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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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and ukraine will support you, which is also extremely important, unfortunately, dear mr. vechorko, i have to pass on the word, we are in touch, let me remind you, there was franok vyachorka, a belarusian public figure, adviser to svitlana tykhanouskaya, so what, anna eva melnyk, news editor already on standby, i see this docker in the eyes, anna eva melnyk, for the fact that i delayed the conversation with mr. vechor by 10 minutes, seconds delayed the conversation with mr. vechor. anya, i apologize once again, but you have my word, present all the most important things with the grace inherent in you. congratulations antina, thank you, the news editor will tell you about the most important thing at this hour, in particular about the fact that the enemy attacked sumy region and kharkiv region, all the details later, stay with us.
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the russians killed two civilian men in the sumy region, another woman was wounded, she is in the hospital, the enemy attacked the civilian infrastructure of the ottoman community with two kababs during the day, the regional prosecutor's office reported. russian troops hit the kuplin district in the kharkiv region with drones and missiles, according to reports. andrii kanashevich, head of the district military administration. at night, the enemy attacked the villages of hetmanivka and otradne. the cultural center, kindergarten, lyceum, private houses and administration building were also destroyed. the russians fired at an evacuation vehicle transporting civilians in donetsk region. the enemy opened fire during the evacuation of people from ukraine. at that time , there were two rescuers, policemen and three others in the car. free people, including a woman with
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a disability. fortunately, there were no casualties. a fragment of a projectile hit the windshield, the car was damaged, the state emergency service reported. seven more children are in the hospital after the russian attack on malokaterinivka in zaporizhzhia region, the enemy shelled a children's cafe on august 20. a 14-year-old boy is in serious condition. another operation will be performed on him today, - said the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedor. doctors assess the condition of a 17-year-old boy and a 10-year-old girl as stable. four more children are in moderate condition. let me remind you that a teenager died during a russian attack on a populated place. in myrnograd, donetsk region, the entrance to two districts was closed. they are already without light. in the territories more distant from the front line. electricity and there is water, but according to the schedule reported in the city office. military administration, and
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grocery stores will stop working in the city from august 26. let me remind you that families with children still remain in mirnograd. the city is also looking for 500 minors whose parents are hiding them from evacuation. the authorities call on the citizens to leave urgently due to the approach of the front. a russian projectile hit a high-rise building in the shipping district of kherson. gutted balconies, walls, broken windows, video footage. the flight was made public by the regional military administration. in the building a woman was injured, a man near the entrance. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have launched a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to... the last and
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defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. thanks to you, ours viewers, the account already has 1 1998 thousand. there are no small donations. you can join the collection using the qr code you see on the screen. good health, dear ukrainians. we, fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade. who will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small uavs of the enemy and komikatsi drones, we very much ask for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, a high level of air pollution was recorded in sumy, this morning the city was covered with smog, people complain about the smell of burning in the air, according to the monitor system... in terms of
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air quality in the morning, sumy was in the top 2 among the most polluted cities in ukraine. the previous cause of the unpleasant smell is pollution and dust. what a mess that was burning yesterday in one of the city's reservoirs. specialists of the regional center for disease control and prevention are examining the air in different parts of the city, the results will be available later, and in the meantime , local residents are advised to close windows, drink plenty of water and avoid prolonged stay outside. soldiers of the third separate assault brigade launched an offensive operation in the kharkiv region. in accordance. the video was released by the press service of the brigade. the message states that these are the first shots from the offensive. it is not yet known which part of the front is being referred to. details: the deployment of hostilities is promised to the military later.
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shelters are being set up in kursk, russia. concrete modules are planned to be placed at 60 stops. the order was issued by the local governor, similar measures are being carried out. in zaliznogohorsk, where places were determined for installation of ten shelters, modules will also be placed in korchatov, but their number and locations are still being determined. officials will be tried in poltava oblast for illegal appropriation of state lands. according to the dbr, the deputy director of the naan institute of land use of ukraine and the head of one of the communities of the region developed technical documentation that allowed to change the target designation of the lands of the forest fund. then, having influence on the deputies, the official approved the technical documentation, later the land was transferred into private ownership to fictitious persons who sold for a sand quarry. the state lost more than uah 5.5 million. officials can be
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imprisoned for six years. sold automatic machines for uah 50,000 in kyiv. the man bought weapons on a special website, and then sold them at a higher price via the internet, and sent the guns by mail under a fictitious name, the capital's prosecutor's office said. during the search , an assault rifle, an f-1 grenade, several pistols and more than 350 rounds of ammunition were seized from the man, he faces up to seven years in prison, the investigation is establishing the buyers. ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine will launch the ecoconsul system, which should improve the availability of consular services for ukrainians abroad, as the agency reported, thanks to the new feature, part of the actions will be able to be performed online. the ministry of foreign affairs is already testing the updated electronic queue, electronic offices, applicant and consul offices, automated pilot
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services in the field of notary and issuing certificates, the system is planned to be launched by the end of the year. trains between the kyiv metro stations demiivska and levytska can be launched already at the beginning of autumn, restoration work on the final stage stage, city mayor vitaliy klitschko said. specialists completed the construction of a new section of the tunnel and strengthened the adjacent sections. the work on laying the rail fabric is being completed and will be restored. necessary cable networks, let me remind you that the movement of trains from the demiivska metro station to taremki was stopped due to the depressurization of the tunnel at the beginning of december. seven people, including two children
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, were injured in an accident in the kharkiv region, near the village of volokhiv on the highway kyiv, kharkiv, dovzhanskyi, two cars collided, the impact threw one of the cars into the forest. mugu, the injured driver and passengers, including a 16-year-old boy and a seven-year-old girl, were all hospitalized and reported to the regional police. and look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel, be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of ateru, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share them, comment, be there. and you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to ours channels in social networks, and be close.
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thank you, annievilnyk, thank you to the news editor, what's up, information day of the tv channel in rozpala, 10:30, in the near future i will inform you about all the most important things, now kharkiv region will be in touch with me, in particular the head of the main department. volodymyr tymoshko of the national police in the kharkiv region, i don't know whether mr. volodymyr is already in contact, or whether they will only determine possible connections. glory to ukraine, mr. chief, glad to see you, glory to the heroes. well, first of all, i would like to ask you to share operational situation in the kharkiv region. yes, we understand that there are battles in the north and east of kharkiv region, in the kupinsky direction. the situation is difficult, complicated, it remains in
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the vovchan direction as well, but i would ask you to give a summary assessment of the situation now, in particular, when we talk about what can be talked about. the situation in kharkiv oblast remains correct, you say absolutely, difficult, ah, but, as we say, it has been fully controlled since february 24. er, since february 24, we have not lost control for a single day, second, or minute, no we are losing now and will not lose in the future, the fighting continues in the territory of the kupyan community, this is the kupyan direction, the fighting continues in the vavchan district, this is the chuguyiv district and the vavchan district in particular, as well as the lipetsk district, in particular the lukyansiv district, this is also the strip
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active hostilities. however, in fact, the territory remains in danger from shelling by various types of weaponry along the entire state border line, this is from bagaduhov, in particular, zolochiv district suffers from shelling and villages that border the border, that is... the dergachy community, in particular kazache lopan, for example, yesterday the enemy attacked the administrative building of the village council, unfortunately, most likely there are still dead people under the rubble, for a day now we have been working together with the state emergency service to get them out. fortunately... yesterday during the rescue operation it was possible to save one
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woman who was pulled out from under the rubble, why is the rescue operation taking so long, because this premises is actually located, so you understand, somewhere in a straight line 3 km from the state border, and enemy, knowing, seeing in unmanned aerial vehicles working by rescuers will be intercepted by the police. the volunteers, local residents are shouting, they are dismantling the rubble, they are just stupidly poking at them to disrupt the ritual operation, this is different, as you cannot call terrorism in any way, ah, they are purposefully hitting the rescuers with the aim of disrupting the ritual operation , in particular, yesterday, during the rescue operation , they hit a tractor that was clearing rubble. that is why it was not possible to raise two slabs, under which there are most likely people, this is an example, in
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addition, the lipitka community is exposed to shelling and the villages of the lypitsk community, the vovchan community, the kupyan community, the intensity of shelling by kababs has slightly decreased since the time of our offensive operation in the kursk people's republic, because before... this region received somewhere from 35 to 60-70 kababs, this, i repeat , inaccurate information, these are only those that we can count, because, for example, it happens that cabs fly into the border area, and we simply do not have specific information about the arrival, so this is a minimum, i am talking about 35-70, this does not mean that this figure is accurate, the minimum since... since the offensive operation in the kursk people's republic has been carried out, significantly fewer have arrived, well
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, in particular, only two cabs have arrived the day before last, nine cabs have arrived in the past day, two again in the area of ​​the same cossack lopan, seven - this is the kupyan direction, however, the enemy began to use our msvs more often, in particular , hurricanes on shelters. districts of kupyansk are injured civilians yesterday a man and a woman were actually injured from such shelling. szv applies to the lipetsk community and the zolochiv community, that is, the security situation for those people who are in the border villages, remains difficult, and we continue to persuade the population to leave those areas and those villages that are exposed to shelling, leave, leave, leave,
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uh, we don't stop in the process of evacuation, not for a day, er... so we take written statements from people who refuse to leave, we record it on video, we already save gigabytes of videos of refusals, but we return, return, return, well, this is first of all, let's say, moral, ethical component, ah, well, a policeman can't, for example, not come, even if he has a statement about refusing to leave, it's still an attack. day after day we go, we persuade again, we say again , let’s go, let’s leave, especially the children, we took almost all the children out of such dangerous areas, we have about 10 children left in kupyansk, oh, i’m sorry, in the valchansk community, which we we are trying to get the parents out of the vittel, and several children in the kupyansk
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community on the side of the askola river, on which provo there are active hostilities, parents are hiding their children, just literally, they see that the police are coming, they take us out, transfer them to other buildings, hide them in basements, to be honest, it's also me as a father, well, i don't know how to to be more precise about this, but i don't like it . that's how we sometimes get this or that information military plan, well, but we understand that the ministry of internal affairs also understands that now in vovshchansk, everything that is not secret, well, first of all, we have great respect for
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our brothers, the sisters of the armed forces, and... these are our brothers, with whom we live together, therefore, i will definitely not comment on the military aspect, because they should do it, they should comment on what is happening, if we talk about the military component, what can i, or rather i cannot, i will comment, i will only comment on the security component, vavchansk is holding on, armed forces, our gods are there and will be stand. i repeat, some part of vovchanchansk in front of the vovchu river, which actually divides vovchanchansk into two halves, remains temporarily occupied, we control most of it and carry out, including police functions in this part, we respond
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to departures, and in case something goes wrong there many are generally local. the population of vavchansk there is up to a maximum of 50 people, why this is so i cannot say for sure, although they are all overwritten, because they are hiding, often, often they simply do not give us data, for example, we know what is in there is one, one person in the house, and there are still two or three people there, and there are such people, unfortunately, well, not a small number of people, in case they contact us by 102 or 102. and in another way, whether they are transferred through acquaintances, through relatives, we try to take them out, we work together with the ssu, ah, together with the ssu, joint groups, the policemen of the ssu come and take these people out, the situation there remains tense as well, it improved somewhat after of the beginning of the offensive on
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the territory of kursk oblast, which once belonged to... the territory of ukraine, i do i call this territory, so, let's say, it became a little easier, time, now in general, a little, let's say, more dangerous, this is the kupyan direction, it became a little easier in the lipetsk direction, in the vavchan direction, again, yes, i understand, well, and accordingly, i would also like to ask you about the so -called counterintelligence regime. in general, we understand that there is the security service of ukraine, the national police, and additional bodies, but they are regularly caught not only in kharkiv oblast, but throughout ukraine in general. not those scoundrels, well, that's such a soft word, well, simple i have to work within the limits, so to speak, allowed by our ukrainian censorship, well , in a word, there are such representatives
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of the human race who lead on their own, the same goes for direct agents of the russian fsb and gru, and so it is about dark people, so to speak , who are just there for a penny... the second sign up and perform enemy tasks, but recently a russian agent, an fsb agent, who guided the s-300 and kh-22, was given 16 years, as early as january of this year, she guided them to kharkiv, well, i have there are fears that she is not the only one, that she is not alone in such not just crimes, well, it is from a moral point of view, it is simple... i don’t even want to say that with all that business, i, how do you manage to localize russian now agents and thugs or those drug addicts who
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perform the tasks of the russian special services there using certain telegram channels and so to speak mercenaries, remote mercenaries. thank you for the question, you are absolutely right, but first of all i want to say that it is... the responsibility of the security service of ukraine, however, well, honestly, if we had worked on the investigation at all since february 20, it is unlikely, it is unlikely that we would have held kharkiv, in kharkiv somehow, well, right away, i am telling you about the kharkiv region, we all work as a single team, all law enforcement agencies , if the head of the sbu, something, for example, needs some help, and receives it from the police in one second, this also applies to the prosecutor's office, which coordinates the activities of all law enforcement officers in general, and we work in one team, that is, we do not share the functionality
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at all, so that you understood, that is, we we help the sbu, the sbu helps us, and we are only happy to help our colleagues from the sbu, let's say, in their work, as far as the collaborators and persons you mentioned are concerned, this is the number one priority that we have, that... in the sbu, which is in the prosecutor's office, this is the number one priority, because if we do not clear our region of these people, we will be exposed to the number of shellings, and then we will collect the bodies of dead civilians, the more we imagine such people, the less bodies we will have civilians to collect the dead, this is a straight line, there is such a connection and... it has been traced for 2 1/2 years, i'll just give you the numbers about the police, according to the police, so this year , to date, we have suspected
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274 people for committing collaborative activities for this year since january 1, just think about this number 274, we have 365 days in a year, and the year is far from over, it's only 7 months. in fact, a day has passed since the beginning of the year, one day and two persons , we suspect who these people are, they are people like those who provided help to the occupier during the occupation, and we have work on the occupied territory, this is the kupyan direction, balakleya, izdyum - these are all territories that were occupied, including volchansk. very liptsi, if you remember, let me remind you that the enemy was standing on the roundabout, we are, as they say, catching up with these people, why, this is a question
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of justice, ah, well, don't people in izyum now want to live next to those in the period of occupation helped the katsapas, they don't want to, and this is a question of justice, if we don't answer these questions, then... people have a reason to figure it out themselves, by the way, i often say that if we don't want to see lynch courts, then we as law enforcement officers must ensure the issue of justice, if we do not want to see traitors hanged on apple trees, then we must deal with them within the framework of the law, because we are a law- abiding state and we should not allow this, this is the first category, the second is that, well,
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as you know, yes, here we are to date, we have uncovered all the cars that were set on fire in the kharkiv region, detained more than nine people, who is this category, just for characterization, these are not people of pro-russian surveillance, from the looks of it, these are not people who hate ukraine, they are, well , as we say, duny, by and large, what... shall we say yes, i often say, if the somali pirates came, they would probably help them, it really is true, they are for the money of the brothers, or it is so to speak, the social bottom, relatively speaking, there are drug addicts in one or another severe stage of form, so or so simply, just representatives of criminal and semi-criminal circles there, well, we understand, yes, the connection between ukrainian and russian criminality,
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there... ezbeshniks threw them the task, paid them, well, they started forcing there, no, you correctly said about bottom, this is more true, because first of all, in kharkov there are almost no professionals left at all at the present time, let’s say so, in quotes, and thieves, these are apartment thieves, scanners who once lived there in kharkiv, they are now, some have left, by the way, many of those who once was on our... police records are fighting in the armed forces of ukraine, i will tell you this, and it really is, that is, there is no need to divide this category, that is , before the war and that, that which was before the full-scale invasion and before and after, these are two different categories, and we often see people who we thought were heroes and normal people, it seemed during the war that they were not quite normal, and on the contrary, those people whom
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we considered before the full-scale...invasion, let's say, to be somewhat two-dimensional, three-dimensional, then they, on the contrary , manifested themselves in a different way, so that the russians mostly, let's say, they don't recruit, they buy for money precisely those segments of the population, which, as you said, are more of such uh socially socially bottom, or or on... unfortunately, minors, we often turn to parents, we say, that one should control one's children, children, they in general, this is not yet developed in people character, unformed psyche, they are very, let's say, often under the influence, simply under the influence, well, for example, we detained a minor there, we simply ask why are you against it? of our country, you
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're just in the armed forces, no, i'm for the state, i'm in the armed forces, my parents are very patriotic, why then, i'll just explain why, well, i wanted to get a computer, i wanted to play counter-strike, i understand that there is no training offline, there was covid before that, unfortunately, it’s true, there are also such problems, why am i saying this, to say that there are many ideological ones, let’s put it this way, what kind of movement are there for... traitors are not impossible, it is impossible, there are very few of them, in fact, these are those who are for the idea, as a rule, this is the category i am talking about, and this is the third, excuse me, but a small clarification, what should we do with minors, we understand, that is, if they are talking about russians, if they see that this scheme is working, well , accordingly, they will try to attract them and will still give a prescription everywhere, don't
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be afraid. nothing lights up, you are a minor and so on. perhaps there is some perspective to adjust our criminal code or something like that, well, we understand that from the 15th at the age of 14 or so, a person is already aware of his actions, that is, they very often, unfortunately, do not listen to their parents, but reach for a penny, knowing that they may not get anything for it. i will tell you that our criminal code now corresponds to all parts, these are all serious articles. these are all articles for which there is a fairly large punishment, we are not going anywhere, this is only prevention, only talking, preventing, and now, by the way, on the initiative of the minister of internal affairs in schools, those that will work are a special position of a policeman who will be in schools is introduced.


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