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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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he prescribes and changes me, he changes medications so that i don't get used to one or the other, lyudmila oleksiivna samsonova, these are two, two people, these are the two pillars thanks to which i also survived, and thanks to which i have them on facebook, they read all my posts, it's like my medical history for them, how long has it been since you contacted me, how long has it been? after may 20, when you turned to the specialists, i think somewhere in the middle of june, because yes, somewhere in the middle of june i called mariana savtsa, my sister yulichka did not leave my side for three weeks at all, just with me it was 24:7, i called mariana, yulichka left sometime then, i called her and said, i will go to the hospital, but please go. with me, so that i don't give up at
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the last moment, because, well, all of us children of the soviet union are used to the fact that psychiatry is something very, very scary, you made this decision yourself, or your loved ones, no, i made the decision myself , because i realized that i am falling into the abyss, and i am still waiting for my son, and i do not want him to see me in some inadequate state, and the state is already actually fell to inadequate. well, here it is probably worth telling our viewers that you still do not know whether he disappeared without a trace? brothers, brothers, everyone shouts with one voice that he died and they are sure of it, there is no body, there is no case, i am not sure and i will never believe anyone until the end, i will wait, i will wait if i have to , i will wait all my life, but i will wait, so... how
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did i get out of this state, i started writing posts, i started writing posts on the internet, talking to his son. i remembered our stories from his childhood, from the beginning, how he was small, how he was a teenager, what stories we had, what funny and tragic stories we had, and so on, and i wrote them under one hashtag: lemberg, "mom, don't cry, lemberg, mom, don't cry. lemberg is my son's call sign. at first, he had the call sign lviv, but when he moved east, the position was lviv, and in order not to confuse the position with the call sign, his brothers renamed him lemberg, it is an ancient name lviv, and i also wrote posts about myself, about my feelings, about how i was a mother from the beginning of the large-scale war, the invasion
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of the great war until may 20, 2023, what kind of mother i was, what we did, what we got it, it was simple, if my son called me and said: mom, i need so-and-so, but it is on mars, and i would say, yes, and fly to mars, i would buy him such things, who will read the book, he will understand that it was simply impossible to do, and i said, i will do it, and when he wanted to be transferred, he says, mom, they don’t want, well , a soldier like him, of course, no one wanted to be transferred, he is beautiful, he has proven himself and all the recommendations that my comrades later wrote to me, and the commanders wrote, and they spoke about him, and i understood , that, of course , no one wanted to transfer him, he wanted to, he passed this height, he needs to go higher, he has already passed this, gained knowledge, he needs to go higher, and here he was tearing up. and finally, he left from
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the first days of the full-scale, from the first days, himself, he came to the polling station three times, he they said, we will call you back, and he went on his own, and then he said: "mom, guess what, a summons will come to me, and i'm already here", and he once told me: "mom, they don't want to transfer me, you have a way out to the industrious, well, who am i and who is the industrious, where do i have a way out to the industrious, but i know so much that he believes in me as in god and that i am such an authority for him, i said: "of course i will find it" . i did not know how it would happen, but in three days i already had a phone, in the evening i wrote to valery fedorovych, and in the morning to mykhailo was already transferred, valery fedorovych sent me all the documents. these are the stories in this book, stories from him, how he became a man, how he became a boy, how he fought, our military stories, reviews of the draft, well, a non-fiction book. but it reads
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like fiction, well, of course, my experience, how i got out of this situation, this book was called a primer, for the military, for the native soldiers, a long time ago. for relatives and for those who have nothing to do with the war, so that he could understand us, and we became closer to each other, and why for relatives, please explain why for my relatives, what, what is in the book, let's say, i wrote about my experience, it will be a primer for my relatives, i wrote a complete assessment, they are today, you know, can you give a few examples, just tell me what? exactly what i wrote, and the feedback started to be very strong, after the publication of this book, people started writing to me every day, i receive letters from people i don't know, they write from mothers, sisters, wives, and literally this morning i received a letter, thank you,
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some inna wrote me the last name, i don't remember, thank you for writing this one book, reading it i got to know my husband when he told me how little he was. these are all stories, says the impression that you wrote about my husband. ivan kademyt, if you remember, reading my posts on the internet, said: "god, i see artemko, i see my artemko, these are children born in free ukraine." they are completely different, plus or minus there are several years. and this book is a primer. how, i once dreamed when i got to the clinic. my doctor treats me according to viktor frankl's method, and i realized that my son often quoted different phrases, and when i now recognize that these are frankl's phrases, i understand that my son read frankl and was interested in him, and i fell into very good hands, and i, when viktor frankl wrote a book in search of true
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meaning, yes, i think that's her name, this is a person who lived through a concentration camp, and he shared his experience, how he survived, what he came to. what did he operate on, what were his meanings, and people, when this war ended, the second world war, this book of his became a primer, because almost the whole world was wounded by this war, and people, reading this book, and it immediately became a bestseller, reading this book, they had such a primer for themselves, a survival primer, and i realized, writing these posts, serhiy rudenko and volodymyr vyatrovych wrote to me that this should be a book. they just wrote to me in private messages, it should be a book, and i collected this book, collected these posts into a book, named this book under this hashtag, and i had the feeling that maybe it will be, well, i don’t want to be there praise very much, but it may be with something
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similar to viktor frankl's book, only it was during the second world war and from... a wounded society read it, and now our ukrainian wounded society, reading this book, will find a lot in common, a lot of kinship, will see this experience, and perhaps in this experience will find some necessary things who are these people who come to you now for the presentation of this book, when you visit different cities of ukraine. i didn't even expect that the presentations would be so crowded and that the book would... have such great publicity, because the first edition was sold out in three weeks, i didn't i hoped that it would be so necessary and so interesting for everyone, people who come, first of all, they come to sign, buy a book at a presentation, come
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to sign, and everyone wants to hug me, and i want to hug this person, we hug, you need to dedicate a few minutes to each person, talk, someone is a mother, someone... a neighbor, someone is a wife, someone is just a person who cares, and i also noticed that mostly at all my presentations people cry in the hall, some are afraid to read this book, thinking that she is very strong, dramatic, in fact, it is the drama of light, who has already read it, they say, there is so much light and so much summer that... or her, wings grow and you want to fly, so you cry, sometimes over some chapters, but these tears are pure and bright, these tears of faith, hope and love, maybe those people who came to you for the presentation, maybe you remember,
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maybe someone told you a story that struck you, and maybe someone had a similar story to yours, and you can... there was and not alone, was not alone, when a woman approaches, and her daughter-in-law, her husband's wife, wrote a book, e. he had an eagle as a claimant, the last name was orlov, and my mother came to the presentation, my wife could not come to the presentation then, my mother came, and we both cried, hugged each other, but she already knows for sure that he died, very much , who knows me, who writes to me, who cares, people believe that mykhailo will return, i also really want to believe and i really want him to write: a continuation of this book, it should probably be called lemberg's return, so
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i want to, well, he will god's will for everything. olenka, well, returning to the fact that what do you know about your son today, and what do you not know about his fate today, what, what answers are sent to you, what are they saying, nothing, quiet, quiet, i am communicating. with many of his brothers, i communicate, such a beautiful family that supports you, maybe you found out, and when you traveled, traveled with this book to different cities of our country, maybe there are some special unions that unite such women, maybe there are some organizations that help, because we understand that not everyone is really lucky sometimes with family, with friends, and... not everyone can get such colossal support, there are, of course, unions, there are organizations, and there are, i
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have been invited more than once, i am not yet ready for unions and organizations, i communicate with ivanka dymyt , i have enough of this communication, she is very supportive of me, and not ready, why tell me, you think that, we are all different, we are all different, and... to be honest, i am a little afraid of this communication, it seems to me that it it will hurt me, well, that's my inner intuition, so far today , maybe i'll change my mind later, so far yes, you are afraid because there can be a lot of grief, i take each grief as my own and listening to each story is another trigger for me, i have even stopped reading the news lately because every time i... i cry, every time there is a photo on facebook of a hero who died, i cry over every photo, i thought that
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i am not ready yet, i am not ready, that’s how i made up my mind, and i was advised a lot and i made up my mind to adopt or foster a child, but my doctor says until you adopt yourself, you don't ready, when you will already stand well on your feet, it can be help to... strong and change you, or maybe on the contrary you will not be able to give this child anything that you could, find your resource, love yourself, embrace yourself, there are even such psychotherapeutic classes, you hug yourself, feel yourself and feel sorry for yourself, or you look at yourself in the mirror and talk to yourself, to your self, to feel yourself, feel sorry for yourself and understand that life was given to you by god. and you don't have the right to scatter it, it happens,
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people leave, people come, people leave again. and my psychotherapist said: "take the way madonna held her child," and imagine that this child is your child. do you have the right to harm her? you don't have you should treat your life in the same way. i'm trying to figure it out now. to be able to live with it, feel it and be, be like that. maybe you can advise our viewers who have experienced grief, and maybe you know some other practices or things that have helped you, movies, books, what posts, facebook, write, don't be ashamed, don't be ashamed to do. moral striptease, don't be ashamed, don't be ashamed to show your helplessness, your pain,
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don't be ashamed to show your despair, don't hold it in, choose a hashtag and write a post every day, write about your husband, write about your child, write about your brother, tell stories, share, let the whole world know and hear and be proud just as it is proud of its own, tell me, please, look, what are the next steps, did someone tell you, maybe some state ones? authorities, perhaps the military, told you which ones yours had be the next steps what to do? nothing, wait, wait, i submitted my dna, my ex- husband also submitted a dna sample analysis, we did everything we could, now we just have to wait, the area where mykhailo
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and the banana boy disappeared is under occupation, no one has gone there will not object if... suddenly their wounded were taken prisoner, that side never gives any lists, although it is supposed to give lists according to all the rules of the un, they should give lists, they don’t, unless it is possible to catch them through some special telegram channels , to find out, which i do from time to time, but to no avail, so what else can i do... i would have already gone there, i would have crawled there and kissed the land of bakhmut and waited for my son and looked for him. i don't know what can be done, i did everything that was possible. by the way, i remember this idea of ​​yours, when you talked about how you wanted to go there, i went, but i came as
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close as possible, through druzhkivka to kostyantynivka from kramatorsk, i heard. every morning in kramatorsk you wake up and hear only bangs, bang, bang, bang, you can hear how the war is going on, and as close as possible to me is my fellow classmate mykhailo, who also serves there, felix, he took me as close as possible so that i could launch helium balloons with a letter to mykhailo and bananchik, i wrote to them a letter that i was waiting for them, and we were laughing a lot that there would be an incomprehensible object in the sky, it would be shot down, so the object, well, nothing, it flew and when i looked at it, it disappeared right from my eyes , i brought these helium balls from lviv, we drove in a bus with volunteers, shaking everything, with all the property, and these
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the balls traveled with us all the way, the war is going on, and for sure my next question to you will be difficult, very difficult, because it seems to me that i am no longer afraid of anything in this world, i am not even afraid of death anymore, look, they are watching you now women and mothers whose sons are alive, thank god, but would you let your son go, knowing that it would happen exactly like this, i didn't... let him go, i did terrible things that i just didn't do, i him begged, his company, where he works, he works as a business analyst, in a well-known american it company, is engaged in banking, his salary was much more expensive than the 100,000 he received at zero, there was
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much more, he knows languages ​​perfectly, he is an excellent specialist, he has it... and they bought it so that only he could have everything, everything the best thing is that i didn’t restrain him at the beginning of the war, he was still a schoolboy, then a freshman, he was eager for a great war, i didn’t just make it up, i even sinned by telling terrible illnesses about myself, i deceived him , and this time, well, how about you you can stop a grown guy, what didn't you tell him? how did i not ask him, how did i not beg him? he said: "mom, one day i will have children, maybe a second and a third." and these children will one day be forced to go to war against moskal. if we don't end this thing now, we will be leaving a very bad legacy to our children, we
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will be leaving a legacy of war. yes, inheritance is bad. that's what he thought. well, maybe it was the wrong construction of the sentence, because really, how can you not let go of a real man, when he made a decision, his wife did not we didn't let them go, i understand those mothers who bury their sons, i understand them, i understand everyone, and people are afraid, and not everyone can, well, he was like that, brothers, as they said about him, he says, this is the guy, with whom it is not about fishing and not about zhiguli, with whom... you can talk about roman prague, with whom you can talk about all the world wars, about everything you want, he was an intellectual, he is, i will talk about him in the present tense speak. plus this is the person who when, so the guy said verbatim, when we were in a terrible situation, and it already seemed that everything, we will not get out of here,
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mykhailo joked and cheered everyone up and laughed, and we, looking at him, were charged with this positivity, and it was easier for us, he emotionally held the whole team, and the second tells, says: we also said goodbye with life, here you go with the tipis... also to help us, and we persevered, and we got out, he went first, as the commander, the commander must go at the end, he went first and left last, and another one of his he told his comrades that mykhailo saved several dozen lives, that's how fast he was coming i am in lviv with my wife, and i am trying to find free time and go to them in zaporizhzhia, and i also want to visit my parents, banana, well, maybe... there are those words that you would like to say today to all wives, mothers, there are those words , which i really want to say to everyone: speak and love right now,
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don't put anything off for later, because then it might not happen, say that you love, say that you're proud, say everything that's on your mind for the best, never put it off later, because later it may... not happen, but i want to thank you and tell me the book, you can still order buy, the book can be ordered everywhere on the internet, everywhere, just by typing the name lembertsynu do not cry, or my surname and name is olena cherninka, it can be ordered everywhere on the internet, and you can also buy it in a store, bookstores, cafes of the old lion, in bookstores there are and in many others, thank you for your son, thank you for this interview, that you agreed, and you know, i still believe that lemberg will return to us, we all believe, and that we
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will remember it, and that soon we will win, thank you, thank you very much. i'll take it ribbon, fold it in half, like that, put it in the cell. each knot tied by the hands of 89-year-old anastasia lastivetska filigree forms a complete picture. in uzhhorod, the city's oldest female volunteer weaves chugaisters for the armed forces of ukraine. this is what the locals call camouflage suits. the work is not difficult. but it really requires a good memory, because if you make a mistake, the worst thing is to scold yourself, because it is so difficult to sew, like embroidery,
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well, god often helps me that i will not make a single mistake, i am happy. anastasia the seventh of 11 children, her family was subjected to repressions twice, first from poland they were resettled to... ternopil region, later to lviv region, after the start of the full-scale invasion, the family took her from there to uzhhorod. here she could not sit idly by and joined one of the volunteer organizations. a weaving woman from 2023, at home, works every day. if it's a camouflage suit, it can save someone's life. after all, it's my job, so maybe something will help, yes. i think and put all my soul into it and rejoice when i weave something, me she is happy, so almost in her bones that i can still do something for my ukraine, and she also says that
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she wants to wait for the disintegration of russia, so she will work until victory, i believe that at the moment i have 33 suits, as many of them are completely ready parts, i wove, i don’t know, i didn’t count, but i admit, i always dreamed of becoming a volunteer, and i dreamed of being a volunteer and i think, how should i be, everyone is doing something like that, and i couldn’t do anything, well and god sent me, and you see , maria kochmar, from uzhgorod, became a volunteer for the espresso tv channel. see this week in collaborators program. fake ministers of the temporarily occupied luhansk region. thanks to the leadership, today our region is flourishing and developing. who received a mandate from
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the occupiers and russifies the captured. we are for a strong russia, it has only such a future. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is the collaborator program about traitors who went to serve the russian occupiers at the call of their hearts and wallets. in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, russia creates such ministries , and many collaborators prefer to take positions in these illegitimate bodies there, to become minister, deputy or at least director of the department, the main goal of almost every seller. today i will... tell you about such fake institutions, who runs them and how they are used by the occupiers. let's start with the ministers of the temporarily occupied luhansk region. the first in line for defamation is the so-called minister of culture of the lpr dmytro serhiyevich sidorov. when in september 2013 kyiv sent information that the status of the russian language as a regional language would be banned, luhansk and donetsk were
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the first regions to say that we. this a supporter of the russian language and culture 34. he was born in the city of lysichansk, luhansk region, graduated from the bohdan khmelnytskyi donetsk lyceum with enhanced military and physical training, and later entered the luhansk state academy of culture and arts. when luhansk region was occupied, dmitry became an appreciator of the so-called great russian culture. young sidorov, then he was 24, did not go to the controlled territories of ukraine, but began to build his career under the occupiers. today, three government orders were passed that allow us to sign an additional agreement with the ministry of culture of the russian federation. to get a seat in high offices, you must first prove to the system that you are worthy of holding the title of kremlin henchman. this is exactly what dmytro set out to do, he started small and became
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an organizer of sports events under... a coat of arms and a skin. at competitions, he handed out russian diplomas and medals and listened to the howling of the russian national anthem with his head proudly raised. later , sport for all was added to the city center for the physical health of the population under the occupying power. fortunately for those released territories, boys are already actively involved in the processes of interaction with sports federations, classes in club institutions have been resumed. with each year of the occupation of luhansk region , the traitor's career progressed. uphill, well, that's how it seemed to him, but in reality it was bottoming out, because later dmytro headed the committee on health care, culture, sports, tourism and social policy, the so-called lpr. how it is possible to lead something that does not exist is not clear, but that sandcastle that this traitor built for himself, where he is a great official on pseudo-political arena, well, very funny. thanks to the leadership, today our region
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is flourishing, developing, and we all are. we make our contribution to make life better for all our residents. in 2017 , the head of the feikova lpr, leonid pasichnyk, by decree appointed sidorov as acting minister of culture, sports and youth. in his chair, dmytro supervises youth patriotic movements with the aim of propagandizing the russian world, among the local population and youth, and also accuses ukraine of zombifying children through literature. just listen to this delusion on... very serious psychological training was conducted with these people, because they even have fairy tales, even ordinary textbooks in schools, but they, in fact, raise a rather cruel generation from their children, there is a lot of russophobic , extremist literature, calls for war, calls to blood, calls for the murder of russians, minister sidorov travels to all kinds of russian forums, develops poor russian
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culture in the territory of luhansk region. russifies libraries, theaters and.


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