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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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well, this is the most important thing in the life of all ukrainians, and especially those who paid a very high price and suffered the loss of their loved ones, the price is certainly high, but it is for... i know this for sure. in august 2014, the ukrainian army began a campaign to liberate eastern ukraine from separatists and the armed forces of russia.
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it becomes clear that ukraine can liberate its territories, then russia decides to remove the mask of non-interference and attacks already from its territory, surrounding ukrainian forces and overwhelming them in numbers. russia, covering itself with stingy mercy, offers the troops of the armed forces of ukraine to surrender. in exchange for a safe exit from the surroundings. however, the real goal of the occupiers is to turn the ukrainian army into a dangerous pawn, making it an easy target. the events
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in ilovaisk became one of the most tragic, they led to the heaviest losses for ukraine. i just postponed all the affairs, and i thought, well , okay, a couple of months, there, maybe six months, and it will all turn around, i will return to my affairs, i will continue to teach aikido there, and... and no one expected that the war will last that long, actually. significant sacrifices forcing tyra to attract many people to the ranks of volunteer doctors. they provide first aid and transport from the front line to the hospital. i decided that i should stay there, and then my friends started to get involved, and that's how the unit was created. which was called
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tiger angels, we were very useful, we saved, i can't even say exactly how many people, it's only the wounded, and about the civilians and the sick, no one counted them at all, there were so many of them. the number of killed and wounded victims is constantly increasing, that is why president poroshenko is trying to get eu leaders to respond to putin's violation of international law. the delay of our meeting began due to the fact that we were coordinating the final preparations for the minsk summit, i can assure you that ukraine and the european union will take a unified position in minsk. summit and key position:
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unconditional, without any prior demands for a cease-fire. every day, ukraine pays dozens of lives, including civilians, primarily civilians, mostly civilians, for every day the continuation of this barbaric, beastly inhumane aggression, not having the resources to adequately respond to russian aggression, president poroshenko is negotiating and trying to buy time. putin manipulates, lies and threatens. the minsk agreements lead to an unstable and shaky truce. putin is using a frozen conflict strategy common in various parts of the world. the negotiations are taking place in
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the capital of belarus, minsk, and are hosted by the president of belarus, oleksandr lukashenko. issues of war and peace are resolved in months, or even years, and here we managed to reach an agreement, the agreement on the cessation of hostilities within only 15 hours, well done, the minsk agreements do not give ukraine the expected results, because russia continues to violate agreements on the ceasefire, but the pace of the war in some areas of the front. is slowing down, i was in the defense of mariupol in the 14th year,
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then i just died, my husband just died, and i will say, i tried even then, well , i was drawn to fight. in principle, the point is not only that i feel my responsibility, the point is also that in i have what it takes, i know how to do it, i had small children, but when my husband died, i decided to do as i wanted, and i went to war, that is, i went to defend mariupol then, although it was not long , it was very short-lived, because then the minsk agreements were signed, it would seem that the hostilities in the east are taking place far from kyiv, the capital of ukraine, after... the conflict goes inactive aim to move towards integration from the phase: petro poroshenko and the ukrainian government by the european union. may 11, 2017
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the visa-free regime for ukrainians enters into force. congratulations, dear and best ukraine. today, you and i have gathered for the occasion. obtaining the legal and real right and possibility of visa-free travel of ukrainians to the european union. and this event marks the final break between the ukrainian democratic world and the authoritarian russian world. glory to europe and glory to ukraine. the idea that the revolution of dignity has won and you can calm down, go about your business, i was also an adept of it, but now i am great, well, the last two years i understand perfectly the falsity of this thought, because there is no
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point of no return, that postdarm which was won during the revolution of dignity, it was preserved by the units in fact for all of us. and now, thank god, more people are involved in preserving and recapturing new bridgeheads, but this is a constant process, it’s impossible, we won back here, we went to rest, well, actually, as i did mainly after the revolution of dignity, i went about my business, worked there, studied and so on, it was a mistake, it was necessary to continue, and this is permanent, it should be an attribute of life citizen, participation in the political and social processes of his state. despite the outward calm, tetyana chornovola feels that war with russia is inevitable, she decides to prepare. after completing her studies at the national defense university, tetyana chornovol took the oath and entered the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. i swear never to betray
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the ukrainian people. comrade colonel, uda chornovol took a military oath of loyalty to the ukrainian people. i serve the ukrainian people, we loaded the wounded man onto the car and he was somewhere far, far away came, but he is injured, he started trying to get up, in short, somehow i don't know, i slipped, or something happened there, somehow i fell, i realized that it was already a slipper, that something serious had happened, and this was the injury. so final, well, i couldn't get up in the morning. dodging bullets, tyra relentlessly evacuates soldiers twice her size until her hip joints give out. determined to overcome her injuries, she goes beyond mere rehabilitation and prepares for the invincibles games.
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event for servicemen who received injuries during the performance of official duties. she wins bronze in archery and gold in swimming. i leaned on the selection board on crutches, that is, not even two months had passed since the second operation, and when i got into such a party, where someone... no one has legs and the guys feel fine, i thought like this: well, well, i have some bullshit. in the winter of 2019, the presidential campaign begins in ukraine. the current president, petro poroshenko, is running for a second term. his main competitor is becoming a candidate who announced his intention to run during a television show. good evening, friends! very soon we will meet the new year and continue the evening
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quarter. and while i have a short break, i decided to talk to you frankly, like vladimir zelensky. everyone has been asking me for a long time, are you going or not? you know, unlike our great politicians, i didn't want to promise you in vain. and now, a few minutes before the new year, i will promise you something and i will immediately fulfill it. dear ukrainians, i i promise you to become president of ukraine right away execute: i am running for president of ukraine, let's do it together, with a new year, with a new servant of the people. the culmination of poroshenko's presidency is the religious independence of ukraine. after 332 years of futile struggle, after subjugation to moscow, the ukrainian orthodox church in january... 2019 receives tomos, it was brought from constantinople to kyiv after a solemn two-day
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ceremony. a new, united and independent ukrainian orthodox church was born today. what kind of church is this? this is a church without putin. what kind of church is this, it is a church without cyril, what kind of church is this, this is a church without a prayer for the russian government and the russian army, after several centuries ukraine regained its religious autonomy from moscow, from now on the head. church lives in kyiv, where the first christian ruler was baptized more than a thousand years ago.
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zelensky challenges poroshenko. for the first time , ukraine and the world will witness the presidential debate, which will take place in the stadium. the debate turns into a bitter polemic, both candidates resort to harsh verbal attacks. could i have ever imagined that i simple guy from kryvyi rih, i will fight for the president's seat, against the person whom we confidently and unquestionably elected as the president of ukraine in 2014, and what is most interesting, i myself was for mr. poroshenko, that's true, but i was wrong. we voted for one poroshenko and elected another, it's true,
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because there are two poroshenkos, the first petro poroshenko shouts on mykhailivska square, putin, i'll show you, and the second quietly conveys greetings to moscow as mr. medvedchuk, the first says, i'm opening a school, and the second constantly quietly opens roshen stores. the first petro poroshenko says: i transferred the business to a blind trust, and the second increases his wealth 82 times in a year. tell me, please, so maybe let's transfer the budget of ukraine to the blind tras. maybe it works normally? mr. volodymyr is hiding from journalists, mr. volodymyr is hiding from his opponent, and
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most importantly, he is hiding from the ukrainian people, because it is the right of the ukrainian people to know what exactly the candidate for president of a warring country is going to do, and we never found out. because for the ukrainian people first it is extremely important to know the future, and not to throw mud at each other, to know how you... demand the enemy, and not to spread russian fakes. your team said that you have already started the course of a young fighter, this is a good thing, but it should have been started four years ago, in the 14th, when the country needed the efforts of all
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volunteers and volunteers, and volodymyr was hiding from the summons that summoned him. military leaders, i am sure that this is unacceptable, i believe that mr. volodymyr does not want to surrender ukraine, i believe that mr. volodymyr does not dream should drag ukraine back into the russian empire, but putin has this dream, and if he does not know how to resist it, today we definitely have to take it, clean it all... against the background of a rapidly changing political situation , roman ratushny unexpectedly takes part in the struggle against illegal construction in his native district in kyiv. i actually went to the community meeting itself, because
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my mother was supposed to go there, and i understood that scumbags would come to this meeting, and if some kind of... fight with them started there, i just stayed at home. in fact, this is the moment when everyone came out to protest against the construction, this was the point of creation by roma, our community, when he was delegated to preside, yes, to manage this process, but more globally, beyond that, he always insisted that the only way we can survive, well, in general in the world in... in this case in ukraine, it is people who must communicate. the next day, the community held a spontaneous protest, at which it was decided that an initiative group should be formed within the community. i was elected the head of this initiative group, and then we started opposition. dear friends, kyivans, neighbors, i want to appeal to you to support in solidarity our protest
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against illegal construction, in my opinion they want to build three forty-story buildings, this is all a zone. a landscape that cannot be built here, it's not that you can't build anything, you can't even cut trees here. be sure to join the duty, come to court hearings on the pritasuier only together, not only when the community of protas will act, but when the whole community of the city of kyiv will act, only then we will be able to overcome this and other problems. let's protect the prota family, let's protect the protection in fact, roman was incredibly attached to his family, he loved us infinitely and openly, obviously, that is, he was very worried about us, took care of us, and for him the whole protas, not only our apartment,
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in general, this whole place, for him it is there was a home, the home of his heart, he was very much at home here. for him it was a personal slap, that is , thieves broke into his house, and it is clear that he stood up to protect his house, in fact , unfortunately, in ukraine, we have sad statistics, it is known that a lot of people die in our country public activists, as well as journalists, investigators, this is a really dangerous game, because all these remnants of the soviet union, yes, all these mafia clans, they, unfortunately, they are transformed somehow, yes, but they are nowhere don't worry, now the police, write a statement, from our side, everything started on may 1, the first, from may 1 to mid-july
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2019, we stopped, this is the most active. there were aunts, we stopped it, not only that the construction, first through the court, then, when there was non-compliance with court decisions, we had to influence and maintain law and order physically, the construction is illegal, the developer does not have arbitrary documents, roman town hall is a master of making his messages heard. he organizes a unique demonstration and calls on people to deliberately slow down on the road near the protasov ravine and the chandelier.
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possible efforts to end the war in the east , prioritizing judicial reform and putting all of ukraine to work. i would like to meet the newly elected president of ukraine, volodymyr oleksandrovych zelenskyi. taking this high post, solemnly i swear allegiance to ukraine, i undertake
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to defend the sovereignty and independence of ukraine, to take care of the good of the motherland and the well-being of the ukrainian people. and our first task is a ceasefire in donbas. given, what are you willing to do for a ceasefire ? a strange question, what are you,
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ukrainians, ready for, for the sake of the lives of people close to you, for what? i can assure you, in order for our heroes not to die anymore, i am ready for anything, i am definitely not afraid to make difficult decisions, i am... ready to lose my popularity, my ratings, and if necessary, i am ready without hesitation to lose my position, so that peace will come. our territories, never, the world stage demands from zelensky in the past a comedian and a showman, a completely different role, in order to overcome the prejudiced
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attitude towards himself, history is not fair, it is true, we did not start this war, we did not start, the presidency almost immediately weighs on volodymyr zelensky have to deal with strong opponents both from outside and inside the country. subsequently, the phase of storm negotiations began, when the beneficiaries of the development according to the media, gennady korban decided that it would be best to decapitate the protest. korban's lawyer, former, now deputy head of the president's office, andriy smirnov, contacted me directly. he presented himself as acting in the interests of the beneficiaries of the construction. and offered me to protest for a financial reward, when i refused, he decided
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it would be a good idea to point to me, you know, point to the door, point to the woods, tell me that if i don't take the money, i'm going to the woods, i politely recorded this conversation on audio, you simply underestimate dnipropetrovsk without me, i'm the opposite, i'm the opposite, i'm more than overestimating even, because i'm always me... zelensky is criticized for the way his appointed people investigate the actions of the police during the revolution of dignity. the president decides to honor the young people who were beaten by the police at the beginning of the protests and invites them to a meeting. roman ratushny comes out of hiding and also joins them, well, i told the president that korban threatened me, the president said that he knows it, well
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i... that the person in the material says that the deputy head of your office , andriy smirnov, threatened me, to which the president told me that he would threaten you before the appointment. at the first face-to-face meeting in paris, zelensky, with the participation of emmanuel macron and angela merkel, tries to come to an understanding with putin. he manages to agree on a short-term ceasefire and the exchange of prisoners of war, but the fundamental issue of russian ... aggression remains unresolved, i visited brussels at the invitation of and met with the european commissioner, who heads the ukraine support group. he wrote simply based on the results of this meeting on twitter, literally two decisions, that he met with roman ratoshny, a 22-year-old activist who fights for the green zone, they want to kill him there, well, roughly speaking, don't kill this kid, and it all ended like this
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after twitter, these bandits realized that the reputational losses for them would be much greater than the benefit for them from the fact that they would simply soak roman ratushny somewhere in the forest, that is, to just quietly soak romna ratushny will not succeed. despite the steady build-up of troops on ukraine's border, putin and other officials continue to insist that russia is a champion of peace and has no intention of attacking ukraine. they assure that 190,000 military personnel along the borders of ukraine are there for regular military exercises. international experts
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warn that russia... something will start a war. putin is going to meet sidzenpinim on the opening day of the winter olympics. after the talks, both leaders announce partnership without restrictions, supporting each other regarding the confrontation in ukraine and taiwan. they agree to cooperate in limiting the impact of the event. russia is still going to attack or not. on ukraine, this is a provocative question, russia pursues a peaceful foreign policy, but it is capable of ensuring its security.
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i decided to conduct a special military operation, its purpose is to protect people who have been subjected to bullying for eight years. the russian attack began from artillery volleys, ballistic missiles and aerial bombs dropped from airplanes. the horrors of war broke into the everyday life of the country. most ukrainians have never seen a war, because the last time ukraine fought was 77 years ago, during the second world war. russian ground troops are crossing the borders of ukraine from three sides and rapidly advancing. dear
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citizens of ukraine. this morning, president putin announced a special military operation in donbas. russia has carried out attacks on our military infrastructure and on our border guards, border troops. explosions were heard in many cities of ukraine. we are imposing martial law on the entire territory of our country. i had a conversation with president biden a minute ago. the united states of america has already begun to mobilize international support. today , we need calm from you, from you, from each of you, if possible, please stay at home, we are working, the army is working, the entire security and defense sector of ukraine is working, i, the nsdc, will always be in touch with you. cabinet of ministers of ukraine, i will be in touch again soon, don't panic, we are strong, we...


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