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tv   [untitled]    August 22, 2024 4:30pm-4:59pm EEST

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i am in touch with a military expert, director of development of the information and consulting agency defense express. i remind you, dear tv viewers, that literally in a couple of days, on august 24 , ukrainian independence day, there will be a number of very important broadcasts. our tv channel, my colleagues have prepared extremely interesting and deep conversations with leading ukrainian figures, and in addition, there will also be a very important film. 10 years of the russian-ukrainian war in its various formats and manifestations, so don't forget to watch the tv channel from 8:00 a.m. espresso, i'm going to take a break now, after that i'll continue analyzing the most important things. attention, if you want to save money, buy warm clothes from tvoi par now. we have frozen the prices at the level of the 21st year, practical and... warm dotiki
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neuro helps in normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. capsules dolgied antinevro - helping your nervous system. there are discounts until independence day on essential forte m 10% in pharmacies psylansky, bam and oskad. there are discounts until independence day on corvalment 10% at travel bam and thrift pharmacies. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of new dollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m tuesday, tuesday, friday at 10:00 p.m. verdik with
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serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. well, while bulba is chosen in ukraine, while our fighters protect our territories and, so to speak, they are pushing back the enemy, in kurshchyna, in particular , putinyar has already taken the meeting regarding the border, they are asking him, putin, for money for self-defense, but today, thursday , putin's meeting with the government and the power bloc regarding the situation in the border regions, and
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the current russian protégé, the russian governor of kurshchyna oleksiy smernov, reported that of the eight border regions of the region. people, yes, and putinyara supported smirnov's initiative on the automatic payment of 15,000 rubles to residents of the kursk region, who left the region, well, this is really ridiculous money, yes, and the governor of the belgorod region and the governor of the bryansk region asked putin to finance the self-defense regiments, laugh it off, russia is rapidly failing. er, on the level of organization of the late middle ages, well, what are we waiting for, we are analyzing now on the connection with me, maria ionova, people's deputy of ukraine, we are talking about not only internal-ukrainian matters, but also about the essential international aspect of those matters, so we understand that ukraine ratified,
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the verkhovna rada ratified the rome statute, the story is not new, at one time ukraine already signed, but the matter has been delayed in some places. an extremely important story, what is delayed is the key, yes, this is the prospect of bringing certain or other citizens of ukraine to justice for committing certain crimes by international institutions, of course, we understand that we are talking about our fighters, yes, who may be prosecuted in these or other ways, in particular and manipulative cases with the help of international justice, we can only recall the case. soldier markiv in italy, glory to ukraine, mrs. maria, glad to see you, so what, i would like to ask you now to give an assessment of that so-called international charter, but it is about our soldiers. glory to the heroes, mr. antin, thank you for the invitation. first, european solidarity
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is definitely not against the ratification of the rome statute. but we do not understand why the authorities ratified this document in such a hurry, without obtaining reliable guarantees for our military. and i would like to remind you that indeed, for example, yes, we have not heard even from the ministry of defense specific guarantees for our military, and you have already said about the same case of markiv, about citizens, those who can actually file complaints against our military from any other public organization or that country that has ratified the rome statute. i would like to remind you that, for example, the five permanent members of the un security council, they and three of them... have not ratified the rome statute, and by the way, britain will also think, several prime ministers have already announced their withdrawal from of the rome statute, and you know, that is the question, those countries, the united states, a beautiful bastion of democracy, our ally took and did not
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ratify, so they withdrew their signature regarding ratification, right, absolutely, more right, moreover, we understand that the united states is very interested. to protect their military, but for some reason they haven't, so has israel, so has turkey, and i also want to remind you that actually what a delay, it doesn't mean, again, full protection, and let's also remember that the office prosecutor of the international criminal court, by the way, as they noted, the events in ukraine are hybrid, and hybrid in that... they have signs of domestic and international armed conflict, and we have all the terminologies, have we specified them, have we agreed them with the icc, that is , we have not yet fully defined war crimes, and you know that we have not fully accepted the changes to the ccp, and why do we they were not accepted,
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there are still many questions, i'm not talking about the procedure of self-examination of the issue, then everything should be analyzed, well, we remember how international justice worked, for example with the... croatian fighters themselves, there is no doubt were during the balkan wars war crimes were committed, but now the war is not over, the war continues, i understand, you are absolutely right, and that is why we insisted that it is not possible to ratify now, while very active hostilities are taking place on our territory, we studied this croatian experience, and that is why , for example, there is petro oleksiyovich poroshenko, we remember that we insisted on protecting the very soldiers, you remember that we sent letters to our... foreign ministry, well, that is, what decision did we also make, now, well, we, we , we are very simply disappointed and are now looking for a way out situation, because our obligation under the association agreement, there is no deadline, and we could have done it, you know, the day before joining the european union, and yet those countries
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that you mentioned, and by the way, india, tomorrow we have a very important visit, this is the dalmatian of democracy, but for some reason they also did not ratify the rome statute, therefore... there are more questions than answers, and this speaks of the absolute irresponsibility of the deputies in the verkhovna rada, who simply pressed the green button without understanding . consequences, consequences for our military, that is, now, you know, when talking to the military, they say, okay, we didn't die, but now they will condemn us and also their own, thanks to their own, that is , these are terrible things that are simply very unacceptable and they are very infuriating, let's say that the authorities do, maria , look, finally, i would like to clarify, there it is mentioned about the postponement for seven years, yes, but as far as we understand, investigative actions can be carried out, well... conditionally speaking, here are our fighters on the kurshchyna, somewhere there was an arrival ,
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do we want it or not, and so on, well , it's a war, that is, i'm just leaving similar stories, and someone will submit to the international court, you see, that 's how the investigation will begin, that's right, that's what i said at the beginning, that it doesn't save, and also that there was a separate statement that within seven years of entry into force ukraine does not recognize this jurisdiction of the icc. in relation to their citizens, that is, it is provided for in article eight, and the postponement, it really will not interfere with the awarding of the order to our citizens abroad on the territory of the country that ratified the rome statute, and therefore our military, they will not safe, and we know with you how much money the russian federation spends on propaganda, on fake cases, how many agents they have, and that is why there is a danger in this, and we were just giving examples and asking, give us, here we are talking concrete example, there is a brigade commander. and gave the order, it was up to him to have some other fighter there in the country that ratified, here are the consequences
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of this, there was no response, and that is the great tragedy, thank you, thank you, mrs. maria for your vigilance and for your extremely qualitative analysis, maria ionova, people's deputy of ukraine, was now included in the live broadcast of espresso, well, what happens at 15:5, i'm going to take a short break now, i remind you, dear tv viewers, about august 24 , the day... about which you you yourself remember, independence day, but there will be a special broadcast of the espresso tv channel, from early in the morning until late in the evening, until late in the evening or until late at night, so now there is a pause, after it i will continue, sales progress from unpack tv, drill screwdriver pro compact , light, powerful, will replace a huge amount expensive professional tools, assembled... furniture, hang a picture or a shelf, tighten almost any fastener, repair machinery and a car and even screw
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people who fight, help and believe in victory, people who do not give up, destroy the enemy, bright people. special project bright people in dark times. august 24 at espresso. the pokrovsky direction in donetsk region remains the most difficult part of the front, extremely heavy battles that take place every day and every night. an important message, you need to evacuate as soon as possible, it is no longer possible to enter two micro-districts of myrnograd, the deputy head of the myrnograd city military administration announced this on public air, i am now quoting ms. tetiana sytnyk: it is a very difficult, tense situation, it is scary, of course, everyone
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wanted to live in their homes, just like us, but the situation is such that we need to leave as soon as possible, because two districts of our city, zahidnyi, are no longer allowed , there is only removal, people do not enter there anymore and we are already taking people and children out in evacuation capsules, well, now we will talk about the humanitarian situation, pavlo lysyansky is in touch with me, director of the institute of strategic studies and security, founder of the eastern human rights group . glory to ukraine, mr. pavle, i congratulate you. well, we are talking about the humanitarian situation, we are talking about the so-called rubber convoys, so we understand how instrumentally the enemy always tried to use this whole thing to his advantage, thus secretly transporting this or that weapon, but i would be interested in the situation in kurshchyna now, taking into account that we are ready, we
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as the state of ukraine, as far as i understand, are ready to accept civilian refugees who will flee. from the war that is already unfolding on the territory of the russian federation directly. as a person, er, with human rights experience, i would like to ask you to describe this extremely painful, difficult topic, yes, because we understand that, well, not all ukrainians are ready to see refugees from the russian federation in our country. i was preparing a little on another topic, okay. well, in fact, we are now conducting military operations on the territory of the kut region, and accordingly, as a democratic country that upholds the principles of democracy, we must comply with the requirements of international law, namely the geneva conventions, preserve
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the maximum number of civilians . on the territory of another country, even if we came there, in order for them to leave our country, yes, get out of our country, and have a humanitarian corridor, then we must provide all possible, all possible roads there, all possible tools for so that people could simply leave, saving their lives, if this... it would have nothing to do with the citizens of the russian federation, but we must understand that we are a democratic country, and we must adhere to international law, and in general, that's why now there are calls from the vice-prime minister there that it is necessary to organize a humanitarian corridor and accept refugees from
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the territory of the russian federation, that is, we are not the russian federation, we ... do not raise children there, do not make butch on the territory korva region, yes, that is, we are not them, therefore , in these difficult conditions, it is necessary to preserve the face of a truly legal state and a state and people who are fighting for democracy, for their preservation and human rights. i completely agree with you, we are a civilized state, so we have the supremacy of law, supremacy. rights and we have very clear algorithms of actions on the part of the military service of law and order, so that there are no such or other incidents, right? well , on the other hand, we understand that in... the fighters are aware of the mission they are carrying out, which we cannot say about the enemy, because the enemy is now actively starting to implement, well,
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frankly undemocratic measures in the temporarily occupied territories of our state, that is, first of all, you i would like to ask, this is the mobilization, as far as we understand, of the citizens of ukraine, i do not know whether it is only on a voluntary and contractual basis, or they are starting to... implement forced mobilization and at the same time, if we are talking about additional repressive regimes, what are they doing now, mr. pavle? look, they have now massed their industrial mobilization under the influence of the occupier's security forces, they now have a system built in such a way that if a person who has committed... a crime or is suspected of a crime, he is at the stage of bringing him to criminal responsibility, he is immediately forced to sign a contract, well, that is, you killed
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someone, ah, and accordingly, you are just here the first time you were arrested for a crime, only the first time you were brought to the investigator, and accordingly the investigator puts a contract in front of you and says that you should go there to take part in the military ... aggression of the rev against ukraine, this is now put on the rails there, let's say yes, but in fact, for example, there are internal checkpoints that are controlled by the ministry, the military police, the ministry of defense of the russian federation, well, they stopped the car, there were two guys in the car, they opened the trunk, they found a grenade in the trunk, which they threw, they called the police , sent already on the next... these guys, well, they were already forced to sign a contract behind the walls there in the prison and sent them to take part in the military
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aggression of the rev against ukraine and, accordingly, at all levels, yes, that is, they work not only with prisoners, and they also work with suspects, and in order to actually increase the number of these... suspects and those accused of crimes, they actually launched this repressive machine, if you conduct such a not very deep monitoring, you will see that the number of law enforcement officers is constantly increasing of the occupying forces, there is the fsb, the rose guard, the military police, the ministry of defense, the migration service, etc. today i published an article, a column for the 24th channel, there i wrote
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about the promotion, high mortality in the occupied territories, because there they from the russian federation drove prisoners there , maniacs of various bosses, strong murderers, yes, that is, i gave they have weapons in their hands and they are there terrorize the local population, kill. they are raping and so on, that is, these law enforcement agencies are the occupiers, they are not investigating what crime, question, but what they are doing, but they are not doing exactly what the local population is trying to fabricate some cases, open, open a case and accordingly in this way to force them to take up arms and go to fight against ukraine, well, that's how they disguise this coercion of theirs. mobilization, look, just a small clarification, they offer to mobilize only for difficult, for difficult articles, can there be any
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theft there, i don’t know, they threw a ball of hemp and so on, they stole a pack of cigarettes, they drank beer in the wrong place and so on, of course, for everyone, that is, they can even for particularly difficult ones, there is still no qualification. you understand, well, for example, there was a fight, they simply detained a person and took him to the occupation police station, and accordingly they already say there, sign a contract, because now we will burden you, you will go and sit there for everything, well, that’s it, that is, there is no qualification yet, they are already sending, that is, they have such a conveyor belt that masks this industrial mobilization, but look, i would also like to clarify with you, but the russians are fleeing and deserting from... from the places of deployment of their military units, yes, because, well, i saw reports that they are actively looking for them, if they are actively looking for deserters, it is
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russian intervention. well, this means that there were a lot of people who were willing to poke, there is even a separate unit, the military police, the ministry of defense are engaged in this, and let's put it this way, there is such a favorite of russians occupiers, not everything, not everything is so clear, there is a confrontation between these units, because individual units do not want to catch those... who where, well, who escaped from the russian occupation units, respectively, but their number is large, it is tens of thousands , of course, they usually try to break through to the border with the russian federation with weapons in their hands, i will remind our viewers that in may 2024 they created a border zone.
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special control between the rostov region and the temporarily occupied territories of luhansk, donetsk oblasts, where, where, you cannot be, but 100 m from this zone, if you want to be, then you must notify the border service of the fsb in advance, that is, why did they do it, precisely in order to actually control there it's just, well, i grew up in those cities. i understand what you are talking about, there is such a green strip, that is, the border is very stretched there, and to cross it, well, there is no, well, that is, it is not difficult to pass it, and accordingly, they made this zone in order to actually shoot these people there, they call them sochniks, yes self-willed leaving often, respectively, and that is , in order to simply shoot them there, because they prescribed in these orders that if
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people... are in this zone without warning, without documents, then the border guards have the right to shoot to kill. well, that's all. thank you for this analysis and for this conversation on the live broadcast of the tv channel. pavlo lysyanskyi, director of the institute of strategic research and security. the founder of the eastern human rights group spoke about the situation in the temporarily occupied territories and the methods used the occupiers well, dear viewers, i 'm turning to you. i am personally addressing you on behalf of the tv channel, of course with a request, the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund are collecting funds, we are collecting funds for our fighters who are in donetsk region, the amount is considerable, but we are collecting for the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. yes, this money will be used to purchase modern drones and electronic
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warfare systems. so, the third assault. the 110th brigade of the 47th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. we are collecting 3.5 million, the sum is large, but remember, this is how we do it can help our soldiers save their lives. thank you for your attention, thank you for supporting our charity meetings. i say goodbye to you for today, see you tomorrow, watch espresso. in ukraine, the 17th edition of the news tells about the main thing for this hour.


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