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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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is it true that they are classmates, well, this is not proven, ukraine must follow the observance of all international geneva conventions, and ukraine already, and the ukrainian military already show a huge difference between what is russian occupation and what is ukrainian occupation, we even use such terms already, and also a very, very important point, we must adhere to these. of these norms, the military also talk about it, the military also told me in an interview how they literally share their food, that ms. iryna veryshchuk says, but there with his water, his food, a ukrainian military doctor comes there on schedule once every few days to help russian citizens who need medicine or something else, an important point about whether russia is really there makes corridors and are really russian citizens who stayed there in court, for example, and? they can't leave
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because there is a curfew, we understand, but there is also evidence that there seem to be other places through which you can get out and go to the territory controlled by moscow, i.e. is it necessary for people to arrange these corridors like this ? roman kostenko, a people's deputy, we remember, was in the kurshchyna, he was also on the air, and at the beginning of the week he talked about this experience. he says that there are ways by which people can... leave, those who wanted, those who could, those left, those who stayed, there is no danger for them yet, well, there is no offensive of russian troops, for example, another question , you are telling the truth about the fact that sumyshchyna is in some situation, and we have another question now we can see how in the pokrovsk direction, at what pace the evacuation of the local population from mirnograd, from pokrovsk took place this week, and people are being persuaded to leave altogether, people do not want to leave until the very end, these children and their families are being taken away, this. .. terrible things that
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are already happening, that's what evacuation is, that's what other questions there are, by the way, to mrs. iryna voroshchuk, because we tried all this week to contact her for a comment, because there is also a question about kurshchyna and on the evacuation from there, and on what is happening with ukrainian citizens, whether they are being evacuated on time, whether any changes are needed to the legislation so that children can be taken out of the combat zone earlier, also at the beginning of the week the situation may have changed, i am here with roman kostenko.. . clarified whether he knew anything about the fact that some russian citizens had already used this corridor and might already be somewhere in sumy region, but he said that he did not know such information, for example, although there were some rumors that some russians citizens were already possible evacuated, there is currently no confirmation of this. marino, what are the threats posed by the existence of such a humanitarian corridor or the establishment of such a humanitarian corridor, because it is not only about the residents of the suju. which district
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was once a part of the ukrainian state or the ukrainian ssr, and ukraine, but we are talking about the fact that many saboteurs or people who will arrange provocations on the territory of the ukrainian state can pass through this humanitarian corridor to ukraine. first of all, i want to say that any idea dies when it is spoken voiced by iryna. the fact is that iryna veryshchuk has more than one voiced statement behind her shoulders, which then turned into, well, a complete collapse, and it seems to me that releasing into public communication a person who we remember on the eve of a full-scale invasion promised such problem-free shuttles in literally a week through chongar, when she is now talking about the fact that let's accept russians here through the humanitarian corridor, logically, people... there is such a connection
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that the messengers have already whispered that i don't want to go to chongar, no matter what happens with sumy the region, which with huge battles, losses and destruction, fought back from the happiness of the occupation of the spring of 2022, and now it is still destroyed along the border, is suffering, and unfortunately, unfortunately, we will no longer see a number of our villages and towns in such a familiar form , as we knew them until 2020, it seems to me that if the ukrainian state, even for pro forma, even for international organizations, had such an idea, it should not have been done by iryna veryschuk, because this idea will no longer take off, will not work, because her a was voiced by a person who didn't copes even with the flow of our ukrainian refugees. just the other day , information was announced that the ukrainian city of myrnograd, which is already there , is being fiercely shelled by the occupiers. and where there is huge
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destruction, a thousand ukrainian children remain. well, it is clear that some children may not have very responsible parents. and iryna veryschuk's task would be to take care of ukrainian citizens, so if she has extra resources, an extra place to accommodate these people and children, then she should take better care of ours. and the second point, which ones threats are posed by this potential corridor to sumy region, you know, this is the classic stockholm syndrome, when they want to lock both the victim and the rapist in one room. in the role of the rapist - it is the russians, in the role of the victim. they are residents of the sumy border. another very important point, you know, our people know how to use the internet and enjoyed these videos from the territory of the now deoccupied kurshchyna, and here you can clearly see russians,
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especially russian women, who openly talk about the fact that their husbands are currently in svo on the donbass, that is, they are now... taking part in these battles, in this terrible offensive that the russian federation staged, they are killing, including husbands and sons, many women, residents of the same sumy oblast, who stay at home and manage the economy, and we are offered to receive such people, to warm them, i don't know to share food there, this is not a very adequate solution, and you know, it seems to me that if the ukrainian state wanted to somehow turn this situation around for good. in kurshchyna, it is absolutely no secret that our biggest one is there the catch, as the military themselves joke, is the catch of karasia, who are the karas, these are guys, russians, who are just serving their military service, and now they have been captured en masse there, and this is
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a very valuable resource for exchanges between our ukrainians, for the first time or not for the first time in recent times, there has been a possibility that we can exchange this resource and these soldiers and akhmatians for, by the way, those azovians who... have been in captivity for a long time, and it seems to me that there would be a greater profit if we invited some mothers to kyiv, and if these mothers on camera in public, said that putin is the occupier and asked to free their sons, and for this action the ukrainian state could even pay for this family, mother and son , a ticket to some third country, this is how it should be done, not promises... we you are here, you are bombing us here, you are destroying our usual life here, please come and settle in, we remember that, unfortunately, in the territory of sumy oblast, we have districts and cities where they like this kind of rhetoric , where such
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an unknown deputy as andriy derkach i bred a solid ruskamiria there, and i would not like more ruskamiria people to be placed in the border area, even in the post-war perspective. ukrainian, well, i absolutely agree with you, and in this situation, of course, in a single status, i would like to see the residents of russia in the sumy oblast, in the status of people who, like the germans once after the second world war, rebuilt what was destroyed by the fascists , that is, the captured germans rebuilt, in including in kyiv, by the way, they were rebuilding part of the left bank, that is, to rebuild what their army was destroying. and destroys their president, then it would be absolutely fair, and all the more so that in the current conditions the war is not yet over and therefore it is not clear what to expect from the russians in general, because the russians are our enemies and aggressors. thank you, colleagues, for
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participating in the program, maryna danyliuk, yarmalayeva, kateryna nekrecha, were guests of our program today, happy independence day to you and all the best to you, the main thing is victory for all of us. well, friends, i will remind you that during our broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you about such things, would you hurry to your the opinion of the transition of the parish from pcmp to ocu after the adoption of the law by the verkhovna rada of ukraine. so, there are the results of a television survey, 40% yes, 60% no, that is, we have a majority of pessimists that the parishes of the uoc, mp will transfer to the ocu. well, friends, i want to remind you that on august 24 we will have a special program. the project bright people in dark times, interesting stories about heroic people, interviews with viktor yushchenko, svyatoslav shevchuk, serhii plokhie and much more, already at 10 p.m. on august 24 , the documentary 10 years of war, and watch all this on espresso during the day
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of independence, we work for you, i'll put an end to that, it was the verdict program of serhii rudenko. goodbye, take care of yourself and your loved ones. there are discounts until the day of independence on... dem 25% in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. wow, i went for a walk. water ordinary water is not enough here. drink reo. i'm saving myself. rheo. you are ready, dear. finished. took reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. allergy, not a lion, will be overcome by citrive. citrilev neo protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts until the day. independence on tablets normoven 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad, there are discounts until independence day on
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motororex 10% pills in the pharmacies of psyllium, bam and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. me and my colleagues. let's talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the front, the component, serhiy zurets, and how does the world live? yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two o'clock, to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka field with me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chikchenina, our tv viewer, is ready to tell, kind evening, the presenters, who... for many have already become like a day before me, i am ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as
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the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good of the day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetyana chornovol, founder of the angel taira unit yulia paevska, writer svitlana povalyaeva, about how we have changed, what lessons learned and what we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war. exclusively, on air espresso tv channel. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses. which need to be rebuilt, about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine, about
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people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. however, how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program. every saturday at 18:30. espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. i am ready for the peace summit, prime minister of india in ukraine, what he talked about at the rendramody with volodymyr zelenskyi in the armed forces on the verge of blackout, the occupiers are helpless, what they say in the magata, what is the real threat. close the ferry connection with the crimea, how the occupied peninsula will live without fuel in the kurshchyna, it is increasingly difficult to fight, but the advance of its enemies will suffer mad losses in the pokrovsk direction, germany will not give money to the eu worries why. scholz decided to cut funding and how to live without money of germany. the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkiv region, how the third
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assault brigade drove the enemy and where it is now and the average salary in ukraine has increased. for exactly how much and from whom exactly, we will tell you about it in detail. my name is vasyl zima, i'm a big ter on the espresso tv channel. and i congratulate you on the day of the national flag of ukraine, the flag of ukraine watered and sanctified with blood. heroes of many, many, many generations, and, unfortunately, today , blood is being poured again on the ukrainian flag, which thanks to this blood, thanks to the heroism of ukrainian heroes, the ukrainian people, still flies and will fly over ukraine for many, many, many, many hundreds of years , so happy holiday everyone, and we start, for the next 45 minutes, me and my colleagues, together with you, we will tell you what happened, and we will also be prompt and... inform you about the events that will take place during our broadcast , and now i will give the floor to serhiy zgurts, the director
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of the defense express agency and the host of the military summaries of the day column. serhii, please give me the floor. greetings, vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in our section we will mainly talk about what is happening on the front line, in various areas, communicating, including with our military, about all this in a moment. so, the ukrainian offensive in the kursk region continues, the initiative remains with the armed forces, although the pace of advancement from... has slowed down, and this is quite understandable, because the logistics have stretched somewhat, it is difficult to cover our troops at longer ranges, because we have advanced in certain areas there from 15 to 35 km and cover is provided by artillery, including from the sumy region, the enemy also pulls up reserves and all this affects the situation. now we understand that
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progress is being made. of our armed forces in several directions, this map demonstrates all this quite well, and if we take the regional center of suja as a basis, then now our counteroffensive or even our offensive is taking place from suja to kursk, there along the road to kursk, there the fighting has been going on since the first days , and now hostilities continue there at the level of the settlement of martynivka. there is also an advance of our troops along the suja lhov road, here we have the greatest success actually to the settlement of lhov about 14 km away, but the main thing is for stability of our bridgehead, first of all, the main attention here should be paid to our flanks, this is the eastern flank, this is from suja, here our advance
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is not so significant, now it is precisely the eastern flank that the enemy is overturning. the largest number of its reserves, this is the 510th brigade there, and some units of the 11th, some of the landing-assault brigade, and the russian akhmat there, but in any case , the accumulation of enemy forces there is quite significant, which means that it is necessary to carry out certain countermeasures using artillery or other means of impression, and the most important - this is, first of all, the western flank, where the core of the russian defense is the settlement of korenne. a village with that name, we captured this village, but koreneve just remains for the time being behind the enemy, the armed forces are trying to bypass koreneve from the south and from the north, why is this koreneve important, because beyond it the actual beginning, rylsk and the opportunity cutting the rylskyi lgov highway,
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this highway is so critical and important for the enemy, and if we exercise fire... control over this highway, or reach it physically, it will significantly complicate our own holding the enemy of the entire group in this western section, now the dynamics in all directions are quite so powerful, but i think the details will come later, we understand that so far this entire offensive operation is undergoing such significant dynamic changes, not only in the kurdish direction are positive changes, as well as today everyone has already seen the video from... a separate assault brigade, the command of this brigade announced that on august 15, as a result of counterattacking actions , the enemy was significantly destroyed there and advanced in the direction of makiivka, where the enemy was gathering forces and tried to carry out offensive actions, the enemy suffered significant losses, and as the commander, the commander
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of this brigade, biletskyi says, the peculiarity of the offensive... operation was that the enemy had an advantage in manpower and equipment, but due to clear planning, it was possible to level these advantages of the enemy and ensure the advance of our units, now the voros is recovering and how important is this operation, that in fact it also restrains the enemy's reserves, which may have been thrown by the enemy into the kursk region, planning is extremely important and planning is extremely now the important thing is something else. the most difficult direction for the armed forces is pokrovsk. we know that pokrovsk is the main logistical hub of the armed forces in the central part of donbas, on which our defense in the east and in the south is based. the publication economist wrote that pokrovsk is preparing for a new unpleasant stage of the war.
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of course, this translation does not quite suit me, because it is actually about such complex consequences. advance of the enemy, we know that in front of pokrovsk there is about 8 km and there is a whole agglomeration line of defense, grodivka, novogrodivka, salidova, but conditionally speaking, now the enemy is carrying out offensive actions both on grodivka and on novogrodivka, and more precisely, the enemy's actions are intensifying in the direction of novogrodivka, that is, to the south, and not on pokrovsk directly. it is now that characterizes the peculiarity of the enemy's actions in this direction, the impression that he is trying to move just to the south and further to kurakhova, creating a threat to all of us. there are groups with the movement of their forces from north to south. yesterday we know about that syrsky reported to zelensky that measures are being taken to strengthen our
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group in the pokrovsky and turkish direction. i hope that these measures are already being taken, because the situation is, of course, quite alarming and extremely difficult. and then we will talk about one more direction, the pokrovsk-kurakhiv area. in fact, where one of our well-known brigades operates, it is the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov hantsyuk, and the officer of this brigade, serhiy tsehotskyi, joins us. mr. sergey, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. congratulations. at first i'm sure i will announce a collection for your brigade, because it is extremely important. we are talking about the fact that the public organization ukrainian ants is collecting funds for the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade of yakov. gantsyuk, these are the needs for positions for pilots, bombers, it is about the need to collect an amount of uah 10 million, these funds,
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or money that each of us can direct to the needs of this brigade, can be done using this qr link -code that we see on the screen, and this help is extremely important for us, because the brigades are in dire need of bombers, without... pilots who seek to destroy help to destroy the enemy. and now i would like to return to the conversation with mr. serhii and i would like to ask you what is really happening in your direction right now, because these reports that the enemy is trying to move north in the direction of the kurakhivsk direction, this somehow creates threats for our grouping, where your brigade is also located, how is it now reflected in reality on... on the character of hostilities in this area, well, the character can be to say that the stage of the war is very tense,
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every day, now it is getting hotter, despite the fact that the intensity itself is such an active intensity of the enemy in this direction, well, it started in april, they practically rested for a month there, well, they rested. i'll put it figuratively, after avdiyivka, and since april , attempts to push through our defense line have actively begun, but currently heavy armored vehicles are already being used , and even heavy armored vehicles were available, but yesterday there were attempts there in the settlement of karlivka enter on armored personnel carriers, there a group of two armored personnel carriers were destroyed and the personnel that was on it, this landing party was theirs. today already about one and a half dozen units of heavy armored vehicles in the krasnohorivka area went on an assault to break through, this is what i am talking about now purely about the area
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of ​​our brigade, here is the result: two t-72 tanks were destroyed and two bmp2s were also destroyed, and there the infantry are counting somewhere for now, there are about 60 already liquidated occupiers for today alone, that's why i will say. so what what did you call there try there well, i don't want to go into any numbers or directions that, er, only for the purpose of not giving the enemy information at all, that they are very closely monitoring our means of information, but at the same time, we are fulfilling our tasks , which are in front of us, plus, i will say this, that the command is very, very carefully monitoring the change in the situation, i... take both the command of our grouping, the grouping of the krasnohorivka tactical grouping, as well as tavria and khortytsia and all other higher headquarters,
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this is real, it is absolutely 24/7 regime, there is no need to panic, the most important thing is to simply do and who can join, join in various forms, including reporting, and the most important thing is not to interfere with our work. mr. sergey, you said that the enemy is again returning to the use of armored vehicles, and as for the manpower of the infantry assaults, as i understand it, their intensity continues to be quite high, and as before, during the day and partly at night, the enemy is all- still trying to push through using his infantry. yes, the infantry, it was always continuous, and it was so that sometimes the equipment was used there, groups tried. to create some fist, this fist of theirs, well, let's say, was immediately destroyed, the infantry dispersed, then we caught it, then there was a long period when we did not use equipment, well,
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only. the closed positions there were shelled by tanks, and artillery, and drones, this is a large number, it is not decreasing, but i want to emphasize, using the opportunity, that precisely with the help of the meetings that we are organizing, we today we are already putting together the rep means themselves, there are individual ones, there are on a unit basis, and practically... 24 hours a day, on average , we deactivate about 100 enemy drones, we deactivate them, which means that they do not fly to their destination and lie down somewhere in the field, but then we will destroy them there as much as possible together, regarding those enemy drones, because there were many such reports that the enemy is changing frequencies there, switching to other ranges, which seem to make it difficult to counter these enemy
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drones, because our reb... to this is not always ready, your example shows that it is actually ready, and you take it all into account, your specialists of your brigade, as i understand it, all these nuances now, well, they are implemented so that these drones do not fly, but simply fall into the field, well because a large certain amount arrives, unfortunately, but we also plant a large amount, and therefore i will say that it is not only, let's say our brigade, we constantly exchange data that... somewhere, it doesn't matter which brigade, let's say, will receive them there , or get information, we do it all very, very carefully, well, we share it we quickly share that what we do not have there, this is my brigade, everything will be here, and the neighbors will have nothing, no, this should not happen, we must all work together today and we are doing so, communication between the brigades is going normally, regarding of our artillery, there were various reports, publications that since...
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due to the fact that we started active operations in the kurdish direction, a certain redistribution of artillery ammunition took place in that direction, and some other front lines now, conditionally speaking, have to dose the use of artillery and ammunition that is on your site, that you can you tell about the artillery of your brigade, how it works? works constantly as needed, if there is such a need, the artillery works, and let's say that until yesterday it was like that... according to this equipment, which was going there today as well, that's where it is needed, well, you understand that if it is going to be one fighter there or two infantrymen, then it is not necessary to use an artillery projectile there, that is , it is used exactly where it is necessary, but with the drive of mortars, are there a sufficient number of mortars themselves and mines, as well as mortars of 120 mm caliber, what about this segment of weapons, well, i'll tell you
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so that, if we don't need something in this plan, which follows the line of the ministry of defense, we will complete the requests, that is, we will demand, to say on the air that we are missing something, well , you understand, everything is fine, there is something to kill, we, but if you look at the map of the same depth, then it is our brigade that is holding the front line for a long time, and the enemy is not advancing there, but the enemy is not advancing there, yes, there are certain moments there now, well, let's say there are moments of threat, well, again, i will say that the command sees it all, we trust the command today, no matter what it was so that no one wrote there, everything is fine with us, subordination works, and why so, because we see how they also work, that is, it is not just that he gave an instruction there and somewhere went aside, no, it is direct
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permanent experiences and knowing the current situation quickly, i think that if you ask our general now, including asking where, what is happening, how many people are in which position, he will report this, regarding such a method of countermeasures as remote mining, so that the enemy had no chance to move there, is it carried out by your units, are there any robotic platforms used there, any technological solutions there? which reduce the load on our soldiers, but make life difficult for the enemy, there are, we also have ground-based drones that use it, and what where, let’s say, and something else that i would not like to talk about on the air, that is, just like that the enemy will not have anywhere, he will just take what and leave, oh and this is me, i am speaking now purely for our brigade, we constantly use it in our work, with drive f fortification.


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