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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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shut. news time on espressu tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the russian occupiers released 10 shaheds across ukraine. most of them attacked the positions of our defenders in the kharkiv region. the enemy also used kha-31 anti-radar missiles and two iskanders. this was reported in the air force command. the ukrainian military managed to destroy two enemy drones, two more fell on their own. also, as a result of
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active countermeasures, most of the enemy's missiles did not reach their targets. previously, they passed without serious destruction. sappers in the kyiv region abandoned the combat unit of the enemy shahed. residents of the village of pylypovovichi informed about the dangerous find. this was reported by the state emergency service. the pyrotechnic team removed and destroyed the ammunition in a safe place. explosions at the russian military airfield in the volgograd region, the local authorities confirmed the drone attack on the marynivka airfield, which is near the city of kalach on the don. a fire broke out at the site of the impact, meanwhile, local residents on social networks talk about the powerful detonation of ammunition, which continues in these minutes it is also known about the evacuation from the military town of oktyabrske, which is located close to the airfield. because of the attack. the closed airport in volgograd
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reported to the ministry of defense of the russian federation that 13 uavs were shot down in the sky over the volgograd region overnight. they add that the air defense forces also worked in the rostov, belgorod, voronezh, bryansk and kursk regions. and to operational events at the front from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 134 combat clashes took place on the front line during the day. more than a third of the battles were recorded at pokrov. to which direction there is the most there were enemy attacks near novogrodivka and mykhailivka. on the kurafiv sector of the front , the defense forces repelled 16 enemy assaults. twice the invaders tried to advance in the direction of the water. our soldiers repelled 13 attacks near turetsk and eight in the area of ​​chasovoy yar. in the kharkiv region, the enemy stormed more than two dozen times. the defense forces of ukraine are also continuing the operation in the kursk region of the russian federation, he notes. in the general staff. the armed
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forces of ukraine completely cut off the russian army's communications in kurshchyna. as deep state analysts write, our defenders took it under the control of krasno-obtyabrske settlement in glushkovsky district. in this way, the enemy found himself practically in a cauldron between the border of ukraine and the seim river, said andriy kovalenko, head of the center for countering disinformation at the nsdc. to get out of... russian units can now either use pontoon crossings or swim across the river, he added. the russian leadership is hiding the situation. and the enemy transfers part of the troops from other directions to protect kurshchyna. roman kostenko, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, told about it. simultaneously he notes that the pokrovsky direction remains fundamental for russians, and putin will not take power from there. according to the words.
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our units with combat experience work in the rdepa on the territory of the russian armed forces, and kursk is not the final plan of the general staff. we know about 200 brigades from the kramatorsk direction, we know about 80 from the dnieper direction, or something like that, and two hundred and eighty of them, we already have our own eighty, which is just now fighting heroically in the kursk direction, they have begun to transfer, but they have a fundamental one position, namely not to withdraw troops from petlovskyi. direction, this is a strategic direction for them, and we now see that they, even realizing that they do not have the reserves to repel kursk, and we continue to advance, they are still betting on the territory of donetsk. leaked data on the location of the ukrainian military in donetsk region to the enemy. the security service detained a resident of the village of new york, who justified the kremlin's aggression and was waiting for the arrival of the invaders. the woman transmitted all the data through her mother. a man who lives in the russian federation and has
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connections with russian special services. during the search, the perpetrators seized phones with evidence. she is currently in custody, she faces up to eight years. prisons ukrainian hackers hacked russian tv channels and revealed the truth about the war. this was reported to the media with reference to sources in the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense. cyber ​​experts attacked broadcasters' servers and gained access to the broadcasts of several television companies. prime time viewers were shown objective videos about the aggression of their army and the battles in kurdistan region russian cyber security experts. tried to correct the situation, but were only able to stop the broadcast of nine tv channels at once, part of the attack resources belong to the media holding of the local oligarch andriy komarov. the morning turned out to be noisy in the primorsky krai of russia, where
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an explosion occurred in a residential building in the city of kizl. previously, a faulty gas column caught fire in one of the apartments, and the floor was blown away by the blast wave. with the fourth and third floors, also in many apartments the hoods and interior doors were blown away, three residents were injured, the rest were evacuated by local rescuers. russia may be preparing massive missile and drone strikes in the coming days. this is reported by the us embassy in ukraine. increased attacks may be associated with ukraine's independence day. danger can be expected both during the day and at night. in the embassy, ​​so the united states called on its citizens in ukraine to be attentive to reports of an air alert. the netherlands ordered 51 mobile radars for ukraine. if the armed forces need them will be handed over by the end of the year,
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dutch defense minister ruben breckelmans said on wednesday on the x social network. the official noted that reliable air defense is vitally important for ukrainian defense forces. mobile complexes are able to detect small drones and distinguish them from birds, work on a mobile platform, the systems are manufactured by a dutch company. the helicopter carrying the president of iran, ibrahim raisi, crashed due to weather conditions. however, the investigation did not reveal any signs of a technical malfunction and ruled it out the human factor, writes the reuters agency. also, according to iranian media on board. the helicopter was carrying two more people than safety protocols allow, so when the pilot noticed the fog and tried to gain altitude, the helicopter simply lost power and crashed into a mountain. let me remind you that the helicopter carrying the iranian leader ibrahim raisi crashed on may 19,
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the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine was also on board. to feel one's belonging to ukraine. not far beyond it . the third world forum of ukrainian studies, saturday and sunday, began in lviv schools it was organized by the international institute of education, culture and relations with the diaspora of lviv polytechnic university. this year , the event brought together educators from 28 countries. they discuss the new challenges faced by ukrainian youth abroad, including free access to language courses and the need for social protection. more than 200 people registered to participate in the event. the forum will last until august 23. without exaggeration , an event of state importance is taking place today. this is a forum of those who make great ukrainian case abroad. this is our second wing. the second wing of ukraine. these are not lofty
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words. these are real things. you see, i would very much like the state itself, ukraine, to turn its face to those schools. we go small. step by step, but we are learning, and therefore the contribution of our institute, the contribution of the lviv polytechnic, the contribution to the great ukrainian cause. 28 countries are represented by the best philologists of europe and the world, today they say that there is not enough communication with the authorities, there are not enough resources for the purchase of books, not enough attention is paid to professional development of teaching staff, i hope and believe. that our struggle is supported by the strong status of the ukrainian language, this is the struggle that brings our victory closer, and as we know, the language of ukrainian victory is state, ukrainian. the espresso tv channel and the vasna charitable foundation have launched a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems
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for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. these are the ones the soldiers stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations is important, so get involved, you can now see all the details on your screens. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the malar uav enemy and comikat drones, please help very much, glory. glory to ukraine, heroes. look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live
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ether broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as short videos on hot topics in the shorts section. subscribe, comment us your important thoughts. and to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. i will say goodbye to you already until tomorrow. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. night raid on moscow. the authorities of the russian capital reported one of the largest drone attacks. in total, more than 50 ukrainian birds visited russia this night. does it have potential for increased air strikes. a new reality on earth.
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is putin trying to show calm and divert attention from the awkward situation in kurshchyna with the help of diplomacy? how are russians prepared for the need to put up with the loss of territories? throw off the russian yoke. the new law prohibits activity in ukraine religious organizations with centers of influence in russia. epiphanius calls the orthodox to dialogue. what does this mean for the religious communities of the uoc-mp. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhii rudenko. in the next two hours, we will talk about war, about peace, about our victory, and yes... also about recent events and events that await us, well, in particular, regarding the ban on the activities of religious
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organizations that are connected with the russian federation . yesterday, the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted the corresponding law and now continues over the next nine or 10 months, religious organizations that have ties to the russian federation will have to decide whether they will work in ukraine or whether they will simply leave ukraine. we will talk about this and other things in the next two hours with our experts, in the first part of our program will be sbu general viktor yagun, a political commentator, my colleague, journalist roman tsimbalyuk, and at 9:15 pm we will have political experts viktor boberenko and serhiy ram. however, before starting our big one conversation, i suggest watching a video of how er... there was a night attack of drones and missiles on russia, the enemy's ministry of defense
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said that they managed to shoot down a total of 45 during the night, most of them on the approaches to moscow, the mayor there called the attack the largest since the beginning war, as it was, let's see. it exploded, it exploded, look, there, there's another one, now it's mud.
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you can watch ukrainian drones and missiles flying towards moscow forever. friends, throughout our broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you today about this, does the moscow church threaten the security of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on the numbers, if you think the moscow church is a threat to the security of ukraine, 0800 211 381, no 08002 11 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i want to introduce today's our first the guest is viktor yagun, major general of the sbu reserve, deputy head of the security service of ukraine in 2014-14-15. mr. general, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today.
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good evening. well, since we ask our viewers about it and the audience. they think about whether the moscow church threatens the security of ukraine, since you are a person who knows everything about the security of ukraine, or about the danger as well, i will ask you whether the moscow church threatens the security of ukraine, has always threatened, with its arrival in ukraine, and this can be counted the end of the 17th century, it is active. interfered in all the affairs of ukraine and the population, and i think that this is one of the factors that led to the situation in which we now find ourselves, and in one of the moments of this war, which in fact has been going on for not three years and not 10 years, a century between us ukrainian,
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russian mentality, including the moscow church is guilty of it. distorted by her ideology of the russian world. yesterday, mr. general, the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted a law prohibiting the activities of religious organizations, which are connected with the russian federation, well with the aggressor country, there is a transitional period from the date of the law's acquisition, nine months, religious organizations must decide, because... stop their activities, or they join other religious organizations of ukraine, but religious organizations that will be connected with russia, there will be no more in ukraine, so what will happen after this nine-month transition period, will it not happen that one of the religious organizations, which is the largest, and to which everyone
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points that it is tied to russian orthodox church. simply after nine months he will say: we have always been a ukrainian church, we have absolutely no ties with the russian orthodox church, and in general all our statutory documents and all documents of the synod fully comply with the constitution and laws of ukraine. look, those who want to be priests and want to be in world orthodoxy, they need to decide, or they will continue to lie to themselves. themselves and all their parishioners and tell about their pseudo-false autocephaly, and at the same time, they they conduct religious services, they must, they must commemorate someone, or only onuphrius, and then they become a sect that is not included in any, well, in any world structure, or they must
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recognize one of the patriarchates under which they will be found. that is, either the constantinople one, but the constantinople one doesn't really, really accept them and doesn't want to accept them, he told them the path where they should move, or the moscow one as it is now. moskovskyi despite everything, despite everything and the desire of these, religious or as pseudo-religious leaders, who are now in in ukraine, they call themselves the ukrainian orthodox church, they are on the website. their photos, their positions, agree somehow there, whether you really have something to do with the moscow patriarchate there, if you don't, let them exclude us, and conduct your worship as you want, but i emphasize once again, if they, coming out of the moscow patriarchate, if they do not join someone else, then they simply turn into, i don't know,
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a pseudo-orthodox sect, mr. general, at the same time from the decree... of the ukrainian law parliament, the security service of ukraine reported that 100 criminal cases against priests or proceedings against priests of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate during the great war in ukraine were initiated, on the scale of the country and on the scale of the situation in which, in which we are now , that is, in a war situation, is it a lot or a little? i think that it is not enough, because there is an extremely large amount of information that they simply did not have time to implement, there are 100, 100 of you here. cases, these are already such glaring facts, which simply could not be hidden, and they were documented both by the security service and by citizens who simply saw it with their own
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eyes, or heard there, for example, some propaganda there, i just want to explain to our citizens that in the vast majority the priests of the moscow patriarchate who are in ukraine, they consider their activities to be so religious and somehow... really called to some kind of pastoral activity, so partly it is mostly business, and when you are not if you can legally fix this business and you won't be able to make money, then a lot of them will start looking for an opportunity to join someone somewhere, so i think that this will all fall into place very quickly and they will try to mimic and join. to the established religious institutions, unfortunately, unfortunately, we still have many, many years, if ten years, to spit out all that
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moscow abomination, and i don't want to talk too much about it, we have specialists in religious matters there , so i think we are going to the right direction, the path will be very difficult, not easy, but we must... come. commenting on the adopted law on the activities of religious organizations, metropolitan epiphany, head of the orthodox church of ukraine, called on all ukrainian orthodox to engage in dialogue and final release from the moscow yoke. let's listen to what metropolitan epiphany said. the law makes it possible for all religious structures that have not yet done so to truly free themselves completely from moscow's control now. and we, from our side , call again and again to all orthodox christians in ukraine who they haven't done it yet, throw off this
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russian yoke at last. we are open to dialogue without preconditions, and this was recently stated again in my address to metropolitan onufriy and those who are with him. at the same time, the metropolitan added that to date the ocu has not received any... answers from the uoc mp, but metropolitan kliment, the head of the information and educational department of the uoc, said in an interview with the public that the uoc mp will continue its activities despite the adopted law , i will quote metropolitan klyment: ukrainian orthodox church and will continue to live as a true church, recognized by the vast majority of practicing ukrainian believers and local churches of the world, this is an objective thing, any... attempts to ban an objective thing will only lead to discrediting, including international, those who wants to implement somehow. mr. general, over
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the past two decades, we have been witnessing another attempt by the two parts of the ukrainian orthodox church, it is true that the orthodox churches were different, to unite and we remember how it was under her metropolitan. volodymyr under filaret, and then there were talks about let's unite, how much the russian special services can stand in the way of this unification at that time and now, taking into account the fact that the control of the spiritual space or the space of the church space in ukraine has always been one of the priorities of the russian special services . i think we are active now. oppose them, and now it is much easier to get rid of all these things, this appeal that you read, it is very very
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eloquent, you have to understand, for example, that all the courts that they have already lost, including constitutional court, regarding the name, he, they, they, they hide it all, there is nothing about property, it is actually about their activities, if they want to act according to the executioners on... let them go to the houses and there they are active, but i emphasize once again, no one is going to leave them in ukraine just like that, if they think that they will use some methods connected there, i don't know, with the uprising of the people there, some riots there or something else, well, it's them themselves , discrediting themselves in fact, everything goes its own way alternately, nine months will come, they will remain... at a broken trough, and communities that did not have the opportunity, or had the opportunity, but were not able, have the opportunity
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to get rid of all of them. representatives of the russian peace, and what concerns the russian special services, they act, they acted, they sent citizens of the russian federation to us, control is now much more brutal, and i think that it will be more difficult for them to carry out certain activities, in particular through educational institutions, which at one time exchanged teachers, there are our citizens went to russia and actually re-recruited. er fsb officers in cassocks, and then after that , from the churches, they divulged some things related to the russian world, and the churches and monasteries were actually turned into the residences of the russian special services on our territory, i think that i emphasize once again, it is this not everything is so simple, but everything will go in the direction we need, and we will get rid
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of them. but this is the beginning of a long road, mr. general, it is clear that we are talking not only about those who serve in the church, but also about parishioners who go to the priests, so here a lot depends on each of the ukrainians who will come to the churches as representatives of the community and demand the church they want, but i was always surprised, to be honest, in the northeast, there is the chernihiv region, the sumy region, which has many communities and many parishioners, without thinking twice, go there to the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, even though there are certain nuances there, because ocu parishes are not so widespread in the northern in the east, so exactly, how do you explain it, that is , for ukrainians, it is not so fundamental or?
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and ukrainians are used to going to the churches they go to, and as much as they can, on the condition that the priests of the ukrainian orthodox church say: listen, we will be closed, let's stand in a procession and go to kyiv to demand that we not be touched, as much as are such scenarios possible? i don't believe in such a scenario, although they can raise up to 5-10 thousand people there, you said about chernivtsi, i.e. bukovinsk. about chernihiv, chernihiv, and i will tell you about bukovyna, what about bukovyna and transcarpathia, where there was no russian orthodox church at all until 1945, 1946, there, there was a romanian orthodox church, and there was a greek catholic church church, and this is just nonsense, yes, they are so rooted there, and the population is just there, well, i don’t know, they are almost ready to fight with pitchforks, for what, they themselves
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don’t understand, because when it started... with them speak, they do not understand what they are fighting for, not for some historical things, but for some, well, i don’t know, for some traditions, some brought from outside, chernihiv region, well , you see, that’s all, unfortunately, it is necessary to heal, it is necessary to gradually come to what is, there is a disease, a diseased feeling of certain processes ... , they don't all understand them, and when you start talking to people, you see, they say, come on, these are very high matters, leave our father to us, do everything else that you want there and do, so i think that's all after all, it should be left to theologians and lawyers, i think that we will come, we have a law, yes, it is so peculiar there with
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postponed for nine months there with certain legal nuances, well, for example, you have to understand that literally 10 years have passed since the communist party was banned, only now it has finally lost all the courts, and all, all their efforts have ended, therefore, if someone thinks that the lawsuits against the churches will literally be over there in a few years, it is not true, it will last for many years, but those processes are going on, they are going slowly, but in the ... direction, so i hope for the best, mr. general, another rather important topic, this the ability of the ukrainian state to shell or carry out air attacks on the territory of the russian federation, that night there was a night attack by drones on moscow, and i...


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