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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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we want to be a free people, and the church, as an environment of liberation, must fulfill its mission here in new historical circumstances, you know, i remember such two moments that i witnessed 90 there, in my opinion, it was the first year or so, somewhere at the very beginning of independence, alexey came to the second, in my opinion, and then he was the head of the russian church, and he was in black. volga, and people shouted out the moscow priest, that’s one thing, by the way, from the slogans of the period of independence, there’s sol kravchuk’s hetman, that’s one thing, because i used to go then, for example, at all these rallies before the verkhovna rada, but the moscow priest was there, and he was riding such a black volga, and people were chasing him in the center of kyiv, and they could not escape, there was such a cavalcade of these cars, and they you, that is people chased the moscow opup, it was the beginning of the 90s, and then i remember 2000, god knows what year, when yanukovych was the president, when he came... kirill was there, and this is such a golden
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huge crowd marching through the center of kyiv, exactly moscow pop. during this time, the moscow church managed to plant and impose so much themselves, that from the time when they chased her, they turned into a church that went from the volodymyrvska hill, there was cyril in front and all that, and no one could do anything, it was as if they reigned here, but you see, now we are getting to the point the time when they actually end their history in ukraine. here is the most important thing, i would like your advice, i understand that this may not be your flock now, maybe it will be your flock, for people who do not understand much, maybe in politics, in state security, in danger from this church, well i i say as if ukrainian, but we are not we know there with moscow, they are not with moscow, but how to briefly and simply explain to people why you do not need the moscow word? i think we should. our citizens of ukraine should
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feel responsible for their church, and for what you hear, probably also, and why you believe, if you feel responsible for your church, then that church will be able to change. i can proudly say about the active lay people of the ukrainian greek catholic church. there are churches, and we are happy that we are a church, we are changing, we are growing, we are looking for new ways, new forms, how to be a church, how to serve god and people, in the latest circumstances, we are happy to have wise, active, conscious, responsible lay people in our church, on whom we can rely. and today, the ukrainian
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greek catholic church is not some cold hierarchical structure, it is a living network community, which today covers many countries of the world with that network of presence, so we would very much like to share our experience of church life, even with our orthodox. don't be afraid, don't be afraid, be active, your fathers can't be yours slave owners, do not be slavish in front of spiritual officials, be able to be open, free, only then you will be able to change that church, children, which you consider yourself to be. i think that lay people, ordinary
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orthodox believers, can be a catalyst for change in some churches today. unfortunately, it so happened that russia tried to undermine those post-soviet countries with the help of corruption, the same thing happened in ukraine, they believed that it was political corruption. financing of various pro-russian political organizations and movements that were involved restoration of various kinds of historical so -called events, it was soft power, the kind of soft power with which they wanted to colonize anew, including ukraine, and here we saw that ee, it means that the moscow patriarchate very actively began to feel itself a component. ..
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of this entire corrupt system, we see that in russia there was a merger of corrupt secular power and... supreme power, this symphony, it took such, well, finally, i would say, disgusting forms, the merger of the throne and the throne, it led to the final loss of the moral authority of the same church, even in russian society, and it was projected as a model of state-church relations for ukraine, it was about moscow orthodoxy as a state church, and we saw how moscow politicians behaved and behave today in relation to this type of church existence, in particular also and
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in ukraine, and here are all those triumphal bosses, you know, the ones you mention, and it has already begun to fill everyone's mind, eh, i would like us to... even today, we remembered one such delicate reality, today a huge number of faithful of the moscow patriarchate feel betrayed by their church. i talk to many of them, they feel that the one who was supposed to be their father has become their enemy, the one who was supposed to take care of them has finally betrayed them. this does not mean that those betrayed...wounded people will immediately look for another denomination, go to one or another church. i now have the feeling that many of those wounded, sick hearts, they will leave
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the church altogether, and ukraine may face a very powerful wave of secularization, i.e. a new type of godlessness and atheism. exactly as it happened in tsarist russia after, that is, after the overthrow of the tsarist throne, and with it the power or power over the people of the russian orthodox church. i would like you to clarify for our viewers, the issue of behavior, well, to a lesser extent, the behavior of... the actions of the head of the vatican, the head of the roman catholic church and the person who sits on the holy throne, because not all people understand why here as if to peace, there is somehow not such an unequivocal statement regarding the condemnation of the actions of russia,
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or again the same moscow church, there is some kind of attempt to unite a ukrainian and a russian woman or something like that, to do something like that... schmoob, who seemed to give some ideas about reconciliation, and people think that he is for us or for someone, or how to explain it, well so, as they say, just to explain why, what's the difficulty today, maybe the role played by er, the pope, francis, and, er, maybe those things that we don't see, but he also does, and they very important, both in the humanitarian sphere and... and important, well, the whole complexity, perhaps today, of the role and mission, er, of the most holy father of the pope of rome, as a universal bishop, it's like being a preacher of peace at a time when , uh, the third world war is starting in
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particles, these are his words, that is, like today, let's say, being the one who has to serve as a reconciliation between... reconciliation between nations, when nations begin to fight among themselves, this is the complexity, perhaps a certain tension between the local and the universal, it is obvious that we feel that here in ukraine, many problems of the whole world look different, we understand today that reconciliation. .. between the aggressor and the victim is possible only when the aggressor will stop when the world community condemns him, when that aggressor is forced
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to compensate for the wrong done, only then can there be a dialogue, a dialogue that, let's say, someday, i hope... it will be crowned with what we call healing of wounds, and therefore reconciliation, that's why these are all very difficult questions, but... let's let the pope be the pope, and we ukrainians will be ukrainians, i think that everyone will understand everything, including us, when we will really win in the battle that, which we lead, because maybe this is our so-so mission, to unmask that devil, which attacks us today, to expose that moscow, which today no longer exists. high culture, but the bearer
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of the newest genocidal ideology, because unfortunately, today the world is in the same danger that it was in, let's say, before the beginning of the second world war, but let's remember that time in europe, everyone wanted to be safe. you are the escalation of the world conflict, do you remember chamberlain, who was so happy with that piece of paper, so, they say, they satisfied the aggressor, gave him a part of some country there, and now he has already satisfied his appetites, then in to the average european, the word germany was associated with high culture, philosophy, music, and the nazis were in power. and then at the end of the second world war, everyone asked themselves with horror: how was it possible that
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such a civilized, cultured people committed the crimes of auschwitz and committed genocide against an entire people, which today we call the holocaust, that is today... acts in relation to russia. russia, in particular, after the collapse of the soviet union, invested huge amounts of money in order to spread the illusion of its high culture. today, when someone is looking for an expert on russia, they will always come across an adept who was raised on the illusion of the greatness of russian culture. and always, when they hear about russia today, they will,
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first of all, turn to the categories of their own illusory thinking, without asking themselves what is really happening in russia. in russia today there is, i would say, such a neo-colonial genocidal regime that has nothing in common with examples of high russian culture, from dostoevsky or others. so-called russian classics culture, according to this culture, today there is no more, eh, and this is a certain shock that, perhaps, the west is experiencing today, all those who consider themselves experts, and this is our, perhaps, historical role, it is to expose everything, to warn the world, to close it in front of this huge ee danger, so i hope we have our role. perform, er, we will win, and then everyone will understand us. i am convinced that
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the lord god today, er, is always on the side of the one who is a victim of unjust aggression, that the lord god is close, close to us. you said that god is with us, but i would like to finish with this question, because many people ask today, where is god? and why is this with us, and how jesus was asked whether his parents sinned, or he, why he is blind, and now people will ask, so who sinned, articles are written, intelligent people write, explaining why we deserved this war in quotation marks, and they say, well, who, who sinned, but i would like you to say your word, here it is important for people to understand where god is, if i do not see him, do not feel him, all this is happening, and why do we it is, well... we will answer this question until the end, maybe at the end of the story, when the whole
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process will take place, then we will see everything in its entirety, but now it is christians who have the key to interpret this reality, why? because we believe in a suffering god, not that god who is somewhere far away, somewhere in the heavens, in his kingdom, no. and god who became man. we believe in the son of god, who entered human history, took on a human body and voluntarily. went to the cross, that is, today we christians see the suffering christ in everyone's suffering a person i want to share my such, maybe my own spiritual experience, you know, when i visit our er wounded guys,
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or even civilians who have been injured, as a result of bombings, you know, just some kind of truly awe-inspiring awe at the human suffering in ukraine, in which god is really present. sometimes i caught myself thinking, you know, seeing those wounds, i say to myself: jesus, it's you, i see you in this person. and indeed, today christ is suffering in... the body of the suffering ukrainian people, that is why the pains and sufferings of our savior in the body of a suffering ukrainian motivate christians to acts of mercy, they call us not just to respect human suffering, but
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to protect human life, that is, it is some kind of, i would say, truly a religion. the motive of all our social service, all that we do to protect, save human life in the name of god, this is not some kind of usual, i would say, philanthropy, but it is truly deakonia, that is, service, service to god through service needy people and this is not only my personal experience, but the whole of our church, you know, no one has ever asked in our communities, in our parishes, what church do you go to, what language do you speak, when we saw a person in need, a wounded person, a refugee, a person in need, to
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help them, to warm them, or perhaps even to advise, how to continue... to follow it in life, in life, here, and this is the secret of stability, i am convinced that this is the non-abstract, but very concrete presence of god among us, in particular through, through his suffering in wounds of ukraine, this is a very, very deep, i would say, foundation for the proclamation of christ its. christ's gospel today in ukraine. that is why we say: god is with us. god is always in the one who suffers. there is such an early christian sermon from the second century, even from the persecuted church, which said that christ is killed in everyone who will be killed until the end
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of the world. christ was present in his. whom he sold into egypt, christ was present in abel, whom cain killed in the old testament, and today he is present in every person who is needy, weak, that is why we read in matthew's gospel of the great judgment, christ says, what you did to one of the least of these, you did to me, so... er, we christians know where god is present, we see him, and we want to serve the lord god and our long-suffering but heroic people. we thank you, bishop svyatoslav was with us, the head of the ukrainian greek catholic church, and i also congratulate you on the independence day of ukraine and your entire
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christian community. well, i ask you to stay with the espresso tv channel. it will be interesting later. in the third year of the war, the enemy wants plunge us not only into darkness without light, but also into the darkness of despair. how the ukrainian rear accelerates the long-awaited victory. see in the espresso special project. bright people in dark times, business. "to make assistants who hand over goods from the warehouse and self-service dispensers, the anc pharmacy, the first in the pharmaceutical market of ukraine, was approved." such technological innovations. in this way , the company facilitates the work of its employees and speeds up the process of customer service. now we do not need to receive online orders
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to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association, watch every tuesday at 7 :55 in the espresso tv channel legal expertise. my friends, i congratulate you on independence day, this holiday has certainly gained more meaning since 2014 than before, and what can be said after a full-scale
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intrusion. and even more people celebrate this holiday for the first time and celebrate it correctly, that is, it is not just that somewhere defines the same as any other holiday, but it does so with meaning, and you know, i remember when in in my childhood, and when there were any holidays, they were celebrated practically the same, they were concerts held in the central square, i grew up in a small town and it was in... basically the same, that independence day, that there is some other day another, that it's christmas, that it's just some artists came to us, and i am very happy that now almost every such important holiday in our country has its own meaning, and more and more people understand and share these meanings, so once again, with independence day, i will say that many artists and musicians have timed some releases
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of their... tracks, or albums, or songs, or something else, for example, zhadany dogs released a whole album, which consists of eight songs, this album is called zlyy, and sergey zhadan himself, he characterizes this, this disc as honest, angry, as private as possible, and i managed to listen to it so superficially, and i want to say that it is absolutely in the spirit. dana and the dogs, well, let's try to listen to the excerpt, if it's ready, let's talk further: there are well-deserved folk, fashionable, hungry and out-of-towners, but we don't know where we hear, play, what we play, and hear what we hear, literally a year ago , when i was walking on the beach and usually you could hear some russian music there, someone brought speakers and...
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half the beach turned on dogs and dogs, it was a completely new experience, although it was and it should be, in principle, well, if we talk about zhadan in music, then it is like this, well , we like to throw around the word phenomenon, i would say that it is a certain phenomenon, because zhadan in us can write complex texts, and which will be very multi-layered, in which they sit there , literary experts understand, and also he can perform in such a way in some club there or, well, in general, to a mass audience, and the main thing is that his songs, the songs of dogs zhadana and dog are not sufficiently understood by such a wide audience , that is why they are popular, that is why they respond, and in general i will say that in the prose and many of serhiy zhadan's poems there is such a multi-ethnic, i.e....
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something that responds -


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