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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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as well as to the world community, that we are ready for any aggression from countries that are not our neighbors, and we will retaliate with a blow that will certainly not please either the belarusians or their leader, mr. general, during the last, probably a few days of the last week , for sure, we see successful strikes by ukrainians on distant points on the airfield without... this is as far as the murmansk region, then warehouses with fuel and fuel at the marynivka airfield in the volgograd region were destroyed, today we see how a ferry in the port of kavkaz was struck, 30 tanks flew into the air, the fuel that the russians were trying to transport to the occupied crimea. what about the number of weapons
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of our own weapons that can reach these points is increasing, it is obvious that foreign analogues are used in strikes, well , how effective is the strike directly today on the ferry kavkaz, just in simple examples, 30 wagons, if there were 56 of them there a ton of each wagon, that is relatively speaking, practically... fuel is 300 refueled russian tanks, we did not give 300 tanks the ability to support our troops, this absolutely correct course, i said about this course since the spring of the 22nd year, that it is necessary to burn their fuel and energy system, this is the main task, because any army without refueled equipment is not an army in the sense of modern management. war, so
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the more we burn, the easier it will be for us to fight, the more russian tanks there will be, the easier it will be for us to win . thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was serhiy krivonos, major general of the reserves, former first deputy commander of the sso, as deputy secretary of the national security council. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live, please subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether an interfaith dialogue between the ocu and the uoc is possible, yes, no, on youtube is quite simple, either yes or no, if you have a separate opinion, please leave it in the comments under the video, if you watch us on tv, take it in your hands smartphone or phone and vote on the numbers 0800 211 381, if you think that interfaith dialogue between the ocu and the uoc is possible, no - 800 211 382. all calls to these
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numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have viktor shlinchak, chairman of the board of the institute of world politics. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. thank you, mr. serhiy, for inviting me. well, let's first talk about the secret nuclear plan of the united states america to contain china. western press about that. the new york times reports that in march, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, approved a top-secret nuclear strategic plan for the united states of america, which for the first time reorients the american deterrence strategy to china's rapid expansion of its nuclear arsenal. the fact that this secret plan, the nuclear secret strategic plan exists, and there is no talk of... the existence
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of the same plan for russia, does that mean that the americans put all the dots of hope in communication with moscow regarding the possible use of nuclear weapons during the russian-ukrainian war? in my opinion, it is very interesting here now to see when exactly the message appeared and this article appeared, that is, if this is the plan. was indeed agreed upon and passed, it is clear that someone in the biden administration was interested in this news being presented in this particular context, and there really is no mention of russia at all. this means that the united states of america is confirming just that china is leaving. the main adversary,
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geopolitical adversary for the united states of america. i do not rule out that it was sounded, including in the context of the election campaign. because, as you know, trump is constantly talking about the fact that china is actually our main strategic enemy, and here the biden team in this case could have played ahead with a similar message. over the last week , we have heard several statements from alexander lukashenko, the self-proclaimed president of belarus, that there will suddenly be some kind of threat to belarus or... for the union state, which he considers russia and belarus, then our hand will not waver and we will reach for the red button there, why would we - said lukashenko, it is not clear, because nuclear weapons, even if they are on the territory of belarus ,
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after all, it is ruled by russia and moscow, to what extent can these threats coming from lukashenka's mouth be considered... a warning to the western world, maybe putin is speaking through lukashenka's mouth? indeed, here rather than anything else, putin is speaking to the established lukashenko, but whatever you say please note that literally today lukashenko spoke the same thing with the prime minister of china, he said very clearly: we are like nuclear countries, that is, he refers to himself. now to the nuclear countries, i.e. he believes that the placement of russian weapons on its base instantly includes belarus among these nuclear countries, it is clear that all these threats cannot
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be considered separately, they are in the context and they are in the context of russia, because it is such a hello from russians. this is unequivocal, but the russians today, led by putin, have gathered and, i mean, putin is with the governors, and putin said that on the night of august 22 , the ukrainians almost got into kurskus there, advancing in the kurdish direction. in your opinion, can russia resort to provocation when it fires, it will itself fire at the kursk nuclear power plant. some of the people there have already been resettled, more than 100 thousand 130 thousand in the kursk region, and others they will simply sacrifice in order to stop the offensive of the ukrainian army, because it is not known where the ukrainians can go, and a strike on the as by
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the russian federation can give them an excuse talk about what you see, what ukrainians are doing on the territory of the russian federation and appeal to the world community, well... actually , they talked about this scenario last week, you remember that there were statements that ukrainians were preparing the so-called dirty bomb, and thus the ukrainians are actually going to launch it at the kursk as. today's statement has already been considered by several analysts, including western ones, as another one. fake and it is clear that putin's position is simply to escalate everything he can, and this, it comes out in that, just in that a situation where he really cannot
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make a decision very quickly, how to act, what to do with the kurdish region, what to do, how to transfer troops to the territory that they... missed, what to do with those people who did not report about the possibility of such a situation, that is, now they say some things, well, very emotionally, and these things, unfortunately, sometimes affect our western partners, well , not quite in the way we would like, let's say this, well, by the way, about our western partners in 20... the 24th meeting of the contact group on defense of ukraine is to be held in in the ramstein format on september 6 at the airbase of the same name of the american armed forces in germany, and can we say that our
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western partners during the kurdish operation of the armed forces of ukraine saw that russia can be weak and russia... can be the one that poses a danger to everything world precisely because of weakness, because putin does not feel control over the russian federation. that putin does not know what to do, what to do when a foreign army attacks the territory of the russian federation, can we expect decisive steps from our western partners, in order to speed up the end of the putin regime as soon as possible. you know, i sometimes get the impression that they are at the same time afraid of the collapse of putin's regime, because a year ago... when there was the so-called prigozhin campaign, i
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remember how many representatives of the west were shocked by how really , how weak the power system in russia really is, how it can quickly crumble in just a few days, and it seems to me that this uncertainty and this state, when they cannot... predict what might happen next take place in russia, they are much more concerned than that ukraine can really show significant results on the battlefield now, unfortunately for us, because they believe that an uncontrolled russia is an even worse russia than that , which is now, that is, they believe that in this case putin is still able to control everything in this country, and in fact, when we saw these footage,
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when putin went to chechnya, this is another such signal of the west, because they constantly appeal to this, but imagine, they say, if kadyrov has a nuclear bomb, well, that's it there will be, they say, a monkey with a grenade that will run even more around the world and there will be even more threats. and instead of thinking about how to take away nuclear weapons from russia, how to even raise the issue of russia's demilitarization in the future. in the west, unfortunately, they are afraid to violate the regime that currently exists in the russian federation. but you mentioned this visit of putin to chechnya, don't you think that... putin is trying to find some support from ramzan kadyrov and from the kadyrivites,
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the akhmatians, who are not ready to fight there, or well, at least to demonstrate that they are ready to fight for putin against the background of the obvious dissatisfaction of the general corps, some of which were either dismissed or some got there to butsygarny, and the fact that... putin is now trying to bet on the fsb, which controls the situation in kurdistan, and there are kadyriv troops who can be a support for him not only in the war against russia and ukraine, but also in the internal struggle, when this struggle can begin. well, first of all, it seemed like a great humiliation. putin big the tsar goes to kadyrov to ask for help, and it was a big flirtation,
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because not only to kadyrov, but also to kadyrov's family, you saw that he met kadyrov's mother there, watched how kadyrov's son was engaged in shooting and and some things like that, well, that is, some more familiar things, and i think that he was very uncomfortable, i think that he was. was uncomfortable for several reasons, the first being that he is now in a position where he has to admit that he has very few allies inside the country, and who can he rely on can be relied on, that is, if the general staff, excuse me, clicked through this korsk operation, then the question is first of all to the main intelligence agency, what... are they doing there, the question is of course to the general, to the head of the general staff, the question is to
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how the rebalancing is happening now forces in the ministry of defense, against this background he is really trying to find at least some kind of support and is going to chechnya not only to shake hands with kadyrov there, but really to... get a lot of support, i think that kadyrov is bargaining as much as he can, there is a big conflict, by the way, between the towers of the kremlin and... just the kadyrovs exist in relation to business, and i think that we will soon see how the situation will develop, kadyrov kadyrov will not lose his , and the second point is that everyone read it very correctly, that instead of putin going somewhere closer to the demarcation line, well, no one
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will take him there, of course now to korsk, and in order to deal with precisely these issues, he is traveling, he is trying to push the problem, at least it is so virtually, for that, no, not to be associated with any failures that we observe around the world around this kurdish operation. and against this background, the president of the czech republic peter pavel stated that the war in ukraine will continue until there are enough forces to convince both sides. that military instruments cannot achieve their political goals, he said on czech television. let's listen to what peter pavel said? alesyn seems to be sleeping already. i'm more of the opinion that in a few years both sides will realize that it is impossible to continue and negotiations will take place. in particular,
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world powers, not only the usa, should make a significant contribution to this. as well as china and push both countries to negotiate politically, economically and diplomatically . another world power that peter pavel did not mention, but still india was and remains an influential player in the world market and in the asia-pacific region, the prime minister of india naradera modi and narendra is coming to kyiv tomorrow. give modi a gift, and one of the issues that will be discussed by modi in kyiv, as expected, is the possible peace between russia and ukraine, by the way, this is the first visit of the prime minister of india, during the time of independence , the president of india was, but the prime minister was not in
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ukraine. in your opinion, can modi play an important role, a mediating role? the peacekeeping role between russia and ukraine, i will still say one remark about peter pavel, because not all his predictions, despite the fact that he is a combat general, come true, i remember how he said last year, everything that ukraine will be able to recapture in until 2020 the beginning of 2024 will belong to her, everything that russia will be able to recapture until... until the beginning of 2024 will also belong to her, as we can see, now the dynamics of the front have changed dramatically, and this is now such an operational space, unfortunately, for and for our enemies, but it is already an operational space for us as well. as for the prime minister of india, well
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, you know that this visit is already... regarded by many as an apology visit, because when modi was in russia, on that day , rockets flew to kyiv and this shelling of a children's of the okhmadytva hospital took place on the very day when modi shook hands with the dictator putin, so first of all, it seems to me, india wants to keep it here. its status quo as a neutral country that prefers not to get involved in any of the conflicts, prefers to take such a neutral position, and you know that even at the peace summit that was held just over there a few months ago, india did not sign any
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documents, that is, it expressed the position that ... she has that she stands aloof from such a conflict and cannot judge either parties, so i don't expect any such breakthrough, let's say, positions from the indian prime minister, uh, i think that what was said today in poland, uh, it's more so for uh, well, let's say for... the ukrainian public, which is expecting at least some good signals, but i repeat, this is more of a visit of courtesy and a visit of apology. thank you mr. victor now. again, it was viktor shlinchak, chairman of the board of the institute of world politics. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on ours platforms on youtube and facebook. for those who
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are now watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we are asking you about whether an inter-confessional dialogue between the ocu and the uoc is possible. yes, no. if you have a separate opinion that goes beyond the unequivocal answers, please write in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on 0800 211 381 if you think the interfaith dialogue between the two churches is possible, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free. next, oleg sahakyan, a political scientist, co-founder of the national platform of stability and cohesion, will be on the air. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. my congratulations are also reciprocated. mr. olezh, let's start with this spiritual independence, as volodymyr zelenskyy says, which ukraine is gaining these days, after
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the law on limiting the activities of religious organizations associated with the aggressor country has already been adopted. a soft version of branch displacement roc from ukraine, because there are nine months from the beginning of the law, and during these nine months, the church, the main church, which is considered affiliated with the russian federation of the uocp, must decide how to live further, according to of this law. the head of the state service for ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience , viktor yelensky, explained how, according to the new law, the connection of churches with the russian federation will be determined. i will quote mr. yelenskyi. the law expressly stipulates that the leaders of the ukrainian orthodox church can submit a statement... that the uoc is leaving the russian orthodox church, the bishops are leaving the episcopate, synod, and synodal commissions, if it does happen, this
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connection will be established, then the religious organization will be issued a corresponding prescription, in which it is said that the organization must take certain steps in order not to be part of the russian orthodox church, well, everything seems to be clear, but for me in this situation it is unclear how for 10 years in ukraine... 10 years of war there is a church that headed by a member of the holy synod of russia onufriy of the orthodox church, because the uoc is trying to convince everyone that they have nothing to do with the russian orthodox church, they say, we held our synod, we, we have autonomy and so on, but it turns out that onufriy was and remains a member of the politburo of the russian orthodox church, well... and besides the fact that he is a member of the politburo of the russian orthodox church, as they said, he is a member of the synod, here you can say, and in fact in the uoc they often say, that we do not influence what moscow does,
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they enrolled us there , but at the same time we have not heard from them their position on the annexation of their dioceses from the occupied territories, which the russian orthodox church directly subordinated to itself, the destruction of the laurels, which was under the... subordination and use of the uoc mp itself, as it is more correct to say in essence, or the russian orthodox church in ukraine, and many other things, including crimes that are not found their answer from the uoc, if so, then only the entry of the russians into their account as part of them, but also the steps of the episcopate and the leadership of the uoc have also repeatedly demonstrated that they do not break their ties and... do not burn moscow, bridges with moscow, trying to keep for themselves possibility to sit on two chairs. this draft law, it is really historic in its
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first symbolic part, that the ukrainian parliament found votes for such a decision. and everyone perfectly understands that, first of all, it is aimed at separating the ukrainian orthodox from the russian occupation from their clutches, in which they... fell centuries ago, and the historicity of this decision precisely as a political one is difficult reassess, but despite this, if we are talking about the bill itself, then of course here historicity is somewhat less and not in terms of criticism, because if there was a different bill, it could be harmful, because this bill is not the end of the road, it is only the beginning of the road, and nine months is only a part, in which they have... to get their documents in order, fulfill the orders, after that the legal proceedings can begin. yes, it is a long time, yes, it is not a radical decision, but in a democratic state, where...
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the state and political power cannot ban a church organization by a political decision, the state must create a mechanism, and here the draft law created, first of all, it legalized the assessment of the relationship between a religious organization and a spiritual center in another state, because before that we had a service for freedom of conscience and ethnopolitics, and it even has examination, but it was just a legislative examination. for external and non- juridical, which has no force. currently, they are given the opportunity to give this allowance, prescription, that is, such an examination is legalized, which can now establish whether there is a connection or not, what is a canonical connection, because lawyers do not can do, it can only be done by professional theologians who know church law and work with it, it is no longer about secular power, the judicial mechanism is then established, so that later
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this a... cannot be canceled, not even through the european court of rights person, for example, appealing to freedom of conscience and religious freedom, nor use it against us in the united states or anywhere in other countries to discredit ukraine. therefore, it is a long, slow way, but it is the only possible, the only correct way for that this decision was really implemented qualitatively. and the third point: apparently , the nine-month horizon is not for nothing. we already see how the minimum... and two hints that this is not to punish, but above all to stimulate and create some pressure and demonstrate that the situation will not roll back, not even after the war , not after the new elections, no, it is already like that, and it must be decided here and now, otherwise the pressure will increase. at the same time, mr. epifanii appealed to the uoc to to start a dialogue and still establish that
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dialogue that rejects the whole. the time of the uoc leadership. in parallel with this, we see that the delegation of the ecumenical patriarch has arrived in ukraine. and they are also the celebration of independence day and for the establishment of inter-spiritual dialogue, for the healing of the wound of division. actually, what thomasy was provided for. this is also a second hint to us that, judging by everything, this decision was now necessary in order to stimulate part of the clergy and flock of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, or uoc, mp, or. just uoc, as anyone wants to name, in fact, here you can argue and prove that in essence it will be more correct or not, but in order for them to decide on their own position, because the state of ukraine is absolutely indifferent, is it a church organization, or is it a public organization based on interests, conditionally a union of ornithologists , is represented in all regions, or is it a network business that sells laundry detergent and something else that has representation in regions, cities,
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etc. "if such a network, if such a legal entity is saturated with russian agents at the systemic level, engages in connivance and with the help of the enemy, if a number of traitors, agents of influence, citizens of the country of the aggressor are listed among it, according to the literature and many other data, then if something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck, for the state it is a matter of national security" besides , whether it is a religious organization or not, whether it is a christian organization or not, because in our country the same situation exists in other religions as well, in our religion scholars know each other, they joke that we have a muftiyat of the moscow patriarchate, and because in us and in islam has certain connections with russia, we in the jewish world also have certain difficulties and under-the-carpet battles there, and
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thank god, the russian factor is less, but still... present, i am not talking about neo-religions and certain , which are popularly called sects, although this is not a completely correct explanation, but mr. oleg, you are right, and in the second part i completely agree with you that there are organizations that are under the control of moscow, which perform a certain task, especially during war, and here is the question, you say that on the one hand we a democratic country, and on the other side we have a war going on. and we understand that if there are organizations that are hostile to ukraine, then they simply should not wait there for nine months or there for 90 months, if there is a threat to national security and defense from any organization from any organization, then its activities can be stopped there or by the ministry of justice or the council of national security and defense, as was the case with the parties that were banned by the opzh and the shari party, among others. and
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since it was excluded from...


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