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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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journalist and military servicewoman tetyana chornovol, founder of the yangola unit taira yulia paevska, writer svitlana povalyaeva, about how we have changed, what lessons we have learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war, exclusively on the espresso tv channel. in ukraine 14, the news editorial office talks about the main thing for this hour, i greet all the viewers, i am nayeva melnyk and i will start with this. volodymyr zelenskyy visited the border areas of sumy oblast and held a meeting with the head of the armed forces of ukraine and the head of the sumy oblast. after starting the kursk operation, the number of shelling from barrel weapons in the region has decreased, the head reported.
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oleksandr syrskyi of the sumy regional military administration reported on the strengthening of defense in the turkish and pokrovsky directions. meanwhile, the armed forces of ukraine took control of another settlement in the kursk region and replenished the exchange fund. a high level of air pollution was recorded in sumy. this morning the city was covered with smog. people complain about the smell of burning in the air. according to the data of the monitoring system. as air in the morning, the sums were in the top 2 among the rating of polluted cities of ukraine. previously, the cause of the unpleasant smell and pollution is ochered, which burned yesterday in one of the city's reservoirs. specialists of the regional center for disease control and prevention examine the air in different parts of the city. the results will be available later, but in the meantime, local residents are advised to close windows, drink plenty of water and avoid being outdoors for long periods of time. the russians
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fired at an evacuation vehicle transporting civilians in donetsk region, the enemy covered it evacuation of people from ukraine by fire. at that time, there were two rescuers, policemen and three civilians in the car, including a woman with disabilities. fortunately, there were no casualties, fragments of the projectile hit the windshield, the car was damaged, the state emergency service reported. one at a time seven more children are in the hospital after the russian attack on malokaterinivka in the zaporizhzhia region. the enemy shelled the children's cafe. on august 20 , a 14-year-old boy is in serious condition. another operation will be performed on him today, the head of the regional military administration, ivan, said fedorov. doctors assess the condition of a 17-year-old boy and a 10-year-old girl as stable. four more children. in a state
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of moderate severity. let me remind you that a teenager died during a russian attack on a populated place. a russian projectile hit a high-rise building in the shipping district of kherson. gutted balconies, walls, knocked out spikes. the regional military administration made public the video footage of the arrival. a woman was injured in the building, a man near the entrance. tv channel espresso and blessings. the vesna foundation opened a collection of funds for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future, it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. please join the gathering. good health, dear
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ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion of the third crimean assault brigade, who will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small enemy uavs and komikaz drones, we really ask for your help, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, trains between the stations of kyiv... demiivska and lobitska can run already at the beginning of autumn, restoration works are at the final stage, the mayor of the city, vitaliy klychko, said. specialists have completed the construction of a new section of the tunnel and strengthened the adjacent ones, are completing work on laying the rail web and restore the necessary cable networks. let me remind you that train traffic from the demiivska metro station to terymki was stopped due to depressurization of the tunnel at the beginning of december.
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seven people, including two children , were injured in an accident in the kharkiv region, near the village of volokhiv, where two cars collided on the kyiv-kharkiv-dovzhansky highway. the impact threw one of the cars into the forest lane. injured drivers and passengers, including a 16-year-old boy and a seven-year-old girl. everyone in the hospital reported to the regional police. collects drones and on drones, the famous actor, stand-up comedian yuriy romovy creates drones for our defenders with his own hands, and ukrainian stars help him in this. joined the initiative and the team. tv channel, details will be told and shown by tetyana golunova. i remember this moment, like now, when he says that you can assemble these drones anywhere and the uncle is sitting in the kitchen, directly soldering, i'm like wait, i want too.
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yuriy recalls the words of the minister of digital transformation mykhailo fedorov that every ukrainian can assemble an fpv drone. at myself home. he says that it was after this call that he got the idea to make a bepela. in the winter, the actor assembled his first drone and did not stop there. nowadays, the man has created more than 30, such a person, let's say, i have a lot of familiar drones, and at some point i decided that i wanted to help with something specifically with my hands, and i decided to collect drones, because this whole story was always interesting , flying, i once wanted to... buy a drone like this to fly, but then it was kind of expensive, but now it necessary the actor created the first drones at home just in the kitchen, then started tinkering with his friend in the garage. before sending bepel to the front, the man gives them for inspection and only then they go to destroy
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the invaders. a lot of people said that he would make your drone there, but i beg you, you need to collect drones. specialized companies that collect, there was a lot of this, and i probably didn’t collect it for two months, i just walked and thought, but really, maybe it’s not necessary, maybe, but then, as i collected the first one, i realized that it is necessary, and people who want to at least, at least once thought about collecting, i tell you, collect, your drones are needed, the process of assembling a drone is quite simple and for... has there is not much time, but how to do it correctly is explained in detail by the people's fpv engineering course, created by specialists of the volunteer project victory drones. it is available to everyone on the prometheus portal. the process itself takes, well, it depends on the mood. if you are in a good
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mood, you have children, your wife does not distract you, the cat does not jump on your table, and you you say, right now - you are sitting with a soldering iron, well, almost at my place. it takes three hours there, and if i assembled my first drone for about 5.5-6 hours, i assembled it directly. a month ago, the actor launched the thunder drone youtube program, so now he collects uavs not by himself, but with star guests. the project is designed to show that anyone can assemble a drone, even without special skills. well, this is this drone, for example, it's a hassle, no, it's a pedano drone, it's a pedan. assembled such a drone, this is a fry, he called it that, this is a fry, there was a stand-up comedian danya the cook, he rubin named his drone, klopotenko, this is his drone, yes, klopotenko, this is his drone, but klopotenko said such a joke that i really
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liked, i say, what do you want to call this drone, he says, i don't want to get emotionally attached to him, the espresso tv channel joined such an initiative, together with yuri he made... his own drone, hold it, press it, well, not too much, just put it there, it will melt by itself now, good, uh, this is an espresso bun, it’s just for the museum bun, look, look, what a beautiful, beautiful bun, like to collect drones together with yuri every day it becomes more and more, but there are not enough funds for the purchase of parts, the man buys the components both with his own funds and ... and thanks to the donations of caring people, if such star guests are collected, each person can assemble a drone, donate, donate , donate more and there will be more. tetyana golonova, oleksandr burlevich,
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espresso tv channel. and you can always read more about important things on our espresso tv website, and from... to more interesting things , look for more interesting things on the espresso youtube channel, be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts ether, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as short videos on hot topics in the shorts section, share them, comment, be close. these are the things at the moment, i tell you, see you at 15:00, the newsroom is working, we are monitoring what is happening in ukraine and the world, in the next issue, we will tell you about everything, the irreplaceable antin borkovskyi will be working on the air from now on , be with us.
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glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, thank anna eva melnyk, our tireless hard worker for annica, the news release is extremely important, well , what is picking up the baton, we will now analyze everything that is most important, in particular what is happening on the big front of the russian-ukrainian war, we will talk not only about combat operations, but ... about certain geopolitical events that are happening, literally before our eyes, as a result of the successful operation of the armed forces of ukraine in the kurdish direction, about this and about other things, viktor yagun, major general of the reserve of the security service of ukraine, director of the security sector reform agency. glory to ukraine, dear mr. major general of the reserve security services of ukraine, i welcome you to the espresso tv channel. good health, glory to the heroes. well, the consequences of the kurdish operation, to put it mildly. let's say, putin looks too pale, that's how he missed the ceremony related to
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the victims, commemorating the victims of beslan and so on, but it all looked too unconvincing, the visit to aliyev also looked at least weak, that is, the russian federation could not offer anything neither to their population, nor to the world community, yes, perhaps it is due to the fact that they are trying to... drag out this operation, well then to raise additional forces, and maybe they really have nothing to react to, i would ask you to first of all assess the great geopolitical resonance from our successful actions in kurshchyna, well, you have to understand that when we start talking about some victorious relations, it is also not very correct , because it has its own problems and everyone knows about those problems concerning... the eastern front, but at the same time, such a seesaw is unexpected for
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our western partners, it was successful, and the president said about it that he says, we are nobody and not were going to warn, thank god, because last time we know that there was a leak and no no no and this leak was definitely not from our side in fact and... well, who, who provided it, we will not say, but together with that, what happened, happened, we can now state that russia, russia is really pushed very, very far away in its dreams, we clearly understand that if putin said that let's negotiate taking into account the situation on the ground, well, then let's negotiate taking into account the situation on the ground, and and... and and on on which land, on yours, on ours, there is such a thing, that is, there are a lot of moments that
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this operation reached, from the tactical level to the strategic level, i understand that the problems of our troops in the east are on the minds of many people now, but together with it is necessary to understand that earlier, when those problems existed, we were in a much worse situation, now the situation is different. despite russia's desire to dictate conditions to someone, none of them are willing to listen to their demands and conditions, that's why i think it's interesting, why, why so it is difficult to say, because the situation is developing dynamically, there are things that we would like to see increased a little, but i also think that our... have achieved and that is enough, yes, well, in any case, commander syrskyi,
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general - colonel, reported to the president that our troops took control of another settlement in kurshchyna, but i completely agree with you, dear mr. reserve major general, yes, when we talk about offensive actions, we understand that the key story is to have enough resources to make our progress no... reverse, it is meant, we are talking about an army-level invasion, but we still have an army, i wanted to say, an invisible army of drones, well, but it is very... visible and very palpable, and the enemy regularly feels it, well, there was information that our drones had flown to the volgograd region of russia, the marinovka military airfield, located 20 km from the city of kalach on the don, and yes, the detonation of ammunition warehouses began there, and this was attributed to
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extremely successful detonations on russian military facilities, yes located extremely far from the front line, on the one hand, this means that our drones are the most drones in the world, on the other hand, it means that the russian air defense system is exhausted, and they simply, maybe they have nothing to cover some distant so-called airfields, maybe it just my guess, but in any case, they began to work extremely successfully on distant goals of sometimes strategic importance, you have my word. in fact, it is necessary to understand simply that despite the impossibility of using some western zravaskis there weapons, we are forced to really improve our own weapons, and unfortunately, we cannot cause any irreparable losses
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to this airfield to which it flies, but there are objects on it that the drone can target. capable of disabling and this will lead to the actual destruction of the potential of the airfield itself, this is primarily any electronic equipment, any warehouses of fuel and lubricant materials, warehouses with ammunition eh and eh some there the equipment that controls the very process of airfield service is the so-called tower. that is, if it is all destroyed, then without even affecting the planes, although, as a rule, the planes there are subjected to repeated detonation, then the same ammunition, it will lead to the fact that the airfield is not full-time, not full-time, but it falls out somewhere for a certain period, and russia does not have that many
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airfields that it can actually use for e operational ee... operational transfer of some kind of front-line aircraft to it, which is involved in the bombing of our advanced units and , first of all, bombing our frontline workers places - sumy, kharkiv, kherson, zaporizhzhia and even dnipro. mr. viktor, well, we understand. that our enemy is powerful, the enemy has resources and the enemy has accumulated quite a lot of missiles, yes, well, we all have a premonition, if we talk about the enemy's response, we understand that most likely, well, it may be, there may be strikes on energy facilities , these may be strikes on our other civil infrastructure and not
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only on it. yes, the enemy can act asymmetrically at the same time when we are talking about heaven. danger from the north, we understand what is being said not about the belarusian dictator and not about the belarusian army, yes, but about russia's readiness to involve belarus in wars, to deploy some additional forces there, which may not be there now, but they may appear in the coming months, here is your vision, your feeling the situation according to russian intentions in the near future, well, the medium-term perspective, well... russia decided to use conscripts in full, because it is much cheaper than ensuring the influx of new, mobilized, first of all, they do not want to announce an open mobilization, it continues in the same plan and legally according to the same decree that was signed earlier by putin, they recruit there
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somewhere 30, 35, maybe 40 thousand a month. people for one or another of their needs, they close some gaps, but this is clearly not enough to accumulate some striking power, there are some tactical ones, i am not talking about strategic reserves, and even more so now to cover that situation, which is in kurshchyna and will probably develop in their other border areas, so everything they can do, they are now... trying to recruit conscripts, use this potential, they say, what is the point of mobilization if we call up 3,000 conscripts every six months, and that will be enough for us, and... some of their propagandists and the deputies of the state duma have already started to say, listen, they say, well, we fought in afghanistan as conscripts, nothing terrible happened, and chechnya, as if this is in our hands,
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because we understand what the situation will be for conscripts, because the death conscript - this a completely different feeling, this time, and secondly, putin, coming to power almost 30 years ago there. some 25 years ago, he clearly, clearly indicated that he did everything to ensure that security, the state was at a high level, and it definitely would not have been at the expense of conscripts, and they he always personally even interfered in some moments, if they were related, that conscripts were used somewhere, especially this related to the situation in ukraine, where troops did or did not appear there on some combat... tasks, conscripts it was taboo for him. in this situation, i see a completely different vision, i see that most likely we will not succeed very, very
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quickly in exchanging these conscripts for those we want, because they are very afraid, they are afraid of the consequences, they are afraid that with what to do with those conscripts, where to disperse them in the military units, so this panic will spread to all the military units, ugh, why keep them separately somewhere until they... sign that they don't remember anything, don't know anything , the situation is also not an option this is very critical for them, but the ludoetsky regime, it is the ludoetsky regime, which does not pay attention to some committee of soldiers' mothers or those conscripts there, and it will throw and throw into the mountains of this war even these boys, who seriously , i would n't say that i feel sorry for them there. let the mother figure out why they get to the front and what they do there in general, well, she very correctly noted another moment of replenishment of the exchange fund, yes, well, we saw
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those card shots from kurshchyna, where they appeared to be russian, i wanted to say the interveners, well, on they are not yet pre-interventionists in kursk, in a word, they seemed like prisoners, we understand that they will be treated in a civilized manner and ukraine will follow... all the necessary procedures, but if we talk about the exchange of all russian prisoners, well, because the exchange fund is growing and will grow, especially taking into account the fact that the russians got into a kind of not yet completely closed, but semi-encircled cauldron also in kurshchyna, they were to exchange them for the defenders of azov for azov fighters and not only, yes, because the enemy writes them out for 20.5 years in camps , well, this is one way option, by the way, russia was the first to come out with
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a proposal for an exchange, i understand that there are very difficult negotiations going on right now, and i would not like to interfere in them and discuss them, there is hope, and this hope is so great, let's wait until the operation is still has not ended, we... have 50, 100 people of the exchange fund every day, and these are not only conscripts, as we know, there is a small part, but there are also those so-called akhmatians, and there are officers and officers and contract workers are conscripts of the border service, and they are considered officers and well servicemen of the fsb, it is also critical for the fsb. so that such and such are not in captivity, that is, there are categories that would be interesting to exchange, let's see how it all ends,
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i would like to believe in the best, yes, i would like to be optimistic, but with our enemy of optimism, not about optimism it says, yes , august 24 is the day of ukrainian independence, everyone will celebrate, each in their own way, well, but the american embassy has already, so to speak , called to be extremely... careful and vigilant, as far as we understand, it is about what the enemy could prepare, well what can they prepare, a massive missile strike, sir general, well, unfortunately, it is true, and i, i understand that much, we are also actively preparing for this day, and i still urge everyone who hears us, let us be attentive, careful and understand that the enemy does not sleep, he is insidious. and indeed in these days, on the 23rd and 24th and even on the 25th, everything can be what we call a massive strike - it is clear that
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our troops and our air defense will work at full capacity, but at the same time, do not delay, if there is an opportunity and there is a desire to help the state, then the best way to help is to stay alive and healthy, golden words, well, thank you, mr. general, for this conversation on the live air of the tv channel, i want to remind our tv viewers , what now... for them, with military, not only military analytics was major general sapas of the security service of ukraine, viktor yagun, director of the security sector reform agency, well, now there is a short pause, after it i will continue to analyze the most important things, and of course report about the most important events this day wait. sales progress from
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repeat, tuesday, friday at 10:00 p.m. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii ruden. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. infoday of the tv channel in rozpala, well, there are a lot of events, the key story is what is currently unfolding not just at the front russian-ukrainian war, and in particular in the pokrovsky direction. the situation is not just difficult, but extremely difficult. ivan sekach, head of
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the 110th separate public relations service. mechanized brigade named after general horunzhov.


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