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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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of funds on how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the program of reconstruction and development of cities, which saturdays at 18:30 at espresso. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, first of all let me congratulate you. with the greatest ukrainian holiday, independence day, it's not about a calendar date, it 's not just a red dot in our calendar, it's about a holiday in the literal sense of pouring the blood of our soldiers and our civilians, all those who gave their lives for our ukrainian independence, so we remember about them my colleagues prepared a lot of important and interesting and useful conversations, both with people who represent both the political spectrum and the sphere of ku'. and not only that, but i would like
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to talk about polish-ukrainian relations: in 2022, poland helped us a lot, we remember this and appreciate this moment, but we understand that we have many challenges, so caused by the fact that is called difficult polish-ukrainian affairs, so we will talk about this and other things with my current guest marcin bosatsky, the head of the polish-ukrainian parliamentary group, deputy. thank you very much, it's a pleasure, thank you for the opportunity to be here and talk to you, to be here and talk to you. we understand that we have a lot of issues related to polish-ukrainian affairs, but the most important issue that hangs over the entire continent is russian aggression against ukraine, and perhaps not only against ukraine. we also see that... the russians are building up their
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forces, and this is not only in the area of ​​the military and weapons. this is a huge challenge for the entire continent. but they found that ukraine, being in mortal danger, destroyed, struck, let's say, not yet in the heart of the russian enemy, but on the territory of the former chernihiv voivodeship, now it sounds like the kursk region. and immediately the atmosphere changed a little. the enemy did not expect this, and neither did our allies, in particular.
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should know that the courage of the ukrainian people is appreciated all over the world, of course, except for russia and its allies, but here i must tell you that i believe that the reaction to your kursk offensive two years ago, 2.5 years ago, would have been radically other, ofensywę kurską, dwa lata temu, dwa i pół roku temu, dwa lata temu, byłaby poły inna, and this is a positive development of the situation that at this moment the americans, the germans... the french say that ukraine can defend itself against russian aggression, as will consider it necessary. i am convinced that even two years ago these comments on the part of at least some of the western allies would have been more panicked and more cautious. and in my opinion, this is a good evolution of the west's position. this kurdish offensive did not change anything. i think the west has finally realized that ukraine can must be defended by all possible means. in front of that terrible ... palatal aggression
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of putin, as i say, this is a good evolution in the right direction. for example, are there still restrictions on ukraine's use of weapons, assault rifles, etc.? yes, is everything perfect, not perfect, but really, as we recall the first months after february 2022, even such loyal allies as the british said: "we will give ukraine weapons for defense", and now no one says so, you get finally. get, but get f-16, powerful tanks, powerful missile weapons, not enough, but you are getting, i think, when it comes to the west, finally there is an understanding that you should get everything you need, now you have to convince the west that as fast as you need it. yes, it is very important, and of course i would like to thank you and the polish people. and to the various
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political parties of poland for the fact that poland passed the test that began with full-scale russian aggression. this means that the polish political elites have united around the most important thing, support. quick support of ukraine. while somewhere in brussels may still have entered some documents, poland had already given the green light to polish tanks at that time. and it was very important, it is not only about tanks, but also about rifles and so on. but we see that this is not a military operation, it is not a short war. this is an old, long, bloody war that has prospects for expansion. actually, i would like to ask if there is a feeling among the ruling elite of poland, this is primarily about prime minister tusk, but not only. about him, is there an awareness that at some point poland will be obliged to simply give an answer to one of the of the next russian provocations. of course, we understand that those rockets that once flew into polish territory may have been an accident, or maybe not. maybe it was some kind of, i don't know, study of poland's reaction,
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and at some point, maybe someone in warsaw will have to give the order. return the story. a few difficult tricks. a few difficult points: firstly, i have already been to a service in lviv in the garrison church and saw a service for three fallen ukrainian heroes, i see that it looks like lviv is functioning and alive ok, but this war is visible. i had a conversation with mayor sadov, i am a guest of mykola knyazhytskyi, the head of the ukrainian-polish parliamentary group, and it is noticeable that the whole society, the whole ukrainian people, involved in... this war, firstly, secondly, we are already is also part of putin's operation against the west, primarily through the operation of transferring migrants, often very aggressive migrants, trained by lukashenka's kgb along the polish-belarusian border. and this pressure has been going on for almost three years, it is usually
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directed at latvia and lithuania, however the largest is also in poland. this spring , the first polish soldier wounded by a knife on that border died. now we sent a large number of military and police forces there, and we managed to reduce the number of those attacks, but they continue, so poland's awareness that it is part of the conflict of the west with putin and his subordinate lukashenka is absolute. if we are talking about rockets that repeatedly fell on lviv or yavoriv, ​​and before that they were on the territory of poland for several tens of seconds, it is not easy. first, it has to be... allies, it's not it is only poland's decision that we will try to shoot them down, secondly, they are on the territory of poland for a very short time, it is not 10 minutes, but 30, 40, 50 seconds, so even technically it is not easy to hit them on the territory of poland. remember also, if
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we are talking about the goals of our and your biggest ally, that is, the united states, then there are two goals: first, how to help ukraine as quickly as possible. to win the war with russia, and here i will emphasize once again, the whole world, the whole western world, the civilized world, full of great respect and honor to the ukrainian military and the ukrainian people, but the second goal of the americans is to not directly involve america or the north atlantic alliance in a war with russia for as long as possible. we have numerous provocations, we don't talk about it much, but there are provocations related to...
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the red line is that we react to the level of not escalating nato's conflict with russia. meanwhile, there are certainly no red lines for poland when it comes to aid to ukraine, that's all there is to it as large as possible. i spoke on this topic with bohdan klich and he understands that there is a need for something like this, but the most important thing, of course, is the political
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decision and the decision of the allies, because we understand that if poland joined the defense of the ukrainian sky, then we managed to transfer some forces to the east, for example, for the defense of kyiv, kharkiv, or zaporozhye. or other cities. we understand that air defense systems are expensive and they are always in short supply when, especially, it concerns the war with the russians. how do you see the possibilities to solve this? not just i will tell you something that is clear to experts, but probably not to many of our viewers. ukraine, especially after the last three or four months of sending patriots from various european countries, from greece, from spain, from germany, has many more patriots than poland, and we certainly do not have enough of those patriot batteries to protect poland, so it is better to send them from poland to ukraine. is not possible, instead cooperation on the rapid detection of such missile threats from russia
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is the most possible, having said this now, i believe that the goal of this war and the goal that ukraine must achieve, and what poland sets for itself at the end of the war, is the full membership of ukraine with full rights in nato and the eu. then obviously, after a certain armistice or peace with russia, there should no longer be any restrictions, and the difference between. that is why poland is the power in the talks in the north atlantic alliance, which, for example , this spring, after that difficult winter, when you lacked shells to shoot down the russian... missiles, not only the patriot, but also others, was the power that the internal during the alliance talks
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, she said that it is necessary to give ukraine everything that is possible maybe, but understand that we cannot give everything we have now, because potentially across the border from kaliningrad we have, unfortunately, a missile danger for warsaw and for gdansk, for other cities in north-eastern poland, we cannot give everything to you now , but we give everything we can. we give it. and as for aviation, do you think there will be any progress in the matter of the number of f-16, we understand that the most important decision has already been made, but another issue is also important, their number, not only the quality. i'll just say that what you've got so far this is just a small amount of what you will get. yes, and now we will have a short break, after which i will continue our conversation with... bosatsky, deputy of the polish diet, head of the polish-ukrainian parliamentary group. there are discounts until independence day on
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conversation, we do not know its details, but it is about president duda and president zelenskyi. there was a kind of aggravation and cooling. there was such a rather sharp for me strange statement of our president, it is about the un, and then we had a cooling of relations. but now, according to my feelings, it was possible to tie up new topics or unfreeze previous ones. in general, i am not sure that the russian-ukrainian war is a good time to... complicate relations between poland and ukraine, but sometimes it happens. realize both you and us that it is up to everyone the cooling of polish-ukrainian relations, or the aggravation, only one power will win - russia, what's more, i know it, the russians, through their agency, through propaganda, are working very powerfully on this, and for sure, maybe there was a real difference of interests, and indeed, polish farmers suffered from the fact that too much
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ukrainian grain, which was supposed to be exported further, remained in poland, here too there is responsibility and the mine is to blame... as you know, there have been no such blockades for six months, i have great hope that a positive attitude poles to ukrainians and ukrainians to poles, built over the past years, we journalists, the environment of opinion leaders, will be affirmed in the coming months and years, because strategically, when it comes to the most important security interests of poland and ukraine, there are currently no countries closer to each other than our two peoples, that is, poland and ukraine. our strategic interests are the same. i agree
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with you, and most importantly, at one time, when it was possible to defeat the russians, it was during the period of, say, the polish-lithuanian-ukrainian combination, which was called rich-pospolita, in translated by the republic, and the unification of polish-lithuanian-ukrainian forces at that time still frightens russia. obviously, they would like to play on some kind of split between our countries. and on the other hand, you used the word allies. 100 years ago , petlyur and pilsutsky managed to perform a miracle near kyiv and in kyiv, i.e. defeat the bolsheviks. unfortunately, it didn't work out later, and we understand that in those days , polish nationalism, national democracy, and polish nationalists who saw another development concept, and now there may be some repetition, of course i would not like it, but the word allies is used, so how far can that alliance, the polish-ukrainian military alliance, since the defense treaty
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is on the table, or the security treaty , one for... it is signed by the polish government, instead, all long-term international agreements require peace, efforts should be focused on ukraine really defeating russia in this war. in fact, the level of interest that ukraine has gained over the past 2.5 years colossal. you received support not only. poland, but also in europe and the united states as a whole. not to mention canada, where there is a powerful ukrainian diaspora. indeed, in that war you won millions of allies who want to help you with all their hearts. this is a new situation. unfortunately, until 2014, even partially until 2022, the majority of german, french, italian citizens believed that
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ukraine was such a new country, uncertain, and that has passed, it is no more. and if... is it somewhere on the margins of the discussion in europe or not in the united states, there is a clear understanding that ukraine is part of the west and that the west, in its own interests, not only moral, but also strategic, has an obligation to help ukraine win this war with russian imperialism. you know, when we, poles, baltics, romanians, czechs, warned against russian imperialism 15 or even 10-6 years ago, the western elites looked at us. as for russophobes, no one thinks like that anymore, everyone knows that, unfortunately, imperialism is part of the state and national russian thinking, it has never been otherwise, indeed, russia had two very brief moments when it flirted with democracy, in 17 kerensky for a couple of months, and in the 90s again maybe two or three years of early
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yeltsin, and that's the end, russia, unfortunately, and also part of the democratic opposition of russia, and we have something similar here, but of course there is probably a difference related to nuclear weapons and so on, and the west is not what it used to be, which means that no one wants a war in the west on purpose, but... sometimes you have to give an armed response. i see that
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this is quite a popular view in ukraine, so i'll tell you again, i see a huge, not enough, but huge change for the better , not for the worse, really. the response to the 14th year for crimea and donbas was also positive, but at a minimal level. answer as of the 22nd. year is already very serious, let's be honest, ukraine received roughly more than 200 million euros or dollars in military equipment, as well as financial aid. there are countries that really gave you a large part of their weapons, like poland. there were clear declarations that you will be a member of nato, i sincerely admit, a couple of years ago impossible, there would be our friends from the west who would say that they are making such a decision. i understand this ukrainian impatience and for the most part... agree with it, but i have had a dialogue with politicians from the west, from germany, from france, from great britain, from the usa for more than 20 years in a row, and i tell you, lately i have been thinking about
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russia, about ukraine, about the security of europe, particularly the north-east, is fundamental, and it is thanks to you. is there any danger that this will change in the future? unfortunately, i don't know. in my opinion, unfortunately, part of the entourage of the former of the president and the current candidate trump in the american elections is such. danger, but the main direction is to see russia as it is, and not idealistic notions that russia in the process of transformation to democracy is powerful, if even germans traditionally for various reasons, including historical ones , have a rather naive way of thinking about russia, even the germans have changed their position a lot, and it's to your advantage and ours, i haven't yet answered your question about our nationalists, nationalists are everywhere, you have... relationships, but you have to be careful and careful, have
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this means building really stronger ties between poles and ukrainians, this is the acceptance of 3 million ukrainians at a certain moment, now there are about a million of them, and these are mainly women with children, of course, well, at a certain moment 3 million ukrainians.
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these are not simple matters, but we must solve them based on mutual understanding and interests, because as i said, the strategic interests of poland and ukraine are practically the same. you said that we should build, i completely agree with you here, but in order to build something, we need tool, that is, the mechanisms of cooperation between governments, we understand that... part is public, but there is also a practical part: we understand that there must be groups that will deal with the implementation of what the presidents of their time, president duda and president
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zelensky, promised. they directly said that , say, cooperation outside the borders will be facilitated, or maybe there will be no such borders at all. now ukraine is increasingly moving towards the european union. but this, let's say, is a public sphere and everything here sounds good, however, when we come to a concrete implementation, practical, should be. also good communication, we now have a very good agency in poland under the leadership of pawel koval, a well-known polish figure who understands polish-ukrainian issues, i don’t know if there is any symmetrical structure on the ukrainian side, but there are few such agencies on the polish-ukrainian side there would be much more, these are different questions, questions in historical matters, in medical matters, in educational matters and in many others, i will not list everything now. to się dzieje, tego trzeba robi więcej, między nimi moja grupa, czyli polsko-ukraińska grupa parlamentarna. it works, so it should
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be done more. the polish-ukrainian parliamentary group is trying to do this. my visit to lviv and kyiv in a week is also dedicated to this. together with the presidium of our group, we were in kyiv four months ago. a month ago, there was a presidium with mykola knyazhytsky headed by artem kovalev in gdańsk. i'll tell you this, for example, here in lviv, the economic meeting of the ministries of economy of poland and ukraine seems to be in march. our closest cooperation will apply to energy for that. to help you survive the difficult coming winter, the energy bridge, which until now mainly operated from the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant to poland, will be a reverse bridge if necessary, i.e. poland will export your energy to ukraine if you are short of it this winter, in order to your cities, your communities were not left without electricity and heat during the difficult time of winter. we know your critical infrastructure is under russian attack and
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we want to help. but you are right, it is necessary accelerating and increasing the number of conversations in other fields, in the historical field as well, although it is not easy. but also, for example, the contact of young people. poland has huge exchange programs, mostly with the germans, but also with france. exchanges of youth despite the ongoing war, i believe, with ukraine, in order to get to know each other better, so that stereotypes go into the past, so that ordinary interpersonal friendship between young people is born. i encourage the ministry of education and science in ukraine to do so. it should all be happening now, isn't it what to expect, and one more thing. this is the end of my answer: there is a large european resource that can be used for cooperation in
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various fields, in particular. and self-government of your government, cities or regions with our cities, communes, voivodships, we can really use european means to expand polish-ukrainian relations. polish-ukrainian relations. the case is historical, the case is difficult, historical questions, difficult questions, the case of exhumation of the victims of volhynia remains unsolved until now. we understand that it is necessary to do, and i am surprised that the ukrainian side has not done it yet. this is strange to me, because there are dead people lying in volyn on ukrainian soil. it is obvious that the ukrainian side should organize the exhumation and put the bodies of those people in coffins in a normal way. we understand that during the war it is probably more difficult to organize, but there is also poland that wants it, and maybe, apart from the technicalities, i pray this sounds a little cynical, the technicalities when we talk about
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burials... and so on, maybe it is worth creating one joint similar structure in order to , of course, pay respect to the people who lie there, but on the other hand, we understand that this is also a political matter, and the ukrainian verkhovna rada and the polish sejm already have many different resolutions and laws behind them and so on. in words, the ukrainian and polish parliamentarians were very productive. i don't know if it would have worked somehow, well you know
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communication problems are important. regarding exhumation, do not wait for the moment when we reach an agreement on historical issues, because in there are several hundred thousand families in poland, or several hundred thousand individuals, who still very often have the graves of their ancestors in unknown places, from those forties in volyn and not only in volyn, and i think that such a human need is to have a consecrated coffin or in ukraine or in poland, those relatives, and this is also very...


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