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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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organization will speed up the transition of the uocp parish to the ocu, if not, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, these are my colleagues, this is kateryna nekrecha, a journalist of radio liberty. mrs. kateryna, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, colleagues. and maryna danylyuk ermolaeva, a political journalist. dachka, media consultant, author and host of two youtube channels showbiz and centornet. mrs. maryna, i also congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. greetings to all of you and the viewers of the channel. since, ladies, we are asking our tv viewers and viewers whether, in their opinion, the transition of the uoc-mp parish to the ocu will be accelerated after the adoption of the law. let's start with a quick poll of what you think about it. let's start with kateryna,
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please, i want to wait and see how this law will work, because probably a number of parishes, well, for a certain number of people in those who serve in these parishes, a decision has already been made regarding, regarding how deputies still voted for such a law, and now there are nine months, and nine months are for all connections, different parishes with'. petz has been stopped, but it seems to me that we have to wait and see how it will work, because as a journalist, i have a lot of questions about how effective this law will be in general. maryna, it seems to me that it is very important for ukrainian society to work on itself, and it is not a secret that we will have a lot of holidays in autumn and winter, including church and religious ones, and ukrainians should decide with whom they celebrate them , and no finally worth reading. what sign does your
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church have, which you like to go to? but colleagues, don't you have the feeling that 9 months, which are allocated in accordance with the law adopted by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, is too much in the conditions of war, when it comes to the enemy church and enemy agents, decisions should be made much faster, especially , that in the conditions when one of the churches associated with the russian orthodox church... is headed by a member of the holy synod of the russian orthodox church, that is, an ear from the russian of the orthodox church will stick out in this church, although this church says that it is a ukrainian orthodox church and has no relation to the moscow church, should the state in the conditions of war work harder with those who are connected to the aggressor state, kateryna realia. indeed, such
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as you mentioned to sergey, about the great russian-ukrainian war and the threats are considerable, in such a situation it is obvious that the state can act radically, more quickly, if it feels that there is a threat, this is an interesting moment, i spoke in the interview , talked on the air with nikita poturaev, who is the chairman of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy, and we spoke with him just after the adoption of this draft law, well, there is already a lot... there is already a lot of law, there were a lot of such difficult situations, servants of the people, for example , they tried to convince some of their deputies to still support this draft law, mr. nikita said that he personally had conversations with representatives of the hearings with some deputies, who, for example, are parishioners of this church, who doubt, well that is, some part was convinced, some part was not, this is such a very difficult question. which
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are not resolved in one go, as we understand it, but there were certainly negotiations, as we know, about whether it will be 60 days or 90 days, well, that is, in 90 days, in principle some ties can certainly be hidden if desired, before this law came into effect we also saw how the sbu conducted its work and found those clergymen of the opcmp who cooperated with russia in one way or another, that is, some work was done, and now, to what extent these nine months will be effective, because all the headlines in the news were the same: the council there finally banned the uoc mp, but in fact, the churches were not closed, the signs were not removed, the services continued, that is, it is all very painstaking and subtle work, and the commission now has to check, determine if there are any violations, any concerns. maybe there is a suspicion of
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some connections with the russian orthodox church, and then to go with this with all this evidence , go to court and the court will make one or another decision, that is, it is a lot. very such a serious procedure, we also see and examples when there are clerics from the uoc mp, well mp they don't like this prefix, because they don't think that they have severed ties and say that they have severed all ties with the moscow church, so what is happening, but it turns out that in fact people who wanted to go to the orthodox church of ukraine already... did it, even clergymen, for example, the head of the pechersk lavra, he did it, and, abraham, and in principle the time was for this, and, as a colleague said, that in principle, people who already wanted to read the tablets and change something in this sense, for whom it is important, they also did it, and there is a part of people for
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whom this is a matter of principle, who in their communities, where there are not so many different choices of churches, where the priest is there in some village or several villages, which... is a clergyman of the uocp, he is the leader of this community, people listen to him not only on religious issues, and if he does not want to, then what if he does not cooperate with russia and it will not be proven that he cooperates with russia, so what will listen, i don't know if the commission will listen to the sermons there, or if there are any political such abets of russian aggression, probably, that is, it is a very delicate work, and really, if... people in the communities, they will not start paying attention to it attention and will not change their opinions, and it is obvious that many will not change this opinion, the effect may not be there. maryna, what do you think, will it not be like this with this ukrainian orthodox church of mp, as
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kateryna rightly said, they do not like when these two letters are still delivered, because they believe that legally, this is the ukrainian orthodox church, there are no problems, but will it happen that in 9 months we will see that there will be uoc, uoc, o, uoc, there, ua, or some other there, some letters with will appear, well, how opzh turned into a platform for peace and life. uoc mp, here it is very important to leave this prefix when we call this group, it hopes that these nine months of postponement will give it an opportunity. talk about the issue, and then, perhaps, the country will get involved in the pre-election process, and let's be honest let's say, in our country, representatives of certain churches, and especially the ukrainian orthodox church, were very often such vip agitators of one or another party, well
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, it happened historically that very often the services of this party, of this church were precisely used by pro-russian parties, communists went to this roc church. and the opzj also actively used its services, so how to see who did not vote or who fell on a dead fox pretended that he was not in the verkhovna rada at the time of voting, there are a lot of such characters, such as serhiy lyovochkin and his friends who for many years used this opc np in their interests. but here, look, there is an important moment, now 2024 is the third full year. large-scale war and the 11th in general in the russian war is no longer working, whether i want it or not. i want us to treat any denomination, parish, church as a service, it is a certain product, it is a certain service, and accordingly you should
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evaluate whether you like such a service or not, you know, there is such an analogy in my head: we like to eat borscht, but we ukrainians and this is our national. and here you go to one establishment, to the second, to the third, and you won't eat the borscht that you don't like, in which the water is simply dyed red, and there are no vegetables and meat that we are used to seeing there, and in the pcmp, this is such fake borscht, which is offered to us under the guise of such true orthodoxy, they very sincerely hope to somehow make it to this point, so that later the attention of ukrainian society is, for example, directed to some specifics of the peace negotiations with the russian federation until the question is, and in which ones forms, ukraine will remain after certain hostilities and diplomatic negotiations there, that is , they hope for that. plus, you probably already noticed that the upcmp was very actively involved
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with its fans and its lobbyists in the verkhovna rada, in such a game it was already very interesting, for example, how the former... vicar of the kievochre lavra pavlo lebed played a show that he is the patient got sick there and lost consciousness right in the courtroom, we've seen it all before, you know, it's very reminiscent of a picture. from the bible when jesus christ expelled the pharisees from the temple of the lord, there the pharisees also pretended that they were sick martyrs for their great faith, in fact, all these priests who remain in the ooc mp and very often, very often work as collaborators and gunners, i strongly advise you to pay constant attention to the news , which the sbu gives in this matter, they have no right to name. clergy and tell ukrainians how to live. it is very, you know, frankly
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unpleasant to me that the average lover of this roc church in ukraine is usually an older lady who, unfortunately, has had a very difficult time a young woman who often lost contact with her relatives, and now she finds solace in this uoc church. this... russian orthodoxy, as such, is a very literate sect, it knows how to process such people and plant turnips in their heads, and then do not be surprised when these ladies bring home what the moscow pip told them, that we and russia are one country, we have nothing to divide, we have one orthodox faith, without going into the details, but what is there really, well yes, it is a very big problem, and of course, in this situation it will be necessary... to monitor the reaction of moscow, because for moscow, for the russian orthodox
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church, the existence of the uoc mp is an important element in their orthodox strategy, because without these 10 thousand parishes, or how many there are on the territory of ukraine, of the uoc and mp, well more than 9,000, that's for sure, the russian orthodox church looks very lame, and it is clear that the existence of... the ocu on the territory of ukraine is also like a bone in the throat for the russian orthodox church, because the russian orthodox church wants to annex not only our territory, but also our history and our heritage, including the orthodox heritage, and to appropriate simply and volodymyr the great, and what happened over the last few centuries in general in ukraine and in general in... from the very beginnings of the ukrainian state, well, let's actually monitor the reactions of the russians, because we
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have to do our own thing, but we have to understand, that this network, which now exists in ukraine, is a huge orthodox network, it has allowed and allows russia for a long time, apparently , to restrain or hold it and not give us this spiritual independence that we aspire to, which i spoke about... volodymyr zelenskyi, one more topic, my dear colleagues, this is the topic of the events in kurshchyna, we see how events are developing there, and we are watching how russian cities come under the control and villages under the control of the ukrainian army, already more than 90 settlements are controlled by the ukrainian army and more than 1,200 km are controlled by the armed forces, but in this situation , the most interesting thing... what happened during the last week is a publication in the new york times, where
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they wrote about how the times was preparing, in my opinion, if i'm not an economist, sorry, i've already mixed up a bunch of publications, the the economist , where they write that syrskyi secretly, in a state of secrecy, prepared this plan of attack on the course. region and did not tell anyone, and even the tetatet discussed it with zelensky without his assistants, kateryna, in this situation, does this indicate that there are people in zelensky's circle who can leak secret information, and the success of this operation was due to connected precisely with the fact that some people simply do not have a lot of accurate data about what will happen in kurshchyna, well... they wrote to me: yarmak didn't know, western partners didn't know, america didn't know there, that's why
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the operation was successful, eh, i don’t know what is happening in the president’s office and in the offices, it’s a really interesting moment, at least from the point of view that the media didn’t know about it, because the ukrainian counteroffensive last year was known and discussed by the media, it’s from here it was pouring, so this story is really unusual for us, because there were no leaks. information, we do not know, in fact, whether zelensky alone really knew or not, probably what a wide circle did not know, it gave its result, for sure, which is the main thing. the commander didn't just do it secretly, because it is possible that the person whose name i mentioned is not here, and i am not implying that he could be a leak or not, i do not know that, no one knows, but the fact is the fact that the narrower the circle of people about it knows, all the better, as to whether the versions that washington did not know
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and therefore everything succeeded, well, the controversial question is whether they knew or not, it is probably difficult to imagine . a situation in which the pentagon would not have known or guessed, or had no evidence. western media wrote about the fact that earlier, they say, when there were such people in ukraine ideas, then in the white house there they stopped ukraine from such operations, and maybe this time it was somehow done in such a way that even if the usa knew about it, probably they did, then publicly, maybe they decided not to admit it. and such an effect of unexpectedness for the whole world to do in this sense, so the main thing is that, in principle, it has already happened, and this is a historical turning point, and this, as military experts note, is a completely non-linear history and response of ukraine, which, what should have been and which had to be given and
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it changed the course of the war, it is obvious, well , it seems to everyone that it was unexpected for the kremlin. for putin, and on the one hand it may seem that the ukrainian forces managed to cross the border there very easily, because we did not know what was happening there for a while, then in two days somewhere there we were already officially told that after all these are ukrainian forces, but nevertheless, what the military said, who took part in this operation, they told me in an interview that everything was not so simple there, and the russian forces there quite some interesting ones fortification, of course. there were russian soldiers who left their positions, we also saw these cadres and the dead, who were there with weapons and everything, there were those who left their weapons, but it is obvious that no one expected such a turn, otherwise the russian army would surely have defended this border, but at the same time, this assessment of the situation, which in the first days was heard
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by military experts, that one of the goals could be to... direction, in fact, we see that a very serious situation is unfolding there and difficult for the ukrainian forces, nevertheless little by little from different directions and from kharkiv they are already saying that russia is withdrawing its troops, it is obvious that for them donetsk is there and the luhansk region are the most important now, that is, there is also a military effect here, in fact, goals that we... were not, and globally, what they are, we do not know, we only also read in the western media and hear from president zelensky that the main issue is the permission from the us to give permission to strike and from other partners to strike with long-range western weapons against military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, and zelensky said that if this permission was there, then
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there would be no need to enter the kursk region, and now the western media are writing about what will happen next respond. the western world on this whole story, to what extent will it change its support and in a radical direction for ukraine with those permits, in particular, this will also have an effect, or some very good effect, or even there are such assessments that we read with you, what can there will even be a negative effect from this operation, there will be no sense in it, although it is probably too early to judge it, every day the assessments of the same military experts, they may change now, because everything... changes very rapidly, and the expected effect for there head of state, for the president, it can also be different, we don’t know what the goals are, we have to wait, but for sure the fact of this operation is very important, it is a turning point, and well, for ukraine, and in the reaction of russia, which is not so much controls, not so much everything is under
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control and not so strong and strong power putin, and it is obvious that... that the creativity of the ukrainian defense forces is showing its effectiveness, but what happened actually says not only that it was unexpected for the russians, but that it was also unexpected for part of zelenskyi's entourage , in fact, i mentioned syrsky, about whom zaeconomist writes, and they write there that zelensky outplayed the entourage there, some of zelenskyi's entourage, and alluding to the head. office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak, does marino mean that with the beginning of this kursk operations, the decision-making system in the environment may change. zelensky, who now has monopoly power in ukraine? well, first of all, if we rely on this article from the economist, it really said that
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yermak and the western partners did not know about this operation, but here we need to distinguish several points: first, what yermak did not know, thank you lord, because we remember the quote from volodymyr zelenskyy in february of this year, where he honestly said at a press conference that there are clearly rats in his... rank, because, as he said, i quote, our plans for the summer of 2023 were on the kremlin's table in advance. perhaps zelensky began to think, who is actually merging all these plans, because even this article in the economist talks about the fact that before this, until this moment, before the kurdish operation, syrsky had two operations in development, and unfortunately , they were failed, failed. yes, and it was not always because of the doubts of our western partners, but because the russian federation knew about them. next, let's not forget how
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hard two or three months we had, yes, when the syrian and the current composition of the general staff, maryana bezugla watered every day, and characters like her told what a syrian bad she is, what a scumbag he is, i even had posts where she expressed such fantasies on anonymous telegram channels. it was also the case that syrsky was drinking all day in the general staff, nothing was being done, and let’s put it this way, it was very ugly in relation to the ukrainian army, and now we understand that at the moment when this dirt was being poured, oleksandr silsky was obviously with his officers were preparing this particular offensive, so time showed, who actually dealt with the case, who poured dirt on the internet, and regarding the moment why... this happened, and why, apparently, zelenskyi took into account our other western partners, with whom we work closely, by the way, on some operations, well, it’s no
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secret that it’s, for example, great britain, obviously zelensky decided to turn on the supreme commander-in-chief regime and not disclose some military details to his close circle, and this is very good, because look, after the end of zelensky’s term of office , if in society there will be some questions about the conduct of the war, about the activities of the supreme commander, about the loss of some territories, about some specifics of our peace negotiations with the russian federation, they will ask precisely from zelensky, and not from mykhailo podoliak or yermak or anyone else who would go , and, for example, on feigen's channel, he talked about how we will attack the kursk region. all this shows a very good such point that military operations, what money, they are very fond of silence, and there is no need to talk about some things to tell, regarding the goals of this operation,
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again what western analysts write, and such normal military men in the western press, first of all, this operation once again showed the subjectivity of ukraine, because it is no secret that the last six months very often turned out to be completely inadequate articles in the western media, when everything was written there, the ukrainian army... is entering, everything is bad, the russians are taking the donbas there, without explaining that this happened precisely because of these six-month delays with weapons, because the american congress is so very for a long time, we talked about giving us a package for 60 billion, but they forget to tell about it, and whether some packages, for example, reached the ukrainian army, the ukrainian front line with a delay, this also affected the course of hostilities, what else... is important, you know, this operation very clearly demonstrates that russia does not need russia itself, it does not need russians themselves. this is putin's reaction to the flurry of these
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social issues, because you see, now there is a situation where russia has its own refugees. according to the latest data, i watched about 200,000 people there, they don't want to be there to be in a war zone, they already ask their government, what should we do, where should we run? and the russian government does not offer them anything. because these telegram posts from margarita simanyan "we are praying for you, kursk", well, they look inadequate, and you know, the whole unconscious world, western analysts see that russia does not need even the area where people are more or less unconscious , have thatched houses, homesteads, but they have more joy when they destroy donbas, which is generally part of of another state, that is, this is true. sorosyan, not what you read there from chekhov and dostoyevsky. and one more important point, we also need to raise rates, because look, putin is constantly raising them,
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including them there. nuclear threats, a nuclear threat that we will throw a nuclear bomb at one or another, well, we also had to raise them, and it was also such a game, by the way, western analysts are already writing to approach the future negotiations and say : look, we have the territory of the kursk region, maybe there will be some exchange for some a similar territory, for example, there is the south of ukraine, which is also, unfortunately, under occupation, well... let's see what this leads to, again, look, i don't want to say anything superfluous, and i wish only one thing: great success to mr. syrskyi and to all our forces that are involved in the kurdish direction, i can say that excellent forces are involved there, all our glorious brigades, which have shown themselves excellently during 11 years of war, excellent forces are on the territory of the russian federation, but against this background, the vice-prem yeru
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of the country, iryna verschuk speaks about what is necessary to save russians, we need civilians, we need to open a humanitarian corridor for them. it is clear that this is obviously related to the fact that ukraine wants to appear as a state that adheres to all international norms and conventions, and vereshchuk says that russia has not yet approached ukraine or the red cross with a request for a humanitarian corridor, but ukraine is ready this humanitarian corridor from... to cover, let's listen to what vereshchuk said. as of today, and this was confirmed by the general staff yesterday, russia has not appealed, it has actually abandoned these people and is not engaged them our guys, the military, feed, provide food, provide water, all medicines, all the necessary assistance for life support, but i once again record this
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fact, russia... did not apply, and the icrc also confirmed this. the icrc is the international red cross. katerina, how do you feel about the idea of ​​creating such humanitarian corridors. well, i, for example, as a person who was born and grew up in the sumy region, i know very well what is happening now in the sumy region, but literally two weeks ago two cabs arrived in my native school which i graduated from, in which i studied, and this is a rather difficult situation, such a personal one, for the people of sumy and the people who live in the territory of sumy oblast, because this humanitarian corridor will pass through these villages, which are now half-ruined, there are yunakivka, khotyn, mogrytsa , many, many of these settlements, which suffer from shelling, including my native stykskivka, how to be civilized and
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a civilized country and at the same time pay tribute to the russians, who are accomplices of this war crime of putin against ukraine. my colleague roman pagulych from the donbas realia project was in this prestur this week and there in his report one of the locals was there in suzhi or somewhere in the kurshchyna region, he said. about the fact that i, well, he was asked, and what was the war in general, when the war began for you, well, for them it began on august 6, and, and besides, they, he says, and i decided the crossfords, i am not interested in politics , was engaged in crossfords and that's all, it obviously looks like it's not entirely true, because you told the truth, it would be difficult not to notice, not to hear in sumy oblast neighbors of the russian region, what is happening, well, people are definitely talking to each other somewhere on
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the benches there... that is what they say, that is, it is not enough, the fact that they are classmates, well, this is not proven, ukraine must monitor compliance with all of the international geneva conventions, and ukraine already, and the ukrainian military already show a huge difference between what russian occupation is and what ukrainian occupation is, we even speak in such terms, and it is also very, very important. at the moment it is necessary to adhere to these norms, the military also talks about it in an interview the military also told how they literally share their food, what mrs. iryna voreshchuk says, and there with their water, their food, a ukrainian military doctor comes there on schedule once every few days to help russian citizens who need medicine or one more thing, an important point about whether russia is really there...


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