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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EEST

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religions and certain and what are popularly called sects, although this is not a completely correct explanation, but flows, but mr. oleg, you are right, and in the second part i completely agree with you that there are organizations that are under the control of moscow , who perform a certain task, especially during a war, and here is the question, you say that on the one hand we are a democratic country, and on the other hand we are at war, and we understand that if there are... organizations that are hostile to ukraine, they simply should not wait there for nine months or there for 90 months if there is a threat national security and defense from any organization, from any organization, then its activities can be stopped there either by the ministry of justice or the council of national security and defense, as was the case with the parties that were banned opzh and the sharia party, among other things, since
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medvedchuk's tv channels were taken off the air, i.e. why here, well, there is no sequence, that we can also go down this road, proving that it is not a religious organization, that it is an organization of moscow's influence on the information space and ukrainian society. as for me, yours the question is absolutely correct in the first part, now the situation is reversed in the fact that... in our country its activity is prohibited, and i, for example, do not fully understand that a significant part of this activity could be done at the expense of the special services and actually due to the detection of specific agents, not isolated cases, systematically and en masse, in fact, we understand that not everyone has been reached, and actually the organization is not as terrible as the terrible members of the organization, if the organization does not have members infiltrated by russian agents, then in in such a case, there is a sign there, you are not there.
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it is not so scary, but it is obvious that they are walking on two parallel paths, and in each of them they are taking small steps. regarding the very prohibition of the possibility as an organization, here there is a specificity of a religious organization, and this specificity is primarily international. religious freedoms are protected in the world very seriously, let's say, and very consistently, above all by the united states. so it happened that with che'. even during the cold war, during the reagan era, in the united states, there was a religious theme introduced as one of the sacred cows of their foreign policy, not only domestic, because it was beneficial in terms of resistance to communism, and the united states itself adopted a whole series of norms that regulate the introduction of automatic sanctions and restrictions for the american government in cooperation with countries that violate rights of religious organizations, religious freedoms. will be, etc., and this is done
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according to formal signs, i.e. even without particularly discernment inside, and why, and how, what motivations, well, such were the times then in the middle of the second half of the 20th century, a very tough confrontation with communism, which carried atheism, and in this way mechanisms were created to restrain a number of countries from the spread of communism precisely through the west along the religious vertical, there is such an institution under the congress, which every year makes its reports and monitors the situation simply by quantitative and formal indicators, and there is one in the state department, there are even two of them, one under the legislative power, the other about the executive power, and if we are talking about the commission under the congress, then if it issues red flags proportions, even just formally, then even the president of the united states will not be able to stop the restrictions that will be introduced, and we will explain for a long time that no, we are fighting the fsb, we are fighting others, but this will cause extremely serious damage to us, even from the point of view of defense, because a whole series of...
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cooperation projects on the provision of weapons, etc., they are thus by means of manipulation in the united states, i am not talking about public opinion, about the mag conglomerate, the so-called trumpists, so what, among what ideas we have here orthodox christians are being eaten and christianity is banned in general thanks to musk, who throws up and tucker carlson, who is scattered by the propelli man, this, i apologize, is info excrement, it is clear that this opinion has quite actively settled there, and russian propaganda. has worked for decades actually creating this, so unfortunately we have to proceed with extreme caution, even at the expense of our national security, because otherwise the negative consequences for us can be extremely serious. i do not say and will not reveal this topic now, but she has more its section is generally orthodox and, let's say, orthodox politics at the level of the ecumenical patriarchate and world orthodoxy in general. it is not for nothing that the delegation has come to kyiv.
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because russia is now very actively using this factor to undermine world orthodoxy, and ukraine's case is now becoming a winner, particularly painful for bartholomew himself. because russia is sawing the legs under the chair on which he sits, and for his protégé , the potential future patriarch of constantinople, in whose case is actually the provision of ukraine tomos, i mean mr. bishop of chalcedon, that is, there is also a geo-religious history there, let’s say, which has its own projection, so i would not be surprised if in the next... months we will still hear certain initiatives from the phanar, some of which may be it is even perceived somewhat controversially in ukraine, because i think the dialogue will be stimulated and stimulated in completely different ways, because this is already an issue that goes beyond the scope of the interest of ukraine only,
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but affects a whole number of international actors at once. mr. oleg, what is the reaction, or what the consequences of this decision can be? from the side of the moscow church from the kremlin, because for them part of our church is the basis of the russian orthodox church, it is clear that the most parishes in ukraine, orthodox, which used to be part of the russian orthodox church, what, what will putin do and what he can do ? they can make provocations, they can attack the orthodox. the russian church in ukraine can make other types of provocations, including political and socio-political ones, but i think that our special services are ready for such scenarios, because this is a very predictable situation, everyone who is called on the pencil knows perfectly well what and who can do and how, but more in
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the structure of the uocp itself, a large number of people take a pro-state position, and actually they are from the inside , let's say, may not allow. such things, due to the fact that the part that is simply pragmatically cynical, let's say, internally conjunctural, it will be afraid to do this, and the part that is openly pro-russian agents and those who can act in the interests of russia, it still there are a minority, albeit a dominant one from the point of view of influence within the ukrainian orthodox church, so i think that russia will not succeed in such provocations, and why does it hurt them, because... without the ukrainian orthodox church, the moscow patriarchate loses the main thing, its only, its only argument, which they always used the world map of orthodoxy, they always said: we are the largest patriarchate in the world, with the largest number of parishioners, but if we take
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the structure of the moscow patriarchate, then we will see that more than half of their a parish, this there were precisely... ukrainians, precisely ukrainian parishes, because the level of religiosity and the spread of orthodoxy in russia itself is quite low, in the entire far east the orthodox have long since yielded to protestants, the entire south of russia and the center of russia yielded to islam a long, long time ago, only in the european part of russia , orthodoxy remains dominant, but again, if we take the proportion, the number of... converted people, then we will understand that they are quantitatively smaller than the number of orthodox and churched people in ukraine, so for russia it hurts a lot. thank you, mr. oleg, it was oleg sahakyan, political scientist, co-founder of the national platform for stability and cohesion. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, and throughout our
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broadcast we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether an inter-confessional dialogue between the ocu and the ukrainian orthodox church is possible. let's look at the results of the television survey. yes, 82% - no. on youtube, we have a ratio of 22% yes, 78% no. i remind you, friends, that until august 24, espresso is preparing a special project bright people in dark times, interesting stories about heroic people, interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav shevchuk, serhiy plokhy and much more. and already at 10 p.m., the documentary 10 years of war, on independence day, on espresso, from 80 am. until midnight, be near. this was the verdict program, congratulations serhiy rudenko, i say goodbye to you, take care of yourself and your family, goodbye. when you sleep on an uneven
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20% in travel bam pharmacies and savings. there are discounts until independence day on carsil tablets of 10% in pharmacies psyllium you and save. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening on espresso. people who choose independence, people who inspire by their own example, people
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who bring victory closer. volodymyr boychyn, the chief doctor of the nizhnyosirovka dispensary, personally traveled to sumy to collect medicine from the volunteers. on one of these trips, doctor boychyn had a shootout with the russians, who without hesitation shot his car. fortunately, only the car was damaged. we cannot be defeated as long as there are such people, bright people in dark times. a symbol of our struggle. he is in military formation, on the front lines, on the liberated ukrainian lands, symbol of native home. he is in children's drawings, at concerts, rallies, over our cities and villages. the personification of victory and a better future. the personification of freedom. state flag. ukraine is our native country.
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greetings, i'm olga len, these are chronicles of the war and let's go. without further ado, let's move on to the combat map, see what has been happening on
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the battle line for the past week. map of hostilities for the period august 14-21. the russians gained a foothold in the pokrovsk agglomeration, occupied new york and are losing kurshchyna. the enemy again intensified the attack on pokrovsk, increasing the number of attacks to a record 347 in a week. this enabled him to break through. a few more of our strongholds and occupy a low force. offensives on turetsk and ughledar were also a priority. the rashists plan to surround these cities and gradually implement their plan, but on... instead, they themselves got into several encirclements in kurshchyna. the occupation of new york and the battle for toretsk. unfortunately, the rashists managed to occupy new york almost completely in a month and a half, which allowed them to approach turkey, not only from the east, but also from the south. it is obvious that in the near future they will try to develop success in order to cover the city from the east as well. battles are currently taking place here
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on the southern and eastern outskirts of the village of nelipivka, which covers turkey from the south. in addition, the enemy will try to collapse our defenses in the area of ​​the villages of panteleimonivka and oleksandropil and move along the road to kostyantynivka. however, they are currently trying to enter the southern outskirts of panteleimonmonivka and drive a wedge between the ukrainian defense redoubts in these villages. in turkey itself, the line of defense continues runs through the central street and the two terekonas that rise above it. the frontal attacks of the rashists did not yield results. and that is why they are trying to bypass the terekons from the north, breaking through the main dzerzhinsky street, simultaneously expanding their control over the villages of severnye and druzhba, thus trying to surround the city from the north as well. the battle for turkey may become one of the most decisive in this war, because its results will affect many other areas of the front. the battle for the pokrov agglomeration
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has begun. the enemy managed to break through all of them our... defensive lines, which were created in the pokrovsky direction. the russians successfully used the gaps between the rivers and bypassed first the vovcha river, and then the zhuravka. this enabled them to get close to the first cities of the pokrov agglomeration and begin their assault. on the other hand, the pokrovsk agglomeration, which consists of five cities and a number of villages in three districts, had a population of 385,000 before the war. this is not an easy target for the russians, which they... will be able to capture from the jump. the battle for pokrovsk can last many months, or even more than a year. now the enemy was stopped 10 km from the city. the offensive on grodivka continues for the second week, but without progress. therefore, the invaders began to bypass the city from the south, advancing along the zhurafka river, captured the village of the same name and approached the outskirts of krasny yar. however
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, a system of water barriers awaits them here, and therefore the offensive slows down. rashisti nova will be looking for cracks in the ukrainian defense, probably near novogrodivka, or further south. currently, their offensive is directed mostly to the south, where the russians still have an advance. here they are occupied zhilanny mykolaivka and entered novozhelany and the covenanted area. and they also completely pushed out the defense forces from the left bank of the vovcha river, north of the karliv reservoir. in karlivka itself, the armed forces of ukraine have been holding the defense for several months, not retreating at all... however, a blow from the northern flank, from where the russians are advancing, moving in the direction of kalinovo, could be a threat to them. if the enemy is able to break through our defenses in the area of ​​komysivka and kalinovoy, then the zsu will have to withdraw from karlivka and occupy new positions along the front line ukrainian and selidov. the threat to
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the ugledar's environment is becoming more and more real. as expected, last week the occupiers succeeded. cut the road near the village of kostyantynka and approached the southern outskirts of the village of vodyane. also, the enemy has several more areas north of vodyanyi, where he can potentially cut this route and create a threat to our defense, even from the other flank. in general, currently ughledar still has a road that provides the main supply, but it is only 7 km in a straight line, and this is already a significant danger for the defense forces. on this part of the front, on the other hand, russian resources are on the verge of exhaustion, and their offensive is gradually fading, especially considering the situation in russia itself. buffer kursk region. as of august 20, ukraine admitted that it controls 93 settlements and 1,263 km2
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of territory in the kursk region. the kursk operation has already justified itself by 200%. however , smart. in its continuation, new horizons and prospects appear, even more prisoners, even more killed and even more territory between the diet and the psl. instead, russians are fleeing, at least 120,000 have already fled on their own, more about 60,000 were evacuated by the authorities, which is approximately 18% of the population of the kursk region. the fsb is fully evacuating the population of lhovsky and ryl districts, as well as partially in three other districts of the region. in... the eastern part of the front of the armed forces of ukraine, they tried to expand it and enter the belgorod region in the area of ​​the villages of dymidivka and kolotylivka, but here the russians have many troops and well-developed logistics. therefore , both attempts failed, however, further west, the situation is better for us: southeast of suja, the defense forces continue to advance along both banks
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psel river. the russians report the ukrainian presence not only in divination, but also in huria and bilitsa. the russians made the most attempts to counterattack along the kursk highway, in particular between the villages of velike soldatske and martynivka, but they finished. failure, instead the armed forces develop an offensive on the e-38 road, rylsk-kursk. she is the key to the transfer of russian reinforcements to the north of the front in kurshchyna. however, the entire route is fired by the artillery of the armed forces of ukraine. and our drones are actively working on it. so there is a high probability that the ukrainian military will soon will take to the road somewhere between rylsk and lhov and cut off logistics. where exactly this will happen is currently difficult to predict, because the armed forces of ukraine are moving to the north along the route to lhov and parallel to it through villages and cross forest roads, for example, recorded strikes by russian artillery on
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the villages of zhuravli and novoselivka, and therefore ours there, instead, our artillery is already hitting lhovo, where the railway station was recently hit. even further to the west , ukrainian troops not only entered korynevo and pushed the enemy out of the central area part of this settlement. and also bypassed it from the south and from the north, taking the road to rylsk under fire control. from the north, the armed forces of ukraine advanced through the villages of olhivka and vitryno and entered tolpinsky, located directly on the narilsk road. from the south, they occupied the villages of snagost, apanasiyivka, and began the battle for komarivka. earlier, the armed forces captured 102 russian soldiers, in particular from the akhmat special forces in the area of ​​the checkpoint, in the village of gordiivka, and continued their movement. along the border, probably in the near future the russians, who found themselves surrounded in korynevo, or will surrender, or they will be destroyed, because they will not
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be able to escape through the sejm, which is spread out in these places. in the end, the defense forces created a large trap for several thousand rashists, on an area of ​​250 thousand km, who were surrounded between the ukrainian border and the seim river. for this, air strikes of the armed forces of ukraine. destroyed three bridges across the diet in the villages of karizh, zvane and hlushkovo. attempts by the russians to build pontoon bridges also end in the destruction of equipment that tries to cross them. russian troops in tetkino and other checkpoints on the border found themselves in a stalemate. they retreat they cannot, and there will be nothing to fight soon, so we expect that the entire glushkiv district will come under the control of the defense forces in the near future. how did it happen? on the territory of the russian federation between the border of ukraine and the seim river, northeast of tyotkino. despite all these losses of military territory, the russians are in no hurry to transfer troops
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from donetsk region to kurtshchyna. currently, they plan to recruit five to six battalions from other directions, mostly from kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast, zaporizhzhia and kherson oblast, as well as transfer troops from kaliningrad. like putin set the task of ousting the armed forces from the territory of the russian federation by october, but it is unlikely that they will succeed with such support, we are winning daily, death to the enemy. yes, this is the situation, and we will talk with anatoly khrepchynskyi, he is the deputy general director of the company for the production of electronic warfare equipment and an aviation expert. we already have him in contact. i congratulate you, mr. anatoly. congratulations. you know, let's maybe start with a drone attack on moscow, here it is now. called as if the largest in general of those that were once, 11 as if the russians say that drones were intercepted somewhere and something like that, and tell me how it
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affects in general, how it fits into the general strategy of our active actions, because well, drones on moscow in parallel, we constantly saw before that, somehow, there were strikes on oil depots, other objects, but there were no drones for moscow for a very long time, why suddenly now? let's start with the fact that, in fact, if we are talking about strikes on moscow, then we are talking about the possibility of striking such productions as tactical missile divination, these are those who manufactures rocket means, manufactures npc modules for guided aerial bombs, we must also not forget about the important chikalovsky airfield, which is located in the suburbs of moscow, and it is the airfield where the majority of transport planes and passenger planes are located, on which the command system can be relocated. in the armed forces of the russian federation, and also there is a doomsday plane on which putin can leave moscow in the event of a nuclear threat there, so in principle i would
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note here that there is actually... a large number of such targets that need to be destroyed, of course, the main target is tactical missile armament, which is located in korolevo, and it is this enterprise that produces missiles of the x101, x555, x69, x59 class, these are the missiles that fly in the direction of ukraine. uhu, and by the way, about these missiles, you already started talking about them, an interesting thing happened here also yesterday, commander-in-chief. at the congress of local local authorities made public a whole series of interesting data, and in particular regarding missile and uav raids on ukraine, according to he called such information general, since from february 24, 2022 to today, 12,000
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different missiles were fired at ukraine. missiles, oh, different ones, no, that’s 12,000 expressed objects, half of them civil infrastructure, half, well, about half military, the russians used 9.5 thousand missiles and almost 14,000 drones for strikes, and that’s the most interesting thing , what is there, this is actually how our air defense forces destroyed, that's all, and he indicates that, for example, for... for x55101 iskender calibers, the percentage of damage is 67%. for x-59-35-31 missiles, it is 22 in total percentage of damage to them. regarding drones - 63% damage to missiles. well, and so on, there are even such types of missiles, there is point v, iskander, which have only 4.5% damage. and after all the
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s-300-s-400 air defense systems, which are already working directly near the front line, there seems to be only 0.67% damage, what conclusions can we draw in general from these data that syrsky made public, such that can be useful and interesting, and well, what this data can indicate, this data can be used to encourage our western partners to provide us with more help, regarding these data should be noted directly. that these data were collected for the entire period, i.e. first of the full-scale invasion, and for the period when we did not have any air defense systems, except for our own old soviet ones, and here it should be noted that the classification of missiles here must be actively separated, separated combine, cruise missiles, it is necessary to separate them according to missile classes, ballistic missiles must also be disconnected from cruise missiles and different types of ballistic missiles, the same kha-22s must be disconnected from
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iskanders and other means, therefore... the principles are actually put together here into a general system that needs further explanation because actually, first of all, there were no air defense systems that could intercept ballistic missiles, and we have very few systems that can intercept ballistic missiles now , and they must be increased, secondly, we must remember that it was difficult for us to intercept the cruise missile at the beginning of the massive shelling due to... we did not have any more modern system that could, that would significantly improve our capabilities . now we, if we take the last periods, then it should be noted here that we had times when our western partners did not have time or did not transfer to us the means of destruction, that is, missiles for these air defenses, so it is important here to show this analysis to our western partners, to explain that from they should...
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we should demand more, because they can provide help, and definitely thank countries like denmark, the netherlands, they are actively helping there, and the united states and britain are actively helping, but in any case, we need to understand and continue to communicate with our by western partners about increasing the possibility of providing air defense means, and about the possibility of using long-range missiles on the territory of the russian federation, i.e. increasing it. graphs of application and increasing the nomenclature of application, because we have good examples of the application of complex application, for example, air-based and ground-based missiles at such airfields as bilbek, for example, including the occupied crimea. we saw the effectiveness of the integrated approach, and what was the result, and it is also necessary to work on most russian airbases in order to...


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