well, this whole agglomeration, then all of this must leave, and thank god that...
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prepared cities, well, economic infrastructure, communal enterprises, where people are now accepted, also volunteers, such as myself , today we leave every day, we also take people out, these are to those cities where people themselves want to leave, where there are relatives, where there is help for them, someone can also rent, rent an apartment, or someone goes to some kind of charity house there, the elderly, the disabled in... would some kind of person who accepts such people, i will leave it very briefly, literally, for a second to the last moment, we watched the video together with you,
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i think that you also saw it where the children are brought into these buses or minibuses, and the children in a they will show me everything, this is an archival video, well, i think that now the children are being equipped in order to, well, but now i am leaving the mine on saturday to evacuate families with four children and... sunday is also another family two two i have two children as well, well, that's it, and there are daily requests for evacuation today i forwarded two calls to the volunteers, who today... well, god willing, it will be possible to get everyone out, god willing, yes, hope in god and faith in the armed forces, god willing, well, but you know, in such situations, god always works through people, and thank you very much, that you are exactly the person who implements this request for rescue, thank you very much, and thank you for your comments, vladyslav makhovskyi, a volunteer, was in touch with us specifically about the humanitarian situation of evacuating the people
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of pokrovsk, this agglomeration , where very heavy fighting is going on. with russian arrivals, i'll say yes, and until august 24, before independence day, the espresso tv channel is preparing a special project bright people in dark times. interesting stories about heroic people, interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav shevchuk, serhiy plohii and much more. already at the 22nd documentary film 10 years of war. on independence day at espresso, from 8:00 a.m. to midnight, be there. well, in fact, in addition to everything that we are preparing for you on this special day, of course, on espresso we will cover all those events that will take place during our broadcast during on this day, the day of ukraine's independence, i think there will be enough events, of course i really wanted more positive events, although iryna herashchenko, with us, people's
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deputy of ukraine, mrs. iryna, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine and glad to be on espresso , heroes. glad to see and hear, we will start with, well, very important, the second day in a row, and the second day in a row, important decisions, well, yesterday the decision was historic, regarding the ban in the pcmp, if you want, you can still express your opinion on this matter today, because here is a sin not to speak out, but today a decision was made regarding the ratification of the rome statute, it has been waiting for ratification, if i am not mistaken, for more than 20 years, that is, so much time has passed, but there is one thing, but here i want ... it , well, first the ratification of the rome statute, now it is valid, ukraine joins the international criminal court, what does this mean? the first, indeed, was signed with ukraine, an agreement on ratification in the distant year 2000, but
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this path lasted long enough, and indeed it is one of the conditions of our european integration, with this no one no... it is disputed, i am very proud that the last convocation of the verkhovna rada just sent two letters in 2014 and 2015 to the international criminal court, regarding the investigation of crimes, murders, shootings of civilians on the maidan, and the second crime already concerns aggression of the russian federation against ukraine, which began in the 14th year, and precisely on the basis of these letters. prosecutors of the international criminal court are already working in ukraine, collecting evidence, working on these cases, and based on these letters, a warrant was issued for the nut of putin and his representatives of his gang, six people regarding the illegal deportation of ukrainian children, this is very, very important, at
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the same time, the association agreement does not have a deadline for when exactly we should ratify it. the rome statute, and precisely european solidarity insisted on the following: taking into account the cases of croatia, the croatian experience, and we communicate a lot, for example, with our croatian colleagues, where , also in the context of the war, the international criminal court prosecuted and prosecuted the military leadership there certain generals, and then after 11 years these cases were closed there, but for 11 years these cases continued, given the experience of the united states. the experience of israel, and these countries did not ratify the rome statute for one reason or another, including the fact that israel is a belligerent country, the united states also has its bases, and participates in certain operations in different parts of the world, we just emphasized on the fact that there is a special circumstance: war, russian aggression against ukraine, and at such a time every decision must
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be made very, very carefully. we asked the question is precisely on our initiative, at least some... scussia took place at the profile committee at the conciliation council, so why now? correction in the fact that the verkhovna rada of ukraine ratified the rome statute with an amendment, with the condition that the eighth article enters into force there only after 7 years, that is, this article of the rome statute is precisely about prosecution for possible war crimes. it is obvious that the ukrainian military and our military leadership do not violate the laws of war, but the war. it's a cruel thing, it's a thing not always done in whites gloves, and we know that the russian federation, which did not sign, and it did not ratify, or rather, the rome statute, how much money will be thrown in order to... try to persecute the ukrainian military, try to discredit them, and these questions worried us, and it seems to us that here we should listen and hear the warnings
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of the ukrainian military, because they are demotivated in a certain way and are experiencing, of course, and now is the time when we should not take any steps that will work to demotivate the military, to their fears, here a correct communication campaign is important, in ukraine there was no such campaign, the authorities failed it, in our country... so come on, they wanted to put it up for consideration today and still vote today, we at least, you know, called on everyone there to receive a letter, for example, from the general staff, that they are aware of their responsibility too, do not object to this ratification, so that, well, the verkhovna rada would base its decisions on certain arguments, summing up, summing up, really... the international criminal court, his prosecutors, they have jurisdiction and can work on the territory of ukraine, collecting crimes. according to the statute
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of the international criminal court, the rome statute, and citizens of ukraine against whom prosecution is possible, yes, they must be transferred to the international criminal court, and there is also a discussion here as to how much this corresponds to the ukrainian constitution, which prohibits the extradition of its citizens there, or otherwise . countries or under another jurisdiction, there is no doubt that this is our european, european integration obligation, but we have not received an answer, why should it be ratified today, what will happen in seven years with the ukrainian military, against whom russia can certainly start, you know, throw all its forces and resources to discredit them and try to persecute them, and these are very serious things, which is why european solidarity abstained. and i call for a serious discussion and protection of the ukrainian military under these conditions, so that we think ahead, not live one day at a time, as
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the ukrainian authorities are doing now. yes, you were talking about the communication that was not carried out, i remember back in the day, viktor yanukovych, when was the president of ukraine, he is now deprived of this title of president of ukraine. he is a fugitive, a state criminal, but he also once talked about the roman statute, i don't remember who this conversation was with, but he called it stockholm, so i hope at least. that those people involved in this historic decision at least clearly understand what the roman statute is, well, and that they don't confuse statgol syndrome with the roman statute and all that shit, because you know, i think they might be more protected than the ukrainian military management, and i would really like to sort out these cases, excuse me, but i would also like to hear from the international criminal court, which one is at which stage, at which stage? investigation of the murders on the maidan, because the verkhovna rada also addressed them with this letter back in the 14th year. yes, well , we have literally five minutes here, but
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we will have time to briefly discuss two questions, or at least point out the points. in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, they are demanding the creation of an investigative commission to control the restoration of okhmadyt, and i am absolutely in favor here, because already following these events every day, as a journalist, as a presenter, you are already confused, who is there to whom, who did not give what to whom. where are those groups , people really need to sit down here and just find out to financiers, lawyers, who, well , just legislators, how realistic it is to create, and in your opinion, from what you know now, what is the key problem there, and the tragedy ahmadiyya united society, many people made donations for the restoration of ahmadiyya, and as soon as money smelled, the authorities, unfortunately, overturned this supervisory board, inspired there... followers there is a former lawyer of yanukovych portnov, and in general , a huge shame is happening around ahmedite. our faction has been keeping this situation under such
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serious control for almost two months. we insisted that mr. lyashko, the minister, will be in the parliament this friday as part of the government's question hour . i'm sorry, it's not normal when the government did not present a realistic plan to restore the hospital a month and a half after the tragedy, we have our position. to proceed from the interests of small patients in order for the hospital to work as soon as possible, and in the interests of the team, because ahmadiyit is not a name, it is not just a building there, it is a unique team that must be preserved, and here you are now showing that it is a new building, you can see the facades there, impressive, next to it there is another one building, which was also affected by the windows, they can be inserted very quickly and enable the hospital to work, at the same time, as soon as the money smelled, the authorities bet on a large construction, let's... demolish everything, we will build from scratch, this will continue, well, here you are showing just the damaged hull, there one building really needs such a complete demolition, but what does the team insist on
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? they want a normal professional examination of all buildings and to give an examination that needs repair, and it can be quickly done and started, to restore the full operation of the hospital, well , you know, to bet on a large-scale construction that can drag on for years, and to warm your hands on this, this is unacceptable, you just showed the 11th building, which, no, it's old, this building, unfortunately, was destroyed by a rocket, or the 11th building can be restored and the hospital can already start working there. more so, we perfectly understand that the most important thing there is to create the conditions for the rest to work, doctors, everything was there and according to the temperature regime, everything was ready, mr. vasyl, sorry, agree, this is the responsibility of the government minister, as well as the management of the hospital, that in a month and a half , a realistic plan of action has not been presented, they are only gnawing at each other, clarifying relationships, this is not normal, you know, now
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they are organizing something like this. loka, then people, specialists, would rather put those windows and that paneling, which, which broke off, is ready to repair one department, we see that even the insulation is standing, they have not broken, only the external ones are there, well, but, and i think that a commission will be created, because there really should be control here, because people are already getting lost, and even more so , you know, the smell of money, i still understand there, i don't understand at all when thieves steal money, but there are some moments like that, well , although now it's not enough, now it's not enough. it requires a very strong response from both society and law enforcement, and it actually has very long-term consequences because people and so today they don't just give up, economic opportunities are decreasing, but the faith and desire to help the country remains, it can't be killed, i'll be very brief literally one more
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minute, but here's the creation of the minister. ukrainian unity, i honestly will not criticize, maybe something good can be implemented, maybe a really good idea, the question is simply that it is additional money, additional officials, additional plans and an unclear, unclear goal, even the presidential university has a clear goal to teach students, well time, well if it was really properly made, there was a ministry of happiness, lessons of power, a billion trees, it really should have been created, well, that is, from the fact that you... you know, you know, i didn't understand anything from the fact that it is a pity that the president presented, i know for a fact that our ministry of foreign affairs needs to strengthen its subjectivity, to strengthen our consular services, which currently have an unrealistic load, obviously the state, the government, the authorities, the office, the parliament should work more actively with ukrainians abroad, keep this so humanitarian educational contact with the bishen people, because among them there are more women, these are children, so that they
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remain in the humanitarian... ukrainian space and return, this is necessary, everything else, well, it seems to me that we are somehow too scattered, not focusing on the key thing, on victory , with the support of the armed forces. thank you very much, lady, you clearly finished second by second, thank you very much, iryna herashchenko, people's deputy of ukraine was with us, by the way, i completely agree, i will literally take 10 seconds with ms. iryna's words about the need to have control with ukrainians, children, teenagers, those who will study abroad, to really keep in touch, the children learned, received. diplomas abroad, in germany, in poland, in ireland, in the czech republic, offer them a job, tell them to come back to ukraine, we have a great job for you, that is, it is important, really, they just have to be clear, even, i say , even the presidential university, it's clear what he had to do, the ministry of unity, oh my god, we are more united now than ever, probably in history, well let's just go and move forward together, together we also read the news, literally in a moment we will start, the verdict with
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serhiy rudenko, from now on. in the new two-hour format, there are even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusions from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima. it big ether on espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhiy zgurets. but how does the world live? yuri fizer is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what is beyond the borders.


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