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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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[000:00:00;00] the monomajority does not take any action on the appointment of these ministers, that is, in essence , the idea is to finish off the state institutions and the power is really in the hands of five or six managers. and how does this threaten ukraine in general? lawlessness, that is, in essence, when the partners see that the constitution and the law do not work, they... conclude any agreements, let's see, after the election of a new member of the european commission, a dialogue about ukraine's membership in the european union, well, where is this dialogue, where is it, and there is no one in ukraine to talk to about this? thank you, mr. volodymyr, thank you for your comments, and thank you for participating in the program, it
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was... tsibulko, political expert, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel and continue to conduct surveys throughout our broadcast. we are asking you today whether the transition of the parish from pcmp to ocu will be accelerated after the adoption of the law, well, after the adoption of the law by the verkhovna rada of ukraine. therefore, let's look at the interim results of the poll on tv, 41%, yes, 50. 9% of people who are pessimistic about it, there are independence day discounts on imodium, 20% at travel bam and thrift pharmacies, there are independence day discounts on motorex pills 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads
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to a reduction in the symptoms of pachia. izota your water if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until the day of independence on detoxyl tablets, 15% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours. of airtime, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front-line, component, serhiy zurets, and what the world lives on? yuriy fizar, already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside ukraine, yuriy dobrives, two hours to be aware of the economic news, it's time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of favorite presenters,
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cultural news. on the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. extraordinary. a look at the news, good health, ms. and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, i would do that to mykola veresin, he would go to prison, a special view of events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head, no , off the top of my head, and beyond it, who is china then, my heart hurts, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m.,
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sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. greetings, friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, and for the next 45 minutes we will talk about that. stones from the sky all over russia. ukraine inflicts devastating blows on the infrastructure and logistics of the enemy in the depths of its territory. how does russian society react to the return of war to where it came from? territories under the control of the russian federation, the armed forces continue the operation in the kurdish direction. why does moscow not ask for humanitarian corridors to take its citizens out of the war zone. prohibition of the moscow church. the parliament of ukraine passed
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a decision to limit the russian language. religious influence, as all this will be implemented? we will talk about all this during our program, and we will remind you that during... all of our broadcast today, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you, friends, whether the transition of the parish in pcmp to ocu will be accelerated after the verkhovna rada adopts the law on religious organizations, so everything is quite simple on youtube, isn't it, or your own separate opinion, please write in the comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, grab your smart phone or phones, vote on 0800 211 381 if you think so. what after the verkhovna rada passes the law on religious organizations , the transition of the uoc-mp parish to the ocu will be accelerated, if not - 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are
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free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, these are my colleagues, this is kateryna nekrecha, a journalist of radio liberty. ms. kateryna, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, colleagues, and marina danylyuk yermolaeva, journalist, political observer, media consultant, author and presenter of two showbiz and centronet youtube channels, mrs. marino, i also congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, greetings to everyone and to you and to the viewers of the channel, well, since you are a lady, we ask our tv viewers and viewers whether they think the transition will be quick. parishes of the uoc, mp to the ocu after the adoption of the law, let's start with a blitz poll, what do you think about it, let's start with kateryna, please, i want to wait and see how this law will work, because
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probably the number of parishes, well for some number people in those who serve in these parishes, the decision was already made, regarding even before the deputies voted for such a law, but... now there are nine months and nine months are for all connections, different parishes with the russian orthodox church stopped, and that is, it seems to me that we need to wait and see how it will work, because as a journalist, i have a lot of questions about how effective this law will be in general. maryna, it seems to me that it is very important for ukrainian society to work on itself, and it is not a secret that we have autumn there will be many holidays in winter. including ecclesiastical, religious ones, and ukrainians have to decide, and with whom they celebrate them, and it is not worth reading, finally, what sign does your church have, which you like to go to? but
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colleagues, don't you have the feeling that 9 months, which are allocated in accordance with the law adopted by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, is too much in the conditions of war, when it comes to the enemy church and enemy agencies, decisions should be made much... faster , all the more so in conditions when one of the churches associated with the russian orthodox church is headed by a member of the holy synod of the russian orthodox church, that is, the ears of the russian orthodox church stick out in this church, although this church says that it is the ukrainian orthodox church and has no relation to the moscow church, should the state in conditions of war harder? to work with those who are connected to the state, the aggressor, kateryna, the realities are really what you mentioned to sergey, about the great russian-ukrainian war and the threats are considerable, in such a situation it is obvious that the state can
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to act radically, more promptly, if one feels that there is a threat, this is an interesting moment, i spoke in an interview, i spoke on the air with nikita poturaev, who is the head of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy, and we spoke with him just after adoption of this draft law, well , there is already a lot of law, there were a lot of such difficult situations, servants of the people, for example, they tried to convince some of their deputies to support this draft law, mr. nikita said that he i personally had conversations with representatives of the hearing with some deputies, who are, for example, parishioners of this church, who have doubts... well, that is, some part was convinced, some part was not, this is such a very difficult issue that cannot be solved in one go. as we understand, yes, but there were certainly negotiations, as we know, about
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whether it will be 60 days or 90 days , well, that is, in 90 days, in principle, some kind of communication if desired, it is certainly possible to hide, before this law came into effect, we also saw how the sbu was guilty. they found their work those clerics of the opcmp who cooperated with russia in one way or another, and, that is, some work was carried out and... now, how effective will these nine months be, because all the headlines in the news were what: the council there finally banned the uocmp , but in fact, the temples were not closed, the signs were not removed, the services are still going on, that is, it is all very painstaking and delicate work, and the commission must now check, determine whether there are any violations, any concerns, maybe there is a suspicion of some connections ties with the russian orthodox church, and then to go with... with all these evidence already to
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appeal to the court and the court will make one or another decision, that is, this is a very serious procedure, we also see examples when there are clergymen from the uoc mp, well mp they do not like this prefix, because they do not think that they have broken the connection "connection and they say that they have severed" all ties with the moscow church, so this is what is happening and... so, in fact, people who wanted to go to the orthodox church of ukraine, they have already done so, even clergymen, for example, the head of the pechersk lavra, he is that did that, abraham, and in principle, the time was for it, and as my colleague said, that in principle, people who already wanted to read the tablets and change something in this sense, for whom it is important, they also did it, and there is a part people for whom this is a matter of principle, who in their... where there are not so many different choices
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of churches, where there is a priest in some village or in several villages who is a clergyman of the uocp, he is the leader of this community, people listen to him not only on religious issues, and if he doesn't want to, so what, and if he doesn't cooperates with russia and it will not be proven that he cooperates with russia, then what will be listened to, i do not know whether the commission will listen to the sermons there or whether there are any political ones there. such playing along with russian aggression, for sure, that is, it is a very delicate work, and indeed, if people in the communities, they will not start paying attention to it and will not change their opinions, and it is obvious that many will not change this opinion, the effect may not be to be, marino, what do you think, will it not be like this with this ukrainian orthodox church of mp, as kateryna rightly said, they do not like when these two letters are still delivered, because they
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believe that legally, this is the ukrainian orthodox church, there are no problems, but won't it happen that in 9 months we will see that there will be uoc, uoc, o, uoc, there, ua , or some other letters will appear, well, how opzh turned into a platform for peace and life. opc mp, it is very important to stay here. this prefix, when we call this group, it hopes that these nine months of delay will give it an opportunity to talk about the issue, and then maybe the country will be drawn into the pre-election process, and let's be honest, in our country, representatives of certain churches, and especially the uoc mp , were very often such vip agitators of one or another party, well, historically it happened that very often the services of this party were used precisely by pro-russian
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parties , the communists went to this roc church, the opzh also used active services, so to see who did not vote, or fell on a dead fox, pretended that he was not in the verkhovna rada, at the time of voting, there are a lot of such people characters, such as serhii lyovochkin and his friends, who used this opc for many years. mp, in their own interests. but look here, there is an important point, it is now 2024, we are already in the third year of the full-scale war, and the 11th in total in the russian war, it is no longer working whether i want it or not. i want us to treat any denomination, parish, church as a service, it is a certain product, it is a certain service, and accordingly you should evaluate whether you like such a service or not. you know, there is such an analogy that arose in my head: uh,
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we like to eat borscht, yes, we are ukrainians, and it is our national dish, and you go to one restaurant, another, or a third, and you will not eat the borscht that you don't like, that just has red water in it , and there are no such vegetables, meat, which we are used to seeing there, and here in the pcmp, it is this kind of fake borscht, which is offered to us under the guise of such true orthodoxy, they very... sincerely hope to somehow manage to then the attention of the ukrainian society was, for example, directed to some peculiarities of the peace negotiations with by the russian federation, to the question... in what forms will ukraine remain after certain hostilities and diplomatic negotiations there, that is , they hope for it, plus you probably already noticed that the uocp has very actively joined its fans and its lobbyists in
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the verkhovna rada in such a game, for example, it was very interesting how the former governor of the kyiv-pechersk lavra, pavlo lebed, played a play that he was like this... and there he got sick and lost consciousness right in the hall of the sutu, we have already seen all this, you know, it is very reminds a picture from the bible, when jesus christ expelled the pharisees from the temple of the lord, and there the pharisees also pretended that they were sick martyrs for their great faith, in fact all these priests who remain in the ooc mmp and very often, very often work as collaborators and gunners, very i advise you to always pay attention to the news that the security service of ukraine gives in this matter, they have no right to call themselves clergymen and tell ukrainians how to live, it is very, you know, frankly unpleasant for me that the average lover of this roc church in ukraine, this
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usually an older lady, who, unfortunately, had a very difficult young life, who lost very... contact with her relatives, and now she finds solace in this uoc mp church. this russian orthodoxy, as such, is a very literate sect, it knows how to process such people and sow thorns in their heads. and then don't be surprised when these ladies bring home what pip from moscow told them, about the fact that we and russia are one country, we have nothing to share, but we have only one orthodox faith. giving in detail, but what is there really? well, yes, it is a very big problem, and of course, in this situation, it will be necessary to monitor the reaction of moscow, because for moscow, for the russian orthodox church, the existence of the uoc mp is an important element in their orthodox
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strategy, because without these 10 thousand parishes, or how many uoc and mp territories of ukraine, well over 900, that's for sure. the russian orthodox church looks very lame and it is clear that the existence of the ocu on the territory of ukraine is also a bone in the throat for the russian orthodox church, because the russian orthodox church wants to annex not only our territory, but also our history and our heritage, including the orthodox heritage, and simply appropriating volodymyr the great, and... what, what happened over the last few centuries, in general in ukraine and in general from the very beginnings of the ukrainian state, well, let's actually monitor the reactions to by the reaction of the russians, because we have to do our own thing, but we must understand that this network, which now exists in ukraine,
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is a huge orthodox network, it allowed and allows for a long time, apparently, russia still restrains or holds and does not give us this spiritual independence, to which we aspire about which volodymyr zelenskyi spoke. another topic, my dear colleagues, is the topic of events in kurshchyna, we see how events are developing there and we are watching how russian cities come under the control and villages come under the control of the ukrainian army, already more than 90 settlements are controlled by the ukrainian army . more than 1,200 km the armed forces control, but in this situation the most interesting thing that happened during the last week was a publication in the new york times, where they wrote about how the times was prepared, in my opinion, if i'm
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not for the economist, i'm sorry, i'll buy it confused publications, the economist where... they write about the fact that syrsky was secretly preparing this plan of attack on the kursk region and did not tell anyone, and even the tetat discussed it with zelensky without his assistants, kateryna, in this situation, does this indicate that there are people in zelenskyi’s entourage who can leak secret information, and the success of this operation was... precisely because some people simply did not have accurate data about what would happen in kurshchyna , well, they wrote to the media, the fair did not know, the western partners did not know, there america didn't know, that's why the operation was successful, i don't know what's going on in the president's office and in the cabinets, it's a really interesting moment,
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at least from the point of view that the media didn't know about it, because the media knew about the ukrainian counteroffensive last year. discussed this from losya's retreat, so this story is really unusual for us, because there were no leaks of information, we don't know if it was really zelenskyi... one knew or not, probably what the wider circle did not know , it gave its result, probably that the commander-in-chief didn't just do it secretly, because it's possible that the person whose name i mentioned is not here, and this i am hinting that he could be a leak or not, i don't know, nobody knows, but the fact is the fact , that the narrower circle of people knows about it, the better, as to whether the versions in washington... did n't know and that's why everything succeeded, well, the controversial question is whether they knew or not, it's probably hard
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to imagine the situation, in which the pentagon would not have known or guessed, or had no evidence of. western media wrote about that but earlier, they say, when ukraine had such ideas, the white house there stopped ukraine from such operations, and maybe this time it was somehow done so that... if the usa knew about it, they probably knew, then publicly, maybe they decided not to recognize this, and such an effect of unexpectedness for the whole world to do in this sense, so the main thing is that, in principle, it has already happened, and this is a historical turning point, and this, as military experts note, is completely non-linear the history and response of ukraine, which should have been and which should have been... given, and it changed the course of the war, it is obvious, well , it seems to everyone that it was unexpected for
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the kremlin, for putin, and on the one hand it may seem that it was very easy for the ukrainian forces to cross the border there, because we did not know there for a while what is happening, then in two days somewhere we were already officially told that these are ukrainian forces after all, and, nevertheless, about what the military, who took part in this operation, told me in an interview they said that... it wasn't that simple there, and the russian forces had quite some interesting fortifications, of course there were russian soldiers who left their positions, we also saw these cadres and the dead who were there with weapons and everything, there were those who left their weapons, but it is obvious that no one expected such a turn, otherwise the russian army would surely have been better because it protected this border, but at the same time... such an assessment of the situation, which in the first days was heard by military experts, that one of the goals could be to somehow pull russian forces away
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from the most heated directions, no one saw it on that pokrovsky direction, in fact, we see that a very serious and difficult situation is unfolding there, and it is difficult for the ukrainian forces, nevertheless, little by little from different directions, from kharkiv they are already saying that russia is withdrawing its troops after all, it is clear that for them there are donetsk and luhansk regions the most important now, i.e. there is also a military effect here, in fact the goals, whatever they are, and globally, what they are, we don’t know, we only also read in the western media and hear from president zelensky that the main issue is the permission from the us to give permission to strike and from other partners, to hit military facilities on the territory of the russian federation with long-range western weapons. zzelenskyi said that if this permission had existed, then there would not have been any need to enter the kursk region, and now the western media are writing about how
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the western world will react to this whole story, how much it will change its support and in a radical direction for ukraine with those permissions , in particular, it will also have an effect, or some very good effect, or even there are such assessments that we read with you, that there may even be a negative effect from this the operation will not be entered. , although it is probably too early to judge this, every day the same military experts assess, they may change now, because everything is changing very rapidly, and the expected effect for the head there, for the president, it may also be different, we do not know , which are the goals, we have to wait, but for sure the fact of this operation, it is very important, it is pivotal, and well, for ukraine, and in the reaction of russia, which is not so much in control of everything. everything is not so under control and putin's power is not so strong and strong, and it is obvious that creativity is there
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of the ukrainian defense forces, he would show. its effectiveness, but what actually happened indicates not only that it was unexpected for the russians, but it was also unexpected for part of zelenskyi’s entourage, in fact, i mentioned syrskyi, about whom the zaikonomist writes, and they write there about the fact that zelenskyi outwitted the entourage there, some of zelenskyi's entourage, alluding to the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak, or marina. that with the start of this kurdish operation, the approval system may change decisions in the circle of zelensky, who now has monopoly power in ukraine? well, first of all, if we rely on this article, according to yakonomist, it really said that yermak and the western partners did not know about this operation, but here we need to distinguish several points: first,
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what yermak did not know, glory to you, lord, because we remember february. this year's quote from volodymyr zelenskyi, where he honestly said at a press conference that there are obviously rats in his environment, because, as he said, quote: our plans for the coming of summer 2023 were laid in advance on the kremlin's table. perhaps zelensky began to think, who is actually consolidating all these plans, because even this article in the economist talks about what has happened before, until this moment. before the kurdish operation, syrskyi had two operations in development and unfortunately they were failed failed, and it was not always because of the doubts of our western partners, but because of the fact that the russian federation knew about them. next, let's not forget how tough two or three months we had, yes, when syrskyi and the current lineup the general staff was watered every day by maryana bezugla, and
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characters like her told how bad syrsky we have, who... savok, there were even posts where she expressed such fantasies on anonymous telegram channels, and it was as if syrsky was there for whole days drinks in the general staff, nothing is done, and let's say this, it was very ugly in relation to the ukrainian army, and now we understand that at the moment when this mud was poured, oleksandr silsky was obviously preparing this offensive with his officers, so time will tell , who... actually handled the case, who poured dirt on the internet. regarding the moment why this happened, and why zelensky apparently took into account our other western partners with whom we work closely, by the way, on some operations, well, it’s no secret that it is, for example, great britain, obviously zelensky decided
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to turn on the commander-in-chief mode and... not to release some military details to his close circle, and this is very good, because look, after zelensky's term of office ends, if society has any questions regarding the conduct of the war, regarding the activity of the supreme commander, regarding the loss of some territories, regarding some features of our peace negotiations with the russian federation, they will ask precisely from zelensky, and not from mykhailo podoliak or yermak or someone else who... went and , for example, on feigen's channel, he talked about how we will attack the kursk region. all this shows a very good point that military operations, what money, they like silence very much, and some things do not need to be told. regarding this whole operation, again, what western analysts write, and such normal military men in the western press, first of all, this operation once again showed
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the subjectivity of ukraine, because it is no secret that in the last... half a year very often completely inadequate articles were published in western media, when they wrote: everything, the ukrainian army is retreating, everything is bad, the russians are taking donbas there, without explaining that this happened precisely because of these six-month delays and weapons, because the american congress was waiting so long to give us a package at 60 billions, they forget to tell about it, did any packages, for example, reach the ukrainian army? to the ukrainian front with a delay, this also affected the course of hostilities, and further, what is important, you know, this operation very clearly demonstrates that russia does not need russia itself, it does not need the russians themselves, this is putin's reaction to the flurry of these social issues, so well, look, now the situation is like this, when russia has its own refugees, according to the latest data, i saw


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