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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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we will ask germany, including, and what will happen to the national currency and the hryvnia, if, god forbid, we will not be able to find these 12-15 billion dollars in aid, because the western countries will help us all the time as long as there is aggression, but they did not undertake to support us at all in the next 5, 10 or 15 years, we must always be prepared for the fact that such assistance will decrease and this will cause pressure on the national currency, and in this situation... national the bank has done part of its work, but it is not hitting bells and does not do the other part together with the government of ukraine, when they do not collect everyone, excuse me, they have all the statistics, they see how many dollars are coming into the accounts of any industry, any enterprise, because it is all in the banks , and the banks all report to the national bank, give statistics, and they do not collect these people who tomorrow can give plus 50 million dollars of exports, 100 million dollars of exports, a billion dollars of exports, nothing for this...
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they do and do so that if not tomorrow god, aid will stop or decrease, and export industries will not export, this will actually be a very unpleasant situation for the economy of ukraine, for the currency and for the exchange rate of the hryvnia. i do not want to say in any case that it will be a disaster, but that is why we need to pay attention and our work should be done not by the national bank by 15%, but by the national bank by 15% and together with the government, finally by 85%. what are we? unfortunately, we do not see it today. well, do you think there's a risk that the removal of currency restrictions could lead to a rapid, well, possible, and rapid and large-scale outflow of capital from the country, what measures could prevent this. vasyl, certainly, any removal from today's restrictions, and also in the heap, if nothing is done to support the export-oriented industry and export-oriented sectors of the economy. and increase, then this, if it
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is removed, then of course the capital will flow, and the national bank simply will not be able to contain the outflow of capital, if it is also imposed and god forbid a decrease in some kind of western aid, which we will receive today on the accounts of the government, after that to the accounts of the national bank of ukraine, then in this case the situation will be even more complicated, but i want to tell you the most important thing that any restrictions, they always lead... to a deficit, and the deficit after that leads to the disappearance , this applies to goods, it was so in soviet times, because if there were restrictions and there was a shortage, then after that it led to the fact that we had empty shelves, and after that the soviet government collapsed, simply ceased to exist in general, also applies to currency, because dollars they are no different from meat, sausage or any scarce goods, if scarce goods, they are in short supply, exist... then it
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means that there is a huge risk that they will disappear, they will not exist at all , the situation is the same with the currency, therefore definitely the deficit currency should not be resolved by the fact that there are restrictions, but the deficit currency and the currency deficit should be resolved by the fact that those enterprises should be developed , analyze deeply, see what who did before the 21st year, why exported, and now can't do anything so that you more exported, because as long as we have a negative trade, trade account balance in... a huge $2.5 billion there, $25 billion a year, then we imagine and understand that we are actually financed and sustained by the pool of western partners who provide us with these dollars, and in this situation, if we believe that they will continue to give us money for another 10 years, then these dreamers and creative people, then they do not belong in the ministry of finance, nor in the government, nor in the national bank , and if they are not dreamers and creatives. then they
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must understand how to make the economy export and balance the demand currency with its supply. well, yes, indeed, military aid is one thing, and here there are its own programs and an understanding of what weapons, what range of weapons we have, what we need, what to provide us, what it is for, and the military leadership itself is always in contact, this is one story, a completely different story, what you say is really to be kept, just as, you know, many ukrainians abroad somewhere... someone is offended that they give less money, someone someone is offended that i have to look for a job, someone is offended that i was suspended from there, forced there, listen, well, no one will give protection from war and feed babies for a long time, if it concerns specific citizens in specific countries that continue protection, but they say, well, listen, find a job, go to courses, learn the language, it's normal if you want to live and work, it also applies to the whole country, yes, we give, but we want to see some specific result, well, it's simple give it alone story, a completely different story, this and...
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to test, in your opinion, the impact of currency restrictions on the investment climate, if you would assess, and whether they can become an obstacle to attract investment to ukraine? vasyl, of course, any restrictions, they are always barriers to attracting investments in any country in the world, including ukraine, which is currently at war, we have military aggression, which we are fighting, even if there is no aggression, well, look at argentina, there were all the restrictions there before president miley, and in argentina, a country that is not in the military and does not fight neither with brazil nor with chile, she still did not receive any inve'. because there were currency restrictions, multiple exchange rates, that is, the real argentine currency there did not understand at what rate it could be exported and at what price it could be sold, that is , in fact, the situation was the same as we had in the 93rd year of kuchma’s time, when he was the prime minister, and there we where for a short time , the time was zvigil, when we had an official
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rate, semi-official, unofficial and there was still black and anyone did not understand, all these restrictions, when the rate is formed in a non-market way, it means only one thing, no one will. to invest in this country, today we have no investments in the country, you know this, or we have such a very, very small part, those companies are investing that are simply forced to finance and invest, because they have already financed, invested hundreds of millions of dollars or billions in advance, they need to finish these projects, and they, if they have already invested 90%, well, of course they will contribute 10%, so that somehow these enterprises start working and start producing added value and start to... you investments, pay taxes and export, but i want to tell you the most important thing: restrictions, currency restrictions, will always be a huge barrier to investment, to the development of our economy. in order to remove the currency restriction, it is necessary to deal with the economy, and to deal with the economy, it is necessary that both the government and the national
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bank be competent. unfortunately, they are competent in 5-10 or 15% of cases, in the rest of the cases they simply do not understand what to do, are creative, incompetent. instead of them dealing with the orthodox things, the way the british government is doing it, the way the american government is doing it, the way any european community government is doing it, we don't have to reinvent the wheel, we don't have to be creative, we have to do orthodox things, develop economies, economies that have been developed by all around the world, how south korea is developing today, if we're talking about emerging markets, how india is developing them today, how brazil is developing them today. i don't want to say there, as it was developed at one time the united states, the european community, and developed by the government of great britain or the british empire, in this situation there is less creativity and more knowledge, more competence, because creativity can be in culture and art, but there is no creativity in the economy,
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but this is the economy and it is like that , excuse me , a very, very fragile material, a fragile organism and a fragile, excuse me, brittle... thing, and in this situation, everyone depends on the economy, the welfare of pensioners, because these are their pensions, the welfare of people who the state does not have to fulfill state duties functions, well-being even of all entrepreneurs and workers who work in all our industries, from service industries to agro-industrial, heavy, light and other industries, competence is the answer to all these things, orthodoxy is orthodox, the one that will be'. doing the right thing, not being creative. thank you very much, but if our interview is made a headline, then there is no creativity in the economy, very cool words, and it is definitely worth listening to people once again , and most of all, listening to those to whom it would concern, who might want this creativity come up with, but you really need to know the basis and
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work the way it should work according to economic science, thank you very much laws, according to the laws, according to the laws of the economy, because the laws of the economy, sorry. they don't just dislike me, they can't stand any creativity at all. thank you very much for joining, thanks for your comments. konstantin zhivago was with us, an entrepreneur, philanthropist and investor. well, now a review of international events from yuri fizer, for your attention. american democrats appealed to us president joseph biden to remove the ban. formation of long-range weapons for firing at targets located deep in the territory of russia. this was said by the head of the us senate intelligence committee, mark warner, on the sidelines of the democratic party convention in chicago. in particular, he emphasized that the american administration should allow the ukrainians to strike some airfields
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and missile launch sites beyond the 80-kilometer ban currently in effect. remove restrictions on the use of western weapons against russia for the armed forces before that. called the high representative of the european union josep borel. he noted that the ukrainian offensive on the kursk region was a strong blow to the kremlin leader's narrative. so lifting such restrictions could advance peace efforts. in his opinion, this would make it possible to strengthen the defense of ukraine. the netherlands ordered 51 mobile radars for ukraine, they will be delivered by the end of the year. this was stated by the minister of defense of the netherlands, ruben breckelmans, on the x social network on wednesday . the official noted that reliable air defense is vitally important for ukrainian defenders. mobile complexes able to detect small drones and distinguish them from birds. ukrainian hackers hacked. russian tv channels and showed the truth about the war, this is reported by the media with reference to sources in the main
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intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. cyber ​​specialists attacked broadcasters' servers and gained access to the broadcasts of several television companies. primetime viewers were shown objective videos about the aggression of their army and the battles in the kursk region. explosions at the russian airport in the volgograd region, local authorities confirmed the drone attack on the nearby marynivka resort. from the city of kalachna-donu , a fire broke out at the point of impact. meanwhile, local residents on social networks talk about the powerful detonation of ammunition, which continues to this day. it is also known about the evacuation from the military town of oktyabrske, which is located close to the airfield. the oil base in the russian proletariat in the rostov region continues to work the day before, late in the evening there was another explosion of a tank with fuel. this caused an even bigger fire. local residents report that... it was visible even in the neighboring city of salsk, which is located
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dozens of kilometers away. local publics have already started to write that it will probably not be possible to put out the fire and it will be necessary to wait until everything burns down.
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every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu? how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and how will our accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sestria au. good evening from ukraine. the ether continues, oleksandr morshevka will talk about money during the war. alexander, i congratulate you with a word. good evening, vasyl. i greet the audience. in the next few minutes, i will talk about customs, also about... the state property fund that will be sold this time, you will find out everything in detail in a moment. so
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this is a column about money in wartime. i will start with important decisions of the verkhovna rada. the parliament adopted a draft law that brings ukraine closer to the full application of eu customs legislation. this was reported in the ministry of finance. also, the motherland will allow it. business to adapt to the updated rules in time and carry out, so to speak, a soft transition of the open to the new customs code. it will be completely based on similar legislation of the european union. the adoption of the initiative is one of the obligations to the imf, the world bank and european partners. well, i would like to hope, after all, that it will be a really powerful customs office a code that will allow to increase customs revenues to the state budget, because our international partners insist on this
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to fill the coffers, and i hope that it will really be such an effective law, well , like the law on the activities of the economic security bureau, which is also long was nurtured, considered for a long time, processed, and such an expert environment now evaluates it as positive and such that it can really fill the state budget, in particular, another attempt of the state fund. appointed property for september 6 auction for the privatization of the belgorod-dniester sea trade port. this is reported on the prozoro sales website. this is the ninth attempt to find. investor in the port of odesa region, unlike the previous auctions, this time a foreign investor may even come, they are talking about polish business, the starting price of the lot is almost uah 178 million. well, we hope that the price will be increased several times, and the state budget gets money, the enterprise gets
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an effective new owner. tax on parcels, rising again. subject: he will drive international trade and legal shadow imports will lead to an investigation of smuggling. such a statement was made by vasyl zhuravel, co-founder of miss international. among other negative consequences is the impossibility for ukrainians, for example, to buy cheap goods in foreign online stores, a decrease in tax revenues from legal e-commerce, and it will also undermine the country's defense capability, the top manager says, because every 20th parcel. for the military with inexpensive equipment, ammunition, drones and parts for them. zhuravel noted that the draft law in its current form may generally lead to negative consequences, in particular, it will become a financial burden for businesses and ordinary consumers. indeed, we talked about this just yesterday with the executive director of the economic
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discussion club, and oleg penzyn said that, so to speak... the gain from this tax, if it is implemented for the state budget, is insignificant, in general, the administration of this tax is creation of special departments, special people who will to engage in this, on the contrary, it will cost a lot of money to the tax office, well, for now this is a discussion, it is ongoing, we are monitoring it, but here is an experimental and incomprehensible project, this is how people's deputy yaroslav zheliznyak reacted to the cabinet of ministers' approval of the resolution: about national cashback, according to him the parliament does not support such a decision and will block it. let me remind you that the national cashback program provides for consumers to receive compensation in the form of 10% of the purchase of goods from ukrainian manufacturers. it all depends on the business that will actually join to this initiative. the government hopes that
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the program will start on september 2. and we, let's listen to what yaroslav zheliznyak said. the government adopted an experimental project, i would add the word idiotic, but okay, an experimental, so an experimental project about introducing this cashback for our and your money, but it has several legal problems for them: the first is money from the support fund for entrepreneurs, i.e. individuals will receive money from the support fund for entrepreneurs, well, i honestly don't think so... well, violation of the budget legislation and this issue is already before the file and the accounting chamber. well, it was precisely the deputy who gave the answer, where will the money for ordinary customers, ordinary consumers, who will receive this so-called cashback come from, it is money from the support fund
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for entrepreneurs, although these funds should go to entrepreneurs, and not to customers of supermarkets, although they really will. .. to buy ukrainian and support our own manufacturer, well, there are still many questions, well, let's watch how they will react in the session hall. well, that's the end of us now, what about jobs and salaries in the national bank presented a report for the month of july? analysts note that as a result of migration and mobilization, the shortage of personnel on the labor market is worsening. the number of job vacancies posted by businesses exceeds the number of job seekers. in particular, there is a shortage of workers in work specialties. businesses are trying to solve the problem, attracting students and retirees, but this is not enough, as a result , the competition for qualified employees is increasing, and businesses are slowly increasing salaries, according to the national bank, in the future salaries will also rise, but here we see that salaries will rise,
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but there are still not enough people. this is the analysis from the national bank. i will conclude with this. my review for today, but the big broadcast continues, there will be more, watch us, thanks to oleksandr morchavka, now for your attention, an announcement, so until august 24, espresso is preparing a special project, bright people in dark times, and interesting stories about heroic people, interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav. shevchuk, serhii plokhi and many others, already at 10 p.m documentary 10 years of war. on independence day, espresso from 8:00 a.m. to midnight, be there. yes, of course, everything that will happen during this day, direct coverage, operational information about all events will also be on the tv channel, it will not be just an interview, but this is what we
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prepared, it is really important to hear, see and be this day as much as possible with espresso, and you will definitely be interested. well, before the fundraiser , the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern ones drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault force. brigades, also for the 110th and 47th mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. the goal of our collection is uah 3.5 million. every donation you make is important. join in. as you can, as your finances allow, everyone props you see on the screen, and the culture
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time, elena, elena, now in the philharmonic, viktor, viktor bronyuk, elena elena, now in the philharmonic, but it rhymes like that, and elena elena, now in the philharmonic, cool. viktor bronyuk was appointed head of the vinnytsia philharmonic named after mykola leontovych. mr. victor. who has the experience for this and hopes for a fruitful, effective work, lina chechenina will tell about this and other cultural news, please give me your word, unexpected, debatable and even doubtful, this is how many people reacted in on social networks, this is viktor's appointment. bronyuk, the head of the regional philharmonic, and this is of course predictable, because the music of viktor bronyuk and yogort ran away, it is a little different from what we usually hear
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in philharmonics. but neither mr. viktor himself, nor vyacheslav sokolovy, the main chairman, clearly disagrees with this. in his presentation to the regional council, he said that viktor bronyuk, i quote, has creative and administrative experience in the field of culture and knows how the team works from the inside, so he will be a good leader. and it is viktor bronyuk who reminds us that he has held positions in the public sector before, and says that, quoting together, we have a lot of interesting, fruitful and creative work ahead of us. let me remind you, friends, that viktor bronyuk. previously, he worked in the culture department of the vinnytsia city council, and was also the general director of the vinnytsia regional center for health, recreation and leisure.
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we will wait for new interesting projects from the vinnytsia philharmonic, and maybe viktor borniuk will take it to a new level. well, now i will tell you about an artist who never was an official, and who with the help of his talent... quite won the hearts of many people in the world, it is about alain delon, of course, the actor has already been decided to be buried on saturday, the funeral will take place at 5 p.m., and it will be as modest as possible, as the actor had bequeathed , there will be about 40 people there, including his children, and the actor had three of them, and if you think that 40 people is a lot, then it is not modest, maybe forget it. the funeral of jen paul belmando, one of alain delon's best friends, there were a lot of people there, and delon said that he, he did not want this, and
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therefore everything was carried out according to his will, but the only thing they did not do was not to kill his dog, ten-year-old lubo, because this request of the actor caused great discussions and protests among zookeepers, the actor is still somewhere around 18 year he... told the perimach publication that he has a very close relationship with his dog, and therefore, when he dies first, he will ask to put lubo to sleep so that he does not suffer later, and this is a clear thing, so very, well an unusual decision to say the least, and allendon is known for his love of dogs, he will be buried, by the way, in a cemetery where there are already 35 of his dogs. who were his friends, and well, he will lie with them, but still, after this scandal, a certain outrage, even more precisely...
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let's say the delon family and the brigitte bardot foundation, which also takes care of animals, they they informed that everything will be fine, no one will kill him, he will happily live out his days in the family he has, so that no one would worry. and news from ukrainian show business figures: one of the brightest characters, showbiz of our klaudia petrovna, an anonymous performer, she canceled. an event at which she should become anonymous and show her face, and she is interesting to many precisely because of this, although her songs are also very good, popular, many like them, but we have not yet had such a brightly promoted anonymous figure in show business, that she is interesting and she constantly plays up some interest in herself, but not only in
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show business itself. but also among people who love ukrainian music, well, it is considered that it is no longer a secret that we all have been for a long time we understand who is under the mask, but klaudia petrovna, and this also causes many different disputes in the show business party, and everyone is waiting for her to throw off the mask, should the mask be thrown off, in a word, for now and the fans must understand , that klaudia petrovna remains anonymous and continues, this is of course... very interesting, what is called a case in our show business, and it seems to me that there should be much more of such cases, because it attracts attention, people discuss it, and it should work in show business in a developed country, if, let's say, larry king was now, still alive,
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interviewing... vladimir putin, who is still alive, and asked: what happened to prom in the port of kavkaz? and putin would say, he sank? well, but larry kinnyk will not ask, putin will not answer, because he will obviously never get to the united states of america again, as he did in 2001, or whenever it was there. well, but to the point of the matter after being hit by something so powerful in the port of kavkaz, it is on the other side of the kerch bridge, as they say. a ferry carrying flammable materials, obviously there are other things there transported, wrote the russian public, well, actually, this is not the russian public, this is official information from the authorities of the krasnodar territory, that this ferry joined the military and merchant fleet of the russian federation, a submarine, which actively began to form, at first a full-scale invasion of the russian federation, so what do you think moscow went to the bottom in the spring of 22nd year, and since
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then it has been constantly strong. we are the defense forces, the security service of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine, the air force, the navy, we are constantly working to ensure that as much as possible replenish the russian submarine fleet with the latest, best models of military equipment and merchant fleet, which russia may also need for some reason, so here, as they say, without any questions, and this is an important story, they actually say that it was. carried out with the help of the excellent ukrainian development of the neptune rocket, which was slightly modified there, as far as i understand, but i do not know the details, the point is not that the main thing is that it survived, whether it was a neptune or not, we will find out later, but the fact remains in fact, one more, one more opportunity for the russians to deliver the things they need for their aggressive war, er, as i understand it, to the shores of the sea of ​​azov in the occupied part
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of the territory of ukraine, has been lost. the ferry aquatrader, it is already, as they say, well , the crew also died there from what was written, we wish success to the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces, all those involved in really destroying the enemy's logistics. i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow until 18:10, thank you for being with us, stay with espresso, and now the weather is from natalka didenko, let's watch together. synoptic hello to all, dear ukrainians, today we start our meeting with a little glimpse into the coming autumn, because people are already starting to ask when it will be, whether it will come early or late, and finally, what is the summer of women, and therefore, of course, we are about women's summer, i hope, we will talk more than once, but today it is worth remembering that there are three, so to speak, stages of women's...


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