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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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does not support ukraine, this is the impression , you understand, and a lot of people support it, a lot of our people, well, we didn’t go anywhere, we are sitting here, we want to prove that there is another india, now let’s stick to it, there is another india, but you talk about another india that supports ukraine, but there is another india that maintains very close ties with russia, there is, there is, how close is it, can you say that... that mr. modi, well, maybe independent from russia , but feels some need to be constantly in touch with russia, well, that's not really up to you of fashion, in general, our foreign policy department, and also a lot of these think tanks and those that are think tanks, no no not government organizations, they are very, as if they closed their eyes to all other countries, that is , it is... such quasi, i don’t i know, they are, russia is
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a big, old, historical friend, i don’t understand at all what is historicity, because their history also began in 1991, no, our history began in 1947, when india became, because it the entire soviet period, they usurped, and therefore all other republics, which also had a very large influence and contribution, to things, ukraine has a very big contribution, how many ukrainian scientists worked in... how many ukrainians did these developments, you know, there are a lot of space programs, a lot of defense programs, these are all ukrainian scientists, and they just forgot about it, no, ukraine - this is some kind of pro-western state, it is nagging at us for nato, all this rhetoric that we are at war with nato, it is very scary, it is a nightmare and so on, and then the second thing is that... well, it is supported
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by america, you understand that america abandoned afghanistan, america will soon abandon ukraine, this constantly with such rhetoric: russia today in every home, through cable television, yes, and it is a billion and a half, you cannot understand, it is simply necessary to work so hard and can develop, break it only through human contacts, that is, contacts between people and. .. it is necessary to expand, well , ukraine has not been in a big hurry with this all these years, and probably now with these agreements and political processes, we really hope that india has opened an embassy now also in the baltic countries, it was not there, but what, i say that you they expected that russia is occupying, and it will not be necessary no embassy, ​​well, those were jokes, bad jokes, but now an embassy is opening, i think that there is also eastern europe, the poles left a long time ago, you know, there are different languages ​​studied,
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indology is so strong there, and ukraine had a foundation, there is an angel krymskyi, there are pavlo ritter here, there were such giants here, and i am very sorry that omelian prytsak, who founded the institute of oriental studies, here had such reserves, then it would be possible to make candy, excuse me, we can and can, maybe we will do mrs. mridula, give me this candy anyway... let's go back to the prime minister, and considering his arrival, his visit to moscow, he made this statement there, which is quite, quite good for ukraine. tell me, please, could mr. modi become such a driving force, well , i don't know, maybe a locomotive, why doesn't he want to do this, they ask, and lead the countries with him. the so-called
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global south in helping ukraine against russia, i think he will not dare to do this until, you know, he should have come here a long time ago, talked a long time ago, in constant contact to be, that is, to be such a mediator, even between the global south and ukraine, you need to have connections and work more actively, so far the leader of the global south is limited to statements, statements very much so, statements about multilateralism. diplomacy, statements about reforms of the world financial system, or statements about the environment, there are a lot of strong statements that were made during the g20, you saw from other summits, and even within the un, within the un, india is claiming a seat on the security council, this for a long time, and is looking for support from the countries of eastern europe, and in that including ukraine, that's why there are many more problems in india... a big problem for
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india is the rapprochement relations between russia and china, here, you know, you have to seriously think about why he went to moscow. it wasn't just that some people told him to go there to his friend, no, it was a very serious statement that was made when they got close, that putin went, then he went to north korea, and it was already very real, well, such a reaction was very serious, and the world's second economy, if it starts helping russia, where will this war be today, so in order to stop china, it is necessary and for... it has always been that they do not come closer, it is scary for us, because we have territorial claims, china has, and we have territorial disputes with them, so it is very important for us, and why is there a quad image, well, and the formation
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of the formation, there are a lot of negotiations with japan and other countries there as well , so it is strategic in the strategic plan... they are moving away from russia, maybe rhetoric, maybe we don’t see these people, but one number : 76% of the defense of the supply complex was russian, when it was 2009, according to the swedish institute for peace research, and in 2019 it became this share of 36, well, we have to see how it moves away, that is, it goes very far. slowly reduced, but on the other hand, now everyone in ukraine, when they talk about india, about indian-russian relations, not everyone, probably, well, at least those people who are interested in international relations, who watch it, read about it, they know how
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much oil does india buy from russia, not even how much it buys, how much more it buys started buying from the beginning of the full-scale second, so this is the question i... i answered this question more than once, and i will tell you that yes, she bought oil, we went a little deeper, looked, bought oil below the ceiling price, which was determined by the european union, or rather, the group of seven, $60, and they even sold for $45, then... why did they do it, because the saudis, saudi arabia did not want to lower the price, so you know, if no one buys that share of russian oil, some one share, then someone will buy it, maybe china will buy it someone will buy, and there will be some other
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imbalances, and it was a clear coordination together with the seven countries, india bought, but paid money for fracking. and india resold, because it bought crude oil, processed and clean oil, according to the data of your customs, in 2022, india was the first supplier of oil and oil products to ukraine, that is, russian oil was already in processed form entering ukraine, this is the data of the customs of ukraine, not my data, so i don't say for 2023, because a very large share goes there. resale, and thus earn, india is making money, it's just that it 's being made often, and it's a very interesting detail, i haven't put this puzzle together yet, because no one has put the final dots, there are three dots, a serious investigation is needed, because
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it seems that they are telling us that we buy it all for rupees we don't spend hard currency so people please calm down that all this is kept in our bank it's like... you bought me something and you don't give me money you say you will keep them in your safe, they will all be, they are yours, but they will lie here, because rupees do not travel, rupees do not is a convertible currency, that is, wait, let's explain this very strange situation to our viewers, that is, the russians pay in rupees, no, india pays in rupees, to the russians, to the russians, india pays in rupees, getting that oil, and those rupees. they don't get to the russians, because they just can't physically get to them, they are in our banks, and i know four times it's some kind of theft , well, do you want to say theft or do you want to say some kind of strange, strange scheme, because such in this way, you are depriving, as it were,
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well, this is how they explain to us that we are depriving the use of these resources for the war, well, in such a way that they cannot buy anything, because the russians, that is, the russians gave them oil, they were paid for this oil, but with physical money, it happened in the 23rd year, i tell you, i then... for they can buy something from us, and they wanted, they wanted to buy weapons, they even wanted those weapons, which they are co-owners of the joint venture where these missiles are made, they are very modern, even better than those daggers , but ours were not sold, they said it was a civilian product calculation, you can only civilian goods, because you can't, that's why it's there financially in the financial world, you know. to return to these rupees, it turns out such a deposit in
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indian banks in case something happens in russia, the geopolitical situation changes, right? well, look, i was laughing, i then say that then these rupees will go to ukraine for reconstruction, i even dared to say such a thing, but it will not be a joke, if you are serious, then there is such a problem, but i know that i went group even today or. yesterday to decide how is it possible, at what exchange rate to make this calculation, because now, when this calculation is made, there is a dollar, only a mythical dollar, but that is why it is very seriously devalued, because the ruble is devalued faster than rupees, so the received rupees, they have also decreased now these volumes, if you understand them, but when i gave you a certain amount there, and then at the exchange rate this... less, he says, and now you can’t, because the current exchange rate is like this, that is , it’s good, but what about the russians on it says, they
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see that they are not given money, they somehow try to say this money, well, give it already finally we got this money somehow, so minister lavrov traveled four times in the last two years, and did not achieve anything, i do not know what the situation is now, it is strange, but you know that, strictly speaking, india has long been within the framework of brics and within the framework of these . eh, some countries really want, it's a bit of a reform of the financial system, and they keep talking about de-dollarization, there is an interest of a certain elite in this, that de-dollarization, but at the same time india does not want to be sanctioned, india does not want to lose the connection that it has with the united states or the european union, because now we are talking about the agreement on free trade with is being developed and discussed. by the union, recently signed by switzerland, norway, liechtenstein and
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i think also iceland, recently literally the agreement on the free zone of free free trade, so these are all points, i think that finance will take money into account, and they are smarter, they understand where the world market is going , and there is not much talk about de-dollarization, because the scale of trade between the usa and india is very large, many times over. great, we still have literally 7 minutes left, maybe nine, i want one more topic with you to discuss, in the end, not even a topic, to talk about a country, a country neighboring india, bangladesh, in fact it is a country that is surrounded by india, and in the past few weeks, months, even there there were very serious events, there were murders , there were protests, there even the prime minister of this country
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resigned, fled, is now in hiding in india, some even call it a revolution in bangladesh, what actually happened there and what did it all mean, if it ended, how did it end , it was maidan, in one word, because the optics show, you know, the shooting of students, the student movement, well, how did it start in kyiv, yes, we only have a small scale, because there is a country there. 140 million. the highest population density, a lot of young people, the majority under 25 years old, this is a very large reserve. hasina vazet, the prime minister, she used her father's popularity all the time, she was a very authoritarian woman, her party, even they are avamilik, they say activists, auamization, that is, this party had its scumbags everywhere, and honestly. saying, it was too you know, there was a lot of corruption, there was also a lot of disappearances of people, i absolutely
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see, whether you like it or not, this helicopter, the escape, all this reminded me of 2014, but i was very afraid, so she was given 45 minutes by helicopter , the army went with the people, but the police shot the students, so far they say at least 300, but according to some... estimates more than a thousand were killed, and i saw terrible footage, i am in constant contact with these activists, i am friends with them , and there are other people, artists, who united with him. teachers are also with them, that is, how was the situation here, the scale is just very big there, and there is still a problem there, because there was a certain chaos, and then, you know, this started, i am very, very worried, this is the first wave, and how some indian media, some indian the media said that there is a hindu store there, there are such temples, there
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were attacks on them, indeed there were attacks, there were attacks on individual individuals. there were, because the indian minority, the christian minority, there, well, an aggressive crowd of people, and there were also a lot of such elements, you know, who take advantage of the moment, to discredit this, apolitical, student revolution, romantic, i would say, even, it is painful to look at it, and, but it is not a very pure form, any revolution, when there is blood, then you find a lot of excesses, that's why all this... you have to be very responsible for the first few minutes india behaves very responsibly, ask, it wasn't, you know, i was very afraid that now something hasina will ask for india to send in troops, thank god, it didn't happen, that's why that we do not need this, and we need to realize that there were certain ones
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anti-indian sentiment in this country, and that's natural, because you know, when... there will be, you know, all the time it's going to be like a protectorate, yes, it did, but the country has its, its independence, and it has to have its thoughts, after all, sovereign actions, she was in china a week before these events, after all, the army already said that it was all, there is no more time, we are with the people, and she gave the police weapons that she had no right to give, there is a lot. .. there are many such moments, but i am silenced by the fact that a person who was not in politics responded to the call of the students, this muhammad yunus, the 2006 nobel peace prize laureate, he is an outstanding person, he came here for another seminar in 2008, and i invited him, and we arranged for him to meet with
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the students, the diaspora, well, our south asian diaspora. aunt shevchenko, and he was awarded the order at that time, they did not have time for the honor talk, because there is a learned council, you know these procedures, he was very happy, he spoke very well about kyiv, and i talked with him these days, and i, you know, are biased, i have a subjective attitude towards the professor of economics, who simply made from 20 dollars such a bank, which has a project in 137 countries, that is, it is an outstanding person, an outstanding economist. very honest, although khasina managed to do 190 criminal court cases against him, and there was a lot of jealousy or whatever, that is, he took over the interim government, but it is called the chief advisor, the main adviser, that is, it is not a political title, and he appoints people, now they have people working,
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there was no police for 7 days, but does he have ambition, good ambition after all, he doesn’t, he doesn’t, he is 84 years old, and you understand, he started only at the request of the students, and he is now, they will put the country in order, there will be stabilization, now there are a lot of bangladeshi elite, and you will see, there are many on youtube, india is also doing a lot, our journalists are also very responsible, they are doing a lot of broadcasts with these people who just say , how to act now, but very carefully, not to touch these things. please hasina, i believe it was my opinion that she can be given humanitarian asylum, india can say no, political, political action or political activism from our territory will not be allowed, then please leave our country, we will give you a humanitarian one, but she has something, she has a daughter who lives in delhi, who is the regional
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manager of voz, the un, she has a son in america. but america canceled her visa, britain, she gave, appealed for asylum, britain has not yet responded, and to mine, at this point i know that countries are reluctant to think about what, but bangladesh hall, can they deport her from india? i think they can, or a third country, because she also appealed to arab countries who want to take her, that is, if, you know, she wants, there are such conflicting opinions, her son announces, then says, no, mother... will not return, and then says: no, she will return, she will take part in politics. the fact is that it's a very funny situation, in bangladesh there were two women, we have two minutes to go, two women, this... kaledaziya is the widow zia uraman and she, this is donka mujiburraman, they said, or she, or that, and these two clans, now they say that these
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clans are over, now everything must be new, that is , students, you know, romantics, they do not look at these old political forces, old elite, and so we will be very, very with such, you know, trembling, i see what will happen to this country, it will be a litmus test if we can really ... use this energy, it's honest, it's right, such chants, such, what was on the maidan, absolutely identical pictures even, so we wish the people, the citizens of this country, that they succeed in everything and that they come to what they fought for, what they came to this maidan for, they are still doing now, you know, student activists, they not only controlled traffic as scouts, but also more as they walked, they did common. lunches, joint dinners with different, different religions, representatives of religions, and it is very interesting, ms. mridul, i thank you very, very much for this, well,
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rather long conversation, which i passed in one breath and i was very interested, i am sure that and the audience was also told about a lot of things, in particular the main thing is the visit of the future prime minister of india on a visit to ukraine, about what he will do here, maybe he will say something, they talked about... indian-ukrainian relations, after all a lot of interesting things, who only saw us at the very end, please watch this program on youtube, when we post it on youtube, because it's worth watching. i thank you for participating in the program, for visiting, mridula gosh, historian, internationalist, docent, associate professor of the kyiv-mohyla academy, and my name is yuriy fizar, see you soon.
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a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis at. act and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov. khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events.
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want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. today, olenka cherninka, writer, photo artist and hero's mother, is my guest. olenko, i congratulate you, today you are visiting us. and you know what i want to talk to you about today. the war changed us all. we will never be the same again . and we got this terrible one. an amazing experience, an experience that we may never want to have in our lives. i talk to many people about many things
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i ask, but with you today. i will talk about probably the most painful topic in your life, because i start every interview from february 24, and i want to start an interview with you from may 20, 2023, i remember this day and know that you you remember very well and can tell what that day was like, it is usually said that a mother feels and knows and in... she has a connection, on this day, as i have experienced all the days since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, as mykhailo went to the great war, i was worried every day, for some reason i was on this particular day i was absolutely not worried, i was calm, and if you believe the words of my brothers, i was calm all this moment, when, as they say, the child was already dead, i did not
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feel anything, and even when i called for... that's why i introduced myself, oh, hello, because i knew him, i corresponded with his wife, and then i hear that something is wrong in his voice, and i say that mykhailo is wounded, he says, no, unfortunately, unfortunately, he died , i remember exactly this conversation, my emotions, my state, i spoke to him quietly. but my mother heard me and my sister from the very other end of the apartment, they came running, i could no longer call my wife, yulia called my wife, and i just heard a terrible scream in the receiver, a cry of despair from marta, that was the day of may 20, 2023, a year has passed, almost, almost, and look, this is your experience, of course i would like to never
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experience it... no one, but we understand that probably during these more than two years of war, a lot of mothers, wives, sisters, daughters went through the same experience as and you and we understand that the war is not over, and therefore many more will survive such an experience, that's why i wanted you to share it today, that we should know where to turn, how to act... in such situations, you remember these first minutes, hours, days, what you did, who you are supported me, and in general, i received the greatest support from my sister, yulia cherninka, from my best friend, marina savka, and from marta, mykhailo's wife, my daughter-in-law, well , of course, from my mother, that was it... such support
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that if it weren't for them , i don't know if i would be alive today, it was a fantastic support that it is necessary to do at such moments, to be honest, for me that period of time was, i don't remember everything, it was like everything was in a fog, i only remember that everywhere in all the instances where we went, marta supported me hand and just said: here you have to sign, here you have to, i didn't even read, because i couldn't understand anything at all, what he... happens when a person finds himself in a situation like mine, i just remember that i have to submit to the police , a statement to the security service of ukraine, to the red cross, to the un commissioner for missing persons, and to the coordination headquarters, this is the main one, where everything must be submitted, all applications according to their requirements. i just recently
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applied, there is this alexey yukov, he drives, they forgot the name of his ggo, plazdarm, plazdarm and black tulip, we also filed an application there, all the data about mykhailo and the banana boy who disappeared with mykhailo , this is his brother, he is a close friend, how i survived. well, actually , i really survived, because i'm still surviving, i can't call it life, because it's survival, i turned first of all to qualified specialists, never turn to psychologists, they won't help you, this is not the situation where a psychologist helps, a psychologist is a breakup with a boyfriend, things are not going well at work, well then ku.


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