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tv   [untitled]    August 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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three years, we talk on august 24 on fm halychyna and listen to independence hits. happy birthday ukraine. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and worry you. a special complex of active substances of dolgit antineuro helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuro helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness in the limbs. capsules doolit antineuro. helping your nervous system. there are discounts until independence day on detoxyl tablets. 15% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings congratulations. now russian propaganda is literally trying with all its might to tell that nothing is happening. that is, all that is... this is, you know, a new
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stability, the ukrainian armed forces have entered the territory of the kurdistan region, this is a new stability, that the war is already going on in the territory of the kurdistan region, some new drones have flown there to moscow, this is a new stability, that drones are steadily flying to moscow, and putin himself is also actively pretending that in principle, all this is unimportant, what is important there, well, in baku to meet, it is important to travel around the regions, to open a hospital there, all this is not important, it is important that there is stability, and this is the new stability, it looks like this. at night, a large attack by ukrainian drones was repelled, 45 of them, in general, the situation at night was different from that of the previous day, and the main one... was moscow.
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it was filmed in podolsk, a city near moscow. residents heard the first explosions at three in the morning. then these sounds were repeated every 15-20 minutes. in total, according to the ministry of defense, 11 ukrainian drones were destroyed near moscow. the mayor of moscow, serhii sobyanin, said that this was one of the largest attempts to attack the capital with the help of drones in all time. three more drones were destroyed. further from moscow in the kaluga region, well, more than two dozen were destroyed in the border regions, 23 over the bryansk region, six over the bilhorod region, two over the kursk region, well, even though there is such a new stability and drones are flying stably and there are many of them now, that’s all well, you know, there are some things that are a little confuses even russian propagandists, when... drones somehow fly very
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far away. today, russian anti-aircraft vehicles shot down a drone of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​the polar village of vysoke. it is in the murmansk region. according to one of the versions, it could be the olenia airfield, which is used for the departure of russian strategic bombers. as for murmansk, what did olesya tell the drones? something i don't like. good news? of course. the murmansk uav is ukrainian. good news? yes, of course. can i be more detailed? this means that we do not wait for the weather near the sea, but we can also where ukraine is not lying nearby. and the bad news is that their drones somehow reach the murmansk region. well, you see, that is, one propagandist can always tell another that this is all good news. but the even better news is that... actually, not
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only do these drones fly, they hit, well, for example, they hit a beautiful airfield, and this airfield, although the russian news does not talk about it, is beautiful it's on fire, and the local residents are really delighted, they completely smashed it, they broke it to pieces, as they started beating on it. and they are still smashing it, it is a serious tragedy, very serious things happened here, and they are still ironing it, everything burns, everything goes up in smoke, everything explodes and everything is still exploding, everything. in october
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, nuts came to the airfield, these are very serious things, a small fire started in the field, in general, our pepeo fired hits on... the airfield is gone, these are all new hangars, just now everything took off, everything flew into the air, well, this is the voronezh region, in my opinion, after all , it was burning beautifully, and you see, well, there are no hits, of course there are no hits, they just stopped the drone at the airfield, this happens, it is especially gratifying that you see, there the new hangars also burned down, and that's great. and even more so, and not only there, they have been unable to put out a fire at an oil depot in the rossov region for the fifth day, the fifth day, and perhaps the most ridiculous thing in all of this is that they finally attracted such serious forces that something
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to solve this, and the priests of russian came of the orthodox church, right next to this airfield , they stood there with an icon, they started to pray there, well... because they are the last ones somehow, and what, what else to stop drones, what else to stop such things, if not priests, well , they stood there, made a mistake, and how do you think it ended? it ended with new explosions, that is, those tanks that had not yet exploded, after this visit of the russian priests, finally also exploded. ochmani it's fierce all the way here, we're running away from here, and there's a hook for all the guys who were there, everyone to the boys, but not everything has burned down yet, the cisterns are still intact, no one is there, no one
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is extinguishing anything there, but this kind of stuff is so nice and fun, well, what can i say, well , after all, they came to pray for it. .. somehow it ended, well, the base must end, everything will burn out, it will finally end, against this background, i will tell you, of course, the only such reassurance that russian propagandists have is that, after all , only drones are flying to moscow for now, and rockets are still they don't fly, and that's the only thing that somehow makes them so they are trying to tell now, this is great, i consider such a step for the eyes of all 10 years of war. what can they say now about the fact that it doesn't matter if some drones flew over there, something blew up in russia, it's important that the missiles don't arrive, i think that when the missiles finally arrive, they will say, well, the missiles arrived, but look, they hit only military
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objects, or rockets flew there, well , it's normal there, it's okay, you have to get used to it, rockets also have the right to fly, well , they'll come up with something like that, but for now, i i say they are happy that the rockets have not yet arrived, they are not afraid of us, they have lost their fear, this is a contradictory statement that they have lost their fear, but we objectively have a reason to think so, because they are afraid, they would not be afraid, they would have long ago everything was allowed, nato troops would have been there a long time ago and rocket attacks would have been shot down not only on the border territories, but also on the moscow region, so far this is not the case, well, again, you see, joy is only hitting the border areas... in the moscow region there is no, well, perhaps, it should be to say that this is a temporary phenomenon, well, that’s a different story, it still continues in the kursk region, and it’s interesting how much the russians are trying, russian propagandists are trying to show there, they invented a whole myth that 810 separate
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guards came there the marine infantry brigade from sevastopol, well, it must be said, it is essentially based on the brigade that betrayed ukraine in 2014 and went over to the side of russia with a slightly incomplete squad, and now they are throwing them around, and it is so important that she was brought to the kursk region, it turned out that she was there they sent solovyov, they sent all their possible propagandists there who filmed this brigade, and for a week they have been telling and showing what happened there a week ago, there is nothing new, they are showing old footage. they show old equipment that has been standing there for a long time, they show all this, which was very old, about how beautifully this 810 brigade fights, and you know, since it is every day they show this news,
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somehow it went a little unnoticed, that the 810 brigade had already managed to break up there, and it was sudden yesterday it suddenly became clear that regarding... the 810th brigade of marines, by the way, it is true that they suffered huge losses. in war, it happens, unfortunately, even experienced military personnel die, without it there is no way. tomorrow at 19:00 in the central squares of moscow and sevastopol , an action will be held, where everyone can come and light a candle in memory of the dead. well, as usual, these fresh shots appeared yesterday, boys in panties. today, august 21, we have two friends from the drg of a group from the kurt direction.
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if you suddenly think that it is somehow they stopped the russian propagandists, no, they are still showing today, the same as it was a week ago, this footage from a week ago, the 810th brigade, fighting heroically, repulsing everyone, winning, well, you see, it doesn’t match , let’s put it bluntly, with reality, well and at such, you know, a difficult moment, when such a large number of drones flew to moscow of all time, only putin probably guessed that such drones would arrive, because he went to baku in good time, first, and then on terribly important affairs in kabardino balkaria. putin is now in kabardino-balkaria, the president came to the village
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of hermenchyk to visit a garden farm, the president studied the harvest, in june putin was interested in whether russia would be without apples due to frost, and today he personally checked how many are being harvested in the country. yes , apples, somewhere else 200 grams, there is a package hanging like this, of course, he is not only looking at apples, putin went there, although these apples are not easy either, again, this is all, you know, in these strategies of putin to show that there is nothing nothing so extraordinary is happening, you can just go about your business, moreover... today, when putin convened another meeting on the situation, as
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they say, in the border regions, no one said that there was a war going on there, just some the situation, well , some kind of situation arose there, something incomprehensible, such a situation, so for some reason he gathered the heads of these regions to talk about this situation, as if the head of the region should stand there himself and stop, i don't know, the ukrainian military force there. that's a lot fits well with the fact that putin is actually trying to pretend that this is a problem exclusively of the leadership of these regions, but there is a war going on there, well, it is a problem of the governors of kursk, bilhorod, and probably bryansk regions as well, and as you saw, there are a lot of videos now, in which people from these regions complain already, and in ukrainian as well. journalists that they were abandoned by the local authorities, putin knows nothing,
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so it seems that they are the same , after looking at all these things, that is, in fact, this there is that kind of propaganda product that is pushed to the russians that it is all the fault of the local authorities, putin knew nothing, although putin constantly gathers them and talks to them, why with them, why not with the minister of defense, why not with ... zolotyov, the head of the russian guard, why, in the end, there, well, not with the fsb, they have a counter attack there, as if it were a terrorist operation, well , the fsb is responsible for it, no, putin is not talking to them there for some reason, he is talking about economic issues with the government and with the heads of regions, and the population is completely fine with it, that is, they also start doing something nice. that the local authorities abandoned them, and the fact that the war had started there, well, no one knew, did not expect, and why it happened, we don't know, literally,
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we don't even have a suspicion, how it happened, well, that's the story, and that's it in addition to the fact that he went there, he emphasized with these apples that these were some economic issues, there is another nuance that he also emphasized, that he went to the so-called cemetery of angels in beslan, and he went there then in... for 20 years, because he went to the place where the actual terrorist attack happened, when, well, chechen fighters came, seized the school, and killed many people. and putin hasn't been there for 20 years and suddenly came there for what? again to show that in another region, look, here we had a terrorist act, and in kursk there was exactly a terrorist act, and it's okay, we'll overcome it too, look, here we've already overcome it, it's true, there very interesting when he spoke to the mothers of those children who died in the school of witches because he beat him
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putin, also very specifically, that is, they started storming the school, a bunch of children died, at least... the opportunity to simply hold negotiations and somehow come to an agreement there, no, they didn’t do anything, they stormed it, and putin, when he said there, died 136 children, 186 children died there, but it is clear that for putin , 50 children there, 50 children here, well, what is the difference, and he told all this to the mothers so directly, so that they understood that it was literally some small thing, and so he also went there, knelt there, that's all, to emphasize well, it’s the same situation, and where else did he go, he went to chechnya, where for some reason he rushed to kiss the koran, which in general was very strange, because a person of some gender who has no relation to the actual, well to this faith, and which says that it is an orthodox person constantly tearing himself, why he kisses the koran, well
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, it is unclear, on the one hand, it is also unclear from the point of view of the orthodox, and it is also unclear from the point of view, well, it is essentially, well you know, this is some kind of desecration of the koran, because it is kissed by a person who is not to orthodox believers, let's say frankly, well, it's a strange story, but, if you say so, in fact , it seems that he went to chechnya exclusively to meet with kadyrov's family, because even this, as russian propagandists said about it, gives the impression that he is there i just didn't meet anyone anymore . the supreme commander-in-chief was shown the skills of target shooting by his son, kadyrov's son adam. the head of his security service shot down all the targets from the american rifle on the run. the evening ended at the home of the head of the chechen republic. putin and kadyrov sit down together in the aura of the president.
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putin's cortege is going to his family village along putin avenue. together with ramzan kadyrov goes to his father's grave next to putin at this moment akhmat kadyrov's cousin. in these shots, i am speaking in front of putin. in these shots
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, ramzan's sons and grandsons literally surrounded the president's kadyrov house. a joint photo with the entire extended family and each daughter separately, then the sons. residents of grozny almost unanimously voted to name the new district of the city putinsky. putin's cortege along putin avenue goes home to kadyrov and also to the university. spetsnags for putin, well, that's great, i think, it's just the impression that skabieva decided to just make fun of both putin and kadyrov at once, because, well, don't notice that it was a meeting with putin's family, kadyrov, you see, i i'm even a little confused, it was very difficult, why are they so close, because
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they didn't see anyone else on the other side, well, but also, what's interesting, this is actually a meeting at this very... special forces university named after putin, so that this is such a basic structure of the same thing subdivision of kadyrivskyi akhmat. as you know, this akhmat unit itself, in fact, it performs the role of the guard of the detachment, which in order, well, actually, for example, in the kurt region, so that the soldiers did not escape, that is why he was there, stood and controlled, tried control the soldiers in other areas. at the front, they also have the zeiks there behind the zeiks so that they storm, then they stand behind the mobilized so that they storm, and this is a well-known story, but what is more interesting is that this very... this institute is so the so-called special forces, on which a lot of russian state money is actually spent, is also kadyrov's way of disposing of the essentially russian
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population and the population of other territories, because they take other people there, like train them, rivet some squads there and throw them into all kinds of holes , where, once again , akhmat is standing behind, who actually supports them so that they... don't run away, that is, this is a constant conveyor belt, and that's what's important, at the moment when 3 thousand conscripts are there under the threat of encirclement in kursk oblast, when, well, a huge number of mobilized, contract workers, and others are storming in donetsk oblast and dying in droves, where putin is going, he is not going to kursk oblast to support there somehow. no one, he goes to those people who perform the role of fences of the detachment, and in this way he shows that this is his main
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military force, his literally personal guard, and that it is on them that he relies not on his general army there, not on the armed forces of russia, not on the same 8010 in this brigade of marines that was broken, no, he relies on kadyr. and they, of course, tell how loyal they will be to him, it's one thing to shoot here in the shooting range, and another thing to put your life and health in danger. as long as we have such men, we are surely absolutely invincible. while we were gone, the enemy advanced into the territory of russia. there were almost no chechen troops here. i'm just a foot soldier, we're all foot soldiers, in that sense we're in the same position, good luck to you.
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well, like drags like. well, now it's similar to what the prisoners in the kurt region say about him they were captured, what do they say about these same kadyrivians, and how, well, how the fathers, to whom i came, actually fight. says that we are all foot soldiers here, i am the same as you, that is , putin is like those people you will hear about now. the company commander forbade contacting akhmat, taking water or anything else from them, because there was a case when our three rolled back without fire support. and he ordered zdo. akhmat to ask for help so that they help him. as a result, akhmat was smoked, pierced, drugged. took
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they broke his arms, put him on his knees. they took off his pants, put a gag in his mouth. and everyone started raping him. and so he was let in a circle several times. and that's why we don't go to akhmat. and putin visits akhmat. well, probably their own. well, actually, it’s great, the head of this unit, akhmat , expressed how he feels about the rest of the russian army, and especially now there, you know, after it became clear that already... money is being paid like crazy, but there are no people enough, and that is why the idea has matured there that we need those people who pass through the youth guys, who are doing their military service,
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to be crushed in all these attacks by theirs, in all these adventures of the military, and of course, the first ones to support it were, of course , the kadyrivites, because in the end, what difference does it make to them, whose back they stand, it is certainly easier to stand behind poorly trained... young and intimidated military personnel, you can, you can abuse them to infinity, you can do whatever you want with them, and this is exactly the dream of any kadyrov citizen, and that's why these now young people will be thrown both into battle and for support for this akhmat himself, who, i'm telling you directly, directly strives for this. i have been observing such a picture lately. shouts, outbursts about the fact that conscripts should not fight at all and why are they even in the kursk region.
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to this question. i would answer like this: friends, if your children are 18 years old, who are already in the ministry of defense, they are military personnel, and they have to defend their homeland, even when it is attacked by the enemy, and when he is on our territory, i generally have only one question: what are you for? does this country need your children? well, really, when there is kadyrov's family and all his... henchmen, why does the country need some average russians? not for that, they are there, they are there to die, but of course, the kadyrov family, to live in the palace, take pictures with putin and live their best life, in short, together with alaodinov, probably. well, since the situation in the kursk region is such that now it is necessary to somehow drive more conscripts there, and more in general.
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to shove them somewhere, it is very interesting, for what purpose they are hoping, and this is a characteristic moment, you know, a person who is in the city of kursk, a reporter, turns up, you think that he is talking about how things are there, how he was running there, looking to see if someone was blown up another bridge, was checking something, and no, you didn't guess, but now you will hear that there is some shelling on it and what...
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it's the washington post and reuters and other foreign media. and i'd like to start with this digest, because that's where the good news is coming from today. for example, here is what the new york times writes. zelenskyi's adventure in kursk may become a strategic defeat for ukraine. western analysts one by one described the scenario of political telegram channels that the new front will cost too much for the armed forces, the losses are so great that we will not be able to hold the defense of donbas. one piece of good news came from the new york times to a person, you see, and yet somehow they are looking, looking for where else some western or other publication or telegram channel will write to them that ukraine will now suffocate, it will not be able to hold the front there, something else will happen, but you know, friends, it's like the new york times no one wrote about the fact that there will be an assault on kursk, and no one can and will not write when
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it will begin. a ukrainian counteroffensive in some other place, they will write, it will just happen and that's all, and they will fly away, and that's all, you know, hope, there is no other hope, only that somewhere from the west someone will hold ukraine by the hands, will not allow it to advance, no will give weapons, won't give anything, and in the end, all hope is to somehow scare the western people, let them go out and force someone to stop there, so that ukraine is not allowed to fight. and it's really the last one nadia and all these russian propagandists and the same akhmat, who just speaks about it in direct text. either the svo ends this year, or this svo turns into the third world war this year. therefore , a call to all, go out into the streets, stop your fascist leadership strata. you know, these
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are already these conversations about how it will turn into some kind of third world nuclear war, well , we've been listening to this for three years and even more, but this is new, you know, let's arrange something somewhere, i'll tell you, we have fascist the power and the nazi power are only in one place, in russia, so really, well, you see, they are calling you to go out and protest, go out. and protest, russians, if you don't want your children to be chased away by the people of akhmat, who then rape and kill them, this is the only option, otherwise they will simply dispose of you all to the joy of kadyrov, who will finally be able to make even more money from this , and only putin, his closest entourage and the kadyrovs who protect him will really prosper in this situation.


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