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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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there was a path, we will still go through it, it may not be short, it may not be simple, but this is our path. you see, in physics there is such a concept as a bifurcation point, that is when the system can turn around and go in the other direction, relatively speaking, here we are in our own, in our short history of this very independence, this new republic, because there is also the ukrainian national republic, yes, we have already passed, probably, we are now passing such a third point of bifurcation, maybe even the fourth. and she and simply she every time her scale grows, i mean that in we have been twice already, at least the country could have returned to a completely different path, asian, not european, i don't know the path there to belarus, uzbekistan and there from other countries, and then eurasia, the eurasian community of that whole community, and each time, i simply remember the fourth and fifth years, i remember them very well, because i worked on the fifth channel, i literally spent the entire orange revolution on... on the independence square, well
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, for the most part, that is, both day and night and so on , and i remember that we were terribly naive people, i think everyone who was there then on this maidan, or almost everyone, can say that we were naive, it seemed to us that we would overthrow kuchma now, and a new life would begin, ukraine would flourish, ukraine would begin to quickly reform, change, and so on, and oleg rybachuk, for example , who became the first... head of the secretariat, there is the then yermak, only the yermak of a healthy country, and whether of a healthy person, i don't know how to say it correctly, and he says that, for example, viktor yushchenko, he will be our second today the president, he will be, the third president, he will be on our airwaves today, what happened to him that somehow now it will go away by itself, it turns out by itself, it never goes away, and i’m actually why i’m talking about that, what we ’re talking about that victory now, but we don't know what kind of victory it will be. will we
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recognize it as a victory, or will it appear to us as a defeat, because ukrainians always have this thing, you know, if it's not 100% victory, then it's probably treason, but 10% is not victory, that's all, 90% already it does not count, so here too, but the question is simply in to another, do we know what to do on the second day after the victory, how will we understand that it is already the second day after the victory, maybe the hostilities will continue, i don't know, 5 years, i am about what in... do we do we have a plan, do we realize, we all realized how important independence, life, history, putin is, after all, they are poking our noses at the price, the terrible price we pay for independence, do we understand how to dispose of it, why is this independence for us , what we will do, what country we want, well, i think, even you are talking about the fact that it is the second day of victory and something will immediately blossom, will happen, this is again some kind of... infantilism and naivety,
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because in fact you need to prepare, work for the victory itself, for what will happen after the victory, right now, because on the second day after the victory, if we expect that with the economic model that exists in our country, in the absence of what we are told a lot of reforms, some crazy investments will go here tomorrow for recovery, or something, then it will not happen, because ... despite the fact that we have large-scale hostilities are taking place, and the resistance forces are fighting it all at the front right now, so we are right here and we have to prepare for what will happen on the second day after the victory, because, unfortunately, not all reforms, even those from us the european union requires for our integration, what the financial institutions themselves demand from us. and
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in fact, what the experience of successful countries suggests, we are not implementing all of this now, unfortunately we have it, now there are many places, or it is being replaced, some kind of illusion is being created, like the same reform of the bep, which in fact, the reform of the creation of the bep, it is impossible to name, because now we are facing the fact that they need to be completely reloaded, the same will apply to tax policy, when now we are told... the government says that there will be a hole in the budget by the end of the year, we have nothing to do with it to close, therefore taxes should be raised, but in parallel with this , tax administration simplification is not being done, which would have caused less discussion in society, and actually it would have worked, as they say, the day after the victory, because it is in any - in any case , it would be positive and necessary for ukraine step by step, that's why we need to talk... not about
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the second day after the victory, but we need to talk about what we are doing now and what we can do now, actually to strengthen the position of ukraine, to once again... raise its sub objectivity at the international level, so that people want to return here the second day after the victory, and this will be a problem for ukraine, because many people have left, we will also have a question about where our people actually are, whether they will come here to restore our economy and restore ukraine, that's it it is necessary to think about it today. well, ms. zoya, thank you for these thoughts. for this conversation, zoya yarosh, a member of the kyiv city council , was with us, kyiv was in touch, kyiv is celebrating independence day today, as is the whole of ukraine, and all the countries that support us in our war for independence are congratulating us today, which actually coincided and is the beginning, and we hope, the end of
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the struggle for a new world in which there will be less authoritarianism and more freedom, gentlemen, now we are going on a short break. in us combat medic of the third assault battalion of the assault fifth assault brigade tatyana lissi, this is our front line and we will hear it, we will congratulate her, we will hear her greetings for the nation, stay. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in the symptoms of pachia. izota your water if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts until independence day on detoxyl tablets, 15% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. fm,
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galicia. listen to yours. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect us? tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt. about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine. about
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the rights, opportunities and personal experience of people. this is what olga's house looked like last year does he have now i am not spending money at the moment. however, how to unite the country in the process? restoration in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. the television premiere of a documentary film about the most difficult 10 years of our lives through the personal stories of extraordinary ukrainians, public activist roman ratushny, journalist and military officer tetiana chornovol, founder of the angels unit, tyra yulia paev. writer svitlana povalyaeva. about how we changed, what lessons we learned and which we will never forget in the tape 10 years of war. exclusively. on the air of the espresso tv channel. people who choose independence, people who inspire by their own example. people
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who bring victory closer. air force pilot, lieutenant colonel rostyslav lazarenko, flew more than 400 sorties. he was one of the first to be awarded. hundred years of military service, is a knight of the order of bohdan khmelnytskyi of three degrees, a hero of ukraine, we cannot be defeated as long as there are such people, bright people in dark times. dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, and this festive broadcast for the independence day of ukraine on the espresso tv channel, we call you and invite you to be and spend this day with us, because... today we have for you many stories about people who light up our path, today, by the way, i watched , you know, on the media detector the program of all those holiday broadcasts, there is 1+1, that whole telethon, the rada channel, the house in which
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we live channel, that’s all, and somehow it struck me as something like that, some old and unnecessary ugh. didn't know how to convey it the same people, the same programs, that's what we want, i don't know, ukraine was not so bad pre-war, we just don't like it very much. well, we loved her, but not exactly in that form, but they watch that just a healthy person's tv channel is a good interview, i don't know, it will be, there will be a good documentary today, well, i don't know, well, it's my vibe, just join it. tetyana lisitsina, a combat medic of the third assault battalion of the fifth assault brigade, is already with us. mrs. tatiana, we congratulate you, studio, i congratulate our entire country on independence day. this is a very significant date for us, i think that everyone will agree with me that
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independence day is one of the most important holidays in our country. ms. tetyana, this independence day, a holiday where you spend it, at work, is a job where you can't just say, i want today off, or i'm tired. i'm on sick leave, i'm not tired, it's my choice, so today i posted a new video, the last evacuations, yes, and accompanied by a song, i'm not tired, so for all the tired, maybe it's not a holiday, for it's a great holiday for me, i'm very glad that we can congratulate each other on independence day, after all, because we are independent. we proved, showed and proved this to the whole world
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, that's why ms. tatyana, do you remember that first day of independence in 1991, how old were you then, if it's not a secret, i was two years old, i'm in 1989 , i was 2 years old, i don't remember, i remember well already in school, from the beginning of the 2000s, that is, when you already know how... more patriotism appeared in our country closer to the year 2000 - them, that's it there in high school, it was a holiday for us, really, we already understood it, in the 90s, you understand, yes, what were the times, not the easiest, i somehow too, i try to remember that first day of independence, i remember it poorly, first of all, because the first day of independence was celebrated in the 90th year, and it was also celebrated then. it's already independence day, even here i remember the 90th more, and secondly, after all, i don't know how it happened to me,
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but you know what, i here adhere to the opinion that, in principle, ukrainian independence begins somewhere from 2014, when the ukrainians broke with moscow for the first time, showed moscow such a big butt, moscow started turning on our gas taps, that's when it all started, we realized that we don't want to be with the russians with... the russians with those , and we want to be independent, we want to be european, but i don't know, ms. tatyana, do you remember the 14th year, you already had it, of course, of course, i remember very well, because my family this also applied in the 14th year, my older sister's husband was drafted in the second wave of mobilization, that is, he came to the military today. and tomorrow he should be with the krechs, he was already in the military commission, but their, their
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child had a birthday that day, and i remember how we saw him off, and of course my sister and i finished volunteer courses in order to get a volunteer ticket so that we could come to the donetsk region and help, my father used to go, that is, we collected, then there was nothing, we did not buy ka... we bought them armor, we bought them mattresses, that is, no one at all was ready for this, and there was no such understanding as now, yes, the 22nd year completely turned everything around, the 14th year, it was like that, i will say, well, from my yes, say, personal experience, it does not concern me, well like, you know, that is, my family is at war in the 14th year, i am all strength. i didn't always help, it just didn't apply to someone, the 22nd year, of course, it
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stirred things up, but here i am looking at the 24th year , everyone already - i guess they forgot that there is a war in the country, i guess they forgot that boys and girls are dying , and girls like me keep going, you have that feeling, yes, i don't have that feeling, i see it, i know it, and it's very difficult for me to agree with it. that is, this is a war for justice, i will tell you this, that is, i am not tired of the war, i am tired of the fact that we have enemies... in the rear, you understand, in the front, an enemy that we can shoot at, we kill him, yes, the enemies killed a ukrainian with a passport, and this is the worst of all, uh, and we talk about such things, it's terrible even on the day of independence, because you know, it's not about saying, you know, on the day of independence, when people say let's go
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let's talk only about good things today, because it's a holiday, but is it right to bury your head in the sand and not talk about problems? we are not talking about some imaginary ideal ukraine, today they will celebrate independence day, only those who did nothing at all to win will be celebrated, that is, they will have trips to the river bank today, there will be barbecues, and well, i, for example, for three contracts in the army, i was so much in the woods and fields that it is no longer a rest for me, you understand, because... who doesn't care about war, i birthdays for the war, sorry for the direct language, they will go celebrate today, and we, and we continue to work, we only have work, especially, you understand, such a day that the russians will intensify, if the shelling and, well, that's why that independence day, like any day
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, is important for us, for our country, they always do, well, some mischief. you understand, this is what i will say, ms. tatiana, i am the last one to you, let's dream, because some desires, some plans, this is what keeps us going, and as our familiar doctor who was at the front told us, who said that i still planned something, i still dreamed about something and somehow tried to make those dreams come true, because otherwise you can go crazy when you're in the trenches, when you're always under... under danger, what's the perfect independence day for you , this is exactly your independence day, which you dream about, today i want to be in the kurdish direction, and this is my only wish, i regret that i am not there, but from the heart, so i understand how difficult it is there, how
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impossible it is there, but i really want to be there and our team is participating in this... operation but well, of course, women were not accepted there, but i think that everything is ahead and i think that i will also take part there, now i regret it, that is , it is very offensive to me that because of gender inequality, i did not get there, ms. tatiana, but you today on our air, you are saying important words, and i hope that they will reach someone, and that is also important. in addition to being a combat medic, but what you say, sometimes, sometimes a word, it then saves another life, somewhere after some time, because we are us, this is what we we say, this is in fact, that is what we are, because we may have different origins, different nationalities and so on, but we all feel like ukrainians, because
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we say so, because we have agreed so among ourselves, because that we feel involved. to that spirit, to that culture which, which was created before us and of which we are now a part, and, but, but this culture rests on such pillars as, in fact, those people who are now holding the defense at the front, ms. tatiana , that's why we thank everyone today, and pass it on to you our thanks, from our viewers, for your brothers and sisters, thank you for the fact that you were able to allocate time for us this morning, tetyana lisizina, a combat medic of the third assault battalion of the fifth assault brigade, is not celebrating this holiday, but is working, dear friends, we are going for a short break now, then we will come back and continue, there are discounts until independence day on citramon 10% gift in the pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. read in the august issue of the magazine kranaya. how did the maidan and the volunteer movement
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form a new ukrainian identity? the phenomenon of ukrainian stability. why. the enemy underestimated the power of freedom, from the gray zone to the european stronghold, what lesson did ukraine teach the world? ask at press outlets or pre-pay online. the country is in the center of the main events. listen, every pharmacy will improve your condition, relieve spasms, help bile, and wait, it contains coal, not black. bile, not sour, nettle - not stinging, garlic, not that, allochol, took it, allochol prevents gallstone disease and the development of cholecystitis, stimulates. secretion bile and will improve digestion processes. alohol is a natural benefit for the liver and gallbladder. the book of women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and
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letter publishing house. the book is based on the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, look for it in bookstores. of ukraine with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts until independence day on magne b6, 10% in pharmacies traveller, bam and savings. there are discounts until independence day on otsyn baths, 20% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. a special project for independence day, about the present and the future, about war, loss and pain. about dark times, but also about people, people who influence our future, people who give strength to fight, people who fight, help and believe in
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victory, people who do not give up and destroy the enemy, bright people, special project bright people in dark times, august 24 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about... the war and what the world is like , two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests studios: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. you know, i still think about the words that tetyana lisina, a combat medic of the third assault battalion, fifth assault brigade, said. which we just met talked about the fact that she feels that somehow people are separating from the war, let's show mrs. tatyana that it is not time to despair and
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that the people who are in the rear, they still remember that the war is going on and that help is needed by our military , we have an ongoing collection of 3.5 million for drones and rebs for the three brigades for which we are collecting, and so far this morning we have only collected a few thousand, dear friends, so do not ignore... qr code for now we are talking to our next guest. dmytro platenchuk, spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, appears in ours ethers mr. dmitry, we congratulate you. greetings from the studio, greetings from the audience. good morning and happy holiday. thank you each other or, is this a holiday for you, or on the contrary, just such a time of increased attention? what is the enemy, what is in the sea? the situation at sea remains stable, in principle, there are no russian ships there for the fourth day. in azov even longer, they have already understood that it is not worth their time to stay there, from the word go at all, so you can say that the situation
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is under control, so of course the russians are very fond of symbolism, but they are not very good at what satellite images of the caucasus sports have now appeared and we saw that... it is true that the neptune rocket was working there and was completely destroyed in the ferry, how do you comment on this? well, the main thing is that, taking into account where it sank, it paralyzes the operation of one of the two platforms for loading wagons, this is, firstly, well, and secondly, there is nowhere to load them, because the other two railway ferries are also not ready to do so. .. operation, one of them is under repair, the second slav, which was damaged by the last one, is in general azov is at anchor awaiting repairs, and
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this particular strike, a missile strike, i understand, well, the ferry is not such a huge target anyway, well, for example, i know that russia, i, too, i saw it, the russians, for example, missed objects in lviv at one time , yes, by a kilo, well, not by a kilometer, but... by 300-400 meters calmly with their high-precision analog missiles, here, well, it is not so easy to hit it by steam, probably, the distance is long was, well anyway without the system relations that were applied this time, it should be noted that such work, of course , requires preparation and skill, application, both in planning and in the direct application of the weapons system, therefore... well, the main thing is the result, and besides , one should not forget that there is serious opposition with there are russians on the side, and air defense is there in large numbers, so it is
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so... such a task with an asterisk, with a huge asterisk. mr. dmytro, are you now, and where are you now, are you in odesa, may i ask now? i am in the south of ukraine, in the south of ukraine. okay, how is the mood of the day in the south of ukraine today independence? well, you know that events, some festive ones have already taken place. yesterday we also had the raising of the flag, yesterday we also had... the reason for the celebration is serious, it is difficult to assess her mood in reality, but life goes on, so you can notice it, it is stormy and it is noticeable, even in kherson, which actually on the front line, life continues, in such cities as mykolaiv, odesa, away from the front line, it does not continue, it even rages,
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therefore... the mood can be seen in the presence of people, in principle, do you remember your day of independence in the 91st year, mr. dmytro? well then, of course it wasn't celebrated on such a scale, uh, but anyway, it was quite a busy time, actually, back then i... i remember people gathering in the central part of the city, it was movement with the flag of ukraine, they are in mykolaiv, many people just walked by, being even a little afraid, because here you have to understand the paradigm, yes, in which all this happened, this is a workers' city that was tied to the soviet military industry completely 100%, and in principle we were treated
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always to the waist, that is, here the electoral field of the ukrainian communists lasted until the last, that is why , of course, we went through this period quite long, quite hard, and we are still going through it in principle, according to your feelings, how much more time do we have it should go so that all ukrainians feel that august 24 is, the day of their country. in fact, the full-scale invasion itself changed many things in the mind, and in the same way , we have such a monument, a monument, to the russian of peace in the form of the destroyed building of the mykolaiv regional state administration, and this copy of what the russian peace looks like, it
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has become such a serious trigger for... , it suddenly became their war, and so significant changes took place in society, and it is felt, it is noticeable to me, as a native of mykolaiv, of course, it is a pity that these are at such a price, but it is good that this price is not wasted. we hope so, at least, mr. dmytro, thank you for your participation on our air, dmytro platenchuk, the spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, was with us, dear friends, you know, although we did not show the announcement on the whole screen, but our viewers reacted and there is only a little left, so that in the first hour we with you , 10,000 gathered to convince tetyana lisitsina, a combat medic, that we do not forget about our military, so friends, qr code, do not forget about it and also do not forget that
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every day at 9:00 a.m. we all over the country stop to for a moment of silence to honor the memory of those people who, unfortunately, have already died due to russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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