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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EEST

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victory rescuer, ensign of the state emergency service, yuriy lozynsky worked in the subway until february 24. now his job is sorting rubble after shelling, putting out fires, it's a constant risk, a risk for the sake of people, and you have to risk your own life. we cannot be defeated as long as there are such people, bright people in dark times. greetings to all espresso viewers. the bright people in dark times marathon continues. the news editorial office talks about what is important for this hour. lithuania will hand over 5,000 drones to ukraine by the end of autumn, prime minister ingrid said shimonite. also as part of the new military aid package. lithuania will transfer 10
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short-range air defense systems, anti-drone equipment and ammunition. in addition , the lithuanian government has committed to annually spend a quarter of a percent of gdp on aid to ukraine. poland is changing its ambassador to ukraine, the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs of the country, pavel vronskyi, said. already from september , former military officer and diplomat potor lukashevich will be the ambassador. he replaced. yaroslav huza, who held the post since november 2023. for courage and devotion to the ukrainian people volodymyr zelensky presented state awards to ten rescuers, one of them posthumously, to lieutenant colonel volodymyr oleksandriuk of the civil defense service. the state emergency service announced that among the awards was the order of courage of the third degree, a medal for impeccable service and a saved life. vyacheslav negoda became the new
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head of the ternopil regional military administration, the relevant decree was signed by volodymyr zelenskyi. the newly appointed head of the region was the mayor of ternopil in 1990-1998, and from 2019 to 2023 he held the position deputy minister of regional development. and to safety. situation in the regions, a 59-year-old woman died as a result of shelling in the okhtyr district in the sumy region. the russians hit civilian infrastructure with artillery. the regional prosecutor's office was informed. a couple also died as a result of the morning attack. the occupiers attacked the car with a drone. a 34-year-old woman and a 35-year-old man died on the spot from their injuries. it became known about one more person killed as a result of shelling in kherson. a 58-year-old man died in hospital,
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three people died, four more were injured, among them an infant, a boy was hospitalized with mine-explosive limb injuries, the head of the city's military administration , roman mrochko , said. emergency services are on site. the spresso tv channel and the vesna charity fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for... the third separate assault brigade, the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks and defend ours freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. thanks to you, our viewers already have 1,307,000 small donations on their accounts.
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you can join the collection using the qr code you see on the screen. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front line, urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and drones of the comikat, we are very much asking for your help, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes. at night, powerful explosions rang out in the voronezh region of russia. ukrainian intelligence blew up a large warehouse of ammunition in the settlement of ostrogutsk. artillery and tank shells of the occupiers were stored on the territory of the military facility. it is about more than 5,000 tons of ammunition. detonation continues at the place of impact - reported in gur. according to propaganda media, because of the attack two people were injured and
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a state of emergency was introduced in the ostrohosky district . a historian by profession , a volunteer by heart, and a cross in his spare time. porters from the 19th century and koval, a story about the israeli gennady nizhnyk, who was born in lviv, his whole conscious life, the man lives in israel, went through two lebanon wars, was fascinated by historical reconstructions, and when the great war began in ukraine, he could not stay away. ulyana dryuchkova visited a historian in jerusalem. this is what i wear. ober in french chain mail somewhere 35-40 thousand rings, 16-17 kg with a hood up to the knees, this is exactly my suit for reconstruction. historian and blacksmith gennady nizhnyk's apartment is like a museum. ancient history is on one of the stands, next to
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modern history. this is participation in the medieval fencing championship in france, this is the second lebanese one, it should be for the first one, but it was not sent. and this is already lviv, right now. nizhnyk comes from lviv. he has been in israel for 30 years, 12 of them engaged in historical reconstruction. together with a club of like-minded people, they immerse themselves and everyone else for several days every year xix century, in the last days of the life of the kingdom of jerusalem. the battle of khatin in 1187 between the crusader states and the troops of sultan saladin is recreated in detail. a few years ago, gennady also mastered blacksmithing. he went to ukraine, to his friend, in particular, to acquire knowledge and experience. i have relatives, classmates and reenactors in lviv, and among them koval ihor. i remember i told him, i will be in lviv, give me a workshop on blacksmith welding. he replied: "okay, i
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'll stop by his place, we'll work." i tell him: "come on i'll pay you something, it's your working time, you spent the day, he never took any money." and in the spring of 2022 , gennady helped his friend koval buy modern armor, a bulletproof vest. the comrade went to defend ukraine, and, unfortunately, he died near bakhmut in march 2022. his wife, four children, and his favorite business remained in israel to command the sun to sit down is impossible to say. to the husband, stay at home if he wants to go, if he feels that it is necessary, especially since there was such enthusiasm at the beginning, and it was possible to collect a lot of money in the genes, but they had to be taken away, whoever has time, he
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is engaged in volunteering , if he is volunteering, then i stay at home. hennadiy helped the local volunteer center, with the money that kept coming in... from friends and acquaintances from all over the place, he bought medicine, met the needs of the military and helped rescue abandoned animals, reports he keeps about every penny to this day, this is already such a family archive, this is already such a family archive, this is expenses and received funds, how much money i received for my three trips, this is the date: i divided into columns what the funds were transferred to, this is animals, to shelters, it's to the army, someone transferred it to refugees, it's medicine, i wrote how much i spent every day. hennadiy went to ukraine several more times, each time with heavier and more valuable cargo, looking for ways to officially stay there, but it didn't work. man would ride between the two countries and further, but on october 7 of last year, the war came to his
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israel. i needed experience from ukraine here, to go, do and believe that everything will work out, because it already worked out in ukraine, and we traveled through these settlements. at first it was... a completely wild movement, then it was all with the army, then they stopped letting us in, we took out all the living things that were left there, at first we thought only dogs, then cats, chickens. gennadiy nizhnyk and his military reconstruction club continue to work, which is important, even during the war, the man says, he heard from his ukrainian colleagues. so gennady tries to do his job well and dreams of taking his whole family to a historical reconstruction in tustan, ukraine. from... israel, ulyana druchkova for espresso tv channel. see you at 18:00 in the final news release, then meet the independent, mykola september, be with espresso.
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good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, i congratulate everyone on the independence day, today is august 24 and it is really outstanding. day, i would say that the struggle continues and it is not known how long it will last, as soon as i was walking in front of the ether, and a person was crawling by, says mr. mykola, and when it ends, i will say, you know, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, and as long as the russians fortified ukraine, well no, well, i hope it won't take us so long to recover from all this, but there are more than one day ahead of us of a high, led... honest, frank, fair struggle, that's how i would say, once again i congratulate everyone,
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we will still talk today about news and we don't have much news today, but there is a lot, let's be honest, we have mr. roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, on the phone, just what we need, colonel of weapons of the security service of ukraine, good health, mr. roman, i don't know, i hope i won't reveal any secrets, you just returned from the kurshchyna, so what are your impressions of you, i would like to ask the first question, what impressed you, really, that is the impression from the word impress, something there was such a thing, is it, for you, an ordinary element of a war on our territory or on someone else's territory, but a war is a war, it is similar, as any war is similar, then something struck you, something you noticed, what? for example, they did not expect what surprised you and so on, please, mr. roman, well, i will probably
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say my impressions there in general, plus the impressions of everyone who is there, well, for the fighters who are there, you are right to say that, also an element of war which they wage on foreign territory in order to relieve pressure of the russian federation in order for, let 's say, another maneuver of our troops for further victory, which... now affects, in the future, it will, i hope, have a greater effect on all other directions, where the enemy is, let's say, clinging to us with his teeth and there , not even paying attention to the fact that they are occupying his territory, continues to press for the achievement of some whole, to say, something impressed that ukraine is a success in this direction, and it is such, well, excuse me, geopolitical, if success can be called such a word, yes, the territory is captured relatively... in terms of the scale of such hostilities, it is not exactly large, but in relation to the territory that
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was captured, by what forces, it raised the morale and lifted ukraine and showed that we are ready to continue fighting, the effect was maximal. as for the kurshchyna itself, well, mr. mykola, here the question should probably be compared to the invasion of russia on the territory of ukraine, if on february 24, then i think... you remember, all our viewers remember, what was the reaction of our society to all this , i guess i just have to look at what was happening, we remember, but it's there now some part of politics returned there, unfortunately, but then we remember, everything was erased, political colors, i don't know, religious differences, even the question was erased there. well, at the local level, i have my own experience there, and that was erased when, from small to large
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, they built barricades, filled it with molotov cocktails, they can still be found probably all over ukraine, somewhere in the parks , these bottles are still lying around, then even in my experience, those who filmed her wedding flew on their own planes, we were the first to involve them, because on pity was not everything, and it is possible. to name a lot, that is, the opposition of the ukrainian people and the russian people - these are completely different stories, because where we went, now there was practically no opposition, there are many people who speak the ukrainian language, er, they, let's say, perceive that what is there, and they, well, i ’m talking now, what realistic things, they perceive this story, that we attacked, and in response ukraine came to us, well, that’s how it is... that’s why no one, no one, threw at we
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were hammered in cocktails, no one in civilian clothes resisted, i may have been there somewhere, i did not see it, so i think that this is the main difference between the ukrainian people and this territory, which we have now entered, mr. roman, but as the fighters themselves, the ukrainian soldiers themselves, if what they think about the fact that there is no resistance, they are the same between themselves. talking, talking, exchanging ideas, their version, why, i will confirm your words, i was riding the subway to work on the 24th, and i saw ... full subway stops, jammed with people, as girls, women escorted boys to the front, and the boys were already dressed, they were already behind backpacks, and they were already preparing to leave, and there were tears, and all the world and such emotion, but what we see, you see more, there is nothing like that there, the country is not
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going to pile up, as you described it, and does not want to give eyelashes. and why in kyiv no one knows for sure, or maybe there are some people there, who are yours, your brothers, who somehow analyze it, just what they say about it, it’s interesting, well, look, there’s no, not particularly, i’m something analyze, i think that this is a story about democracy and autocracy, because autocracy she said, you are not going anywhere, we will decide everything for you, that's how people are, well , the war has come, decide, everything is different in ukraine. ukraine showed it in a different way, that when the government cannot solve something, the people take matters into their own hands, and when it began, a full-scale invasion began, the people saw that the government could not do it, well, to make sure that there was no war, and the people took it into his own hands, came under the command of the industrious commander-in-chief there, and each began to fight in his own direction, this is not the case in russia, because
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they have such a thing, they have been taught that everything is decided for them, and... they understand that it is not their job, horror, to defend the country, it is not their job, it’s okay, yes, yes, they are funny, this the truth is, if they didn’t bring so much grief to ukrainians, they would be funny, now the next question that everyone, the whole world is talking about, how much do you feel, i understand that no one knows about it, except maybe zelensky and maybe commander-in-chief, how long is it, how or? and we stand there as long as we feel like standing there, we stand there if they will bring troops there, and we will still stand, if there are so many troops and weapons, then we will simply go back to ukrainian territory, or i do not understand something, how, how do you see it, look, well, there may be several options, because first, we can continue the offensive,
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and it depends on our reserves, on our capabilities, on how the enemy...will transfer his reserves, he transfers a little at a time, but still he is not yet, he does not have the opportunity yet, the front not yet stopped, right away the main thing is that we are moving forward, we we expand the bridgehead, and first we can advance further, next, we now stand, dig in, make defense lines and hold this line, and we have right here what is the essence of this kurdish operation, here first of all is that we ee let's say so on... we imposed the initiative, i won't say that we intercepted it, we imposed our actions in a different direction, this is very important in the war, and what is most important is that we showed that everything in the history of the borders of the russian federation no longer exists, because before that, well, we had more than 200 km of the border with the russian federation, there
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are some in the occupied territory, some are active, and putin, realizing that he has some kind of nuclear strategy there, some... in general, his own strategy, something of the csto, he felt very confident about the northern borders, ukraine will not enter here, here i am all my military resources, which i have, i will throw them at the eastern and southern fronts, and we stuck to it there for some time, we fought in the east, we fought in the north, and putin does not need there were large reserves here, now, having entered the kursk region, we have shown that we can, a front of more than 1000 km has opened for us, which is unprotected. and as a matter of fact, the intelligence reported to us that the protection is approximately the same everywhere, as it was in kurshchyna, these are military personnel, there are fsb officers, border guards, and there are some dragon’s teeth there, and defense lines are built there, which , in principle, we showed that our paratroopers are breaking through, so the main thing is that we opened this front and showed that we will now
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act on that side in the same way and hit objects on that side and capture. objects and that is changing the course of the war in general, and russia will now need to readjust. yes, we now see that they are all equal in priority, they have the donetsk region instead of their lands, but the kurdish operation and its consequences are still ahead, and they will be disastrous for the russian federation. just here i would like to clarify, mr. roman, that is, the tension near pokrovsk has not subsided yet. the russians are closing in on pokrovsk. as far as i understand, that is, from the withdrawal of soldiers and weapons from the main direction that putin has determined for himself, he is not being observed, or something is starting... to appear, because in some places there is some information that somewhere one column went back to russia, another column, but so far this is not happening at the front, look,
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what i know there as of yesterday, then in some directions the voltage really dropped there by a large percentage, there by 50, but this is not pokrovsky, you know, there is such a concept of concentration of forces on the main direction of attack, here are the main ones... we have a large number of kilometers of the front there , there is a main direction, which is now pokrovska, there are secondary ones, where they stand defense in the first, second echelon of the enemy, they are dropping off, now taking forces from these secondary ones, while remaining mainly in the direction of pokrovsk, where we are really they are advancing us a little, there are their own factors, there is no evidence that the enemy there is super strong, we have our own nuances, this lack is a really limited resource in terms of ammunition with which we fight. from the first day of the war, and now it is especially affecting this direction, well, let's be honest, there is no stability in the defense, and this is a lot
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factors, well, let's say, poorly trained personnel, and in the short time given, perhaps poorly trained units, but there, let's say, there is no such thing, you know what to say directly, that they directly take us out of there, yes there are moments, the commander also spoke about it yesterday. where those who said that simply, unfortunately, in some directions in the fight, the fighters do not have stability, and they do not even enter into skirmishes, after making an impression on the opponents, they leave, there are many factors, i still cannot say correctly, therefore that we are not there, but there is this nuance, and of course commanders on the ground should play a big role here, and this should be a lesson for us, regarding the training of personnel in our training centers, because... just sending a soldier there with a machine gun who is not trained does not mean , that the position will be held, so it is better for you to spend more time on it, and then have an effect from it. mr.
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roman, the last question, i guess, yesterday i was reading military analysts very carefully, and they said such an interesting phrase, it is so reassuring, i liked it, so i i am making it public now that no city,... point or village of donbass has the key to donbass, i mean, any russian successes, even in that pokrovsk and so on, they do not open donbass, there is nothing that if captured something, then the road is open to the capture of many other settlements, and they say that no matter what the victory is, even the occupation of russia-pokrovsk will not lead. not to any such drastic changes, what do you think about this? well, i partially agree here, everything will depend here, i say once again, it is possible to seize some, well, let's say
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this, you can create a breach in some line of defense, where there will be weak personnel and there to develop this success, and then in principle it will have to be dragged back, let's say all the troops to that line, where the enemy reached, but he said... that if pokrovsky is captured here and there, and we have already surrendered everything, no, our task, our task now is to make sure that the enemy, even after reaching pokrovsk, suffers such losses that he understands that entering pokrovsk, for him it will be the most important thing to make sure that he enters this city, if he gets there, and then make him a second bahmut, the enemy now has problems with personnel, they are trying to... increase their conscription, especially , when we created another front for him in the north, many analysts and even our intelligence say that it will be difficult for them to cope without mobilization in order to continue at this
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pace, and mobilization is something that putin does not want at all, he now has the issue of mobilization or conscripts, and that and that, already history showed that it could end badly for him, and he is now starting to increase the salary for contract workers, but... exactly how many of them are not leaving, and they are already leaving, we see that the number is decreasing, although they are increasing the money, that's it, the fact that they are increasing shows that there is less progress, they are all being eaten up by the east, and for him, and he still needs to lead in the south as well, and therefore inflicting losses on the enemy opens such a field for him to think about what to do next, to call in soldiers , which will be painful, i repeat, to mobilize, which is very important for him is not popular, or i don't know... to somehow reduce the front and go on the defensive, i would suggest to mr. putin to surrender, this seems to me to be the best and shortest way to
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success. thank you. very roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, colonel of the security service of ukraine was in touch with us, thank you mr. roman, now it is by the way, an interesting idea about what human resources, and i constantly think about it, that we say, they are absolutely are inexhaustible in russia, and i think there is somewhere, somewhere there is some kind of limit, somewhere there is some kind of limit, when... hundreds of thousands of burials, as they once said, can come, maybe there will be a limit, although no one gives a guarantee, russia is such a peculiar, to put it mildly, substance, let's say so, advertising on our channel, now after that we will go to the united states of america and talk with the spokesman of the ukrainian congressional committee of america with mr. andriy dobryansky, but now advertising . there are discounts until independence day
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square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about rights, opportunities and personal the experience of people. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 on espress. dear brothers and sisters in christ, great courageous ukrainian people, i sincerely congratulate all of us on the holiday of free, united, independent ukraine.


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