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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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there is a video hit, you put a tick somewhere in a black notebook with the blood of a russian boy. 26 m, it was the closest distance, i even had to approach, it was the shortest shot, my personal one, and 2 km, 147 m, it was the longest shot, we limit ourselves in food, in order not to be distracted, there someone tells that ... then you can go there under your skin or in diapers, but this is not the case, i would like to see a person lying wet in 16-degree frost, these 11 days i lost 8 kg of weight, it was spent energy to warm himself, because the cold was terrible, of course, an infantryman from the russian side, he is more stooped, more bent and when he appears. commander, they lower
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their heads, and this is like a characteristic for the enemy, it’s very bad, because we, we study it, yes, i started professional sniping only in the war, before that i just shot well, had certain shooting skills, understood, that a sniper... a rifle is different from an ordinary one, these are different things, and when our brigade was recruiting staff for the positions of snipers, because all the people were mobilized and left and there was no one in the staff, it seems that only three people remained, here i am in the military committee, when they asked me what skills i have in my military specialty, i say so, i shoot like a god, i have 50. i justified the fact that i
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messed up there, at that time it was avdeivka promka, and i needed the result of my work and that the people who were counting on me at that time needed to prove to them that the money they invest in me does not pass in vain, because sniping is a very expensive thing, and providing a sniper if to take on the funding that we will receive... him without volunteer help, then the salary will not be enough without volunteers, that's why it turned out, for me, i won't say that i like it, it's like a regular job that you go to all the time, but you develop in this work, so it was necessary to produce results, accordingly, self-improvement, development, development, development, development, a certain peak of this development has already passed, we came to the beginning of a full-scale war, when the full-scale one began, i realized that sniping is one of the coolest professions,
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which can be during the war, because the war that was at the beginning, ato, oos and so on, it was one type of war, it was a more positional war, when you could come to a position, prepare there and could safely come by car , but when the full-scale war began, you already realized how much of a sniper you are, because before that, all exits, so to speak... to work, they were more like that, well, you could move calmly with a rifle there, well, not calmly, but more- you would be less if you were sure that you are going to your position, cars drive there, they drive you there products, you could sit down with someone, drive up, and so on, when the full-scale war began, all this was gone, you couldn't calmly drive up, but you learned to crawl in a new way. from the 15th and 16th years until the beginning
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of the full-scale, it was only training, and from the beginning of the full-scale only practice began, but for the results, for the goals that we each have, this is one topic, if earlier it was possible to exchange for some diggers, observers and so on, be anything, anyone, the main thing is to destroy, the camera and so further, well, surveillance cameras, catch the shift there somewhere. with the beginning of a full-scale war of diggers , there are no observers as such, that is, there are already priorities, some certain priorities, where you go, and rebel in every way during a full-scale war in order to destroy the diggers, this is generally a lantern, this is not work, i.e., if you already go all over the place, then at least the goal should correspond to a certain level, it seems 18'. for a year
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there was a commander of the first cossack regiment, they followed him for a long time, looked for him, and then, for practical purposes, this being with my comrades, there is some known from the enemy side, a sniper with the call sign usb, that is, it was countersniper actions, then the right hand of the givi with the call sign viking, it seems that these were priorities, that is, such priorities that had to be destroyed, well, regardless nothing, so it was possible to approach, it was with this gentian ... then approached the company commander of the same viking at 400 m, that is, although it was possible to do all this from 1400 m, but the completion of the task had to be carried out one hundred percent result. 400 m - this is the closest distance that i approached with
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this rifle, 401. priority targets, we usually choose the sniper for ourselves, that is, if we go. to some area, it is always easy to get to know a commander, an officer, or a senior group leader, a senior adulterer. again, the training, discipline and development of each personality, for example, the behavior of an officer, it is always different, it is not the same as the behavior of an ordinary infantryman. an ordinary infantryman, on the russian side he is more stooped, more bent, and when the commander appears. they they always lower their heads, and this is a characteristic for the enemy, it’s very shitty, because we study it, that is, they have a soldier, an infantryman who can raise his head higher than an officer, that’s all, and the officers are
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always dressed cleaner, always neater, more fit , if it is an ordinary officer, that is, a military woman. lina, it distinguishes an ordinary infantryman from an officer, so we, already guided by this, with our experience, choose a priority target for ourselves, that is, it is more profitable for me to destroy an officer and leave a stronghold without a command, than to destroy someone there an observer, but there are other priorities, this is when... at the position we see both an officer and , for example, a pilot, there are mavics of some unmanned aircraft, here it is already a priority to destroy, for example, a pilot, not an officer, the longest it was 11, well, this goal
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was worth it , this was the commander of the first kaza spider, but 11 actions of continuous service in order to destroy him. we limit ourselves in food in order not to be distracted by the need to sleep, there someone tells us that it is possible to walk there under oneself or in diapers, but this is not so, i would like to see a person who in the 16-degree frost, she is wet, who went to the toilet under herself, so it is better to limit herself in food, in water, partially in water. than, to work there, that’s all, i have lunch, i went to lunch and left the observed point, for example, even if i leave someone in my place, then it must be a person with the same training as you, who can perform this task, that’s why it it's very difficult, because these 11
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days i lost 8 kg of weight, it was spent energy on keeping myself warm. because the frost was terrible, but it was possible to go down only at night warm toes, as there was heating, the bunker, until the batteries on the thermal imager sat down for good , but... not for very long, and when you start warming up with them, you make unnecessary movements, if your position is reliable and allows you to move, then it is good, this is a good position, if your position is lying somewhere in the field in the mazhalat, then it is superfluous
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it is better not to move once, because if there is a high-quality one an observer, surveillance cameras, which are behind... always standing, they can find you. kyivshchyna, moshtun, the task was set, to clean and destroy, any. objectives that go to the crossing, so that the enemy infantry did not cross the irpin river and did not run into the village of moscha, that is , only the infantry that appeared on the bridge could be called priorities here, everything that ran on the bridge, everything had to be destroyed, absolutely everything is alive, that is, what was returning in the direction from our side, well, not from our side, but like that say from our side to the other side like this. destroyed itself, that is, knowing the information, we are informed a little better there, for example, than
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ordinary infantry, we have more information than ordinary infantry, and knowing completely, no , you can’t not completely, but at least 90 percent, having information about the enemy, that is, for example, two such sniper pairs could keep the city under control for three days. sniper pair can not always be armed with a bolt and... was an automatic type of weapon, i had my former partner, the second number, who was armed with exactly the same rifle as myself, the only problem was that we shot with different winds, if the wind was gusty with other corrections, for one of the two to work, so if we see in priorities are two targets, we shoot a doublet, if one target, we also shoot a doublet. that's what's funny, because some people tell me that in a sniper pair, one rifle should be
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a longitudinal bolt, the other semi-automatic, well, that doesn't happen, each sniper pair creates itself, it's not maybe the commander came to me and said, you will work there, for example, with mykola there or with peter, and i see these people for the first time in my life and i don't trust them, i have. there is a friend, a comrade, with whom i went through the crimea and rome, i feel more at ease with him, because i trust him 100%. this is what the sniper team is based on, yes, it is not a duty, if there is a video hit, you ticked a box somewhere in a black notebook, with the blood of a russian boy, if there is a hit, but he got up after that and he is 300, then it is not hit if not. it doesn't count, that is every shot should not be counted, there were such
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cases when you saw some movement in the lookout, in the dugout, there in the loophole, shot there, well, at random, and after 5 minutes of observation you see a body being taken out of there, accordingly, you saw movement , you fired a shot, but you didn't see it. but you see the body that was taken out of there, so you hit it, or he was already dead there, then you can, if you put a tick on yourself, that is the evacuation is being carried out and so on, or the medics are running, there were times when in three days we repelled the offensive near bakhmut, and my camera broke down, that is, i spent two days shooting video. on the third day i didn't film anymore, because everything that i counted with
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my partner was in line there, it seems they had 16, 200, first we saw it, an observer saw it, we saw the evacuation, we saw their forces , we saw our hits, we have a video, we confirm it, this video was transferred to the senior command there and so on, that is , there is... the result of the work, we repelled the offensive, repelled the assaults, it was fun, because we shoot at them, and they climb and climb, we shoot again, it was more like a shooting range, on the third day we were there, again there was work, but there was no video, and to add a plus5 there, if possible, because we seen, but there is no fixation, the same applies to the kremin forest when you climb there. in the kremenskoye forest and with the beginning of the full scale , there is no longer an opportunity to take a camera with you,
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because you want to unburden yourself as much as possible, that is, reduce your silhouette, do not take a backpack, do not take a camera, if you have such a camera i will prove that i was in the kremiv forest and approached the enemy there at a distance of 20 by 30 m in order to fire a shot, that is, there from the third, for example, a blackout with a sound munition, but... we did not record most of the shots, because it was very scary, because of the presence of shelter and camouflage, if you could not be seen. but the presence of the fact that shells are just falling from the sky, and you know, you can lie like this, and damn it, i disguised myself so well that even my own will never be found, and so and so close, it's 26 m, it was the closest distance that i had to approach, it
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was the shortest shot by me personally and 2.147 - it was 2 km, 147 m, it was... the longest shot, that is, there is a difference when at 2 km i felt a little safer than at 26 m, but there is no confirmation of this fact, because i did not turn on the camera, i did not turn it on in order not to unmask myself, because the camera has light bulbs, leds, which when when turned on, they start to burn brightly, and then turn off over time, flint forest. forest of wonders it was the period when we entered, it was almost the end of spring, when everything was already green, a large number of tree tops were knocked off, and therefore the incorrect transmission of information to our unit, our group, from certain commanders who gave us information about
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the location of the enemy , that is, on their map, ours should have been there, in fact , theirs were there when we were already approaching the enemy, that is, there were already 50 to 60 meters left, but we already understood that we had entered the wrong steppes here, there was nothing left but to lie down, and once i had to lie down, i had to to work, but it so happened that we went around them, around the rear and turned back to ours as well, that was it in general. so in short, someone will say that they got lost, but they are not, they were simply given inaccurate information about the location of the enemy. in bakhmut, i stopped by with my brother, he played the role of a medic, they gave me a geotag, where the headquarters of the battalions with whom i had to interact were located, it turned out to be the western
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part of bakhmut, yagidne, krasna gora, paraskoivka. then the enemy was just breaking through paraskovkovka, and we worked there with other units, we were seconded to them, and i had to go to the ksp first in order to interact with the command, the command that is responsible for this direction, that is, so that when i i will go there so that i have some kind of support of my own, so that people know that i am my own and so on, so that they will fix me there. under those advanced positions, under those groups that were there, because i will first of all go to them, i will go to them in order to enter into interaction as well, to interact, to get some information about the enemy, i needed a map and a scene with our advanced positions, so that they almost did not shoot their own, because snipers, as a rule
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, always work at short distances in cities, there in villages, populated areas. or through my own, i.e. i shoot through my own positions, that is, or from my own positions, that is, not from the gray area, as some people say, you can go into the gray area and work there, and again, i needed all the heights, the heights - it is in the settlement this is if it concerns the sprinkler and the red mountain or the berry tree, these are houses, except for houses, heights... why did the distance of 36 m turn out, because the first unreliable information was provided for a reason, and that is why i mentioned the ksp, because
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we on all such, well, we are on all pairs, we are on our own, we know that i... music is playing in the car, there were no drones as such then, that is, there was the sky, everything that could fall from the sky is there 120th, 152nd, well, any artillery projectile, but by no means in half, but by no means kamikazes, and we were already driving into yes, and one, i was behind the wheel, just in time, and i look behind the house, well, there are guys standing, ours, not infantry, not infantry at all, that is, somewhere some... special unit, because it is very easy to consider a person by the form, it is not there was a private officer, it’s all cartoons, fitting uniforms, and platoons and weapons, and so... they wave at me, like, come on, turn around here, i ’ll stop by them, i’ll come out on a relaxer, what kind of a fuck are you sitting here, they say , he says, get stuck, he says, or something,
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where are you going, i say and to me down there, i say, we have to get off there, i say, another 800 meters, i say, there kspzhu, which is 800 m away on a nearby street , the enemy is already there, he says, there is no, he says, probably two sundays, the senior command, which transmitted a map about the place from... the location of the ksp, did not have information about the movement of the enemy, absolutely not possessed, even these very lost 800 m, that’s a good thing, that, for example, we saw these guys, that we didn’t go straight, because we were used to hitting a roadblock there, the very last one, there are no roadblocks, if the guys didn’t turn back to us , so we went ahead and went straight. straight from command depends on a lot, the information we get also depends on a lot, so it turned out that the 26 m that we approached the enemy was just,
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sorry, the command that we had to correct in order to keep one's own life, i.e. the life of the group, one could move away, be noticed, because that's how the circumstances turned out, or simply... destroy the enemy and then move away, that's how such a distance turned out, one of the shortest, to find a sniper, best of all - after all, from the rapier, because the rapier is the coolest sniper rifle on 5 km that works, you can accidentally find a sniper, if you know the sector where he works, you can find him, and for this, i don't think that just any, any sniper can become a countersniper in one day. to do, but for this you need a lot of experience, and you need , as they say, there, if you want, in some
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movie it was, if you want to catch someone there, you have to think like how he, yes, like an enemy, for example, you , you work like a sniper, but in the opposite direction, that is, you think like him, if you were a sniper, where would you lie, and you start all these places. you find all the heights on the map, and the nettles are a big thank you there, because without it , we wouldn’t be able to do anything at all, and you have to overcome every hill, every high altitude, if it’s field conditions, a forest strip, there, for example , a forest strip on a forest strip, or there, if it is a village, then again, well, a settlement, there are its own rules, its own laws. there are not many windows in every house, and every house is not so big and tall to work, so we look for corridors streets, or attics, if it is a city, but in
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the city it is a little more difficult to find a sniper, on the one hand, and on the other easier, because due to the height of the buildings, straight corridors become even less, and again the height. heights, angles of view, sectors of view, it all matters, but if a normal, adequate sniper, he will work from the depths of the room, and it is better to launch a ptur there, even if you do not miss, there was countersniping, there was work on countersniping, there were results on countersniping, but it turns out like that to look for someone, some kind of thief. sniper, that's it it doesn't make sense, i had a position in the crimea, where i worked all year round, it was such a fat place,
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how cool the position was, efficiently, qualitatively done, that you could just come there at any time, lie down, to lie and at any moment to leave, no one would ever guess that it was there, and in order to find me, to find... the bed, they must, must be in the field of vision of this bed, and therefore i had to find them much easier because it was, first of all, my position, secondly, i worked with her for a very long time, i knew every tree, every twig, trash bag, and so on, in that direction, and when something new appeared there, it was closely watched, if it started or to shoot at me, respectively... not to shoot at me, to shoot in my direction, but accordingly there was practice there, yes, it was a counter-sniper fight, but according to my rules, usually. they exhibit,
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they also work intelligently, they teach a certain person how to use the svd, she spends a day on it the flight is sitting, banging on one of our positions, from some shelter there, shelters can be made even by professionals, that is, on such, we always used tricks, a sniper is the most cunning, cunning, the most sly people in... that's it as a type of ee military, well, there is also artillery, we, we will not be outdone, that's why the sniper's cunning is always in the first place, not even the developers, i would say, uh, first of all, they can prepare a position, plant some fool or two fools with witnesses, just dynamically once in 10
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minutes to do one. an aimed shot at our positions, where it will fly, and the bullet there from the svd can hit somewhere, unfortunately, at our guy, but usually they shoot around the position, they don’t hit anywhere, ours relax a little and get out, it works all the time their sniper, a professional, it is easy to consider the behavior of the enemy, the sniper is just sitting, under the tank somewhere, i don’t know where or where he is... buried, he is sitting, no one can see him, because the bullet still whizzes over his head, a man by strength your self-preservation, crouches down, bends down, she doesn't look where they are shooting from, and a bullet comes every 10, well, 10 there for 15 minutes, but you get used to it, well, shoot, shoot somewhere over there at the trees, at the tops, let him shoot, if they bow their heads , you can go there run 20 m, and you will just climb to the top, a professional confirms, that’s all i did...
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i never saw them again after that, but we were not called there again, however, then it happened in one of the directions, information was received that a counter-sniper unit was coming group, but due to the fact that the overgrown fields were very tall grass, they left there the next day, it seems that there was a preparation for their search, some certain stage of preparation for finding them had already begun. not to use snipers there, for example, a mortar, there is an mk-19, in order to arouse them a little, but to destroy the entire group, and not just one member of the group, but on the second day, the information that they left there, because i understand them, grass was so high that i just walked across the field with my hands up and no one saw me, let's call the numbers more than 400, that's what officially we... has
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the proof is here, not officially, there are about 600, that ’s the whole difference, for which i got a hero, i honestly don’t know at all, did anyone see it better, because when we were still in cremin and i was told this for the first time, i then yes, i warned the boys, i say, don’t even think about it, i say it because i don’t need it, i… don’t want it, i didn’t go to war for glory, not for awards, not for, well, i don’t care at all not needed from this war, that is, first of all, i do not depend on the state for absolutely anything, everything i have is either personal, bought with my own funds, or donated by other people, but not state funds, that is, these are the first priorities. one's own
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little independence, as they say in the movies, pierced the sniper scope, hit the sniper in the eye, it is impossible to pierce the sniper scope with a bullet, firstly, the bullet does not fly in a straight line, as some people think, secondly, the lens of the scope itself, it is essentially a column glass, of which there are hardly up to 10 pieces, not a single bullet will penetrate, so since ... and this does not happen, a lot of things are in sniping, probably 90 percent in sniping, and what is shown in the hollovian movies, these are different things, that's why the movie is beautiful, but be a sniper coolly, but the reality is different, it is neither beautiful nor cool, this is exactly what...


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