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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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teams for which we will collect a qr code. quickly, quickly scan it, even if you haven't reforged today, or this week, or this month, do it. our assembly is tested, and all this money will definitely go to drones and rebs for three brigades. let's take a break, come back and continue. in the third year of the war, the enemy wants to plunge us not only into darkness without light, but also into the darkness of despair. see how the ukrainian rear is speeding up the dream victory. special projects espresso: bright people in dark times, business. imperial tobacco is one of the largest producers of tobacco products in ukraine. the company says that the war was a great test. at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, it was necessary to completely rebuild logistics and focus only on the domestic market.
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the attack on russian thrones in may 2023 was a real test for the factory. the enterprise suffered significant destruction, but survived and continues to work. the liquidation of the consequences continues to this day. we drew up an action plan, because production, warehouses, and logistics, that is, the destruction was really quite serious. during this attack, none of the employees were injured, because everyone was in shelter. to date, the company has invested more than uah 50 million in the security of the state . has equipped its own bomb shelters according to all government regulations, as soon as we hear the alarm, we are here, we stop production and all our employees, we all go to shelter. over the past two years, the altobaco empire has retained all jobs and even expanded its staff by 70 employees. in addition, 40 employees joined the ranks of the armed forces. our company has made a decision that we will support our employees, we will keep the workplace, we will keep the wages and all those bonuses and all those.
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additional benefits that our employees who work for the company have. the company has created a program for the reintegration of veterans we are together to take care of employees who are demobilized. this program provides support for military personnel, veterans and their families, and the entire team of the enterprise undergoes training on how to communicate environmentally with demobilized colleagues. in august of this year , we also received the recognition of the company as a friend to veterans from the veteranshub organization. it's very, very huge. contribution, and our tools, our programs, they are defined as one of the best in ukraine. as noted, the company imperial tabako continues to overcome the challenges of the war and help ukrainians and the state. in 2023, the company paid uah 23 billion in taxes to the state budget, and next year plans to fully resume exports in order to attract ukraine currency revenue.
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the agricultural sector is one of the industries most affected by the wars, but ukrainian farmers continue to work for the food security of the country and the world with the support of big responsible business. the international company corteva agriescience, which is a producer of seeds and plant protection products, after the start of the... ukraine, of course, taking into account modern realities, as noted by top managers, the safety of employees is of primary importance to them. the plant has adapted since the 22nd year, works within the limits of all safety measures that we can provide for ourselves, including a complete shutdown and evacuation.
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personnel during an air raid, the plant is not working, we do not take risks, for us, after all, human safety is the highest value. the company directly supplies seeds to more than 500 farms throughout ukraine. our team, they go to the farmers, they talk about what they see their crop rotation, what crops they plan to sow, because at the farm level, a certain set of crops that allows is important. er, to get maximum yields, that is , it will not be very advisable to sow one crop there for several seasons from an agronomic point of view, so they communicate with farmers, in general, about their vision for crop rotations for the crop they will sow, then we already we offer based on their technologies, based on what kind of harvest they want to get and in which climate zones they are located, we offer the best set of seed hybrids that can meet their demand. another important
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vector of the company's work was charity and support for affected farms. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, more than 2 million us dollars have been directed to support the affected ukrainians. she also... became a partner in programs to provide seeds to small farmers from the most affected areas of ukraine, in particular, together with the american howard buffett foundation, so we distributed about 50,000 of sowing units, which made it possible to provide more than there i would say 150 00 hectares of land to sow there actually due to the fact that in this partnership we provided this writing material and another program with fau is food. and that un agricultural organization, and we, in partnership with them , provided them with 300 sunflower seed units in order to provide farmers in the dnipropetrovsk, zaporizhzhya and donetsk regions with their own seeds so that
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they could sow. with the support of the ministry of agricultural policy, the company implemented an initiative with soil inspections in the affected regions of the country. after demining , heavy metals that harm the human body may remain in the ground. so korteva offered farmers to make sure their land is safe. every farmer can send soil samples. according to the instructions we provide. for our part, we fully organize the transfer of samples to italy, the processing of the results there, the return of the results to us, the interpretation here in ukraine and certain recommendations in case of finding deviations in one or another way. materials or metals. company representatives they note, korteva continues to maintain the pace of business development in ukraine and help domestic farmers to get efficient harvests, even in the conditions of a full-scale war.
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there are discounts until the day of independence on... magne b6 - 10% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. sales progress from unpack tv. drill screwdriver pro. compact, light, powerful, will replace a huge number of expensive professional tools. assemble furniture, hang a picture or shelf, tighten almost any fastener, repair appliances and car and even screw a self-tapping screw into a metal profile. but it is not only a screw top, it is also a convenient and compact drill. it will cope even in the most difficult-to-reach places. the price is only four. order uah 399 right now and get flat and cross hardened bits as a gift. the profi works from a powerful battery built into the handle, and a special backlight will allow you to work even in complete darkness. the magnetized holder of the pro securely fixes
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the bits, and the convenient reverse function allows not only to screw in, but also to unscrew, even very tight fastening. order the profi screwdriver drill for only uah 499 and receive flat and cross hardened bits as a gift, call! over the years , the well-being only worsens, then the heart will catch, then suddenly the pressure will increase. take care of your health together with unpack tv, unpack safe pro electronic tonometer. order right now, while the special reduced price is valid, from only uah 499. tonometr safe pro is a modern model with a large screen that displays clear symbols: pressure, pulse, date and time. sound signal will notify about the beginning and the end. measurement, and the cuff of a universal size will fit the hand of any fullness, while you can measure the pressure without outside help, it is so convenient, and safe pro remembers the last 120 readings of pressure and pulse, while the date and time of the procedure are recorded, now it has become
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much easier to monitor your indicators, take care of your health now, order the safe pro tonometer at a special reduced price, only from uah 499, but hurry while the product is available at... unpack health with unpack tv, call! now i have a toothpaste that does more, lakalut active+ with plus active ingredients, i use it to overcome gum problems and bad breath, lakalut active plus with two-phase technology, actively fights bleeding gums and gives fresh breath. lakalut aktiv++ - an action that you feel right away, there are discounts until independence day on linex forte 15% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on baneocin 20% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. listen, in the pharmacy in it will improve everyone's condition, relieves spasms, helps gallstones, and wait, it contains coal, not black, bile, not sour, nettle, not
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stinging, garlic, not that, alohol, took it, alohol prevents gallstone disease and development of cholecystitis. stimulates the secretion of bile and improves digestion processes. alohool is a natural benefit for the liver and gallbladder. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at events in ukraine. so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head. no, not off the top of my head. but beyond it. and then who is china? i smell. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10. around 18:15 on espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws,
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but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? on these and other questions, which worry ukrainians, the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the program. legal examination on espresso tv channel. friends, we are coming back. there are still 14 minutes left before our gatherru ends. in conclusion, i want to say that listen, somehow it went and went and stopped. this is me about our collection, i don't know what happened, but the donations stopped coming and we got stuck at the mark in... 21. dear friends, don't ignore this qr code. the sooner we replenish it, the
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sooner our defenders receive drones and rebs we are collecting front-line systems for three brigades, and we have to collect a total of 3.5 million. even if you were not going to donate today, think about the fact that some 10 hryvnias will not change the weather, but they will definitely change the weather when a huge number of people donate those 10 hryvnias and eventually beg. this is our build and eventually our boys and girls will get drones and rap systems. well, in the meantime, while you donate, we will talk about money. oleg penzyn, a member of the economic discussion club, is already with us. mr. oleg, we congratulate you. yes, mine congratulations to you sincerely. mr. olezh, the latest news is that the international monetary fund gladly supports the initiative of the ukrainian government to raise taxes. and they say that this will improve the desire of our partners to support ukraine, we know that you are against
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raising taxes, are you in favor of withdrawing business, or not, what do you say about such opinions of the international monetary fund? no, wait, we probably sometimes misperceive the international monetary fund, it is a creditor, well that is... it is an international financial organization that gives money on credit, and its position in relation to the internal public finances of ukraine, this is the position of the creditor, and any additional revenues to the state budget at the expense of any internal sources, even at the expense of a sharp increase in tax pressure, will always be supported. be a creditor, why? because it gives the creditor a better chance of getting their money back. well, the international
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monetary fund is absolutely not interested in how many jobs there will be in ukraine, what the wages of working people will be, how much the real income of the population will be. he is interested in the budget had the financial stability to repay the loans it took, that's all, so let's treat the international monetary fund as a creditor, that is, why expect from it what it has never done in its life. i repeat once again, the international monetary fund is absolutely not interested in the level of development of ukrainian industry, it is not interested in the well-being of the ukrainian people, well, it is interested in having money in the budget, giving it to him, that's all. oh i'm sorry stay healthy the truth the plain truth the plain
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truth yeah so let's take those things in stride and that's all, but they still say that we can't avoid tax increases, the question is, well, volodymyr dubrovsky writes about this from the ukraine case, about the fact that, well, in these conditions , it is very important that when these taxes are increased, it is ensured justice and transparency, well, there is, by the way, research too. the price of the state is the project, which says that ukrainians, in principle , pay up to 50% of taxes on their earnings, and this... in fact, it is not a small price, that is, economic theory tells us that anything more than 40% of taxes is already demotivating does it actually declare people and drive them into the shadows? let me clarify, let me clarify one small nuance, you and i have high taxes on those who pay them
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. on my broadcasts, on my social networks, where i write my thoughts, i always try to explain to people that we have 40% of the shadow economy, that is, this entire burden, which theoretically should be attributed to the entire economy of ukraine, actually carries 60% , and the last 40%. they don't drag anything at all, but i am aware that there are no countries, c which there is no shadow economy, but a normal level of the shadow economy, well, that is , the drug trade, the arms trade is illegal, there are some illegal things that will never be seen, it is somewhere around 15-17%
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of the shadow economy, well, the economy is 15-17 and with those 17. 15% is actively fighting the law enforcement system, society itself is actively fighting, there are 40 of us with you, and even those who theoretically should be bright are in the shadows, well, look, look around you, well , we don’t know what that we have successful companies, who pay their employees minimum wage. and the rest is added in envelopes, we know about it, but god forbid, but everyone knows, we understand that those people who receive wages in envelopes are essentially a gray business, it is essentially a shadow economy, it is essentially, they are not they only pay a single social contribution to our pensioners, they do not pay taxes, from which there is
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nothing to pay our soldiers, so you are talking about donations. that stopped, sorry, please donate and can't raise the amount, you understand what a huge number of people in in principle, they do not pay taxes, from which these drones should have been purchased, you and i are constantly trying to replace our native state with ourselves, we must understand with you that these drones, these slaves, that's all, that's all, sorry, everything that we collect for our soldiers now must be paid for by the budget, we have all that we have to do, we have to pay taxes fairly and honestly in full, everything, everything last is the authority of the budget, which we place a shoulder under those donations, because the state does not there is enough money, and what is not enough, well, because
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the shadow sector of the economy does not pay additional 700-800 billion to the state budget, and they will not stop paying that amount. and one more point, if you didn’t add uah 100 to the budget, but donated uah 100, then in any case you stole 900 from the soldier, well, whether we understand it or not, that’s why when i see the proposals of our honorable government officials, there is not a single word about detenaization economy, but they raise taxes on everything that is bad, i immediately have a question, guys, i understand that in the process research. it is not necessary to examine it very meticulously, because then you can go out on your own, but that is not how it is done, because you are absolutely right that if the tax burden exceeds 40%, there is a very big danger that that person will go into the shadows itself, well, because the meaning
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of the activity is not lost, i say once again that 40% of our ukrainians don't pay anything at all... well, i'm not talking about some absolute exotics there, different things happen there, but , with which we meet every day with you, ugh, well, look, a person who received cash in the form of an envelope, then went to some, some left-wing pub, paid absolutely nothing there, does not have a single cash register, bought everything he needed, he completely removed himself from... his money from what the country lives on, from the mechanisms by which it is provided, well, you and i understand, and in the month of september he will not pay the wages of the soldiers. well, we managed, in the month of september there is nothing to pay cash receipts to the soldiers, and we are talking about 40% of the shadow economy, well
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this is how it looks, there is a good, okay, there is some quick way out, we have two, two or three minutes for an answer, two, er, there are always ways out, there must be political will. in order to implement it, this is, first of all, if there is a political will to just talk and not do anything, sorry, today, by the way, i congratulate you all on the day of the flag, we thank each other, that 's all years of ukrainian independence, all governments, all are absolutely fighting the shadow sector of the economy, please name me at least one government that did not fight, all are fighting, and that the shadow economy is powerfully winning, why, because in the process of research it is not... it is worth coming out to ourselves. yes please, economy booking is a very disgraceful thing, but as a way to bring a part of the economy out of the shadows,
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please, why not, why not, economy booking, legalize the wages you pay your boys or go fight or go to fight, or go to fight, yes, that 's all, since the month of may, since the end of the month of may, there are three draft laws lying around. not a single one has yet entered the session hall, there is no political one will, but there is a political will to increase taxes on everything, well not just on everything, on you and me, because the excise tax, the value added tax, and the military levy are not a tax on business, they are a tax on us and you , who is the ultimate payer of excise duty, value added tax, and military levy, and you and i are natural persons who legally pay taxes, we are a business. there he will have a cash gap, i agree, but he will then return that money from us, invest it in the price of the service, so it will turn, the flywheel of inflation will turn, well, i am simple, as viktor said
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penzenik, inflation is a tax that no one can avoid, first of all it concerns you and me, you and me, because business always sweats, i apologize, okay, mr. prey, thank you. oleg penzyn, a member of the economic discussion club, talked about taxes, whether to raise them, or whether it is better to bring the economy to the wall, but i suspect that they will go, our government will go the easier way. dear friends, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk worked in this studio for you today. finally, i will tell you an announcement, it is important, we let's return to this studio with andriy, tomorrow, at 8 in the morning, from eight in the morning, tomorrow. on the espresso tv channel for the independence day of ukraine, there will be a broadcast in the framework of which we have prepared such a special project called bright people in dark times, as
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part of this special project we will talk about people who make this country better, with weapons in their hands, about people who do i will make this country better in another way, there will be interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav shevchuk, serhiy plohiy, all this will last until the very evening, until midnight, and... oh at 10 p.m., don't miss the documentary 10 years of war, which will remind you of how russia's war against ukraine, in which we are still defending our independence, began. thank you, thank you for the 23k you donated today, stay with espresso because the ether continues. tired of a mess in the kitchen? constantly have to sort through a pile of pans to find the right one. you need the savory pro set, unzip the tv. savory pro pans
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fold into one another and take up so little space, and the price starts at just uah 999. set saivory pro is five pans from one to 9 liters with lids for any occasion. use them on the stove and even in the oven. made pans with a doposhko rack. savery pro stainless steel pans will serve you for many years, from now on, food is heated evenly, cooks quickly and does not burn, and how elegant they are, concise design and such bright colors, and the main feature - well-thought- out folding handles, store pans one inside the other, no more clutter in the cupboards, savory pro pans take up almost no space, therefore, your closets will always be in order. set of strul savory pro, 10 items only from 900. from 99 hryvnias. call, do you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy? then the new product from mattress market is just for you. meet the feather mattress dreamlight. perryina
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dreamlight mattress. smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds, it can be laid for sleeping simply on the floor, soft, comfortable, beautiful and so profitable, only from uah 499. ordinary toppers cost one and a half, two and even 300 hryvnias, and we offer you extra quality buckwheat mattress for only uah 499. the economy is incredible, soft, fluffy, hugs like a cloud, reminiscent of real grandmother's buckwheat. you no longer need to spend crazy money on... a new bulky mattress, from now on everyone can upgrade your mattress, you will get the same comfort in an incredibly high-quality performance, only from uah 499. profitable solution. the perina dream life mattress is suitable even for people with a large body weight, slips and deformations will not appear. the sperina dream light mattress provides an ideal microclimate during sleep, quickly dries, does not absorb moisture, is completely hypoallergenic. we use extra quality materials. the uppers are made of the softest of
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furniture, hang... a picture or a shelf, screw almost any fastener, repair machinery and a car, and even screw a self-tapping screw into a metal profile. but it is not only a screwdriver, it is also a convenient and compact drill, it will cope even in the most difficult to reach places, the price is only 499 uah. order now and get flat and cross hardened bits as a gift. the pro works from a powerful battery built into the handle. and special lighting will allow you to work even. in complete darkness, the magnetized holder of the pro reliably fixes the bits, and the convenient reverse function allows not only to screw in, but also to unscrew, even a very tight fastening, order the drill screwdriver pro for only uah 499 and receive flat and cross-hardened bits as a gift, call! over the years , the well-being only worsens, then the heart will catch, then suddenly the pressure will increase. take care of your health with unpack tv.
11:59 am
unpack the electronic tonometer. safe order right now, while the special reduced price is valid, from only uah 499. tonometer safe pro is a modern model with a large screen, where clear symbols, pressure, pulse, date and time are displayed. a sound signal will notify you of the beginning and end of the measurement, and the cuff of a universal size will fit the hand of any fullness. at the same time, you can measure the pressure without outside help. it's so convenient. and safe pro remembers the last 120 pressure and pulse readings. why is the date and time of the procedure fixed, now you can monitor your indicators it's much easier, take care of your health now, order the safe pro tonometer at a special reduced price of only uah 499, but hurry while the product is in stock, unpack health with unpack tv, call, there are discounts until independence day at valeriana bolgarska, 10% in pharmacies plantain for you and save, there are discounts until independence day on templegin pills 10% in
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pharmacies. travel guide to you and savings. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. rescuers retrieved the bodies of the two victims from under the rubble destroyed house in kharkiv region. this is a 61-year-old man and a 59-year-old woman. at night, the russians hit the village of boguslavka with a guided aerial bomb.


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