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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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that the country 404 is doing, can we call it that today, so as not to talk like a volon demorda, that it all leads to a full-scale conflict, after all, you very aptly mentioned this documentary series that we worked on 10 days of independence and viewers of espresso, as far as i i know, we had the opportunity to watch it, because it can be watched on youtube, absolutely, absolutely, and simply, if we analyze the history of the 20th. actually the ukrainian 20th century struggle of ukrainians and ukraine for its independence, we will see that the one that has a distinct scale, well that is, the war that began in the 14th year, which we now call the modern russian-ukrainian war, it obviously began much earlier, back in the 20th century, and it is already such a full-scale stage or full-scale cycle, it was inevitable, and maybe we are somewhere let's touch on this issue today in the conversation. this is a very important question
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for understanding that you can never trust russia, you can never believe in any ephemeral peaces or truces that russia offers you, and at the same time you can't admire russia's democracy, why am i talking about i am saying this, in fact, it again appeals to our series, when we were preparing a series precisely about... independence day, and later about the referendum, there was once such a president in the russian federation, whose name was boris yeltsin, and the world admired him, because he is a democrat and so on, but if we look at the press of that time, the great democrat yeltsin at the beginning of 1992 had already openly threatened the state of ukraine that if it did not get rid of its nuclear status, he would make a preventive nuclear... attack on ukraine , and
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this is the year 1992, that is, the great democrat yeltsin threatens the neighboring already independent state that he will strike with nuclear weapons if it does not comply with his safeguards, and this is generally the entire history of russia and the history of russia and its relations with ukraine, that is, before this faile state that exists on the north-eastern border with us, they will never come to terms with our independence, they will never... come to terms with our independence, so if you jump a little ahead, you celebrated the 11th day of independence, actually this 11th day of independence, it will either take place in our country, or in my opinion, in my personal opinion, or we will cease to exist as such, uh, if the orange revolution or the revolution of dignity, those were our days of independence. and our
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victories, but we obviously could have lost in them, well, in fact, there were various factors that contributed to the fact that we could lose, but then we still had some perspective, well, that is, we can only stay in ukraine where yure is, and well let's repeat ourselves as another fail state like belarus, which, unfortunately, is now its self-proclaimed dictator is what they are, but we won then, now it is not a question... the question of whether we will remain ukraine is somehow ephemeral, in fact, the question is whether we will exist or we will not exist as such, and therefore this day will either happen, it will really be the day of independence and the day of our victory, or we will cease to exist, i very often analyze these things that happened in the 20th century, i used to work a lot in the archives of the sbu, in various positions. for about six
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years, i was there at the end of my post deputy director of the sbu archive, the branch state archive of the sbu, and now during my treatment, because i am on leave and due to health due to a combat injury, and i remembered that in a previous life before the full-scale invasion, i was a historian and began working on book, now and again i distort the materials that i wrote before, i raise new ones. and again, he raises the documents of the nkvd, mgb, kgb, and they are very illustrative, because they very clearly show what can happen to us if we lose, and this is conditionally, let's say, with an effective the army of the ukrainian people's republic, or as the soviet special service called them, the spetliurivtsi, and this is the vast majority of the personnel of the army, i mean, now the armed forces of ukraine will be physically eliminated, even if not on the battlefield, then later hunted down. and liquidated
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by the special services, a large part of ukrainians who fought for independence with other unarmed volunteers, i mean ukrainians in the body, who help, who volunteer. who care, who hurt ukraine, they , respectively, as supporters, as the soviets called it, of the ukrainian counter-revolution, and that is, as supporters of, let's say, the ukrainian people's republic there, they will be condemned, sent to siberia, and there will actually be that part of the collaborators and that part of the pochekuns or zhduns who, unfortunately, still exist in ukraine and until now there are pores, and they are in different parts of ukraine. like here in lviv, where we are currently having a conversation, or in odesa, or in kyiv, or in kharkiv, that is, i do not want to say that the outlook is sad for us, because we are now an independent country that has a fairly strong and professional army , and which helps
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the west, and we have a chance to win this war, just for us to win this war, this war must become a people's war, it must not be a one-man war. it has to be a war of the majority, when i'm talking about a people's war, that is, it's not just that somewhere there is, we, you know, the way it happened, unfortunately, somewhere in 2016, 17, 18, when the news from the zone of the ato, and then from the zone of operation of the united forces, there was already a decline, decline, decline, well, somewhere there are some guys and girls, somewhere in the east they are fighting with someone, here we are... okay, in us here life, but i have nothing against a peaceful life, even though i am a soldier, but a peaceful life is a peaceful life, it is good, because you can actually go on vacation to a peaceful city, where your wife is waiting for you , or your beloved, or your mother, and to spend those 10 or 15 days of vacation there, but this war should
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not go astray, and it should never be forgotten in civilian life, in fact, when it will be popular, when the whole nation will fight, then we can win. and on february 24, 22, it looked like a national day, everyone then mobilized, how was your february 24 that day? oh, i had a very funny day, of course, i don’t want to look like a clown, it certainly wasn’t a funny day, not a funny day at all, but it started interestingly for me, that is, i had a premonition of something, and we had a meeting with the director of the central committee of the russian federation there in the evening , we had to make a book presentation there. one, i say: listen, well , it’s all good, what we’re planning, but it seems to me that it will start from day to day, and i won’t be in this event, they convinced me that nothing will start, well, okay, and then i sat down in the middle of the night to finish the book, at that time my colleague from the institute of history of ukraine,
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national academy of sciences, tetyana pastushenko, we were working on a book about the sredsk security police camp of the 1st sd, well, that is, it is a nazi camp on the territory. on the territory of kyiv, which existed from 1941 to 1943 and where, in fact , many people were murdered by the nazis, and we were working on a collection of documents on behalf of the university of jerusalem, that's why i mentioned it for a reason, because - putin came to denazify us, and i sat, worked on a collection of documents about the nazi camp, well , i don't know if he knew about it, i guess he didn't know, so i was working somewhere, though until the 15th. and then i simply fell asleep on the computer, well, that is, the beginning of a full-scale sleepover, and i was woken up by my good friend from the states, bohdan gavraliuk, he is from the organization for the defense of the four freedoms of ukraine, and he called me, i am sad, picked up the phone, i say what happened, he
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says, you have a war, i say, i’m either sleeping or something seems to me, he says, the war is in the news come in, and then i went to ukrpravda, i saw that a full-scale invasion had really begun, and then... everything turned around, the army, not the military commander, the territorial center of recruitment and social support of the tsk, better known, the distribution, the first, the first month - this defense of the ternopil airport, i was in the calculation, anti-aircraft guns, banally speaking, not to mention the full full name, otgu, after that, after. moreover, it is a countersabotage company, later an intelligence company, and then, since the summer of 22, it is a direct participation in the combat line collision, this is donbas, the north of donbas, the izyum direction, later the south
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of kharkiv region, then the kharkiv counteroffensive, then kupyansk, and now sumy region, a long way from ternopil, 1,200 km. uh, you're currently recovering, yeah, recovering from a wound, uh, combat injury, combat injury, and, well, it's, it's called combat injury, and it's like that. well, we like to joke with our brothers, once it happened, i jumped and broke my knee, well, it happens, yes, i just jumped like that or was still saving my life, we conducted measures to demining positions, and on it's a pity, we were, you can use slang, she burned us, you can use slang, you can use slang, okay, you can use others, we were burned by the orc hall, that orc hall, well, that's all. their reconnaissance drone, and after that, after they saw us,
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a mortar fire started from their territory, well, it was necessary to urgently take a position below the ground, there is such a position below the ground, and i was in this ammunition, i failed to jump somewhere from a height of 3 m, well, it just so happened, it happens, this injury is the first injury of some kind, well, this is already the second, the second, eh, and that’s it, everything is lucky for me mines, all the same. 82nd, because near kupyansk there was also 82, but it hit the wall of the dugout above my head, but there was this one there, there was also, well, such a scratch, as the boys say, uh, boys who you, did any of them have a question for you, or a question with a claim, like a historian, saying, if you knew that there would be a war, why didn't you warn, or why didn't you historians warn us all? no, well, we warned, well, it’s true, i’m asking if people ask this, i even, i can even delete the articles,
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where did we warn about this, no, the guys didn’t ask such a question, well here, there probably is, well , i won’t reveal some big secret now, there is, as i see it in ukrainian society, and among my brothers and sisters, there is such a certain question is probably to the authorities somewhere, so what is certain... and here it went according to the principle, like this hollywood movie with leo daprio don't look up, that is, don't look up, but it was a dangerous tactic, really many did not believe , what will happen, well, but everything indicated that, and our western partners indicated that, in guys, there are no such questions, we are there, when someone has time and mood, then we talk about other historical issues, so what interests the people who are in the trenches with you, who are... shoulder to shoulder with you, but they do not have a historical education , what they are interested in is stories, it is from
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the history of ukraine, i apologize, well here it depends, that is, someone interesting, well , my brother actually fights in the same platoon with me, he is a historian and graduated from the same faculty as me, well that is we sometimes stick our tongues with him, we can talk for a long time, but we don't only about history, about international relations and about other things, it depends on who has what request, well, that is... i have my platoon, he is interested in history, and when it was more or less quiet in our positions there, well, near kupyansk it is always comparatively more or less quiet, but when it was possible to talk a little to himself there at the sp, he was forever asking himself, tell me about that, tell me about that, tell me about that, well, he later even this commander of the department in which i was, now he is my brother, because we are two commanders of the department, and even then he was sibling he even told him, he says: yes, i didn't understand, but why don't i have a night shift with a cover, he says, why did you
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move me, well, i have a call cover, yes, he says, why do you drink me, we're already with we asked why he is like that, he says why did you transfer me, we talk about history together at night, and you transferred me, he says, no, no, put me back on duty with him, but even this one is like that, there are different ones, there are different ones stories, that is, mostly the guys have a request for this, and here it is possible, i will even say more... about the entire structure of the armed forces, that there is a request, a request for this, er, there is a request for this, as simple as that one of the guys is interested in history, asks to explain something more, and the second point is that in 2022 you mentioned the fact that there was a people's war, and, well, that is, really, when i came to the military headquarters on the 24th, tsk, i also passed there for a long time... er, the military medical commission, etc. well , the very next day, the 25th, i arrived,
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i was supposed to be assigned to a brigade, and i saw already on the 25th, how simply the doors, the doors of the tsk are being broken by volunteers, and then somehow i felt a very , very, great peace, that is, i saw, yes, if there are such a number, then we are standing, i know from my other friends there, who are also in kyiv were, i.e. when they... saw the number of people who left, i.e. there from it people, businessmen, millionaires there to simple guys from borshchagivka or troeshchyna, i.e. everyone united and when... they left, then also some kind of calmness came, well, although they were already approaching quite close, we know that they were approaching vorzel is also quite close there, later irpin, later bucha is close to you, well, that is, moschun or others, but there was a certain peace because of that, and what i am referring to, now and then there were volunteers, ugh, that is, people who had a very
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clear argumentation, why, why and for what, having at the same time families, having three... three minor children each, i have several brothers who are serving with me, who still, having all the grounds for dismissal, still continue to serve already 2.5 years, mobilization is now being carried out, is it necessary, obviously yes, or is it a moral and willful attack argumentation before oneself, does it exceed the one that was in 22, i think no, i think it is even a little lower, so here is the question... stories must be raised, it must be raised with the personnel, this should actually be carried out moral and psychological support, units of moral and psychological support, we have very cool examples of this, for example, we have the third assault brigade, where our colleague historian oleksandr alforov also works, he just deals with
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moral and psychological support, i know examples of brigades that are currently implementing... such and such units in themselves, and that is, well, such units exist, but they are not developed, that is , they are, according to the internal instructions of the armed forces of ukraine, but they are not developed to the scale to which they should , that is , you need to talk to the personnel why this war did not start on february 24, that is, i always correct the interlocutor, well, you probably also had this happen, but when the war began, friends say, this war began on february 20 on the maidan of the 14th year . and not this one from the execution of the heavenly hundred, but not february 24, 22, right? well, if we look deeper, then this war, as our colleague volodya vyatrovych says, is our century-old war, it started at the beginning of the last century, simply because of the fact that the ukrainian people's
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republic is such an entity, it ours is actually our truly ukrainian state, if you look at it from a historical point of view and we are talking about... the cossacks, then yes, these, these, these are ukrainian national entities, but still they are considered proto-states, and we already have the whole the state with all its attributes, etc then she simply stood across the throat of both white and red, but she was an orc, yes an orc, but well, she did not exist for long, this was the ukrainian state at that time, and... it existed for several reasons, first of all, there were some disagreements in the leadership, some were pulled there, others here, and secondly, the people themselves did not really want to go and fight, because they did not understand what they were fighting for, we still draw some historical parallels from time to time, you have the feeling that it resonates somewhere, or how
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we are different now, maybe we did some work on errors, i think so, well, that is, i am generally so zealous... bridge, and i think, and see, and know, and believe that we have done work on errors. the first point, which the unr lacked, we have, is support for the measure. the unr did not have this, that is , they, they were actually alone, there it is, and it was very difficult. if we take the entente itself, that is, france and great britain, they supported the white guards, and, if the whites, if denikin wanted to capture kyiv, because he explained to his allies. that kyiv is a city of the russian empire, well, they said, okay, well , like, well, it’s there and, now we have the support of the west, two: we have a really strong army, that is, we have, the armed forces of ukraine, not only the armed forces of ukraine, i don’t want to offend their brothers and sisters of the defense forces of ukraine, that is, because it is the national guard, it is
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the state border service, it is the security service of ukraine, the national police. we have really strong defense forces of ukraine, really strong, armed with high quality, maybe not all units are there to the end, but in the end work on this goes we have, in the vast majority, i will not talk about 100% there, but we have in the vast majority of the population awareness that they are ukrainians, they have the state of ukraine, and so to these... orks and ok, the russians, they don't want them here, and they don't want to see them, hear them, don't need their story. well, we can still talk about it, because not everyone, unfortunately, is so convinced of it yet, but, that is, we have a lot of winning things, we have a strong
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army, we have the awareness of ukrainians that they are ukrainians, they need this state, and we have the support of the west, unfortunately, all this did not exist in the ukrainian people's republic, that is, the propaganda of the bolsheviks worked very well there, the power was divided there, let's remember how we worked, like vynnychenko, then he ran away, then... he went to kyiv, only later, when konovalts' snipers defended poltava there, he did stay in kyiv, but before that he wanted to run away several dozen times and did he pack up the moydan, there were such things, now now we have much more prospects and much more more opportunities to defend one's state and one's right to exist, our conversation is coming to an end a little bit, i will tell you one more such moment from your biography, if you google volodya's name. virchak gives such information that i was born in 1881, i was very well preserved, yes, but your picture, and he writes
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that you are a ukrainian writer, a literary critic, a soldier of the ukrainian sich riflemen, er, this is a relative, this is a relative, but in him, well, first of all, that he is a distant relative, that is, i researched his biography, i have an archival and investigative file, because he was at one time detained in... was detained in prague, then imprisoned by the nkvd, but he and i, apart from the fact that we are relatives, we have several things in common, he is a soldier of the sss, i am a soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, in the two-two principle of two formations fighting for the freedom and independence of ukraine. he, like me, was once an archaeologist, he is, it is true, a cooler archaeologist than i, although i was also engaged in archeology, but i am not a writer, i am actually a historian, although he is also a historian. which there are, and we also have similarities, that we have the same ears, i really hope that in after all, his life ended tragically,
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tragically, that is, here too the moscow boot trampled and shortened the life of a person who could do something for this country, absolutely, i really want you to succeed in realizing all those plans that you still have, i know , what do you want... or is it that you are actually writing this book right now, yes, and what it will be about, announce it, well , this is actually a book, these are stories from, these are stories from the kgb archive, that is, this is the ukrainian 20th century and it , it's something we don't know, and it's something we know very poorly, maybe so, maybe yes, that is, it is from the way ukrainian nationalists cooperated with the british mi-6 special service, went through special forces training and were dismissed. on landing planes on the territory of ukraine, maybe someone doesn't know much about it, before the participation of jews in the ukrainian rebel army, so that one of them was
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actually a political consultant to the chief commander of the upa, and many such things about which we either do not know enough or not enough do we know if we can talk about any plans yet for when this book comes out, i think it's too early, it all depends on how quickly i i will work on vacation according to the state. and when the vacation ends in september and then back to the front, the front. volodya, thank you for this conversation, thank you for what you do both on the battlefield and on the battlefield, so ideological, returning to people the historical truth, of which you were the editor, and can still remain, not excluded, i take participation in discussions even, my god, how do you manage to do everything? it happens, dear friends, that our guest was volodymyr birchak, sergeant of the armed forces of ukraine, historian, archivist, head
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of academic programs of the research center of the liberation movement, and the editor of historical truth, and we talked with him about history and about the war, and about how history is, how to make sure that the history of our previous losses is not repeated. stick with espresso, thanks. to you that you were with us, my name is lesya vakulyuk. congratulations, the search for 17-year-old sashka ivanov from the donetsk region continues. the boy went missing in february 2022. before the war , sashko was in one of the boarding schools. of the city of donetsk, and on february 20, 2022, four days before the start of a full-scale invasion, all the pupils of this boarding school
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were allegedly taken to russia by the occupation authorities. grandma sashka, who lives in the territory controlled by ukraine and is looking for her grandson, told us about it. they took her out of donetsk on february 20th , they took her out at 8:13 a.m., they stuck her in the water and took many children there. this conversation with sashka's grandmother was recorded over a year ago. then she said that above all she wanted to find her grandson, and if... he was really taken to russia, then to return him to ukraine and take him into custody. the boy's grandmother also said that sashko, after he was taken to russia, he was allegedly in one of the boarding schools in taganrog or rostov-on-don, in the summer they were taken to yevpatoria. unfortunately, sashka's grandmother did not have any more information. then the boy's grandmother gave us this photo of her grandson, in which
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he is, as... you see, still very small. unfortunately, we didn't have any more photos of sashka, which made the search process a bit more difficult, because the guy is already a teenager and, of course, could change a lot visually. and here is this photo of sashka, where he is at least a little older cyber experts from the cyborg community helped. they gained access to the so -called dpr children of donbas official database, and there they found information about... shashka ivanov. here is his actual questionnaire. there is a photo of the boy, his personal data and the fact that he really was in the donetsk boarding school, where he was enrolled in 2020. so, the information provided by cyber experts is really important. at the same time, unfortunately, it is still not known where exactly sashko ivanov is and whether everything is okay with him. so we have a very... big one
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i hope that maybe one of you who sees this video will recognize the guy and help find him, and although it is possible that sashko was indeed taken to russia, it is still not accurate information at the moment, which is currently being verified, so i am asking absolutely everyone, if you know anything about sashka ivanov, immediately report it to the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 116 30, from everyone. calls to mobile operators in ukraine are free. also, it is possible that this program will be seen on the internet in russia. if you know anything about sasha ivanov information and you can confirm that he is really in russia, then write to us on the website of the child tracing service, or on our facebook or instagram. and i want to note that any information about the child is important in the search. so, let's not be indifferent and let's...
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together try to find sashko ivanov. so i request each of you, if possible, to share this video on your social media pages. in general, the deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide, so i would like to note that if you are aware of any crime against a child, in particular abduction or deportation, do not remain indifferent and report it to the police immediately, or report it to... ua, you can even do it anonymously. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcraim ua.
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news time on the spresso tv channel in the studio. kateryna shirokopoyas works. the russians killed two people in the sumy region, and injured three more. the enemy shelled the esman community with mortars, drones and mortars. two civilians were killed. the woman was injured, the regional military administration reported. one more wounded in glukhivsk community. the occupiers struck from drones. the russians attacked the swedish community with kababs. a local resident was injured. during the day, the enemy
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shelled the border region 88 times.


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