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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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[000:00:00;00] it will be interesting to watch the spresso tv channel tomorrow, and stay on the channel, we will return to the studio in literally 15 minutes. at the rendramody in kyiv, the prime minister of india came to ukraine for the first time in all the years of independence and called for a dialogue with russia to... end the war, we are talking about this visit on the bbc live from london, i am evgenia shedlovska. speaking about modi's visit to kyiv, several circumstances must be taken into account: this is the first time the prime minister of india has visited ukraine, and this is how he was greeted at the kyiv railway station. modi he came on the eve of independence day, on the day of the national flag, he came from warsaw, and for the polish authorities, his visit was also important, we will talk about this a little later. in general,
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the leader of india is interested. be friends with european countries and at the same time cooperate with russia, buy russian oil and weapons. just a month and a half ago, modi was in moscow, meeting with putin, when russia struck the ohmadit children's hospital. then modi said, his heart breaks when innocent children die. but he did not see russian aggression condemned today in kyiv, modi spoke about that meeting in the kremlin. he told putin: problems cannot be solved on the battlefield, dialogue is needed and... both sides will have to sit down together and find a way out of this crisis, i want to assure you that india is ready to play an active role in all efforts for peace if i can personally join in, i would like to, i assure you as a friend. and about the need for peace, dialogue, naren ramodi spoke earlier, in general, about russia's war against ukraine, india
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remains neutral, but watery. helps russia economically, buys more oil from it since the beginning of the full-scale war. modi is trying to balance between the west and russia, says delhi sukhasini columnist haidar. india and russia have honest ties, very strong, traditional ties. prime minister modi's two-day visit to moscow resulted in bilateral agreements between the countries. on the other hand, the ties between india and ukraine are not so long and deep, but the prime minister modio after his trip to russia. made it my priority, i think, first and foremost to to show that india may not have balance when it comes to relations with russia and ukraine, but it certainly wants to maintain the appearance of balance regarding the russo-ukraine war. you will remember that india has so far not openly supported either side, constantly saying that it is on the side of peace. pm modi says there are no winners on the battlefield. he wants dialogue and diplomacy, but does not criticize russia for invading ukraine. and during the last years, he did not talk so much about
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ukraine. when ukraine sent to india special request to participate in the g20, the response was not positive, so there is no doubt that modi and zelensky have a lot to talk about. still, the embrace between the two seems to indicate that both kyiv and delhi are ready to put aside the mutual recriminations that have piled up over the past month and discuss how they can work together. over the past two years, ukraine has repeatedly sent requests for assistance. india sent about 15 batches. humanitarian cargo, tents, blankets, medicines, clothes, etc., and ukraine constantly stated that wants support for reconstruction, for indian companies to supply things like telecom towers, they were destroyed by russian shelling, also asking for medical equipment for hospitals, construction equipment, equipment for recovery work, this is what delhi is delaying so far, and there is hope , that during modi's visit to kyiv, these issues will move from a standstill and move to another level. not so long ago, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro koleba
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, visited so in kyiv, they hope that after his visit, modi's position regarding specific requests may change. of course, among the priority requests is for india to join the peace process in some way. this is again something that india has not done before. even in june, when the peace summit was held in switzerland, india sent a low-level delegation there, not a prime minister, not a minister, but a delegation from the ministry of external affairs, its representatives participated in the summit, but did not sign a joint communique. india is very clear... that any peace process must be between russia and ukraine, meaning that both sides should sit down at the negotiating table. india actually wants to distance itself from this. whether india can really play a bigger role is uncertain. we certainly did not see any signs of this when prime minister modi visited moscow. the ukrainian authorities hope that india will still join the communique of the first peace summit, president zelenskyi said during the meeting with modi. however,
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this has not happened so far. and the practical results of this visit were the signing of four documents on cooperation in the medical, agricultural, humanitarian and cultural spheres, as well as the office of the president issued a joint statement of the countries on bilateral development. relations, that is, to briefly summarize all 32 points mentioned there. olena bordilovska, an employee of the national institute of strategic studies, talks about what the results of the fashion's visit to kyiv mean. thank you for joining the broadcast, how do you evaluate this visit, what did president zelensky gain from it, what did modi gain from it. thank you for the invitation, i would look at this visit much more optimistically, for all of us. this is a very iconic event as you are right pointed out, this is the first visit of an indian prime minister to ukraine, independent ukraine in general, this is a visit that takes place during the war, it is also very important, and finally, this is a visit that took place after the visit to moscow, and
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which demonstrates the same neutrality of india, her position, the traditional, classic position of indian foreign policy, we saw it, then... that is, it is really an opportunity to talk with both sides, the visit was announced as primarily bilateral, that is , to support and develop bilateral relations, and indeed a lot was discussed different spheres of cooperation, and this is positive, in the morning we greeted the indian diaspora and ukrainian indologists with joy at the rendromod, he met with children, students who study the indian language here and... received a lot of such messages from ukrainians during these short, but very important meetings, there was a huge team of indian journalists working in ukraine who arrived a few days earlier, and we were also able
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to convey our messages about how much peace is needed in ukraine, but peace not at any price, but peace on fair terms, and therefore from the discussions that took place about the peace formula and the possibility of its implementation are very important. the visit was short, but longer than expected, so the talks were a little longer, and then we heard the results at a press conference from the minister of foreign affairs, dr. jay shankar, here in kyiv, and he said that although they thought, they planned , that it will be more of a discussion of bilateral relations, but in fact most of the time of this visit was still taken up by mr. talks and exchange of views on ways to achieve peace that it was said that india is not a direct mediator and narendra modi does not assume such a role, but
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will contribute to the achievement of peace in ukraine if necessary, that is , it is not just these statements that we have been hearing since 22 -th year, about the fact that now is not the time for war, this, as i understand, is in more detail. speaking of certain clauses of president zelenskyi's peace formula, where india has already begun to contribute and is already a participant in the negotiation process, from the 22nd year, in fact, today it was openly said that these are both negotiations on nuclear security, and that food security, and these are humanitarian issues, and of course the return of children, and these are all very sensitive points for us, which i discussed with the president at randramodi. during visits to the memorial, well, during the negotiations, but at the same time india is interested in cooperation with russia, yes, in particular to buy cheaper oil, india buys half of russia's weapons from those it imports, so what can
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kyiv do to change this ? well, first of all, it is not quite so, not half of the weapons anymore, once it was even 70%, today it is only 35. india is very active in diversifying its cooperation in the field. with different countries, and by the way, this is one of the goals of the trip to fashion renderings in poland, where the focus was on cooperation in the field of vts, to replace some separate contracts with the russian federation. india is very closely following our war, our new technologies, in particular drone technologies, and is showing interest in cooperation with ukraine in such fields, that is, air defense systems with ukraine are also possible. and as for oil, this is also a bit of a manipulative question, because in fact we know that india buys this oil and pays with russia not in currency, not in dollars, yes, because it is forbidden, it does not violate sanctions, but with its indian
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rupees, which lie in indian banks and are further used for the benefit of the indian economy, it invests in indian projects, and does not go to war with russia against ukraine, that is , in fact here too, well, not everything is like that... bad, let's say, and if we talk about this visit, modiy did not go to bucha, as other leaders do, but he immediately visited an exposition dedicated to children , who died during the war, as much as it was symbolic. during his visit, it was very symbolic, because we know and remember that during this interrupted, by the way, visit to moscow, due to the shelling of okhmadit, modi frankly told putin during the last press conference that it was impossible to watch , when innocent people die, especially children, that's why i think it was planned and this memorial of the victim, it was the children, the victims of this war, it was very important, and... considering that the visit was very short, only - it's only half a day, so
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it's still possible to get to buchishche it was just a logical step, let 's say, because the visit was very carefully planned, and even he was delayed a little, anyway, because he wanted to stick to the plan of this visit, i think that was exactly what made a huge impression on narendramod , visitor. thank you, mrs. olena berdilovska, was with us on the air. how india pursues a balancing policy between the west and russia. this was said by adam easton, a bbc viewer in warsaw, commenting on narendra modi's visit to poland. for decades , india followed a policy of non-alignment foreign policy, it also refrains from directly criticizing russia for its unprovoked invasion and war against ukraine. but many experts consider. modi's visit to poland and ukraine as a way to restore
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balance in relations, to show the world that modi is committed to maintaining strong relations with moscow, primarily through strong business ties, and on the other hand, these visits are a signal that india ready to cooperate also with the west, so they try to balance, to maintain this policy of non-alignment that they follow for decades. polish prime minister donald tusk spoke about india's role in possible peacekeeping. process and that he and modi are united in their vision of how important it is to respect the territorial integrity of countries. and tusk also said that modzi personally assured him that he would take part in, as he said, a quick and fair end to the war in ukraine. but of course poland would like india to play a role in this process, but it remains to be seen whether india itself is ready to play a direct role in any peaceful negotiations it was fashionable in poland. how to come to ukraine and for poland, this visit was also significant, the first in several
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decades, but whether india will get what it wants, this is what anastasia pilyavskyi, a researcher from the institute of indian studies at king's college london, said on the air. in recent decades, the leader of india has not visited either poland or ukraine, so these are historical events. of course, modi's visit to russia is part of the balancing act. he tries to maintain a flawless off-block strategy, but this also... part of his policy is to make india a global player. he develops connections that never existed. india has never had strong relations in eastern and central europe, or ties that have been weakening for decades. in poland, india is seen as a successor to china, as part of the indo-pacific region of the 21st century. india will, of course, play a leading role in this. polish companies that came to china in the early 90s and made huge profits from it are now looking at india as the next possibility. therefore many investors are lost there. modi has repeatedly said, and his
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office has repeatedly said, that he has no intention of acting as a mediator. he has said he is for peace, but while turkey, china and a number of african countries have come forward with peace plans, india has not, and he said he will not. there are rumors spread by bloomberg, which is known to have repeatedly spread kremlin narratives that modi will deliver a message of peace from putin to zelensky. i don't think this visit is about that, it's about... driving business, it is about strengthening and deepening trade ties, strengthening military relations, studying the ukrainian experience, developing low-cost high-tech military defense technologies, and also about borrowing poland's experience in transitioning from soviet military aid to nato, which india wants to do quickly. and there was no information about the allegedly brought message from putin during modi's visit. read more about the visit of the prime minister of india on our bbc website. ua, how india's prime minister modi wants to facilitate negotiations
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zelenskyi and putin's results of the visit to kyiv. well, with that i bid you farewell, until monday. congratulations, friends, the second part of the program is live on the espresso tv channel. verdict, my name is serhii rudenko, and for the next 45 minutes we will be talking about the following. stones from the sky all over. russia: ukraine inflicts devastating blows on the infrastructure and logistics of the enemy deep in its territory. how does russian society react to the return of war to where it came from? under the control territories of the russian federation. the armed forces continue the operation in the kurdish
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direction. why does moscow not ask for humanitarian corridors to take its citizens out of the war zone? prohibition of the moscow church. the parliament of ukraine passed a decision on limiting russian religious influence. how will all this be implemented? we will talk about all this during our program. and to remind you that throughout our broadcast today, we are conducting a survey. we, your friends , are asking about the following: will the transition of the uocmp parish to the ocu be accelerated after the approval. verkhovna rada of the law on religious organizations so, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or your own separate opinion, please write in the comments under this video. if you watch us on tv on a smartphone or phone, vote on 0800 211-381 if you think that
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after the verkhovna rada's adoption of the law on religious organizations, it will speed up. progress of the uoc mp parish to the ocu, if not, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote, i want to present today's guests of our studio, these are my colleagues, this is kateryna nekrecha, journalist of radio svoboda, mrs. kateryna, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, colleagues, and marina danylyuk ermolaeva, journalist, political observer, media consultant. the author and host of two youtube channels of show business and centronet. mrs. maryna, i also congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. greetings to all of you and the viewers of kanaluso. because ms. we ask our tv viewers and viewers whether they think the transition will speed up
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parishes of the uoc, mp to the ocu after the adoption of the law. let's start with a quick poll of what you think about it. let's start with kateryna. i want to wait and see how this law will work, because probably the number of parishes, well, for a certain number of people in those who serve in these parishes, the decision was already made even before how the deputies voted for such a law, and now there are nine months, and nine months are for all connections, various parishes with the russian orthodox church to stop like this. that is, it seems to me that it is necessary to wait and see how it will work, because i, as a journalist, have many questions about how effective this law will be in general. maryna, it seems to me that it is very important for ukrainian society to work on itself, and it is not a secret that we will have a lot of holidays in autumn and winter, including church and
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religious ones, and ukrainians should decide with whom they celebrate them , and you shouldn't finally read what a tablet... your temple, which you like to go to, but colleagues, don't you have the feeling that the nine months that assigned in accordance with the law adopted by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, this is too much in conditions of war, when it comes to an enemy church and an enemy agent, decisions should be made much faster, especially in conditions when one of the churches associated with the russian orthodox church is headed by a member of the holy synod of the russian orthodox church, that is, the ears of the russian orthodox church stick out in this church, although this church says that it is the ukrainian orthodox church, and there is no relation to the moscow church, or should the state in the conditions of war
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work harder with those who are connected with the aggressor state, kateryna, the realities are really what you are talking about. it was mentioned about the great russian-ukrainian war and the threats are considerable, in such a situation it is obvious that the state can act radically, more quickly, if it feels that there is a threat, this is an interesting moment, i talked in the interview, we talked on the air with nikita poturaev, who is the head of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy, and we spoke with him just after the adoption of this draft law, well there already there is already a lot of law. well, there were many such difficult situations, servants of the people, for example, they tried to convince some of their deputies to support this draft law, mr. nikita said that he personally... he had conversations with representatives of the shul, with some deputies, who are, for example, parishioners of this church, who doubt, well
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, that is, some part was convinced, some part was not, this is such a very difficult issue that cannot be solved in one go, as we understand it, yes, but for sure same there were also negotiations, as we know, about whether it will be 60 days or 90 days , well, that is, in 90 days in principle. some connections can certainly be hidden if desired, before this law came into effect, we also saw how the sbu conducted its work and found those clergymen of the opcmp who cooperated with russia in one way or another, and that is, some work was carried out, and now, as far as these nine months will be effective, because all the headlines in the news were what, the council there finally for... banned the uoc mp, but in fact the temples were not closed, the plates have not been removed, the service continues, that is, it is all very painstaking and delicate work, and
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the commission must now check and determine whether there are any violations, any concerns, maybe there is a suspicion of some connections with the russian orthodox church, and then to proceed with this, with all this evidence , go to court already, and the court will already make one or another decision, that is, it is a very ... serious procedure, we also see examples when there are clergymen from the uoc, mp, well, they are not mp love this set-top box because they don't think they broke connection and they say that they have severed all ties with the moscow church, so this is what is happening, and it turns out that in fact people who wanted to go to the orthodox church of ukraine have already done so, even clergyman for example, the head of the pechersk lavra, he did it, tauraamiy, and in principle the time was for it, and
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as a colleague said, that in principle people who already wanted to read the tablets and change something in this sense, for whom it is important, they also they did it, and there is a part of people, for what is this fundamental question, who in their communities, where there are not so many different choices of churches, where there is a priest in some village or in several villages, who is... a clergyman of the uocp, he is the leader of this community, people listen to him not only on religious issues, and if he does not want to, then what, and if he does not cooperate with russia and it is not proven that he cooperates with russia, then what will be listened to, i do not know whether the commission will listen to the sermons there, or there are some political games like that, russian aggression, probably, that is, it is a very delicate work, and indeed, if people in the communities they... they will not begin to pay attention to this and will not change their opinions, and it is obvious that many will not
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change this opinion, the effect may not be it will be, marino, what do you think, will it not be the same with this ukrainian orthodox church of mp, as kateryna rightly said, they do not like it when these two letters are still delivered, because they consider legally, it is a ukrainian orthodox church, there are no problems , but... won't it be like that in nine months we will see that there will be uoc, uoc o, uoc, ua there, or some other there, some letters will appear, well, how opzh turned into a platform for peace and life. ooc mp, here it is very important to leave this prefix when we name this group, it hopes that these nine months of postponement will give it an opportunity to raise the issue. and then maybe the country will get involved in the pre-election process, and let's be honest, in our
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country representatives of certain churches, and especially the uoc-mp, were very often such vip agitators of one or another party, well yes historically, it happened that very often the services of this party and this church were precisely used by pro-russian parties, communists went to this roc church, and opzz. also used active services, so and so there, how to see who did not vote or fell on a dead fox, pretended that he was not in the verkhovna rada, at the time of voting, there are a lot of such characters, such as, for example, serhii lyovochkin and his friends , who for many years used this opc mp in their interests, but look here, there is an important moment, it is 2024, we are already in the third year of full-scale war and... the 11th in general in the russian war is no longer working, whether i want it or not, and i want us to treat any
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denomination, parish, church as a service, eh? it's a certain product, it's a certain service, and accordingly you have to evaluate whether you like this service or not. you know, there is such an analogy that arose in my head: we like to eat borscht, but we are ukrainians and it is our national dish, and here you go to one establishment, to another, to a third, and you will not eat the borscht that you like not tasty, in v which is simply painted with red water and does not have the vegetables and meat that we are used to seeing there. and so the pcmp has this kind of fake borscht, which they offer us under the guise of such true orthodoxy, they very sincerely hope to somehow make it to this point, so that later the attention of ukrainian society is, for example, directed to some specifics of the peace negotiations with the russian federation until the question is, in what form will ukraine remain after certain hostilities and
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diplomatic negotiations there, that is, they hope for it, plus you... you probably already noticed, that the uocp was very actively involved with its fans and its lobbyists in the verkhovna rada, in such a game, for example, it was very interesting how the former governor of the kyevocher lavra, pavlo lebed, played a show that he was so sick that he fell ill there and lost consciousness right in the courtroom, we 've seen it all before, you know, it's very much like a picture from the bible. when jesus christ expelled the pharisees from the temple of the lord, there the pharisees also pretended that they were sick martyrs for great faith, in fact, all these priests who remain in the ooc of the mp and very often, very often work as collaborators and gunners, i strongly advise you to constantly pay attention to the news that
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the sbu gives in this matter, they have no right to be called clergymen. and telling ukrainians how to live is very, you know, frankly unpleasant for me, because the average lover of this roc church in ukraine is usually an older lady who, unfortunately, had a very difficult young life, with whom the connection was broken very often with her relatives, and here she finds comfort in this uoc church, this is russian orthodoxy, as such... very literate sect, it knows how to process such people and sow thorns in their heads, and then do not be surprised when these ladies bring home what pip from moscow told them, about the fact that we and russia are on the same page, we have nothing to share, we have one faith is orthodox, without delving into the details, but what is there really, well, it is a very
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big problem, and of course in this situation it will be necessary to monitor... the reaction of moscow, because for moscow, for the russian orthodox church, the existence of the uoc mp - this is an important element in their orthodox strategy, because without these 10,000 parishes, or how many there are on the territory of ukraine, more than 900, that's for sure, the russian orthodox church looks very weak, and it is clear that the existence of... the russian orthodox church, because the russian orthodox church wants to annex not only our territory, but also our history and our heritage, including the orthodox heritage, and simply appropriate both volodymyr the great and what happened over the last few centuries in
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ukraine in general and in general in from the very beginning. of the ukrainian state, well, we will actually monitor the reactions of the russians, because we have to do our own thing, but we must understand that this network that currently exists in ukraine is a huge orthodox network, it has allowed and allows russia for a long time, apparently restrain or hold er and not give us this spiritual independence that we aspire to, which volodymyr zelenskyy spoke about. another topic, my dear colleagues, is the topic of events in kurshchyna, we see how events are developing there, and we follow how russian cities come under control and and villages under the control of the ukrainian army, already more than 90 settlements are controlled by the ukrainian army and more than 1,200 square meters
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are controlled by the armed forces, but in this situation the most interesting thing that happened in... during the last


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