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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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for our tomorrow, see the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. however, how to unite the country in... in the process of recovery in the project of the urban reconstruction and development program, every saturday at 18:30 on espresso. dear brothers and sisters in christ, great, courageous ukrainian people, i sincerely congratulate all of us on the holiday of free, cathedral, independent ukraine. this is a holiday of love for the homeland, this is
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the time when it is time for us to live for ukraine. i congratulate you, the great ukrainian people, on the holiday of the independent homeland. watch the news at 9 p.m., the results of the week. returning home, 115 ukrainians were freed from russian captivity. ukrainian troops are expanding the bridgehead in the kursk region, local residents blame the russian authorities for everything, an exclusive report from the kursk region. bright people in dark times, the story of a physical therapist who rehabilitates the wounded and a volunteer who, at the age of eight, collected 10 drones for the military. about all this and much more already at 21 on espress. once again good health ladies and
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gentlemen, andrii dobryanskyi, the spokesman of the ukrainian congressional committee of america, will appear before us now, and we will ask him something, he did appear, thank you mr. andrii for finding time for us, and again - still quite theoretical questions and they will be repeated, so i apologize in advance to all of you and to all viewers, listeners. well , it is possible, the first question, the reverse is the reverse process is possible, we see that kamala harris is gaining a lot of weight and now she has pulled away from trump by 9% in some places, and it is clear that she really is and the democrats are very, i would say, very persevering and eight- smiling and with a big such go forward with such effort, and the same thing can happen.
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in a month and trump will step forward or, is it unlikely that trump will get such, such resources that will allow him to go forward and seize the initiative again? well, both campaigns, of course, have a bit of a boost after their convention, this democratic convention that didn't happen last month, it was for trump, and we're mostly waiting for political scientists here in america, a few weeks, that's all. rested, as this time it turns out that we will have that the democrats have finished the convention, and we will then wait, as we will see the first debate of the border between harris and trump, this will be the next change in the ratings and polls, but now now many of those who undecided who they wanted to vote for, like the media some will be shown here. the survey will show that
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kamela hares has convinced enough people that they should not sit out and not participate, but quite a few of those people who did not want to vote before are activated now. now this is a rather theoretical question, by the way, now i will talk about americans of ukrainian origin, about ukrainians, in fact, say hello to all of them, please, have a good day. on behalf of ukraine, my question is the following: as i imagine from kyiv, i do not understand everything, it is undeniable that ukrainians quite often voted mainly for republicans, well, for example, remembering reagan, who twisted the neck of the soviet union, and how, how can we miss it, this is obviously the leader of the opinions of many ukrainians and... the country and
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and and in america and everywhere, and now, can we roughly understand for whom, where there are sympathies, i understand that now we cannot, but let's say the past. term has passed, for whom it is preferable, i will tell you, i will give such an example, i have a friend who has been working for a long time in, how to say, in hollywood, he will make a movie, and he tells me, i say, and who do you vote for, he says, you know, i vote for the democrats, but when i look at my accounts, i have a strong desire to vote for trump, because it obviously adds to my pocket, morally i understand that it is more profitable for ukraine to have a democrat. but my credit card says it 's better to have trump and a republican. what do you say, mr. andriy? and i think that i emphasize how diverse our community is, that mostly, as the whole of america votes for one candidate, because we do not have
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certain numbers for ukrainians, we think that the majority of ukrainians voted for that candidate in the same way, although years later we had connections with both. parties and ukrainians were organized in the same way, and the democratic democratic party movement was organized, ukrainians, as well as republicans, what you mentioned about raygran is true, and in the fact that he also included people in his administration who are of ukrainian origin, and they had a big voice, it also raised the image in the minds of ukrainians, that there was greater access, but this... everything is personal, as are those personal contacts, then i will mention governor volz, who knows very well his state and minneapolis and specifically where ukrainians live, when he was a congressman, he signed various resolutions in
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support of ukrainians, commemoration of the holodomor, when he became governor, he visited our churches specifically after the full-scale invasion, and these personal ... and contacts are very influential, on the other hand, you can look at the candidate for vice president from the republican side. jay vance, in a state like ohio, which has an extraordinary amount of americans of ukrainian origin, he refused to have a meeting when he was still a candidate for the senate, did not want to meet with the organized diaspora there or the various churches of our activists or even with the benefactors. centers all turned and asked for a little time, because he would, everyone knew that he would become a senator, he refused in front of his senate, and even after that, when he became a senator, he refused to talk to ukrainians, and even now we see that in his statements, he
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speaks a little regretfully about the ethnic minority in america, that he does not believe in such neighborhoods. where there is a majority one ethnic minority or another, be it italians, be it ukrainians or others, something scares him, and this is what he lacks, he has, he had the opportunity to meet with ukrainians and specifically during the war to create very close ties , and he refused it, so i think the most important thing is which candidates know ukrainians for a long time or have even visited our centers here. and this has a big impact on voting for the future. mr. andriy, a very important question, this is the impression from kyiv, at least in my head, that trump's team and trump himself are confused. he is enough felt good when biden ran and
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he always, he's old, i'm so lively, and there's the thing, he made a billion mistakes and i didn't make a single mistake, and since kamala harris became. candidate, when she was only an informal candidate, somehow the voices of trump and his entourage sounded quieter, quieter, quieter, and now in general, well, some, you know, such separate, some images, and he will not say that this is some kind of line, that this some kind of politics, that it's something that clings to one another, and we can understand where it's going, and something i... i don't see anything, he is so confused, and all his people, all those who surround him, are kind of confused, there is no policy, internal, external, financial, they forgot about that again, then we have to build this fence with mexico, now something they have been silent for two weeks about that fence, it is not known what to do, in short,
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whether this is my impression or whether it is supported by some facts inside america, there is one very critical week in the presidential campaign. and trump this is the week of his convention, starting this week with this attempt, and this is a critical change for him, and we still we don't know his psychology, after that, how he feels like he 's been shot at, and also, now there are more guards now, he now has to speak from behind glass, there are various changes because of that assassination attempt, during this week in july, he also finally chose jaley vance as his vice presidential running mate, jaydy wentz's approval ratings plummeted. he's some people tell me he's the most unpopular
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vice presidential candidate in history that we've had in the last century, he's the same, president trump has an opinion, or he's wrong, whether it's going to work out in the end or not, and as late as this week after the convention, he heard that he's not going to run against president biden, he's going to run against guerrez, and you mentioned it, it could be a... a more monumental change, in that , which we have said before, that he does not know what rhetoric to use, he has a lot of the same rhetoric that he prepared against president biden, he also repeats against the president vice president jerez, but in fact it is an older man, former president trump , laughs during all those conventions there was that such a ... president as bill clinton and barack obama are younger than president biden, president biden and
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former president trump, so it is not easy for him to talk about a big country like the usa like geres, and geres started from the first day to visit not only one neighborhood, but two cities, maybe three. we saw the aftermath of the convention, not only did she speak in chicago, but she moved to meluki to... speak during her convention, and trump already thought to himself that it would be an old man like president biden, that biden wouldn't have and time, nor energy to have such events and rallies, it seems that herris is ready to run to the very end, as the most organized events to have, and this will greatly torment president trump, who is such an old vice, thank mr. andriy dobryansky. to the ukrainian congressional office of america for reporting to us what is happening in america, i would say that on
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my part i added literally a couple of words that some such story began, the story of trump's defeats, he is so used to it that he is the winner here and here, and he has an emotional energetically, i'm here, i'm here, everything is going well, and here once this swing, then biden goes, kamala harris comes, she's younger than him, she's more lively, like just now. mr. andrii told us, and he is like that, but what to do now? and this is the most important thing - to endure defeats, in politics, in important matters, a person is generally hardened by defeats, not by victories, as napoleon bonaparte taught us. now we will have an advertisement, after the advertisement we will go back to ukraine and we will talk about the orthodox church of ukraine, but not even so much about the orthodox church of ukraine as about the russian orthodox church the orthodox church in ukraine and... its fate, the future. now advertising. thinking about a new
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discounts until independence day on baneocin 20%. in pharmacies, plantain bam and thrifty. europast softcaps - first aid against the main field. it starts working in 15 minutes. people who choose independence. people who inspire by their own example. people who bring victory closer. volodymyr boychyn, chief physician of the nizhnyosirovka outpatient clinic, personally went to get medicine to the volunteers in sumy. during one of these trips, doctor boychyn overstayed. with the russians, who without hesitation shot his car. fortunately, only the car was damaged. we cannot be defeated as long as there are such people, bright people in dark times. watch at 9 p.m. news, summaries of the week. returning home, 115 ukrainians were released from russian
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captivity. ukrainian troops are expanding the bridgehead in kursk oblast. residents there blame the russian authorities for everything, exclusive report from kurshchyna. bright people in dark times, the story of a physical therapist, who rehabilitates the wounded and a volunteer who, in her 8 years, collected 10 drones for the military. about all this and much more already at 21 on espresso. dear brothers and sisters in christ, great courageous ukrainian people, i sincerely congratulate all of us on the holiday of free, cathedral, independent ukraine, this is a holiday of love for the motherland, this is the time when it is time for us to live for ukraine. i congratulate you, the great ukrainian
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people, on the holiday of the independent homeland. good health once again, ladies and gentlemen, as i promised, george kovalenko, priest of the orthodox church of ukraine, rector the open orthodox university of saint sophia of wisdom will now appear before us, we will see it. we already see, thank you, mr. george, i congratulate you on the independence day of ukraine, i wish you as many victories as possible in all the areas you dream of, that's what i'll say, thank you, glory to jesus christ, glory to ukraine. i have the first question, and this will be a quote from the speaker of the ukrainian parliament, who said the following, well, almost
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word for word, not a verbatim quote, but very, very close in meaning: uocp. must break with moscow in 9 months, and then my question arises not about what you are doing, but about how to break with moscow, there are some steps, well, for example, the only thing i know is that it is necessary to mention this so-called patriarch of moscow, there and other patriarchs, in some holy words, it must be remembered , and if you broke it, then you don't remember it, and that's all, and if... you don't remember it, that's it, you already broke it, or what should be done , to really break what it means to break with russia? well, this is one of the symbolic actions, not to mention cyril and many clergy, including the moscow patriarchate in ukraine does not remember him, but metropolitan onufriy continues to remember him for divine services, but you know, to break with moscow is probably also to break
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real ties, to get out of real subordination. full, yes, to announce, yes, to break these administrative, canonical and other ties, and, for sure, the most important thing is to single out this moscow patriarchate from within yourself, because you know, sometimes you can declare anything and remain virtually the same, yes, that is you can declare yourself a citizen of independent ukraine, but actually being a post-soviet person or not. behind the soviet union, i think, something similar is also in the church sphere, and there are ukrainians in that moscow synod, that is, in that politburo, that is , they should... then come out, like you, as they are members of that great synod of the russian church, they have to leave, they have to, well , the question of money went on, well, i am convinced that there are some financial flows,
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they go from kyiv to moscow or from moscow to kyiv, they go back and forth, this is also necessary somehow, i.e. it's such a pretty big job, it really is nine months may not be enough, what do you say, sir - you know, yes, flows, as there are flows of gas, there are flows. grace, yes, that is , moscow sometimes thinks that it has a valve for both gas and grace, and sometimes someone in ukraine also believes that we will not survive without the transportation of gas, although moscow will earn from this many times, tens of times more times than not, someone thinks that there is no grace without moscow, so in fact, not only metropolitan onufriy is a permanent member of the synod of the moscow patriarchate, all the bishops of the ukrainian orthodox church are members. the cathedral of the russian orthodox church, indeed, during the war, metropolitan nufri never participated in the cathedrals in the synod of the russian orthodox church, no bishop from ukraine, but not
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a bishop from the uoc, that is, there were those bishops from the uoc who traveled and participated in the occupied territories in the synod of the russian orthodox church, that is , it is actually said in the law, it is directly written there that even if moscow continues to consider them members of its sons. cathedrals, our bishops, metropolitan onuferii, members of his synod, bishops of the ukrainian orthodox church must make appropriate verbal or written statements and write certain appeals to moscow, informing it, and together with it, all world orthodoxy, and all ukrainian society, the ukrainian state, that they are no longer members of either the synod or the council. of the russian orthodox church and are not included in any, ah, administrative, hierarchical or other structures of the church, the aggressor country.
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that is, it can simply be stated in any form in writing or orally, and that is, it is not difficult work, for this you do not need to make any extra effort. you know, in the first days of the war, it was spontaneous for me appeal yes to the clergy of the faithful and the hierarchy and the moscow patriarchate in ukraine, this: let's condemn the war and let's pray together, the same here, in order to make these statements, in fact, it seems that nothing special needs to be done, but unfortunately, for some reason, people continue to play these games, and we are independent, but we will not show you the document about it, we are not part of the son. roc, but we will not make such a statement and we will not officially write this story, that is, you know, i was thinking about this today for some reason, but the state
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of ukraine has an act of declaration of independence, where it is clearly written that it is an independent country. the orthodox church of ukraine has a tomos, and about autocephaly, where it is written that it is autocephalous, independent, self-governing, yes, that is, the ukrainian orthodox church has a statute in which, which, by the way, it never... published after the changes in may 22, and in the first paragraph, which says that it is guided in its activities by the charter of the most holy patriarch of moscow from the year 90, then opens the charter, the charter refers to the bishops' council of the russian orthodox church, which determines the place of the uoc within the russian orthodox church, i.e in fact, a lot can be done, and it's not that difficult, but you have to start sometime, maybe this law will eventually... push the ukrainian orthodox church to really stop being the church of the moscow patriarchate. mr. father, one more question, you know, there is a ukrainian proverb: "masters
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fight, servants crack their fores." so i am talking about slaves, about the faithful. i have a hard time imagining that they are not excommunicated from the orthodox church. they are told that there is the patriarch of constantinople, he is the first among equals. he is second to none, and now you can, too don't look there, but look there, it's older, obviously the throne of constantinople is a thousand years older than that of moscow, there are a lot of such things, then i ask you what is wrong with such and such, i would say why they are so uncomfortable, faithful , ordinary people, they are not, they are not offered to become. atheists, renounce, convert to catholicism or mohammedanism, they are offered that , listen, we have problems here, but we tell you, this road is open, this...
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gradually, very slowly, 33 years in a row, and even more, is closing, and this one opens, there are no questions, what is the question then, it is still simpler, in fact, the law declares that there are no encroachments on freedom of conscience, on religious gatherings or the opportunity to profess one's faith, it applies exclusively to legal, economic, property, issues that will be restricted in what spheres in these legal and economic spheres, that is, even if a religious organization ceases to exist as a legal entity, yes, it may not cease to exist as a prayer community, that is, in fact, in ukraine, no permits are required to pray together, but now the pictures show the pochaiv lavra, yes, but in order to
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pray... in a monument of history, architecture and state property, you need to have a certain registration, that is, a certain legal entity, that is , the faithful, even if they are not want to go anywhere, no one will touch them and no one demands any transition from them, on the contrary, it seems to me that it is the faithful who should demand from their sacred superior to break ties with moscow, because ties with moscow are not equal to ties connection with... not christ and not god, not putin god, and moscow, i'm sorry, is not the heavenly jerusalem, so if what you said was explained by the clergy, unfortunately, the clergy and leaders of the moscow patriarchate, all these years told, so to speak, stories about invalidity, gracelessness, non-canonicality, absence. .. salvation, about
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the fact that they are not baptized, not mourned, and do not have any dignity at all, and now they have to say, sorry people, we probably lied to you a little bit, yes, did we pass off wishful thinking, and now here we are to the same universal patriarch, who, in connection with which, until the 18th year, the ukrainian orthodox church insisted that it was canonical, because in unity with the ecumenical orthodoxy, after... the year when moscow said that we were breaking with the ecumenical patriarch, and in ukraine they began to say, that this is the turkish patriarch, there is the istanbul patriarch, and in general he is nobody to us, and we are blessed here, but we can’t break it by the brain, so tell me, this is the last question, or is it a semi-question, it’s just my thoughts, or you , whether you agree with them, i generally believe that the relationship with god - it's a very, very intimate area. "i have very little faith
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in people who shout at the top of their lungs, i'm sorry, i'm a believer, i'm like that, i'm good, i do everything, it's so god forbid, i'm convinced that jesus isn't like that, he, well, he, he spoke in very simple language, he, he could tell by ear, he didn't scream and beat his chest, and when it, if it's really intimate, then what difference does it make, where i pray, how i pray, my relationship is my personal relationship with god". i don't know, maybe i was swayed somewhere into catholicism or protestantism, but tell me, no, really, in a person has a connection with god, and a person prays, including himself, and the lord says that if you want to pray, go into a secret room and pray with god there, and not standing in the middle of the street. on the other hand, religion is also a common history, it is a common confession of god and faith, it is a certain tradition of certain people.
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rites of certain prayers, probably his theology, this is how churches are formed, yes, that is , in this sense, but it is very important to distinguish religion from ideology in the church, service to god, service to caesar, yes, unfortunately, the russian church has shown that it is a church the caesar who wants, thank you, mr. heorhiy kovalenko, priest of the orthodox church of ukraine, rector of the open orthodox university of st. sophia of wisdom, thank you very much, now the news, after the news. india will appear in front of us, in the person of olena bordilovska, indologist, but anyway, first the news.


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