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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EEST

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putin's visit to chechnya, don't you think that putin is trying to find some support from ramzan kadyrov and the kadyrivites, the akhmatians, who are not ready to fight there, or at least demonstrate that they are ready to fight for putin against the background of the obvious dissatisfaction of the general corps, part of which a were'. some or all of them got into the boot camp there, and the fact that putin is now trying to make a bet on facebook, which controls the situation in kurshchyna, and on such kadyrov forces that can be a support for him not only in the war against russia and ukraine, but also in the internal struggle, when this struggle can begin. well, first of all, it looked like
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a great humiliation. putin, the great tsar, goes to kadyrov to ask for help. and it was a big flirtation, because not only to kadyrov, but also to kadyrov's family, you saw that he met kadyrov's mother there, watched how kadyrov's son was engaged in shooting and some similar things, well, that is some more familiar ones. and i think he was very uncomfortable, i think he was uncomfortable for several reasons, the first is that he is now in a situation where he has to admit that he has very few allies inside the country, and on whom he can rely, that is, if the general staff, excuse me, clicked through this korsk operation, then ... the question is first of all to
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the main intelligence agency, what they are doing there, the question is of course to the general for the chief of the general staff, the question is to how the rebalancing of forces is currently taking place in the ministry of defense, against this background he is really trying to find at least some support, and not only goes to chechnya. well, in order to get close with kadyrov there, and really to get a lot of support, i think that kadyrov is bargaining as much as he can there, there is a big conflict, by the way, between the towers of the kremlin and the kadyrovs themselves, regarding business, and i think that in the near future we will see how the situation will develop, kadyrov, kadyrov will not lower his and... and
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the second point, that everyone read this very correctly, that instead of putin driving somewhere closer to the demarcation line, well no one he won't be taken there, of course now to korsk, and to deal with these issues, he travels, he tries to push the problem aside, at least so virtually in order not to be associated with any. failures that we are observing around the world around this kurdish operation. and against this background, czech president peter pavel stated that the war in ukraine will continue until enough forces are found to convince both sides that military instruments cannot achieve their political goals. he said this to the czech television let's listen to what peter pavel said. alesim i am more of the opinion that
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after a few years both sides will realize that it is impossible to continue and negotiations will take place. in particular, the world powers, not only the usa, but also china, should make a significant contribution to this, and push both countries to negotiate politically, economically and diplomatically. another world power that peter pav did not mention... but still, india was and remains an influential player in the world market and in the asia-pacific region, tomorrow until indian prime minister narendra modi and narendra modi are coming to kyiv, and one of the issues modi is expected to discuss in kyiv is a possible peace between russia. and ukraine, by the way, this is the first visit
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of the prime minister of india since independence, the president of india was there, but the prime minister was not in ukraine. in your opinion. can modi play an important role, a mediating role, a peacemaking role between russia and ukraine? one remark about peter pavel, i will still say it, because not all his forecasts, despite the fact that he is combative general, come true. i remember how he said last year that everything that ukraine can win back in the beginning of 2020. in the fourth year will belong to it, everything that russia can win back by the beginning of 2024 will also belong to it. as you can see, now the dynamics of the front has changed dramatically, and it is now such an operational
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space, unfortunately, for and for our enemies, but it is already an operational space for us as well. as for the prime minister of india, well... you know, this visit is already being seen by many as an apology visit, because when modi was in russia, on that day missiles came to kyiv, and this shelling of the okhmadytva children's hospital took place on the very day when modi shook hands with the dictator putin, so... that's why, first of all, i think india wants to keep its the status quo of a neutral country that prefers not to get involved in any of the conflicts, prefers to take such a neutral position, and you know that even at
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the peace summit that was held literally there how many months ago, india did not sign any documents, so... that is, expressed the position that she has, that she stands in side from such a conflict and cannot evaluate any of the parties, therefore i do not expect any such breakthrough, let's say, positions from the indian prime minister, er, i think that what was said today in poland, er ,... this is more so for, well, let's say, for the ukrainian public, which expects at least some good signals, but i repeat, this is more a visit of courtesy and a visit of apology. thank you, mr. viktor, for the conversation, it was viktor shlinchak, chairman
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of the board of the institute of world politics. friends, we continue to work live espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us there. live, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether an interfaith dialogue between the ocu and the uoc is possible, yes, no, if you have a separate opinion that goes beyond unequivocal answers, please write in the comments below this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on 0.800 211 381 if you believe that interfaith dialogue. between two churches possible? no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free. next, oleg sahakyan, political scientist, co-founder of the national platform for sustainability and cohesion, will be on the air. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. my congratulations are also reciprocated. mr.
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olezh, let's start with this spiritual independence, as volodymyr zelenskyy says, which ukraine is gaining these days. after the adoption of the law on limiting the activities of religious organizations related to the country aggressor, a soft option for ousting the branch of the russian orthodox church from ukraine, because there are nine months from the start of the law, and during these nine months, the church, the main church, which is considered affiliated with the russian federation, the uocp must decide how actually continue to live, according to this. of the law, the head of the state service for ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience , viktor yelensky, explained how, according to the new law, the connection of churches from the russian federation will be determined. i will quote mr. yelenskyi. the law expressly stipulates that the leaders of the ukrainian orthodox church may submit a statement that the uoc
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leaves the russian orthodox church, the bishops leave the episcopate, synod, and synodal commissions, if it does happen, this connection will be established. then the religious organization is issued a corresponding prescription, which says that the organization must take certain steps in order not to be part of the russian orthodox church, well, everything seems to be clear, but for me... in this situation , it is not clear how for 10 years in ukraine , 10 years of war there is a church led by a member of the holy synod of the russian orthodox church onuphrius, because the uoc is trying to convince everyone that they have nothing to do with the russian orthodox church and say, we held our own synod, we have autonomy and so on, but it turns out that onuphrius was and still is.. a member of the politburo of the russian orthodox church? well, in addition to the fact that he
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is a member of the politburo of the russian orthodox church, as they said, he is a member of the synod, here you can say, and in fact, in the opc they often say that we do not influence what moscow does, they enrolled us there, but at the same time we did not hear from them positions on annexation, in them dioceses from the occupied territories, which the russian orthodox church directly subordinated to itself. the destruction of the laurels , which was subordinated to and used by the uoc, the mp, as it is more correct to say in essence, or the roc in ukraine, and many other things, including crimes that did not find their answer from the uoc, if so, then only the entry the russians consider them as part of themselves, but also the steps of the episcopate itself and the leadership of the ukrainian orthodox church... have repeatedly demonstrated that they do not sever their ties and do not burn moscow, bridges with moscow,
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trying to keep for themselves the opportunity to sit on two chairs. this draft law, it is really historic in its first symbolic part, that in the parliament of ukraine there were votes for such a decision, and everyone perfectly understands that, first of all , it is aimed at breaking away from... ukrainian orthodox from the russian occupation from their clutches, in which they fell centuries ago, and the historicity of this decision precisely as a political one is difficult to overestimate, but despite this, if we are talking about the draft law itself, then of course here historicity is somewhat less, and not in terms of criticism, because if there was a different bill, it could be harmful, because this bill is not the end of the road. this is only the beginning of the journey and nine months, this is only the part in which they have to put their
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documents in order, fulfill the prescriptions, after that the legal proceedings can begin. yes, it is a long time, yes, it is not a radical decision, but in a democratic state, the state cannot, the political power, ban a church organization by a political decision. the state has to create a mechanism, and here it was created by a bill, first of all, it was legalized. what is the connection of a religious organization with a spiritual center in another state, because before that we had a service for freedom of conscience and ethnopolitics, and it even has an examination, but the legislative examination was just external and not legal, which has no force . at present, they are given the opportunity to give this precept, that is, such an examination is legalized, which can now establish... whether there is a connection or not, what is a canonical connection, because lawyers cannot do this, it is
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can only be done by professionals, religious scholars who know church law and work with it, it is no longer about secular power, then the judicial mechanism is established, so that later it cannot be canceled, not even through the european court of human rights, for example, appealing to freedom conscience and religious liberties, nor use it against us in the united states or anywhere else . for the discrediting of ukraine, so it is a long, slow way, but it is the only possible, the only correct way for this decision to be implemented with quality. and the third point, judging by everything, the horizon is nine months, and for a reason. we already see at least two hints that this is not to punish, but primarily to stimulate and create some pressure and demonstrate that the situation will not roll back. not after the war, not after the new elections, no, it is already like that and it must be determined here and now, otherwise the pressure
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will increase, panephanius , in parallel with this, turned to the ukrainian orthodox church in order to start a dialogue and to establish it, the dialogue that it rejects all the time leadership of the uoc. in parallel with this, we see that the delegation of the ecumenical patriarch has arrived in ukraine, and they are also celebrating independence day and for reconciliation. full dialogue to heal the wound of schism, which is exactly what thomas was provided for. this is also a second hint to us that, judging by everything, this decision was now necessary in order to stimulate. part of the clergy and flock of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, or the uoc mp, or simply the uoc, as anyone wants to call it, in fact, here you can argue and prove that in fact it will be more correct or not, but in order for them still decided on their own position, because the state of ukraine is absolutely indifferent, is it a church organization, or is it a public organization based on the interests of
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an ornithologists' union, represented in all regions, or is it a network business that sells? a laundry violation and something else that has representation in regions, cities, etc., if such a network, if such a legal entity is saturated with russian agents, at the systemic level engages in connivance with the help of the enemy, if a whole series of traitors, agents of influence, citizens are listed among it country, the aggressor, according to the literature and many other data, if something walks... like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it is probably a duck, for the state it is a matter of national security, regardless of whether it is a religious organization or not, whether it a christian organization or not, because in our country the same situation exists in other religions as well, in our religion scholars know each other, they joke that we have a muftiyat of the moscow patriarchate, and because in our country and in
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islam there are certain connections with russia, we in the jewish world also have certain compositions of our own. well, there are also under-the-floor battles and, thank god, the russian factor is less, but it is still present, i am not talking about neo-religions and certain ones, but what the people call sects, although this is not a completely correct explanation, but flows, but mr. olezh, you are right, and in the second part i completely agree with you that there are organizations under the control of moscow that perform a certain task, especially during wartime, and here is the question, you say that on the one hand we are a democratic country, and on the other hand, we have a war going on, and we understand that if there is organization that are hostile to ukraine, then they simply should not wait there for nine months or there for 90 months, if there is a threat to national security and defense from any organization, from any organization, then its
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activities can be stopped there or the ministry of justice or the national security and defense council. as, among other things, it happened with the parties that were banned by the opzh and the sharia party, as medvedchuk's tv channels were taken off the air, i.e. why is there no consistency here, that we can also go down this road, proving that it is not religious organization, that it is an organization of moscow's influence on the ukrainian information space and society. as far as i am concerned, your question is absolutely correct in the first part, now the reverse situation is reversed in that its activity is prohibited in our country, and i, for example, do not fully understand that a significant part of this activity could be done at the expense of the special services and in fact , due to the detection of specific agents, not isolated cases, systematically and massively, in fact,
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we understand that we have not reached all of them, and actually not such a terrible organization. as scary members of the organization, if there are no members of the organization infiltrated by russian agents, then in this case there is a sign there, there is no sign there, it is not so scary, but it is obvious that they are going on two parallel paths, and in each of them they are taking small steps , regarding the very prohibition of the possibility as an organization, here there is a specificity of a religious organization after all, and this specificity is primarily in the international arena, religious freedoms are protected in the world very much... very seriously, let's say, and very consistently, primarily by the united states. it has already happened that since the days of the cold war, the reagan era, in the united states, religious topics have been introduced as one of the sacred cows of their foreign policy, not only domestic, because it was beneficial in terms of opposing communism, and
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the united states itself adopted a whole a number of norms that regulate the introduction of automatic sanctions and... for the american authorities in cooperation with countries that violate the rights of religious organizations, religious freedoms etc., and this is done according to formal signs, i.e. without even a lot of introspection inside, and why, and how, what motivations, well , such were the times then in the middle of the second half of the 20th century, a very tough confrontation with communism, which carried atheism with it, and such in this way, mechanisms were created to restrain a number of countries from the spread of communism. precisely because of the west along the religious vertical, there is such an institution at the congress, which every year makes its reports and monitors the situation simply by quantitative and formal indicators, and there is one in the state. there are even two of them, one under the legislative branch, the other under the executive branch, and if we are talking about a commission under the congress, then if it sets red proportions, even just formally, then
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even the president of the united states will not be able to stop the restrictions that will be introduced, and we will explain for a long time that no, we are fighting the fsb, we are fighting others, but this will cause extremely serious damage to us, even from the point of view of defense, because a whole series of cooperation projects on the provision of weapons and so on, they in this way with the help of... in the united states, i am not talking about public opinion, about the conglomerate maga, the so-called trumpists, so what, among whom the idea that we have orthodox christians and christianity in general is banned thanks to musk, who throws up and to tucker carlson, which propelli's man scatters, this, i apologize, is info excrement, it is clear that this opinion has quite actively settled there, and russian propaganda has worked for decades, actually creating it, so, unfortunately, we have to act. extremely carefully, even at the expense of our national security, because otherwise, the negative consequences for us can be extremely serious. i do not say and will not
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disclose this topic now, but it also has its own section of general orthodox and, let's say, orthodox politics at the level of the ecumenical patriarchate and, in general, world orthodoxy. it is not for nothing that the delegation has come to kyiv now, because russia is very actively using this factor now to undermine international law. glory, and the case of ukraine from victorious is now becoming, in particular, painful for bartholomew himself, because russia is sawing the legs under the chair on which he sits, and for his protégé and potentially the future patriarch of constantinople, in whose case is actually the granting of tomos to ukraine, i mean mr. bishop of chalcedon, that is, he also has his own. history is geo-religious, let's say, which has its own projection, so i would not be surprised if in the coming months we will still hear certain initiatives from fanar, some of which may
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even be perceived somewhat controversially in ukraine, because the dialogue, i think, will be stimulated and stimulated absolutely in different ways, because it is already a question of which goes beyond the scope of the interest of ukraine only, but immediately affects a whole series of inter. mr. olezh, what kind of reaction or what consequences of this decision can there be from the moscow church, from the kremlin, because for them part of our church is the basis of the russian orthodox church, it is clear that the most parishes of parishes in ukraine, orthodox, which used to be part of the russian orthodox church, what, what will putin do and what can he... do, they can make provocations, they can attack the orthodox of the russian church in ukraine,
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can make other types of provocations, including political and socio-political ones, but i think that our special services are ready for such scenarios, because this is a very predictable situation, everyone who is called on the pencil knows perfectly well what they are and how can do, only more in the structure of the ukrainian orthodox church. a significant part of people take a pro-state position, and actually they from the inside, let's say, may not allow such things, due to the fact that the part that is simply pragmatic-cynical, let's say, conjunctural inside, and it will be afraid to do it, and the part that is openly pro-russian agents and those who can act in the interests of russia, it is still a minority, albeit a dominant one. from the point of view of influences within the ukrainian orthodox church, that is why i think that russia will not succeed in such provocations, and why does it hurt them, because without the ukrainian orthodox church, the moscow
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patriarchate loses the main thing, its only, its only argument, which they have always used against the world map of orthodoxy. i, they always said, we are the largest patriarchate in the world, with the largest number of parishioners, but if we take the structure of the moscow patriarchate, then we will see that more than half of their parishes were actually ukrainians, precisely ukrainian parishes, because the level of religiosity and the spread of orthodoxy in russia itself is quite low, in all distant in the east, the orthodox gave way to protestants a long time ago, and the entire south of russia and the center of russia gave way to islam a long time ago, only in the european part. orthodoxy remains dominant in russia, but again, if we take the proportion, the number dechurched people, then we will understand that they are quantitatively smaller than the number. thank you,
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mr. oleg, it was oleg sahakyan, political scientist, co-founder of the national platform for stability and cohesion. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, and throughout our broadcast we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether an inter-confessional dialogue between the ocu and the ukrainian orthodox church is possible. let's look at the results of the television survey: 18% yes, 82% - no. we have it on youtube. ratio of 22% yes, 78% - no. i remind you, friends, that until august 24, espresso is preparing special project bright people in dark times, interesting stories about heroic people, interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav shevchuk, serhii plokhi and much more. and already at 10 p.m., the documentary film 10 years of war, on independence day, on espresso. from 8 in the morning to midnight, be there. it
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was the verdict preview serhii program. i say goodbye to you, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye, allergies, mecha lev will overcome ci3lev. cetrilev neo protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts until independence day on citramon darnytsia, 10% in travel pharmacies. bam and savings there are 15% discounts on linex forte until independence day at podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. a special project for independence day, about the present and the future, about war, loss and pain, about dark times, and also about people, people who influence our
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future. people who give strength to fight, people who fight, help and believe in victory, people who do not give up and destroy the enemy, bright people. special project light people in dark times, august 24 at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but like these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and
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competent opinions. for example. would be mykola veresin did so, he would have gone to prison, a special view on events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, then who is china, to me, in my heart hurts, all this is in the informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m., at espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt. about the recovery situation. in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like have now i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the program of reconstruction and development of cities. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. i congratulate
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you. and we continue the series of interviews with people who make ukraine better on the espresso tv channel, today i have a guest who makes ukraine better in two ways, in the historical plane and in the plane when he himself writes the current history with a weapon in his hands. volodymyr birchak, volodya for me, because i know a little longer, volodya, when i asked myself how to introduce you, then volodya answered me: you can ask... a sergeant of the armed forces of ukraine, and from civilian life a historian, archivist, head of academic programs of the liberation movement research center, we can also mention that the editor of historical truth, if not too much, i think, which is not too much, and there are still many different pages from your life that we will remember today, and i also want to tell our viewers that i actually know volodya from yes.


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