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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EEST

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in general, it was simply the most terrible night for the entire maidan, i honestly wonder, i wonder why we weren't killed then, why everyone wasn't stormed. there from all sides and we were simply not crushed, but the feeling was that there was some kind of fatalism, and here is my eldest son, he was actually in these turtles that they made from shields and went to berkut, he was under the pro-unions, and the younger roman, he was standing closer to the institute barricade, he is really thin, very thin, and this barricade of armored personnel carriers, that is, the force with which he pushed, is all you can do. imagine, i stood between
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them in the middle, where we were choosing cobblestones, plucking them out to throw into the golden eagle, and i saw both one and the other, here, and i understood that if they were killed, if something happened to them, i would not, well, i even i won't have time for anything, i won't be able to do anything. i will just look at this, how my children are being killed, and in my heart such a terrible hatred arose, because i know, i knew that this is russian, that these are pro-russian people who are doing all this to us, even if they are ukrainians according to their passports, is there the same berkut or another, these are the mankurts who hate all-ukrainian, who are ready to kill us, who want russia to come here, who want nothing ukrainian to ever be here and... hated them precisely for this fear, to
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such an extent, well, now it is clear that the hatred only increases, but it has already become so cold, just like such a witch's curse, despite the fact that there are already dead and wounded among the demonstrators, the majority continues to adhere to the principles of peaceful protest. stop the fight, calm down, we are not beasts, we are not them, we stand with dignity, we do not retreat, brothers and sisters, glory glory to ukraine, glory to ukraine, good day, dear friends, tonight we are addressing once again, maidan, this was the first such experience in general, glory to you. the cossacks, when they
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were defending themselves, they set up wagons like this, and they were, well, like barricades, yes, and there was already a circular defense, yes, the maidan was actually a sich, and we have to protect our future, because if this slovdo tries to break through , we will not have a future, these cattle will make ukraine a gento for the ukrainian people, victims, stop, you... people are asking, please don't they ask, but they demand, on february 20, the police mercilessly shoot protesters on institutskiy street.
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call the doctor, the doctor, come here, men!
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it was the first experience of killing unarmed people in the center of the city, you know, when a person goes to war, he understands that he will have to kill, and he can be killed, well, the very concept of war, yes, it contains that, and when
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unarmed people are shot, like in a shooting range, in the center of the city, uh, well, this, this, this is just this shock. with me for life. while people on the maidan say goodbye to the dead, yanukovych's people take away valuables from his residence. he still hopes to change the situation and keep power in his hands.
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after ten hours of tense negotiations with opposition leaders and representatives of the european union, yanukovych capitulates and agrees to all demands, including the cessation of violence. oleh tyagnebok, one of the leaders of the opposition, asks for a moment of silence. viktor yanukovych, responsible for the deaths of more than a hundred protesters , honors the dead. at first glance, there is nothing to indicate that yanukovych almost lost power in this solemn moment, the absurdity becomes obvious, which prevents the three opposition leaders, among them the heavyweight boxing champion vitali klitschko, from simply throwing the criminal out of the window. on the night of february 21-22, yanukovych
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fled the country, leaving the post of president. he betrayed his duties and avoided independent responsibility. all further distortions of facts from yanukovych and putin will not change the situation in any way. after the shameful escape of yanukovych, the verkhovna rada holds an emergency meeting and appoints oleksandr torchynov as acting the president the authorities in ukraine are starting their work, they are resuming their work, they are stabilizing ukraine, the center of power in ukraine is here in the ukrainian parliament. while ukraine mourns the fallen heroes,
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placing portraits of the victims of the yanukovych regime in the corridors of the parliament, dark clouds are gathering over the country. the security service of ukraine receives information that a large number of russians have landed in crimea. the crimean tatars defended the integrity of ukraine in the crimea the most. this persecuted people was able to return to their native land after independence of ukraine. we said
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do not appoint a session, do not blow up the situation in crimea, because it was already clear yesterday that a session would be appointed. with one goal: so that today they will take action that will lead to the separation of crimea from ukraine and its accession to russia. 371 votes, this is a record number of votes. during the escalation of the situation in crimea, the authorities in kyiv are experiencing radical changes. and that is why it does not have time to prepare for resistance to the occupation of crimea. on february 27, the prime minister is elected arseniy yatsenyuk, and soon a new cabinet of ministers will be formed. tetyana chornovol is rapidly changing the role of a pro-government activist to the position of the cabinet commissioner for
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anti-corruption issues in the new government. putin lost his man in kyiv. the peace plan for the occupation of ukraine did not work. putin is filling crimea with the so-called little green men, russian military personnel in uniform without identification marks. at the press conference , putin shows uncharacteristic emotions and almost threatens the journalist. it doesn't bother me, because we don't gather and don't we will fight with the ukrainian people. the army is ukrainian. if we take such a decision only to protect ukrainian citizens, let them try.
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putin's plans go beyond crimea, seeking to control other ukrainian territories. groups of pro-russian provocateurs, mercenaries, thugs, militants, special service agents, soldiers and special operations officers are infiltrating eastern ukraine. they are gradually moving west. when the war started, i was a medic on the maidan, and a friend invited me to teach takme. there was no course at that time. i i started teaching here in kyiv, on the training grounds and at the front. and one of the battalions that just went to the front from kyiv, literally. after the maidan, i ate very quickly, it took several hours, i taught, and not only that, not only
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tactics, but also the principles of how to get to the wounded, well, that is, tactical moments like this, because this is tactical medicine, president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin . on march 18, 2014, a self-satisfied putin announced by decree the annexation of the ukrainian crimea at a pompous ceremony, which was full of euphoria of officials. soveta federació, respected deputies of the state duma, respected representatives of respublika krym and sevastopol, they are here among us, citizens of russia, residents of crimea and...
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it has been a long time since russia occupied and then annexed part of the territory of another country. this brazen crime was condemned by the majority of the international community, but in russia it was called a remarkable achievement. such a victory inspired putin to continue his imperial conquests.
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on may 2, 2014 , pro-russian and ukrainian groups clashed by patriots in odessa. the escalation led to the burning of tents near the pro-union building. during the clash, one of the militants opened fire with a pistol from the roof of the building, and molotov cocktails were thrown from the windows, because of which the building caught fire, in which 48 people died and more than 200 were injured. soon, a new act of violence takes place in mariupol. on may 9, armed men, much more dangerous and aggressive than in odesa, brutally seized the main office of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine. six ukrainian policemen and national guardsmen died during the defense and attempts to recapture the building. russian forces
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meet almost no resistance among. local authorities, gradually expanding and strengthening control over the occupied territories. such a silent offensive turns the fringes of their control into real front lines. in may 2014 , mykola berezovy, tetyana chornovol's husband, volunteered for the azov brigade and went to the front. on may 26, the battle for donetsk airport begins. a group of two hundred separatists, russian and chechen soldiers is going to the airport. with the help of a traitor, they bypass the security system, penetrate inside and capture one of the two terminals. the armed forces receives reinforcements from the air. a fierce struggle begins, as a result of which more than 50 pro-russian militants died, and the rest fled.
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however, this is only the beginning. in the following months , russian proxies organize repeated attacks with numerical military advantages. despite the extremely difficult conditions, ukrainian fighters will hold their positions throughout the se. the heroic courage and skill of the defenders acquired such a mythical meaning that they began to be called cyborgs. despite the fact that it is destroyed they had to leave the airport entirely, their history testifies to extraordinary ukrainian strength and endurance.
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the bitter struggle for the donetsk airport has accelerated the need to replace ukraine's interim government with a single, strong leader to counter the risks of a full-scale war with a much more powerful russia. on may 25 , internationally recognized elections were held in ukraine, despite the fact that in the occupied... already in the first round, with a result of almost 55% , petro poroshenko was in the lead. taking this high post, i solemnly swear allegiance
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ukraine. i pledge to everyone... at the beginning of poroshenko's term, ukraine suffered from russian violence in the east of the country. but russia continued to shamelessly deny the military invasion of ukraine. of ukraine, to fulfill their duties in the interests of all compatriots, to raise ukraine's authority in the world. and yesterday i bluntly announced this to the russian leadership in normandy at the 70th anniversary celebration.
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crimea is and will be ukrainian. point. and as soon as the eu. will make the appropriate decision, the signature of the ukrainian president will instantly appear under this fateful document. we we have no right to delay signing the economic part of the agreement. the same applies to the fastest introduction of a visa-free regime for ukrainians with the european union. in the summer of 2014, flight mh-17 was shot down by a high-tech anti-aircraft system of origin that no one doubted. it was delivered from russia and
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used by russian specialized military crews. despite the international resonance and indisputable evidence, the russian propaganda machine persistently continued to spread lies. international a team of specialists put their best efforts into a thorough reconstruction of the wreckage, piecing together a terrible puzzle. penetrating elements that pierced the plane were also found in the bodies of three crew members. who were sitting in the cabin. factory fragments have a characteristic shape of cubes and butterflies. some fragments had traces of aluminum and
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glass, which indicated that the plane had been perforated from the outside. in the two left windows of the cabin, perforation by these fragments is especially visible. black box recordings captured milliseconds of the explosion, indicating its direction. what a tragedy took the lives of 200. 79 innocent people and highlighted the criminal nature of the russian government and ultimately putin himself. everyone was outraged, of course, but i think so from an esoteric point of view, it was a stopgap sacrifice. the destruction of ukraine, in fact, if it were not for this plane, if it were not for the death of these 300 people, then putin would not have stopped then, this is my
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deep conviction on the level of feelings, and of course, terrible grief, and of course, so deep that it is impossible even to comprehend it in full measure, but it was at that time, at that moment, she saved her existence. state, i.e., if it weren't for this plane, maybe ukraine wouldn't exist anymore. there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox, 10% at pharmacies psylshynic, bam and ochad, there are discounts until independence day on tablets detoxyl, 15% at pharmacies psylshynic, bam and ochad. oh, i remember, you see, even though they say that over the years our memory... fades, but i am attentive and remember everything. we take dr. tice's memo effect and feel the difference. the active substances of memo effect improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the normalization of mental
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the guests of the project, read the entire service, accept my song, i thank you, it was difficult, but i just it was interesting, but it was absolutely not, they help to understand the present and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. a project for those who care and think. every sunday at 20:00 on espresso. ukraine is history, freedom and our future. ukraine is war, pain and belief in victory. but the main thing: ukraine is people. bright people in dark times, happy independence day to us.
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after the downing of mh-17, which drew international condemnation, russia continued to covertly attack ukraine. russian special forces in uniform with no identifying marks, led by russian intelligence officer igor girkin strilkov, work with separatist groups to occupy. several cities in eastern ukraine. now the ukrainian army, to expel them from these cities, takes more serious measures, while also trying to minimize harm to the civilian population.
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my husband somewhere at the end of july, he came to kyiv for the last time and we went for a walk with him, i remember that we then went to the vydobytsky monastery, then the vydobytsky monastery in kyiv in the botanical garden is very beautiful there, there is a wonderful collection of lilies, and they are just blooming, we see off our brothers, they will always be with us, heroes never die, they just go into eternity, there is a cemetery under the monastery. and we are with him we walk, we read the inscriptions in this cemetery, the sun is shining so beautifully, the lilies smell, the birds are singing, and here he and i are just petrified, as if their names never leave our lists, they go with our chevrons, the hero of antricha , we read, and there
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the tombstone is buried... a colonel of the onr army and the date of death is the 18th year, and my husband and i are in one voice, how lucky he was that he died in the 18th year in the fight for ukraine, when ukraine was still independent and did not witness how, again, his wife ate his children. one of the most terrible pages in the history of ukraine. then the soviet government under the leadership of stalin, in order to suppress resistance to soviet power, confiscated. fed the peasants, they created artificial hunger, millions of people died, sometimes they even resorted to eating the dead, constantly, when they talked to me about this, well, about the loss of my husband, i told everyone that the most important thing in my life was that no one over my husband's grave never said that how lucky he was that he died in the 14th year, this is the most important thing, well, this is
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the most important thing in the life of all ukrainians, and especially those who have paid a very high price and suffered the loss of their loved ones, the price is usually high. but she is worth it for her independence, the main thing is not to eat her children, i know that for sure. in august 2014, the ukrainian army began a campaign to liberate eastern ukraine from separatists and the armed forces of russia.


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