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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EEST

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independence day of ukraine. the kursk arc returns from the pages of history, for the first time in 10 years of the russian-ukrainian war, ground combat takes place on enemy territory. during the two weeks of the kursk operation, the armed forces of ukraine occupied almost 100 settlements. this decisive and lightning breakthrough, which showed the cardboardness of the russian wall. the espresso team could not pass by such events. so our film crew went abroad. and now we show in detail
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what is happening in kurshchyna. they promised kyiv in three days, but in the third year of a full-scale invasion, they cannot take their native suja. now in this city, as in many other settlements of the kursk region, the armed forces of ukraine. on august 6, our troops did what no one expected of them. they broke into the territory of russia. and here we have it on the horizon. russian checkpoint. the operation was carefully planned from the offensive tactics to the information campaign. the event took place in several areas at once. this is the first line of defense of the russians in the kursk region. now everything is under the control of the armed forces forces of ukraine. let's see what's inside.
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they fled in a hurry, left everything that was here, and their belongings, and detailed plans and observation schemes, and this is another direction, to understand how difficult the offensive could be, it is enough to look at the convenience of the enemy positions, the entire front, as if in the palm of your hand, this alone from the very first positions of the russians, which our fighters cleared while entering the kursk region. the offensive was lightning fast, and as our military assured with minimal losses, what can you say about the russians? border settlements quickly came under the control of ukraine, among them the city of suja. what about humanitarian aid, do you have anything at all? i just left for the city, i went out into the street, yours came to me, check, the agent is not an agent. they climbed here and there in the attics,
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searched all the streets, took the passport, looked at what to do, well, there is no humanitarian here. oleg moves around the city by bicycle, of the nearly 7,000 residents , only a few hundred remained in suja, the others left. won't you guys help me? well, let's help, i was born to help women. thank you. i myself from of ukraine.
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goods, as much as you want, take what you want, but a lot of things have already spoiled, people are walking around, just stocking up on water and that food that does not spoil for a long time, now there is no electricity, no gas, no water, no communication in suja, local people blame the russian authorities for this, the kremlin abandoned these people to their will, no evacuation, no... humanitarian aid, when the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine began, there was some evacuation, they offered you to leave the city, nothing happened, that’s what they say russian tv channels that the evacuation took place as planned, people were taken out, maybe you are mutin, maybe mutin knows, the ukrainians drove a water tanker, today they brought bread from the sumy region, for which... they only think about themselves, well
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, if you feel that something is coming, well, you open all the shops. and the local authorities probably knew about the offensive, at least we saw with our own eyes signs of preparations for defense in the territory of the city administration, this is the suja city council, there are all signs that preparations were being made for defense here, in particular , the entrance was blocked with sandbags inside. and behind in in the garages, we saw military equipment, a journal of fuel consumption by the cars of the city administration, pay attention to the last date, the last entry, august 3, and this is the contents
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of the garage of a city administration employee, the values ​​of an ordinary russian man: a flag, st. george's ribbon and a bunch of naked girls. suja has been under the full control of the armed forces of ukraine for a long time, but the russian military is shelling its own city with ballistics and aerial bombs. we witnessed an air battle of drones. i don't know if hear, but now it is flying over us. we have to hide in the greenery, it seems to subside, shoot, shoot, oscar, the duel was won by a ukrainian drone, the russians deserve that we, ukrainians
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, help you, what do you think, well, we are simple, that’s right, well, we are simple, that’s right, we have nothing to share, isn't it bad that we help each other, we were a brotherly people. what would you like to say to putin and the authorities in the kremlin? when, when will it all end? and it will not end soon. ukrainian troops will expand the bridgehead in the kursk region and equip new fortifications. in ukrainian with the territory of the russian federation. artem lagutenko and oskar jansons for the espresso tv channel. friends, if you liked our story and you realize the importance of what is happening in the kursk region now, we ask you to help our fighters. boys and girls who are currently fighting in this direction announced a collection for the purchase of components for drones, as well as their repair. we ask you to come by
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the props you see on the screens now and help them. every hryvnia is important. fighters of the third separate assault unit in kharkiv region the brigades advanced in depth. of the front for almost 2 km, there they took control of the battalion defense area of ​​the occupiers, the enemy suffered significant losses, the stormy actions diverted the russians' blow from the direction of makiivka and relieved the tension from other critical areas of the front. the difficult situation persists in donetsk region. the russian army advanced near toretsk and on the pokrovsky area. there were reports that syrsky reported to the president. that measures are being taken to strengthen the pokrovsky and turkish directions, we know what is happening there, in particular in novogrodivka separate brigades have been transferred, which will strengthen the defense, so that the enemy's advance there will not be easy, it should be understood that now the enemy is forced to choose between two directions of his actions, either
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to toretsk or to pokrovsk, because in general, despite the superiority in manpower, he cannot advance in these two directions at the same time, until the day of independence, the president... volodymyr zelenskyi signed a number of important laws, among them initiative 8371. the document provides for the ban of the russian orthodox church, and later its branches. how is it will work in practice and what ukrainians think, our correspondents tell. for 265 decisions were made in favor. the law was adopted as a whole. congratulations, colleagues. many people's deputies have already called this decision historic. the adoption of bill 8371, known as the ban on the russian church, did not come as a surprise. rather, not because it
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was a joint, obvious initiative, but because they fought for it for a long time with pressure. people's elected officials worked on draft law 8371 for a long time. the document was read for the first time in october 2023, and further work was done on it. revised and worked again. on july 23 of this year, everyone expected that the initiative... would finally be brought to the floor for consideration, but the monomajority refused. in response , mps from various factions blocked the tribune, almost a month of waiting, and in the end draft law 8371 was passed in the second reading, with 265 people's deputies voting for it. 29 parliamentarians spoke against it, four more abstained, and despite all the delays, the final vote took place with lightning speed. the discussions were ambiguous and there were many different opinions, but on
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at this moment we have found an agreement, and this shows the possibility of unity, i am absolutely sure that this parliament will be remembered, that this convocation will be remembered, perhaps thanks to this law, it is one of those, you know, huge steps that ukraine has taken to of its real independence, the adopted document bans only the russian orthodox church in ukraine, but all those involved in it are given nine months to get on the, let's say, righteous path. we banned the activities of a russian public organization in ukraine is called the russian orthodox church, which has nothing to do with the church or religion. branches and subsidiary organizations in ukraine should also be closed. those who cooperate with them must stop this cooperation. we are nobody'. not a single ukrainian church, we have banned communication with the russian, so-called church, the russian
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army, the fsb and putin, this is the only ban that exists there, churches and communities will be able to disown themselves from the moscow curators, a special commission will also look for the russian trail, especially devoted to the russian church the courts will wait. the state service for ethnopolitics of freedom of conscience or at the request of local authorities, whether there even citizens can with... whether they themselves can initiate this check, a specific religious organization, whether it has a connection with the aggressor country with the russian orthodox church or not, and in fact , after that des gives a prescription of a religious organization, if such a connection is proven by independent experts, and after that, if this prescription is not fulfilled, the connection is not broken, then, but not earlier than in nine months, des can go to court and then the court makes a decision. the adoption of the initiative was supported by vivid reactions. russian politician dmytro medvedev,
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for example, noted that ukraine surpassed the soviet union with such a decision, which allegedly did not ban specific religious organizations. and the patriarch of serbia compared the ban to the persecution of christians in ancient rome. on the contrary, metropolitan epiphany, representatives of the all-ukrainian council of churches and many believers gladly supported the decision of the people's elected representatives. all my life i have muddied the waters everywhere throughout ukraine, that's all for this the war started because of these moscow churches, everything related to the word was given by the moscow kotsepnyav, there is no need to keep the enemy in check, it should have been banned a long, long time ago, i wonder why it is being dragged on until now, i don't believe it. yes, i don't go to church, but what religion, it doesn't concern me, whether
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it's muslim, or orthodox, or odessa, what is the moscow patriarchate, that's right, i came with incense, that's all, well, as you say, i waved and that's all and gone, in short, don't support them, i'm in favor of it being ukrainian church, so that there is already one here, why do we need the moscow one? this is such a very difficult question, but in my opinion, we are already fighting, so let's fight on all fronts, not only where there are weapons, but also where there is faith, i am for, no, we do not need the russian church, to drive in neck, because this is direct propaganda of russian narratives, that's all, if we take russia, then there is no ukrainian patriarchy there, why should there be one in ukraine, definitely yes, we are ukraine, ukraine has... its own ukrainian orthodox church, only so, only to ban, i don't understand why they are still
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exist in our country, i think that in the verkhovna rada, i believe that the verkhovna rada has nothing to do, it is not its competence, human conscience, that's all. this is a canonical church, i'm sorry, it left, i'm sorry, from the kyiv movement, prince volodymyr baptized rus, i'm sorry, in kyiv, you see, i'm categorically against it and all my friends are against it. i think that it is not really a church institution, and it has nothing to do with faith, and therefore it has no place in ukraine, an issue that has worried many people. proponents of a quick ban or not legal proceedings will continue for years and it is also almost closed, as religious experts and parliamentarians say, the main thing is to stop the work of the higher levels of the hierarchy. which will set an example for the smaller branches all over the country, and yet they all still have a whole nine months to cut
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ties with the centers in russia in the third year of full-scale war. ihor koshchyvka has been working in physical therapy for 17 years, now he is the deputy head of rehabilitation of the first medical association in lviv, the largest medical institution in ukraine. the center also works on its basis unbreakable ihor is one of those who helped implement a big project into life, which seemed to be a risk, but became a constant support for wounded ukrainians, natalya stareprava will tell more. we met igor koschivka in the lobby of the nezlama rehabilitation center. on the way to our film crew , he stopped in front of each colleague and patient to say hello and simply ask how they were doing, we started our conversation on the famous glass bridge that connects hospital buildings, mr. igor recalls, everything started with a small meeting and one a piece of paper, and it grew into a massive
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ecosystem. i clearly remember this building and this building as two. separate buildings, and frankly, well, no one expected that they could actually be connected by such an overpass, so 73 m, well, really no, not to the end of faith, even when i saw the piles already concreted, it was still doubtful still sneaking in about there, you know, finishing it all, but well, we have a strong result now, so we're talking about a huge team, and this team, you know, what's really cool about that team. that she as a whole here every link is interconnected, and it works as a whole, that is, from the builder, it would seem, well, this is a building, yes, and, let's say, to the manager, or the head of the department or service. ihor kochivka
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starts his working day with obligatory rituals, saying hello to colleagues and visiting patients, smiling. who knows every corner of a large hospital, even with closed eyes, rarely happens in his own office, because there is simply no time to sit. ask everyone, say hello to everyone, yes, go around, let's say, ask banal things, and how he slept, what hurt, what was wrong, this is actually very important for me, as a manager and... it is very important for our patients, that they feel that care, that they are really needed, and no, they are here for themselves just lie and lie, there is no such thing. currently, most of the patients are military personnel, because on february 24, 2022 , the hospital team faced the challenges of war, severe combat injuries and amputations.
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the war came and there were more patients. patients became different, why? because no one had experience with combat trauma. very many patients went abroad for treatment, that is, we also understood that it would not always be, we also understood that this is a kind of challenge, because why does he go abroad? either we don't have time or we don't know how to do something, right? that's why it was necessary to make it so that actually... ukrainians were treated in ukraine, this war, it also consolidated us , in fact, our entire team, and actually we are now a civilian hospital, but we actually work with the military. ihor koshchevka cannot imagine himself without a team of indomitable people, because he does what he does what he is called to do, but perhaps the most difficult stage for
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him and his colleagues is the stage when the patient is not yet aware of his life... after amputation, there are people who have double amputations, but they say, doctor, i have to be in a jet in a month, he doesn't have two legs, moreover, he hasn't healed those wounds and he hasn't yet had prosthetics, imagine this request, but you, he gives you a month for something, not you, but the whole team, because the surgeon breeds with your hands, well, you can't sew up a wound, because it doesn't sew up, it... it's just is waiting for it to form, yes, for it to heal, for it to be cleansed, and we tell him: sorry, in a month you won't get up inipi. he does not accept it, that is, this is one case, but imagine how to approach this person
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so that you can help him, you want to help him, and he wants you to help him, yes, but he has a clear request, you do not cope with his request, he no longer accepts you, so as not to burn out and keep yourself in good shape, mr. igor maintains a balance, time is called rest. spent with loving people in a native home, there is the ability to combine both work and personal life, it is clear that we all raise children, we all have a family, for me personally, family is the first place, but i love work very much, so, let's say, we live, i don't know, in order to work or work, in order to live, i still haven't figured it out for myself. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , more than 15 thousand wounded ukrainians have been treated here. ihor koshivka emphasizes that prosthetic people are not different, they are not
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broken, like every specialist of the medical association, which gives faith in life after amputation and rehabilitation. natalya stare pravo, yuriy melnyk, espresso tv channel. she is only eight, and she already... 10 drones for our military, more than three months, volunteer martusya, together with her mother, make and sell jewelry, and the money they collect buy war birds for the front. my colleagues watched the process. this is how we will make our brooches for the military, how we will send drones to them, together with them, how many soldiers will be there. martusya shows the various forms he uses to make jewelry and... talks about drones. at the age of eight, the young volunteer bought 10 warbirds that help our defenders at the front. i wanted to somehow
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help my defenders. and we from khressnaya were looking for an idea, because you have to come up with an idea first, and then do it. and we found on the internet that such decorations are very popular now, and we decided to make them. first, the girl kneads the polymer clay, then rolls it into a thin layer, then squeezes out the desired shape of the future decoration, he confesses about it, sometimes it is very tiring, it is fun, but it is a little difficult, very difficult, but it is fun to do, squeeze the clay, it is all fun, but not to bake, the godmother and mother put them to bake, because we make this whole baking and and... we bake the lochka specially such a bowl, after baking we pour them here, or if it is made to be an order, then we paint them, my mother
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immediately paints them, and then my son fixes the fittings, the jewelry began to be sold through social networks, from sales of the first party received more than uah 300, then the girl and her mother participated in a charity school fair, where they sold absolutely all the jewelry they had prepared. and the proceeds were transferred to aid the army. in general, in two weeks of fruitful work and daily production of new decorations, it was possible to collect two drones at once, which the family did not expect at all. i felt joy that they are buying them from us, i already thought that the future will be even better when we buy so many drones. we did not even think that we would be able to withdraw so many funds in such a short period of time, because in fact it is a lot, there are three or so in a week. in fact, people have relaxed and it is very difficult to assemble, that is, they stand still, here it is a great, great opportunity to have a decoration and accordingly, and we buy drones. the assortment
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of decorations is very diverse, but birds are especially popular, several doves with poppies were even sent abroad. canada, washington, usa were already sent, we also sent to germany. they sent to poland and also to different regions of ukraine, at the new post office they already remember us all, because that's why that we go there every day to send. materials for future jewelry, says ivanna, are not chosen cheaply, so that the accessories last a long time. the cost of one decoration is from uah 150 to uah 550. in 3 months of hard work, the volunteer and her mother purchased 10 bpls and handed them over. for the needs of our military, we send these drones to various brigades in the 103rd, 80th and 44th, those that were previous. martusya
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believes that her birds on their... wings will bring peace to ukraine, while when asked what she dreams about, she answers with a smile, i i want to accumulate forever. ema stadnyk, andriy polikovsky, espresso tv channel. happy independence day, ukrainians, believe in yourself and our country, be with espresso, because the special project bright people in dark times is ongoing, in a few moments you will have an interview with the musician taras. patrynenko. in the third year of the war, the enemy wants to plunge us not only into darkness without light, but also into the darkness of despair. how the ukrainian rear accelerates the long-awaited victory. see in the espresso special project. bright people in dark business times. work assistants,
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which deliver goods from the warehouse and vending machines for self-service. ants pharmacy, the first in the pharmaceutical market of ukraine, introduced such technological innovations. in this way , the company facilitates the work of its employees and speeds up the process of customer service. now we don't need to stand in line to receive online orders. it is enough for the patient to receive the number of his order, enter it in the tablet that is near the atm, pay for his order with the help of a bank terminal and practically without participation pharmacist, by entering the code, get your order yourself in the cell. over 24 years , the company has opened more than 1,300 pharmacies in 190 cities and villages of ukraine. there are more than
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700 employees in the network. it is important for us that every client who comes to the pharmacy is not left without attention, receives all the medicines, hygiene items, cosmetics that he wants to buy in our pharmacies, we are distinguished by a wide assortment, we are distinguished, new innovative service technologies, we are distinguished by our qualified, high-quality staff, initially full-scale... invasion pharmacy anc directed more than uah 110 million to charity. the network constantly cooperates with various charitable foundations. come back alive charity foundation serhiy prytula united 24 together hospitalists. also closes individual requests of the military. only since the beginning of the 24th year , we have already spent more than 32 million hryvnias on the needs of the military, hospitals, and on assistance for particularly vulnerable sections of the population. benefactors handed over
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artificial devices to a front-line hospital. velation of lungs for 46 million hryvnias. in addition, the company continues to support almost a hundred employees who defend the country as part of the armed forces. we help the units where they serve in every possible way. we buy ammunition, body armor, helmets, tactile devices, etc. we have received and continue to receive many requests from their heads of the units in which they serve and nachmeds for the purpose of transferring medicines for them. such aid turned into a corresponding permanent project, called in our country medicine for the armed forces, which continues in the future, in military units during the full-scale invasion of this project we handed over more than uah 8 million worth of first-aid kits and will continue to hand them over. the anc network assures that the client can find everything from his list in one place and does not need to waste time looking for medicines all over the city. in addition,
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there is a profitable system. you just need to call the number of your mobile pharmacist to calculate bonuses, you can order products not only in stationary pharmacies, but also in the chatbot, on the website and in the mobile application. tingling, numbness, bother you, long-term anti complex. neuro helps in normalization of the functioning of the nervous system. capsules dollheit antinevro - help for your nervous system. red bull salzburg, dynamo, kyiv, only on mego. kona has a place in the champions league, and kyiv will prove that they are worth it. cheer on august 27th at 10pm exclusively on megogo. there are discounts.


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